Submitted by Grenville Phillips

We have critical questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. We have highly qualified medical professionals who treasure their reputations enough to tell us the truth. We have a Prime Minister who has asked for difficult questions, and instructed our professionals to answer such questions on live TV. What can possibly go wrong?


I have asked several questions about this vaccine, but our health professionals have not answered any of them. I cannot make an informed decision about taking a vaccine, if my questions remain unanswered.

Once I allow this new-technology vaccine into my body, it will be too late for me to do anything about it. I will either benefit from the vaccine, or learn to live with any temporary or permanent disabilities that the vaccine may cause. I do not like that level of risk.


With Barbadians already receiving vaccines, our medical professionals need to start answering difficult questions. This absence of information is creating uncertainty, disinformation and panic about the vaccine. That is the last thing anyone wants during a pandemic – but that is what is happening.

It is happening, because the only persons invited to have difficult conversations with our health professionals, are our journalists – and they are not asking difficult questions. The well-designed public information system has become a public relations spectacle. Since my questions are not being asked, or answered, I, like many others, am forced to do my own research.

Every day we have a parade of persons enthusiastically encouraging us to take the vaccine. They claim to have done their due-diligence research, and concluded that the vaccine is safe for us. How can they honestly make that claim, when the normal long-term (minimum 3-year) trials needed to identify long-term side effects, were never done?


My main concern is the stated motive of those who fund vaccination programs. For years, they have publicly advocated population control as one of their ultimate goals. The most effective method of reducing the population is by reducing the sperm count in men. The most efficient method of achieving this goal is by mass-vaccinating scared people.

So, I want to know whether the vaccines will reduce sperm count. The public relations agents will likely misdirect the issue to female fertility. I am not asking about female pregnancy. I am asking about male fertility.


The truth is that none of the vaccine manufacturers studied the effects of the virus on male fertility. Only female fertility was studied. A female cannot get pregnant unless the male is also fertile. The WHO has approved vaccines for use in developing countries, without studying this critical red-flag issue.

There is only one research study on the COVID-19 vaccine’s effect on male fertility. It is noted in the US National Institutes of Health’s records (Ref: NCT04665258). The results are not due to be released until 14 June 2021 – long after much of the world has already been vaccinated. So, on what basis are our medical professionals claiming that the vaccine is safe for us?


What sort of research have those who are promoting the vaccine as safe actually done? If they honestly want to prove to us that it is safe, then why don’t they parade their sons, grandsons and nephews taking the vaccine? If they cannot even convince their own family that it is safe, then why push it on the rest of us?

Our Prime Minister has invited our journalists to have difficult conversations on our behalf. They do us all a disservice when they fail to ask any difficult questions. This farce keeps us ignorant of potential harmful consequences until it is too late.


I thank those Barbadians who have already taken the vaccine on our behalf. I am certain that important factors that the manufacturers neglected to study, like male fertility, are being studied in those who have taken this risk. Our health professionals need to explain when we can expect preliminary results.

I plan to continue following the Ministry of Health’s hygienic protocols. However, until the results of the male fertility study are known, I will pass on this vaccine.
(See UPDATE below).

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at


On the People’s Business on 14 Feb 2021, Dr Adrian Lorde confidently stated that the vaccine has no effect on sperm count. Drs Harvey and Landis did not object to his statement. So, my question to them is: How do you know?

The truth is that the vaccine’s effect on sperm count is completely unknown to every human being on this planet, including Drs Lorde, Harvey, and Landis – it is only now being studied. So, on what basis is Dr Lorde making his emphatic claim?

Dr Lorde could have responded with an understandable, “I do not know, but I will get back to you.” But he did not. If he told a whopper on live national TV, with the agreement of his colleagues, then are they not the conspiracy of which they are warning us about?

374 responses to “Difficult Conversations – Heroes”

  1. The best rule of thumb guide to use when hearing conspiracy theories about vaccine risks is to judge the credibility of the speaker. Grenville Phillips has none as per John Knox and Critical Analyser. The challenge for them is to list the source of their rumours which on inspection will have no credibility either. There is an effort to stop fearmongering on the net by nut jobs.

  2. Junior has hit the bull’s eye. The poor quality journalists and journalism are so mesmerised by the CoVid panel and its coordinated propaganda that they cannot ask a single sensible question.
    Forget for the moment the nonsense about the Indian-made Oxford/AstraZeneca, which Indian doctors and other medical staff are largely refusing to take, our authorities refuse to answer a simple question about this vaccine: has it got full approval from the regulators?
    In reply, we get nonsense about 60 per cent of generic medicines being manufactured in India and that we should follow the science. But which science? Where do our doctors get their scientific information from?
    Then we get the sad death of a 12 yr old girl as a result of CoVid; in normal circumstances competent journalists would have made this front page news, the so-called splash, because it is so unusual and, in particular, it flies against all that passes as scientific evidence about the impact of the virus.
    How do we explain this? The very idea of a kid dying at such an early age also contradicts the calls for a early return to school, since it was based in part on the resistance of the kids; most people were concerned about the teachers and children bringing home the virus and infecting their parents and grands.
    There is a lot of explaining to do; and a ranting, angry president, who dislikes the idea of being challenged, or doctors getting their information from the CDC’s website and repeating it like parrots will not persuade any sensible person.

  3. If rightwing trash want to be seduced by nut jobs with anti-vax theorems then so be it it is their freedom of choice not to take the vaccine. No one will give a fuck when they get COPD or die.

  4. The question of having to wear a mask after vaccinated is a tell tale sign of medical science not knowing the full impact if the virus
    Also which gives reason to many believing the vaccinated masses are being used as lab rats for further research
    Today with three mire deaths and further spike my heart grieves for a country without good leadership
    A leader who leadership was consumed by .a policy of stubbornness is now costing panic death and fear on this 166 sq.miles

  5. The science behind the vaccines is that it prevents serious illness if the virus is contracted. The vaccination is not being promoted as the solution to prevent contracting Covid 18.

  6. Reason why CDC recommends wearing masks and following portocols after vaccinated

    Yes. Not enough information is currently available to say if or when CDC will stop recommending that people wear masks and avoid close contact with others to help prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

    Experts need to understand more about the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide in real-world conditions before making that decision. Other factors, including how many people get vaccinated and how the virus is spreading in communities, will also affect this decision. We also don’t yet know whether getting a COVID-19 vaccine will prevent you from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to other people, even if you don’t get sick yourself. CDC will continue to update this page as we learn more.

    While experts learn more about the protection that COVID-19 vaccines provide under real-life conditions, it will be important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to help stop this pandemic.

  7. Most people who have taken the vaccine are being lulled into a false sense of security thst they are safe proof against the virus which means that many would indeed drop their guard and engage into the normal activities of life

  8. Evidence please!

  9. The truth is that the vaccine science is incomplete and it is a narrative which the medical professionals have avoided.
    Hence bolstering the vaccine as safe and as a preventive measure against the virus is the only way that medical science can get people to respond in masses to take the vaccine
    A fanciful way tinged with fear and hope for big results having the masses stepping forward and becoming lab rats
    Truthfully in the end these people would have made a gamble which hopefully would pay back big dividends for the rest of the world

  10. David not hear to speak about conspiracy theories but to interrupt the messages as i hear them coming out of the mouth of medical science which in my mind are on an exploration trying to understand how the vaccine impact the human body

  11. Evidence please.

    Post your sources.

    You are not a credible source.

  12. David u as such a RH
    I posted evidence from the CDC website and u attack the evidence.

  13. I can see you still believe in magic.

    Asking some of these characters for evidence is believing a magician can pull a rabbit from an empty hat.

  14. @ Angela

    I am not a mathematician, but if 60 per cent of Indian frontline workers are vaccinated, that means 40 per cent are not. Am I right?
    Of course, you are right again. Barbadian doctors, who are not scientists, are repeating the nonsense about the safety of the three approved vaccines with a confidence that the scientists are not.
    Let us be simple. The Pfizer vaccine was approved as a two-jab vaccine, with a gap of three weeks between the two.
    It was a political decision by Boris Johnson to stretch that gap to 12 weeks, yet claim the same efficacy. This claim is disputed (Prof Herb Sewell) and others. Who is right?
    One of the other myths was that children and young people under the age of 18 would not be affected by the virus, that is why they were not involved in the trials. In Barbados a nine (or 12) yr old child has died.
    Does that contradict the accepted ‘science’, hs it been reported to the WHO? What is the wider implication?

  15. Hal there are too many mixed messages sent from the medical professions
    Hence why i subscribed to the theory that the masses are lab rats
    Even the evidence is there in the CDC answers to questions being asked
    The certainty and uncertainty of the vaccine safety in the human body is still unknown

  16. @ Angela

    I think many readers on BU are getting confused. Doctors are applied scientists. They just repeat what they have been told, often by Big Pharma. They are not research scientists.
    I know what you mean; I am fortunate to live in a society where there is a more sophisticated public discussion, involving scientists of many different disciplines and I have the time to sit and listen to them.

  17. @ David

    Spot on! You are correct! Ignore the background noises.

    She makes up things as she goes. Just read particular contributions and you’ll realize she takes excerpts from them as a basis to construct her own comments, which also often include several generalized statements and metaphors.

    It is also interesting to note, if she is asked a question or to clarify anything in her contributions, she never answers or gives clarification, preferring instead to ‘bob and weave’ around the issue, call people ‘BLP operatives and yardfowls,’ or she becomes abusive.

    Ironically, her spewing personal abuse, obscenities and profanities is purposely overlooked by specific individuals, who associate such behaviour with anyone being unable to maintain a reasonable discussion.

  18. The child that died in Barbados is not the first to die or to be affected by the virus

    How can it be said it’s a myth when there are so many cases out there?

  19. ‘They just repeat what they have been told, often by Big Pharma. They are not research scientists.’ (Quote)
    Please explain.

    What is big Pharma?
    Are there any doctors in big pharma?
    Who gives big pharma the messages for doctors?
    Does big pharma just make it up and post it?

  20. “One of the other myths was that children and young people under the age of 18 would not be affected by the virus, that is why they were not involved in the trials. In Barbados a nine (or 12) yr old child has died.”

    it is a known known that some children will be affected in the numbers game. It is also a known known that Johnson is a renown liar liar with his pants on fire. So stop being a drama queen yapping away like a political Chihuahua attack dog.
    As with any immunity in the body such as common colds, flu and hay fever there is a threshold point which people can cross where symptoms flare up and become out of control when immunity in your body packs up. Some people go septic and die from simple operations and Doctors can be the most paranoid. Your personal opinion is just that and should be kept to itself instead of polluting the net with your obvious bias.

  21. A new trial is to test how well the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine works in children.
    Some 300 volunteers will take part, with the first vaccinations in the trial taking place later in February.
    Researchers will assess whether the jab produces a strong immune response in children aged between six and 17.
    The vaccine is one of two being used to protect against serious illness and death from Covid in the UK, along with the Pfizer-BioNTech jab.
    As many as 240 children will receive the vaccine – and the others a control meningitis jab – when the trial gets under way.
    Volunteers who live near one of the four study sites – the University of Oxford, St George’s University Hospital, London, University Hospital Southampton and Bristol Royal Hospital for Children – are being asked to sign up.

  22. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

  23. Is it wrong to be asking for the long term effect of the vaccine on the body
    Is it wrong to know what scientist is placing in the human body to fight the virus
    Is it wrong to be suspicious of a vaccine that have not been fully tested so one can be comfortable and knowledgeable about its make up
    Reading about the Indian vaccine does give causes for concern

  24. Mari

    The two vaccines used in the USA are APPROVED for EMERGENCY use

    U need to make urself familiar with
    The different types of approval and the different stages of testing

    In your words. The masses are now volunteering to be the 4th stage of lab rats

    The original lab lab rats did not have a choice and the first 3 stage of human lab rats were all volunteers

    After lab test on rats etc. there were 3 different stages of testing on human before the approval for emergency use

    Anyone that take the vaccine is taking it at their own consent. No one is being forced

  25. @ Williams

    Big Pharma is a short term for Big Pharmaceutical companies, a term created by lazy financial journalists. They do employ people with the title of doctors, most of them are research scientists with PhDs.
    The exclusive medical doctors they employ, at least in the UK, are not research scientists but sophisticated sales people who front conferences and seminars and other events geared at bribing doctors. That is why UK doctors must declare any gifts, presents, etc they get from Big Pharmaceutical businesses.
    I suggest you read anything by Marcia Angell, who by the way is a qualified medical doctor, especially her book: The Truth About the Drug Companies. A fantastic book. She spent years at the New England Journal of Medicine.
    By the way, she is a good example of what I have been suggesting for Barbadian publications, a journalist qualified in the subject s/he writes about.
    As a reader of the great New York Times you will know a paper of international repute will not employ any one to write about important subjects.
    Have you checked out the mess the New York Times has made of its podcast on terrorists? Remember the Trump US$750 tax payment?

  26. It is still ignorance ,fake new and a damn lie to say it’s a myth that young people under 18 could not get the virus that’s y they were left out of trials testing

    Editors should get the stories straight before publish it

  27. John 2
    Fear is a forceful motivator to force a person to do what is required

  28. Who appointed a multi-billionaire with no medical background or training in microbiology, virology, epidemiology etc, but with billions of dollars at his disposal, Vaccinator General for the whole world?

    Critics Must Be Silenced for Billionaires to Keep Profiting From Pandemic
    By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while they accumulate unprecedented wealth and power over humanity.

    By Robert F Kennedy Jr.

    On Feb. 15, the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post published a Feb. 11 Associated Press article applauding the censorship of those who criticize the government’s pandemic response policies.

    The lockdown has netted Bezos $70 billion since its start. If you are Bezos, a permanent lockdown is a goldmine.

    Bill Gates, meanwhile, has made $20 billion from the lockdown he previously war-gamed and then cheer-led. His strategy has included emasculating the independent media — the most likely sources of the sort of vigorous journalism that might otherwise scrutinize his self interest in the polices he helped successfully engineer for the rest of us.

    Gates used millions in grants to transform the once proudly unbridled The Guardian into his personal newsletter. With $250 million, he purchased immunity from criticism by news operations like the BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde and the Center for Investigative Reporting.

    Gates also made large contributions to charitable organizations affiliated with news outlets, like BBC Media Action and the The New York Times, according to an August 2020 investigation by Columbia Journalism Review. He similarly disarmed NPR and Public Television by making them reliant on his support. In exchange, these outlets shield his sketchy projects from critical scrutiny.

  29. Last year, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “This vaccine will not be used for children. It hasn’t been tested on children. And the reason is that the likelihood of children having significant detriment if they catch Covid-19 is very, very low.”…..(Quote)

  30. It is 60% at the time of the report. Common sense will suggest the number will move with time. Do you understand?

  31. What you extracted from the CDC website does not mesh with the point made.

  32. It is simple, if you want to know the long term effect on the body, wait until whatever time you are comfortable and then take the vaccine. It is a choice. What the authorities are asking is for individuals to weigh information from authorized sources.

  33. RE Who appointed a multi-billionaire with no medical background or training in microbiology, virology, epidemiology etc, but with billions of dollars at his disposal, Vaccinator General for the whole world

  34. Scientists have been left confused by the plummeting rate of coronavirus infections in India – particularly because the country was at one point on course for the biggest toll worldwide.

    Nearly 100,000 infections were reported each day during India’s peak, but this has taken an unexplained tumble since September to around 11,000 a day.

  35. RE if you want to know the long term effect on the body, wait until whatever time you are comfortable and then take the vaccine.

  36. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    That 300 children trial is a joke. All it can prove is if the vaccine will cause adverse reactions now or later. The study is far too small to prove any sort efficacy against the virus and they will never be able to enroll the numbers to conduct a large scale trial because it borders on negligence for parents to give their consent to stick their children with a vaccine for a virus that only seriously affects a minuscule number of children and they would most likely already have extremely serious life threatening illnesses.

    It is tragic the loss of the little girl’s life but what is missing is the details surrounding the circumstances. Which I expect they might give in today’s 11am press conference.

  37. Mari


    Fear can also be used to get people to do what is “ required” – is t that what you are doing?

    There is enuff info out there for and against the vaccine
    The bajan public is an educated one
    Both u and I already made our decisions
    Let the rest of us make their own decision on their own

    We all have our different reasons as to why we will or will not take it

  38. Let ac answer, she is the one asking about long term.

  39. Last year, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “This vaccine will not be used for children.** It hasn’t been tested on children. And the reason is that the likelihood of children having significant detriment if they catch Covid-19 is very, very low.”…..(Quote)**


    One of the other myths was that children and young people under the age of 18 would not be affected by the virus, that is why they were not involved in the trials. In Barbados a nine (or 12) yr old child has died.
    Does that contradict the accepted ‘science’, hs it been reported to the WHO? What is the wider implication

  40. Maybe my comprehension is off

  41. From the Society For Participatory Medicine:

    Former NEJM editors on the corruption of American medicine (NY Times)
    By e-Patient Dave | March 20, 2012

    In 2009, as I was just starting to get educated about healthcare, I posted A Quote I Won’t Soon Forget, which began:

    Marcia Angell MD is a well-known, respected physician, long-time editor of NEJM. So it was a bit of a shock today when Amy Romano, blogger for Lamaze International, sent me this quote:

    It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.

    It was from Dr. Angell’s review Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption
    I continued:

    Dana Blankenhorn of the ZDNet health blog called it “a bombshell.” I couldn’t agree more. And I must say, with all the smart people in this community, why on earth haven’t we heard more about this??

    And how on earth are we supposed to be empowered participatory patients if we can’t trust the world’s leading journal?

    It echoed Richard Smith, 25 year editor of another top-tier journal (the British Medical Journal), in the first issue of our Journal of Participatory Medicine:

    most of what appears in peer-reviewed journals is scientifically weak.

    This is no small issue in the life of an engaged patient. e-Patients who bring googled articles to their office visits are often lambasted or subjected to eye-rolls by clinicians who say that we should only trust academic medical journals. But can we trust them??

  42. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Hants February 17, 2021 9:34 AM
    That is a lie. They know why and will not admit it.

    Many in India depend on daily paid work to survive so lockdowns would never be effective so India epidemic was forced to follow its natural progression (look at the worldometer Inda chart and they were using things like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat people at home using home treatment kits they produced.

  43. I suggest that you familiarise yourself with the meaning of words. Even domestic pets catch the virus. The issue is that children were largely unsymptomatic, until now.
    The issue has always been about children transmitting the virus to adults, especially grands. That has been the view of the British government, on the advice of the best medical scientists in the world.
    If you have evidence of children and toddlers being affected by the virus please publish the evidence. In any case, this is the end of this conversation.

  44. “That 300 children trial is a joke. All it can prove is if the vaccine will cause adverse reactions now or late”

    ‘As many as 240 children will receive the vaccine – and the others a control meningitis jab – when the trial gets under way.’

    Do you know what went into their sample size calculation?
    Can you tell me what is the clinically significant difference or standard deviation that went into the sample size calculations?
    What is the power or type 1 error for the study?
    I suspect they are doing more than throwing numbers against the wall.

    Do you know why you would first do a small trial in children and if necessary a larger one afterwards?

    It should be pointed out that the control here is a meningitis vaccine and not a saline solution.

    I think 😀Mr Williams😀 will keep his lips zipped.

  45. The study is far too small to prove any sort efficacy against the virus and they will never be able to enroll the numbers to conduct a large scale trial because it borders on negligence for parents to give their consent to stick their children with a vaccine for a virus that only seriously affects a minuscule number of children and they would most likely already have extremely serious life threatening illnesses.

    Not really there are children who are” state owned “living in orphanages who can be used for trial vaccines

  46. Mariposa/ Angela Cox/ AC or whatever name you are now being allowed to use what the hell is your problem? The vacine is not mandatory.Therefore if persons wish to take it or not is up to them.If you do not want to take then don, t.If you become ill i hope you stay home and do not present yourself to the hardworking frontline workers for help.Persons like you, Austin and Mr Franklyn only looking to confuse people and stir up strife for petty political reasons in my view but it will not help you down the road once we win this battle with covid.

  47. (Quote):
    My main concern is the stated motive of those who fund vaccination programs. For years, they have publicly advocated population control as one of their ultimate goals. The most effective method of reducing the population is by reducing the sperm count in men. The most efficient method of achieving this goal is by mass-vaccinating scared people. (Unquote).

    And if a big “NO” to vaccination with its un(intended) consequences or collateral damage by way of a reduction in the current overabundance of human sperm count what then are your alternative solutions to controlling the Covid-19 and the expected mutations of the expanding virus?

    Instead of man-made methods of controlling the exploding human populations on the planet maybe Mother Nature ought to release an unmanageable variant of the Middle Ages bubonic plague aka “black death” to remove some of the overpopulation of parasites on her back.

    Just over 100 years ago an “ancestor” of Covid-19 wiped out a significant portion of the human population estimated to have been around 2.5 billion souls at the time compared to the current (estimated) 7.5 billion surplus to affordability.

    You ought to be thankful for small mercies offered by ‘modern’ science in the form of vaccines able to fight the Covid virus with a genetically-modified version of itself.

    A ‘medically-scientific’ approach similar to that of injecting snake venom in the human body to counter the deadly effects from the bites of the dreaded serpent called apophis along with a wide range of applications of the same venom in other areas of medicine and cosmetics.

    A proactively practical case of ‘fighting fire with fire’. Or beating the devil Satan (represented by the biblical serpent) at his own game.

    We are certain you are quite “au fait” with the advice given by the great physician in the sky (nicknamed Ophiuchus the snake man) as encoded in the biblical tale of the Bronze serpent (on the pole) as told in the Book of Numbers and ‘adopted’ in the form of the caduceus- aka the ‘rod of Asclepius, or the staff of Hermes Trismegistus aka the original Thoth the Egyptian god of science- by that old profession which started in the barber’s shop and of which another BU GP the mock doc of divinity likes to boast about his ‘long-standing’ membership.

  48. This is a good article. It is a little of topic, but it highlights some of the reasons why pediatric trials usually follow those for adults.

    Covid-19 is also changing how big Pharma does clinical trials.

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