Submitted by Caleb Pilgrim

Dear Blogmaster:

Re Inniss, a reasonable person might acquaint himself with any relevant rules of engagement.   Such rules will inevitably vary from jurisdiction (e.g Barbados)  to jurisdiction (e.g Florida or New York).   But, familiarity with them can be instructive if not edifying.  It can even save the inattentive and the unwary aggravation in terms of time, money, emotional anxiety and even personal liberty.

Donville’s case is important, not only because it represents a stunning reversal of fortune, a reckoning for him personally, as well as any possible harm to Barbados and its image abroad.   

It is also important to Caribbean politicians as a whole, not just those a previous P.M described as a bunch of “wild boys”, or those who would kill and feast on “the fatted calf”.  (Some may recall that the U.S once sought the extradition of a certain Sir. Lynden Pindling – the Bahamas – to face trial In the U.S.  Mr. Bouterse’s – Suriname – problems may also come to mind.   Others routinely excoriate Dr. Gonsalves – St. Vincent – in this blog).  

But, certainly everyone knows that the U.S, despite the fact that it has only 4% to 5% of the world’s population, leads the world in terms of the number of prisoners with some 2.3 million incarcerated (25 %).  In Barbadian vernacular this is a sort oBig “Dodds”.

(See -incomplete – List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes – Wikipedia

List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes – Wikipedia

See also List of American state and local politicians convicted of crimes – Wikipedia

List of American state and local politicians convicted of crimes – Wikipedia

The late Judge John Sirica, a Watergate Judge, was remembered as having said that if a jury had voted to convict President Nixon, he (Sirica) would have sent him to jail.   The Reader will therefore understand why President Ford hastily pardoned Nixon.

Even as of the time of this writing, there are at least a few Prosecutors (e.g James, Vance, Racine et al) patiently waiting in plain view to rendezvous with Trump just after high noon come January 20, 2021.  He (Trump) is well aware of this fact.   Hence all the increased chatter about pardons for his henchmen, political supporters, family and friends, and even pardoning himself).   

(See: NY Prosecutor Hires Forensic Accountants as Criminal Investigation Into Trump Organization Escalates

NY Prosecutor Hires Forensic Accountants as Criminal Investigation Into Trump Organization Escalates

Re Inniss’s prospects, a lawyer once related to me how he had had a case before the Eastern District Court of New York (E.D.N.Y).  An elderly West Indian client passed.  Her Executor, following certain stereotypes, retained NY counsel to settle the Estate.  A problem arose when NY counsel sold a brown stone building and simply forgot to pay the proceeds to the Estate.  (As an aside, it is gratifying to read of the new Chief Justice, Cheltenham, cautioning new members of the Bar to refrain from borrowing their clients’ funds). Proceedings ensued thereafter.  

The matter came before the E.D.N.Y Chief Judge, the late David Trager, Judge in the Crown Heights case where Lemrick Nelson was accused of murdering a Rabbinical student, Yankel Rosenbaum, presumably in retaliation for the murder of a black child, Gavin Cato.   

My lawyer friend advised me that his matter only resolved after some intense legal skirmishing and the lawyer was persuaded to disgorge the proceeds.   His impression was that the EDNY, at least in his opinion, constituted a hostile work environment.  

Thus, Mr. Inniss, metaphorically, finds himself like a man with a glock cocked against his temple, as he sits in anticipation of sentencing scheduled for Jan 23, 2021(?).

Mr. Inniss apparently fired his trial counsel, for whatever reason(s).  He may not have agreed with his lawyers.  He may now pursue his right to appeal and draw out the process.   

However, claims such as “ineffective assistance of counsel” have typically been rejected in the overwhelming majority of cases (1 in 5, according to some sources).   Similarly, the Judge’s Jury Charge will most likely have followed standard instructions in similar such cases.  It might even be argued that Inniss, the Former International Business Minister, did not have a jury of his peers.   Yet, none of these arguments may prevail on appeal.   Hopefully, Inniss, Tasker and/or any possible corruptocrat will emerge sadder, wiser and chastened, by experience.

Happy New Year, y’all!y

134 responses to “Donville Inniss Sitting Alone in the Dock”

  1. Happy Birthday Donville.

  2. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    The blog master is putting up these articles to detract from the HUGH number of Murders here in Barbados under the watch of his Barbados Labour Party Govt.

    The most we have ever had since Independence.

  3. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    The blog master is putting up these articles to detract from the fact that the MARIJUNA business is being given to the WHITE PEOPLE and BLACK RASTAS have been CUT COMPLETLY OUT.

    Even though they have suffered most at the hands of the legal system. They lives have been destroyed , they have been sent to Jail while the WHITE PEOPLE have been protected by officialdom from prosecution all their lives.

    A WHITE person has never been sent to Jail because of the MARIJUANA trade which now stands on the cusp of taking off.

    A BLACK PERSON can not catch a break in Barbados, the Black Politicians make sure of that.

  4. Happy new year to all

  5. Has it occurred to The Whiner that corruption in government depresses the economy, thereby depriving these young men of the hope and the vision to see options outside of gang activity and crime?

    What are they getting out of it really? Most of then die before they reach thirty!

    How many of them would choose this lifestyle if they were not feeling hopeless?

    Far fewer, I think.

    I have known Donville since we were teenagers. He has always been nice to me and I cannot rejoice in his downfall but if he did this thing then he has only himself to blame.


  6. Good read. We however wish that Caleb has curtailed playing around the edges and drove de hammer into the centre.

  7. Don’t blame it on the player blame it on the game.
    Oldies but Goodies
    Here is a Playlist for the Sinister Minister ex-representative of Barbados’s finest with no shame in his game who needs a bit of Soul to reflect upon in a 2021 Area Code 313 Detroit Style. His best cause of action is to snitch like a bitch and make a deal and bring down the tip top of the mountain of shit.
    Mix – [Sittin’ On] The Dock Of The Bay

  8. @Caleb Pilgrim “there are at least a few Prosecutors (e.g James, Vance, Racine et al) patiently waiting in plain view to rendezvous with Trump just after high noon come January 20, 2021. He (Trump) is well aware of this fact”

    If I was 74 and found myself in this situation I would check with the Grim Reaper to see whether he could accommodate me no later than January 20, 2021.

  9. @Donna January 1, 2021 9:12 AM “…I have known Donville since we were teenagers. He has always been nice to me and I cannot rejoice in his downfall…”

    Met him once and he treated me with contempt; also he did not seem to have much respect for the Bajan institution which paid his salary and which he headed, as he told me “I prefer the way Americans do things.”

    However Christian that I am, i do not rejoice in his downfall.

    Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24

  10. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    Get out NOW before Caribbean island explodes: Residents of St Vincent and the Grenadines are told to evacuate as volcanoes begin spewing ash after decades lying dormant

  11. Personally i do not know Mr Inniss but he came over as arrogant in the BIDC matter with those over 60 year workers who despite pleading of having bills to pay and children at university were sent home.On top of this even after winning their case at the tribunal were denied the opportunity to be reinstated.I wonder where Mariposa/ AC and Carson Cadogan,s voices were for poor black people was then.?As i always say karma is a bitch.Therefore in my view in relation to Mr Inniss let the chips fall where they lie.

  12. Cuhdear Bajan,

    Perhaps the fact that I knew him from young was the reason he was nice to me.

    I hope this experience will teach him and others a lesson.

  13. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    You all are extremely happy that a BLACK MAN form Barbados IS BEING PROSECUTED BY A white govt. in America.

    It would put BLACK PEOPLE in their places, Much to your delight, at the bottom of the heap. I am sure that we all remember the WHITE AMERICAN woman who knocked and killed a young fellow in the UK She fled to America to avoid prosecution and to this day the American have refused to prosecute or return her to face justice.

    No doubt the OREOS in Barbados think that the Americans have done the right thing.

    There is no American on this God green Earth who the American Govt. would deport to another Country any part of the World to face local justice in the Country.

    As I said some of us BLACK PEOPLE in Barbados are salivating at the sentence of a BLACK MAN at the hands of a WHITE America.

  14. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    “Black people nine times more likely to face stop and search than white people”

    I guess the honoury whites on this blog including the blog master enjoy reading stories like these.

  15. Pretzel logic from The Whiner.

    We would much rather he be tried at home along with many other bribees and bribers of all hues and political colours.

    Would you arrange that for us, please?

  16. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Anytime one speak on the behalf of BLACK PEOPLE , you are a “Whiner”.

  17. No Cadogan i sm not happy or sad but Mr Inniss was found guilty of taking a bribe and hence justice must prevail nothing to do with black or white which you like to play conveniently.Again i ask you where was your voice when those over 60 poor black workers were sent home?I guess the your dems were in office so you were both dumb and blind and living high on the hog not giving a damn about poor black people at the time.I maintain you are a fraud.

  18. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Where was he found “guilty”????

    By what colour Govt.???

    what about the WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN who took a life in the UK?????Was she returned to face justice in the UK?????

    Who did Donville kill????

    And is he being protected by the American Govt.????

    Just asking.

  19. @Carson C Cadogan January 1, 2021 2:42 PM “Anytime one speak on the behalf of BLACK PEOPLE , you are a “Whiner”.”

    You are not speaking on behalf of black people. You are speaking on behalf of a convicted former DLP Cabinet Minister.

    I would bet anything that if it was a former BLP Cabinet Minister you would be singing a different tune.

    Cuhder Bajan
    Black as night
    Neither “B” nor “D”

  20. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    I apologise for upsetting the OREOS on this blog. It was not my intention. Very sorry.

    Pointing the inconsistencies of American “JUSTICE” I should have realised it would upset the OREOS.

    But I still cant get over how A WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN killed an innocent boy in the UK and fled to USA, the same American Govt. refused to send her back to the UK to face Justice to this day. Even President Trump got involved and he refused to do any thing. That is at the highest level. You cant want it better than that.

    Who did Donville kill again???

  21. On a different and more interesting matter than a crook politico who got got and must man up and do the time for his crime
    Have you heard the new alternative music coming out of Afrika

    Tems – Try Me

    I Am The King Of Amapiano: Sweet & Dust
    Kabza De Small (feat. Nia Pearl · Kabelo Motha · Themba Sekowe · Peleka Lwana)

  22. Cadogan this is an article about Mr Inniss which you are trying hard to derail ask8ng about some woman in the UK.Who cares about her? The point remains Mr Inniss was found guilty in a US court not of killing anyone but of accepting a bribe.This is a fact which you cannot dispute whether you like it or not.DO not bring your black and white crap around me as that will not change the facts.It was remiss of me earlier not to wish all a happy new year despite our differences.

  23. @ Carson C Cadogan January 1, 2021 3:05 PM “what about the WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN who took a life in the UK?????Was she returned to face justice in the UK?????”

    My response: This one is too high for me. If as the British media reported this woman and her husband are CIA agents, very likely the British government knows more than they are saying to the Dunn family or to the public. Spies does cover-up for each other. You know that.

    Who did Donville kill????
    My response: Nobody

    And is he being protected by the American Govt.????
    My response: Since he went voluntarily to the United States, and since 2 years later he is still apparently in good health I take it to mean that the Americans have protected him so far. Please remember neither ordinary Bajans nor the current BLP government, nor the former DLP government forced Donville to go to the United States. Donville was NOT extradited. Donville went to the United States because that is where he wanted to be. Donville jumped voluntarily into the lion’s den.

  24. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    so you are happy with the prosecution of a BLACK MAN by the white American Govt. despite its inconsistencies?????

  25. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    Happy New Year to you.

  26. II would bet anything that if it was a former BLP Cabinet Minister CCC would be singing the Hallelujah Chorus.

  27. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    It would be the same thing. That is why I Supported the Barbados Labour Party with the SHIP RIDER ACT.

  28. @Carson C Cadogan January 1, 2021 3:29 PM “so you are happy with the prosecution of a BLACK MAN by the white American Govt. despite its inconsistencies?????”

    Did Donville apply for a green card, or did the American government impose a green card on him?

    If he applied for a green card, was not aware at the time of American “inconsistencies?”

    Is there anything new about American “inconsistencies” ? Hasn’t America always been inconsistent?

    Isn’t “inconsistency” not America’s original sin?

  29. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Some of you on this blog make me laugh.

    One man saying he is not interested a woman who killed some youth in the UK, I guess that he is not a father. Some stupid woman upset because I praised BLACK PEOPLE.

    Now a man talking about “inconsistencies”..

    You all don’t get it. Wunna so blind????This is an attack on THE SOVENTEY AND INDEPENDENCE of the State of Barbados. It does not matter if he is “B” or “D”. The Americans will never extradite one American to any where on Earth. If an American man here in Barbados killed 12 people , and the man got arrested by the Royal Barbados Police Force for murder to make an appearance before a local Magistrate, The American would send 20 gun ships down here to set him free.

    Errol Walton Barrow said that we are friends of many but Satellites of none. How is it that Barbados is surrendering its sovereignty and Independence to the USA????

    They will not do it for us. No matter how many treaties are signed.

    There is another case which attacks our Sovereignty before the Courts of Barbados. Where a Barbadian who facing deportation to the US. I still remember the WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN who the American Govt. refuses to depot to the UK to face Justice for a murder she committed. . But are demanding the deportation of a Barbadian citizen to America.

    If I were the Magistrate or Judge, I would tell them where to push the deportation papers.

  30. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    should be “SOVERIGNTY” on line 5

  31. Cadogan
    Cuhdear putting some tight blows in you boy. LOL

  32. Cuhdear
    Yuh gine kill he?

  33. Some shite wrong with this CCC’s head!

    Cuhdear Bajan said Donville told her that he “loved the American way”. Those who choose America and love its ways must accept American justice.

    Extradition is another matter. We can have a discussion about that. Extradition should be a two way street. Have we ever asked for a US citizen to be extradited to Barbados? If so, what was the response?

  34. @ Carson
    You are right. The problem is that it is easier to get a cheap laugh on BU than to discuss serious matters. The matter of extradition should be a reciprocal one, which I am sure is written in to all extradition agreements.
    Or we can do what some countries do (Germany, Israel, Russia ??) if the alleged offence is also an offence in Barbados, then the requesting party can bring the case in Barbados and the evidence would be acceptable in the local jurisdiction.
    There is a lot wrong with the Donville case, whatever we may think about Donville, but instead of having a serious discussion, we drift in to a party political argument. Now here is an issue that should concern our constitutional experts.
    We have been badly damaged by our educational system.

  35. Meanwhile blood and gore litters barbados streets
    Over fifty dead and the AG still is a minister collecting money at taxpayers cost

  36. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    Some of these people are real jokers. They use this forum for making mock sport. This woman on this blog is an idiot. Does not have much sense.

  37. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    These people are interested in a BLACK MAN being sentenced for $36.00 or whatever the figure is , they don’t care about AN AMERICAN WHITE WOMAN being returned to the UK to face Judgement for a MURDER she committed. The American Govt. refuses to send her back to the UK.

    That is because she is WHITE.

  38. @ Carson

    Apart from what I have been ordered to do around the house by the boss, I have the luxury of having time to read the various people on BU. I have a very good idea of their types.
    Some people you engage with, however reluctantly, while others you just ignore and hope they will go away and seek help.
    One or two just make up things as they go along, in a vain attempt to attract attention, by fabricating nonsense such as my religious and denominational belief, while one or two are angry, bitter, vicious, fuming, deranged and badly in need of treatment.
    It is middle-aged angst, when one audits one’s life and believes that one has not achieved all one could or should, either materially or professionally. But be safe and don’t let the viruses of any kind get to you.
    By the way, a former colleague of mine, a young English woman, emailed this morning to wish me a happy New Year, and told me she had visited Barbados twice in 2020. Sadly she contracted CoVid (she did not say where she caught it) and is now suffering from Long CoVid.
    She is keen to live in Barbados. I plan to invoice the tourist board for acting as a marketing agent for the island. She heard me talking so much about Barbados she had to see it for herself.
    She also sings the praises of Oistin’s. I have long told them Brits will like Oistin’s, Yanks will not.

  39. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    They dont see how one Law for the Medes and another for the Persians.

  40. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    I like that.”……….while others you just ignore and hope they will go away and seek help.”.

  41. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Murders grandmother in Barbados with BLACK PEOPLE and they don’t care about that. But if it was WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS.

    There would be pandemonium, not talk about Donville..

  42. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Lorenzo
    Thanks. A very good and happy New Year to you as well. May all good things attend you and yours.

  43. @ Carson

    Have you heard if the former Ms Great Britain, caught trying to flee the country, is in police custody? Has she been charged with any offence?

  44. Does this breaking news constitutes as possible community spread
    Is there a required number for a place to be regarded as an area of community spread
    Just asking

  45. It’s amazing how the known and hidden, yardfowls, DLPites here on BU only have powers to perceive things that are wrong with Barbados when their party is not in power.

    When the DLP is in powah they then seemlessly exchange positions with the BLPites. We call again for the death of both parties

  46. The sickest people on BU are Hal Austin, Carson Cadogan and Fake Observing. Mariposa is not sick. She is just a yardfowl. Cadogan is both sick and a yardfowl.

    Hal Austin claims to ignore but he really doesn’t. He just drops nasty remarks to easily identifiable people. Not calling names does not mean you are ignoring people, you dummy.

    You think we can’t see you? I got your sick ass covered. And you will not get me to go away. Neither you nor your attack dog can move me one inch. Mariposa does not bother me really because she has no credibility. Carson Cadogan still cannot say he has paid the old woman’s electricity bill as promised. So he dun up. Your nasty ass posts are there so Bajans know what you think of them. And Fake Observing…. well he is a laughing stock. He is to Hal Austin what Mike Pence is to Donald Trump. PATHETIC FOR A BIG MAN.

    P.S. I have achieved plenty with my life. And I have not had to kiss white ass. Your idea of success is not mine. Yours is most certainly Eurocentric just like your stuffed shirt dress code. My best work was done for Barbados with no pay. And just think, I am still more than comfortably off.

    And happier than your miserable self. Your problem is that you do not know if you are fish or fowl. You are mixed up from living in the UK without being a real real Englishman. You know that no matter what you do, you are one Windrush away from their finding a way to send your unwanted black ass back to Barbados.

    Why would I envy you? I have more right to be there than you.

    You begged for a lodging. I threw one back at them.

  47. If I was a member or supporter of a political party where a minister got busted for corruption, I would still want him/her to go down. You cannot defend the indefensible. It’s not even about politics when a politician is bought out.

  48. @Kiki

    Agree with you. Wrong is wrong. Many of us are not happy this matter has to be prosecuted in the United States but the bigger issue is that a wrong was committed where he received monies for using the office of minister to influence a matter. It is wrong and there must be consequences for actions.

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