Submitted by Cherfleur

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

Ephesians 6.4

My personal journey (5 years) through the labyrinth of the judiciary. Nine judges and a plethora of Attorneys, yet I was forced to take charge and plead my case myself.

When we hear the word law we think of order and justice and civility and fairness not so with the judiciary. On the contrary my experience is that this institution the Police and the Public Service is that the officials practice wanton lawlessness of a kind that is unimaginable. Contemptible, because no one manages the Judges (it seems), after they are appointed they act recklessly breaking much of the rules and in so doing disrespecting and disenfranchising the very people they are appointed to serve justice to.

First judge: included in her Order the directive for me to seek advice from an Attorney before the next date. She meant, retain the services of… She did not provide me with a Proforma Invoice so I wrote the CJ (and subsequently the AG) asking what that was all about. He forwarded the correspondence to the Judge. She convened a hearing and recused herself. BUT… she held on to the file ​for five months. ​All the asking and pleading to the Registry staff was to no avail. So I wrote her and gently reminded her that she had the file and it was needed in the Court Registry. Nothing until I began to bang and beat and whip. She released the file. ​FIVE months had elapsed.​ That’s the average time for a decision. This is the face of justice. Not to mention that it breaches my constitutional rights to a speedy outcome. Madam was quite assured that normally no one would dare approach her for the file so my case, like so many before (especially those handled by an Attorney) would have been left high and dry in her possession until the cows come home. This madam justice is not upholding her oath. That was a wicked act. Either Madam Justice was trying to hide her foul or was protecting BCC.

Judges are identifying errors n shortcomings in claims and presenting cases to support (ironically the represented) litigant. The Litigant’s Kit state that Litigants are supposed to ask for all they require in their Application for Orders and present all the authorities they intended to use to argue their position. Judges are only supposed to examine, access and weigh the information presented and bring a decision.That’s no justice. They’re making mock sport. There is no impartiality and whomever a judge fancies that’s who he will search for cases to assist.

Next judge: case adjourned on February 25th for a decision but she returns without the decision on March 3rd. Couldn’t find the file and I had to wait while she sent her Clerk some place to look for the file but the file was right there and I am waiting. Awed by the level of don’t care a damn inefficiency at such a high level. More submissions and the matter was again adjourned for decisions – no date. For those of you who might not know, decisions are due in three months and the CCJ sometime not so long ago decreed that the maximum time a judge should take was 6 months or off of the bench. Her parting words were xxxxx, I will call you. There was the lockdown for 10 weeks then that blanket was lifted. Yet as of September end there was no word and no decision. Six and out. This character too is full of wry comments and corny jokes. Not quite what you go to court for.

What the hell is going on?

The 2nd highest institution in the land and this open inefficiency and callousness for order and the rule of law and people’s rights permeates like what is to be a norm.

Next judge: Adjourned for decision on October 28 2019, and returned in January without the decision. No problem. Perhaps he needed more information. But alas that was not the case. Another adjournment to April 1. Then there was the lockdown. As of October end there was no decision. Again I had to be whipping and banging the drums to get these learned people moving. The judge above brought her decision but this naughty naughty judge still didn’t bring his. Only when I wrote the Commissioner to the RBPF on November 27, 2020 asking permission to stage a Rally to air my grievances with the judiciary did the Registry call and inform me on Tuesday December 1, 2020 that this 3rd recalcitrant will will deliver the decision on Wednesday December 2, 2020 at 9.15 am; less than 24 hours notice. Six and out!

Are we there yet? No. Far from it.

These officers are acting without impunity. There is no oversight of their behaviour. Once appointed they are there for life (?) and since the system is so broke they act like demi-gods. Effectually, they are godless and shameless. They don’t care …and no one seems to care about the ‘minions’ who bring cases to that institution expecting fairness and impartiality and swiftness of judgement. The very minions whose taxes it is that pay the judges’ salaries are who the judges exhibit scant regard for. No one cares about the quality of justice as in the length of time it takes to complete and deliver decisions. No one cares about how the delays affect the litigants. No one cares about the level of production output, or they don’t know of such concepts (in the public service). This is sick.

This cannot go on continuously. It is rancid. It is not that there are so many cases in the system it is, as per my experience, that the judges assume the posture of omnipotence; until someone comes along who whips and bangs ‘drums’. They are lazy and in some cases nasty (vindictive).

There must be a Commission convened to look into how long judges take to complete each case. Barbados cannot be serious about progress and development and encouraging people to come here from more advanced realms and the most important institution to protect them and process their business is the one raping them of their rights.

The CCJ said 6 or you’re out.

The Public Service now, BCC and CBC, (ICBL), FSC, FTC, CLA and Public Counsel and the Police all are running into one another and doing very little that is effective.

Public Counsel, a part of the Attorney General’s office, offers legal advice to persons who have disagreements of a commercial/Consumer nature and where the claims are equal to or valued below $10,000.

FTC provides representation for matters of a commercial nature too to those who do not want or cannot afford an Attorney. Community Legal Aid Services provide Attorneys to represent persons who cannot afford one.

BCC’s management does not know that their Handbook is forming a contract between them and the students. BCC breaks graduation requirements, their own rules and Consumer Guarantees (those rights accorded to consumers once entered into a relationship with a service provider).

CBC does not know (it seems ) that Pension is not Insurance. CBC is administering a pension plan and allowing persons who are not dependants to be named as Beneficiaries and broadcasting that a named beneficiary is final.

ICBL too, is adamant that a named beneficiary to a Pension Plan (a Revocable Trust) is final. Lawyers too are advising that a named beneficiary (to a Pension) is final -get this – because the Insurance Act of 1997 so states. Thus irrespective of the date the would-be insurance policy was effected no one pays attention to that minute ​detail and everyone says ipso facto​. No one (outside of FSC) it seems, is aware that Pension is not Insurance and in fact has a dedicated Act: Occupational Pensions Benefits Act 350B. Twenty years arguing with Attorneys in Barbados until I kicked it, held the bull by the horn and faced the steam on my own. There are those Attorneys who try to defend indefensible cases. In 2020 we have an Attorney, two in fact, who prepared and argued a Pension Benefit aged 1994 with the Insurance Act which was effective as of 1997 (then pulls a time-trick). What goes? What is Cave Hill spitting out? What a scholastic shame.

After one year, FSC is unable/willing to provide information required as per the Rights to Information Act and the very Pension Benefit act. FSC is not supervising and investigating or training the agencies it is mandated to oversee effectively. Perhaps no one else ever understood Trusts and Pensions and challenged the anomalies. God forbid if there were other dependents not named and thus were robbed of their inheritances because the agencies charged with the administration and supervision of the same do not know their product and what they are doing.

35 responses to “To Chief Justice Patterson Cheltenham, Lawlessness in OUR Judiciary”

  1. “For those of you who might not know, decisions are due in three months and the CCJ sometime not so long ago decreed that the maximum time a judge should take was 6 months or off of the bench.”

    That’s all those clowns do, ignore the time period a decision is to be handed down, ignore the letters written to the registrar, refuse to even answer the query from the attorney, ten months to ten years later, they spitefully refuse to hand down the decision, violating the elderly and everyone else’s rights….these are the same inconsiderate, illmannered judges they legislated to protect them and their corrupt ways and the senators had to step in to stop Mia and Dale from that evil act and crime against the public…

    We can only surmise that they are waiting to see who will have the balls to kick them off the bench for refusing to hand down decisions, so they can expose all the corruption in the supreme court…they are very disrespectful of cases involving Black people, yes the same black face judges, lawyers, court employees ect….those colonial titles and their own wretchedness have them believing that they’re more than they actually are…..

    This is what brought some of us out to expose to the world, they believe that they are some supreme beings looking down on those who pay their salaries, the disgusting, disrespectful negros have no manners, i was appalled at the haughtiness they show off when people have to go before them, they fully expect you to prostrate yourself to their ignorance.

    “There must be a Commission convened to look into how long judges take to complete each case. Barbados cannot be serious about progress and development and encouraging people to come here from more advanced realms and the most important institution to protect them and process their business is the one raping them of their rights.”

    the judicial system in Barbados is lawless, uppity, believe they are untouchable and the world needs to know what they are capable of and to stay away, the dude from UK did a fantastic job of exposing their stupidity and wickedness.

    It’s long been accepted that FSC is an ugly, cruel joke with the likes of Alleyne at the helm, they asked an agency to investigate them and the agency revealed that they don’t do their due diligence and oversight of any of the insurance companies etc in Barbados, they sit on their asses and draw a salary for being lazy, so corruption rules, wonder what happened to the lawsuit that was threated because the truth was printed in the press….bunch of slaveminded public nuisances sucking off taxpayers and pretending to have pedigree….ignorant….you don’t want to get tangled in their laughable excuse for a judiciary or anything else on the island for that matter..

  2. What do you expect in the TURD WORLD, corruption, inefficiency, wanten disregard for the law and flaunting rules and regulations.
    Justice mis-managed is Justice FAILED, FAILED STATE.

  3. We wish you well in your complaints to Satan about the shortcomings of Lucifer.

  4. Beginning to think that’s the real reason they set up and got rid of Marston Gibson, because he was going to kick corrupt judges off the bench for refusing to hand down timely decisions or any at all….they are disgraceful and that’s how they will remain, being consistently exposed around the world for their nasty habits and illegal behaviors….because they refuse to stop, it’s what they want, so be careful what you wish for.

  5. I sympathize with you but I must say as humans not all will behave like demigods. Had a very bad experience with one who was totally unprofessional as female judge. Unfortunately they occupy sacred positions and are untouchable and as humans can be vindictive. If you do not have a strong lawyer your ass is grass.

  6. When people decide to take matters into their own hands then you will hear an outcry, by then it will be too late.

  7. They do what we allow them to do. It takes persistence of the kind the writer of this piece exhibits in order to get them moving. But most Bajans are intimidated and sit waiting in vain.

    There is a Bajan saying, “You cyan fight the doctor fuh he medicine.”

    I prefer the Bible story of the unjust judge and the widow. These people do nothing because we allow them to be comfortable while they do nothing.

    Make them uncomfortable! Make them so uncomfortable that it is easier to deal with the matter and be done.

    Worked for me with the doctor and the lawyer and I sure it will work with the judge.

  8. @Donna

    You are correct, some matters require putting boots on the ground.

  9. @bk
    “When people decide to take matters into their own hands then you will hear an outcry, by then it will be too late.”
    A question, are you by any chance “Bendedknees” from the original Barbados blog?

  10. We can only surmise that they are waiting to see who will have the balls to kick them off the bench for refusing to hand down decisions, so they can expose all the corruption in the supreme court…they are very disrespectful of cases involving Black people, yes the same black face judges, lawyers, court employees ect….those colonial titles and their own wretchedness have them believing that they’re more than they actually are…..

    This is what brought some of us out to expose to the world, they believe that they are some supreme beings looking down on those who pay their salaries, the disgusting, disrespectful negros have no manners, i was appalled at the haughtiness they show off when people have to go before them, they fully expect you to prostrate yourself to their ignorance.





  11. From mess to mess.


  12. @ DonnaDecember 11, 2020 10:13 AM
    “Make them uncomfortable! Make them so uncomfortable that it is easier to deal with the matter and be done.
    Worked) for me with the doctor and the lawyer and I sure it will work with the judge.

    Don’t be so sure about the “judge”.

    In Barbados a judge’s ruling is like gospel unless you have money to hire a well-connected’ lawyer to object to any ‘high priest’ type decision which can be devoid of any semblance of commonsense or equity.

    Arguing against a judge’s ruling in a court in Barbados will more than likely attract his or her ire and in your case attract a sentence to Jenkins for an extended psychiatric evaluation with the possibility of being certified as a ‘true’ Mad woman.

  13. Miller…remember Amused warned us repeatedly about those self-proclaimed haughty judges in Barbados.

    they don’t even remember it’s the same Black population who pay their salary, one had the temerity to tell a court employee that…am so glad i don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck like yall….insulting shit for brains that they are, am sure there is some illegal payment being received on the side that this one is so uppity and arrogant….that’s why they must be watched closely, especially with personal injury cases that are routinely dragged out for decades unnecessarily, so they can make extra money from selling out the injured…to insurance companies..

  14. Steupse! Is the writer in Jenkins???? Exaggerations as usual!

  15. I know some of these people.

  16. @Donna
    Knowing a few higher-ups may be why you escaped.

    Given the post, are there any advantages/disadvantages to being a Republic.

  17. You=she
    Also, she seem like a real fighter. Not easily intimidated and scared into silence.

  18. Well peoples, I am here to say “Barbados is not an Island”
    It stands alone in a mass of water but it is a member of a family. In fact several families. Get the head of one of those familits and rock the boat.
    Last Friday I had a Rally at Jubilee Gardens. Very same topic
    The next is Tuesday at Hasting Rock:

    RALLY and Drum Roll
    Date: Tuesday 15th, December
    Time; 3 – 5 pm
    Venue: Hastings Rock, Christ
    Topic: Lawlessness in the Judiciary and Public Service
    C & B THERE

  19. @Donnaxxx if we allow them to

    that’s right. It can only happen if we allow it.
    But first people have to know that they are being raped of their rights and know how to reclaim them.
    Judges take an oath when appointed and if and when litigants realize that that oath has been breached, they need to take action
    The UN Convention on Human Rights speaks of inalienable rights. Those are the very basic rights without which a human is less than a lump of mud. The rights to justice is one of them.
    But here in Barbados, there is no Human Rights legislation (a piece ah Constitution). One has to tap into the International Human Rights legislation. Then the Attorneys grumble that you “bringing things from all over”. What the hell is going on here? So much quacking.
    Then elder abuse. Again Barbados signed and ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Older Persons since 1991 but nothing is done here; nada, not one poop. So if an offence cannot fit into a charge of Fraud/embezzlement no good for the elder. If an offence does not fit into assault or domestic violence nada for the elder. Try telling the RBPF that a Bajan is being held, hostage. Or that an elder child or children is/are squandering their hard-earned money.
    They will ask you who do you want to spend it.
    We are in a crisis.

  20. @ WARA-War-on-U
    That Judge that told the court clerk that she is glad she doesn’t have to live from paycheck to paycheck is an ass.
    But above all she should be fired. People in service get fired for such statements -discriminatory – in the USA faster than you can bat an eye.

  21. T-OGazerts
    My belief in my inalienable rights and those of the vulnerable propels me. You see I was raised on river water.
    These people intrinsically are cowards. Take away those cloaks that cover and hide their slime and you realize they are nothing.
    The matter of the Pension concerns my daughter who was 6 years at the time the sage began. I am not going to stop until she get her inheritance. I have all the time. I am only awed that I followed the notion that I had to have an Attorney and in so doing wasted 20 yrs. But I gathered a ton of information. Pertinently: Attorneys do not know everything and taking a poll of the number of them I waded through versus the number operating here, we have a crisis.

    Elder abuse is an international scandal. The victim is/was physically medically unwell and was being terrorized and intimidated by the very person who he trusted with his care and money.
    Cynthia Ford just would not do her job.

    BCC… what to say about her…? There are two women at the head (double-headed serpents) with PhD and I don’t know what to say. By that I mean there is so much I don’t know where to begin but that institution too is a crisis. I suppose if I had to interact with all the agencies in the public Service I’d uncover the mire they are steeped in.
    Essentially these people are ‘theifing’ from the taxpayers. Taking the salaries but not delivering.

    35 years. This system if ‘bruk’

  22. @ Pachamama
    I like that sentiment. 🙂
    As I have said earlier. Barbados is not (really) an island.
    I will keep banging at them until they change. They got to change. The CCJ sanctioned that ‘6 and out’ slogan and whoever is in charge of those recalcitrant operators will have to remove them.

  23. Where is the Acturarian?
    Where is the ‘Column Writer” (not my saying but the man who was glorifying the Acturarian)

    It is a surreal feeling after travelling for so long and all the Attorneys including those with PhDs and QCs telling you that a ‘named beneficiary’ on a policy is final. I wonder how many other heirs lost their inheritance due to the ignorance Attorneys had told them.
    And guess what? They tried to intimidate me or say they are giving me good advice.(to withdraw). They figured wrong. We people with an interest for news are like bloodhounds. When we smell a whiff of nastiness we stay the course until it is exposed. They calculated that I’d go to another of their cult members but I determined I had had enough of that sloppy attitude and ignorance.

    Can ya’ll imagine even the Judge saying that what the defence Attorney presented is what he knows it to be? How could all these people have gotten it so wrong?
    Shouldn’t they be paying me for teaching them something in Law; that which they studied 3 plus 2 years in and me a mere minion know otherwise.

  24. @ Miller XXXX not so sure about the judges xxxx.
    did one of them send donna to Jenkins? lol
    “Until the lion learns to write tales of the hunt will glorify the hunter”
    We have to write write write and march march march.

    Often if a particular issue doesn’t touch us we do not pay respect aka solidarity.
    But one telling experience during the world war that Kepler, the Sociologist recounts goes thus: As the Germans were ravaging the jews and they complained to the blacks, they shunned them saying go, that doesn’t bother us. So all the jews were rounded up. When the Germans got to the blacks and they began complaining to the Asians, they too said it wasn’t their business so they did nothing and all the blacks were rounded up. So the Germans began attacking and rounding up the Asians. They complained to the Whites/Europeans who scuffed at them. They were rounded up. when the Germans entered France and England and they turned to complain and seek help there was no one to turn to because as they didn’t assist any of the others who went before them they were all gobbled up by the Germans. Now the last of them all were being rounded up.

    Be careful. When you see your neighbour experiencing challenge reach out and touch. Keep them in the lane. If they fall out, its only a matter of time before it is your turn

  25. Johannes Kepler: looks like the state of affairs with the legal profession for the most part and many in the public service
    ….”Specialization is the way to start a discipline, but it must not become a religion. When rigid, it is an impediment to advancing knowledge: the more rigidly specialized, the less relevant to advancing knowledge. Currently this rigidity seems to be the key problem in social and behavioral studies and in the humanities as well. For example, it seems clear that complete adherence to what psychologists think of as the scientific method has brought the discipline to a virtual standstill. Two examples: “aggression catharsis” and self-esteem.

    For many years psychologists have been conducting experiments that show that venting anger doesn’t work. This is an extremely important finding because the majority of the public thinks that venting is a good idea: it gets the anger “off your chest.” However, the researchers made the appalling error of confounding venting with catharsis. Being scientistic allows them to ignore the large literature in the humanities that has developed a complex model of catharsis. According to this model, venting is not a form of catharsis. Arousing anger in a theatre audience is meant to let them feel suppressed emotions safely, not cause a riot.

    The second example is the study of self-esteem. Over the last 50 years there have been more than 20,000 studies using self-esteem scales and other reliable methods, such as systematic social surveys. Yet these scales refuse to predict behavior: the variance has always been under 5 %, practically zero. One of the problems with the some 200 different scales that have been used may concern their validity, rather than their reliability: the scales all confound thoughts (such as egotism) with emotions (such as authentic pride.)

    The case of modern psychology is reminiscent of Tycho Brahe’s attempt in the 16th century to determine the orbit of Venus. A skilled and systematic astronomer, he made hundreds of accurate chartings of the orbit. But he couldn’t determine it because he assumed, like everyone else, that the planets revolved around the earth.

  26. @ TheOGizart xxxxyou=she seem not to be easily intimidated.and silenced

    When you pause and conduct forensics you realize that the issues are not as they appear and the people behind the facade are not what they perceive to be.
    Intrinsically, judges, are merely people granted some power and privileges which they abuse. If you see them as mere workers with a task (as each spoke in a wheel) then there will be no need for awe. They behave as they do because when they strut by or they ‘bark’ and people blindly accompany or liaise with them, they get away the first time and it sets a dangerous precedence Judges are only humans. Why hold d them in such awe?
    Many of them cannot have a candle held against them such persons as the first judge. Her time just got cut short on the bench. I am sure she has abused her power on other occasions before this season.

  27. 6 and OUT!
    I mean it

  28. Do you know that nowhere else in the British Commonwealth are judges tolerated for striking out for technical aka procedural errors?
    So why do judges here do it? The devil is in the details. Had I succumb to their manipulations and shenanigans I would have been left dependent on an attorney and never learn all that I have..

    So why are cases struct out in this region at case management and for technical reasons. A strange wind blows around there.

  29. “But above all she should be fired. People in service get fired for such statements -discriminatory – in the USA faster than you can bat an eye.”

    unfortunately, the arrogant and ignorant starting in the parliament, stretching across the bar association and judiciary don’t see it that way, they elevate themselves in their own minds to something that does not exist in reality, they’re disgraceful and apparently hate seeing cases end, backward does not even begin to describe these total uppity asses, with their fake titles.

    They are a nasty piece of work and ignore all human rights laws in favor of abusing, violating the rights of the elderly and everyone else, Barbados does not recognize human rights for Black people, never did, there is not one instance in decades that can be shown that they do, these are the same savages setting up marijuana slave plantations across the island, and bringing in whites and others to be slave masters over their people, same people they criminalized for marijuana for over 40 years, now are expected by black face trash in the parliament to accept being enslaved to enrich others with the same plant the evil leaders have repeatedly and maliciously criminalized them for….and still is. They just don’t recognize or care about black human rights and that’s why they should all hold modern day slavery charges and be paraded across the earth for the criminals and wild beasts that they are.

    “The UN Convention on Human Rights speaks of inalienable rights. Those are the very basic rights without which a human is less than a lump of mud. The rights to justice is one of them.
    But here in Barbados, there is no Human Rights legislation (a piece ah Constitution). One has to tap into the International Human Rights legislation. Then the Attorneys grumble that you “bringing things from all over”. What the hell is going on here? So much quacking.
    Then elder abuse. Again Barbados signed and ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Older Persons since 1991 but nothing is done here; nada, not one poop.”

  30. “Cynthia Ford just would not do her job.”

    collect a free salary and pay lip service, that’s all parliament rats have done for 54 years while ignoring those who elected them….once elected they suddenly develop pedigree, which in their wicked minds exclude them from working on behalf of the Black population who put their fraudulently asses in the parliament to begin with…..suddenly they don’t know how to do anything to promote or engage with the people who pay their salary or to see that the people get justice in their lives…suddenly they belong to and are fully owned by a minority of criminals and thieves who rob the people and country…..all lowlifes, they have no shame.

  31. @ Cherfleur

    We have had this discussion before. In a mature jurisdiction, the named beneficiary on a pension policy is not final. The named beneficiary on a Will is not final. They can be, and are, often challenged.
    It is only final when the fat lady sings and that lady is the highest court in the land. But, I do not want to ignore that we have the best lawyers and judges in the world and the best pensions experts, including actuaries.

  32. Cherfleur, I will share some useful information from my CPD pensions masterclass information, which would be quite useful for you. Most of it will be based on UK regulations. No need to fear as most if not all of our pensions trust Deeds and rules are designed thereafter. If there is interest ?please make contact.

  33. Piece the Prophet Avatar
    Piece the Prophet

    Dear Cherfleur

    I, Piece the Prophet, send my sincerest condolences on the 6 losses.

    I don’t know if I should add things like judges who are on the take from the plaintiffs!

    Or the lawyers who collude to ensure you lose you cases.

    Or the judges who refuse to let you defend yourself.

    Or refuse to read the court documents that are in front of them.

    Or the collusion at the Fear Trading Commission.

    Or the teethlessness of the FSC

    Or the corruption at the RBPF amount the senior officers.

    Or the collusion at the Registry as it relates to finding your files, or getting a date.

    Or as you said certain Justices hiding your files.

    But you know GOD DOES NOT SLEEP!

    a day will come soon when teifing lawyers will be held accountable with two ** to their head

    As sure as day follows night

    What recourse do you have?

    In time, the same way that dissidents of the PRC government set up websites outside of China and Hong Kong and expose these governments, SO TOO WILL THE GOVERNMENT OF BARBADOS find that it is being exposed!

    Look how the Honourable Blogmaster has never removed the story about Yugge Farnell for all these years.

    This too has to be your strategy


    That will come one day!

  34. Piece the Prophet Avatar
    Piece the Prophet

    Your assistance please Honourable Blogmaster

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