The decision to have a national TV debate between the candidates contesting the St. George North constituency seat has been mired in controversy from the beginning. The result is that of the six candidates registered to contest the seat made vacant by the ‘retired out’ Gline Clarke, only candidates Toni Moore (BLP), Grenville Phillips (Solutions Barbados) and Alex Mitchell (BFP) are the three left standing. The other candidates have offered excuses for not participating, the blogmaster suspects the real reason is that there is a fear to speak to the issues publicly in an independent setting.

It is ironic that the current week has seen Barbados experiencing heavy rains which must be negatively affecting house to house and platform campaigning. What an opportunity tonight’s debate offers to convey respective party messages to SGN residents while in the comfort of their homes.


447 responses to “2020 St. George North By-Election National Debate”

  1. Greenville Phillips looking for mass audience publicity
    He and all others in the fake debate wasting time
    The SGN people already stated the debates would not change their minds
    So what this so called debate all about
    A PM trying to do what she does best hig the spotlight while using the candidates as props
    Glad reifer told he to get losr
    As for those in the media who are involved
    Mia used them also by getting them all wrapped up in this nonsense and leave them to hold an empty bag
    Poor Emmanuel Joseph leaping forward to protect himself and save face but too late Mia had already spilled the bean bag
    Poor souls

  2. As if Mother Nature couldn’t stand the foul stench coming from tonight debacle she poured truck loads of rain on the island which has led to power outages across the island
    Could it be Mother Natures intent was to have the last word

  3. What is the link?
    When does it start.

  4. #comedy

  5. David
    The BFP candidate is making some statements about private individuals that should not be allowed in a debate.

  6. Just stumbled on to the debate and one candidate just said he owns all/most of the land in SGN?

  7. They now recognize that COW will sue and they cut his Mic

  8. #comedy #murder

  9. They gave Mitchell a platform and now they are paying the price
    Comedy Central

  10. David
    Is is our BFP man that was always talking land that was stolen?

  11. @Lest we forget


    Looks like David Ellis and Julius Gittens ducking from hosting was a good move.

  12. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    I love it. A good thing they only having one debate, bajan political debates too dangerous. No gun was brandished and still so many shots pelt had everybody ducking for cover.

    Somebody send me the link to the uncensored debate. I need some more good laughs.

  13. “Oh dear me!” I thought. “This is crazy!”

    And I fell asleep during the lottery break.

    I guess I’m numb to crazy now.

  14. Cow sue who, cow should be in prison for robbing so many elderly black people and their beneficiaries their land, him and his whole coverous,, jealous minded family, then making video to DECEIVE THE PEOPLE IN UK…..even better, all the stinking ministers of government aka cow’s house ni*gas and lawyers of bar association should be residing in the same prison cell for enabling and participating in the thievery of lands, estates and bank accounts IN BARBADOS and am sure in other jurisdictions as well…all are trailer park trash…pretending to be elite, common class thieves and now the whole world knows them by their names and know to run away when they see them coming.

    other then that, everyone should’ve known how the debate would end lol……copying shite to pretend they’re world class and dismissing all the other positives that can be used instead to benefit the people, must end in disaster…

  15. Cow sue who, cow should be in prison for robbing so many elderly black people and their beneficiaries their land, him and his whole COVETEOUS, ENVIOUS, JEALOUS minded family,

    they’ve all been PARASITES and MOOCHERS in Black people’s lives for DECADES.

  16. That was comedy. Some good points though, from Grenville’s point on properly repair of roads, to Mitchell’s point on the living units and environment.

    But Mitchell leggo deng. Gaw. He quite right upstairs though?

  17. Quite right on the guardianship of NIS funds however. No government should ever have been in a position to use it as a slush fund.

  18. Crusoe…they put themselves in that position, deliberately….THEY REFUSED TO COLLECT A BILLION DOLLARS IN VAT…from the minority thieves pretending to be business people, who collected the money at POINT OF SALE and refused to pay it into government .over a 20 year period……who enabled them in stealing from the people and treasury…..then they all turned to the NIS pension fund and raided that too as their piggybank……they all should GO TO PRISON..

    the NHC or UDC or both are a nest of thieves …the island will never recover from what they all did over decades….tief not, want not…..they ARE ALL INVOLVED….that’s why a forensic audit is warranted for the whole island, done by an international body, no one connected to them should be involved….

    saw that sell out fraud Robinson gushing some shite recently like someone wants to hear a sell out…

  19. Now ya know why Elizabeth was REALLY thrown to the curb, ways and means must now be found to AVOID any CLOSE SCRUTINY of what they all did to the people and island…that’s why they are hiring consultants left and right, heads TOO HOT to do the job themselves…

    ask Fowl Enuff…


  20. @Crusoe

    Have you every seen a TV station forced to censor a debater?


  21. Someone sent me a link, but watching a shitshow is not my style, too energy draining and spirit lowering, i moved on to a higher vibration many months ago, none of it can end well in a colonial construct infested with thieves, liars and frauds….will post in a sec…so yall can dissect.

  22. An engineer co-worker once pointed out to me that the cheap mix used to build the roads in Barbados was responsible for the shine and made the roads hazardous in drizzling rain.

    I wonder what Mitchell was about to say about the cow before his mic got muted. Maybe he was about to tell the truth?????

    Some of us crazies tend to do that. lol.

  23. David,

    Nope. CBC management phones must be hot this morning, lol.

  24. Donna,

    Yes, the mix needs to include more grit, it is too smooth and slick.

    It is commonsense, any long term driver can see that.

  25. Moore spoke very well. DLP made a mistake not fielding a candidate.

    Possibly an admission that they are no longer relevant.

  26. Time to get away from the colonial inspired political distractions now being perpetrated by black face frauds….this video proves beyond a doubt that you should NEVER LISTEN to the criminals posing as leaders, especially on the topic of reparations…YOU ARE BEING MISLED.

  27. @Crusoe

    It would have been less time to have listen to shite LOL

  28. Based on a BU poll taken during the debate the highest engagement was during Mitchell’s sightings. Especially inthe category of comedic relief LOL.

  29. @ Maybe they can make him Ambassador to Washington, send up up immediately, will still have three months at least with Trump either way, regardless of election results.

    A discussion between him and Trump would be priceless.

  30. The manner of Mitchell’s presentation was terrible. Made him sound like a madman. There were ways to make the same points that would have hit home.

    I think Emmanuel Joseph had no clue what to do with him. As a journalist he should have known who he was dealing with and he should have been prepared. No research on the participants????


    There is a Bajan saying, “Every madman got he sense”.


    “Unfortunately, it is wrapped up in a whole lotta crazy.

  31. Crusoe,

    Not obvious to long term drivers like me who had no clue. lol.

  32. The PM said let there be debates and there were debates some might say that Mitchell debased the debates. I understand there were supposed to be three debates, will they put the population through those again?

    I wondered why my screen went blank and someone on the thread said it was a “lotto break” I thought that the break meant that someone from Jenkins had come to collect Mitchell.

    Anyway the “debate” was all over the map from pit toilets to prison reform, wait a minute I thought that prison reform was a topic that that should be a national discussion not among candidates for a local by-election but I don’t know much.

    Last but not least I heard the BLP candidate say “Barbados is more than an economy” hmmmnnn where did I hear that before? That was the time I knew that I was in an alternate universe.

  33. Besides the poor questions(what was that first question about?)the lack of follow up by Emmanuel exposed his discomfort in the setting. Also there was a lack of follow up to extract clarifications.


  34. “An engineer co-worker once pointed out to me that the cheap mix used to build the roads in Barbados was responsible for the shine and made the roads hazardous in drizzling rain.”

    and that’s what yall will continue to get FOR DECADES TO COME…as long as ya have minority crooks, aided by ya sell outs in the parliament sucking 100 million tax dollars our of ya lives annually.

  35. Listening and reading various comments across social the consensus shows a piss poor debate and Verla choice of not engaging was a wise one

  36. William Skinner Avatar

    The question is not Mitchell’s delivery;its whether there is any TRUTH in his statements. For example: can you get water toilets before you get water. Another brilliant point was the rip off size of houses built by the NHC. He made the point that they are pig pens with an upstairs. Are these houses really worth the size. Why censor him for saying that COW is responsible for the inferior pot holes and other road works. Isn’t COW getting and doing all the major works under BLPDLP. On crime , he mentioned the conditions under which some people live. Is it not true , that while we don’t condone domestic violence in any form, that it is a known fact that financial stress and hopelessness sometimes are underlying factors of all forms of violince in cluding domestic violence. Is it not true that schools should have a proactive approach to maintenance rather than waiting until they are so bad that we have to close them down.
    Eccentricity is not a form of what we call “madness” . When we look beyond his presentation, he was by far the winner of the debate.BTW , when we try to set traps for others, we sometimes fall in them ourselves. Today, more people are talking about Mitchell and in media terms he benefitted more, no pun intended, than the others on the contrived stage.

  37. @William

    What are you smoking?

    The mad talk nonsense last night.

  38. Mariposa what became clear was Mr Reifer not being able to hide behind the script of i listening to the people, s cpncerns as a redponse to most quedtions.This is why the political nightwatchman decid3d to hide him away from the variety of questions asked.Mr Mitchell apart i thought the debate went pretty well with some good responsed from Ms Moore snd Mr Phillips both of whom were professional.As for Mr Mitchell if he is the guy who regularly claim his family owns half of Barbados he is a loose canon.He should not have been allowed on a national debate where his loose talk could run the station in trouble.Mr Mitchell is the male equivalent to the other crazy looney on here Waru who makes a lot of wild crazy stayements and when challenged cannot support them with any evidence.

  39. @ William Skinner October 30, 2020 8:04 AM
    “Eccentricity is not a form of what we call “madness” . When we look beyond his presentation, he was by far the winner of the debate.BTW , when we try to set traps for others, we sometimes fall in them ourselves. Today, more people are talking about Mitchell and in media terms he benefitted more, no pun intended, than the others on the contrived stage.”

    There is great merit to that statement.

    Mitchell was no ‘madder’ than the other two political circus performers.

    What about GP11’s pipedream of training entrepreneurs in 2 months who would then sell their internet-based businesses to overseas buyers to earn foreign exchange?

    Mitchell’s analysis of the problem(s) at the NIS was spot on.
    Everything that Moore recommended for improving the collection of NIS contributions is already enshrined in law.

    It’s just a matter of implementing them without fear or favour in the politically-incestuous 2×3 Barbados.

  40. BTW , when we try to set traps for others, we sometimes fall in them ourselves. Today, more people are talking about Mitchell and in media terms he benefitted more, no pun intended, than the others on the contrived stage.

    Heh. The BLP propagandists must be kicking themselves.

    A farce of a debate sounds about a right result. Farcical idea, farcical motivation so it’s only natural that the end result is farce.

  41. Not all nonsense, David. Just some truths told in an uncomfortable “madman” style.

    Don’t really know about his claims to ownership of most of the land in SGN. I have not ever been able to assess that because it seems so incredible. But we do know that some unscrupulous attorneys are involved in suspicious land dealings. How far it goes I do not know.

    For him to be taken as anything more than a Gearbox, he would have to work on his delivery. I am not looking for an orator but he would definitely need to improve. His delivery was more suited to a campaign platform. I don’t think he is capable of switching modes. UNFORTUNATELY.

  42. (Quote):
    Mr Mitchell is the male equivalent to the other crazy looney on here Waru who makes a lot of wild crazy stayements and when challenged cannot support them with any evidence. (Unquote).

    Alex’s evidence is stored away, also, in a RED bag.

    He will produce his title deeds when the evidence hiding in the red bag is passed on to the relevant authorities.

    Maybe then the blacklisting sword of Damocles will be lifted.

  43. “Mr Mitchell is the male equivalent to the other crazy looney on here Waru who makes a lot of wild crazy stayements and when challenged cannot support them with any evidence.”

    No one needs evidence anymore, everyone WORLDWIDE knows yall are thieves and crooks…right along with the minorities who HELP YA ROB THE PEOPLE AND COUNTRY…. and they all know not to do any business with any of you…..ya are now PARIAHS….



  44. When all is said and done the debate has shone the spotlight on Mia as a tyrannt and demagogue with a perplexing understanding of reality
    The fact that Mitchell stood his ground also gives way to a media of a media who would stand guard to protect the establishment
    Hence the constant curtailing of free speech

  45. “Everything that Moore recommended for improving the collection of NIS contributions is already enshrined in law.”

    then we know she is LYING…the laws have been sitting there for decades am sure and NEVER IMPLEMENTED…and she knows she won’t do it either, any lie to get that vote…..same as Mia’s red bag of evidence to lock up the corrupt in DLP ….and lock up Maloney…..and hold Maloney accountable for the death of the Holder child….same lies, no deviation…

    they know they are corrupt, they know they are thieves, they know they have all robbed the people for decades…but they holding LIVE DEBATES, pretending to be world class, until it blew up…………….😂😂😂😂😂…too arrogant, emptyheaded and stupid Enuff..

  46. Everyone …except for fowl slaves/yardfowls are DYING FROM LAUGHTER….

  47. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    There are somethings that you obviously do not understand about modern media. Up to last night Mitchell was only known on BU and some other fringe media. This morning he’s being quoted in national media. Right here in BU, people are saying he was right about some of his pronouncements. I am smoking the best cigar: pure unbiased analysis.

  48. I agree with Donna and William.

    Some uncomfortable truths wrapped with what SEEMS crazy talk claims.

    But I vouch for no truth other than my own!

    So goodness knows…

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