Name withheld – Blogmaster

I firmly believe that the highly respected and soundly run Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is heading into serious leadership trouble. What I’ve heard is very troubling.

I am a very seasoned banker who has worked across our region. I know a thing or two about banking in the region. I’ve tried to get information directly from CDB but they have not been forthcoming at all, so please publish this letter as I have a few questions to ask.

Is it true that with the generous helping hand from our Prime Minister Keith Rowley and  the other regional Prime Ministers, the newly appointed CDB chairman, Prime Minister Mia Mottley from Barbados, has instructed that the bank appoint her advisor, a British national, as the new president of CDB? Wouldn’t this selection and appointment stink of blatant nepotism and cronyism and taint Barbados? Can a chairman of CDB select the President of CDB from his/her own previous clients and own pool of personal advisers? And no other Prime Minister can stop it?

What about qualifications of the individual being imposed on CDB? Is the British advisor more qualified than any other Caribbean professional to run the Bank? The President of CDB is always a person from the Caribbean of high stature, regional intellect and integrity. Does this British advisor even have a Caribbean identity? Does he know and understand what it takes to achieve successful regional development? Does he have a record of successful projects in the Caribbean? Has Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and the region not learned anything from the many hotel debacles and the many other failed development projects that die and only leave the lawyers and advisers rich. There are many other highly qualified bankers and economists with good track records of integrity and success in the region who can run CDB.

There are many options. Why has Rowley failed to nominate any experienced banker, economist, or academic from Trinidad and Tobago? Trinidad and Tobago has majority stocks and votes in the bank. Where is Prime Minister Rowley’s voice and why would all the region’s Prime Ministers Gonsalves, Browne, Holness who are so usually loud about regional issues suddenly stay silent and surrender so meekly to Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s moves to capture CDB for her adviser? What is really going on with this coming ugly affair? Something looks very rotten in the region.

Will our Caribbean leaders find the good sense and fortitude to avoid the stench of cronyism and do the right thing to keep the Caribbean in the leadership of the CDB and to maintain its development focus? The dodging must stop. The Prime Ministers and CDB must start talking. We deserve to know.

197 responses to “Why are Regional Prime Ministers silent over their creation of CDB’s leadership crisis?”

  1. @ Cuhdear Bajan

    How are you my dear?
    Massey Green sent me this ointment. The name is (Dicloflam) it relives pain, reduces swelling & combats inflammation of most areas. Guess what ? It’s made in Barbados. It has no British influence. None whatsoever girl 👧

    Isn’t that wonderful ?

    It’s just after 11:20pm. Talk to you later Sunshine 🌞

  2. What happened to this story
    Mia also stuck her nose into it

    Analysis of Baroness Scotland’s stewardship of the Commonwealth Secretariat

    LONDON, England – Baroness Scotland’s first-term was completed in April 2020 but was extended because Commonwealth heads of government were unable to meet due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A suggestion by the prime minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, to renew her tenure for a second term automatically was rejected by other Commonwealth

  3. Baje you remain a major asshole eho thinks he is better than anyone else in Barbados because he hes three or is it two degrees.Is Ms Mottley a lawyer so who would she be representing jackass? Who ex MP Mr M Lashley representing since he is no longer in cabinet? I know you slow so i will answer for you the same druglords and criminals BECAUSE LIKE MS MOTTLEY HE IS A CRIMINAL LAWYER AND THAT IS HIS JOB SO WHAT IS YOUR POINT AGAIN?.ARE YOU SURE YOU GOT THREE DEGREES CAUSE YOU REALLY MAKE SOME DUMB STATEMENTS ON HERE.Take my advice live your high life and let us lowly people live ours in the 2× 3 island without any advice from you who i doubt ever run a bread shop far less a country.As for Waru poor you you are the same warm over soup everyday about crooked lawyers , politicians , Cow, Bizzy and a whole lotta shite. Now you claiming i am spikes so now you hallucinating.I blog under one name do npt get tie up .You need a vacation for about a year off this blog giving most of us a deserved break from your foolishness everyday all day.

  4. Lol lorenzo
    Yuh sound like yuh gonna blow a fuse

  5. Baje you remain a major asshole eho thinks he is better than anyone else in Barbados because he hes three or is it two degrees.Is Ms Mottley a lawyer so who would she be representing jackass? Who ex MP Mr M Lashley representing since he is no longer in cabinet? I know you slow so i will answer for you the same druglords and criminals BECAUSE LIKE MS MOTTLEY HE IS A CRIMINAL LAWYER AND THAT IS HIS JOB SO WHAT IS YOUR POINT AGAIN?.ARE YOU SURE YOU GOT THREE DEGREES CAUSE YOU REALLY MAKE SOME DUMB STATEMENTS ON HERE.Take my advice live your high life and let us lowly people live ours in the 2× 3 island without any advice from you who i doubt ever run a bread shop far less a country.


    @ Lorenzo









  6. stupid fowl slave, you will soon get a permanent rest…29-0…or is it 28-0…or 27-0

    can’t keep up these days, whichever way all of you HAVE TO GO.

    “As for Waru poor you you are the same warm over soup everyday about crooked lawyers , politicians , Cow, Bizzy and a whole lotta shite. ”

    dumbasses, do you see whites, indians or syrians selling out their people for you nobodies…you will never live to see that, only ignorant black people, politicians/lawyers etc sink to that subterrean level… one else.

  7. Baje exactly NOBODY AIN, T ELECT YOU PERIOD.Therefore as i stated let the people in Barbados decide who they want to lead them not you so take a hike with your so called sucessful businesses.It seems to me you are just a show off with an inflated ego of self importance.Imagine an idiot like you refering to PM Ms Mottley as an ignorant person.This is a lady held in high esteem in Barbados, the region and internationally. Who the hell know of you or anything you have done.Get lost jackass.As for Mariposa i am very cool .Nobody on this blog can cause me any stress be very clear on that i am just having some fun.

  8. Sheman Lorenza aka Spike will soon bust a gut..

  9. Baje exactly NOBODY AIN, T ELECT YOU PERIOD.Therefore as i stated let the people in Barbados decide who they want to lead them not you so take a hike with your so called sucessful businesses.It seems to me you are just a show off with an inflated ego of self importance.Imagine an idiot like you refering to PM Ms Mottley as an ignorant person.This is a lady held in high esteem in Barbados, the region and internationally. Who the hell know of you or anything you have done.Get lost jackass.As for Mariposa i am very cool .Nobody on this blog can cause me any stress be very clear on that i am just having some fun.




  10. @ Lorenzo




  11. wait ..that in the same man that took a few pick from the same despot?


    Both CURSED, SELL OUT governments allowed this criminal to be a racist, oppressor, exploiter of their own Black people on the island for over 60 years, they allowed her to enrich her demonic self off Black people for all that time with her filthy, disgusting stores, they promoted every evil she could think of to keep Black people as slaves….and now she is calling for fairness after robbing Black Bajans for decades..

    ….this is what black misfits for leaders do and HAVE ALWAYS DONE ON THE ISLAND, sell out their own, you would NEVER FIND A white, indian, chinese, syrian doing that to their own people, because they UNDERSTAND what it means to LOVE THEIR OWN….no matter what, to PROMOTE THEIR OWN, no matter what, NO ENRICH THEIR OWN, no matter what, TO ELEVATE THEIR OWN, no matter what, but not the black face jailers and oppressors in Barbados,they must reserve that right for EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT THEIR OWN PEOPLE …then they run around pimping for praise and credit everywhere, laughing stocks and SELL OUTS, they have no clue how they are preceived like the nobodies that they act out in their roles as sell outs…..that’s how repulsive and low grade pretend, fake black leaders are…that is as high as they can go, stay at the bottom of the pile while being corrupt and keep their helpless people right there with them…that is all they aspire to be…

  13. Isn’t this a shame that i have to be even typing all of this, it is repulsive and the same whites, indians, chinese and syrians are talking about these useless black leaders to black people….as shame and disgrace..

    one even went so far as to say how STUPID BLACK PEOPLE ARE, they would allow any white black indian chinese syrian to move in where Black people are doing business and within days start spending their money with them and put their own people out of business…NO OTHER RACE DOES THAT, because they are not that STUPID to undermine the development and progress of their own people, they said that is why Black people will ALWAYS BE DISRESPECTED AND STUCK AAT THE BOTTOM……because they are always ready to take down your own, so will always STAY AT THE BOTTOM…like crabs in a barrel, fighting down each other….the other groups for all their faults…..NEVER DO THAT ignorant, backward self-defeating nonsense, they know much better, if they are to survive and stay on top..

    SHOP WITH YOUR OWN PEOPLE, SPEND YOUR MONEY WITH YOUR OWN PEOPLE, other groups spend their money with EACH OTHER…they NEVER spend their money with black people and stop their own people’s progress.., when will you STUPID PEOPLE LEARN….and that is what they are saying.

    this is what black misfits for leaders do and HAVE ALWAYS DONE ON THE ISLAND, sell out their own, you would NEVER FIND A white, indian, chinese, syrian doing that to their own people, because they UNDERSTAND what it means to LOVE THEIR OWN….no matter what, to PROMOTE THEIR OWN, no matter what, TO ENRICH THEIR OWN, no matter what, TO ELEVATE THEIR OWN, no matter what, they will never pick up their OWN PEOPLE’S MONEY BY THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND GIVE IT AWAY TO ANYONE, but not the black face jailers and oppressors in Barbados calling themselves governments, they must reserve that right for EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT THEIR OWN PEOPLE…they are SELF-HATING no good nobodies…corrupt thieves.

  14. Anyway, the videos of lawyers, law firms, executors, judges etc still have their names calling in the THEFT OF DECEASED ELDERLY, with people’s missing money, land, estates and ROBBING THEIR BENEFICIARIES…and refusing to close these PROBATE processes years later, ARE STILL ALL OVER FACEBOOK, watching one now, with names again being called, people will soon be asking if yall are KILLING vulnerable elderly people to steal their estates..and disenfranchise their beneficiares and have been doing so for 60 years…because this is known to be going on since the 1940s and still is…

  15. All this evil shit dirty, corrupt sell out governments continue doing to the elderly and their beneficiaries in Barbados. This is why the people cannot prosper, they are being deliberately, undermined by black sellouts and saboteurs. They have waged WAR ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE FOR 60 YEARS. Thieves and frauds…them and their fowl slaves, yardfowls, PIMPS.

    “The police are refusing to listen to me, so I will document it here.

    1. They took my father’s body out of the hospital under the guise that there was a Last Will and Testament and that Surbir Singh Gogar was an executor, yet the medical notes themselves state that there is no PROOF of one

    2, Documents at the Funeral Home/Undertaker show that my father’s body was actually buried using forged document.They forged the name and the signature of my father’s eldest son.

    They made a mistake though as they assumed that my brother goes by the name of STEELE and he does not, also my brother has NEVER been to Barbados . . . X x x”

  16. The intent is to PUSH this younger generation in the Caribbean BACK 40s YEARS INTO SERVITUDE by disenfranchising them of their GRADES so they can NEVER move forward or progress….yall DESTRUCTIVE devil worshipping mothafuckas will NOT GET AWAY WITH IT…OH NO YOU WONT….give the kids ALL THEIR GRADES, or keep them and WATCH THE FALLOUT..
    Problem with yall ya think you got more dirty information on people than they got on yall dirty fcukers…..WRONG!!!

    watch muh nuh.

  17. @David,

    i want to vent here. this vending and setting up stalls on highway and sometimes people selling at roundabouts is dangerous and ugly. it desecrates Bim with hastily put together erections on the highway where people block traffic and where vendor leave debris in plain view of the passing public

    political parties using this as a way for people to make a living are being disingenuous. there is nothing wrong with vending and if govt is serous about people carrying out such pursuit, instead of such ad hoc setting up of stalls, why not provide a place off the highway with easy egress and exit points and proper facilities instead of this stupidity along the busy highway system.

    this is an insult to bajans and it should never be allowed to happen. the coconut selling on Warrens is equally as ugly and dangerous and like a lot of things in Bim we allow these things to fester then try to put the horse back in the stable when it is too late.

  18. Black face sell outs in Barbados, the ENEMIES OF BLACK/AFRICAN PEOPLE….this is what the Black population (and others) have had to contend with post emancipation and post independence for 60 years….all those vulnerable old people who believed in lying ministers/lawyer GOT ROBBED nothing to pass on to their future generation, evidence SUGGESTS that some of them were MURDERED for their estates and bank account…

    bring out that information you have been storing up on everyone that you believe you have as LEVERAGE to rule by FEAR and INTIMIDATION……don’t be shy…let’s see who will be GOING TO PRISON ALL OVER THE WORLD…instead…

  19. Greene…that argument is SO OLD…from somewhere back in the 70’s ..that no one wants to hear it anymore, people across the Caribbean want to hear ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN’S GRADES that CXC is holding hostage.

    did BIG HEAD KERRY not only promised all types of empty crap, but also met with vendors last month telling them how much he was going to empower them, in their dreams, go have a talk with him…steuppppss….

  20. @Greene

    Vending is an important topic especially at this time given the decimation of the formal sectors which started pre Covid. Street vending is an activity that characterizes a Caribbean way of life. What are you saying?

  21. as i said in that bit i have no issues with vending but do it properly. do it in a way that takes into account the proper flow of traffic, hygiene, littering etc.. but do not allow people to just set up shop anywhere. we will eventually end up with a minibus problem if we dont have one already.

  22. David

    He is saying do it the british/american way

  23. greene

    one such “market was recently set up on the might gryner / spring garden highway.

  24. and what is that way John2?

  25. The Spring Garden market is under-utilised, many prefer the wayside at Cheapside.

  26. and minibus drivers prefer stopping anywhere. men prefer to piss anywhere. where are you going with this?

  27. Greene take your mouth off of my coconut man at Warrens. yes they need a better system of removing the shell
    traffic wil alway be jammed over there during rush hrs. all these years i have not heard of an accident/death caused by the vending there( not saying the was never any). if you wan to remove him then suggest an area where he can make comparable money

  28. true that particular removal may be problematic but that is what happens when we dont nip problems in the bud. reminds me of praedial larceny an issue that has been around for a long time but gets lip service and nothing is done, and of the squatting at the Belle and by the airport etc.

    we talk about discipline but in the end we are quite lawless and allow things to get out of hand.

    we these issues come up we need to tackle them and propose better suitable alternatives, not bury our heads in the sand and hope they go away

  29. I am one person who is waiting for CXC response. I suspect some missing exams will be found and graded, some ungraded exams will be graded.

    I will wait and see what happens, but I suspect I will be proven right on change of grades.

    Can you imagine a foreign university receiving two different grades for the same exam for the same student?
    Play with that in your mind.

  30. @Greene

    Your concern is understood, however, itinerant vending should not be framed in the same way as men pissin and minibus hustling.

  31. roadside vending was part of Barbados landscape even before the ABC highway. At it is not illegal… some vendors even pay for permits to sell in certain locations.

    Mini buses came in and found the rules/laws that thery should stop at bus stop only.

    pissing any place happen all over and especially with the homeless. .how do we stop that? i see it here in ATL especially at the train stations.

  32. CXC needs to STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH PEOPLE’S CHILDREN FUTURES and stop with ALL THE LIES…Caribbean studies is one of the easiest courses on the curricula , very, very few people ever get low grades, now that ya dirty scam has been exposed, just own it and give the kids WHAT IS THEIRS…

    CAPE students shocked by lowered Caribbean studies grades

    Students of Presentation College, Chaguanas have been left in a quandary after they received notice on Friday that their grades for the CAPE Caribbean studies exam were marked downwards.

    Parents are claiming this was done without warning and before grade queries from the school have been submitted to the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).

    One parent, who requested anonymity, said she paid for her son’s chemistry grade to be reviewed and not his Caribbean studies grade.

    She also said when she contacted the school early Friday morning, she was told the school had not yet submitted queries to CXC.

    The woman said her son went on the CXC online portal at about 2 am. So shocked was he by what he saw, he immediately woke his parents to tell them.

    She said her son had a grade one in the subject and was downgraded to a two.

    “It’s really unacceptable and disturbing for children who put in so much in their years at school to have to put up with this now.”

    CAPE students shocked by lowered Caribbean studies grades
    The mother claims other schools have been affected, and she was notified in a group chat with other CAPE and CSEC parents that as much as 47 students have complained about the same thing.

    Newsday attempted to reach Presentation College for comment but was not successful. The school is in the middle of virtual orientation sessions for the new intake of form one students.

    The disgruntled mother provided Newsday with a copy of her son’s initial grades which showed an overall grade of one, and individual profile grades of two A’s and a C in the subject. His new grade is now two, with individual profile grades of one A, one B and a C.

    She said as far as she knows the subject was a bit of a concern for the school, as it did not receive the overall grades it was expecting from students. A letter was sent to the Ministry of Education about the grades for the subject, but individual queries were not.

    Newsday contacted Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly who said, “CXC has indicated it has made no such changes and was unaware of this issue.”

    She said the council asked for “specific instances” and the local registrar has asked schools to provide information on those affected.

    “(The registrar) will communicate this information to Barbados (where CXC is based) and they will continue to check on this issue.”

  33. This is an attempt to wear down the parents and their children, evil demons.

    Theo…it gets worse..

  34. @David

    the pissing and minibus references were in reaction to what you said about vendors preferring to ply their trade next to the byways. i never clothed my rant in that frame. itinerant vendors move from place to place selling their custom. i am referring to vendors setting up their stalls and occupying a permanent position along busy highways.

    either we are a discipline society as we like to portray ourselves or we are lawless like we actually are

  35. It was also disclosed that Senator Lucille Moe is overseas on assignment. The former Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Public Affairs has not been to Parliament since the Cabinet reshuffle was announced in July
    Assignment? Is the former Minister working on a Gov’t project overseas? Farley gotta come better than that, the PM announced a Cabinet shuffle and immediately Moe was nowhere to be found now we hear about some “assignment”.

    Finish this: Yuh could fool……

  36. Theo…it looks like the dog ate the grades again, they have no clue what’s going on at CXC, so they say, they will probably start blaming US or China or somebody for going into their database/portal and changing the grades, because they blamed the students already and no one believed that shit, not even them…

    told yall that there are some things in Barbados that you just cannot make up no matter how hard ya try…

  37. “Finish this: Yuh could fool……”

    Helter Skelter…

    Greene…ya corrupt governments have no intention of changing a thing, if ya been talking about the same vendor topic for all of 40+years and are stiĺl saying the same things re vending 40+YEARS LATER…hello, is anybody home.?

  38. Greene

    dont know if you have the neighborhood app where you are but thay was a similar discussion on the one where i am. We do not have the life time wayside vendors. but in the warmer months you have people raising funds for some project (high school football teams etc). they usuall sell/collect donations walking between the traffic when they are stop at junctions / exits off off high ways.

    The discussion was similar even to the point of the unsightly trash left behind at some locations.

  39. Someone is spreading misinformation about the coconut vendors in Warrens directly across from Simpson though, when they are finished a truck can always be seen there loaded down with shells, it may not be moved right away but these things have to be organized, getting workers to pick up and then load the shells take time, the vendors on the same side as the Dome Mall are a little less organized, dont know if things have improved, i have had much time to observe them over a 3 year period and if your opinion is based solely on passing by in a car once every few years, weeks or days, it is an unfair and biased assumption….in addition, when your governments with their big brain ideas move vendors, it’s always to a location where there is no foot traffic or vehicular traffic, what’s the point if they are making no money….eg…moving them from the terminal to renovate it, to next door to the fire station and they did not make any money, they never take advice that makes sense, too swollen with fake slave titles, and there have been many more examples of idiot policies from the 1970s and coming forward…. good thing we have a life span or this same discussion will be still ongoing a 100 years from now, the new generation will deal with that for sure… I will be sure my kids and grands are aware of it to pass on info..would hate for them to say, did our great grandparents not talk about this 100 years ago.

  40. @WURA
    Newsday contacted Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly who said, “CXC has indicated it has made no such changes and was unaware of this issue.”

    I suspect that the grades will remain the same …… It looks as if CXC will soon start talking about hacks.

    I have been very terse in my comments. Let me run my full thoughts past you.
    My opinion…..
    It is not in regional examination board interest to change the grade; and it is not in the student interest to have change the grades
    It is a harsh, cruel and cold world that we live in. Some decisions are based solely on objective measurements and not on sentiments.
    Can you imagine being the Dean of Cambridge and a student admitted on ‘good’ grades came to you with a list of revised grades. The questions you would ask are
    (1) What is happening here?
    (2) Can I trust these new grades?
    (3) Will the grades change again?

    The possible decisions that you made are – (who is in, stays in)
    (1) This student is here already; we will keep him but monitor his work going forward
    (2) Perhaps we should ignore these examinations until corrective and preventive actions are taken to remedy the issuing of multiple grades
    (3) We will not accept students with who took examination from these bodies ( who is out stays, out) until the remedy is in place

    Effectively, changes of grade will damage the examinations boards’ reputation, bring its integrity into question and work unfavorably for current and future students university candidates from the region..

    Interestingly, everyone seem to think that grades will only improve and are surprised that some will get worse. I can tell you that with a few mark down, some of the unexpected grade 1s will be glad with the grade they got and cease asking questions.
    By the way, i Have seen ‘more reasoned’ responses, but the the do not go further than the talk on the street.

    Meanwhile, I am anxiously awaiting the final response. Did I call it correctly?

  41. @Greene

    For the purpose of this discussion itinerant vending is the temporary delivery of sales. Let us not quibble about the definition.

  42. will retype–

  43. “too swollen with fake slave titles”

    speaking of, they just threw Elizabeth to the curb, so are they planning to keep the slave titles, ah told them already to dismantle the damn system, but no, they are playing slick….ok then.

  44. Theo…ya getting there..

  45. WW

    copy, paste and highlight the misinformation

  46. One man’s opinion…..
    It is not in regional examination boards interest to change examination grades and it is not in students’ interest to have their grades changed.

    Why? It is a harsh, cruel and cold world that we live in. Some decisions are based solely on objective measurements and not on sentiments.

    Can you imagine being the Dean of Cambridge and a student who was admitted on ‘good’ grades came to you with a list of revised grades.

    The questions you would ask are
    (1) What is happening here?
    (2) How can a student obtain two different grades from the same body on exactly the same exam?
    (3) What processes are in place to ensure the grading system has quality built into it? How large is this variability? Are any of the grades meaningful?
    (4) Can I trust these new grades, or do they suffer from the same error as the previous grades?
    (3) Will these grades change again? Who can say they are now correct?

    The possible decisions that you made are
    (1) Students who are here already; we will keep them but closely monitor their work going forward– (who is in, stays in)
    (2) Perhaps we should ignore these examinations boards until they can assure us that corrective and preventive actions are taken to remedy the issuing of multiple grades for a single examination and that their marking process has reproducibility built into it.
    (3) We will not accept students who took examinations from these bodies ( who is out stays, out) until the remedy is in place.

    Effectively, changes of grades will damage the examinations boards’ reputations, bring their integrity into question and work unfavorably for current and future university candidates from the region. Patching the tyres may be the local solution, but discarding the complete tyre may be the end result. Changing grades may appear to be correct course of action, I think it is the worse thing that could be done.

    Interestingly, everyone seems to think that grades would only improve and some are surprised that some grades can worsen. I can tell you that with grades being lowered, some of the students with unexpected grade 1s will be glad to keep the grade they got and cease asking questions.

    By the way, I have seen ‘more reasoned’ responses, but these responses do not go any further than what is the talk on the street. No one addresses the elephant in the room – how changing grades will be to the detriment of all.

    One man’s opinion

  47. “It looks as if CXC will soon start talking about hacks.”

    i so hope they will try that one, Guyana alone spends 15 million dollars per YEAR with CXC…they have maybe 7-800,000 residents, so the student population is not exactly tiny…..Jamaica has about 3 million people by now or close, large student population…and we can come down the whole chain of islands while calculating like real life geniuses… ah would want to know why their system is not hack proof….it should be better than all the alphabet soup agencies combined, their income is a sure thing and has been that way according to when the organization started soon after the Federation of Fools failed, that would be back in the 50s, so they have A VESTED INTEREST in population growth….am sure they tell themselves they own all the schools especially in Barbados given the info i received on their organization members…..

    CXC needs to stop playing the ass, they want replacing with less devils and lowlifes anyway, so let their reputation take a hit for what they did in the 70s and under political influence or vice versa….

  48. “copy, paste and highlight the misinformation”

    what copy and pasting? prove that i copied that from anywhere….i can write you know, that shit is all in your head that i cannot write, told yall that there is something deeply wrong with you…i lived in the Warrens area for some years, i also have eyes and ears..


    christ, where did they grow yall, in some lab??

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