Grenville Phillips, Leader of Solutions Barbados and Candidate for St. George North

Our Prime Minister has announced that a new election is to be held in St George North. As the Solutions Barbados declared Candidate for St George North, it seems that we are the first out of the blocks.

This election will come at a time when we are still in a pandemic, an IMF austerity program, and a plan to turn Barbados into a Republic – without a national referendum. Solutions Barbados believes that the public should be allowed to declare their support of, or opposition to being a Republic. Such a fundamental change is not something that we should be forced into.

Solutions Barbados is the third largest political party in Barbados, by measure of votes cast in the last General Election. We are also the second largest, by measure of declared candidates for the next general election.


With a 30-0 result in the last general election, this election should be a fair test of the viability of third political parties in Barbados at this time. However, it can only be a meaningful test if the media allows fair coverage of all political views. Therefore, their role in this experiment is critical.

Solutions Barbados was founded on 1 July 2015. Our manifesto was published on Solutions that same day for rigorous public scrutiny. Over the past five years, we have never told the media ‘no comment’. We have always made ourselves available for any interview, and participated in any debate on any topic.

For the past 5 years, we have published between one and three press releases every week. Our articles are well researched solutions to current national problems in Barbados. If you are not receiving our press releases, then please send us your e-mail address and/or WhatsApp number, and we will add you to our growing distribution list.

To the press, we are simply asking for fair coverage.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at

86 responses to “St. George North By-Election – First Out of the Blocks”

  1. Dems and PdP ready for battle

    OPPOSITION LEADER Bishop Joseph Atherley says he is not at all surprised by the stepping down of St George North Member of Parliament Gline Clarke, who is vacating the seat he held for 26 years for a diplomatic post in Canada.

    In fact, the head of the People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PdP) told the DAILY NATION that his party has been preparing for this eventuality in the last year and a half and have now narrowed down their choices to two candidates to contest the St George North seat.

    He is also putting Barbadians on notice that there is likely to be an announcement of another by-election sometime before the General Election, although he did not want to say which other member of the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) Parliamentary group he expects to step down.

    “We have had two people over the last year and a half who have indicated an interest in St George North and they are both from the St George Northcommunity. I will not share those names at this time, but there are two males and we will see what the party thinks when we go into caucus as the announcement was only made last night. I can also tell you that we anticipated the byelection and we are also anticipating that there will be atleast one more before the general election. We are ruling out nothing

    at this stage including a very early General Election,” the Opposition Leader said. President of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), Verla De Peiza, said their party was also expecting the St George by-election as they have noticed rumblings in that constituency for some time. De Peiza said her party, too, would be ready for the election when it is called later this year.

    “We were predicting a few by-elections and observing activity in certain areas, including St George North. The DLP will therefore ready ourselves for the upcoming battle,” she said.

    Atherley, who has for some time accused the Mia Amor Mottley-led administration of attempting to push out some of the old guard of the BLP, suggested that Clarke’s departure was in keeping with that mission.

    “We are saying also that it is quite unfortunate that Mr Clark is being forced out of St George North. This announcement has come quite suddenly, especially from a man who has served a constituency for 26 unbroken years. He has given his constituents basically a week’s notice of his leaving, even though he has been saying publicly that he intends to contest the next election,” he said.

    Political scientist Dr George Belle told theDAILY NATION that only Clarke could set the record straight on the issue of whetherhe is being pressured to leave. Belle contended that Clarke was in fact

    being given a promotion. However, he noted that historically the BLP has been known to refresh the party, a practice which has contributed to their success over the years.

    Source: Nation News

  2. St George North good test for other parties
    Stories by COLVILLE MOUNSEY THE SUDDEN by-election for St George North will be a good proving ground for the rebuilding Democratic Labour Party (DLP) as well as the fledgling People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PdP).
    This is the consensus of veteran political scientists Peter Wickham and Dr George Belle. Both parties have indicated that they intend to contest the by-election constitutionally due in the next three months, following the stepping down of Gline Clarke after 26 years of unbroken representation in Parliament. According to Wickham, the odds of the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) losing the seat are astronomically low, having won the constituency by 81 per cent just two years ago. He argued that out of the two opposing political parties, DLP now has to make the biggest gamble, as defeat by similar margins will not augur well for the party’s rebuilding effort. On the other hand, should they regain some ground in terms of a narrower margin of defeat, it would certainly boost morale going into the next General Election.
    “I think the trick that this poses to the Democratic Labour Party is a complicated one and that’s where my concern comes in. I think that the Prime Minister is in a very good position; the management of this issue has demonstrated a stroke of political mastery. She is in a win-win situation however this works out. My question is what is a DLP going to do in terms of fighting for the seat? Will they run a candidate? I think that’s where the bulk of our analysis ought to be. One has to ask if the DLP will be well advised to run a candidate or whether they should stay out of it. One has to also bear in mind that in the last election,
    the St George North the BLP candidate won by 81 per cent,” he said in an interview with the DAILY NATION.
    Belle contended that while a victory for the ruling BLP was a foregone conclusion, both the DLP and PdP, who have presented themselves to the public as viable alternatives, would lose credibility if they do not contest the vacant seat.
    “A by-election has been presented, and unless you give a justification saying that you are not ready, then the expectation would be that as a viable party you would run a candidate. This is why we would expect that the DLP is going to run a candidate. On the other hand, St George is a weathercock constituency; usually St George goes with the party that is most favoured in Barbados. If there is a close situation as was in the case of 2008 and 2013 you would see St George being divided, but normally it swings with the majority of Barbados,” he said.
    Belle noted that the BLP would need to have a very bad candidate, a very bad campaign, coupled with formidable candidates on the other side, in order for the “almost inevitable conclusion” to be changed.
    Belle also argued that the by-election has come at a tough time for the DLP, with the party in an internal leadership struggle, as former general secretary George Pilgrim and current leader Verla De Peiza are locked in a challenge for the presidency, which will be decided next week. He pointed out that the DLP is unlikely to get on with the business of choosing a candidate for St George North until the leadership issue is settled.

    Source: Nation

  3. UPP hopeful glad Clarke’s gone
    FOR AMBROSE GROVESNOR, a political opportunity awaits.
    The United Progressive Party (UPP) candidate is glad to see the back of Member of Parliament for St George North, Gline Clarke.
    “The announcement on Sunday evening that the MP for St George North will be demitting Parliament is good news, really good news for constituents of St George North,” Grovesnor said in a media statement yesterday.
    “It means that constituents will have the opportunity to free themselves from the illusion of representation that has been the hallmark of the lost decade and more, a period that constitutes almost half of his time in Parliament.”
    Grovesnor said one would be hardpressed to deny that St George North had been adrift from as early as February, 2008, and cited several issues which were not alleviated during Clarke’s tenure.
    He said the heavily used road in Thorpe’s Cottage remains the same nightmare
    that it has been for decades.
    “Water outages in Jericho, Paradise, Retreat, Roach Village, and Sweet Vale are perennial. The safety of children in Lower Estate has been at risk for decades because there are no speed humps. Traffic in Charles Rowe Bridge, The Glebe, Lower Estate and Walkers [continue] to be near-chaotic,” the UPP candidate added.
    Grovesnor said those problems are neither inconsequential nor insurmountable, but remained in spite of Clarke being around for decades. (BA)

    Source: NAtion

    Political temperature rising

    BARBADIANS LAST WENT to the polls in May 2018, but the country has not had a by-election since January 2011 in St John. On that occasion, Mara Thompson, the widow of former Prime Minister David Thompson, won a landslide victory to succeed him in that rural riding after his death in October 2010.
    On the heels of the recent unexpected Throne Speech, the news that long-standing St George North Member of Parliament Gline Clarke is stepping down on September 30 to become Barbados’ new High Commissioner to Canada has surprised most Barbadians. Clarke’s connections to Canada are known and there is a vacancy to be filled, with former High Commissioner, now President of the Senate Senator Reginald Farley, recently returning home to take up his new duties.
    Clarke has been a faithful servant to St George North, a seat he has held since first winning it in the September 1994 General Election. His departure will give the opportunity for some new people to enter the race to succeed him at what is a very difficult time for constituents and all Barbadians.
    These unforeseen events are certainly the latest sign that the political
    temperature of Barbados is rising at the halfway point of the Mia Amor Mottley administration’s first term. The two main political parties, the ruling Barbados Labour Party (BLP) and the vanquished Democratic Labour Party (DLP), are both scheduled to hold their annual conferences imminently.
    While it will only be a contest for one seat in the House of Assembly, the battle for St George North will be an important one. It will be an opportunity for the Mottley-led BLP to defend its stewardship and further outline its future plans at a time that Barbadians are in pain and uncertain about the future in light of the COVID-19 pandemic’s farreaching negative impacts.
    It will equally be a test of the readiness of the DLP to be a viable option again and whether the electorate is prepared to forgive the party for any real or perceived indiscretions that caused it to be swept out of Parliament during the last general election. The upcoming by-election will also be an enquiry into the seriousness of the People’s Party for Development and Democracy as an alternative political option under the leadership of Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley.
    Barbadians want and deserve solutions to their problems, not political gimmicks. Beyond the serious concerns about health and the economy, St George North voters and the wider public looking on will
    want answers about the provision of housing and roads and how worrying crime and violence will be fixed.
    They will also want to know how the political parties feel about republicanism, same-sex marriages, the decriminalisation of marijuana, integrity in public life, etcetera. When all of these important issues are added to the presence of COVID-19 and how that will impact campaigning and voting, this will be a byelection like no other.
    While it will only be a contest for one seat in the House of Assembly, the battle for St George North will be an important one.

  5. St George north folk calling for union boss
    Article by Kareem Smith Published on
    September 22, 2020

    Gline Clarke’s decision to retire from political office after over 25 years of representation in St George North appears to have taken very few in the constituency by surprise.

    And constituents, particularly from his community of Newbury and surrounding areas have hailed the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) MP for his “remarkable” service. However, the streets have been equally rampant with speculation about who his replacement will be.

    Barbados Workers’ Union General Secretary Senator Toni Moore, longstanding branch member Fay Burke, and hometown businessman Kevin Rowe have all been mentioned by constituents as persons they would hope to see replace Clarke, though none of them has expressed such a desire.

    The buzz followed Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s announcement on Sunday night that Clarke would be resigning from his position in parliament to serve as Barbados’ High Commissioner to Canada.

    Carolyn Corbin, a staunch supporter of the BLP, said that the decision had been long in coming and stressed that she trusted ‘Gline’ to make the best decision for himself, the constituency, and the party after giving “his all” for the people of St George North.

    “Gline has been good to the people of St George North and to me, he has been extremely good. It is because of him that I have this roof over my head; it is because of him that I am working 25 years in government. As a single parent, my son played cricket, and there were times that he needed a bat or something, and you just had to call Gline, and he would show up at your house,” she recalled.

    When asked about his replacement, she told Barbados TODAY that the names Kevin Rowe, Faye Burke, and Toni Moore had been coming up continuously, but stressed that her support is for Rowe, who is the Operations Manager at Gun Hill Signal Station.

    “I am just hearing rumors like everybody else… and honestly, whoever comes, I will support. But my heart, and who I would really love it to be is Kevin Rowe because he is a Newbury man just like Gline is a Newbury man. If the others win it over Kevin Rowe, I will support, but Kevin is the person that I would like to win it,” Corbin maintained.

    “I have confidence in my Prime Minister and if she believes that someone is the best representative, I am backing her don’t care what. I have seen Ms Mottley do things that have shown me that she really knows what is going on,” she added.

  6. Another yardfowl, those are civil and social rights and privileges…ENTITLEMENTS…. and should be no extention of politician favors, it’s their JOBS to see that their constituents are taken care of, that is why they are ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE AND PAID A SALARY…and a PENSION.

    goddamn backward, low intellect fowls always feel they owe politicans for merely doing their jobs and are then OWNED by the well known corrupt, pedo politician, no you aren’t dummy..

  7. The blogmaster wishes Grenville all the best. He will not win but his participation will hopefully be motivation for others to participate in our democracy in a tangible way. Many on BU have butt heads with his approach but we have to admire his willingness to contribute to public service.

  8. We see UPP is repeating their candidate and Atherley indicated PDP will caucus to select a candidate. This is where the PDP needs to step up. All third parties should have been ready at midterm especially since there have been rumors of two or three by elections.

  9. The problem is the BLP realises that the party of 30 zeroes is unconstitutional and it needs to shed a few seats.

    Otherwise, the move to Republic status and same sex unions will some day be claimed to have been done by an unconstitutional Parliament and could be made null and void.

    It is almost certain the BLP will lose whatever seats it sets for by election.

    These will be elections which it will rig to lose.

  10. I do not have to admire Grenville Phillips for ANY REASON that I can see.

    He would be worse than the current lot!

    May he and his ghost candidates contribute their deposits to the Treasury!

    Thanking them in advance.

  11. Imagine if we had one third fewer MP’s how much the Treasury would benefit!

  12. There is a reason he hot 81 % in 2018 Even after « dropping the ball since 2008»

    UPP is my 3rd party. But he need to stick to the issues and leave Clarke alone

  13. For any serious challenge to the BLP it will have to occur on the back of a swing against the government. It is why this by election in a BLP stronghold will be closely analyzed.

  14. Bye elections could be an opportunity for the voters to send a message to the Gov’t, I would be very surprised if the Opposition parties could muster enough support in this constituency for that to occur. Grenville writes that he is first out of the block, that will be the only time that he will be mentioned as first in anything in this campaign; the DLP is having leadership squabbles and the Red Bishop? Nah I don’t give them any chance.

    This will be a walkover for the BLP break out the Alcolada and smelling salts for the also rans, the fat lady sang on Sunday night.

  15. Gline Clarke shared a boast last Sunday that all the opposition in the 2018 general lost their deposits. It is sad in a period such as what is prevailing we see no path for the opposition to regain a seat in the Lower House.

  16. Grenville continues to suffer from delusions of grandeur.
    He claims to be the third largest party in Barbados but most of the candidates who ran for his party in the last election defected to another opposition party, ironically which actually has a presence in the parliament of Barbados.
    It is clear that Solutions Barbados has failed to resonate with the electorate of Barbados and in the upcoming by- election, it will place its leader in focus in the riding where he has failed to retain his deposit.
    The by election however coming at mid- term in these very trying times could represent a referendum on the performance of the government up until now.
    With unprecedented levels of unemployment and no clear sign of economic improvement, the government is hard- pressed to maintain the popularity that saw their 30-0 massacre at the last poll.
    Gline Clarke has been the sitting MP for the last 26 yrs and apart from defeat on his first try at the polls in 1991, he has held this seat for the party.
    His people oriented personality,and his ability to bring them together and also the countless opportunities he has extended to his constituents, are part of the reasons he has held the seat even resisting the Thompson popularity wave in 2008,and sending Colin Spencer to purchase cases of toilet paper.
    This career school teacher turned politician is a community praticioner at heart, and I remember him at St Judes Primary School being one of the founders of the Progressive Volleyball club which dominated the national scene back in the day.
    His community and national service in so many areas is legendary, and his demitting this position at this time even though it was thought that he should have been in the cabinet will be a massive loss to SGN.
    The candidate chosen to represent the BLP as his replacement, therefore has massive shoes to fill.
    They will be judged based on the qualities that Mr Clark has exuded not just as a politician at which he has excelled, but as a person and a friend to many of the residents of SGN where his navel string is buried under the departed ‘ole man Clarke’s grapefruit tree in Lower Newbury.
    While the leadership of the party will no doubt seek to install a candidate who will serve their interest, the people of SGN will demand a hometown hero similar to Gline, and will resist any outside impositions.
    We look forward to this intriguing battle in the upcoming by-election.

  17. You could have added his appeal earned his the endearment wuk fuh wuk..

  18. Apparently he lost that title to a DLP minister in 2008.

    We should really try a woman in that position and see if the wuk problem is solved.

    Oh dear!

  19. Paul

    Precisely why i told the UPP candidate to leave Clarke alone.
    For SGN electorate, he would do well to thank Clarke for the work done on their behalf, highlight the problem that still exist BUT – DO NOT ATTACK THE “KING” OF SGN..
    For this by election UPP should be looking to increase it share of votes by picking up those that turn away from GP2/ SB and DLP

  20. @ John September 22, 2020 7:48 AM

    Since when is it unconstitutional to win elections?

    The population was simply fed up with the racist DLP apartheid regime that systematically enslaved the black masses and privileged DLP party members.

  21. The fault lies not with Grenville Phillips and his “Solution Barbados,” but with a people who are too blind, deaf, and a few other things. As I read some of the silliness toward Solution Barbados, I’m reminding of a remark made some years ago, ” Barbados has out grown Barbadians,” While reading in another News paper, some duncy knuckleheaded fool claimed Mr Clarke is responsible for her many years in the public service and her son getting a cricket bat. Not what he has done for the wider community or Barbados on a whole; not his voting history on important legislation affecting even other women, but a RH cricket bat for her son. Is this the reason why so many don’t see Solution as their representative? @Donna, why must everything be about a woman? Look at the women presently enjoying high positions, apart from stealing my pokey I dont see much else coming from you. Also, @ Cuh Dear Bajan.

  22. @ Whitehall
    Don’t you know that buying a bus or a garbage truck is now considered a major policy achievement.
    Don’t you know when garbage is collected that we jump for joy? Or if a bus come early we had a good day.
    That is where we are as a nation after nearly 60 years of independence:
    No land reform
    No real minimum wage
    No proper water supply
    But just buy a cricket bat
    No wonder then that BLPDLP believe we are pawns.
    They have succeeded in lowering expectations.

  23. Stealing your pokey? You got pokey? As my man Paul Keens Douglas would say, “You see the problem?”

    For the record, I was joking about the woman in that position.

    But if you say you don’t see anything else coming from me it seems somebody dun steal yuh eyes!

    That should concern you more than pokey that you en born with, I think?

  24. Not lowering my expectations at all but when you cannot get such simple matters done we know that complex matters stand no chance.

    For that reason we disposed of the DLP, and no other viable option having presented itself, placed our future in the hands of the BLP leader and determined that we would watch her.

    Through the people’s activism she has been encouraged to change course on some matters and we will continue to apply pressure in others.

    In the meantime, I do appreciate the garbage trucks and the buses and the fact that the courts have indeed sped up.

    The fact that some people still engage in corned beef and biscuits or cricket bat politics is a cause for concern because we do need politicians to create an environment that will enable all people to buy their own corned beef, biscuits and cricket bats.

  25. The DLP could present a good candidate and run a vigorous campaign. They will lose the election but reestablish the viability of the party.
    The DLP could use this by election to present clear positions on same sex unions, the legalization of marijuana and the establishment of the Republic of Barbados.

  26. A man on the radio just dropped Esther Byer-Sukoo name as a possible DLP candidate.

  27. Donna

    Dont follow that shite about cricket bat.
    There are some of us who are fortunate and some of us that are not as fortunate.
    Clarke is an ardent sports person, even before he got into politics, Buy a bat for a neighbour who asked is not the same thing as thing as cornbeef and biscuits or large screen tvs at xmas politics. It not even into the xmas hampers.

    Clarke would have done something like that for one of his student even before he entered politics

  28. Well, if he was a teacher he probably would have. Lord knows many teachers, including myself when I was one of them, always find themselves pulling their pockets for other people’s children.

    My favourite stores at the time were Woolworth and Laurie Dash.

  29. @Donna, lol

  30. How do people vote for an opposition given the 29-1 bench strength of the government? How is this possible?

  31. Toni Moore is the BLP candidate for SGN.

  32. @David
    Toni Moore? Didn’t she abstain in the Integrity vote claiming that it would harm her union members? Which hat is she going to wear at her coronation? BTW did the PM select the candidate?

    Politics too sweet or I should say politics in Barbados too sweet……

  33. @Sargeant

    The blogmaster made the same point a few days ago.

  34. Two week to polling

    The opposition catspraddle already

  35. Nobody wants to hear nothing from Toni Moore
    She has shown torrid disrespect for the workers
    Hope the workers punish at voting time
    What a sell out

  36. Whether you want hear or not the BLP will crush the DLP candidate.

  37. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    @Mariposer just like how Leroy Trotman threw the workers under the bus when he ran for the DEMS?!?!?!?!?. (I say that sarcastically as Leroy Trotman is remembered as an astute labour union leader who happened to run under a DLP ticket but no one thinks less of him for it!!!!)

    @DavidBU that DLP candidate better not be Jester “Physical Deficit” Ince. if so the DLP would be better off renting Grenville Phillips II to run for them in this by election only until the DEMS could find a better candidate!!!!!!!

  38. Another long term NIS Director resigns to run for SGN?
    Next I’m going to hear that Charles Herbert is the NIS Chair? I know he isn’t female….but.

  39. why should the workers punish her at the pools when it is the workers that called for her to run in SGN.
    go sleep and wake up do

  40. the dems can run anybody. if would be better to sacrifice physical deficit than a better candidate at this stage.

  41. Put Verla to run! let us see how popular she is

  42. @Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Comparing the selection of Toni Moore to Leroy Trotman or even Bobby Morris, Evelyn Greaves et al is not apples and apples. This is a challenging time for the labour movement in Barbados.

  43. NorthernObserverSeptember 24, 2020 12:00 AM I know he isn’t female….but.


    Humorous comment of the week. Thank you for the laugh.

  44. The rightful candidate for SGN, to be run by Grenville’s part is Ninja Man.

    Bear with me. Consider that Bajans are fixated on BLP/ DLP. What do you need to create a paradigm shift in thought?

    You need a shake the tree. So, by running Ninja Man, while there will be much laughter and merriment, you are actually taking a chisel to the shell of the aura around elections. Showing that anyone can indeed run, that there is no mystery, no anointment.

    This is preparation for future elections.

    Psychology my dear Watson. Think it crazy, but surely we are crazy to be doing the same thing over and over. You have to change the playing field, do some of your own rolling of the pitch.

  45. Trust is the one word that can derailed Toni Moore at the polls
    Her deceit now can be used as a time bomb to blow her self interest apart

  46. And in reading my comment, consider many of the comments above, people basically asking who will be anointed.

    What? Anyone with a deposit can run. Any citizen has a right to run. And people have the right to vote for that person.

    No one has to be anointed.

  47. @Crusoe

    The irony is that they will not be supported by John Public.

  48. DavidSeptember 24, 2020 5:43 AM

    True, but that is why it is necessary to do something outlandish to break the ceramic shell.

  49. Very interesting development re. Toni Moore but One seat in the Barbados’ HofA is not of overweening importance at this time. I think that the news last night, that clearly shows that Trump has now slipped over the Edge of Reason, demands the World’s attention.

    I suggest that the only option left to the Government of the US is to act decisively now with one voice.

    Mitch McConnell and most of the Republicans must be persuaded to drop their support for Trump

    If Trump persists in naming a replacement for RBG by saturday it should be either tabled until lateJanuary 2021 by the Senate or voted on as soon as possible. I’d be very surprised If it gets any significant number of Republican votes, given the gravity of Trump’s comments yesterday, the apparent state of mind of the author and the urgency of the situation.

    There must be many more that 4 republicans that will now join with the Democrats to ease america from the coming apocalypse.

    America faces the imminent end of its Democracy if the Republicans do not see reason.

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