A decision by the government to support same sex civil unions with legislation was shared by the government in the much anticipated Throne Speech last week. The government cloaked its support for the decision by promoting Barbados as being “in the vanguard of pioneering social justice, the protection of civil rights and the battle to ensure dignity to the poor, marginalized, vulnerable and dispossessedis prepared to recognize a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender so as to ensure that no human being in Barbados will be discriminated against, in exercise of civil rights that ought to be theirs.”

The government stopped short of also recognizing gay marriage to avoid a battle with the Church and a society happy to be labelled Christian.

It is hardly a secret the blogmaster abhors the homosexual lifestyle. However acceptance across the globe, especially in so called developed countries continues to rise. Using simple natural law theory a man was born with a penis, a woman with a vagina. This makes it self evident what the creator intended. Some will call-out the blogmaster as being overly simplistic and this is fine.

The blogmaster has never gotten tired of David vs Goliath anecdotes. It is the mindset which gave birth to Barbados Underground blog in April of 2007.

If you don’t believe in something, you’ll fall for anything. I believe everything happens for a reason. If you are strong from within, you can will anything. I’m a firm believer that where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Eric Davis

It seems Barbados is about to release the homosexual genie from the proverbial lamp at a time when many countries are still debating the issue. The question that must be asked is why the rush? Is Barbados being forced to prioritise what is rightfully referred to as a wedge issue as a requirement to competitively sell the Barbados Welcome Stamp initiative? Is this a case of Prime Minister Mia Mottley because of an overwhelming mandate from the electorate in 2018 and a predilection for the fairer sex feels now is the time to force the change at this time?

The blogmaster understands we have to treat all citizens equally BUT there is something wrong with same sex relationships.

Barbados is an island built on traditional values, it seems we are about to graft homegrown values with those imported from overseas. How will the propagation work out for us? Only time will tell.

276 responses to “Mottley’s Rush to Legalize Same Sex Union”

  1. DPD,

    Are you still able to be surprised by John’s duplicity? After watching Trump, McConnell and Graham for four years?

    These people are shameless!

    And John thinks “independently” just as they do.

    John cannot do without his daily fix. He is quite obvious and quite boring really.

  2. The issue of values are very complex. There are values shared by every member of society; there are valued enforced by the society; there are valued shared by small communities; and there are individual values.
    Let us forget those values shar ed by the vast majority of societies no matter which society we live in. The values enforced by society are those we are all familiar with, the criminal law; those shared by small societies and communities are often religious, but can also be secular, such as membership of certain organisations; and individual values are those that we are mainly discussion on this blog, such as human rights and equality of esteem, etc.
    The rights shared by all members of society, no matter which society they live in, are those such as the right to life, to eat and sleep etc. We may question if members of certain sectors have a right to live ie terrorists may think their perceived enemies have no right to live, but that those who share their views do.
    There is also tolerance. We tolerate divorce; 50 per cent of people who get married today will be divorced at some point during their marriage. But marriage remains popular because it is a commitment, a virtue.
    Then there are issues such as abortion, punishment for anti-social behaviour, lateness, loudness; all these forms of behaviour individuals may object to, but are they serious enough to be made criminal.
    The is why ALL professions have a code of ethics, which emphasise objectivity, impartiality, fairness, equality oaf treatment; even those occupations which do not reach the dizzy heights of being a profession have a disciplinary code. In employment, to break these rules means one can be dismissed for gross misconduct; or aft er a fair hearing, disciplined in other ways.
    The issue of values is so complex it has engaged moral philosophers since the Ancient Greeks. Howling and shouting do not necessarily make a good argument, nor even that one understands the issue under discussion. There is an educated fool, who often is more difficult than someone who is ignorant of an issue.
    With educated fools, sometimes they contradict themselves and do not even realise it. There has always been sin, since the Garden of Eden, but what is important is that the wrongdoer knows s/he is committing sin. The is why we have a concept of deviance.
    The weapon of Google again. It gives the false impression that people understand issues that are very controversial and complex.

  3. Blah, blah, blah!

    When a person is born homosexual it is not a matter of values but of BIOLOGY.

    I have seen three year old boys that teachers knew were different. The difference turned out to be in their sexuality.

    There are teenaged boys who kill themselves when they realize they are not what parents and society expect them to be. I have read life stories of people who struggled with their reality for decades, leading to drug and alcohol addiction.

    There aren’t many young boys who relish the idea of telling their FATHERS in particular or even their church-going mothers that they are homosexual. Who wants to feel the pain of the worst rejection possible – that of those who we believe should love us most?

    But you guys reject logic and deem homosexuality to be a choice, a lifestyle. No! For many it is the reality of their lives. A reality they struggle with because of people like you who cling to a book written by men that you have been TOLD was written by God. Not one of you saw God write it!

    And you sit there in judgement with your fornicating, adulterous selves cherry picking from that book and excusing your own infractions of the rules outlined in the same book as “normal sins”!


    Actually LUDICROUS!

    One thing I know – I did not contribute to the environment that caused a desperate teenaged homosexual boy to pull the trigger and end his life!

    And you?

  4. As I said, I haven’t read the book, I am not going to waste my time!!

    I know how the black art of the law works!!

    Obviously, PLT, lacking my extensive experience with courts, does not or has been misled in his youth.

    So before he goes and misleads innocents on here I went to the trouble of finding a source the innocents seem to believe.

    Just demonstrating to the innocents they are being taken for a ride either deliberately or through ignorance.

    Kind of like a word to the wise … should there be any.

  5. Women should be protected under expanded hate crime laws, according to a new report from the Law Commission.

    The independent body that advises government said misogyny should be treated in the same way as other discrimination when it is the motivation for a crime.

    Campaigners welcomed the proposal, including Labour MP Stella Creasy, who called it “our moment for change”.

    The Home Office said it was “committed to stamping out hate crime”.

    Seven police forces in England and Wales class misogyny as a hate crime, but this definition has not been adopted across the board.

    When a crime is carried out against someone – such as assault, harassment or criminal damage – because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity, it is considered a hate crime and treated more seriously by the courts.

    But campaigners have criticised the complex nature of the existing laws, and called for sex and gender to be added to the list…(Quote)

  6. …. and if the distinction between homosexual ladies and lesbians is added the existing laws become even more difficult to understand.

  7. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Mariposa September 22, 2020 9:49 PM
    “In its decision, the court called the Justice Department “simply wrong as a matter of law””
    At last you seem to get the point… The Supreme Court ruled “as a matter of law” NOT in a way that prioritised morality over law. As John points out, The Supreme Court decided that “Ali’s conviction would be reversed citing a technical error by the Justice Department”… his conviction was reversed on a legal technicality, NOT because “Ali use a moral suasion to stand ground and challenge the law…”

  8. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    It’s always amusing when John comes to argue against me and instead ends up proving the point that I was making. 😉

  9. Horlicks!!

  10. @ Quaker John

    You have an argument on your hands with @PLT.

  11. @ Donna

    Somehow, this topic reminds me of the Natalee Harewood debate.

    Some people who were seeking to justify why a ‘hooker’ should be a candidate in the 2018 general election, are now using the Bible to justify why homosexuality should not be condoned.

    Yet, the Bible ‘frowns upon’ prostitution and homosexuality.

    And these same people who are ‘talking’ about morals, ethics and laws, are the same people who would travel to ‘Murca’ and bring back nuff things and ask their Custom Officer friends to waive duties.

    Or, they break the traffic laws because they have Police Officer friends.

    Or, how about the girl who ‘pass for Princess Margaret,’ but would miraculously end up going to QC because her parents have friends in the Ministry of Education?

    What about the people who brag about circumventing the normal application procedures to receive their passport within a day, because they know an Immigration Officer?

  12. How many times do you have to be told …its not lesbianism if there is at least one guy watching.

  13. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Hal Austin September 23, 2020 3:51 AM
    “There is also tolerance.”
    You touch here on what I see as the core question at the heart of this debate… what Karl Popper called the paradox of tolerance. To what extent should a free society tolerate those who are intolerant of others?
    Popper wrote in The Open Society and Its Enemies “If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”
    So I will defend the right of Christians to believe whatever they wish to about homosexuality, but I will ruthlessly condemn any attempt by them to be intolerant of homosexual human beings by discriminating against them in any way.

  14. @PLT

    You are on about homosexuality. I am not. I am talking about values. Have you read or studied Karl Popper? Do you understand the paradox of tolerance?

  15. PLT
    Intellectual, you and Mugabe are running from pillar to post by attempting to empower the ideologues of the LGBTQ identity polity together with the White identity establishment in Barbados.

    Why not see the dispossessed masses of people of Barbados as the ones most worthy of empowerment instead of pouch pickers in whose interests you are making these relentless interventions.

  16. @ Donna
    Question is: Who benefits a society more: A law abiding , productive citizen who is gay or a dead beat , womanizing father walking about attacking gays while claiming he is all man?
    I vote every time for my gay brothers.

  17. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama September 23, 2020 6:55 AM
    “… you and Mugabe are running from pillar to post by attempting to empower the ideologues of the LGBTQ identity polity together with the White identity establishment…”
    You are mistaken. Mottley and I are poles apart; she is a neoliberal politician indebted to the people who finance her political campaigns, I am a post-capitalist radical who is lucky enough to not owe anything to anybody.
    The issue of civil unions is a sideshow. It has no long term impact of the economic development of the country in the interests of the dispossessed masses (about 5% of whom are homosexual). It is in the interest of all that we simply grow up, legislate civil unions so that we can reduce the discrimination against out homosexual neighbors, and get to the important tasks of developing Barbados in the interests of the broad mass of Bajans, both gay and straight.

  18. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Hal AustinSeptember 23, 2020 6:51 AM
    “Have you read or studied Karl Popper? Do you understand the paradox of tolerance?”
    Yes, and yes.

  19. The Church has always been hung up on sexuality, frowning upon it to the extent that even within marriage women were given the impression that they should not enjoy it but must consider it a duty to their husbands.

    So “decent” women surpressed their sexual selves to think of it as just a thing to do to satisfy their husbands and to fulfil their roles of baby-making machines to prove their husbands’ manliness.

    In the meantime the men, even the ones in the pulpit, were leaving their modest wives at home and visiting the whores or keeping mistresses, where they abandoned the missionary position and indulged in their wildest fantasies.

    Everybody knew it was happening. But what mattered was that everybody pretend it wasn’t.

    I never forgot the day when an unmarried pregnant woman took her place in the Communion line. Oh the frenzied gasps and the horrified looks and the shocked murmurs. Because there was the PROOF that she had the sex that everybody else was having!

    It is all about the show with these people.

    And for some creepy reason, it’s all about the sex!

    Somebody else’s sex. Their sex is fine whether or not it follows the Bible.

  20. @PLT

    I beg to submit you do not understand Popper’s paradox – not certainly as it is formerly taught.

  21. Homosexuality has been around human society almost since the beginning and will always be. But it’s widespread normalization – and far worse it’s mass promotion and celebration is a comparatively recent phenomenon.

    Up until 3-4 decades ago the majority of society rightly saw homosexuality for what it is: unnatural sexual behaviour. Nothing more. With the inexorable decline in morality and increasing humanism, adherents of the lifestyle ably supported by dubious science have managed to elevate the narrow issues of this powerful lobby into the wider public consciousness. Why?

    Now two persons of the same sex can “marry”. An individual can switch their gender at will. In some places it is illegal to refer to a man who “identifies as a woman” as a man. This sort of bullying is becoming more common. It’s totally absurd, or at least should be. But this vicious aggression by the homosexual lobby is gaining more acceptance by the spiritually blind sheeple.

    But where does it stop? It won’t. Continuing along this grim path there are increasing lobbies for pedophilia and bestiality. In California and Germany their voices are growing louder. Don’t take the Dullard’s word. Look it up! The Dullard fully expects that within the next 10 years or it will be legal for an adult to marry a child.

    After all, if two people love each other why stop them right?

  22. PLT

    You so glibly and again located Black people at the bottom, no pun intended, of the totem pole.
    Seems to us that regardless of circumstances Black people have wait for some other group to get satisfaction before our historical claims can be mended.

    What is to stop your White friends from coming up with another ploy like this LGBTQ distraction.

  23. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @DullardSeptember 23, 2020 7:30 AM
    “Homosexuality has been around human society almost since the beginning and will always be. But it’s widespread normalization – and far worse it’s mass promotion and celebration is a comparatively recent phenomenon.”
    Ancient Sparta in Greece is not comparatively recent… nor are the ancient traditions of North American Indigenous people.

  24. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama September 23, 2020 7:34 AM
    The Black homosexuals in Barbados outnumber the White homosexuals by at least 10 to 1. Those are the people that I’m mostly defending therefore.

  25. Dullard
    True, but wait for some licks from reps for the lobby, unpaid as they are.

  26. PLT
    Slideshow yes. But one which will be around for decades. Next port of call reparations for the LGBTQ folks. Wait and see.

  27. @ Dullard

    You have to understand @PLT. The debate, as you rightly say, only started in the early 1970s following the decriminalisation of homosexuality in David Steele’s 1967 Act.
    But it has changed incrementally until now, when even supporters of the gay lobby, such as J.K. Rowling and the mainstream of the feminist movement find themselves out of tune with the transgender lobby.
    That is why I asked earlier if there is a line in the sand. How about the age of consent? About people in authority having affairs with their charges? The debate we have now is nothing like what it was in the early 1970s.
    The argument about civil unions is simplistic and liberal, but for some we have seen it moved on and on. It is significant that some black Christians are baited by the more militant; people such as local registrars, school administrators and teachers, etc. by forcing them to do things they do not want to do, such as teaching subjects they object to.
    @Dullard is right, the gay lobby in the UK is so hostile to black people, even to black homosexuals, that it is frightening. It is a dynamic movement, not static, and will continue to make further demands.

  28. @Hal and Dullard, I am shocked to hear that the gay lobby does not support the bkack community vs discrimination. . A group that suffers same should surely understand?

    People are a strange lot.

  29. PLT
    Since you’re so radical why always use Athens, Rome, Sparta as points of departure.

    There are significant questions as to whether radicals like you should be as eurocentric as you obviously are.

    Certainly, Obenga has taught us that your heroes, Socrates et al, if they really existed, and there are questions this as well, learnt everthing they knew elsewhere.

    Why not go to the root.

  30. @Crusoe

    Why are you shocked? Gay activists are among the most racist of lobbies in the UK, even to black homosexuals. They can be vicious. The same about militant white feminists.
    Someone raised the issue of race and homosexuality as minority groups. Wrong. When the government merged all the minority advocacy groups in to the single Equalities Commission, I said it was the death of racial discrimination as a powerful lobby. It has been.
    Some black people like to underplay the extent of race, because they find it embarrassing. They believe if they have their paper qualifications that should erase being victims of race. Just tell that to our black university lecturers.
    Ask yourself the question: How would I know you are black? And, how would I know you are homosexual?

  31. Hal

    No sweat.

    He hasn’t researched any military history or he would understand what happened to Cassius Clay and how he fits in.

    I have.

    Cassius Clay was a victim like many others (354K) of McNamara’s Folly or Project 100000.

    In 1966, McNamara lowered the requirements for draftees and Cassius Clay was drafted, a Democrat program.

    The Vietnam War was heating up and men were needed.

    He could not get them from the higher up and better off without causing a furore.

    Even back then the Democrats were incompetent.

    The casualty rate among what became known as McNamara’s Morons was 3X among others.

    It was a sin.

    Here’s what happened to Cassius Clay.

    “In 1964, Ali failed the U.S. Armed Forces qualifying test because his writing and spelling skills were sub-standard. With the escalation of the Vietnam War, the test standards were lowered in November 1965[5] and Ali was reclassified as 1-A in February 1966,[6][7] which meant he was now eligible for the draft and induction into the U.S. Army.”

    Why was Cassius Clay trying to qualify for the US Armed Forces in 1964?

    Cassius Clay however had become in 1964 the Champion of the World with his victory over Sonny Liston.

    The letter of the law could not be applied to him.

    He was too privileged.

    The only place that privilege could come into play was the Supreme Court, among the Brethren.

    No one judge could avoid enforcing the letter of the law and take the risk of breaking the law.

    Cassius Clay made his living by beating the brains out of an opponent.

    No one in their right mind could accept he could have been a pacifist.

    The 8 justices of the Supreme Court figured out a way of not applying the letter of the law to Cassius Clay while at the same time appearing to be doing their jobs and taking the high road.

    Here’s a bit about McNamara’s Morons and its place in history.

    It is clear Cassius Clay and 354K others should not have gone to Vietnam but he had to be found a way out.

    After all, he was a money machine!!

    The other 354K were less fortunate.


  32. Remember this from the 60’s

  33. Blacks are always looking for some unity of mankind. But Whites, gay or straight, see race first and so should we, without apology.

  34. If you prefer historians saying the same thing as the song, you can listen to this.

  35. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    What fascinating bedfellows… Mariposa insisting that “Ali use a moral suasion to stand ground and challenge the law…” while John in Mariposa’s defense calls Mariposa crazy by arguing that “No one in their right mind could accept he could have been a pacifist”.
    And then along comes Hal to prod John into making a further fool of himself after John himself proved my point that the Supreme Court reversed his conviction on a point of law, not because they were persuaded by moral arguments.
    BU is so entertaining.

  36. Blah blah blah!

    I am fighting for in Barbadian gays who are mostly black.

    I don’t live in England and I can have no impact there. A white racist gay person is just another racist to me. Just because they are misguided does not change my position on what is right and wrong.

    P.S. I notice those who think they are of superior intellect have now taken to quoting all sorts of theories to complicate the issue. I could pull the books off the bookshelf too but I don’t need to.

    The issue is simple – is the homosexual born homosexual. I say I have met three year olds who display early signs. There is absolutely no evidence that they were trained to be that way. I knew the mothers. They were from two very close knit communities. EVERYBODY KNEW EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS.


    Therefore we must ask – should somebody be discriminated against for the state in which he or she was born?

    Nuh lotta long talk! Nuh distractions!

  37. Cassius Clay got off because he had a skill that would make a lot of people a lot of money.

    The highest level had to do it because the highest level is seldom questioned.

  38. …. and they were Democrats!!

  39. So the point of law also included moral grounds
    Tired of uh smoke and mirrors
    Without probable cause and a foundation to base the case
    The case would have died reason why the Supreme Court intervened

  40. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Mariposa September 23, 2020 10:04 AM
    No Mariposa, wrong again. The Supreme Court ruled ONLY on a point of law that the lower court made a technical error in convicting Ali. They made no ruling at all on the moral grounds of the argument; they reversed Ali’s conviction purely on a technicality. The only smoke and mirrors is in your mind… probable cause has only to do with indictments, not appeals. The case went to the Supreme Court simply because Ali’s lawyers were paid by Ali to appeal to the highest court.
    John has kindly laid out the research for you, although he very unkindly said that you are not in your right mind for believing in Ali’s moral cause.

  41. Peter Laurie article posted on No Referendum blog is a good read.

    Explains the paradox that is Barbados. When it comes to the topic of this blog he days pretty much the same as I did – that wuhnuh too hypocrite!

  42. Says not days – damn phone!

  43. @Donna,

    Unfortunately there are those who get their excitement from nosying about and interfering with the lives of others.

    Why this strange behaviour? No idea, but maybe it is how we was brung up. Who in de big house, who de master soup, and so on.

    Or maybe is de book dat dem beat yuh wid, for being fornicatorous, all the while they committing adultery or watching each odder do it, aka Falwell.

    The point is, is love dat make the wirl go round. Sweet love.

    Alla dem who so righteous appearing, dem is de wurst. Drm is the first to get excited when the that gay scene come on the screen.

    Control. Using guilt as a mechanism, sick.

  44. From same sex unions to same sex marriages
    Slowly the door is being opened
    In all of the back and forth no one speaks about the social or psychological impact on the children lives which will take them into uncharted waters
    Having parents who must explained what this all means

  45. Sorry PLT, it’s all about morals, just different ones from which Mariposa is suggesting.

    Cassius Clay going to Vietnam would have been a waste.

    He would have been 3X as likely to have been killed and if he returned he would probably have returned with injuries.

    His time in Vietnam would have meant it wasn’t available to his handlers to make money and the public to enjoy and chances were he might not return or return with mental and physical injuries and of no use to his handlers.

    In 1964, he seems to have actually attempted to enlist but was refused.

    In 1966 he became a conscientious objector once entry standards had been dropped and he was drafted.

    His handlers obviously ensured his skills were not wasted and facilitation was the order of the day.

    The law really did not matter.

    Whether he actually was a conscientious objector or not was irrelevant.

  46. “Why not see the dispossessed masses of people of Barbados as the ones most worthy of empowerment instead of pouch pickers in whose interests you are making these relentless interventions.”

    Contradictory much?

  47. Throughout this article Quinn is referred to as ‘they/their’ rather than ‘she/her’ to respect their wishes around use of pronouns. Quinn has also dispensed with what they call their “dead” former first name.

    “When I was figuring out who I was, it was really scary and I didn’t really understand if I had a future in football, if I had a future in life.”

    Quinn doesn’t like living in the spotlight. Yet as a professional athlete, it often comes with the territory.

    But little provides a greater platform than sport, and despite being a self-proclaimed introvert, Quinn recognised the power of using that platform and of “being visible”.

    And so, earlier this month, Quinn, a defender for Canada’s women’s football team, publicly came out as transgender.

    “It’s really difficult when you don’t see people like yourself in the media or even around you or in your profession. I was operating in the space of being a professional footballer and I wasn’t seeing people like me,” Quinn tells BBC Sport.

    Quinn, who has five goals and 59 caps for Canada, won Olympic bronze at Rio 2016 and played at the 2019 World Cup.

    The 25-year-old remains eligible to compete in women’s sport despite identifying as transgender because gender identity differs from a person’s sex – their physical biology.

    Most people, unless they’re non-binary, have a gender identity of male or female.

    Quinn was assigned female at birth but after many years of questioning themselves, realised their own gender identity did not match their sex.

    In an exclusive interview, Quinn tells BBC Sport how there are still “spaces of ignorance” in women’s football, their Olympic ambitions, and their concern as sporting governing bodies start to weigh up transgender policies…(Quote)

  48. William Skinner,

    One day I was making my way home after a meeting at my son’s primary school at which one of the three year olds I mentioned before taught. The children loved him as I did when I taught him for three years fron Reception to Infants A. I stopped in the neighbourhood where he lived where I ran into another former student of the school, unemployed and seemingly unemployable. A mini-moke passed by driven by a tourist. They stopped, asking for directions. They ought to be glad I was there because the road was deserted and when they pulled off, having received their directions, there came a comment that chilled me to the bone, “Thank you? I would like to rob yuh!”

    This was the same young man who had just spitefully denounced the hardworking, kind and gentle teacher I had mentioned as, “A stinking buller!”

    Gimme da stinking buller any day of the week!

    I gone!

  49. Breonna Taylor shot 6 times in her bed and dead – no charges

  50. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama September 23, 2020 2:37 PM
    “Breonna Taylor shot 6 times in her bed and dead – no charges”
    Full fledged fascism supported by evil scum like John and GP.

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