A decision by the government to support same sex civil unions with legislation was shared by the government in the much anticipated Throne Speech last week. The government cloaked its support for the decision by promoting Barbados as being “in the vanguard of pioneering social justice, the protection of civil rights and the battle to ensure dignity to the poor, marginalized, vulnerable and dispossessedis prepared to recognize a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender so as to ensure that no human being in Barbados will be discriminated against, in exercise of civil rights that ought to be theirs.”

The government stopped short of also recognizing gay marriage to avoid a battle with the Church and a society happy to be labelled Christian.

It is hardly a secret the blogmaster abhors the homosexual lifestyle. However acceptance across the globe, especially in so called developed countries continues to rise. Using simple natural law theory a man was born with a penis, a woman with a vagina. This makes it self evident what the creator intended. Some will call-out the blogmaster as being overly simplistic and this is fine.

The blogmaster has never gotten tired of David vs Goliath anecdotes. It is the mindset which gave birth to Barbados Underground blog in April of 2007.

If you don’t believe in something, you’ll fall for anything. I believe everything happens for a reason. If you are strong from within, you can will anything. I’m a firm believer that where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Eric Davis

It seems Barbados is about to release the homosexual genie from the proverbial lamp at a time when many countries are still debating the issue. The question that must be asked is why the rush? Is Barbados being forced to prioritise what is rightfully referred to as a wedge issue as a requirement to competitively sell the Barbados Welcome Stamp initiative? Is this a case of Prime Minister Mia Mottley because of an overwhelming mandate from the electorate in 2018 and a predilection for the fairer sex feels now is the time to force the change at this time?

The blogmaster understands we have to treat all citizens equally BUT there is something wrong with same sex relationships.

Barbados is an island built on traditional values, it seems we are about to graft homegrown values with those imported from overseas. How will the propagation work out for us? Only time will tell.

276 responses to “Mottley’s Rush to Legalize Same Sex Union”

  1. I saw a pregnant male seahorse at the seaquarium in Coney Island years ago, the most beautiful thing i have ever seen, and he looked quite happy too…

  2. David
    It is not a choice either. Religion is a RH choice, but it is protected.

  3. The question is if we draw a line in the sand, accept the notion of a third sex, or move with advances in medical sciences and the likelihood of men carrying babies….(Quote)

  4. @Donna and GP

    Now i recall that my mother had a step brother who made the most delicious fishcakes. He died when I was just a child but i still remember the smell and taste of his fishcakes.

    I was not until I was old that am older cousin told me that he was gay. Children don’t think of such things until it is brought to their attention, and as a child it was never brought to my attention. He was a shopkeeper, very dark and handsome and charming, clean shaven, the cleanest whitest apron you ever saw, the cleanest shop too. It was a sure stop for us children on our way home from school

    The patients your mother saw had probably never been advised that they should not let anybody penetrate them without the use of KY Jelly.The doctors and nurses should have so advised.

    Post menopausal women, and women who have had total hysterectomies, KY Jelly for us too.

    And for our elderly partners, Viagra/Cialis etc.

    Nothing at all shameful.

    God made sex because he wanted us not only to reproduce, but he wanted us to be happy.

    Actually he made cocoa, chocolate [but NOT the abomination Horlicks] because he wanted us to be happy in the dining room as well.


  5. PLT 2:15


    If it is bullshit then supply the evidence to show yours, bulling, does not represent a deviation from the time there were humanoids.

  6. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    dear Bajan

    What is a stepbrother?

  7. You guys are hilarious! Wasting so much time and effort fighting a rubber stamping of something you know happens all around you and that you have no choice but to accept.

    The bedroom police without pay.

    Creepy! And futile!


  8. My short attention span ….

    Let me say that we have avoided the rabbit hole and ended up in the xhole.

    Did they call us little England because of our high proportion of homosexuals.

  9. 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

  10. Next up: the normalization of pedophilia and other perverse acts.
    Homosexuality is and will always be an abominable lifestyle choice. No amount of pressure from the LGBTQXYZ lobby and corrupt Western Nations will change that.

  11. peterlawrencethompson September 22, 2020 8:25 AM “The enslavement of African people was promoted, defended, and excused by the Christian Churches for hundreds of years.”

    Not only promoted, defended, and excused, but practised by the Anglican church in Barbados and England as well. Walk 5 miles in any direction in Barbados and there is an Anglican church and an Anglican rectory built and maintained by the hands enslaved people who also did the washing, cooking, cleaning, child minding and yardwork therein. The Anglican priests also owned slaves, because their God said “slaves obey your masters” and men foop your brother’s widows and other such foolishness.

  12. On the 4:30 VOB news the Rev. Dr. Mrs. Pastor Lucille Baird is calling on the government to rescind the legislation being proposed to regularise homosexual civil unions.

  13. Dullard

    Prepare yuh tail for licks from the coalition of spporters of bulling and wicking. Lol

    We see there was a man, Bruce Jenner, who was a man then had a sex change and then became a dominant lesbian. What fookeries.

    This is the shiite these people on bu supporting.

  14. @Vincent Codrington September 22, 2020 4:31 PM “Cuh dear Bajan What is a stepbrother?”

    Your mother’s husband’s son. Your mother’s husband not being your not your father, but your step father. A son born to your mother’s husband by his then girlfriend when he was an unmarried man. My step grandfather was a lovely man. A Panama man. He would go out at Christmastime playing the kettle drum with the “mummers” and they would recite

    I now come from across the river
    And my heart begin to shiver.
    If Mrs. X was a cheerful giver
    She would give me something to cool my liver.

    And then cake and rum and ham etc, and sorrell and such like would be handed out.

    But surely you know this.

    Multiple relationships are commonplace in Barbados, as indeed they are in the rest of the world.

    Many people have children in multiple relationships. His children. Her children. Their children.

    Read the obits in any Sunday Sun for an understanding of the sociology of multiple partnerships.

  15. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama September 22, 2020 4:26 PM
    “If it is bullshit then supply the evidence to show yours, bulling, does not represent a deviation…”
    You are making an elementary logical error. You seem to suggest that because homosexuality is a relatively small minority of the human population therefore it is a “deviation” and should be suppressed. By this logic you would have to stamp out left handers, ambidextrous people, people who are too short, people who are too tall, people with grey hair, people who understand differential calculus… all of those categories are a “deviation” from the norm.

    You don’t have to be afraid of other people just because they differ from you or because they differ from you or from most of society. Homosexual people are simply people… just as Black people are simply people, but there are still many like Trump who refuse to accept the humanity of either Black people or homosexual people. If you scratch a racist you will discover a homophobe. The fact that there is such a huge overlap between racists and homophobes is not accidental; it is because the two conditions are the result of the same moral dysfunction.

  16. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Dullard September 22, 2020 5:00 PM
    “Next up: the normalization of pedophilia and other perverse acts.”
    Pedophilia is a crime against its child victims. It is prevalent in Barbados overwhelmingly among hard back straight men interfering with young girls. These men should be in Dodds.

    Civil unions will do nothing to increase pedophilia, but we need to have a national conversation about how to reduce and then eliminate the plague of men abusing young girls sexually and then acting as if that makes them a “big man.” This evil part of our culture, like so much else, can be traced directly back to the plantation where massa raped every young enslaved girl he could lay his filthy hands on.

  17. In any event if the same sex union becomes law binded to discriminatory practices
    Those whose religious laws and principles differ from the laws of the land can be accused of breaking the law if they choose actions in treating the homosexual which are not in accordance with the laws of the country

  18. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Mariposa September 22, 2020 5:49 PM
    Yes if religious people discriminate against their neighbors in a way that is contrary to the laws of the country they can be accused of breaking the law. It is exactly the same as religious denominations whose interpretation of scripture convinces them that White people are superior to Black people, but if they discriminate in a racist manner contrary to law, then they should face prosecution.

  19. PLT

    We asked that you supply the proofs that bulling and wicking were with us from the beginning. Instead, you have artfully introduced the canard of fear, as a question for us. Otherwise, you later introduced another concept for which we have some sympathy.

    Fear is not our motivation at all. We are motivated, in all things, by a desire to care for nature, as we perceive it. That is, worshipping the Great Mother of us all.

    As a result we don’t eat animals of any types nor do a number of other things inconsistent with our philosophical underpinnings.

    We certainly will strenuously resist any attempts to pressure any groups of people, including LGBTQ people with an emphasis on ‘race first’. However, using the LGBTQ people to cover up long-outstanding social ills, and for political reasons, must to resisted.

    On the question of racism and homophobia we must concede that there is some literature done by industrial psychologists especially after WW2 to suggest such a link.

    Maybe you may wish to consider, instead of creating more social problems like you are attempting to do, try fixing some of the ones already created, like the problem of negative population growth threatening to destroy Barbados.

  20. Once a upon a time a well know man named Cassius Clay made it known that he was not fighting any war for govt
    His argument being based on religious grounds
    Yes he won on religious grounds and the rest is history
    His case was the first known to take on the USA govt on religious laws
    I say the above because govt cannot make or pass a law because govt decides that a practice of discrimination is being done against a group or individuals
    Govt first must make known such findings releasing those findings within the country where the discrimination has or is taking place
    Next as with Cassius Clay he proved that religious grounds cannot be trampled upon in a democracy and can be a mainstay in preventing govt from using the long arm of the justice system against people whose religious actions and principles are founded on the laws of the bible

  21. When I go to BRA to pay my taxes, nobody ever asks me if I am gay or straight; “B” or “D’, from country or town. atheist, agnostic, christian, hndu, muslim, or rastafarian. Nobody even asks if i am black or white, or male or female. The government doesn’t care.

    The simply take my money ad give me a receipt

    The government than takes my money and spends it on gay and straight people, “B’s” and “D’s”, country people anf town people, atheists, agnostics, christians, jews, hindus, muslims, and rastafarians, men and women and children too, and black people and white people

    And you know what?

    i don’t care.

    If the Barbados government has been taking tax money from gay people for hundreds of years, then gay people have the right to be treated the same as any other people.

    Otherwise don’t take the people money and spend it on other people who hold them in contempt..

  22. @ Cuhdear BajanSeptember 22, 2020 3:46 PM
    “I am fine with this as long as wunna men understand that while I am in pain and in quarantine i expect wunna to look after the children as well as i do, without any input from me. Provide me with three well prepared meals each day, that you keep the home clean, not like a pigsty, that you do the laundry, pay the bills as they become due, and that you pay me my standard wages while i am in quarantine.

    I am ready when you are.”

    Very good rebuttal to such a misogynistic ‘command’ from a man-god. For what is good for the goose is just s good for the gander.

    But, but Ms Silly Wo(e)man, it is not the miller who is demanding the Covid-like quarantine period for women who have failed to be fertilized.

    The miller is just repeating what is written in your good book containing the sex rules and regulations for living the Jewish way and issued by your god Yahweh.

    BTW, why are you renouncing your ‘English’ god these days?
    Have you seen the LIGHT revealing the rays of knowledge and wisdom emanating from the Star which gave you your black skin?

  23. “but we need to have a national conversation about how to reduce and then eliminate the plague of men abusing young girls sexually and then acting as if that makes them a “big man. This evil part of our culture, like so much else, can be traced directly back to the plantation where massa raped every young enslaved girl he could lay his filthy hands on.”

    and young boys…these are dirty rapists..there is even info you can get from older folks where the frauds presenting themselves as the political class took young girls to the plantations so that they can sell these children to the scum calling themselves Comissiong’s “planter class”

    ah wonder who these politicians were in the 50s, 60s, 70s??????

    but Karma is marching on the earth…

  24. @ Miller “BTW, why are you renouncing your ‘English’ god these days?”

    Because sweet Miller, I never had an English god.

  25. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Mariposa September 22, 2020 6:17 PM
    “…Cassius Clay made it known that he was not fighting any war for govt […] Yes he won on religious grounds and the rest is history…”
    As usual, Mariposa, you have got your facts wrong. Muhammad Ali’s conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court as a finding of established American law that he was a conscientious objector. That classification has been upheld in many many other cases both before Ali and since.

  26. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama September 22, 2020 6:06 PM
    I am sorry that I misunderstood your comment. I had taken the words “… represent a deviation…” to mean that you were saying that homosexuals were “deviant.”

    Since instead you appear to be asking how I am so sure that homosexuality has been a part of the human experience since the dawn of time, I will answer that. We find evidence of homosexuality in the written records of ancient civilizations as old as we have any records of human civilization. In addition we never come across any human society of significant size where homosexuality is unknown. These facts lead us to deduce that homosexuality has always been part of the human experience.

    The Indigenous peoples of North America have a good track record of taking care of Mother Earth… their cultures respected and even celebrated “two-spirit” people without harming their ability to respect their environment and raise families.

  27. Not going to argue against a person who can twist or shape an issue to fit your purpose
    After using Cassius Clay as an example upon which a person of religious principle has a moral right to fight against the laws of govt
    You actually want to point out that i was wrong
    He won the case eventually
    My point being his religious principles remained intact
    It also open a door for the eventuality that morals based on religious principles can be used as a defensive right to take legal action against govt

    In 1971, in what some considered a surprise decision, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously overturned Ali’s conviction.

  28. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Ali based his case entirely on being a conscientious objector… an established category in American law. He won because the Supreme Court recognised that he had the law on his side.

  29. @ Cuhdear BajanSeptember 22, 2020 6:17 PM
    “If the Barbados government has been taking tax money from gay people for hundreds of years, then gay people have the right to be treated the same as any other people.

    Otherwise don’t take the people money and spend it on other people who hold them in contempt..”

    Well, well, well!

    Only from the mouth of an innocent baby in the arms of the Spirit in the Sky can immaculately come forth such ‘mature’ wisdom!

    Now who can refute what you have just argued; and so convincingly sound?

    Not even the ‘bent’ pastors Atherley & Baird can challenge you, Simple Simon(e) the Bi.

    With that kind of philosophical outlook you would make the ideal candidate to replace ‘RBG’ in order to make the world a better place.

  30. Poor wuhnuh! Next up more racism!

    Well while we are discriminating…..

  31. Now we have a man quoting from a book and thinking he has finished the argument.

    Wuhnuh too funny!


  32. PLT

    Well, you’ve only gone back a few thousand years. To establish such a claim would require we go much further back. The problem is that humanoids were here for nearly 4 million years. And talkiing in generalities wont do. Such claims by you require more proofs not just mere mouthings.

  33. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Pachamama September 22, 2020 7:21 PM
    As you wish. Because we have no evidence from before recorded history, I amend my assertion to read that homosexuality has been part of the human experience since the dawn of recorded history. 😉

  34. If u read Ali comments he specifically states that according to his religious views he could not take up arms to fight another brother or sister

    “My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America,” he had explained two years earlier. “And shoot them for what? They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.”

    It is in the light of my consciousness as a Muslim minister and my own personal convictions that I take my stand in rejecting the call to be inducted. … I find I cannot be true to my beliefs in my religion by accepting such a call. I am dependent upon Allah as the final judge of those actions brought about by my own conscience.”

  35. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Mariposa September 22, 2020 7:35 PM
    All of which is really touching, but if you read the judgement of the Supreme Court you’ll find that they relied 100% on American law to find that the lower court had erred in convicting him when he was clearly a conscientious objector under American law.

  36. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Just so that you know, during WW2 about 45,000 men in the USA (they didn’t put women in combat roles then) were conscientious objectors in the USA. During the Vietnam war there were 171,000 conscientious objectors. Ali had lots of company. He got most of the press mainly because the USA was so racist that they refused him conscientious objector status because he was an uppity Black man. It went all the way to the Supreme Court before they were embarrassed into reversing the racist conviction.

  37. Conscientious objector based ona moral principle which he specifically made mention
    The same way Ali use a moral suasion to stand ground and challenge the law
    The same can be applied to same sex laws which govt implement and expect people of religious principles to withhold
    On that note i rest my case

  38. I am not sure that mariposa knows the difference between her head and her feet.

  39. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    You still don’t get it… Ali did not challenge the conscientious objector law, Ali used the American conscientious objector law as he was entitled to do, and as 171,000 other people did. The only people that broke the law were the lower courts that convicted him illegally.

  40. @ PeterlawrencethompsonSeptember 22, 2020 7:27 PM
    “As you wish. Because we have no evidence from before recorded history, I amend my assertion to read that homosexuality has been part of the human experience since the dawn of recorded history.”

    You should add also that “homosexuality” is also endemically present among our closest relatives in the primate kingdom.

    The bonobo apes are known for their “tri-sexual” (try anything) promiscuity; second only to humans.

    Fortunately for humans, only an insignificant percentage engage in strict homosexuality; hence their global presence making up the largest species of primates on the planet with a dangerously high population of over 7 billion and growing.

  41. Even though i posted what in the first instance was his objection and what it was based for not joining the army u simply ignore the basis of his objection
    I done

  42. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Ahh well… you can lead a fool to data but you cannot make them think…

  43. The only fool here is u
    One can objection to any thing but legally it must be formed out of principle or a basis
    One cannot say to the court look i am a conscientious objector without reason
    Steupse. Now u talk about data what uh need to do is read the case in its entirety
    Again his religious views gave sufficient reason for him to say he was objecting to joining the army
    The lower court did not agree
    However the court did agree on principle that he could object based on his religious views which Ali did make mention of during my interviews
    In the end the supreme court overturn the ruling of the lower court
    On hearing the news Ali thank God and repeatedly stated that it was his duty to stand on morals as guidance to do the right thing
    Btw try not to play dirty yuh not talking to a fool

  44. peterlawrencethompsonSeptember 22, 2020 8:35 PM

    You still don’t get it… Ali did not challenge the conscientious objector law, Ali used the American conscientious objector law as he was entitled to do, and as 171,000 other people did. The only people that broke the law were the lower courts that convicted him illegally.


    Seems a bit more convoluted than that!!

    The black art of the law if you like.

    Some may say he got off because of who he was, kind of like a double standard.

    If you believe Bob Woodward of Watergate fame here is what appears to have happened in the Supreme Court

    “Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong provide an account of the development of the decision in their book The Brethren. According to that account, Justice Marshall had recused himself because he had been U.S. Solicitor General when the case began,[citation needed] and the remaining eight justices initially voted 5 to 3 to uphold Ali’s conviction.

    However, Justice Harlan, assigned to write the majority opinion, became convinced that Ali’s claim to be a conscientious objector was sincere after reading background material on Black Muslim doctrine provided by one of his law clerks.

    To the contrary, Justice Harlan concluded that the claim by the Justice Department had been a misrepresentation.

    Harlan changed his vote, tying the vote at 4 to 4.

    A deadlock would have resulted in Ali being jailed for draft evasion and, since no opinions are published for deadlocked decisions, he would have never known why he had lost.

    A compromise proposed by Justice Stewart, in which Ali’s conviction would be reversed citing a technical error by the Justice Department, gradually won unanimous assent from the eight voting justices.[26]”

    Doesn’t seem to have been a fault of the Court.

    Ex[plains why the vote on Trump’s nominee will take place.

    A tie in the Supreme Court is not good!!

  45. Ptl
    Here is the supreme court reading as to why Ali sentence was overturned

    The case made its way up to the Supreme Court, which ruled in Ali’s favor in an 8-to-0 vote on June 29, 1971. In its decision, the court called the Justice Department “simply wrong as a matter of law” to not consider Ali’s argument that he was a conscientious objector based on his religious beliefs and sincerely held views

  46. “The Brethren is the first detailed behind-the-scenes account of the Supreme Court in action.

    Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong have pierced its secrecy to give us an unprecedented view of the Chief and Associate Justices – maneuvering, arguing, politicking, compromising, and making decisions that affect every major area of American life. ”

    You should read the book although to be honest I have not.


  47. @ PLT
    You’ve been away for a while but you have come back firing on all cylinders.

    As for the issue of values, this is also an arena of struggle. Values are not static and are related to the vision we have of our society. We are living in the old colonial/slavery system with its rotten values of racism, white supremacy and Eurocentrism. How about a new Barbados with humane and just values which is based on recognising and respecting the rights of all human beings. Isn’t that something worth fighting for?

  48. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Wait @John is that you who recently labelled Bob Woodward in effect a has-been, unknown journalist who wasn’t fit to to tie Limbaugh’s shoe-laces ,,, and now you ae quoting him authoritatively re SCOTUS. Well, well..

    Looka de crosses, tho… conniption in de place!

  49. “How about a new Barbados with humane and just values which is based on recognising and respecting the rights of all human beings..”

    the only rights being ignored, disrespected and violated in Barbados are the rights of Black/African people, something must be done about the black faces in the parliament and their minority criminal partners in the business community who continue to practive and promote those human rights violations….it’s time to make an example of each and every one of them for the world to see.

  50. “Wait @John is that you who recently labelled Bob Woodward in effect a has-been, unknown journalist who wasn’t fit to to tie Limbaugh’s shoe-laces ,,, and now you ae quoting him authoritatively re SCOTUS. Well, well..”.

    The guy is a troll.

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