There was a time – and it still is for many – the popular management instruction was that the sole purpose of a business was to create shareholder value. For this reason financial institutions and others for decades have used this single performance indicator to determine the success of the business.

In recent years a more enlightened management theory promoted is that a company must balance the needs of ALL stakeholders which include customers, employees, suppliers and the community it serves. However from observation such a noble position is practised in the breech.

The bottomline is that business owners everywhere have expectations largely influenced by the size of the profit margin and all the flowery language in management text books will not change the thinking. Milton Friedman’s hypothesis that the only responsibility of a business is to utilize its resources to increase profits mindful of operating within the law is alive and well decades later.

In a COVID 19 world the operating and business models have been significantly compromised given the unprecedented prevailing environment. Very few companies have been unaffected. The sorry state of affairs can be confirmed in the local landscape by reviewing unaudited statements of accounts of public companies published to date. If local blue chip companies are failing to perform in the current environment what does it mean for small and medium sized businesses?

From all reports the most optimistic projection is that an effective COVID 19 treatment or vaccine will be available in early 2021. How the vaccine is distributed will then have to be prioritized. It may take several months for mass production to ramp up and distributed across the globe. The point therefore – when a vaccine is developed AND the time it takes to be distributed has implications for service and tourism dependent economies like Barbados.

At the last report Barbados is operating at 5% tourism traffic with 40 thousand unemployment claims reported to have been submitted to the NIS – the solvency of the scheme is content for another blog. The harsh reality is that in an environment of uncertainty business owners cannot effectively and effectively plan. Very few businesses after more than 10 years operating in a depressed market have access to the cash flow to ride out a protracted period of low sales activity. It means as a country we will have to find a way to stoke the circular economy. This will present a huge challenge given the fragile state of the local economy.

Surprising on an island that boast about the effectiveness of the tripartite arrangement. Head of the BCCI called out government this week. The Barbados Workers Union called out retail players. The Opposition parties and partisans to be expected are calling out government. The usual…

In this very challenging environment, Barbados continues to make good progress in implementing its ambitious and comprehensive economic reform program, while expanding critical investments in social protection. International reserves, which reached a low of US$220 million (5-6 weeks of import coverage) at end-May 2018, are now in excess of US$1 billion. All indicative targets for end-June under the EFF were met. The targets for international reserves, net domestic assets and the primary balance were met with some margin, which bodes well for meeting the end-September EFF targets.

IMF Staff Concludes Virtual Visit to Barbados

The parliament of Barbados is scheduled to resume on September 15, 2020 after prorogation. All of Barbados anticipate government’s strategy to lead the country in the short and long term will be made known when the Governor General delivers the Throne Speech. What this blogmaster knows is that once COVID 19 exist and global travel remains a trickle earning foreign exchange in the short to medium term will be impossible in significant amounts. A plan how we produce and consume must be high on the agenda. COVID 19 confirmed what many have been advocating for a long time. We need to fashion an economic model that is sustainable given the means of production located in our domain.

It is not all doom and gloom as the recent IMF Staff report concludes. We are meeting targets!

364 responses to “Barbados Economy… Next Steps”

  1. @ Greene

    You are right. The trade unionists have gone native. They are mesmerised b y being party of the so-called Social Partnership and getting telephone calls from the president. They do not understand that is her modus operandi. Her art of seduction.
    But, as Prescod has experienced, she can also spew you out.

  2. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Tron
    You wrote:” August 29, 2020 8:16 PM

    @ Greene August 29, 2020 7:31 PM

    Here at BU we speak anonymously. So you may openly admit that there is a huge void behind Big Sinck´s forehead. Of course, no one expects him to understand the state finances – except the naive masses who elected him.

    The last one to enthusiastically praise Big Sinck on BU is now sitting in the USA with an electronic anklet, waiting for the verdict on his prison sentence…”

    I respectfully ask you: Does this reasoning apply to Prime Minister Mia Mottley, who put him on her high powered Economic Council, that is supposed to guide the country through these difficult times ?

  3. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal,
    You wrote:” But, as Prescod has experienced, she can also spew you out.“

    And this morning I wrote that Comrade Prescod is now the Prime Ministers special envoy for a number of areas. He seems to have accepted whatever she fished out to him.
    I don’t know about you but Comrade Prescod after all the talk about white shadows and so appears very happy at this point. Some has mastered the art of running with the hare and hunting with the hound. It’s extremely disingenuous to pretend that you are doing certain tasks to help the masses when in fact you are simply acting out of political and economic survival.

  4. William Skinner Avatar

    Should be read not wrote. My apologies.

  5. seems like Prescod has been bought

  6. If COMRADE Prescod was bought who does it reflect more poorly on?

  7. @ William Skinner August 30, 2020 11:58 AM

    It is the high art of statesmanship to deny all responsibility of our beloved government für the present state of Barbados and all other things going on here. Our leader Mia Mottley has appointed Big Sinck to the Council for the following reasons (according to my reading):

    First, to avoid discrimination against the challenged.

    Second, to blame the opposition for the economic and social catastrophe.

    Third, to promote Big Sinck’s re-election to parliament. A parliamentarian called Big Sinck has two advantages for the BLP: He stirs up the masses’ hatred against the DLP and he satisfies all the prejudices of the minorities in Barbados. It would be a masterstroke to simultaneously incite the majority and minorities against the same party and its representatives.

    In either case, Big Sinck is a useful chess piece on our leader’s chessboard. He just has to be careful not to end up with a state funeral like OSA … …. ….

  8. Q If COMRADE Prescod was bought who does it reflect more poorly on?

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ GP at 1:00 PM
    I agree.That is good economics.The vendor and the vendee always have a need to be satisfied and at a price. I think it is the price that is the concern for most commenters.

  10. @ Vincent

    Look stop dressing it up! We want the price net of “negotiation fees.”😂

  11. Vincent Codrington August 30, 2020 1:48 PM

    @ GP at 1:00 PM
    I agree.That is good economics.The vendor and the vendee always have a need to be satisfied and at a price. I think it is the price that is the concern for most commenters.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John A at 1 :37 PM

    I know. You are a typical Bajan. Always wanting to know the Political Class’ public , I mean , private business. Lol !!!
    John A ,we need a sense of humour to survive this situation. Like Donna and David BU , some days I cannot make up my mind whether to laugh or cry. But we are here and we have to hold up our end of the bargain.


  14. @ Vincent

    Is is always hard for some to accept and understand major economic change. If you listen to many public commments they see this as a economic cloud that will blow over. Few want to accept it for what it is which is the new global economy. The sooner we accept it as that and plan to operate under its restraints, the sooner we can move forward.

  15. wait, wait, wait…did Mia tell Black Bajans anything about this 10 point reparations plan including FUNDING FOR REPATRIATION BACK TO AFRICA……well I tell you….she knows she can’t carry any tiefing, crooked minorities, right…and if she allow them to tief a dime of it, both she and them are GOING TO PRISON…how the hell to these halfwit leaders make up these things and SAY NOTHING TO THE AFRICAN DESCENDED POPULATION.

    I gotta think about what scam is being pulled on the people now with this FB post…

  16. Did any of the governments in the Caricom group discuss any of this with the Black populations FIRST…..instead of people learning about it on FB.

    “The CARICOM Ten Point Plan for reparations. Barbados has lead responsibility for reparations and PM Mia Mottley chairs the Prime Ministerial Sub Committee on Reparations in CARICOM.”

  17. So, does that mean that we won’t hear what he has to tell us? 😊
    A special Envoy? Not quite happy days are here again….
    Um too sweet

  18. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John A at 2 :28 PM

    .That has been my observation as well. It depends on which narratives they hear more often and who is promoting it. Do not worry. This is the process through which changes take place. Some of us are visionnary; and some of us are dreamers.
    David Bu asked for a disruption. He received his wish…. his tipping point . But he forgot to send his messengers ahead to prepare the way. Lol.!!
    As for Pacha , he is at the fork of the road with a rusty &%$#@, old guilotine looking for Queen Antoinette. Lol!!!.
    Wuh Loss!!

  19. @Sargeant

    Ask COMRADE William.

  20. @Vincent

    Have to say for a old fellow you bowling with speed today! 😂

    Seriously though as much as the politicians and unions dont want to have the discussion, it must happen so they could as well brace for it. So I say left out all de longtalk and answer this one little question posed by a one door shop keeper in the bush.


    Could dear i give wunna my vote answer muh please.

  21. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    In relation to Comrade Prescod’s appointment ……. you said to ask Comrade William
    Here is my response:
    “A wise old owl lived in an oak;
    The more he saw the less he spoke;
    The less he spoke the more he heard:
    Why can’t we all be like that bird?
    Edward Hersey Richards

  22. @William

    Here we go round the mulberry bush The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush Here we go round the mulberry bush…

  23. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John A at 3:06 PM

    You are too impatient. You will get a synopsis in the Throne Speech. In the following days the fully re-calibrated Strategies will be rolled out. By the way did you communicate your inputs complete with spread sheets , since you are an accountant? GP told me so on another blog. I was minding my business and he wanted to know if I was an Acontomist. I have not replied yet.

  24. He accepted a giant ass muzzle….steupps…jokers.

    Can’t wait to hear details of the 10 point reparations plan…especially #2…funding for repatriation to Africa…lawd..

    looks like I unleashed a beast with that petition…lol.

  25. @ Critical Analyzer

    I believe it would be helpful if an individual had all the relevant information before commenting on any issue.

    The BYD buses were designed according to TB’s specifications, which included provisions to accommodate individuals with disabilities. That’s one of the reasons why both doors are wider, so as to facilitate wheel chairs. So, I’m prepared to give the Board’s personnel ‘the benefit of the doubt.’

    BM112, a 2000 Mercedes-Benz Busscar Urbannus, for example, was the only one of “our normal buses” that was designed to accommodate wheel chairs. If you examine its interior, you would notice the seating capacity was significantly smaller when compared with the other Busscars.

    As such, I don’t believe seating capacity is as big an issue as you’re making it out to be.

    And, according to TB, the new units will be used to service urban districts, short-haul and the ‘by-pass’ routes, while the older units will service the rural, long-haul routes.

    How about, as John A suggested, looking at subtracting diesel and maintenance savings (e.g. replacing transmissions, engines, etc) over the operational life of each bus, “from the purchase price, so as to arrive at the net true cost.”

    The buses were in operation for a few days. Perhaps we should give TB more time, before ‘nit picking’ and being overly critical

  26. @ Vincent

    I tell you already i am a one door shop keeper in the bush that could add and subtract little bit. Lol

  27. @ vincent

    Also what you want to know bout how i does spread my sheets for? I does put on the fitted sheet first then i does spread the top sheet on top it so it dont show no wrinkles! What other spreadsheet a shop keeper like me could know bout?😂

  28. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John A
    I mean the Excel spread sheets that you were pivoting the other day to calculate the fiscal space created by the restructuring of National Debt. And later on the BOSS forced saving scheme.

  29. @ Vincent

    Oh dat spreadsheet!

    The results of that exercise has proven un-conclusive based on a lack of factual input data and a clear understanding of what de ass fiscal space is! Also even if such a thing existed, without knowing the achieved net gain from ” de boss ting” the results would prove erroneous. In bajan parlance see the below.

    I dont know what de ass fiscal space is and nobody cant tell me the economic gain from de boss plan so i dun wid dat! Lol

  30. Fiscal space should be familiar to economists in our company.

  31. Ha ha ha! Laughter is the best medicine! You guys are funny sometimes.

  32. @ david

    Yes and how does one determine fiscal stability in a recession with a newly implemented and untested program known as boss?

    The parameters needed to arrive at this pie in the sky thing are both unstated and absent. Also what is the formula for calculating fiscal space? In other words where is the below?

    FS= A+BXC / X-Z%

    In my view in our case it was just a phrase pulled from a hat. Had the reporters at the time asked him to define the formula for calculating fiscal space and give us a number based on our current economy, what you think they would of got?


  33. @John A

    Ask the economist in our company, they have made a science from creating ASSumptions.


  34. @ John A

    The availability of budgetary sources is often loosely called ‘fiscal space’. However, fiscal space is a complex concept, with multiple definitions and indicators used in the literature. ….(Quote)

    It is like beauty, in the eye of the beholder.

  35. @David

    I have heard that phrase being bandied about by many here and abroad, but never have i heard anyone quantify it or share with us the formula for calculating it. Lol

    In my thinking a line item can only be quantified by a formula. So a simple example would be net profit= gross profit- expenses.

    If you cant tell me the globally acceptable formula for arriving at it, then its just another pie in the sky phrase that is unsubstantiated. I mean i know politicians good at that cause my favourite statement from one was this ” we will continue to focus on financial restraint while concentrating on economic growth.” What de rass I hearing, so we ” going put de car in reverse and go forward fast.” 😂

  36. @ Hal

    Oh i see so so it like the debt restructuring net savings then? All in the eyes of who looking at it.

    What de ass i hearing this evening at all Hal. So if I was to send your buddies at the FT we last budget them could not quantify we “fiscal space” then cause it is a constantly moving gold post? Then we got to look at we actual achieved financial position to arrive at it to. So how a man could speak of fiscal space in the absence of such information? After all the information he need would not be available for months.

    Anyhow tomorrow i going in the bank and tell them because of a lack of my fiscal space i want debt forgiveness! I know all like now you laughing at my tail down black rock for ” mental surveillance.”

  37. @ John A

    It is mumbo jumbo, voodoo economics, waffle. They get away with it because the journalists do not know what they are talking about. If a man with a PhD in economics tells you about fiscal space, and a Professor says yes, that is right.
    How can a young reporter, without even elementary economics have the confidence to ask what is that? Even the well-paid academics run away from the question.

  38. RE I know all like now you laughing at my tail down black rock for ” mental surveillance.”

  39. @ Hal

    In my world something of a financial nature can only exist if supported by a globally accepted formula. So to confirm ” fiscal space” in a discussion, this can only be entertained if it can be substantiated in the above manner.

    Yes you are right that reporters dont have the basic knowledge to challenge such statements, but they are those at UWI who do. All they needed to do was ask that the fiscal space be quantified by a number and working formula. Had that been done the phrase would of died as quick as it was born, we both know that.

  40. @GP

    lord i standing far from there!

  41. @ William Skinner August 30, 2020 12:05 PM

    Almost all politicians worldwide are for sale. So Presscott is no exception, but only confirms the rule.

    So he has rejoined the ranks and is again a puppet of the High Lords of the Island. We laugh. Obviously Presscott is financially broke and urgently needs the money.

    Why should the true masters of this island take such politicians seriously? Nelson will still look down on the Barbadian masses in a thousand years.

  42. @John A

    Is it the politicians or economists using the jargon fiscal space. In the context of BOSS it was used to explain the rationale for the option. What we need to hear is how much of the public wage bill is now deferred and the stasus of governments capital works plan.

  43. @David August 30, 2020 5:05 AM

    The report is once again proof that men in the Caribbean suffer from a euphemism neurosis. Where Chinese, Americans and Europeans talk about shit, they talk about gold.

    Of course, Barbados will go bankrupt again in a few years and go through an IMF program for the fifth time. However, this is not the fault of our great government, but of the people, who are not willing to learn and sacrifice enough.

  44. I think the CB gov had explained what is meant by fisical space

    Watch the recording

  45. This remind me of the same Two jokers conversation about the debt restructuring and the natural disaster . Clause

  46. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    All sciences are based on or start with assumptions . In the process of time supportive evidence will prove the assumptions right or wrong AND very often for a season. Strange to you ;but true. I did not have to research “fiscal space”. Words get their meanings from context. From the context I knew the idea he meant to communicate. COVID – 19 is a creation in Biological science. “And what ever name man gave them that was their names ” Sounds familiar?

  47. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    Do you understand why I am promoting the idea of having our children back in school. Imagine them reading this stuff on their laptops? Confusion galore. After 60 years of free secondary and tertiary education,is this an acceptable output? And yes, I will continue to support assessment tests. They are incentives for our youth to learn. not care if they get 30% or 100 % . I want them to be given the opportunity to acquire the skills of literacy and numeracy.

  48. NorthernObserver Avatar

    You should research it and discover the many definitions. The one from the OECD is very special.

  49. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Northern Observer at 9 :04 PM
    Thanks for the suggestion.Would you please share the special definition of the term “fiscal space” as used by the OECD?
    Normally words do take their meanings from the context in which they are used. I read for meaning. I listen so that I may understand what the author means to communicate. If I am not sure I ask. Words are for communication between humans, not to obfuscate. In the case under review I believed 90% of persons who heard understood. The nickpickers and noisemakers formed the other 10 %.

  50. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ NO
    On the other hand ,some may argue that no fiscal space was created and that it was a delusion. That is a rational and acceptable response but a different issue. I am one of those who think there is none. I use” rocket science” or rather the mathematics used by the theoretical physicists from NASA that came to Wall Street. John A used his Excel spread sheet and came to the same conclusion. He does not admit it though. He went down the rabbit hole with David BU.
    “Rocket science ” is the term David BU uses when he disagrees violently with my positions.

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