Submitted by Pachamama

By the end of the business day, Thursday 27 August 2020, political history of the world would have been written by one Donald Trump. This grifter would have achieved total and unquestioned controlled over the Republican National Convention (RNC) apparati and inserted his brand in such a way that there would be no recognizable differences between man, family and party. The former Republican Party would have become an integral part of the ‘family businesses.

The current coming-out ‘party’ convention has been so organized so that not a whisper of dissent could be given voice. Every ‘man jack’ chosen to speak was to be a reliable Trumpeter. Only Hitler was this exacting. Dissidents were either skillfully sidelined, assigned to the political wilderness in search of uncertain futures or made to join the growing numbers of ‘never-Trumpers’ in groups like the Lincoln Project, in exile as outside supporters of Joe Biden, a man who himself, is less than compos mentis.

As Trump plays for keeps, the clear intention is the deployment of the party organization for the maximization of personal and generational wealth. He and he alone must be the richest man in the world. This is Trump’s personal party! This is all happening, while the Democratic congressional leadership is running around talking about passing this bill, and that bill. But none of this matters to Trump. For Trump, they provide good cover for him to reshape the political structure, under their feet, and in his own image, his brand. The Republican leadership, on the other hand, has been mere lapdogs to this new ‘King’ of America!

We would be unsurprised should Trump emerge from this convention gaining the added bonus of reducing the margins between himself and Biden, a post-convention bounce. This is the normal bounce expected, which Biden failed to obtain from his own theatrical displays of last week.

At the end of the day we would fail to see, if Trump is as successful as we assess he will be, the circumstances under which the current political duopoly formations could resist the type of transformation similar to that as imposed on the Whig Party of the early 19th century. The real question here is whether the Republican Party, as we have known it, is now dead or not? Given demography, some may wonder how it could have existed for so long. History may find that this has been achieved through systemic electoral fraud. This is a history of fraud with which the Democratic Party (DNC) has willingly colluded to ensure that the status quo is maintained.

Trump must be well-pleased with himself for getting away with the incessant moral and legal challenges he has mounted to the system. For example, no president has thus far, been subjected to an impeachment conviction but continued to successfully seek the party’s banner in a coming election. But nobody even mentions this fact. Such is the gravamen of existential challenges to the duopoly as presented by Trumpism.

Maybe, he was right when he voiced his truism that the president’s power is ‘total’. Evidently, his most loyal supporters, the fascist-Christian-evangelicals; court systems well populated by Trump loyalists; that critical mass of Euro-Americans whose every sinew is racist; the silent corporate elites who support both duopoly factions; and a bevy of supine congressmen and senators are now well-prepared to set-sail any remaining notions about ‘democracy’, ‘liberty’, ‘freedom’ down the Potomac River. The Potomac two-step on full display!

Trump has instilled such a perverse party ‘discipline’ that a Martian visiting Earth and landing on this convention would not believe that there is currently a pandemic and that north of 200,000 Americans, based on excess deaths statistics, lay dead. Even as a coterie of buffoons feels confident enough to compel a populace to believe that what is real is indeed fiction and that fiction is reality. Oh, where is George Orwell when needed most!

Internationally, the Dictator-in-Chief has wielded his fascist powers with ruthless efficiency. We could list the countries. They include Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, Belarus, Palestine, Syria and more. In the case of Guyana he, with hidden hands, was able to deploy CARICOM and the OAS to overturn an election and install the PPP on the basis that one of his associates in Washington was a paid consultant to the Jagdeo gang. What is currently happening at the so-called Republican National Convention has more to do with the future of empire and the fortunes of the Caribbean than anything happening in this region currently.

Of course, we expect Trump will be the next president. This we see as highly possible regardless to who wins the most votes, who gains the larger number of delegates in the Electoral College or what the exit-polling may suggest. A Biden victory will merely delay the inevitable. The American fascist dictator has already laid the predicate in order to question any adverse result. Before that, we are guaranteed an enhanced panoply of uniquely American electoral fraudulent measures, maybe by both sides, measures already in play. Will CARICOM and the OAS interfere like they did in Guyana or Bolivia?

Even if by some miracle Biden were to win, it would be another significant hurdle to get Trump out of the White House, physically. Biden is wrongly persuaded that the military brass will expel Trump under these circumstances. Given recent events outside this very White House and the irrational refusal of all elements of the military to arrest Donald Trump and subject him to a military tribunal on treason charges, we are not inclined to concur with Biden.

Trump has never followed any tradition or lawful requirement. He breaks more laws before breakfast that the criminals in his dungeons, it has been said. Also, he is much too fearful of going to jail, like he must, if a sense of political decency is to be re-established in Washington DC. We are therefore left to loiter on the good graces of ordinary citizens in an unlikely quest of removing a political carbuncle from the body politic.

We have been reminded that the Constitution requires the Speaker of the House, Pelosi, to assume the interim-presidency should there be long-lasting election uncertainty going beyond January 20th, 2021, as Trump is threatening with blatant interference in the USPS. But even if it were to come to this, we would fail to see any circumstances where the incumbent, Donald J. Trump would recognize her (Pelosi’s) existence. He may even have her arrested should she venture anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The fatal flaw is the American political culture requiring the presumptive loser to accept defeat will serve merely to ignite deeper social discord and further the aims of the fascists. This is an environment Trump lives for and is clearly willing to ignite a civil war if necessary.

The classical definition of fascism has been the conjoining of political and economic forces, an unholy alliance. However, what we see emerging here through the use of processes to further disempower the masses and enrich the few is a more virulent formation than understood by the traditional definition. Lewis and Long argued well that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag. However, this writer is still left in wonderment that such a monster, from the cesspool of American fascism, would arise in our own lifetimes, at the centre of empire, even as we have always been acutely aware of the very nature of American political culture, which has always been fascistic at its core. We are left to wrestle with the internal contradictions.

1,398 responses to “Fascism – The Capture of the Republican Party by TRUMP”

  1. @John September 14, 2020 10:25 AM “only a lunatic would support Biden and I have not got there …. yet!!.”

    Some people who have know you from childhood seem to think otherwise.

  2. Don running out of campaign funds

  3. The economy

  4. Hypocrisy at its best

  5. Sarge

    He is getting all the campaign ads he could ever want for free.

    Americans have a simple choice and they will make it.

    The worser it gets the greater Trump’s win.

  6. Trumpers know how to take advantage of the stupid voters.

    We are going to win this because when the Democrats talk policy and helping people, Trump just does a rant and the numbnuts listen.

    That us why he chose the Republican supporters, because most are as thick as two short planks. Just nention the word immigrant and we got their vote.

    Total numbnuts. We are going to win this election, drop taxes for our rich friends even more, take away more social benefits and the sane ones we take benefits from, will still support us.

    Lesson from Trump, how to tell people to shove it and make them like it.

    Numbnuts!! Too easy!!!

  7. So much for BLM!!

    These geniuses are blocking access to the emergency room of a hospital.


    Don’t have to be a genius to figure out what will happen.

  8. Under control

  9. Se of these people were following the path laid by Herman Cain

  10. Governor of Nevada will have to prosecute him I guess for breaking regulations!!!!

    It was a rollicking rally too!!

  11. Lets see, 3 deaths day before and 4 yesterday, the Governor can claim like Chicken Little that the sky is falling and now the COVID deaths are rising in Nevada.

    Just needs to go looking for Turkey Lurkey, sorry Sarge!!

    Total deaths in Nevada at 1,456 to date.

    1,456 out of 198,975 supposed COVID deaths in the US

    Let’s see that’s about how much percent?

    Looks like 0.73%!!!!

    Over to you Turky Lurky!!

  12. JohnSeptember 14, 2020 8:54 PM Governor of Nevada will have to prosecute him I guess for breaking regulations!!!!It was a rollicking rally too!!


    Not a problem. When we win again, Trump will take away all power from the Governors and place it in the White House, let Ivanka or Jared be Governor Supreme, and we will rule the USA from there. This includes all of the budgets. So the individual states will have no say in spending.

    Great stuff.

  13. CrusoeSeptember 15, 2020 12:45 AM


    That’s Democrat thinking … the old power trip!!!

    But who knows?

    It is more likely that come November the Governor will lose his powers when he resigns as required and the people will elect an alternative.

    They may even change their representatives in the US Congress!!

    “Nevada, a swing state, bucked the trend in 2016. That was when Nevada chose Hillary Clinton for president, when Democrats flipped the state legislature from red to blue and when the state delivered the first Latina senator to Washington D.C.”

  14. All that will remain to be seen after November 2020 is whether the Democrats accept the results of elections or not as was the case in 2016.

    You sure you are not a Democrat?

    Sure sounds that way!!

  15. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, some days ago you posted about POTUS using some military action to gain more support towards election victory … and despite that being a standard presidential election cliche it seems some folks want to actually take you up on that!

    The news this week that Iran wants to retaliate with a US high-profile assassination who in this case is a Trump BFF (one of his big donor Ambassadors) is madness playing to that narrative.

    Ideally Iran realizes that any such action would do nothing more by get a powerful US reaction and likely propel this man back into the WH … if they are looking for an excuse to scuttle the Israeli-UAE-Bahrain accord then I suppose such action as an instigation to POTUS guaranteed aggressive response leading to open hostilities is their perfect geopolitical MADNESS !

    And then for this madman to ADMIT that he was talked down by Gen Matthis from an assassination attempt on Syria’s Assad is unhinged explosive electioneering …. It’s amazing how effective con-men are at contrasting THEIR absurdities as rational and demonizing the reason of those opposed to their madness.


    199,861 Americans dead of COVID19

    861 of that number died today

    14,123 Americans in serious or critical condition

    27,895 newly infected Americans

    2,524,869 Americans currently infected

    For every million Americans, 20,450 have been infected

    603 Americans per million people have died of Covid19


    7 Bajans dead of COVID19

    No Bajans died of Covid19 today, not even John

    No Bajans in serious or critical condition today, not even John. We are taking good care of John, even though he imagines that we hate him.

    No newly infected Bajans today, not even John, who is taking care of himself when he goes out by ALWAYS wearing a mask.

    11 active cases in Barbados today, mostly or entirely foreigners. But as far as we know John is not one of the infected, because we take care of him, and he also takes care of himself by always wearing a mask when he goes out.

    637 for every million Bajans [if we had a million people] 637 have been infected.

    24 Bajans per million [if we had a million people] have died of Covid19, John is not one of the dead, even though he hates us, we have been taking good care of him by always wearing our masks when we go out, and regularly washing our hands with soap and warm water. When there is no soap and water we use hand sanitizer. We keep our physical distance too, especially from John, but that part is very, very, very easy.

  17. And John and his white supremacist cohorts have had to invent a new word, casedemic to explain the near 200,000 dead Americans, and the tens of thousands more who will soon die of covid19


    And John and his white supremacist cohorts have had to invent a new word, casedemic to explain the MORE THAN 200,000 dead Americans, and the tens of thousands more who will soon join the 200,178 already dead

  19. Casedemic is not invented by me!!

    I found it in general usage on the internet!!

  20. JohnSeptember 15, 2020 10:08 PM

    Casedemic is not invented by me!!

    I found it in general usage on the internet!!


    It’s the scientists who use the term!!

  21. “Swine Flu Fears Lead to the Ludicrous
    The world is taking the danger represented by swine flu seriously with measures in place across the globe to prevent the spread of the virus. Some efforts, though, have bordered on the absurd.”

    Same thing 11 years ago!!

    After the epidemic passed a casedemic followed!!

    Google der spiegel swine flu

    Here are some examples

    Reconstruction of a Mass Hysteria: The Swine Flu Panic of … › International › World
    Mar 12, 2010 – Swine flu kept the world in suspense for almost a year. A massive vaccination campaign was mounted to put a stop to the anticipated pandemic …

    Growing Doubt Among Experts: Is Swine Flu Really a … › International › World
    Oct 28, 2009 – But the inoculation jabs are proving so effective and the disease is so mild in most cases that experts have their doubts about whether swine flu …

    Epidemic of the Absurd: Swine Flu Fears Lead to the … – › International › World
    May 5, 2009 – Over two dozen people died in Mexico from swine flu, caused by the H1N1 virus, and the illness continues to spread elsewhere with hundreds …

  22. How do we know the Spanish Flu pandemic has ended?

  23. No.

    It is widely used by white, right wing, conspiracy theorists, science denying, Trump supporting websites.

    nAd their drones.

    People like you.

  24. John

    Explain why Canada has had 243 deaths per million people; and the U.S. has had 604 deaths per million people.

    And why Canada has had 243 infections per million people, while the U.S. has had 3,671 infections per million people.

  25. Correction:


    Explain why Canada has had 243 deaths per million people; and the U.S. has had 604 deaths per million people.

    And why Canada has had 3671 infections per million people, while the U.S. has had 20,483 infections per million people.

  26. Cuhdear BajancSeptember 15, 2020 11:08 PM



    Explain why Canada has had 243 deaths per million people; and the U.S. has had 604 deaths per million people.


    Apples and oranges.

    Do you know if the two countries categorise deaths the same way?

    Of course not.

    BTW, Peru has over 900 deaths per million!!

  27. John September 15, 2020 11:19 PM “Apples and oranges. Do you know if the two countries categorise deaths the same way? Of course not. BTW, Peru has over 900 deaths per million!!”

    In fact both Canada and the USA categorise deaths the same way.

    And don’t go dragging any Peruvian red herring over the triai.

    My question to you still is:

    Explain why Canada has had 243 deaths per million people; and the U.S. has had 604 deaths per million people.

    And why Canada has had 3671 infections per million people, while the U.S. has had 20,483 infections per million people.

  28. Cuhdear BajancSeptember 15, 2020 11:08 PM

    And why Canada has had 3671 infections per million people, while the U.S. has had 20,483 infections per million people.


    The PCR test picks up if you have COVID or if you once upon a time had Covid …. or a virus with a similar DNA as COVID.

    Chinese New Year placed hundreds of thousands of people in US cities, especially New York, in close proximity, nothing comparable in Canada.

    It was followed by the pre Lenten celebrations, Mardi Gras, in New Orleans.

    Look at infections in states where these activities occurred and they should have high infection rates.

    For this simple reason you would naturally expect the US to have more infections than Canada, and by far.

    The more testing that is done the more “infections” will be found but the number of infections that occurred in January, February , Mach etc cannot be determined and more than the number of infections in September can.

    How many of the 20,483 infections are infections from six months ago?

    You understand?

  29. This is too simple!!

  30. Black people were the original people God’s children Out of Africa which means there is a little bit of black DNA inside everyone which is called their Soul, which dances to the sound of an African Drum with repetitive beats in Soul Music.
    Humans mated with Neanderthals to make white people. If Jesus was then Son of God then Mary must be a Goddess.
    GP the Dicky Dicky Doctor should explain the nitty gritty of how she was impregnated with God’s spunk and not the 82 year old Carpenter who stated in King Herod’s census that he was the father of her first born child.

    If I was a Carpenter,
    and you was a lady,
    would you marry me anyway,
    would you have my baby?

    ▶ Carpenter

    John the deluded thinks his bloodlines to the white man his slaver grandfather is genetically superior to his black DNA.

  31. Amerikkka is prejudiced against Woman leaders, so Dems are using bait and switch to ensure Kamalla is it’s original woman leader, the first like grandmaster flash and not that bitch Ivanka. It’s a Cat Fight not a Dog Fight folks.

  32. You got it yet?

    The data are flawed.

    To understand what is going on you have to remove the signal from the noise.

    George Floyd is the perfect example.

    He had COVID and had taken a fatal dose of fentanyl before he got out of his car as ordered by the officers.

    If he had never encountered an officer he would be dead.

    The fatal dose of fentanyl would have killed him …. that’s why it is called fatal!!

    But when he died and it was known he had COVID-19 his death would have been listed as being due to COVID.

    There’s $$$ in treating COVID.

  33. Look at the excess deaths.

    This is the best way of of removing the wheat from the chaff, the signal from the noise.

  34. The countries that have that data are the countries that need to be analysed if you want to understand what went on and is going on.

  35. Are you any closer to understanding why the term casedemic has been coined?

  36. The classification of deaths due to COVID is strongly influenced by $$$

  37. COVID stopped hospitals performing elective procedures and denied them a revenue stream.

    That’s another factor!!

  38. Wow! John is getting worse. Not just shitting like a duck anymore but a duck with diarrhoea.

  39. So, Simple,

    Did you figure it out yet?

    Axe me questions I got answers!!

  40. John,

    CuhDear, ten posts today and only one reply? People don’t care about this anymore, they are onto the throne speech.

    Enjoy yuhself.

  41. DonnaSeptember 16, 2020 9:54 AM Wow! John is getting worse. Not just shitting like a duck anymore but a duck with diarrhoea.

    Alla wunnah left him all alone with his wild thoughts on Trump. Cuh dear.

  42. The herd is confused

  43. @Crusoe September 16, 2020 5:38 PM “CuhDear, ten posts today and only one reply? People don’t care about this anymore, they are onto the throne speech. Enjoy yuhself.”

    Dear Donna: I spent 3 hours working in my garden. Came in cooked myself some cou-cou and fish. Spent a few hours working on a volunteer project. All in all a wonderful day. Had no time to waste with John.

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