Submitted by Pachamama

By the end of the business day, Thursday 27 August 2020, political history of the world would have been written by one Donald Trump. This grifter would have achieved total and unquestioned controlled over the Republican National Convention (RNC) apparati and inserted his brand in such a way that there would be no recognizable differences between man, family and party. The former Republican Party would have become an integral part of the ‘family businesses.

The current coming-out ‘party’ convention has been so organized so that not a whisper of dissent could be given voice. Every ‘man jack’ chosen to speak was to be a reliable Trumpeter. Only Hitler was this exacting. Dissidents were either skillfully sidelined, assigned to the political wilderness in search of uncertain futures or made to join the growing numbers of ‘never-Trumpers’ in groups like the Lincoln Project, in exile as outside supporters of Joe Biden, a man who himself, is less than compos mentis.

As Trump plays for keeps, the clear intention is the deployment of the party organization for the maximization of personal and generational wealth. He and he alone must be the richest man in the world. This is Trump’s personal party! This is all happening, while the Democratic congressional leadership is running around talking about passing this bill, and that bill. But none of this matters to Trump. For Trump, they provide good cover for him to reshape the political structure, under their feet, and in his own image, his brand. The Republican leadership, on the other hand, has been mere lapdogs to this new ‘King’ of America!

We would be unsurprised should Trump emerge from this convention gaining the added bonus of reducing the margins between himself and Biden, a post-convention bounce. This is the normal bounce expected, which Biden failed to obtain from his own theatrical displays of last week.

At the end of the day we would fail to see, if Trump is as successful as we assess he will be, the circumstances under which the current political duopoly formations could resist the type of transformation similar to that as imposed on the Whig Party of the early 19th century. The real question here is whether the Republican Party, as we have known it, is now dead or not? Given demography, some may wonder how it could have existed for so long. History may find that this has been achieved through systemic electoral fraud. This is a history of fraud with which the Democratic Party (DNC) has willingly colluded to ensure that the status quo is maintained.

Trump must be well-pleased with himself for getting away with the incessant moral and legal challenges he has mounted to the system. For example, no president has thus far, been subjected to an impeachment conviction but continued to successfully seek the party’s banner in a coming election. But nobody even mentions this fact. Such is the gravamen of existential challenges to the duopoly as presented by Trumpism.

Maybe, he was right when he voiced his truism that the president’s power is ‘total’. Evidently, his most loyal supporters, the fascist-Christian-evangelicals; court systems well populated by Trump loyalists; that critical mass of Euro-Americans whose every sinew is racist; the silent corporate elites who support both duopoly factions; and a bevy of supine congressmen and senators are now well-prepared to set-sail any remaining notions about ‘democracy’, ‘liberty’, ‘freedom’ down the Potomac River. The Potomac two-step on full display!

Trump has instilled such a perverse party ‘discipline’ that a Martian visiting Earth and landing on this convention would not believe that there is currently a pandemic and that north of 200,000 Americans, based on excess deaths statistics, lay dead. Even as a coterie of buffoons feels confident enough to compel a populace to believe that what is real is indeed fiction and that fiction is reality. Oh, where is George Orwell when needed most!

Internationally, the Dictator-in-Chief has wielded his fascist powers with ruthless efficiency. We could list the countries. They include Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, Belarus, Palestine, Syria and more. In the case of Guyana he, with hidden hands, was able to deploy CARICOM and the OAS to overturn an election and install the PPP on the basis that one of his associates in Washington was a paid consultant to the Jagdeo gang. What is currently happening at the so-called Republican National Convention has more to do with the future of empire and the fortunes of the Caribbean than anything happening in this region currently.

Of course, we expect Trump will be the next president. This we see as highly possible regardless to who wins the most votes, who gains the larger number of delegates in the Electoral College or what the exit-polling may suggest. A Biden victory will merely delay the inevitable. The American fascist dictator has already laid the predicate in order to question any adverse result. Before that, we are guaranteed an enhanced panoply of uniquely American electoral fraudulent measures, maybe by both sides, measures already in play. Will CARICOM and the OAS interfere like they did in Guyana or Bolivia?

Even if by some miracle Biden were to win, it would be another significant hurdle to get Trump out of the White House, physically. Biden is wrongly persuaded that the military brass will expel Trump under these circumstances. Given recent events outside this very White House and the irrational refusal of all elements of the military to arrest Donald Trump and subject him to a military tribunal on treason charges, we are not inclined to concur with Biden.

Trump has never followed any tradition or lawful requirement. He breaks more laws before breakfast that the criminals in his dungeons, it has been said. Also, he is much too fearful of going to jail, like he must, if a sense of political decency is to be re-established in Washington DC. We are therefore left to loiter on the good graces of ordinary citizens in an unlikely quest of removing a political carbuncle from the body politic.

We have been reminded that the Constitution requires the Speaker of the House, Pelosi, to assume the interim-presidency should there be long-lasting election uncertainty going beyond January 20th, 2021, as Trump is threatening with blatant interference in the USPS. But even if it were to come to this, we would fail to see any circumstances where the incumbent, Donald J. Trump would recognize her (Pelosi’s) existence. He may even have her arrested should she venture anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The fatal flaw is the American political culture requiring the presumptive loser to accept defeat will serve merely to ignite deeper social discord and further the aims of the fascists. This is an environment Trump lives for and is clearly willing to ignite a civil war if necessary.

The classical definition of fascism has been the conjoining of political and economic forces, an unholy alliance. However, what we see emerging here through the use of processes to further disempower the masses and enrich the few is a more virulent formation than understood by the traditional definition. Lewis and Long argued well that when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag. However, this writer is still left in wonderment that such a monster, from the cesspool of American fascism, would arise in our own lifetimes, at the centre of empire, even as we have always been acutely aware of the very nature of American political culture, which has always been fascistic at its core. We are left to wrestle with the internal contradictions.

1,398 responses to “Fascism – The Capture of the Republican Party by TRUMP”

  1. The Latino community in Fla is sending a message to Biden
    The polls show an uncomfortable tightening of the race between Biden and Trump
    One can expect the Latinos would be given more preference as money coming from the republican camp would give them more economic support
    Cant see Biden winning fla without Latino support
    Presently many blacks in fla still have not made up their mind for Biden
    Not a good sign for Biden

  2. CrusoeSeptember 13, 2020 4:49 AM

    JohnSeptember 13, 2020 2:46 AM The sky is not falling ….… and the pandemic is over.

    Wonderful news. Please let the blog know how many times that you have ventured in public recently, in the past month, without mask, at close quarters with strangers, such as in a restaurant, for an extended period i.e. more than one hour.



    Only use a mask where it is required, supermarket, bank, restaurant etc. otherwise, never.

    Still have to respect the powers that be if I want to buy anything.

    The mask is like the mark of the beast.

  3. Similarly if I want to sell anything!!

  4. Western medicine and it’s qualified practitioners are not the be all and end all of the full knowledge and wisdom in humanity for the health of your mind body and spirit. Drugs to treat symptoms do not build up immunity and resistance and attack the symptoms and not the underlying root problems that cause the issues in your tissues. Good health and a long life is achieved through good food and easy daily exercise like what grandmothers and grandfathers do in China. Your breath is your soul, spirit and life essence and the space between the breaths is the god and universe inside you and around you, which can be tapped into by meditation practice from India and China. Science is still catching up with ancient remedies that tapped into spiritual understanding of the universe and mother nature.

    See if you can do Radio Exercises that used to be broadcasted around China, where billions in the nation would take time out daily in the morning at a set time to practice in schools, workplaces, building sites, out in the fields etc to the same music played through speakers across the land.

  5. MariposaSeptember 13, 2020 8:16 AM

    The Latino community in Fla is sending a message to Biden
    The polls show an uncomfortable tightening of the race between Biden and Trump
    One can expect the Latinos would be given more preference as money coming from the republican camp would give them more economic support
    Cant see Biden winning fla without Latino support
    Presently many blacks in fla still have not made up their mind for Biden
    Not a good sign for Biden


    The polls are used to shape public opinion, not reflect it.

    Same in 2016!!

    Like fake news.

    The pollsters don’t want to look like idiots so as the election gets closer, they will get closer to reality.

    All you have to do to understand the state of play is watch a Trump rally.

    Better than any poll!!

  6. The reality in that Poll bodes well for the Latino community who is still committed to fighting the regime of Cuba an ace which Trumps holds in his hand for them
    Also the small Venezuelan community has the same support from Trump
    If there is one issue which brings Latinos together on the same page (to fight against) it is the issue of dictatorships and communist leaders
    On that score card Trump gets much support from them
    Hence the poll might be reflecting a political mindset of the Latino voter which Biden has failed to capture and recognized
    The same can be said about the jewish community in Fla
    For them it is all about Israel a political card Trump holds as well

  7. The reason why prosecutors against Police spoke directly to the people who performed the autopsy case for George Floyd, is because these doctors work for the Government and Police Justice system and often prepare partial and not impartial false evidence on consignment by the corrupted for the powers that be who control the Justice system. In the Phillip Pannell case in Teaneck NJ, where Police shot a black youth, (where I heard the shots in my apartment), the autopsy failed to say that he was shot in the back with his hands up.

  8. Racist policing which work towards meeting monthly quotas for arrests, target black communities for easy pickings, harassing black youths for minor infractions such as a stick of weed looming in their pocket, or driiving while black, and using excessive force and extreme while questioning and arresting them. Blacks are frightened for their lives as Police kill blacks regularly like it’s going out of style. When Blacks complain and protests about youths and adults being killed in black communities, racist whites say that protests only happen in black areas, racist republicans say that they only happen in democrat areas. Talking Parrots say their scripted tropes to kill debates and claim they won the argument without listening or acknowledging the other side, just minimising the problem that people are talking about. Rightwing dogs use apps and enrol in racist internet sites emails to cut and paste links and text like mindless morons. Nobody is using their mind they just copy their scripts religiously.

  9. 555dubstreetSeptember 13, 2020 9:33 AM

    …. the autopsy failed to say that he was shot in the back with his hands up.


    How would the doctor doing the autopsy know the deceased had his hands up?

  10. Deathbed confession!!

    Only a journalist can get that done … Bob Woodward!!

  11. “How would the doctor doing the autopsy know the deceased had his hands up?”

    When you raise you hands up your jacket and shirt moves up and you can study the trajectory path of the bullet through the clothes and body to determine whether the youths hands were up as per witness testimony versus lying pigs false narratives

  12. Bam!9

  13. Trump is anti- mask, and like other Trump supporters John is now anti mask but I should give him his full title I have seen it mentioned as Professor John Knox but leh me tell you a story. Everyone is anti this or anti that because it infringes on their rights, and I recall the actor Gary Busey was anti mandatory wearing of motor cycle helmets until he fell off a bike sans helmet and suffered a fractured skull and serious brain damage, today he is a Trump supporter 😊.

    So John if you think the mask s the mark of the devil don’t wear one its your choice and your funeral, BTW where is Herman Cain yuh ever notice that not one Republican speaker at the Convention uttered a word about his “sacrifice” but he may be still tweeting.

  14. 555dubstreetSeptember 13, 2020 11:06 AM

    “How would the doctor doing the autopsy know the deceased had his hands up?”

    When you raise you hands up your jacket and shirt moves up and you can study the trajectory path of the bullet through the clothes and body to determine whether the youths hands were up as per witness testimony versus lying pigs false narratives


    Try it!!

  15. Reach and pick up something on the ground or in front of you and see if your shirt/jacket moves up or down your body!!!

  16. Fuck off John, the truth is out there and will always be the truth, despite the pigs lying in Courts and Courts taking their word as gospel.
    The police shot the kid in the back and denied it, and second autopsy proved their lies and that of the doctor.
    Your shoulder blades and back muscles move up, while the rest of your body and internal organs remain the same,
    the bullet holes in the jacket were lower than the bullet holes in the back of the body, as the back of the shoulder and the jacket had moved up when the kid raised his hands after the police fired a warning shot and a then fired second shot that killed him

  17. @Crusoe September 13, 2020 4:53 AM “Cuhdear BajanSeptember 12, 2020 9:50 PM If you are in the US, get your food stock in. A big increase in going to come, some call it a second wave, though that terminology may not apply, as it has not gone anywhere, just another increase.”

    I choose NOT to be in the USA.

    In Barbados, growing much of my own food. So not too worried…yet. Being very careful, wearing my mask when I am in the company of others not of my household. Washing my hands with soap and warm water regularly. Using alcohol based hand sanitiser when soap and water is not available.

    Two nieces and their families in the USA, one in health care. Both of them and their families had covid19 in the spring. Fortunately since they are both younger than 50 and in vigorous good health the outcome was not too bad. But I still worry about them especially the health professional since it seems that one can get covid19 more than once. And who knows what will happen the second time around.

  18. September 12, 2020
    And since the pandemic began 923,305 PEOPLE HAVE DIED FROM COVID19

    For the United States of America, today’s numbers are:


    And since the pandemic began 197,940 people in the USA HAVE DIED FROM COVID19

    September 13, 2020
    And since the pandemic began 927,705 PEOPLE HAVE DIED FROM COVID19

    For the United States of America, today’s numbers are:

    And since the pandemic began 198,474 people in the USA HAVE DIED FROM COVID19

  19. Bloomberg to spend 100million in fla to support Biden

  20. Autopsy reports can be completed to benefit a particular narrative e.g. Chavis Carter

    The unfortunate man was arrested during a traffic stop and placed in the back of a Police car with his hands in cuffs behind his back. The Police said they patted him down twice and didn’t find a weapon but a few minutes later he was found dead in the squad car with a bullet wound to his right temple. His death was ruled a suicide as per the Arkansas State Crime Lab and the investigative arm of the Police. There were dash cam videos of the arrest and the aftermath of the shooting but none of the actual event. As stated, the wound was to the right temple but his mother said he was left -handed. One may ask how can a man who was searched twice and then had handcuffs placed on his hands behind his back could commit suicide by shooting himself in the head but perhaps Houdini lives again.

    BTW Carter was black and the arresting officers were white but y’all knew that ……

  21. Since the end of the pandemic in the USA a couple of months ago, deaths continue to fall.

    Yesterday 392 people died down from 707 and 986 in the previous 2 days.

    The CDC reckons 6% of these 392 or about 24 people died as a direct result of COVID-19.

    Nancy Pelosi is back having her hair done again even although she feels her hairdresser is making her look bad..

  22. Sarge

    Check this out.

  23. Meanwhile, 8 years later.

  24. But wait a minute, this guy looks like he was white.

  25. Interesting clip on polls and their credibility.

  26. …. and now for the dumbest man on TV

  27. JohnSeptember 13, 2020 12:13 PM @ 555dubstreetSeptember 13, 2020 11:06 AM “How would the doctor doing the autopsy know the deceased had his hands up?” When you raise you hands up your jacket and shirt moves up and you can study the trajectory path of the bullet through the clothes and body to determine whether the youths hands were up as per witness testimony versus lying pigs false narratives


    Try it!!


    Of course the jacket or shirt moves up. Mine does. If you have no shoulders, never done manual work, I guess yours may not. Even if I reach halfway, my shirt has already moved.

  28. JohnSeptember 14, 2020 12:21 AM Interesting clip on polls and their credibility.


    You may be right, the average American may be even more stupid than we realised.

    But here is the real slogan that they are voting for.

    Vote for Trump, vote for the top 0.2% of the population, who will shaft you, screw you, take your money and pass you on the street laughing. Be the moron that we know you are, vote Republican!

  29. CrusoeSeptember 14, 2020 12:43 AM

    Be the moron that we know you are, vote Republican!


    Can’t vote!!!

    Having a good laugh at the morons who think I can!!

  30. It is about excess deaths.

    Once you realise this you will realise the sky is not falling.

  31. JohnSeptember 14, 2020 1:43 AM You really did not comprehend that the slogan was not directed at you, but the average american voter?

    Something is wrong then.

  32. John and GP,

    I give up, if you cannot beat them, join them. I am going with your prediction. WE are going to win the election. Lol. All of the stupid american voters actually think that we Trump people give a hoot about them. Nope, it is about our money, the few of us, them can suck salt.

    We have Trump ranting on the stage and the idiots drink it all in, fools. The joke is that I can write this and the idiots will still vote for us Republicans.

    We will get rich, while the idiots work like dogs and love it. How stupid can they be, as Trump said in early 1990, Republican supporters are the stupidest lot.

    What gimmick do you think we should pull out of the hat for the election? Maybe a war, some more ranting about communist Biden? Anything?

    The morons will believe whatever we put out anyway. Cant wait for November, watch the idiots vote for the top 0.2% lol.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  33. DavidSeptember 14, 2020 3:52 AM Powerful and elegantly done.

    We Republicans do not like it when that sort of balanced and well presented visual is presented to the public.

    Have to get Trump to do more ranting. Got to keep you people divided. The race issue is a great one for us to use to keep people divided

  34. Stories like this that infer Trump is a Russian stooge are disgraceful. We Republicans do not support this at all.

    Hopefully Trump will deny this in his next speech, we cannot have stories like this gaining traction. Trump’s actions have never resulted from his previous connections with Russian oligarchs.

    That is a story put out by the communists.

  35. @John
    Earlier I wrote about a brain damaged actor who was a Trump supporter, the point being you don’t have to be brain damaged to support Trump but it helps. What was the point of the Carter video? The Police released the witness videos that helped them didn’t you hear the reporter say that no one has the witness’s info or how to contact them? Didn’t you see the Police release the white boys in the vehicle and arrest the black “boy”? I used “boy” because that’s how they probably addressed him; it is Arkansas after all.

    Now on to Sheriff David Clark I didn’t have to watch the video I know what he would say but Sheriff Clark put out information that he was being considered for a position within DHS and then put released a statement that he has withdrawn his name from consideration for the post one would think that Trump would welcome a black in his Administration other than milquetoast arson but Clark is too radioactive even for Trump.

    Another thing about Clark he was up front and centre in supporting Bannon for the wall (so was Don Jr.) Bannon pull the wool over those clowns’ eyes by feathering his own nest while they were being used as photo ops.

    BTW Clark ran the Milwaukee Prison system, he is the black Joe Arpaio, maybe you should research them.

  36. Crusoe and Sarge

    You both need to take cognitive tests!!

    Your chosen candidate has a got serious cognitive issues too.

    He seems to think his message can be simplified to If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black and you believe him!!

    Is it that you actually believe his message?

  37. Sarge

    Did you actually see the guy in handcuffs?

  38. DavidSeptember 14, 2020 3:52 AM


    The message she seems to be sending is that all 7 of them, like George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose and they took it orally.

  39. That’s two messages.

    But it is really only one, let’s end the opioid epidemic, or rather pandemic.

  40. You all fellas should not be embarrassed.

    You are in good company with those trying to convince people to vote Joe Biden.

  41. Here is some more good company who support Sleepy Joe and are trying to tell folks to vote for him!!

    You are right, alot of Americans are DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMB!!

  42. John, I said above that my candidate is Trump. So you are convinced that he has cognitive issues?

    Wow, quite the turnaround from you. Have the commies got to you?

  43. Need Dr GP here to support me now that John has gone commie.

    Us Trumpers have to stick together.

    Ivanka for 2024 and 2028!

  44. Must have misunderstood.

    Faulty brain.

    The point is that only a lunatic would support Biden and I have not got there …. yet!!.

  45. Trump may get 70-80% of the popular vote …. barring cheating.

    Biden is an even worser candidate than Hilary!!

  46. What do most of the celebrities who support Biden have in common?

    They can’t think for them selves and are not capable of being original.

    Sure singers have unique voices but most of the songs they sing are composed by people who do think originally.

    Songwriters provide the originality.

    Sure actors may have physical attributes unique to themselves but they act as they are directed to act.

    Directors are the original ones in the mix.

    They have another thing in common, they are part of the 2% …. along with the songwriters and directors!!!

  47. It is the elite who are dumb, not Trump supporters.

    Trump supporters know the score!!

  48. @gopher/quaker John
    I smiled at your number of posts

    There are some who keep track of the number of post Wura makes.

    I think you have gone past wura numbers. Are you near the end of the rabbit hole.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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