Submitted by Grenville Phillips II

he recently defeated Integrity in Public Life Bill (Integrity Bill) will not trouble the scores. Despite the fake Oscar-contention outrage of our senators, if the bill had passed, it would simply have made corruption legal in Barbados. That is how terrible the bill was designed.

At first, the bill specified that a person could not be investigated for corruption after they had retired from public life for 2 years. So, a person who received a bribe in January 2018 and then retired, cannot be investigated after February 2020.

A sloppy bribe may be uncovered by a financial audit, but the 2018 accounts are audited in 2019. The earliest the Auditor General will look at the 2019 audited accounts is in 2020, after the fellow has retired. How convenient. Perhaps the time has come to ask our politicians and senators, why they would champion such a farce.

After Solutions Barbados explained the farce, the final Bill increased the time where no investigations can happen, to 5 years. That is also useless in Barbados, since the Auditor General provides his annual report of many issues that are more than five years old. A short limit on investigating corruption is a glaring loophole for guilty persons.

The Integrity Bill will likely cost taxpayers $5M each year, to recover less than $50,000. It is a farce. It conveniently ignores the estimated $100M of corrupting no-bid contracts each year. The Integrity Bill is wasteful, ineffective, and practically useless for Barbados. Consider the following scenario.


A company bribes a person to get a no-bid contract. The company charges the Government five times the normal value of the work, which Barbadians must pay in higher taxes (that is why most Barbadians live hand-to-mouth). The bribe may be paid in any of the following ways.

1. Paying his election advertising expenses.

2. Building a house, and transferring ownership five years after he retires.

3. Purchasing land, and transferring ownership five years after he retires.

4. Purchasing financial instruments that mature five years after he retires.

5. Funding community projects in his constituency.

6. Paying money to his friends.

7. Selling him property (eg. car, house, etc) at a significant discount.

8. Paying for the renovation of his house.

9. Paying his children’s educational costs.

10. Hiring consultants and employees whom he recommends.

11. Hiring him as a consultant five years after he retires.

12. Procuring and managing a business (eg restaurant or store), and transferring ownership to his family five years after he retires.

There are hundreds of similar ways of paying and receiving bribes. Our useless Integrity Bill is conveniently designed to avoid all of them. Worse, the Integrity bill does not address any of the common methods of political corruption.


Forcing the public to make payments to consultants that only benefit one political party, is political corruption. The payments are normally made to political supporters, who may be disguised as: public relations, media, information technology, security, or financial advisors.

Solutions Barbados recommended an effective anti-corruption policy. It is based on the proven method of rewarding whistle-blowers, as an incentive to blow the whistle. We planned to reward them with the total value of the bribe. We also planned to fine both the bribe givers and the bribe takers, to pay for the policy.

The whistle-blowers already know about the corrupt activities. They include: tellers who did the bank transactions, contractors who renovated the houses, lawyers who drafted the contracts, accountants who did the audits, and vendors who sold the properties. Employees of the department that gave the no-bid contract, and the company that paid the bribe, also know.

The Government is planning to pass a whistle-blower protection bill, but there is no reward incentive. Instead, the exposed whistle-blower gets to keep working in the now toxic work environment, until it takes its foreseen emotional health toll. What a farce of an incentive.

It is time for our politicians and senators to stop giving us false hopes. If they do not plan to reward whistle-blowers, and abolish corrupting no-bid contracts, then at least be honest with Barbadians. Passing an ineffective Integrity Bill is not in the public’s best interest. However, it is good political advice, that benefits only one political party.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com

341 responses to “Preventing Corruption in Barbados”

  1. why worry about corruption the people in Chicago are getting reparations

  2. Grenville,

    the first couple of paragraph were not bad at all. 5 year after the fact, if contained in the Bill, is too short. there should be no statue of limitation for political corruption. maybe another govt can remove that limitation.

    however i had problems with this bit-

    Solutions Barbados recommended an effective anti-corruption policy. It is based on the proven method of rewarding whistle-blowers, as an incentive to blow the whistle. We planned to reward them with the total value of the bribe. We also planned to fine both the bribe givers and the bribe takers, to pay for the policy. [quote

    from my experience and understanding, a whistleblower is actually someone with a knowledge of the crime and made it known to the authorities. it does not necessarily mean someone who is / was involved but it does not merely mean a person who suspects someone has done something untoward, like a teller who received a large deposit from someone. and not many people walk into a bank with a suitcase full of money- nonsense. and then to reward them with the whole bribe- whatever that means? isnt that the same as the authorities spending 5 mil to give the recovery to another person? and then one must be careful of incentivising what bajans call malicious people. how about 10-20% of whatever is recoverable for a whistleblower as described by the Act?

    if you dont, you ought to get input from lawyers or other professionals in the particular field for your articles.

  3. There are many countries were teachers are prosecuted for accepting a “gift” of 100 BBD.

  4. William Skinner Avatar

    “ Despite the fake Oscar-contention outrage of our senators, if the bill had passed, it would simply have made corruption legal in Barbados. That is how terrible the bill was designed.”

    You are absolutely correct Mr. Phillips. When stripped of its sophistry,the so-called Integrity Bill, in its current form, is a great asset to the corrupt.
    Well said, Sir.

  5. Bajan Free Party 2023 0r sooner Avatar
    Bajan Free Party 2023 0r sooner

    hahahahaha You can’t even deal with land Fraud, Banking Fraud, Lawyer Fraud, go have a seat outside, Hope all you crooks have Clear title deeds!When the law comes it will deal with All Lawyers All Minister and the People that claim to know better, Owen gone more to go to set the People Free from your moderen day slavery . BFP 2023 or sooner!

  6. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Grenville II

    Time for a new moral rearmament. Legislation has been deemed ineffectual.

  7. Rrmoving corruption from public life under capitalism is akin to stopping water from being wet.

    High level corruption is the central reason why both neoliberal capitalism and american empire are meeting their nadir coterminiously, in our lifetimes.

    Of course, we were never convinced that the petty thieves occupying elite status in Barbados were anything other than that, petty.

  8. The problem in Barbados is incompetence, not corruption. Integrity is a value, not a regulation. Decent people do not take backhanders. But incompetent people give away the country because they do not understand what they are negotiating.
    Examples: The Mutual, White Oak, Hyatt and Ms Ram and the widespread abuse of the NIS.

  9. @Tron August 11, 2020 9:17 AM “There are many countries were teachers are prosecuted for accepting a “gift” of 100 BBD.”

    Help us by naming those countries “w[h]ere teachers are prosecuted for accepting a “gift” of 100 BBD.”

  10. @Hal Austin August 11, 2020 1:32 PM “The problem in Barbados is incompetence, not corruption. Integrity is a value, not a regulation. Decent people do not take backhanders.”

    False: “The problem in Barbados is incompetence, not corruption.”

    True: “Integrity is a value, not a regulation.”

    True: “Decent people do not take backhanders.”

  11. If we relied only on human values to manage our society why would we need laws? We are nations of laws. We have to establish discrete measures to address human interactions. If we didn’t everything would be left up to individual interpretation.

  12. @ Greene:

    A whistle-blower is anyone who reveals the information.

    Our policy was to implement a 3-month amnesty, where both the payer and receiver of bribes could pay a settlement of the full value of the bribe. The AG suggested that they are now working on a similar policy. To benefit from the amnesty, the person would have to reveal who they paid received the bribe.

    During the three months, we planned to debate and pass whistle-blower legislation, giving whistleblowers a reward of the full value of the bribe. The fine for payers and receivers would then be ten times the value. However, a guilty plead could result in a fine of three times the bribe’s value.

    To receive a reward, a whistleblower would have to present prima facie evidence of corruption.

  13. David

    You owe us a reconsideration of this gross misguidance.

    It is precisely that we are nations of laws which themselves make forms of innate corruption acceptable.

    Case in point is the vicious corruption of the legal profession which is so ingrained that it is impossible to eliminate unless we uproot the society itself – root and branch.

    Now, expecting you to rejoin by saying we have gone too far. Then it is yours to tell readers why the excesses in the legal system can never be eradicated, under the laws you talk about.

  14. The lawyers/ministers and their drafters of these corruption protection bills have no shame, just like those contracts for supposedly developmental projects that never go anywhere, they sign agreements on the dotted line…all of these self-proclaimed genius lawyers and then a few years later we hear the taxpayer’s are being sued for breach of contract…and suddenly a gaggle of lawyers are lined up to defend the lawsuit..

    ….the corruption is a living thing on the island and it’s clear they are using every trick in the book to keep it alive and well….they need to put that same energy into diversifying the economy….and stop pretending that the economy has not COLLAPSED…

    Pacha…this is ugly and being talked about across the diaspora and even on the Continent where they have their own corruption drama, but for these jokers in Barbados’ parliament to be going out of their way to make sure corruption survives and live a long healthy life, is carrying their idiocy way too far…and they should be punished by the people for their determination.

  15. Secondly, you are to weded to the ideas of 1648.

    An ideal elevating nation statism above the sovereignty of the people.

  16. thanks for the clarification. your version of a whistle blower is too broad, i believe. the original intent was for it to mean those who could “present prima facie evidence of corruption” or the like. i would admit that meanings change overtime and from location to location

  17. @ Greene:

    Encouraging a guilty party to blow the whistle may have been the original intent. However, we want anyone with evidence of corrupt activities to come forward. As an incentive, we planned to give them the full value of the bribe.

  18. Newsflash
    Biden selects Kamala Harris as running mate

  19. @ Sargeant,

    JamIndian heading to the whitehouse. lol and she went to high school in Montreal.

  20. Who else would did you think he was picking ….once willie brown said she would “work her backside off ” for the job even I took another look at her. Hey biden may have dementia but he was checking out that girl ahead of him ass is yesterdays video and dementia aint death.

  21. Whistleblowers have a duty to serve the company that pays their wages. Companies have a duty to be corruption free and should be held liable for illegal activities that they enable or undertake.
    The Root of All Evil

  22. Today the Don, an American who used to be a minister here, cried his eyes out in the newspaper. The Don is disappointed that the Americans condemned him. As a US citizen, the Don should know that the US judiciary shows no mercy, especially towards minorities. If you’re an American, you have to live with a medieval justice system.

  23. @Hants

    I read her bio and saw the Montreal HS bit, now she has been selected as running mate two countries are going to claim her I saw an article recently in which a writer of Indian descent reminded everyone that she is Indian too but it must have taken her Indian mother a lot of courage to marry her JA father approx. 50 years ago as even today Black/Indian relationships are subject to family issues.

    Here is the article


  24. @Pacha

    We operate in an imperfect system.

    It will never be perfect as long as human kind exist on the earth.

    Living life is the process of always working to achieve the best. Never giving up. Always believing that there is better beyond.

  25. Sargeant,

    Half a loaf is better than none

  26. And they’re off! The sexist sterotypes! Got it on her back… blah blah blah!

    Sick old men!

    The good news is – they can’t live forever and the young men know better.

  27. @Sargeant August 11, 2020 5:53 PM “I read her bio and saw the Montreal HS bit, now she has been selected as running mate two countries are going to claim her.”

    My response: United States+India+Jamaica+Canada=4

    @Sargeant August 11, 2020 5:53 PM “even today Black/Indian relationships are subject to family issues.”

    My response: By “family issues” You mean racism and religious bigotry, right?

  28. @Cuhdear Bajan

    I’m going to hazard a guess that you are a fan of Denzil Washington, have you ever seen one of his little known films “Mississippi Masala” it is one of the very few films that explore “interracial” (Black/Indian) relationships and although it is 30 years old is still relevant today.

    I believe you can still see the whole film on Youtube.

    Here is a article/review of the film.


  29. Mostly Democrats … left!!

    Understandable why the lefties are for big government!!

    Lots to steal..

  30. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @John. And the republican righties are all about corporate welfare and tax break for the 1%. Ironically, when capitalism is threatened, they usually become shameless socialist: implementing all kind of government bailouts to save the system.

  31. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    The jamaican community overall is not all that excited about Kamla. She has no connection to the culture or country even though her father is from there. Colin Powell has more relevance in jamaica than kamla.

  32. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    Kamla father was a consultant to the jamaican government up to 2011. I don’t think he has a close relationship with his daughter. Jamaicans are not too keen on those in the diasporea who have no cultural affinity to the island.

  33. Well where are all the fat cats govt help in first year in office
    Tax waivers and cuts galore went to the most elite and influential in business
    Yes they were financially rewarded while the working stiff were handed the debt wagon and told to hold strain
    Millions were handed to the big cruise industry in docking fees while the poor was becoming penniless and hungry for lack of jobs
    Presently barbados has become the bread basket for visitors on a policy of Humanatarian “cause “while the bajan sucked salt for lack of everything including water
    Meanwhile govt boast of million in reserves
    Go figure

  34. Oops wrong page
    The above comment

  35. Corruption at the Transport Board is nothing new…now they are saying the Auditor General got the figures wrong when everyone knows they have all been corrupt for well over 2 decades…all stole from that taxpayer funded…bet you no one is talking about the insurance contract compliments of BLP and Rommel Marshall….all they have ever done is practice corruption and the people lose tens of millions of dollars……………….


    “The former chairman of the Transport Board has disputed some of the financial reports contained in the last Auditor General’s Report.

    Wiltshire told the PAC, chaired by Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley, that he was now for the first time learning that the Transport Board had purchased transmissions for $25, 000.

    When questioned by PAC member Sandra Husbands as to why the Transport Board moved from purchasing 45 reconditioned transmissions for around $5500 in 2014, to purchasing 123 transmissions locally for around $23, 000 from 2015 to 2018, Wiltshire said he was unaware the Transport Board had spent such large sums on transmissions.

    Husbands contended that if the reconditioned transmissions had been preferred the cash-strapped Transport Board would have saved over $2 million.”

  36. “Colin Powell has more relevance in jamaica than kamla.”

    she never self-identified as African descended, it was indian American, whatever that is, how ironic, she has to identify as African American/Black to become VP…..life’s circle.

  37. The sexism continues….she was nasty and disrespectful and mean to Joe Biden. Actually the nastiest and the most disrespectful and the meanest.

    And who said that you may ask.

    Well, well, well! It was Donald Trump.

    She was also mean to Kavanaugh, he thinks.

    How dare a woman be strong and assertive and do and say the exact things that men do and say!

    How dare a BLACK woman be “disrespectful” to a white man!

    I am wondering now if it is sexist or racist.


    She is also being called too ambitious by her Republican critics.

    Add that to the “screwing her way to the top argument” and we have the usual bitch and ho’ attack!

  38. @ Wura

    I do not normally respond to your cut and paste posts, nor to the savagery of US politics, but you are right. Kamala Harris identifies as ‘An American’. Black people like grabbing at straws. She still has to explain her muscular jailing of black men (she is not the only Democrat , but the discussion is about her).
    We have someone like her here in the UK called Katherine Birbalsingh, of |Guyanese heritage, born in New Zealand, raised in Canada, now living in the UK. Awful views that seem to be aimed at black people, in particular boys. It is the old playscript..
    I hope Biden made a good decision. She is over-ambitious and will stab him in the back. My preference was Susan Rice. She is brighter and more principled. Crap about not having held elective office is a smokescreen.
    Anyhow, I leave the US to themselves and the Chinese. It is a declining nation.

  39. Donna…they will go after her hammer and tongs, but she is strong and not easy….lol

    “US Senator Kamala Harris – chosen by Joe Biden as his Democratic vice-presidential candidate – is known as a prominent black politician. But she has also embraced her Indian roots.

    “My name is pronounced “comma-la”, like the punctuation mark,” Kamala Harris writes in her 2018 autobiography, The Truths We Hold.

    “The California senator, daughter of an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father, then explains the meaning of her Indian name.

    “It means ‘lotus flower’, which is a symbol of significance in Indian culture. A lotus grows underwater, its flowers rising above the surface while the roots are planted firmly in the river bottom.”

    Early in life, young Kamala and her sister Maya grew up in a house filled with music by black American artists. Her mother would sing along to Aretha Franklin’s early gospel, and her jazz-loving father, who taught economics at Stanford University, would play Thelonius Monk and John Coltrane on the turntable.

    Shyamala Gopalan and Donald Harris separated when Ms Harris was five. Raised primarily by her Hindu single mother, a cancer researcher and a civil rights activist, Kamala, Maya and Shyamala were known as “Shyamala and the girls”.

    Her mother made sure her two daughters were aware of their background.

    Senator Kamala Harris and her sister, Maya Lakshmi Harris, are close
    “My mother understood very well she was raising two black daughters. She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident black women,” she wrote.”

  40. “We have someone like her here in the UK called Katherine Birbalsingh”

    not only her, you also have that clown Priti Patel as Home Secretary, descended from Indians deported from Uganda by Idi Amin for their disgusting racist, exploitive and oppressive behavior against the African population….they are place holders because of the racist philosophy they are proud to carry……black ass ones too who are privately referred to by their masters as ni*gers with curly hair…..

  41. Donna is right 60 year old willie brown must have had nice skin.

  42. Thought you had gotten over your crush.

  43. Probably better skin than yours.

  44. There’s that word again- “overly ambitious”.

    Ding ding ding!

    Joe Biden says he is one term transitional president. There is no need to stab him in the back when he is seeking to prepare her to take over in four years.

    And last night a public defender felt obligated to defend her so-called “muscular” prosecuting of black men. She went up against Kamla many many times and says though they were on different sides Kamala was very progressive in the way she looked at justice. She chose her cases and recommended sentences accordingly. She pushed programmes for rehabilitation. So says the public defender who felt thst the whole Kamla story has never been told.

    As to Kamala’s legitimate challenge to Joe Biden….

    Kamala took great pains to tell Joe Biden that she knows he is not a racist. What she told him is that he still hasn’t been able to grasp the full experience of the black man and that he should be mindful of that.

    Obviously Joe realised she was right and is hiring her to inform him.


  45. WURA,

    Seems like her mother was a very smart woman. She asserted her Indian identity at her birth and then set about raising her as the black woman she knew she would have to be.

    In this she was probably smarter than most other mothers of Indian descent who married black men.

    And that, I think, is what made the difference.

  46. It is also instructive that Obama also identified as black even though he was raised by his white mother and grandmother.

    One drop of visible black blood makes you black. A fact of life for which smart people prepare themselves and their children.

  47. Are you self medicating again, this woman is pathetic will do… screw…. spew …anything to get ahead. Val Demings was a infinitely better pick. Remember she ran for president and everyone saw through her,
    Theo is it ground hog day already, I have no crush on Donna I go more for the slender builds I heard her shadow flattened a dog lol.

  48. “In this she was probably smarter than most other mothers of Indian descent who married black men.”

    all bi and multi-racial children should be raised as Black, it brings balance and sense of self in a racist world…

    then we won’t get mixed up crazies like Lawson..

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