The following pieces of documentation will be of interest to members of the BU family who are keenly following events unfolding in Guyana.
Was the CCJ wrong in its recent judgement?

Credit: Pachamama

gecom letter to CRO
Letter to Guyana’s Chief Election Officer from GECOM and his replyOffice of CEOoffice of ceo 2

96 responses to “Was the CCJ Wrong about Guyana?”

  1. APNU+AFC is heir to the long tradition of election-rigging by the People’s National Congress (PNC.) PNC has never won an election in Guyana without rigging it. Historically, the US and UK have assisted them, but this time around, the PNC is on its own.

  2. Has there ever been a non controversial election in Guyana? Although this one seems to have grabbed top billing.

  3. A radical and violent minority in Guyana has been terrorizing the majority for decades. I´m not talking about black and Indians, I am talking about dictatorship and democracy.

    Barrow let Burnham carry on in Guyana, Burnham let Guyana Jones carry on his mass murder. It’s time to take down all Barrow monuments.

    Caribbean lives matter!

  4. In Barbados, as in South Africa, we need a truth commission to investigate the political connections between Barrow and Burnham and, if necessary, deny Barrow national hero status.

    Unlike Barrow, our Most Honourable Prime Minister does not suck up to Burnham’s pupils. What a difference, what a noble spirit!

  5. All irrelevant. The glimmer of hope thar Guyana would rise from the ashes to become a golden land has fizzled because of greedy donkey politicians, ingrained racial tensions and treachery.

    We may wish that court decisions would lead to a fair approach, but the reality is that as long as it is run by donkeys there will be no progress.

    Court case is irrelevant, the mindset of these people says it all.

    The only thing to come out of the oil discovery will be wealthy politicians.

    The mass of people of Guyana, black, indian or chinese, will see none of it.

  6. David

    With due respect and thanks, yours is the wrong question.

    The more precise question, especially within the context and recent political history of Barbados, is whether Fruendel Jerome Stuart was right about the Caribbean Court of Injustice.

    As you of all people will recall this writer has demanded that FJS and his accomplices be brought to a popular bar for the crimes committed against the state.

    However, that orientation does not and should not place limitations on us when an opportunity arises to judge or revisit a hotly debated political issue in the last general elections in Barbados.

    Again we ask, was Fruendel Jerome Stuart right about the likes of Saunders et al, as they sit in their ivory towers at the CCJ, pretending to be independent arbiters of law when in fact they are no less political and therefore ‘influenced’ by economic, class and other concerns as everybody else.

    In the case of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana we see unruly children playing with the fire of a race war. And we know with certainty that when such hot battles begin these same unenlightened children will then pretend that they had nothing to do with such violence as if legal violence is not of and in itself their preferred warfare typology,

  7. We also worry why the CCJ believes it has a duty to interfere in party political matters when for decades the privy council, the body which ostensibly it pretends to be mimicking, has demurred on all such matters.

    Was FJS right?

  8. To update the blog ………………..
    The Chairperson of the Elections Commission has subsequently replied to the Chief Election Officer (CEO) doubling down on her first letter.
    This means she continues to insist that the CEO breaks the laws of Guyana in order to follow the irrational mandates of the CCJ.
    Where is the great Sir William Skinner with his zone of peace rhetoric. This is no less than legal warfarism declared against Guyana a ‘sovereign’ country.

  9. @Pacha

    The blog gives the freedom to anyone to ask any question.

  10. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    My position is clear and has been for over fifty years. I hold firm that as poorly or badly the black managerial political class has done in the region, it is not in the interest of black people to give political power to any other racial group.
    The recent history of Trinidad and Tobago , under both Panday and then Pamela Persad-Bissessar bear out my point. They both immediately and openly practiced racism against the blacks. Under Jagan and then Jagdeo , the same thing happened in Guyana. It is one of the realities of these two countries that we have to face and hopefully expunge. You will note that in Barbados, where the whites do not control the political power, they control the black politicians. You will note how Mottley publicly went after Czar Mark Maloney when she was in opposition but now eats out of the palm of his hands.
    You have made the mistake of believing because I am a devout regionalist that I am either ignorant or intellectually incapable of understanding certain realities.

  11. Guyana is failing as a growth driver for the region. The country will sink into agony and civil war. The country’s coloured peoples are not mentally ready for emancipation.

    It would therefore be best to return them to the status of apprentices and leave the oil to the Americans and British.

    What a difference to Barbados which rose above the white peoples in the Corona crisis through excellent crisis management.

  12. Pacha…only this morning i was wondering about Guyana’s republic status and was told that they are sovereign which means they do not have to listen to the CCJs judgement….that is why i don’t get involved in politics…period……everybody got their own agendas and it has nothing to do with the interests and welfare of the population, particularly Guyana’s African descended population, they are very vulnerable, do not know their human rights and are at extreme risk from racists like that known lowlife jagdoe..

  13. We all know Guyana is cursed. The coloured people there will soon be slaughtering each other like animals. As usual, the High White Lords from the North will have to clean up the mess afterwards.

    God obviously wants it that way. Emancipation did not work for them. Why?

    They tell the following story in Guyana: In 1978, not all of Guyana Jones’ disciples died in the mass murder in the jungle. Many survived. So Burnham soldiers had to clean up the mess. They call it Jim Jones´s curse.

    The rest you can figure out for yourself.

    p.s. Baron Lovenfield submitted Lord Mingo´s rigged numbers this morning again. There is NO way out. Guyana is cursed.

  14. letter from CEO to GEOCOM


  15. David
    You would now know that the CEO;s reply to Gecom has the APNU coalition winning. That letter which you have posted immediately above amounts to this result. The PPP and their financial backers are baulling fuh murder.

  16. Told you so. Guyana is cursed. They alreay prepare their guns to kill each other. There is NO way out. The radical and violent minority won´t hand power over.

    The best thing would be for foreign oil companies to stop their production and CARICOM to move its headquarters to Barbados or Jamaica.

    Get out of this shithole! The sooner the better.

    I will gladly bring Pacha and WARU to Guyana personally. So you can see what happens when savages are left to their fate.

  17. @Pacha

    It will be interesting to watch for the Chair of GECOM’s reply on Monday.

  18. @ David July 11, 2020 2:19 PM

    You know very well who is 100% informed here. That is why I predict the following: at best, we will soon have a bloody civil war, so that CARICOM, the oil industry and all other foreigners will soon be out of this hellhole. All foreigners in Guyana deserve a hazard pay and compensation for pain and suffering for every month in this hellhole.

    When God created hell, He took Guyana as His model.

  19. David
    Yes, but even more interesting are the threats of violence constantly issued by the PPP and there are no responses by their backers, including Mugabe.

    Afro-Guyanese are not like the docile Bajans. Be careful.

    More so, that essentially Black governments and regional institutions would do so much to disempower Black Guyanese is not dissimilar to what they do all the time in places like Barbados.

  20. Wasn’t there a call for Mottley to butt out? The decision must be supported in law then deal with the shake out.

  21. @ Pachamama July 11, 2020 2:56 PM

    “Afro-Guyanese are not like the docile Bajans. Be careful.”

    We know that when they cleaned up the mess from Jim Jones. Ask yourself why nearly nobody survived despite the relatively low toxicity of the drink in Jonestown.

    There are good reasons why the police in the USA and UK are so harsh on Guyanese migrants. They are simply very dangerous. We must clearly shift the line between unjustified police violence and justified self-protection.

  22. The Guyanese are also known to be a major security problem in Barbados. I hope Mia Mottley finally draws the right conclusion from the violent nature of these savages and expels them.

    Barbadian lives matter!

  23. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Afro-Guyanese are not like the docile Bajans. Be careful.

    More so, that essentially Black governments and regional institutions would do so much to disempower Black Guyanese is not dissimilar to what they do all the time in places like Barbados.”

    tell them again Pacha….the Black Guyanese are not having any of it this time, especially from these racist black face slave master wannabes…from islands like Barbados that treat their majority black population like slaves, rob them, keep them undereducated, pretend they are better than them and then got the nerve to come out begging the same people for votes around election time,, but i wish them luck come 2023….ticktock.

  24. Sir William
    The people who used to viciously critique the ‘political-managerial class’ are now prominent members of said class. We suggest Ralph Gonzales and George Belle as such but of course there are many, many more.

    We have not made any mistake or underestimation of your powers of discernment, Just wanted to get your position on record.

  25. WARU

    Black people in Barbados and most places tend to play shy when circumstances require an open position of ‘race first’. Seems all other people can so assert, but Afrikan peoples. This foolishness has to stop.

    Their resources belong to them. And ours are always to to given to them.

    This writer knows with certainty that Black people in Guyana have both the will and the means to defend themselves from illegal attempts to make them again slaves of the Hindu-fascism regime of Jagdeo and the PPP

  26. Ordinary Black Man Avatar
    Ordinary Black Man

    Wunna realize dat de only people accused uh stealing de election was yu black “brudders”? Stupse. De reason nuttin ever changes? Racist whites and Indians and reverse racist blacks like yu idiots. Yu gine really prostitute yuselves to dese frauds just because dem Black like yu and me. Real fvcking shyte.

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Seems all other people can so assert, but Afrikan peoples. This foolishness has to stop.” you know we have been trying for years to show Bajans that their attitudes and servile, docile behaviors that they were socialized to practice against themselves for the past 150 years is destructive and spells DOOM for their future generations, that they cannot leave the island in that state of modern day slave mentality that their no good leaders maintained for their own benefit and as they are desperately trying to continue since they noticed that the people ARE WAKING UP……in this 21st century and going forward…..we have tried to wake them up …some have woken but from the fowl slaves on BU …it is clear that even after years, it’s a work in progress still….because we WANT THEM ALL AWAKE…most of them need to take their heads out of that fraud ass bible…the church of UK has been recently telling them ON FACEBOOK that jesus is a fraudulent construct, as we know it is colonial construct to enslave their asses, but will they even believe that now, the brainwash seems final for many of them and they will go to their graves just as they were bred and created to be …mindless, mindwashed, and helpless mentally.

    it’s quite telling that the African descended in Barbados can attack and destroy each other, but no one else….that’s the depth of their mental destruction..

    The bawling will now start in Guyana and if jagdoe tries to perpetrate violence to disrupt the society i sincerely hope they arrest him, put him in a cage and feed that racist only bread and water for 30 years…..

    “GEORGETOWN – The Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield presented a report to the chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), retired justice Claudette Singh, showing a victory for the ruling coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in the disputed March 2 regional and general election.

    Lowenfield who had earlier missed the 11 a.m. (local time) deadline given to him by Singh, in his new report, put the valid votes as 475 118, giving the coalition 236 777 and the main opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) 229 330.keith-lowenfield

    As a result, he has assigned coalition, 32 seats in the 65 member Parliament, 31 to the PPP/C and one seat to three of the smaller opposition parties.”

  28. Ordinary Black Man Avatar
    Ordinary Black Man

    De only people dat does say “race first” is racists. Wunna is as much a part uh de problem as de white people yuh like to cuss

  29. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Granger might still be gracious toward Mia, but the black population she tried to set up is less forgiving, she would be advised to stay her ass out of Guyana and deal with insolvent Barbados, mind her own business and get the slave society theme for her own people out of her head…..before she gets a REAL surprise…

  30. @ Ordinary Black Man July 11, 2020 5:38 PM

    At least one person with common sense.

  31. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Pacha …and as ya can see we gotta leave cousin Elizabeth’s slaves for her, they are her design and creation, i don’t own any slaves and am not trying to save anyone’s slaves and possessions, that was never my goal.., she can have them, there must be a sacrifice…and they have already volunteered themselves…

    the ones who are deserving will awake as many have already, the rest are just fodder and no one can allow them to stop the flow….some are always left behind….so that others can move forward..

  32. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    Note that as soon as Comrade George Bell joined the BLP/DLP crowd his brother Francis became a judge.
    As for Comrade Gonzalves he has joined the pussyists.
    Things get curiouser and curiouser.
    Alice in Wonderland

  33. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    Please Tron. Why don;t you let the duppies stay dead?

  34. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @CrusoeJuly 11, 2020 2:59 AM “The mass of people of Guyana, black, indian or chinese, will see none of it.”

    True, true, true.

  35. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @TronJuly 11, 2020 1:18 PM ” the High White Lords from the North will have to clean up the mess afterwards… In 1978, not all of Guyana Jones’ disciples died in the mass murder.”

    But Jim Jones was one of the MALE “HIGH WHITE LORDS OF THE NORTH” was he not?

    And how did that work out?

  36. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @William SkinnerJuly 11, 2020 6:28 PM “…he has joined the pussyists.”

    What is a pussyists?

  37. Sir William
    We understood your meaning. Quite true!

  38. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Cuhdear Bajan
    It’s local talk describing a man who has demonstrated a serious relentless passion in the quest for a certain part of the female’s anatomy. In some islands it is called the cat . Village ram is synonymous.

  39. July 12, 2020


    Today, Guyana’s Chief Elections Officer, Mr. Keith Lowenfield, submitted the elections results to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). The lawful process, as promulgated in Section (96) the Laws of Guyana Chapter 1:03 – The Representation of the People Act, must ensue with dispatch to being this election impasse to an end.

    The Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID) has noted with much concern and utter dismay, the bellicose rhetoric by politicians and bureaucrats from the United States, Britain, Canada and the European Union, as well as the Organization of American States (OAS), on Guyana’s elections dispute. Instead of helping to foster a resolution, these parties have adopted an overtly partisan posture in support of the opposition People’s Progressive Party, which is a criminal organization, and are deliberately dividing Guyanese and exacerbating racial hostilities.

    These foreign state and non-state actors have been issuing instructions to Guyanese government officials and members of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), which are reminiscent of slave master commands to slaves on plantations during slavery. Slavery was abolished hundreds of years ago. Guyana is not a plantation. It is a sovereign nation. Guyanese should therefore reject these paternalistic lecturers from Western states whose streets are currently engulfed with violent protests because of undemocratic practices and injustices against citizens of color.

    Everyone is aware that the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has spent billions of Guyana dollars lobbying foreign governments and international organizations to force GECOM and the Chief Elections Officer (CEO) to count fraudulently cast ballots, obtained through voter impersonation, to secure a victory for the PPP. The OAS has even demonstrated the absurdity of jointly calling for the removal of the nation’s CEO. This is an invasion of Guyana’s sovereignty. Clearly, the OAS is acting as a mouthpiece for the PPP at the urging of high priced Washington lobbyist. Such a move could have serious consequences; including unrest, which PPP members have been inciting from day one.

    The desires of the international community and the Chairman of GECOM cannot supplant the constitution and extant elections laws. Article 162(1)(b) of the constitution compels GECOM to take any action that as appears necessary to ensure impartiality and fairness of elections, and compliance with the constitution and all other elections laws. It is pursuant to this provision, and Section 22 of the Election Law Amendment Act, that the Chairman of GECOM enacted the recount process to address irregularities and alleged fraud in the Region 4 elections results.

    Now GECOM Chairman, Justice Claudette Singh, is refusing to fix additional irregularities, thousands of fraudulent ballots and flagrant voter impersonation and fraud discovered during the said recount. Consequently, Justice Singh has instructed the CEO to knowingly declare fraudulent results that do not reflect the will of the people, which the CEO has refused to do. Both Article 177 (2) of the Guyana constitution and Section (96) of the Laws of Guyana – Representation of the People Act, mandates that the Chairman shall only use the CEO’s report to declare the elections results.

    This impasse exists precisely because of the intransigence and indecisiveness of the Chairman of GECOM. It should be obvious to her by now that regardless of her obdurate refusal to address the PPP fraudulent ballots, the country will not accept her desire to count fraudulent ballots to appease the PPP and their international partners.

    Article 162 of the constitution grants GECOM broad, discretionary powers to ensure the fairness of elections. Justice Singh must stop deceiving the nation and reject fraudulent ballots as provided for in Article 162. Anything less will produce fraudulent results and prolong the impasse. The CEO has submitted his report. It is time to bring the elections to a close. The Chairman must declare the results submitted by the CEO, in accordance with Section (96) of the Representation of the People Act.

    Richard Millington, Esq.

    Director of Communications

    Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)

  40. We now see that the leading regional prostitute has joined his other co-conspirators in suggesting to the APNU-AFC that they concede.
    Beckles is the very political prostitute a number of old women warned this writer he would be 40 years ago.
    Once Beckles comes on the scene we know the machinations of the money hounds, as he is, operating in the background.
    Unless, we can devise mechanisms to eliminate the mindset he and his ilk represent, this region is dead.

  41. @ Tron July 11, 2020 3:12 PM
    “The Guyanese are also known to be a major security problem in Barbados. I hope Mia Mottley finally draws the right conclusion from the violent nature of these savages and expels them.”

    I take exception to the above statement. My dad was not a security problem. You are trying to denigrate all Guyanese.

  42. Heard on Thursday the CJ had resigned.

    Been searching the internet since then.

    Looks like he has.

  43. The report is that he will retire in September.

  44. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    I wrote a few days ago that Beckles was an intellectual mercenary from the time he said that the NDP was breaking up the work of the BLP and DLP. That was before the NDP had even produced a manifesto.
    He was then being considered as a future leader of the DLP. As the DLP faltered , he later aligned himself with Arthur, as Arthur’s star rose.
    I have not even mentioned how after getting on the anti-Barbados Mutual train; he used the genuine fighters in that battle and then brilliantly carved his way into the good books of the traditional corporate elite.
    All the historians who toiled in the vineyards while Beckles was up in England, were scorned and Beckles became larger than life. Our first historian pop star. Like I was told by a female extremely gifted in public relations: “Hillary looks good in jeans.“
    Nothing beats the ability to manipulate the media. Hillary has perfected the art. There is nothing that he has said in the last thirty odd years that I was not told, as a teenager. I heard from others who were around long before he came and completely dominated the scene along with starry eyed followers who obviously fell for his guile.

  45. Here is the link to Hilary Beckles report.

  46. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Pacha…dont know if u.have any sources but UNCONFIRMED talk is that the despicably racist jagdoe found himself in a mess with contraband in another country.

    Still not officially confirmed.

  47. He is 66.

    What’s the age limit on judges?

  48. All I am thinking is that these Guyanese fools are blowing their chance become what they always should have been. There is more than enough for all of them if they would put aside their animosity and distrust.

    After the way we treated them they should be preparing to laugh at us but apparently they prefer to mess up each other.

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