On the 22 June 2020 the Nation newspaper published a story with the headline $35m ICBL deal in works.


On the 24 June the media reported that former Chairman of CLICO Holdings was being questioned by police.  He has since been charged with fraud and released on bail.

While some people love to do crossword puzzles, the BU blogmaster enjoys connecting dots!


307 responses to “Leroy Parris Arrested”

  1. @ Miller June 26, 2020 5:47 PM

    Of course I know many background facts. But BU is not about the truth, its is about telling stories and animating the readers to laugh while artfully twisting the truth. The winner is not who tells the truth, but whoever tells the best story.

  2. @ Hal Austin June 26, 2020 3:29 PM

    Germany is a big banana republic. The FT in London uncovered the case. The Germans have even started criminal proceedings against the Brits.

  3. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I stated before, all 3 were charged and all 3 should have been before the court and long before 2020.
    I had no issue with the bail, likely because it is standard practice where I live.
    To delve into the social, the risk to a white person speaking on political issues in Barbados is high. They will branded, just as you claim you were as a young man. Once ‘branded’, whether accurate or not, shaking that brand can be near impossible, for Barbados has minimal tolerance, and ‘permissions’ in certain areas. Homosexual persons flee those shores regularly, because of the abuse they endure.
    I have spoken out on these pages about the operation of the NIS. If I had done so publicly in 2016, as a irritant, I would have been branded a B, and for those wishing to discredit anything said, likely a few other social matters, irrelevant to the NIS or anything said. This is simply a risk you accept IF you speak publicly?
    I am horrified at many of the penalties and procedures in the criminal justice system. The incarceration of persons with mental health issues, and for the smallest of infractions, is shameful. The time to get to court, can also be unimaginable.
    This a collective failure.
    No question, economic resources afford one the better defence. And access. And this is true across a broad spectrum of life.
    I will end on a personal opinion. I wanted all 3 to face a court. Why? Because there are too many hypocites. Who sing the praises of everything from the judicial system on down, UNTIL one them get caught in a corner. Suddenly the tune changes? The white population itself, is too soft and subservient to a small group of their own kind. They are fearful of being ostracised by their own, if they step out of line. They need a ‘wake up’ call.

  4. Skinner nobody is saying corruption started in 2010 but up to now you have NOT MENTION MR THOMPSON, S ROLE IN THIS PARRIS MATTER WHY IS THAT SKINNER? . Then you get highly offended when someone mentions his name and his relationship with Clico and Mr Parris.Again why?You ease back on here and cannot rrfute anything i have said about Mr Thompson but go pfg on a tangent talking about Mr HerbertI thought this blog was about Mr Parris you are a real Dem spin bowjer in truth but you can get ss angry as you like i will call you out with the facts.As for Austin speaking about the regulstor that might he true but it does not change the role played by your so called great ex PM Mr Thompson.Why am i angry about this i hsve friends who lost all their savings in Clico and it is time persons are held accountable.who ever is held should be made an example of.

  5. One of the other Lorenzos is back.
    The very last sentence is good. The rest is a B&D diatribe.

  6. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Lorenzo
    When everybody is corrupt the Pandora Box opens and strange things jump out. I mentioned a few posts back that Thompson was wrong to take up taxpayers money to bail out his friend’s company. Now when you get a chance go into St.John Church yard and dig up Thompson. Go before the sun gets hot.
    I have said on this blog many moons ago that Parris and Duprey should have been brought to justice. It took eleven years and now Parris will face the music.
    Now this is what jumps out the box:
    What did Parris mean when he told them Prime Minister at a public function:“ I have given you what you want now give me what I want“. Tell the truth: Have you ever heard any corporate heavy weight speak to a Prime Minister like that? What did Parris give Arthur? What did Parris want?
    So we continue : Arthur took a check from CLICO or an affiliate or person connected to same. The check was for the Barbados Labour Party. It ended up in Arthur’s account. Now we just let that go by a party gets a donation it ends up in a private account and that’s that. Fantastic.
    Then we come to the COP in yesterday’s Nation trying to defend and pretend there is no racism in how the force deals with citizens. Imagine he said that the reason Parris was in handcuffs was because he could have abscond. I think that means get away. Ok then why was Charles Herbert not in handcuffs?
    Now none of this means anything to you because you only see and read BLP/Mottley.
    You see both parties are corrupt: Mark Stokes ; Victor Pele Parris.
    Now I done with you. You are obviously incapable of objectivity. And by the way just for fun: When Arthur took back the party from Mia, he said that thousands of dollars belonging to the party could not be accounted for.
    Oh well when thieves fall out the Lord smiles.
    Carry on @ Lorenzo – carry on.

  7. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Northern Observer
    “To delve into the social, the risk to a white person speaking on political issues in Barbados is high. They will branded, just as you claim you were as a young man. Once ‘branded’, whether accurate or not, shaking that brand ….,”
    You are absolutely correct. Back in the 80s, I was doing some sales at a white owned establishment. I must say that the owner was a workaholic. One day he asked me if I am the Skinner who wrote letters and so on in the press.
    We had an interesting conversation and he said exactly what you said. I told him that as a Barbadian he should say what he had to say. Amazingly , he got more involved in his professional national organization and became its president. As I said the man was a bona fide alcoholic and he has prospered beyond measure. Also had a good track record with his employees.
    Good post Northern. Very enlightening.

  8. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    That should be workaholic not alcoholic. My apologies.

  9. @ William

    You are such a gentleman that unlike me you tolerate fools. A thief from a thief, eh. Let us get serious. The Clico collapse could have been dealt with in a more appropriate way by an incompetent and stubborn government. Politics got in the way of competence.
    I would have established a good company and a bad one (forget Resolution). The good company, would have taken over any existing assets, and continued the company and deal with its policyholders would have continued paying for their policies and annuities to the good company. Retail investors and policyholders obligations would have been unwritten by government in a debt for equity deal.
    The bad bank would have taken over any corporate liabilities and wound the company down ie selling off the illiquid plantations, etc. and shareholders and corporate lenders would have taken a hit.

  10. Why do you assume policyholders would have continued to pay? Is insurance a confidence sensitive business? What about the audit of the asset register which exposed a significant dollar gap?

  11. as far as i can tell Parris is not in criminal court for running CLICO into ground. isnt he in Court for fraud , theft, tax evasion and ML as it relates to the 3.3 mil he claims is gratuity / compensation from CLICO?

    Regarding Thompson bailing out CLICO- what if Thompson had intended to bail out CLICO for the property it owned and to sell or use those properties for the benefit of bajans. fair exchange isnt it? i am not saying this was his intention. what i am saying is that we dont know. unless as suggested above we dig him up and ask.

    there is also some suggestion that Thompson signed off on the invoice that got Paris the 3.3. mil from CLICO, which, by the way, CLICO acknowledged from my recollection, was owed to Parris. this is absolutely not true from a reading of the forensic audit report. that report stated that invoice was signed by Thompson’s former law firm which had Parris as a client and that Thompson had resigned years earlier.

    like a commentator said above, corruption did not begin in 2008 and ended in 2018 as we are being led to believe: corruption in Bim is endemic in Govt. i will posit that the period between 1994 and 2008 was rife with corruption and some of the actors are ministers today.

    to date, and this is only one in our face example, what is more corrupt than in a 2 by 3 island having 28 or so ministers and assistant ministers, countless czars, czarinas, gurus, advisers and other hangers- on feeding off the tits of the tax payers when Govt has no money. what a neat legal way to secure sinecures for friends, family and yard fowls whilst tax payers eat cake?

  12. Walking a handcuffed Mr Parris through the court yard was meant for the optics only, so the media could get pictures. It was symbolic humiliation.
    That a trained and experienced police chief could talk nonsense about protection against absconding is so laughable it makes me want to cry. I have written about this before, but that walk of shame is the weakest link in the escorting of prisoners to and from our prisons and courts.
    It has long been my measure of the level of criminality in Barbados and the bogus nature of so-called organised crime. In a nation with so many illegal high-powered guns, if gangsters had a member walking through the court yard they would come out with guns blasting and grab their man (or woman) and drive away.
    By the time the police get their act together they would be well hidden in one of the gated communities. They may get away with this nonsense with black traditional Bajans, but wait until the New Bajans, especially the Syrians/Lebanese get ready.
    I expected it with the Cuban/Colombian drug runner who turned artist and wanted to stay on in Barbados as a reformed criminal. To this day he has not told the state who he was shipping drugs to in Barbados. Those people are still about. In his case there was no need for violence. His coffee-coloured skin was a guarantee he would be freed.
    I was previously against the humiliation of the commissioner by the Mottley government. I am not so sure now.

  13. Lorenzo June 27, 2020 5:59 AM #: “Skinner nobody is saying corruption started in 2010 but up to now you have NOT MENTION MR THOMPSON, S ROLE IN THIS PARRIS MATTER WHY IS THAT SKINNER?”

    @ Lorenzo

    Perhaps you should explain to Mr. Skinner what was “Mr. Thompson’s role in this Parris matter.”

    Let’s look at this situation reasonable and rationally. Thompson ceased being owner of the law firm “Thompson & Associates,” on May 22, 2008…….. 4 months after he became Barbados’ 6th PM.

    The invoice in question was dated December 30, 2008, 7 months after he gave up ownership of the firm.

    So, maybe you’re assuming Thompson facilitated preparation of the invoice, perhaps because of the close relationship that existed between him and Parris.

    But, although the CLICO forensic audit report revealed the invoice (allegedly) came from “Thompson & Associates,” there wasn’t anything mentioned therein to suggest Thompson was actually involved in or had knowledge of its preparation.

    To be fair, you cannot condemn the late gentleman as being guilty of committing anything based on assumptions.

  14. @Hal,

    he is an embarrassment. either as a matter of policy you are going to handcuff all accused / arrested persons going to court or not and under what circumstances

  15. @Artax

    Do you know what kind of relationship the late Thompson had with the young lawyers he sold the firm to? When did Mara resign as office manager? Was there an arrange in the sales agreement for Thompson law firm to retain Parris’ business. Artax we live in Barbados, we know how these off the book transactions go. Did Thompson offer back door counsel like most of the judges and ministers do to the law firm? Hopefully we will hear a lot about how these people operated when the case comes to trial. Barbadians are in for an eye opening if the script is played out.

  16. To Austin, Skinner,and Greene as i stated before NOBODY STATED CORRUPTION STSRTED IN 2010. Let me repeat the no 1 actor in this Clico debacle was Mr Parris and the no 2 actor was Mr Thompson in my view.Let me redtate again MR THOMPSON WAS CLICO, LAWYER FOR YEARS AND KNEW IT,S OPERATION INSIDE OUT.ON BECOMING PM TOOK UP 10 MILLION DOLLARS OF TAXPAYERS MONEY AND PUT INTO CLICO. WHY?A CHEQUE FOR 3.3 MILLION DOLLARS PASSED THROUGH JIS LAW FIRM FOR HIS FRIEND MR PARRIS WHICH WAS MANAGED BY HIS WIFE AT THE TIME . REFUTE ANY OF THESE FACTS.It is unfortu ate in my view Mr Thompson is not arpund to defend himself because i believe he would do a better job than the piss poor job you all doing.Looking back through BU archives i realised something any time Mr Thompson, s name is mentioned in anything negative the first two people out of the blocks trying to defenf him were you guessed it Willliam Skinner and Hal Austin.The latter is a member of his fan club the former i don, t know if he is a relative or a member of his fan club as well but his feeble attempts at distractions cannot refute any thing i have stated.Therefore while policyholders were suffering these two were flying about on clico, s private jet and living large.It is time for nustice to be served in my view.

  17. David,

    i would bet that you wont hear none or v little of that when it comes to court. tell me how would you get that in evidence? not saying you cant but give an example of how you think you could?

  18. @Greene

    Sadly you will probably be proved correct. It is why things will never change. Same old same old.

  19. ” Air Canada, WestJet to drop physical distancing policies as air travel ticks up
    MONTREAL — The country’s two largest airlines are ending their on-board seat distancing policies starting July 1, raising health concerns amid a pandemic that has devastated the travel industry.”

    ” Air Canada is to be the first commercial flight to touch down at the Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) since March, Prime Minister Mia Mottley has announced. ( First flight July 12th )

    I sincerely hope wunna got this.

    I understand that Barbados desperately needs to re start the Tourist industry and Air Canada needs to fly.

    And I continue to wear a mask when I go shopping and adhere to the reccomended social distancing rule and

    have been addressively managing my Asthma with a corticosteroid and Ventolin as prescribed by my doctor.

    I was going to avoid taking the ventolin until I was reminded by DR. GEORIGIE PORGIE THAT I SHOULD TAKE BOTH MEDICATIONS TOGETHER.



    i am going to be pedantic as you are being silly.

    show that Thompson knew CLICO’s operation inside out? and what is the point of so stating? no one is disputing that the invoice was signed off by the former law firm of Thompson which his wife managed or worked at. what is the point of so stoutly pointing this out?

  21. @ David,

    You Could start a blog/post to dicuss the reopening of Barbados to Air travel and tourism. Don’t like displaying bad etiquette by straying from the posted topic of Leroy Parris.

  22. @ David

    Information relating to your questions are not in the public domain. So, we’re left to speculate.

    However, I’m sure you remember a statement in the Press, on behalf of the attorneys comprising the ‘new’ “Thompson & Associates,” (who were, at that time, Jessica Ashby, Amiri Dear, Darrin Downes, Stephna Greenidge and Gale Prescod)…… in which they sought to dissociate themselves from the “Thompson & Associates” that existed during the period prior to May 11, 2010, when the ‘new law firm’ was constituted.

  23. @Artax

    Thanks for reminding us of the disclaimer. It makes one wonder the thinking they could disentangle from the reputation of the name.

  24. Then we come to the COP in yesterday’s Nation trying to defend and pretend there is no racism in how the force deals with citizens. Imagine he said that the reason Parris was in handcuffs was because he could have abscond. I think that means get away. Ok then why was Charles Herbert not in handcuffs?





  25. Artax,

    my former campaign manager. expound on that submission above.

  26. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, indeed strange expectations of ‘disentangling’. Also strange the argumentation being offered above re Thompson’s involvement with the Paris check.

    I’ll let the fraud case evolve but as I recall from the evidence and pubic pronouncements of the time all of the senior attorneys at the PM’s former firm disavowed knowledge of the Parris check. That was an eyeopener… moreso, recall the check was payable to the firm for “fees or retainers related to various legal matters”. Said check was then endorsed by an officer of the firm and funds transferred to Mr. Parris, one assumes, who in his capacity as chairman had APPROVED the expense disbursement for retainers,fees and legal matters NOT salaries or gratuities!.

    That legal eagles can present here and agree that Parris was supposedly owed whatever astronomical remuneration his board approved but yet attempt to twist these basic FACTS as anything other than FRAUD is quite distressing.

    That the NON-ESTRANGED wife of the PM was the office manager and senior signatory to financial matters at the PM’s eponymous firm and yet we can so easily suggest that the PM would be so completely unaware of these activities is beyond amusing….

    In a rational world that was ‘crookery’… in a properly supervised world of law and order that PM would so badly ‘conflicted of interests’ that he would be ‘impeached/recalled/removed” and in a world governed by facts several BLP and the DLP politicians would have been investigated, indicted and some imprisoned.

    Anyhow, I hope Mr. Parris is incensed that he was so humiliated (if he actually has any emotional room for embarrassment left) and plots well the public denouement of his political adversaries …otherwise I could care less of his predicament.

    Alas,we believe and project whatever narrative works for us … so all good.

  27. Members of the media have been barred from entering the courtyard and the courtroom of the Magistrates Courts at District A, Bridgetown, this Saturday.

    When they turned up this morning, a barricade had been placed across the access by the arch, and they were told they could not enter.

    Dwayne Omar Gittens, 35, of No Fixed Place of Abode, is scheduled to appear today. He is charged with two counts of murder – contractor Glenroy James and photojournalist Christoff Griffith – both incidents occurring on June 22, 2020 at Bishop’s Court, St Michael…..(Quote)

    Why was the press denied entry to an open court? Who authorised this? What reasons were given? Is this part of a world-wide attack on the press? This is not an issue for discussion with a police press officer. It goes further than that. The press should demand to know what is the policy.
    Where is the attorney general?

  28. @ Mr. Greene

    An article published in the February 26, 2012 edition of the “Sunday Sun,” indicated the Deloitte forensic audit of CLICO revealed “Thompson & Associates” facilitated a payment of S3.3M to Leroy Parris.

    A paid statement in the March 2, 2012 edition of the “Weekend Nation,” on behalf of “Thompson & Associates’” attorneys Darrin Downes, Gale Prescod, Amiri Dear, Jessica Ashby and Stephna Greenidge, sought to dissociate the ‘new law firm’ from any such transaction.

    “The present complement of attorneys at law comprising Thompson & Associates was constituted on the 11th day of May, 2010, mere months prior to the death of the late Prime Minister, the Honourable David Thompson, QC, MP.”

    “We therefore wish to make it clear to the public that the firm of Thompson & Associates which existed during the period prior to May 2010, is not that which exists today.” The financial activities attributed to the firm Thompson and Associates prior to May 2010, and to which these recent articles refer, are therefore not to be ascribed to the operations of Thompson & Associates as the firm currently exists,”

  29. (Quote):
    Let’s look at this situation reasonable and rationally. Thompson ceased being owner of the law firm “Thompson & Associates,” on May 22, 2008…….. 4 months after he became Barbados’ 6th PM.
    The invoice in question was dated December 30, 2008, 7 months after he gave up ownership of the firm.
    But, although the CLICO forensic audit report revealed the invoice (allegedly) came from “Thompson & Associates,” there wasn’t anything mentioned therein to suggest Thompson was actually involved in or had knowledge of its preparation.

    However, I’m sure you remember a statement in the Press, on behalf of the attorneys comprising the ‘new’ “Thompson & Associates,” (who were, at that time, Jessica Ashby, Amiri Dear, Darrin Downes, Stephna Greenidge and Gale Prescod)…… in which they sought to dissociate themselves from the “Thompson & Associates” that existed during the period prior to May 11, 2010, when the ‘new law firm’ was constituted. (Unquote).


    show that Thompson knew CLICO’s operation inside out? and what is the point of so stating? no one is disputing that the invoice was signed off by the former law firm of Thompson which his wife managed or worked at. what is the point of so stoutly pointing this out? (Unquote).


    Dear David Blogmaster of BU:

    In the interest of clarity and to resolve the confusing statements quoted above, could you please reproduce a copy of that ‘well-circulated’ invoice which the Law Firm of “Thompson & Associates” allegedly prepared and sent to the ‘principals’ of CLICO demanding payment for legal services rendered?

    The details might show not only the nature of those legal services but also the time periods in which those services were delivered, allegedly.

    Then the BU household will see which ‘firm of lawyers were involved in these ‘legal’ fees transaction.

    Whether it was the Thompson & Associates prior to “May 22, 2008…….. 4 months after he became Barbados’ 6th PM” or only those ‘managing’ the firm of lawyers after the ‘dissolution of the partnership’ after May 22, 2008.

    Then we will be able to unravel this mystery surrounding the firm “Thompson & Associates” and its ‘business relationship(s) with CLICO Barbados bearing in mind the enduring principle that:

    “All partners are liable for contracts entered into and torts committed by any partner acting in or apparently in the normal course of business. This liability is personal and unlimited, joint and several…”

    Please don’t make it look as if Walter Blackman is not only unprofessional but also an idiot.
    The experienced gentleman is not only technically trained and but has the ‘hands-on’ knowledge and experience in order to comment competently and informatively in this matter.

  30. What was the contractual arrangement between the older Thompson and Associates and the new Thompson & Associates, if any? Did the new firm buy out the old one, or just assumed the name or an associated name? Was permission sought to use the name? Did the new company take over any of the contracts and obligations of the old firm? If so, did that include being the attorneys for Clico?
    Can Clico bank indicate which account the Bds$3.3m was cleared through, naming the individual/corporation and bank and date? Is this not information that a properly constituted judicial inquiry, with powers to subpoena witnesses and documents, would have discovered years ago? Were these accounts properly audited? If so, by whom? Will the auditors’ regulatory body be investigating?

  31. Thank you DPD these Dems think bajans got short memories.Exactly what point are you making Greene? Are you suggesting that Mr Thompson Clico, s lawyer for years would be unaware of Clico, s financial situation? Are you an idiot? Most bisiness transactions done by Clico would have done with Thompson, s knowledge as far as legal advice was concern.Therefore reel and come agsin.As for Skinner you asking questions i asked you why as PM Mr Thompson took up 10 million dollars of tax payers money and pumped into clico?Why Mr Parris was allowed to keep money in the central bank? Why was a cheque for Mr Parris passed through Thompson Associates while Mr Thompson ,s wife was office manager? Wss the 10 million repaid ? and lastly why was Mr Thompson flying about on clico , s private jet when he was PM?In my view Mr Thompson was highly influential in this saga and although he is gone his estate is still around.Let Skinner Austin Greene and the other Dems who like criticizinh Ms Mottley come and answer the above questions.

  32. One of the partners was on the Central Bank Board when the assistance from the CB was provided to Clico. I cast no aspersions on the individual or any of the other individuals’ character.

  33. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Lorenzo
    The taxpayers of Barbados has paid out the policy holders. The assets of CLICO are already on the market. I agree with you that Thompson was wrong to take our money and give it to CLICO. I did not agree with him for writing off the eight million dollars in taxes for the Barbados Turf Club either. Now let me shock you: I agree with a Mottley writing off over one billion dollars in taxes( according to Senator Caswell Franklyn; I agree with Mottley paying consultants over twenty million dollars; I agree with Mottley having twenty seven or so cabinet ministers; I agree with @ Tron that Mottley is our savior; I agree with every thing the BLP has done is doing and will do in the future.
    I can’t answer why Thompson flew on the jet or why his wife worked in his company. I can’t even ask why two big jobs gone one to the Speaker wife and one to a minister wife. Now how on earth can I explain why a man’s wife worked for him in his private company. That’s a real tough one buddy.
    Now let relax with my twenty five year old El Dorado Rum from Guyana.
    See ya.

  34. @Lorenzo,

    those who assert must prove.

    you made certain statements of fact (to you) with regard to Thompson knowing the operations of CLICO inside out etc. i asked you to show how that is true and are now asking me to prove that that is not the case? man piss in muh pocket

  35. @David,

    so CLICO approved the legal fees. who at CLICO? Parris? if not Parris, is that person a party to the fraud / theft of the 3.3mil? maybe the person was coerced or threatened. it may all come out in the wash

  36. @ William Skinner June 27, 2020 2:12 PM

    I’m glad you’re going along government lines! Unlike in Guyana, elections in Barbados are not rigged because we have a one-party democracy that the people really want. 😉

  37. @ David June 27, 2020 1:01 PM

    Thanks, Blogmaster, for the reproduction of that document reflecting the kernel of truth to support any evidence needed to prosecute anyone in the pursuit of Justice.

    If you believe that ‘doctored’ invoice is a true representation of ‘genuine’ legal services rendered which are subject to the rules of VAT, then, you can put your trust in God that the invoice for similar legal services rendered to the BWA and subject to VAT was not an integral part of a scam designed to bilk those two politically-compromised ‘commercial’ entities of their very scarce financial resources.

  38. @Greene

    You should redirect your question to Thornhill, gatekeeper of CLICO secrets.

  39. Greene i stand by my statement you cannot tell Mr Thompson as lawyer to clico did noyt kmow what was going on.You believe you speaking to a 10 year old? Try telling that to the angry policyholders.Perhaps you can answer the questions i asked ?Skinner at least you admit Mr Thompson was wrong perhaps you should admit he was the second major player after Mr Parris in this clico dehacle as well.I never question why Mrs Thompson worked for her husband i asked why was a cheque for 3.3 million passed through Thompson Associates while Mrs Thompson was office manager for Mr Parris? Perhaps you misunderstood the question since i got you under pressure as the Dem spin bowler you are.As for the rest of your response that is expected.

  40. “Greene i stand by my statement you cannot tell Mr Thompson as lawyer to clico did noyt kmow what was going on.You believe you speaking to a 10 year old? ”

    @ Lorenzo June 27, 2020 2:59 PM

    if your responses are anything to go by…yes

  41. @ Greene
    I once said that I believed if David Thompson had lived and served out his term he would have been a good prime minister. Some nutcase came out saying I was a Thompson fan. blah, blah.
    It saddens me that in 2020 we produce people who cannot understand basic reasoning. That’s life.

  42. @ Hal Austin June 27, 2020 3:52 PM

    Thompson was a populist who massively increased taxes and fees. He had no knowledge of financial matters, since his father was a “reverse windrusher” who had to flee from Great Britain to the Caribbean. In this sense, Thompson reminds me of Manduro, the bus driver from Caracas.

  43. @ Tron

    He was Guyanese.

  44. Tron the bullsbitter from england stated on BU that Mr Thompson had he lived would have become a great PM something he long for as a young man.When i challenged Austin to produce any evidence of this greatness his answer was because he Austin had a conversstion with him.I looked back over Mr Thompson, s political life and cannot find anything that he did or said that could remotrly class him as good far less greatMy greatedt memory of Mr Tho.pson was running away from a third successive lost to Mr Arthur which would have ended his chances of ever leading the Dems again and becoming PM.As a matter of fact i heard a clip before the last elections of Dr Haynes clearly stating that Mr Thompson could not lead him anywhere when Mr Sandiford as he was then wanted to place Mr Thompson over persons like Mr Tsitt Mr Greaves and the said Dr Haynes.Therefore you are correct Tron Mr Thompson, s tenure as Finance Minister with that first budget stsrted the slide as in my view he had little clue what he was doing.As far as this clico debate is concerned i hope persons found guilty of this fraud with policyholders monies feel the full weight of the law.

  45. @ Lorenzo June 27, 2020 4:37 PM

    There is only one G R E A T Prime. Remember that. Past prime ministers have treated the people like crap. Our leader, however, communicates regularly with the people. What a difference!

    They say great leaders emerge in great crisis. Our leader has already achieved three great things: debt reduction, meeting IMF conditions and defeating the Wuhan plague. I think that if she succeeds in installing a new government in Guyana, the time is ripe for “santo subito”, i.e. elevation to national heroine instantly.

    This would also solve the Nelson dilemma. It is perfectly clear that Mia Mottley must be put in Nelson’s place. Nelson will be transferred to a place where his statue has historical value. Of course we need a new sign for the right context.

  46. I must say, the last page or so of posts have been rather entertaining. Good points, likely causing some specific readers to be alarmed, plus a few barbs, quite delightful to see such engaged sparring.

    No doubt some are reading with interest. Ahem.

  47. @David,

    Not speaking about any specific matter or related matters, whether related to the titled blog or otherwise, however, I do perceive that things are about to get quite deep and encompass quite a wide variety of persons and activities.

    The next two years will be interesting and if what I perceive is correct, this government is going to come out of the next phase with tremendous accolades. I will not be straightforward, but will be worthwhile.

    Probably some should be getting their affairs organised with alacrity.

  48. That should read, ”it will not be straightforward”.

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