Submitted by Andrew Nehaul

We all know the story of Sam Lord. The world’s second oldest known con artist. The first one was William Chaloner (1650 – 1699): A serial counterfeiter and confidence trickster proven guilty by Sir Isaac Newton.

Below is a shortened version of his story.
Samuel Hall Lord, also called “Sam Lord” (1778 – 5 November 1844) was one of the most famous buccaneers on the island of Barbados. Sam Lord as he was usually known, amassed great wealth for his castle-mansion in Barbados. He did this through the direct plundering of ships stranded in the coral reefs just off the coast of his estate.

According to legend, Sam Lord would hang lanterns high in the coconut trees around his estate. Passing ships far out at sea would think it was the port city of Bridgetown and would sail towards the reef in the area, leading them to wreck their ships. Sam Lord would then board the ships and keep the riches for his castle, which stood in the parish of Saint Philip. [Source Wikipedia]

More specific info here:

I submit that we can we take this historical fact and expand upon it. In other words why not create a viable interest in travelling to Barbados to find Sam Lord’s treasure?

We can stimulate attention on social media by suggesting that the treasure has never been found and as the old castle is being renovated, now is the time to come and explore the island and look for it before it disappears. An app can be designed that gives clues to the treasure and visitors can travel around the island looking for it. On downloading and registering, the app will give participants a clue which will give directions to a possible location. When they find this location, the site will have a GPS locator which will register in the app and will then unlock a new clue. Note that the person must stand exactly in a specific location to get the app to unlock.

After the first location is registered it gives the participants a souvenir or drink (sponsored). To cut a long story short, the clues should be tough and the maximum number of clues should be no more than 10. The prize (treasure) should be USD 25.000 (any eventual taxes to be paid by the participants). Once found, the next time that it is run, the prize should be USD 35.000. The time after USD 45.000 etc

Some things to consider.

No other island had Sam Lord. As he was unique to Barbados. Let us use him to our benefit.

As this will be based on wideband usage, a smart phone will be necessary and there will be a fee to register. This fee will include a local SIM card with XXX data.

A sponsored digital map should be created (open for all) showing locations of bars, rum shops, restaurants in each parish that provide food/drink, clean restrooms, parking and free WiFi. These locations should be encouraged to niche what they offer clients. For example 3 of them may specialize on fish/seafood. 3 others on local Bajan food with panache while others on local sweets and/or bakery products.

Spin off high end souvenirs with a Sam Lord’s treasure logo should be created like – brass lanterns, smart phone cases, golf head covers, ceramic place settings etc

I am certain that the island has many creative persons who can run with this and make the concept even better.

197 responses to “Creating a New Lure for Tourism?”

  1. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Piece and Miller….rack back and ENJOY their SHORT MEMORIES work against them…wuhloss….

  2. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    100% stupidity being displayed on BU and it ain’t even 8:30am yet…lol

  3. @ David,

    I will restrict my comment to Canada. Covid 19 has devastated the economy and the first wave of “tourists” will be to Canadian destinations for staycations.

    I think it will be 3 or 4 years before Canadians flock to Barbados again.

    Just so you know I was serious about making a Sam Lords video game.

  4. @Waru

    Wrong wrong wrong on ALL levels with marijuana…an industry that I have clients in and work with daily as it is legal in several US states and federally in Canada.

    How can Barbados sell $250 to $500 million dollars in a year? To whom?
    You cannot import cannabis into Canada as it is controlled and they give priority to their own national growers. Same for the USA states that can’t even ship to other states. It’s illegal to do so without reams of approvals. So where are you markets?

    Also you should know no USA transport company is federally approved to transport cannabis again without special permits. So how would cannabis get from Barbados to any international market with the USA and Canada being the largest 2? On LIAT? Again dreaming

    How will Barbados cannabis companies be paid with the USA banking restrictions as cannabis is not federally approved?

    Then let’s talk about the QA and pesticide standards that have to be adhered to which means no outdoor grow given the inability to consistently control grow conditions. Who finances the expensive green houses needed? The average farmer in Bim?

    What about the specific THC/CBD strains that international buyers are looking for? Where would the Barbados farmer get the genetics? From markets that already have it? If so then they don’t need Barbados

    You are completely off-base with marijuana being a short term solution. Let me know if you want to get into the conversation on the economics of that industry. I can provide real numbers

    Time for real solutions

  5. Some three weeks ago I asked the pertinent question: “What is the latest news on the Graeme Hall sanctuary?”

    I will repeat that I am ignorant as to the politics behind this development.

    Can you imagine going to New York as a tourist and finding out that Central Park has been taken out of circulation; or going to Kenya and discovering that it is now forbidden to visit the Masai-Mara region where the big five wild animals roam freely.

    I visited the Graeme Hall sanctuary some 4 years ago??? However, it was not fully opened. The little I saw of it impressed me. It was an oasis of greenery surrounded by a brutal urban environment.

    The BLP proxies on BU refused to discuss the possibility of the sanctuary being brought back into use. How is it possible for this jewel in the crown to remain ring fenced leaving it inaccessible to Barbadians and tourists alike. Is it not time for Mr Allard and the Government of Barbados to collaborate with each other and do what is best for the country.

  6. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “How can Barbados sell $250 to $500 million dollars in a year? To whom?”

    it’s not about GOVERNMENT selling that amount to anyone so they can TIEF THE MONEY and share it with their minority bribers…..

    it’s about the majority population being ABLE to CREATE alternatives so they CAN SUSTAIN THEMSELVES… things stand the government is USELESS as usual in that regard….there are people on the island, BLACK PEOPLE ,who know how to turn marijuana into SUCCESFULLY BUSINESSES….but Mia don’t want to let go the marijuana to them for that VERY REASON..

  7. What some people do not understand is that tourism generates significant foreign exchange used to pay for food, oil and other foreign obligations. We need to have constructive arguments.

  8. Steupse!

  9. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    See Bajeabroad…ya SAID YASELF…the marijuana is absolutely USELESS TO THE GOVERNMENT now and always will be….

    ….because not only are they TOO FAR BEHIND everyone else who are already out of the gate 2 years and more…it’s also because they do not know what they are doing and are ADAMANT that they do NOT want Rasta and the Black population to have it….

    that is why government is going to end up the LOSER in all of this, no matter how many black people they TARGET AND LOCK UP…let her keep holding on to it…see if they can smoke all themselves…cause that is the only use it has ever been to them for decades…when it has a thousand other uses and ways to generate cash flow..

  10. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Blogmaster…no one with intelligence cares about this or the other government’s problems, this government WROTE…over 1 BILLION DOLLARS for VAT THIEVES in the business community…..their friends and partners in crime and wrote of another 500K for tax evaders, their family included…let them go get that money back…

    this government DESERVES all the shite coming at them, let them bring back all their offshore accounts that probably holds a couple billion dollars combined between them and their BRIBERS…it will certainly help the economy, since all of them have been BOASTING FOR YEARS about being MULTI-MILLIONAIRES…..well now they broke the country and KARMA is kicking their asses…let them capatulate.

    so crying rivers are not moving intelligent people, we leave that for Fowl Enuff, the other less articulate fowls and the low crawling bottomfeeders…

  11. @ Bajeabroad May 24, 2020 8:38 AM

    You are making some very solid points.

    Yes, tourism will continue, potentially, to be the bread and butter industry needed to earn the level of forex to keep Bajans in a lifestyle based on imported food, big cars etc.

    The burning question is how Barbados is going to reposition itself to meet the demands of the tourists of the post-Covid future.

    Barbados will continue to be a rather ‘more’ expensive destination especially for those whose incomes have taken a beating from the current pandemic.

    What added value can Bim make to its tourism product to make it a ‘cut-above-the-rest in the Caribbean to justify its high cost as a destination for the average visitor looking for a ‘sun’ break from the cold?

    Just the traditional sun, sea and sand will no longer cut it in a post-Covid environment where most tourists will be especially sensitive to environmental and public health issues like rats overrunning the island rummaging through garbage strewn along the streets.

    Why would a new-age tourists want to come to a country with its backward laws and ‘hypocritical’ customs on marijuana and same-sex relationships?

    PS: We take your sound argument about not relying on marijuana as a replacement to any ‘traditional’ industry.

    All we can say at this stage is that the local production and distribution would go a long way in saving the country some seriously scarce forex; especially now a major source of foreign cash mainly US$ has tried up with the lost of tourists and other visitors to the island.

    There has always been an ongoing massive ‘underground’ leak in foreign currency by way of the marijuana import trade. It’s time to plug this massive hole in the mary jane pipeline. Time to free up the local production to stem this well-known (and protected) leak.

  12. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    And being the fair person i am…ya see all that MARIJUANA ALYUH BEEN SMOKING FOR DECADES AND SELLING IT TOO… while locking up black people and pretending ya so special….ah hope all that marijuana smoke CHOKE ALYUH every time ya light ya joint or ya pipe…

    don’t mind the spelling errors, ah only see them after i post, but everyone knows what ah mean just fine, even the fowls…lol

  13. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    This is how we start to redesign and reforge the economic flywheel.

    Adopt a clear, sensible, long-term COVID19 strategy
    Granted it spreads easier but anywhere from 90-95% of infected persons have mild or no symptoms so our focus should be on measures to protect the vulnerable and boost our immune system. We now know how to effectively fight this virus and need to start publicizing and doing those things

    – All positive persons or persons with mild flu-like symptoms are to stay home and wear a mask only when they are around other people.
    – Only persons experiencing worsening symptoms or persons at special risk should be admitted to the isolation facilities.
    – Publicize immune system boosting guidelines. i.e. Lists of foods and supplements to strengthen our immune system
    – Start using the treatment protocols that works in the early to mid stages to mostly eliminate the need for hospitalization.
    – Implement new indoor air quality and circulation standards for air-conditioned building and public transport. Research has shown transmission occurs indoors not outdoors.

    Infrastructure Repair and Cut all the Red Tape

    – Start replacing all the old water mains. We are not water scarce if we are letting 60% of the water we pump not reach customers.
    – Fix roads and the other usual infrastructure stuff, etc.
    – Improve the processes in government departments the reduce the length of time it takes to get things done.

    Self-sufficiency in Food.

    – Law requiring any land zoned for agricultural purposes and out of production for 2 or more years must be made available for one year leases in half acre lots to persons interested in farming. The Ministry of Agriculture can set the one year lease contract standards, managing and monitoring.
    – Setup farming co-operatives with each parish having at least one.
    – Setup a produce distribution company where only farming co-operatives are allowed to hold shares and form the board. It will be responsible for marketing, procuring large orders for the co-operatives to hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. Eventually, it can start a cannery or food preservation venture.
    – Organic farming certification standards.

    Restructure our tourism strategy to focus around medical tourism, healthy living and rejuvenating environments and experiences.

    – Improve our health care to provide medical procedures to tourists followed by recovery at accommodations geared for rest and relaxation in a natural environment.
    – Advertise and push our cleaner environment comparing pollution levels, water quality and other environmental and health related metrics against other countries to prove the point.

  14. Thanks; the plan smells mainly long term. In the short term?


  15. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    BajeabroadMay 24, 2020 7:52 AM
    “Global tourism WILL rebound…”
    You are correct that the slump in tourism is global and “all of our competitors and their planners are in the same boat…” It is a competitive environment and we so need to respond to the threat more effectively than our competitors. To do this we need to understand the threat to which we are responding. You point out that “if being chased by a lion I don’t have to run faster than a lion just faster than the other people being chased…” but what if the threat is not a lion, but quicksand? Your superior athletic ability will be of absolutely no use.

    So let’s understand the threat.

    The major component of the threat is the economic depression in our tourism source markets. For example in the UK the Bank of England has warned the British economy could shrink by 14% this year and unemployment more than double by spring as the coronavirus causes the deepest economic slump for the past 300 years. That’s right, the UK has not been in worse economic shape since 1706… not when losing the American colonies in 1781, not with the collapse of the East India Company in 1844, not the Great War of 1914-18, not the Great Depression of 1929-39, certainly nothing in our lifetime even comes close in scale to what we are now facing. Even if you added the OPEC crisis on top of 9/11 on top of the 2008 financial meltdown you still would fall far short.

    Tourism industries are based on discretionary spending which gets cut first in an economic downturn. Of course folks are flooding to the beaches and local attractions within driving distance as soon as restrictions are lifted “because people are tired of the Covid restrictions and want to get back to their lives.” However this does not mean that they have thousands of dollars to spare for a family holiday in Barbados. They do not, and they will not for several years.

    I am not pretending that tourism is dead for the long term, but it is dead at this moment and it will not recover until the economies of our source markets are healthy again.

    So what should we do right now? We need to acknowledge reality and customise our tourism product to suit. That is where industry experts like Andrew should be giving us guidance. Clearly we should adjust our focus to more affluent visitors who will be less constrained by the economic depression. Clearly we should be emphasising long term stays rather than short term because of the growing inconvenience of airline travel that will be more expensive and involve multiple health checks and certifications.

    Clearly we should be paying really close attention to reducing and eliminating COVID-19 locally and implement very stringent health checks for all arriving visitors so that we can attract long term visitors who will see us as a safe haven from the pandemic. Why shouldn’t we fill all those empty hotel rooms with long term visitors who can afford to stay here for 6, 9 or 12 months if the public health crisis in their own countries continues to rage out of control?

  16. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Why would a new-age tourists want to come to a country with its backward laws and ‘hypocritical’ customs on marijuana and same-sex relationships?

    PS: We take your sound argument about not relying on marijuana as a replacement to any ‘traditional’ industry.”

    Miller…as someone else reasserted that the bigger countries are ENCOURAGING their people to be tourists in their OWN COUNTRIES..,,and that can last for YEARS…..they have the land space and all the other entertainment set up etc they need for that….

    i won’t give them not one idea on how to capitalize on the marijuana on the international market even if it could save their lives, not after what they have done to their own people with their low class nasty moves….. and neither would ANYONE ELSE be giving them any advice on that either…….they are not to tief, profit from and sell out the same marijuana after their evil acts to their own people only this year……in addition, they sold it out already, but now they are all STUCK….lol

    let them go sell fowls…

    ah just waiting for Boeing and all the other REAL tourism players THAT THEY DEPENDON ON to move forward…with their new plans…and only then will these see where they stand in the NEW AGE grand scheme of things…until then, they are just as helpless as the people they love to oppress so they can promote others…

  17. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    Most items in my contribution are medium to long term but our ONLY focus now must be to get back to a stage where we can honestly shout to the world ‘BARBADOS IS BACK’ and be able to back it up. Nobody is going want to travel here or be inclined to go to work if at the first sign of a cough or high temperature, you risk quarantine and getting locked up at Harrison’s Point. Fear is bad for business so our only short term goal must be to get the fear.

    Main achievable Short Term points are
    – We first have to get our COVID strategy right and to a place where we can fully open for business and demonstrate to tourists that you don’t have to worry about COVID restriction when you come and if you do catch it, we have a non-invasive and effective outpatient treatment you can take while soaking up our sun and fresh air.
    – Increase local food production to reduce the food import bill. Leasing 1/2 acre out of production lots in one year leases gets us there without land owners having to give up their rights. Co-operatives gets farmers easier access to assistance and sales allowing them to focus on producing.
    – Improving government processes cuts red tape and makes things more efficient.

  18. @Peter

    The last part of your comment is interesting. Is there evidence the government has not changed the short term tourism strategy? There is a COVID tourism committee, do we know its findings?

  19. Having a COVID protocol is tactical separate and apart from an economic strategy relevant for the times.

  20. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    Without an effective non-lockdown COVID protocol, there is no economic strategy. Any economic strategy we come up with is wasted and doomed to failure unless we fix the COVID protocol.

  21. @ Critical analyzer
    A very good start.
    We were aware of the problem of depending ‘solely’ on tourism for quite some time. I would not expect you to produce a solution today..

    In fact, a short term fix may create more problems than it solve. No amount of wishful thinking will help with this one.

  22. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @David May 24, 2020 9:34 AM
    “In the short term?”
    The government must invest in large scale rapid testing capacity. I am willing that my tax dollars underwrite this investment because it is fundamentally for the protection of the health of Bajans. Then when airlines resume service to GAIA every single passenger and crew member must be tested immediately upon landing. All positive cases get put into isolation and treated, the bill being sent to the mandatory health insurance that is added to the price of every ticket.

    This is the only way we can restart visitor arrivals without endangering the health of Bajans. It also means that we can develop the reputation of Barbados as a safe haven from COVID-19. Then we redirect the BTMI advertising budget away from the short term vacation product to market Barbados as a long term refuge from the pandemic for people who can afford to come and stay for 6 months, a year or more.

    This is a hedging strategy; the worse the pandemic gets in our source markets, the better this strategy will perform. If the pandemic fades away this strategy has caused no damage and the only result is that we have strengthened our health care system by augmenting testing capacity.

    However, if the pandemic persists we can replace the revenue of 500,000 visitors who stay for an average of 2 weeks with equal revenue from only 40,000 visitors who stay for an average of 25 weeks. Do the arithmetic… we will earn the same US$1 billion per year from 40,000 visitors each spending US$1,000 per week for 25 weeks, that we used to from 500,000 visitors each spending US$1,000 per week for 2 weeks.

    What is more those 40,000 visitors only require 10% of the airlift capacity that our previous mass tourism industry did, because we will likely suffer a massive drop in airlift as airlines go bankrupt.

    Why isn’t our Tourism Task Force putting practical ideas like this on the table? Why aren’t tourism consultants and experts like Andrew writing about and guiding the powers that be towards such practical short term strategies? Is is simply because no public money ends up in their pockets?

  23. @PLT

    I would go further on the long term idea and actually try to figure out how Barbados can be a global location where studies or clinical trials are carried out on a number of lower risk Covid patients who are flown in. Medical tourism that fits the current times and leverages current realities

    1 Airlines need revenue. They would move lower risk patients here on special conditions. They are doing repatriation flights today. If not look at charter airlines. Plus the patients have families right….this time with a real reason to visit Barbados

    We have rooms available. Not hard to sell to a hotel with zero bookings in the foreseeable future. How hard is it to add ventilators or some portable medical equipment and host accompanying families
    Caribbean incl Cuba has doctors and nurses and already understands medical infrastructure. It’s not new too us. If not get nurses and doctors from the region. More “tourists” who will spend here
    Where we have to sell is attracting the pharma companies to conduct the trials and research here in Barbados…,I have no answers for that except we have been marketing tourism for decades and that is where Mia and the weight of her office is needed. The president of Madagascar has been touting his cure. Make links and be a test location. Mia is good at this
    The PR associated is there as covid will be a discussion topic for months with name adjacency to Barbados. Mia was just the international press with Mrs Ammanpour. She can be all over internationally media explaining the Barbados story around research work being done here and journalist can see 1st hand as well if they visit. Social media from patients and family here from all over will also be boost

    No other Caribbean island is doing it..,we would be unique

    Can be implemented quickly…,in 6 months

  24. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    I just saw a DISCLAIMER Notice FROM FORMER minister in BLP Anthony Wood DISASSOCIATING himself from Indar Weir and APOLIGIZING to the people of St. Philip South and asking them to “withdraw your support” his words not mine…and “apologizing to you for my grave error in judgement in endorsing and supporting the candidacy of Mr. Weir” his words not mine…

    so while the fowls are hiding behind their computers in silence thinking they are going to carry back news to Mia so they can sell out again…they may want to tell us what’s going on because we will find out anyway…Wood said he will tell all in the coming months….it’s gone viral on whatsapp.. wuhloss….lol

    Miller…Piece…things are HAPPENING…

  25. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Of course we should ban cruise ship tourism for the foreseeable future. They add nothing of value in terms of tourist spend, they are floating petri dishes for the propagation of infection. It is logistically too difficult to test 4,000 people who are only going to be in Barbados for a few hours and spend nothing of consequence.

  26. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I see your point and it has merit, but I’d prefer to keep the island completely COVID free. We can reorient the industry and the marketing to serve long term COVID free visitors in under 6 weeks. We do not have to build any new infrastructure or refit any hotel rooms.

    Like you, I want Barbados to evolve away from over reliance on tourism. I put forward this short term stop gap solution only because the ‘experts’ seem to be asleep at the wheel while the country heads towards economic disaster.

    The tourism industry is just a half step away from the plantation and that is much too close for my peace of mind. At the same time I must be mindful of the suffering of my neighbors who rely on the industry to make their living and feed their children.

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    So they already pay their workers shitemoney anyway…made tons and tons of money post government cockup of unnecessarily closing the supermarkets for two whole weeks . Yet they are laying off.

  28. Devising a COVID protocol will be easy because it will be informed by WHO and other global agencies. Coming up with a redesign of the economy will be like asking a submarine to turn on a dime.

  29. (Quote):
    This is the only way we can restart visitor arrivals without endangering the health of Bajans. It also means that we can develop the reputation of Barbados as a safe haven from COVID-19. Then we redirect the BTMI advertising budget away from the short term vacation product to market Barbados as a long term refuge from the pandemic for people who can afford to come and stay for 6 months, a year or more. (Unquote).

    Barbados has always had the ‘good’ reputation of a place to convalesce; even going back to the days of George Washington.

    That was the driving force behind the establishment of the Crane and a few other old hotels and guest houses on the South Coast.

    It was once known as an excellent place for the rich and famous to retreat for some private R&R.

    Barbados needs to up its game in targeting this niche market where the spin-off expenditure into the economy is much greater than the ‘budget’ tourist.

    It would be interesting to know if there is a study which identifies the age profile of the long-stay winter visitors.

    One suspects that the traditional ‘long-stay’ retired snowbirds (especially those out of the UK and Canada) are no longer seeing Bim as their favourite winter retreat.

    Covid-19 and its possible successors can only have further negative impact of this declining market.

  30. And the shifting, vacillation and capitulation begins. To write off tourism is to misunderstand the human spirit and the essence of why people travel. Wunna gine lose wunna bets.

  31. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Too bad…i already won my bet, from understanding the PEOPLE YALL DEPEND ON for ya tourism product in the real world better than you ever could…

    ka-ching..that was the sound of me cashing in…

  32. Not so fast. Slow your roll.

    Medical tourism is mainly tourists traveling to foreign countries to have procedures performed at a cost that is cheaper than in their own country.

    The only tourists I see travelling to the Caribbean for a clinical trial are those in the end stage of a disease. I am doubtful if lower risk COVID patients would be willing to participate in a clinical trial in the Caribbean. Do you remember how when there was talk of having COVID trial in Africa, when the disease was rampant in Europe?

  33. Stupse!

  34. We were beating up on Liz Thompson flying in to see her 95-year old mother/grandmother. Now we are flying in COVID19 patients to save the tourist industry.

    Time for me to exit before i get dazzled by these brilliant ideas.

  35. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “The only tourists I see travelling to the Caribbean for a clinical trial are those in the end stage of a disease..”

    well with all the hoopla with the elderly father of the wife of the MP in UK parliament and Sparman, just months ago, ah wish them all the luck of the Irish even with end stage patients……lol

    that info was all over social media, how soon they forgot..

  36. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    The COVID protocols from the WHO and other global agencies are abject failures. Locking people in their houses is unwarranted.

    The COID19 protocol we need to be following is this
    1) Publize a single page COVID Prevention cheat sheet, the list of symptoms to watch out for and advise people at risk to increase their vitamin C, D and Zinc intake.
    2) For people that test positive or start having the matching symptoms, the early onset treatment protocol should be hydroxychloroquine and zinc.

    The only reason hydroxychloroquine is being blocked with bogus studies and given to patients too late is in the treatment schedule is because Trump supports the use of it and if it is proven to work, he will easily get a second term; there will be no need for a vaccine and the pharmaceuticals will not be able to profit from this pandemic.

  37. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Enuff May 24, 2020 11:18 AM
    I wish you had the courage to contribute something beyond snide comments.

  38. You will have a problem because there is nothing emanating from Public Health officials to suggest the government will move away from WHO, PAHO and other international agencies.

    We have a problem then?

  39. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The government can always sell fowls…cousin Boris and his sidekick Cummins got something going called “creative destruction”, they will fit right in… sure they will be happy to be part of that, make them feel important…

  40. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    The main weakness of the plan I put forward for tourism based on long term COVID free visitors is that current rapid testing technology is not yet accurate enough to rely on. These rapid antigen tests, like the one made by Abbott, are not as accurate as the polymerase chain reaction that we are currently using, but they are much cheaper and faster. We need cheap fast tests so that we can test an entire plane load of people within minutes. At the moment however, the Food and Drug Administration is cautioning the public about the reliability of a widely used rapid test for the coronavirus, made by Abbott Laboratories, which has been linked with inaccurate results that could falsely reassure patients that they are not infected with the virus.

  41. Freedom Crier Avatar



    Our Climate is Not Conducive to this Virus… This Virus will not Blossom in a Climate Environment like ours. This Virus is way overblown… In Fact Covid 19 will go down as one of the Political world’s Biggest and Most Shameful, Overblown, Overhyped and Irrationally Inflated and Out Right Deceptively Flawed Responses to a Health Matter, One that was Carried Largely on the Lips of Medical Professionals who have No Business Running a National Economy…TAKING THE CREDIT FOR FLATTENING THE CURVE BUT NOT THE BLAME FOR KILLING THE ECONOMIES OF THE WORLD! Its Effects will be felt Devastatingly and Drastically in others Areas…a Lot of Small Businesses will no longer survive this Lock Down and many other health issues have been pushed aside because of it and those Repercussions will be Greatly Felt.

    10 Reasons I don’t have CORONA PHOBIA

    Initial model was dead wrong. Imperial model was 2.2 million. Off by over 2000%

    Lockdown failed: 66% of NY cases were from people locked down. Sweden didn’t lock down and achieved herd immunity naturally.

    Nursing home neglect. 1/3 of deaths are in nursing homes.

    Social distancing is unscientific. Came from a 14 year old’s science project. No basis in science.

    Masks are a joke. It says it on the box! Lowers oxygen which decreases immune response.

    Blocked effective treatments. 200 studies that show HCQ works. 99% success rate. Studies were done in 2006 showing effectiveness. Used last 60 years for malaria and lupus. Oxygen not being used. Ventilators killing 90% of people. Nobody recommending vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, exercise, healthy diet, ie boost immune system.

    Doctors screwed up! Not allowed to use critical thinking. Must follow protocol! One size fits all protocol.

    Vaccine is still a unicorn. Never been a successful RNA vaccine. Think Sars/common cold. No safety studies! Rushing to market. No animal trials. Could make Covid more deadly.

    Death rate mirrors a bad flu season. Numbers are bloated. .1% death rate. 2018 flu death rate was 80,000 and we did nothing. Death number in Italy were adjusted to only 12% from Corona.

    Cure is worse than the problem. Crashed economy, suicides, poverty, millions afraid to seek medical care, loss of civil liberty, drug overdoses,

    Lockdown Protests – The Great Awakening WorldWide



    Protests around the world against lockdowns, government and tyranny. Huge compilation of protests everywhere in the world, fighting for Freedom!


  42. Good idea. We need more things for tourist and locals to do.

  43. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    And that is why we will be heading into constant lockdowns and sinking our economic into a depression because they don’t want Trump to win re-election. Have you seen how tanned Andrew Cuomo, the New York governor looks? He seems to be getting lots of vitamin D from the sun. Meanwhile we are telling bajans to stay indoors and wear masks in the outside open air when the science supports wearing masks indoors.

    Don’t bank on a vaccine either because they have had problems developing vaccines for coronaviruses in the past and this rushed vaccine is most likely going to end up doing more harm than good.

    All the agencies take their cue from the WHO and they are not going to advocate for hydroxychloroquine treatment because it will re-elect Trump. If Trump gets re-elected, he will do some serious house cleaning at the WHO, CDC, NIH and they are all afraid of that.

  44. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    And this is the reason why NO ONE with the knowledge, intelligence and who know this sell out, untrustworthy governent well, will ever help them with the marijuana…let them sink or swim….the black faces in the parliament need to change their nasty ways toward black people who look just like them, especially their wickedness toward Rasta…..they got years Enuff before they are ready to do that and maybe never will…so let them feel it….in real time…

    “Arrested for cultivation while helping the government create standards for cultivation certification. It seems no morals and ethics in medicine and none for the Medical cannabis industry in Barbados. I have said it before and will say it again, eventually does not work.”

  45. PLT
    I made my contribution from the outset. Have you forgotten? The BU Ecotourism expert, town planning expert, tourism planning expert, airline industry expert etc have all spoken. Since I don’t like repeating muhself, or try to post the most blogs, and my position has not changed I am sitting back and watching.

  46. PLT
    Oh like you, I support casinos too.

  47. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Well…sitting alone dont cut it, the fowl said it lives outside of Barbados but somehow do n’tt know to tell the government they support in all their wickedness against the people that they should make blood collection DRIVES more convenient by getting 2 vans to drive around the 11 parishes safely collecting blood…and also to go to work places, installing a bed should not be a problem, but blood collection will then be more successful seeing that QEH is always low on blood…

    what a fowl..

    good for nothing…..or only good for “looking on” and collecting dumb shit to use later…

  48. Stupse.

  49. @ Enuff May 24, 2020 1:50 PM

    Since you now have a lot of time on your multi-tasking hands why not investigate the reason for the cessation of the preparatory work at the Hyatt Lighthouse site?

    Time is money and deadlines have to be met to avoid cost overruns, not so big PR boss?

    Now we don’t want foreign business people to be descending on Bridgetown in 18 months time looking for a luxury hotel only to find a deflated phallic concrete monster, do we?

  50. What the hell! What a bunch of fantasists?

    You lot think that Barbados has much if any control over how its post CV19 tourism set up will look ?

    The level and scope of Barbados’ future tourism economy will be driven by what action the UK, US, Canadian, etc. governments decide to take with respect to ensuring the public health of THEIR people and the pace and extent THEY decide to reopen THEIR economies while minimizing the public health risks in THEIR own countries.

    These more than any ill-advised local schemes will determine the size and flavour of the tourism pie going forward.

    The UK govt recently stated that anyone arriving to the UK from overseas has to under go a mandatory 14 day quarantine. What impact do you think that this policy alone will have on tourism in Barbados?

    You people need to get real!

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