In the social media world it is referred to as click bait, not sure of the equivalent in the dead tree world.

A few weeks ago the BU blogmaster was critical of the Sunday Sun editor for offending the sensibilities of many Bajans by inserting a picture of Peter Wickam and partner on the front page. The objective of report was to share the news a prominent local person had taken a husband? There was reference to a marriage to further irritate.

Today the Sunday Editor repeated poor judgment by introducing as front page news a disagreement between late Prime Minister David Thompson’s wife Mara and her mother in law Margaret Knight. It seems like a story traditional media should have left for the blogs to rumble with. Truth be told circulation is flagging and money makes the world go around.

A more worthy angle would have been to inquire from Mara Thompson when her husband’s will was probated and to confirm if she is the beneficiary of tens of millions largely derived from her late husband’s servicing of the CLICO account. This is a matter of national import given the hundreds of CLICO policyholders poorer for purchasing CLICO product. Instead the Sunday Sun preferred to share the news that Mara Thompson turned her back on the 88 year old mother in law by refusing to pay her rent.

What would the late David Thompson say if he were alive to see his mother spurned by Mara?

Sun 1



98 responses to “Yellow Journalism Alive at Fontabelle”

  1. Margaret Knight is the grand mother of the late David Thompson’s children.

  2. David has once again identified the really important story. Thank you for your neutral investigative journalism. Mara Thompson is a typical representative of the racist DLP-apartheid state, which oppresses the black masses. The DLP grandees and DLP functionaries in the bureaucracy are like white wolves dressed in black sheepskin. Barrow and all the other DLP supporters wanted independence from Britain only to mercilessly exploit blacks without international control. They really succeeded from 2008 to 2018. Today, the social gap between whites and blacks in Barbados is greater than ever before – thanks to the destructive policies of the last DLP government under Chris Sinckler and his hated ministerial colleagues.

    It is time for the people to join Mia Mottley in a torchlight march to DLP headquarters to bring down the ringleaders of this conspiracy.

  3. Mara Thompson still has a very good chance of getting a seat in parliament in the future. Just look at the naive and impoverished blue masses. The supporters of the DLP love to be exploited and smell excrement from the south coast. Must be some kind of sadomasochism.

  4. PoorPeacefulandPolite Avatar

    One Caribbean Media seems to enjoy taking digs at Barbados. If advertisers in the paper won’t help us show that we do not appreciate their Sunday editor’s cheap shots, they themselves should be judged guilty by association.

  5. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    No surprise, as MP and rep she was always accused of being nasty to the people of St. John, insulting and uppity while sleeping in front of cameras in the parliament acting like she was so entitled and never lifted a finger to do anything for the people she represented.

    “Mara Thompson is a typical representative of the racist DLP-apartheid state, which oppresses the black masses.”

    and no different to the racist BLP apartheid state, is the current PM not godmother to her children and David’s best friend…all you dirty frauds and ENEMIES OF BLACK PEOPLE want dismantling and taking down in grand style.

  6. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    This just highlights the lowclass shitehounds for leaders in both toxic racist governents, all they have ever done and STILL do is suck free money from the taxpayer’s and pensioners and that is only when they are not stealing money by the hundreds of millions of dollars, robbing the elderly and their beneficiaries….the original no good negro and common class thieves posing as governments who have nothing to offer the people who pay their salaries, not even an original idea ….and …who need mutlimillion dollar consultants to tell them what to do…the island and people will be happy to be rid of these damn bedbugs.

  7. How dare you compare the wild men of the DLP to our government.

    By equating the criminal DLP syndicate with our beloved government, you are crossing all boundaries of political decency. When OSA was Prime Minister, Barbados was on the threshold of the First World. After Thompson, that little manduro, had snatched power with lies, Barbados sank deeper and deeper every year from an almost fully developed country to the abysses of Central Africa and Venezuela.

    It is also a fact that the Americans have convicted an arrogant, white-loving DLP grandee and not a respectable BLP minister of money laundering.

  8. @Tron

    Your shtick is getting old, not sure if you think it’s funny but it is boring me to tears, time to try a new routine

  9. You want me to switch sides and play court jester for the DLP? That’s a big challenge.

  10. If the nation continues with this type of ” news” it should change its name to The Star.

    So many issues out there of importance like the economic fallout from the Corona Virus and this is the best wunna can do?

  11. @David blogmaster “given the hundreds of CLICO policyholders poorer for purchasing CLICO product”

    Are the CLICO policy holders poorer? Or is it we the taxpayers who are poorer?

    Asking for a friend.

  12. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Pure crap. Nation brings a gay marriage. BU highlights it. Nation brings a family dispute . BU highlights it.
    So who guarding the guards. Nation and BU on the same page.

  13. Oh dear. I read the online Natin early this morning and did not notice the front page story. Then I bought the paper edition and was surprised to see the story.

    Can’t really say that I blame the Nation though. It seems to me that both women [notice I did not say ladies] it seems to me that both women freely spoke to the media.

    The thingy about returning the unwrapped and resealed present in the mop bucket struck me.

    Now I have received my [un]fair share of unwanted gifts in my fairly long life. But I have NEVER returned any to the donors, and I would certainly not return any in a mop bucket. I have a kitchen cupboard and a bedroom drawer full of the things. When I die my children like the sensible they are will transport the unwanted items directly to Mangrove landfill. That way nobody’s feelings are hurt. I don’t believe in unneccesarily hurting the feelings of others.

    Once I gave a gift to Little Susie. Years later after Little Susie had moved out of the place, I found the gift carefully stored in the dirt cellar. I am not a poor great poppet. I liked the gift then. I like it now. I took it up, gave it a nice soap and water bath and it now occupies a proud place in my home. Tastes varies. i expect that my little treasure will go directly to Mangrove landfill once I close my eyes for the last time. Little Susie I still love ya, and I still love my little giftie.

  14. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I see the story a different way. It is insight into the way people operate. The letter of May 2019 from Mrs Thompson was seemingly intended to deceive, rather to just ‘get Ms Knight out’. [Was the Mapps property sold?] The lawyer representing Ms Knight was well aware of this, but it was accepted anyway? The courts can now determine if it is a valid contract or not. Did Mrs Thompson similarly put in writing to her late husband’s siblings, an explanation of their future role?
    These are useful lessons in life situations many of us encounter. At least as newsworthy, as writing about a $28M structure which has never been occupied, and little research as to WHY this is the case.

  15. Relationships can be difficult. I could write a whole book about difficult family, friends, neighbors, colleagues etc.

    Old people can be difficult. I can write ten whole books about difficult old people…including myself.

    I tend to refer to inlaws as outlaws [but not to their face of course] because what is the point of aggravating people.

    So smile, be polite, smile some more.


  16. @NorthernObserver March 8, 2020 11:20 PM. “Did Mrs Thompson similarly put in writing to her late husband’s siblings, an explanation of their future role?”

    Why would a former daughter in law have to explain to her former sisters and brothers in law “their future role” of the old woman’s children?

  17. The rich certainly are different. Both of my parents died in the 21st century. At the time of their deaths, dad’s pension was less than $400 BDS per month; and my mum’s was less than $500 BDS. He was a skilled tradesman most of whose work life had been before the days of NIS; she had been a stay at home mother for many years.

    Somehow we managed, without having to involve lawyers, maybe because we all hate lawyers. Lolll!!!

  18. I read the article. I will not go into whether or not it should have been published. I got the impression that Thompson is a cold and calculating person. There was protest against those who claimed she should never have been allowed to enter parliament. Events have shown how stupid Barbadians are. Presumably, she is getting a pension from parliament, one from her husband and one from Combermere School. Then there is the money that her husband laundered that Barbadians are afraid to talk about. Barbadians should have remembered what happened to the supermarket trying to set-up in St. Lucia. I operate on the basis of an eye for an eye.

  19. @ Silly Woman

    “I tend to refer to inlaws as outlaws [but not to their face of course] because what is the point of aggravating people.”

    What a wolf in sheep’s clothing you are.

  20. BU highlighted the Nation bringing the story not gay marriage.

    BU highlighted he Nation bringing a family dispute to the front page ahead of pressing issues.

    Per usual the blogmaster will not expect you to glean the not to subtle difference.

    Finally, have you called out Spot on for the derogatory references he makes daily about other commenters?


  21. @Simple Simon


  22. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David the Blogmaster you surprise me ( shock really) with your take on these two issues highlighted.

    I am totally confused why you consider two MAJOR local issues: a) Same Sex Marriage – which is not yet legal in Bim, as far as I know – and b) ‘Elder Abuse’/Mistreatment of our Elderly as non worthy of front page attention particularly when it involves equally MAJOR Bajan celebrities/prominent elites!

    How can terms like “offending the sensibilities of many Bajans by inserting a picture of Peter Wickam and partner on the front page” or that Bajans were “further irritate[ed]” to be told that a very *”prominent local person had taken a husband” .. even be used practically in a nation which has a ‘closetted’ lesbian head of State.

    You DONT think that was front page news worthy announcement or too that a former PM’s wife is kicking that PM’s mother to the kerb??

    Then what is bro?

    News is whatever is considered of interest to those seeking said news… and generally we are ‘interested’ in the affairs (pun or not) of our top locals!

    Bro are u a newsman or not!😎

    We can also debate your “sensational” headline of Yellow Journalism.

    Since day one of Hoyte and his investors the Nation was considered a sensational ‘rag’ … the amount of scandalous stories they ran to drive readership/reach were seen as too many compared surely to our local grey old- lady ‘ The Advocate.’

    So bro, you didn’t just come town so please don’t suggest that modern day click bait has no equivalency with your so called “dead tree world”. 😂

    I don’t see how either of these stories fall into the category of scandalous or yellow.

    They both highlight very, very topical local issues … that they involve well known Bajans can’t alone make it a scandalous intrusion !

  23. Truthfullly the Wickham story and this story is worthy of National Enquire headlines
    However the bajan appetite for sensatationalism would in the Editor sense of reasoning gives merit to having those type of sensational stories as front page cover
    Not to mention the bottom line of sales

  24. @Dee Word

    The operative here is “front page news”.

  25. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Ok so that was getting too long… So now to the meat of this story!

    @Northern, I will relitigate your solid take on the story..

    I surely see it in the broader context of Elder Abuse which has trended here on BU recently but that apart u hit the key points well.

    1.Ms Thompson (by her own quotes) seems to admit her fraudalent deception. As you suggest she “intended to deceive [and] ‘get Ms Knight out’. “

    Nothing seemingly about it, just straight up callous dismissal of what her husband allegedly intended for his mum.

    Not sure I get your “The lawyer representing Ms Knight was well aware of this, but it was accepted anyway?”

    Aware of what? Mara’s deceptive practice?

    2.Valid and pertinent query: “Was the Mapps property sold?”

    The quote that Thompson told her mum-in-law to come live with her certainly suggests something changed.

    One also supposes there is the overriding contract re the mum’s long term living at the cottage so why was that ‘cancelled’ in theory (no further rent payment) if the practical aspect was no longer possible.

    3.Seems to me that letter was thus purporting to change previously well established arrangements and void an alleged earlier contract … I can’t conceive a sensible lawyer accepting such a change willy-nilly … so exactly what went down here!

    Anyhow also as you say ‘The courts can now determine [what is] a valid contract or not.”

    All that said, I am very dismayed that a daughter and as importantly a former representative of average Bajans finds her actions as noted in the article as proper, appropriate or acceptable.

    If it was her husband’s wish that his mother live in that cottage, then unless the family’s financial picture changed so drastically to alter that arrangement then that wish or best equivalency should be continued.

  26. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    BTW, not that I am getting into the people’s business but heh it’s in the news…

    Whatever became of the property, in St. James I believe, at which Thompson lived as a boy with his mum!

    Was that a rental as well or long sold.

    Just wondering if anyone knew!

  27. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “How dare you compare the wild men of the DLP to our government.”

    they are BOTH CRIMINAL SYNDICATES…handed down from the 1940s…don’t let me talk about what they have done to children on the island from back then, your PM will be mightily EMBARRASSED….she can’t run away from that evil past, no matter how many fake titles she tries to accumulate..

    it is very easy to track a CRIMINAL SYNDICATE CREATED IN THE 1940S, now presenting itself as the crooked, corrupt, incestous bar association….with all it’s criminal members still polluting the parliament….since they have always all been in bed together…literally included.

  28. My single comment on this item:

    ” I achieved my objective. I got her out”

    Let me go in a different direction. When one looks at one of the sums of money ($1000 BDS/month) mentioned and at the big checks that went in DT’s / his wife direction, one must wonder at the underlying relationship between the two women.

    Some will criticize me when I say that the widow appears to be a “piece of work”. Just my opinion.

    Meanwhile, for those of you with spouses, make certain that your parents receive what you have for them. Put it in writing and do not leave them exposed to the whims/generosity of others.

  29. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    If she would treat her former mother in law and grandmother of her children like that, imagine how she treated the people of St. John, the stories are horrendous, while sucking on taxpayers, doing absolutely nothing with her lazy self and now still sucking on taxpayers/pensioners unashamedly….two toxic tiefing governments, one and the same, this is the result..vampires and parasites.

    she should be telling the people how she is the beneficiary to a multimillion dollar estate while Clico victims are still suffering and hundreds of them have already died thanks to two corrupt governments.

  30. So many issues out there of importance like the economic fallout from the Corona Virus and this is the best wunna can do? {Quote}

    @ John A

    Some a wunnuh here does freak me out.

    What is wrong with BU posting a little trivia sometimes?

    Must BU post things you like all the time? What about people who like to talk about these types of things? Shouldn’t BU cater to them too?

    What is preventing YOU from submitting a post about the economic fall out from the corona virus, so others can comment on it?

  31. why is this even news in the print media or on this blog? bad bad taste

    that post by Tron should be deleted forthwith and he should be warned, if not banned. it is despicable. the guy thinks he is funny but he is an arsehole especially in this particular post

  32. @Tron

    let me say this directly to you-

    “between impluse and action there is a realm of good taste begging for your acquaintance” the doctor, star trek -voyager.

    you are an arsehole

  33. Waru,

    i am sorry that i even asked what was this about now that i know . this is a family squabble. most of us have had issues of this nature at some point in our lives and they are never what they seem.

    in addition they can be v nasty and are not often for public consumption. neither of the present parties are in public life and their particular issue should be left for them to sort out and not commented on.

    had either been public figures at the moment i would have no issues. have we no decency?

  34. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “had either been public figures at the moment i would have no issues.”

    had they been public figures it would have been nicely covered up and we would not have known how lowdown vile and dirty the public figures who sucked on taxpayer’s money as MP and still sucking on pensioners after spending nearly a decade doing nothing in the parliament…..are and still continue to be…so this is not about any damn decency, no need to attempt a cover up.

  35. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    And let’s not forget the 30 MILLION DOLLAR plus unexplained Thompson Estate…with the Clico victims suffering great loss.

  36. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    If she had any decency she would give up one of the pensions, since there are people who worked all their lives and are being sidelined by this government to keep up appearances, they cannot even buy a bread and and pay bills too, so let’s not start on the people with disabilities who get nothing because the pension fund was robbed by both despicable sleazy tiefing govenments and their friends and these people are left to suffer..

    ..but we already know she has no decency when she collected a salary and did nothing in the parliament, all she did was left St. John in the deplorable degraded state with increased poverty that both governments have left it in from the 1940s.

  37. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    Hal Austin has been taking plenty licks on BU over the years. His age; where he lives; his physique; where he comes from have been referenced. He chose to continue writing and it is his choice how he handles his critics. Over the years Hal and I have been on opposing sides of arguments. He has never been disrespectful toward me- never called be RH and a Jackass. I certainly have never called him those names. Furthermore, Hal and I share some very similar views on questions and issues regarding progress for Black people. These groundings were from decades ago long before BU and perhaps before you ever wrote a word any where.

  38. What is “yellow journalism”?

    Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.
    “equating murder and dismemberment with smoking pot is the worst yellow journalism”

    So the article in the Sunday Sun is NOT yellow journalism.

    Mara Thompson and her late husband David Thompson were public figures who both earned considerable sums of money from the tax payers purse [that is from people like me] therefore Ms. Thompson does not have nor does she deserve the same degree of privacy as Carson the carpenter or Mabel the maid who have NEVER received any money from the taxpayers.

    We may not like it when family disputes appear on the front pages, but these folk are not private individuals, and it also seems that BOTH parties CHOSE to speak PUBLICLY about what are generally regarded as private family matters.

    I don’t see any exaggeration in the story in the Sunday Sun.

  39. @robert lucas March 9, 2020 12:40 AM. “Presumably, she is getting a pension from parliament, one from her husband and one from Combermere School.”

    Neither Parliament, nor Combermere School earn any income, nor do they manufacture money. Most of Ms. Thompson’s pension income is coming for the earnings of the taxpayers of Barbados, people just like me who mostly worked very hard in the private sector who haven’t held a government job since Ms. Thompson and her late husband were children.

  40. @Robert March 9, 2020 7:06 AM

    You is bare,bare trouble den!


  41. Silly woman what are your facts as in reference to all u said about Mara
    BU has an intolerance against not having facts
    Maybe u are the exception to that rule

  42. there are lines that we should be v reluctant to cross but carry on. remember it can be you

  43. @Greene March 9, 2020 7:31 AM “…neither of the present parties are in public life…”

    Even while true. At least one of the present parties is collecting, and CAN COLLECT FOR LIFE a big fat pension courtesy of Mabel the maid, Carson the carpenter and other tax paying Bajans just like me. If ya suck on the tax payers tits yah havta expect that the tax payers will get up into ya business. I mean Prime Ministerial widows can always refuse to take the Prime Ministerial widow’s pension, but have any of them ever refused the money yet?

    Don’t make me laugh!

    I never tire of reminding wunna “foreign” Bajans that we can’t wipe our botsies unless we pay 17.5% VAT first and that is even though we may not even have running water at home.

    Love wunna “foreign” Bajans though, becausin’ a lot of wunna is me family and if you want a kidney you can have it anytime.

  44. this is a private matter between two private people and with that i am done with the matter. hope it works out well for both parties

  45. NorthernObserver Avatar

    If the late PM told his mother she had an apartment ‘for life’ and this was common knowledge among his siblings, then by “selling” the property which included the accomodation ‘for life’ becomes a material change. The challenge is the late PM should have left the Mapps property to his wife and mother in equal portions. Or at least 60-40, so if sold, his mother has the funds to acquire or rent similar accommodations. Things we tend not to think about when alive and well. To assume our spouse will care for our ageing parents should we pass is a ‘no go’.

  46. Asking all of the BU people.

    Did anybody at the Sunday Sun put a gun to the head of Margaret Knight or to the head of Mara Thompson and forced them to speak?

    Both women had the option of NOT SPEAKING to the Sunday Sun. One woman is the mother of a former prominent lawyer the other is the widow of a former prominent lawyer. it seems likely to me that they may well know other prominent lawyers [or even bread and fish lawyers] and could have [or perhaps should have] consulted with a prominent lawyer [or even a bread and fish lawyer] BEFORE they spoke with the Sunday Sun.

  47. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “but have any of them ever refused the money yet?”

    and they never will, they are all too selfish, greedy, arrogant and believe that robbing the people and country is a blood sport.

  48. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Senor Greene, yours is a strange and quite incomprehensible post in the context of modern day continuous deep interest in prominent people in society…

    @Simple Simon’s riposte puts your strange remarks into proper perspective when she rightly states:

    “Mara Thompson and her late husband David Thompson were public figures […] therefore Ms. Thompson does not have nor does she deserve the same degree of privacy as Carson the carpenter […] We may not like it when family disputes appear on the front pages, but these folk are not private individuals, [well they are, but gave up the right for privacy when they became and remained very active politically] and it also seems that BOTH parties CHOSE to speak PUBLICLY about what are generally regarded as private family matters.”

    Are you really and honestly suggesting to this blog that if John Major’s wife or moreso Margaret Thatcher’s son were embroiled in a similar family style dispute where legal suits were being lodged that the Brit tabloids or citizens would not eat it up with relish!

    If yes your world is quite different from the one I inhabit.

    I dislike and avoid most of the personal tidbits of the famous (the royals and Clinton’s particularly) but that’s not to say that when their lives hit or crash from the same speed bumps that we encounter that it isn’t a pure news worthy pleasure to look upon!

  49. @NorthernObserver March 9, 2020 9:39 AM


    A relative of mine who had a similar situation, a property which could not be legally subdivided left to two people. They reached an informal agreement [no lawyer] to repair and maintain the property, pay the taxes etc. and to share in any income generated. Perhaps not the sort of thing a lawyer would recommend, but for nearly twenty years now it has worked well for the parties concerned.

    This relative said to me that regardless of what David did or intended, if the property at Mapps was sold, the property at Mapps should have had valuations BEFORE any sale, one for the main house and one for the cottage, and that the money from any sale should then have been divided proportionately, and Ms. Knight given the value of the cottage less proportionate deductions for taxes, fees etc. She could then use that money to rent a new pace or as a down payment or entire payment on a new place depending on the amount realized from any sale.

  50. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “aware” refers to the letter which does not specify a time period, only a monthly amount, for a specific expense, rent.
    A lesson here, because many of us do not expect to predecease our parents, is if our intent is to provide for them, we must do so specifically and not assume the living will do as ‘we hope’.

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