The Editor

Barbados Underground

Barbados, W.I

Dear Sir/Madam

There was an article in your newspaper of 3 .February 2020 entitled: “Barbados not rushing to ban travellers from China.” The same message was also aired on radio. Mention was made about the statistical likelihood of an outbreak locally being under two percent. There was even mention of the fact that since 1967 there was no real impact on Barbados of the outbreak of contagious diseases. According to the aired news the local authorities were following the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. As the holder of a doctorate in microbiology and some one who has done post doctoral studies in the discipline, I have a few questions, which I want answered in the public interest.

According to the Center for Disease control and Prevention (CDC). the virus has an incubation period of two weeks. Infected person maybe asymptomatic during the two-week period. It was for this reason the USA instituted a ban on persons who had been exposed for less than two weeks entering its domain. The reason given for doing so was the logistics involved in screening for potential carriers. Let me explain.

Let us assume there is an asymptomatic carrier who has entered the Barbadian domain and is interacting with the locals. After realizing that there is an active carrier in Barbados, it is incumbent on the authorities to track down and screen all persons who have interacted with the carrier. If the carrier has interacted with one hundred persons, each person has to be screened. This only allows for interaction of the carrier with one hundred persons. Allowance also has to be made for the interaction of each member of the one-hundred with other people. As can be envisaged, the number of persons required to screen, dramatically increases to such an extent, that the screening process breaks down. It is for this reason that countries have introduced a ban on persons who come from infected areas. In the case illustrated above where would Barbados get the required trained persons to actively carry out screening?

There has been mention of the fact that Barbados is following the WHO guidelines. Is this the same WHO that was shown to be totally incompetent its handling of Ebola? What about the Haitian cholera outbreak? The latter was under the aegis of the United Nation of which WHO is a part. The best scientists in the field do not work for WHO; they are found in research institutions. The WHO like all other United Nations bodies are constrained by political realities of member states who push political objectives ahead of what the correct scientific should be. As far as I can make out, there seems to be a pecuniary method behind Barbados’s stance on this matter: namely an effort not to affect the tourist industry.




Robert D. Lucas, PH.D.

734 responses to “Coronavirus Back Story – Why Barbados is NOT Banning Travel from Affected Areas”

  1. @ Mariposa

    I do not believe the Barbados government is telling the people the truth about the state of coronavirus on the island. Tourism trumps the truth.

  2. Barbados does not have a media that is founded on truth
    Hence govt can roll out bits and pieces of this most important health news at will
    Notice all other islands have made decisions based on caution
    However barbados have a PM who gallivants in maverick style at ever photo op

  3. @Hal Austin March 1, 2020 5:22 PM “I do not believe the Barbados government is telling the people the truth about the state of coronavirus on the island.”

    And what leads you to say that?

    Does the government of Barbados have padlocks on the hands and fingers of all 280,000 of us?

  4. Remember the PM does not work in health care, but our sons/daughters/sisters/brothers/spouses/cousins work in health care.

    NOBODY has the power to silence all of these people.


    Locations with Confirmed COVID-19 Cases [as of 29 February 2020]

    China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Egypt, Finland,France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, The Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States,

  6. It is amazing how a man sitting on a stuffed Roman chair in the UK can give his mouth such liberty.

  7. Rhode Island reports first coronavirus case as outbreak is increasingly felt around the world
    A man in his 40s who traveled to Italy in mid-February has the first “presumptive positive” case of coronavirus in Rhode Island, state health officials announced Sunday, and it appears he caught the illness while on a school trip to Europe with Saint Raphael Academy, a Catholic high school in Pawtucket.

    Meanwhile, coronavirus cases surged in Italy, and France closed the world-famous Louvre Museum on Sunday as the deadly outbreak that began in China sent fear rising across Western Europe, threatening its tourism industry.

    The number of countries hit by the virus climbed past 60, and the death toll worldwide reached at least 3,000. More than 88,000 around the globe have been infected, with the virus popping up on every continent but Antarctica.
    Source: Boston Globe

  8. Repeating: Those who are making decisions about Barbados response to this virus need our support.

    We have a few here asking them to act in haste, but they know to act in haste is not beneficial to the island and acting too slowly can end in a calamity.

    If it is corruption, cronyism or injustice then I will lend my voice in protest. But on this issue, I must remain silent and hope that whatever decision is made it is the correct one.

  9. @ Silly Woman March 1, 2020 6:33 PM

    Is this the same “Silly Woman” who, just a few weeks ago, played down the deadly virulence of Covid-19?

    Didn’t you say it was no more harmful than the common flu and there was nothing to be overly concerned about since it would disappear into the ether just like SARS or MERS or even the outbreak which killed of millions of humans 100 years ago when the world (estimated) population was still under 3 billion?

    Only ‘Time’ will tell if Covid-19 is the Bajan grim reaper of NCDs or God is still a Bajan.

    Let’s hope Covid-19 is like hurricane Dorian and just bypasses Bim as God smiles to give off the disinfectant of sunlight.

  10. Some on this blog will like nothing better than to post when Barbados records a case of caronavirus and blame it on Mia.

  11. Nationnews
    HomeNewsConfirmed cases…
    Confirmed cases of coronavirus in the Americas
    Kendy Graham,

    Added 01 March 2020

    Health officials have confirmed some cases of the coronavirus (Covid-19) in the Americas.

    Dr Carissa F. Etienne, director of the Pan American Health Organisation, Regional Office of the World Health Organisation, made the revelation this evening.

    She was speaking via video-conference during a meeting of some CARICOM Heads of Government, Ministers of Health and officials of key agencies to discuss protocols for addressing Covid-19, held at the Lloyd Erskine Sanford Centre.

    She said there were two cases of Covid-19 in Brazil, three in Ecuador, three in the Dominican Republic, four in Mexico, two in St Maarten, and one in St Barthélemy. (KG)


    Obviously these cases cannot be hidden. They cannot be hidden in Barbados either.


  12. But the sky still isn’t falling!

  13. Is there a civil service ethos in Barbados? I ask because it is looking more and more as if public servants are being politicised by the Mottley government.
    A good example is the irresponsible invasion of a cruiser by up to 37 people, most of them political appointees and public servants, under the arrogant leadership of the president, thereby putting the health of the entire nation at risk – all to score a political point.

  14. When is the government going to publish a revised projection on BERT?

    OECD warns coronavirus outbreak could halve global growth
    The OECD sounded the alarm about coronavirus on Monday, warning of the possibility that it will halve global growth this year compared with its previous forecast.
    The Paris-based group of mostly rich countries said a “longer lasting and more intensive” coronavirus outbreak could slash global economic growth to 1.5 per cent in 2020. Its previous prediction was for a 2.9 per cent expansion.(Quote)

  15. The abandoned naval base at Harrison Point, St Lucy will be retrofitted as an isolation and quarantine centre as Government steps up measures to keep the coronavirus (COVID-19) at bay.

  16. (Quote):
    The abandoned naval base at Harrison Point, St Lucy will be retrofitted as an isolation and quarantine centre as Government steps up measures to keep the coronavirus (COVID-19) at bay. (Unquote).

    A modern-day ‘combined’ version of Pelican Island and the old Lazaretto hospital.

    At least there is a window of hope that Bajans would come to Christian understanding that food security (primarily based on local agriculture), potable water, fresh air and exercise are the cornerstones to the good health of the nation.

  17. Let us hope the virus does not make it to Barbados. The fear and uncertainty will wreck our one engine economy.

  18. CASTRIES – The St Lucia government says it will prosecute people engaged in spreading false information about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as the island moves to adopt measures to prevent any occurrence of the virus that has killed nearly 3 000 people globally.
    Prime Minister Allen Chastanet, speaking to reporters after a meeting of various stakeholders here said that St Lucia is beefing up border controls to deal with the situation.
    “My government is exploring every single thing . . . I don’t want anybody to believe we have a corona case, but the fact is it is in the neighbourhood and the likelihood is that we are susceptible and therefore we must prepare our country.”
    Chastanet said that the government has adopted the practice that the Chief Medical Officer and her delegates are the only people to speak on any technical issue relating to the virus.
    ‘There are phone numbers available to people, so anybody who has any information, before you make it public, please confirm it or you have doubts.
    “So the mechanism to be able to clarify information is there. Anything you getting overseas and you are not sure, call up the Ministry of Health to get it clarified and because we are doing that and because we have narrowed our point of dissemination of information we are going to be using cyber technology in order to be able to track anybody who has put out any information that’s erroneous and in particularly to create panic in our country,” he said.
    “What we don’t need is panic and we will prosecute anyone that is doing that and we are going to continue to articulate that position,” Chastanet said, reiterating that all official information will come from the Ministry of Health.
    “Any information you receive from a technical basis from another ministry you could immediately say is fake,” he added.
    He said the Prime Minister’s Office will also be used to keep the public updated on the virus for which there is no known vaccine.
    Chastanet also announced that his administration is considering the use of Rat Island, located off Choc Beach, as a quarantine zone in case there is a confirmed case of coronavirus here.
    “We are looking at Rat Island which still remains in our laws as a place for quarantine,” he said.
    The government-owned island was a quarantine centre for small pox victims. Then it was abandoned until 1994.
    Last weekend, three Caribbean countries including the Dominican Republic, confirmed they had recorded a case of the virus that began in China where most of the deaths have been recorded.

  19. COVID-19: Here’s what’s happening around the world Monday


    Coronavirus continues to spread across the world as South Korea, one of the worst affected countries, declares “war” on the disease.

  21. The blogmaster notes with interest Vice President Pence is on US TV networks as the blogmaster typoes delivering caronavirus update. Not CDC officials.

  22. Leading Harvard doctor claims coronavirus isn’t as deadly as first feared and death rate will be less than 1% – far lower than the World Health Organization’s figures of 3.4%
    Dr Jeremy Samuel Faust said people should not be anxious about the outbreak and stop hoarding food and masks
    He claimed that the coronavirus death rate is less than 1 percent – far lower than the World Health Organization’s alarming figures of 3.4 percent
    The doctor slammed the ‘frightening numbers’ which overstate the risk
    Faust said that looking at the doomed Diamond Princess cruise ship gives a better indication of how fatal the disease is than global statistics
    Around 705 passengers out of the 3,711 on board the boat caught coronavirus
    Only six people from the boat have died, giving a death rate of 0.85 percent, and all deaths are in people over 70
    He casts doubt on China’s death toll, saying many happened in areas where the death rate is already higher than the norm and respiratory issues are rife
    He also pointed out that 25,000 people die in China every day, while just 25 coronavirus deaths were reported per day at the height of the outbreak
    Instead of stockpiling food, Faust said the public should be helping the elderly and infirm who are most at risk

    PUBLISHED: 02:25 GMT, 5 March 2020 | UPDATED: 02:25 GMT, 5 March 2020

    As I have stated the WHO is a political organization which is known for its incompetence. The scientist who work for WHO are not the best technically; they are the best at being glib and in dissemination sensational news bites.

  23. All people over seventy if infected will have a hard time (including myself) and a number of Bloggers in fighting off the infection.Look on the bright side and do not worry unduly. As a scientist one has to be dispassionate.

  24. Seattle feels like ‘ghost town,’ business owners say as they face life in coronavirus hot spot

    SEATTLE — It’s not her birthday for another month, but Ruby Francisco has been singing “Happy Birthday” a lot lately.

    She does it every time she washes her hands.

    “That’s what they said to do,” said Francisco, who owns a jewelry store here. “I tell my grandchildren to sing when they wash their hands so they do it right.”

    This is life in the age of the coronavirus: sifting through rumors, feverishly following updates and doing whatever it takes to avoid the virus, which has infected more than 89,000 people worldwide and killed more than 3,100 of them.

    In Seattle, bracing for the coronavirus also means preparing for what could be a devastating economic impact. Business owners and residents have already seen a drop-off in tourists in areas of the city that heavily depend on foot traffic.

    “It’s like a ghost town,” Francisco said about the famous Pike Place Market where she has her shop.

    Nine people in the United Stated have died from COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus — all of them in Washington, which has reported 31 cases of the disease. Eight of the deaths were in an area of King County about 20 minutes from downtown Seattle, and one was in neighboring Snohomish County.

    “This is a very fluid, fast-moving situation as we aggressively respond to this outbreak,” Dr. Jeff Duchin, health officer for Seattle and King County Public Health, said in a statement.

    King County health officials said the concern is particularly high for people who are 60 and older or who have compromised immune systems. Children do not appear particularly susceptible to the virus, which originated in mainland China.

    Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

    As the death toll climbed Tuesday, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, a Democrat, proclaimed a civil emergency. The declaration allows her to bypass regulations to increase city spending, contracting and borrowing to address the growing public health threat. It will also allow her office to close facilities and cancel events to prevent the virus from spreading further.

    “We know that our city will need additional resources from our state and federal government,” she tweeted. “We are looking to our partners to increase the availability of testing in a way that does not overwhelm the health care system, but meets the growing need.”

    She also asked residents to do their part by practicing good hygiene and making contingency plans at home and work.

    Community members say that the move suggests that local leaders are taking the threat seriously but that it also points to hard times ahead for businesses dependent on tourism and pedestrians.

    “It’s our public duty to help people who are vulnerable,” Tiia-Mai Redditt of Seattle said Tuesday while shopping for hand sanitizer at a Target. The store had been sold out for days, an employee said, and Redditt worried about a friend with a lung condition. She had already tried a nearby Whole Foods and a Trader Joe’s.

    “I’ve never seen downtown so empty,” she said, referring to the streets, not just the shelves.

    Across the street at Pike Place Market, Francisco wiped down the countertop at her jewelry store, Ruby’s Seattle Gift Gallery. She usually keeps two doors open for customers. On Tuesday, one stayed closed because she was worried about germs.

    “It’s so scary,” she said. “I’m going to start praying not just for a cure, but for the families in mourning right now.”

    Francisco’s store has been in the same small corner for 43 years, she said. Before that, her mother owned a novelty shop in another spot of the usually bustling shopping area. Millions of people visit Pike Place Market annually.

    But the stalls are empty this week. Vendors aren’t flinging fish to one another; instead, they’re checking their phones or reading a book.

    Down a normally crowded hallway, Market Magic & Novelty Shop also remained quiet. A family bought a small keepsake and then walked out. No one came in after.

    “We’re rethinking our business model, that’s for sure,” owner Sheila Lyon said. “People are scared. They don’t want to be in public spaces.”

    Download the NBC News app for full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

    Since the coronavirus outbreak began, Lyon has been losing money most days. So has Francisco.

    Lyon and her husband make up a little money on the weekends, but every day seems to bring fewer and fewer customers. As a result, Lyon, who has owned her business for 47 years, is turning to social media to entice customers. But even that comes with a caveat, she said.

    “Our wholesaler gets his supplies from China,” she said. “He told me he only has six months’ worth of products left.”

    Lyon is worried about how the emergency declaration will affect her bottom line. King County has already canceled big events scheduled for this week, such as the Womxn’s Day Speaker Series and the Cultural Crossroads Festival.

    Across Lake Washington in Bellevue and Redmond, Microsoft canceled its Most Valuable Professional Summit. It will be held online, instead.

    This is all bad news for business owners.

    “We rely on them,” Lyon said of the events.

    Francisco, meanwhile, is rethinking a coming birthday cruise to Mexico. She feels lucky to have avoided infection while traveling to Egypt in December and wonders whether it’s worth risking exposure to the coronavirus.

    In Seattle, she’s already avoiding many public places. She skips her morning jogs and warns her son to avoid the bus.

    Like many other Americans, Francisco searched all weekend for hand sanitizer and masks. Costco, Target and Walgreens were all sold out, she said. Standing behind her counter at Pike Place Market, Francisco fought the urge to hug the first customer she’d had in hours.

    “I like to hug,” she said. “But, no offense, I just don’t want to now.

  25. At least 11 Americans dead from coronavirus; California declares state of emergency

    Countries around the world are scrambling to stymie the spread of a deadly viral outbreak that began in China about two months ago and has now infected more than 90,000 people globally.

    Today’s biggest developments:

    Pence says insurance will cover COVID-19 tests 11 Americans have been killed by virus, including the first death in California 1,000 people in New York have self-quarantined New Hampshire’s 1st patient told to stay isolated but went to event instead, officials say Outbreak in South Korea shows little signs of slowing down COVID-19 is deadlier than the flu, WHO says

    Here’s how the day unfolded. All times are Eastern.

    7:30 p.m. California declares state of emergency
    Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency after announcing California had 53 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, including one death.

    The deceased patient was a resident of Placer County and aboard a Princess cruise ship that traveled from San Francisco to Mexico last month. The boat is currently at sea and is slated to return to San Francisco soon.

    Newsom said he delayed the cruise ship’s arrival to give federal officials more time to prepare. The CDC will be flying testing kits to the cruise ship before being turned around in a matter of hours on shore.

    ABC News

    LATEST: Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency after announcing California had 53 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, including one death.

    The deceased patient had been aboard a cruise ship that traveled from San Francisco to Mexico last month.–abc-news-topstories.html

  26. 5 p.m. LAX health screener tests positive

    A medical screener at LAX Airport in Los Angeles has tested positive for the virus, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

    The screener, whose last shift at the airport was on Feb. 21, began experiencing flu-like symptoms about eight days later, according to DHS. The individual at that point visited a doctor and tested positive.

    “We are told the individual wore all the correct protective equipment and took necessary protections on the job,” DHS spokeswoman Heather Swift said in a statement.

    DHS said it’s working to identify which coworkers the individual came in contact with and whether the virus was contracted from a traveler.–abc-news-topstories.html

  27. @ robert lucas March 4, 2020 11:17 PM
    @ robert lucas March 4, 2020 11:22 PM

    Maybe the cure or antidote for this brand of corona virus lies not in the mouths of slick snake oil salesmen for pharmaceutical companies posing as medical doctors and scientist in white uniforms in labs full of computers but in Mother nature’s own medicine cabinet.

    What about employing the Cinderella girl called Marijuana in the fight against Covid-19?

    Why not use her -as Mother Nature intended- as a culinary herb for the healing of the nations?

    Isn’t the same Mary Jane herb- recently brought in from the ‘criminalized cold’- now being wrapped in a pharmaceutical cloak of profit and promoted as a cure-for-all under the label ‘Medicinal Cannabis’?

    How about encouraging people (especially those with ‘vulnerably exposed’ immune systems) to imbibe herbal infusions and bite on cookies made from Mary Jane’s leaves and buds picked right from Mother Nature’s own garden blessed and protected with God’s disinfectant called Sunlight?

  28. The Grenada government has confirmed that a chartered aircraft with a number of Chinese businesspeople had been turned away from the island after two of the passengers on board had recently visited China and Singapore where the majority of the deaths associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19)….(Quote)

  29. How many deaths has Singapore reported? Do not get confused between reported infections and deaths. Note the charter was given permission to overnight in Barbados. The CMO addressed the matter in local media.

  30. Stop the presses
    Breaking News

    First the good News minister of Tourism is calling on the Minister of the Enviroment to find solutions for the land fills
    Now the bad news too little too late
    The Corona Virus has already bolted and will unleashed devasting results to countries which have for years buried their heads in the sand
    Land fills are opportune environments from which unknown virus can be created and bred
    Hence wasted years of doing nothing to suppress these man made virus is a little too late as our environment fight back
    Pity those who fought against the WTE plant did not have the common sense to understand the multiple dangers that land fills contribute to society
    Now govt seeing the deadly and negative consequence of the Corona virus and not knowning from whence it came is looking for quick answers and solutions because
    of man made deadliest creators of bacteria called a landfill
    Hopefully going forward govt eyes would be opened to the daily deluge of pollutants placed in the ocean emitting from the South Coast sewage system and move with haste for proper correction
    Never too old to learn

  31. @ Hants March 5, 2020 8:46 AM

    ‘Necessity is indeed the mother of invention’.

    It seems that what you Hants and a few more enlightened bloggers have been preaching on BU for years is about to see the realization of the light of day.

    This corona virus might just be the ‘crowning’ key to the door to the revival of the local king called agriculture with queen mary jane a major beneficial and forex-saving weed among the grasses of economic survival.

    Just watch this space, Hants!

    The Bajan political class will soon be jumping on the bandwagon pulled by their hobbyhorse of food security while extolling the virtues of agriculture instead of that ‘totally dependent-on-international-travel’ orphan called tourism.

  32. @ Mariposa

    Why is the land fill anything to do with that robot Kerrie Symmonds? He badly needs a good talking to. But this is further proof that the form of government we have is that of an executive presidency.
    If we had Cabinet government these matters would have been discussed within the Cabinet. The president needs to get a grip and stop her speechifying. Waffle in, waffle out.

  33. @David

    So the CMO addressed the issue and we should feel comforted? While other countries are establishing protocols and restrictions on visitors from some countries Barbados is moving merrily along because “God is a Bajan”. Yuh want to know just how messed up this place is? The QEH announced that its main entrance will be closed effectively today until Monday_ Guess when the notice appeared in the media? It surfaced on the digital platform of the Nation late yesterday and is buried in a small notice on the back page of today’s paper which means that patients turning up for appointments today who didn’t access either medium will have to jump through hoops to or navigate a maze to get to the required area.

  34. Hal i guess Tourist are asking questions
    Hence Kerrie awareness to the plight of the people living in that area
    Most noticeably he mentioned Sandy lane

  35. I am over 70 and I have prepared myself in case the virus hits Ottawa. After living through the ice storm, my pantry, basement are freezer are always well stocked. I have six pumpkins left from last summer’s harvest and about 5 pounds of sweet potatoes. I also have some okras left and lots of tomatoes frozen and canned. Since last week NoFrills had Peruvian potatoes @3 pounds for .10 cents. I also have several full face and mouth and nose masks I bought in Nam to protect myself from the exhaust from the millions of motor scooters they ride there. having said that, you go when your ticket is pulled.

  36. @Sargeant

    Yes the CMO has spoken. Some here prefer to hear the technocrats above the politicians. There you have it.

  37. Kerrie statement made was totally inclusive to protect the tourism industry
    Word of the Corna virus and its ability to mutate should give reason and heightened cause about the effect the land fills has on the environment and a valuable source as an agent for the breeding of viruses
    No one can give an argument forward that a WTE plant has the same negative effect as landfills on the environment
    Govt in the future would have to sallow their tongue against a WTE plant in barbados mariposa is willing and able to serve up some crow with much delight

  38. Are UK visitors cancelling visits to Barbados? Are BA and Virgin cancelling flights?

  39. This virus has revealed a hitherto unknown talent of 45. For a while he was angling for the Nobel Peace Prize but he has the Prize for Medicine sown up. We knew he knew more than the Generals but we were astonished to learn that he knows more than the CDC and the WHO. Who else would know that a vaccine would be ready in 3 months and the mortality rate announced by WHO was
    false.( one he didn’t say it was a hoax) but like a drunk on the end of the Bar he has an opinion on everything however unlike a drunk some people pay attention to his utterings.

    I look forward to his pronouncements, next on the agenda it’s Obama’s fault

  40. Sarge, as a Bajan, surely you know rum talk when you hear it.

  41. @Mariposa March 5, 2020 9:41 AM “Land fills are opportune environments from which unknown virus can be created and bred Hence wasted years of doing nothing to suppress these man made virus.”

    Dr. Lucas, I am confused. Can you clarify Mariposa’s statements for me please. Thanks.

    Dr. GP where are you?

  42. Dr. GP where are you?


  43. Glad to know that you are well and enjoying the cricket, but if you want to comment on corona/COVID-19 feel free to do so, because people are here talking about landfills breeding viruses, and want t make it seem as though the failures of Barbados governments past or present is responsible for this disease.

    Enjoying my gardening and grand parenting.

  44. British airline Flybe collapses as coronavirus deals final blow

    LONDON, (Reuters) – Britain’s Flybe collapsed today after a plunge in travel demand, making the long-struggling regional airline one of the first big corporate casualties of the coronavirus outbreak.

    The failure of an airline that connects all corners of the United Kingdom with major European destinations not only puts around 2,400 jobs at risk but could also see some airports struggle and regional economies hit.

    “All flights have been grounded and the UK business has ceased trading with immediate effect,” Flybe said after the government walked away from a rescue package agreed in January.

    Airlines around the world have been cancelling flights and warning of a hit to profitability after coronavirus first emerged in China, hitting flights across Asia, before it spread to Europe and beyond.

    British Airways, easyJet, Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa, Norwegian Air and United Airlines are among those warning on the impact of a virus that looks set to hit the industry harder than the 2003 SARS outbreak.

    Flybe’s collapse will also cause more problems for Prime Minister Boris Johnson who had promised to “level up” Britain by investing in regional transport links.

    His government had agreed a rescue deal for the 41-year-old airline in January, saying it was important to maintain connections across the country for its eight million passengers. It said on Thursday there was nothing more it could do.

    “We are also urgently working with industry to identify how key routes can be re-established by other airlines as soon as possible,” Transport Minister Grant Shapps said.

    Scotland’s Loganair, another regional airline, has committed to maintaining 16 Flybe routes, a junior minister told parliament, adding that the government “stands ready” to support regional airports by working with industry to keep others going.

    But while some Flybe routes might be attractive to airlines with smaller planes like Loganair, many do not have enough passengers to attract airlines like easyJet and Ryanair, which operate bigger planes, aviation expert John Strickland said.

    “There will be some routes which will get left uncovered because they simply are too small and not economically viable unless they’re flown as subsidised routes,” Strickland said.

    Flybe, the largest independent regional airline in Europe, operated between 81 airports and was owned by Virgin Atlantic, Stobart Group and Cyrus Capital.

  45. Cash could be spreading the coronavirus, warns the World Health Organization

    Cash could be spreading the novel coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization.

    The WHO told Business Insider that people should wash their hands after handling cash, especially before eating.

    People should use contactless payments instead, the WHO told The Telegraph.

    In February, China said it would destroy cash from areas highly affected by the coronavirus in an effort to slow the spread.

    Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

    Cash could be contributing to the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization.

    The WHO told The Telegraph that the coronavirus could remain on money for days after being exposed to it and that people should avoid touching their face after handling cash.

    “We know that money changes hands frequently and can pick up all sorts of bacteria and viruses and things like that,” a WHO representative told The Telegraph. “We would advise people to wash their hands after handling banknotes and avoid touching their face.”

    REUTERS/Las Vegas Sun/Steve Marcus

    In a statement to Business Insider, a WHO representative said people “should wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer after handling money, especially if they are about to eat or before handling food.”

    The Mayo Clinic says that viruses tend to last longer on hard surfaces like plastic and metal than on soft surfaces like fabric — US dollars are a blend of paper and fabric — but that factors like temperature and humidity affect how long a virus sticks around on surfaces.

    China said in February that it would destroy and disinfect cash from hospitals, buses, and markets in areas severely affected by the coronavirus.

    The UK-based Telegraph reported that the Bank of England said it would not follow China’s plan and disinfect cash.

    The US Treasury Department did not respond to a request for comment.

  46. Landsfills helps to create an environment from which the deadliest forms of bacteria can breed and thrive
    Bacteria which transform into deadly forms of viruses which negatively effect human health

  47. It might long to read but worth reading

  48. @Mariposa March 5, 2020 10:51 PM “Bacteria which transform into deadly forms of viruses.”

    Dear Mariposa: Just as a cow cannot transform into a horse, bacteria cannot transform into viruses.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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