The Editor

Barbados Underground

Barbados, W.I

Dear Sir/Madam

There was an article in your newspaper of 3 .February 2020 entitled: “Barbados not rushing to ban travellers from China.” The same message was also aired on radio. Mention was made about the statistical likelihood of an outbreak locally being under two percent. There was even mention of the fact that since 1967 there was no real impact on Barbados of the outbreak of contagious diseases. According to the aired news the local authorities were following the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. As the holder of a doctorate in microbiology and some one who has done post doctoral studies in the discipline, I have a few questions, which I want answered in the public interest.

According to the Center for Disease control and Prevention (CDC). the virus has an incubation period of two weeks. Infected person maybe asymptomatic during the two-week period. It was for this reason the USA instituted a ban on persons who had been exposed for less than two weeks entering its domain. The reason given for doing so was the logistics involved in screening for potential carriers. Let me explain.

Let us assume there is an asymptomatic carrier who has entered the Barbadian domain and is interacting with the locals. After realizing that there is an active carrier in Barbados, it is incumbent on the authorities to track down and screen all persons who have interacted with the carrier. If the carrier has interacted with one hundred persons, each person has to be screened. This only allows for interaction of the carrier with one hundred persons. Allowance also has to be made for the interaction of each member of the one-hundred with other people. As can be envisaged, the number of persons required to screen, dramatically increases to such an extent, that the screening process breaks down. It is for this reason that countries have introduced a ban on persons who come from infected areas. In the case illustrated above where would Barbados get the required trained persons to actively carry out screening?

There has been mention of the fact that Barbados is following the WHO guidelines. Is this the same WHO that was shown to be totally incompetent its handling of Ebola? What about the Haitian cholera outbreak? The latter was under the aegis of the United Nation of which WHO is a part. The best scientists in the field do not work for WHO; they are found in research institutions. The WHO like all other United Nations bodies are constrained by political realities of member states who push political objectives ahead of what the correct scientific should be. As far as I can make out, there seems to be a pecuniary method behind Barbados’s stance on this matter: namely an effort not to affect the tourist industry.




Robert D. Lucas, PH.D.

734 responses to “Coronavirus Back Story – Why Barbados is NOT Banning Travel from Affected Areas”

  1. My mission is to make govt transparent and accountable
    The fact that there is a discussion ongoing about the method whereby the NIS would be demolished speaks of a govt who has no respect for the populace and in the manner or way they proceed with implementing projects or policies
    Was there a town hall meeting explaining to the people living or working in that area or giving details as to what to expect during the demolishing phase
    But you silly blp yardfowl supporters trying to attack me
    You fools got to be crazy
    Good governance requires of those on charge of country affairs speaking and getting the people involved in critical areas that would affect people lives

  2. Your mission should be to acquaint yourrself with the facts if that is remotely possible.

  3. That is govt job to lay out facts so that people would clearly understand in order to avoid misinformation or confusing in the public domain
    Mia has a 26 member ministry made up of well paid assistants and consultants her mantra said many hands makes for light work
    Well for sure in serval instances to do with public purse the need for govt to be honest and forthcoming has not happened hence a need to let voices heard and make known all concerns to govt
    Well I’ll be dammed

    Data as reported by 16 February 2020*Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)Situation Report –27

  5. Data as reported by 15 February 2020*Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)Situation Report –26

    [Yesterday] Egypt reported its first confirmed case of COVID-19. This is the second country in the WHO EMRO region to confirm a case,and the first reported case from the African continent. WHO was informed by the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population. More information (in Arabic) can be found in a joint media statement from the Ministry and WHO.

  6. Do it one more time.

  7. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is cancelling his planned trip to the Caribbean this week amid criticism over his government’s handling of a series of anti-pipeline protests that have disrupted rail service in parts of Canada.

  8. Coronavirus is now in Africa. But we do not have to worry in Barbados. We are world class and punch above our weight. Coronavirus knows we will resist.

  9. I could understand people supporting the political party of their choice, but you take the term ‘die hard supporter’ to a different level.

    I prefer to be FAIR and, according to ‘the old people,’ ‘give Jack his jacket,’ even if I’m accused of being a ‘BLP yard-fowl’ or even a ‘limited range chicken.’

    Let me also add, as I mentioned in a previous contribution to this topic, I’m not in agreement with building a park or demolishing the Fire Station (which I believe is of historic value, but others may argue rather than looking back, we should be looking forward) and I believe the new market facilities should have been built first.

    However, information about the redevelopment of the City under the “Bridgetown Transformation Project” and plans to convert the Treasury Building into a mixed use facility, were in the PUBLIC DOMAIN since June 2019….. or even earlier.

    It was explained phase one of the project will be the construction of the Golden Square Freedom Park and completion of the Fairchild Street Market Village. The initial work for the park would include demolition of the old NIS building, fire station and the temporary Golden Square Market. Additionally, information relative to the phases in which the two building will be demolished, which SOE is executing the project and the names of the companies charged with construction, are also in the public domain.

    The GIS, social media and credible news outlets will be used to keep vendors, motorists, pedestrians, commuters and businesses that maybe temporarily affected as work progresses. There are also plans to deploy public relations personnel in the area and a hotline number will be established to address any concerns raised by the public.

    The BTII, through Joanne Haigh, held at least 3 meetings with the vendors, explaining to them, among other things, about the project, to negotiate compensation for being displaced as a result of the demolition, the new Fairchild Street market facilities will be constructed similar to that of Oistins Bay Gardens, space behind the Fairchild Street bus terminal would be allocated to the vendors at the entrance and surrounding the terminal……. and when notice would given to Golden Square Market vendors to vacate the building.

    Those vendors who are now complaining they didn’t know anything and should have been given more time, REMINDED me of Mariposa. They REFUSED to ATTEND the meetings and came out now, ‘crying foul,’ looking for sympathy.

    I won’t even bother to go into any other details about the demolition. The time you used to Google shiite and extracting certain sentences from a Japanese article to give the impression explosives are still being used to demolish buildings, just to prove some silly point to David BU……

    ……… could have been used productively to acquaint yourself of what’s going on around you.

    But, NO…. being the DISHONEST individual you are, you would PURPOSELY IGNORE all the information, just to ‘come out the saloon with your political guns blazing,’ shooting wild accusations and criticisms, because it fulfills your political agenda.

    Ohhhh, I forgot, “only the intelligent knows your position.”

  10. A side note:
    Can you imagine a Bajan who like his liquor deciding to become a teetotaler. As he walks through the village, folks are quick to remind him of the worst of his past behavior.

    “Be mindful when it comes to your words. A string of some that don’t mean much to you, may stick with someone else for a lifetime.” -Rachel Wolchin


    Main note:
    It would be interesting to know what is the thinking of those in power (on tourism, now that they have seen the effects of the Corona virus on travel and on tourism.

    Cruise ships stuck in ports; cruise ships denied access to ports; flight from some areas being banned for fear of the virus being introduced into countries.

    Data as reported by 17 February 2020*Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)Situation Report –28


    Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19

    We are public health scientists who have closely followed the emergence of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and are deeply concerned about its impact on global health and wellbeing. We have watched as the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China, in particular, have worked diligently and effectively to rapidly identify the pathogen behind this outbreak, put in place significant measures to reduce its impact, and share their results transparently with the global health community. This effort has been remarkable.
    We sign this statement in solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China who continue to save lives and protect global health during the challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are all in this together, with our Chinese counterparts in the forefront, against this new viral threat.

    The rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins. We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes of the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),
    and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife, as have so many other emerging pathogens. This is further supported by a letter from the presidents of the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine and by the scientific communities they represent. Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice that jeopardise our global collaboration in the fight against this virus. We support the call from the Director-General of WHO to promote scientific evidence and unity over misinformation and conjecture. We want you, the science and health professionals of China, to know that we stand with you in your fight against this virus. We invite others to join us in supporting the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of Wuhan and across China. Stand with our colleagues on the frontline! We speak in one voice. To add your support for this statement, sign our letter online. LM is editor of ProMED-mail. We declare no competing interests.

  13. What is the latest on the coronavirus? What precautions are we taking?

    About Novel Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV)

  15. So far zero case of the virus in Caricom.

  16. Fears are growing that the coronavirus outbreak could reach pandemic scale as more cases emerge around the world.
    Most infections are in China but other nations like South Korea, Italy and Iran are battling the virus, which causes respiratory disease Covid-19eeee
    A pandemic is when an infectious disease spreads easily from person to person in many parts of the world.
    About 77,000 people in China, where the virus emerged last year, have been infected and nearly 2,600 have died.
    More than 1,200 cases have been confirmed in about 30 other countries and there have been more than 20 deaths. Italy reported two more deaths on Monday, raising the total there to five(Quote)

  17. Is Barbados prepared?

    The World Health Organization has said the world should do more to prepare for a possible coronavirus pandemic.
    The WHO said it was too early to call the outbreak a pandemic but countries should be “in a phase of preparedness”.
    A pandemic is when an infectious disease spreads easily from person to person in many parts of the world.
    More cases of the virus, which causes respiratory disease Covid-19, continue to emerge, with outbreaks in South Korea, Italy and Iran causing concern.

  18. US stocks suffered their worst day in two years after a wave of volatility swept global markets as new coronavirus cases outside China rattled investors and dashed hopes that the outbreak had been contained.(Quote)

  19. TheoG, Feb 17
    “Main note:
    It would be interesting to know what is the thinking of those in power (on tourism, now that they have seen the effects of the Corona virus on travel and on tourism.

    Cruise ships stuck in ports; cruise ships denied access to ports; flight from some areas being banned for fear of the virus being introduced into countries.”

    Wondering how the markets will affect us as people net-worth decline. Less travelers.

  20. Saw a chart that showed airline travel to major Chinese cities pre and post Covid 19, as expected there was a massive drop off in flights after the outbreak with some notable exceptions and guess where those exceptions originated? None other than some countries in Africa and we know that the Chinese are the 21st Century colonials and they have to oversee their plantations so travel continues unabated.

    Just waiting to hear that Covid 19 has surfaced in some African countries then WHO will declare a pandemic

  21. I suspect that countries in Africa may be the least able to handle a serious outbreak.
    Let’s hope it never comes to the depopulation of Africa.

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    as soon as the 2 words…”asymptomatic transmission” were uttered….all excrement hit the fan.

  23. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ Mr Hal Austin

    Hal you asked and I quote

    “… Hal Austin February 23, 2020 2:37 PM

    What is the latest on the coronavirus? What precautions are we taking?…”

    Recently, among the precautions, they sent out a so called expert to the Lloyd Erskine Sandford Centre who showed a number of PowerPoint presentations that compared MERS, SARS & CORONAVIRUS

    At the end of his Disinformation campaign, he jubillantly announced that the mortality rate of the Coronaviruswas less than all the others AND THEREFORE WE HAVE LESS REASON TO WORRY.

    Yet we are seeing significant lines to drug stores and hospitals.

    And, the understandable fears have now started to affect the financial markets and industries and commerce.

    world renown festivals and races are being cancelled

    BUT BARBADOS, WITH OUR FRAGILE ONE PONY ECONOMY OF TOURISM, is soldiering on, hopefully oblivious to the reality of the February Tragedy that is upon us.

    This is going to deplete social gatherings and cause much sick leave.

    Simple supply chain logistics functions WILL BE DELETERIOUSLY AFFECTED!

    The fallout from this on the Barbados economy IS GOING TO BE DISASTROUS if these numbers increase and no cure is found.

  24. @Piece

    Compare our apathy with the rest of the world. When I say Barbados is a failed state the prowlers come out like tigers in the night looking for blood.

  25. The CDC is now predicting that coronavirus will hit the US. Are we prepared in Barbados?

  26. How does the coronavirus epidemic threaten tourism?

    Rishi Sunak will delay some of the government’s biggest decisions on tax, spending and borrowing until the autumn, as the chancellor acknowledged that growth forecast downgrades and the coronavirus outbreak had created a difficult economic backdrop to his first Budget.
    As the Treasury prepares for the statement on March 11, Mr Sunak, who has been chancellor for just two weeks, has ordered his aides to focus on delivering specific promises from the Conservative manifesto. Officials are referring to the Budget as the first instalment in a “trilogy” of statements this year.
    “The chancellor’s view was very clear from day one — this Budget needs to do what we promised and deliver on the manifesto. It’s about trust,” a Treasury official said. (Quote)

  27. Two more patients have tested positive for coronavirus in England, bringing the total number of cases in the UK to 15.
    They have been transferred to specialist NHS infection centres, the Department of Health said.(Quote)

  28. What’s the latest on the riots in Hong Kong?

  29. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Mr Blogmaster you mentioned that “So far zero case of the virus in Caricom” as a way of hope, optimism or just momentary joy!🙃

    Incidentally I thought there was a case noted at the Jamaica UE med center!

    Based on all we see thus far containment of this virus is not possible so one moment zero cases and the next, patient zero starts to infect (and in Italy case can’t be found initially).

    A situation for deep concern.

    One expects that the Mottley admin is at top of their game and despite the optimistic outlook and pronouncements have active measures in place to rush into practice as soon as needed and are carefully checking travel plans and so on.

    I am sure they recognize the fragility of our economy with it’s tourism base and the impact of these world wide scares!

    As a nation we have been here before (re tourism) with other infections and go through it annually with hurricanes so it’s difficult to perceive there are any ostrichs there hiding their heads from the harsh realities of this problem.

    We can beat up on them and keep their feet to the fire but to lambaste them as completely clueless or out of touch is just a bit ridiculous!

  30. @Dee Word

    It was an update, that is all. The Jamaica case was a quarantine out of an abundance of caution by local health authorities. Agree that it is practically impossible to detect, one must do what we can to monitor elevated temperatures and known itineraries.

    The challenge will be to ensure spaces and adequate equipment is available and well trained staff. This morning NPR carried a story about many American hospitals not feeling prepared to cope. Trump and government just allocated one billion dollars and some are saying it is not enough.To put things in perspective.

  31. Four people in quarantine in Barbados.

  32. Barbadians have been in self-quarantine.

  33. Our president has just had a Trumpian moment. There is concern about an engineer on a cruise liner, but the president just told a news conference that as an engineer he would not have mixed with passengers. She is clearly an expert seaperson.

  34. What is going on about coronavirus?

  35. Did the president mention that four people were in quarantiine? If so, why iis this not mentioned in this report? By the way, who are they calling ‘Mottley’?

    Barbadian health authorities are at this hour preparing to conduct tests on a 48-year-old crew member on board the cruise liner, Carnival Fascination, docked just off the island.
    Thirty-seven Barbadians are also on board the vessel, which was headed to St Lucia this morning, along with 140 others who will disembark here to make a connecting flight to the United Kingdom.
    Prime Minister Mia Mottley made the revelation this morning at a press conference held moments ago at Government headquarters while describing as “scurrilous” reports of severely ill passengers on board the vessel.
    “There is a scurrilous rumour going around that would suggest that the Carnival Fascination cruise ship has over 170 passengers sick and I want to debunk that and let all Barbadians know up front and center that that is untrue.”
    Mottley told journalists that one crewmember and two passengers were tested on board for flu-like symptoms earlier this week.
    Two of them tested positive for Influenza A, but the third person by yesterday had stopped showing any symptoms.
    “ As a result of that, they [medical personnel on board the vessel] are reasonably comfortable that there is nothing to worry about, “she said.
    From left, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Senator Jerome Walcott, Prime Minister Mia Mottley and Minister of Health Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic.
    Mottley said the Government has taken a decision to have the crew member tested here and the vessel will be thoroughly inspected by local health officials.
    She explained that St Lucia does not have the capacity to test for the coronavirus (COVID-19) while stressing that Government has an obligation to protect Barbadian citizens on board.
    “We are therefore ensuring that the ship can come into harbour, “ she said, noting that discussions were already held with the General Secretary of the Barbados Workers Union Toni Moore, port authorities, and medical authorities on arrangements.
    Noting that the test results should be completed within four hours, the Prime Minister assured:
    “We don’t expect it to be positive, largely because once a person doesn’t show symptoms, they don’t get back symptoms again. There is a distinct likelihood that we should be ok. But we are not taking any chances with the people of this nation. We have a duty to protect people’s health and well being,” Mottley stressed.(Quote)

  36. The Ministry of Health and Wellness has advised residents of Barbados against travelling to China and South Korea, unless absolutely necessary.

  37. “The outbreak may open another front in the Hong Kong protests and foment wider anti-mainland sentiment as well as mistrust with the government.”.

    Did the protests ferment an occasion to find a solution to these protests by the motherland?
    Did the solution prove too drastic and had to be abandoned?
    Was there a 3rd party interest in the wings and advances covertly foiled at the epicenter?
    Why were professionals warnings gagged or ?
    Is there a crematory built into the quickly established 3 section facility?
    Why is media spinning with hype predictive programming?
    What roll does Biometrics, 5G, nanobots and smart dust play?
    Do any known viruses lay latent in the anatomy?
    What does 60Ghz do to oxygen and body?
    Which countries and ships have thus far rolled out and incorporated 5G?
    Is there a connection?
    Patents, who holds them, who finances them
    The roll of WHO.

    None of the comments here thus far have not addressed any of these questions.
    Many races by any means necessary,.for superiority.

  38. “The outbreak may open another front in the Hong Kong protests and foment wider anti-mainland sentiment as well as mistrust with the government.”.

    Did the protests ferment an occasion to find a solution to these protests by the motherland?
    Did the solution prove too drastic and had to be abandoned?
    Was there a 3rd party interest in the wings and covertly foiled at the epicenter?
    Why were professionals warnings gagged or ?
    Is there a crematory built into the quickly established 3 section facility?
    Why is media spinning with predictive programming hype?
    What roll does Biometrics, 5G, nanobots and smart dust play?
    Do any known viruses lay latent within the anatomy?
    What does 60Ghz do to oxygen and body?
    Which countries and ships have thus far rolled out and incorporated 5G?
    Is there a connection?
    Patents, who holds them, who finances them
    The roll of WHO.

    Many races, many means..

  39. Were Barbadians told of this at the time?

    Since the outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19) last December, Barbados has quarantined about 65 people who arrived from China.
    Minister of Health and Wellness Jeffrey Bostic said they had been screened and home quarantined, and most were eventually released.
    He was speaking during a media conference called by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley at Government Headquarters yesterday in response to the anchoring of the Carnival Fascination off Barbados.
    The popular cruise ship was turned away by St Lucia because a few on board exhibited flu-like symptoms similar to the coronavirus. (Quote)

  40. (Quote):
    Since the outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19) last December, Barbados has quarantined about 65 people who arrived from China. (Unquote).

    And to think the go(o)dly Bro. Sen. Caswell (in his unapologetic no nonsense delivery) was almost crucified for making a similar assertion!

  41. @Miller

    What did Caswell say?

  42. Did Boston speak? The PM doesn’t like to share the microphone and I dozed off during the “ news conference” so I may have missed those details. These public appearances are more exercises in PM speak than in substance but hey from extreme Stuart silence to extreme Mia chatter

    Can’t win

  43. Did Bostic speak…….

  44. @Sargeant

    Barbadians like a ‘visible’ prime minister. In this case the PM has adopted a 101 communications strategy to try and stay ahead of a dangerous story.

  45. @ Sargeant

    You are right. It is nauseating when the president grabs the publicity, no matter the subject. She loves publicity; she loves being in the limelight; she adds very little value to the press conferences; she has a short attention span (note on the few occasions when she is not speaking how she intervenes or fidgets, which is distracting); and, finally, it is clear she knows best and has no confidence in her ministers and officials. Look at how they sit around her like a mother hen.

  46. @Sargeant
    Barbadians like a ‘visible’ prime minister. In this case the PM has adopted a 101 communications strategy to try and stay ahead of a dangerous story.(Quote)

    What does this mean in simple English? Do they still teach basic English in Barbadian schools?

  47. @David

    Did I hear the PM say “Dr. Brown” do you have anything to say”? Shouldn’t the Doctor be the individual to allay fears?
    BTW wasn’t there a report about Bajan students who returned from China and “completed” quarantine? Shouldn’t the public know more?

  48. February 21, 2020 Hal Austin said: I think we will do a lot better if we were to concentrate on debating ideas rather than drifting in to personal insults and abuse, even if that is the Barbados way. {Quote}

    This morning he said: What does this mean in simple English? Do they still teach basic English in Barbadian schools? {Quote}

    Silly man, don’t you ever take your own advice?

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