Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

30 January 2020

Geneva, Switzerland

The second meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV in the People’s Republic of China, with exportations to other countries, took place on Thursday, 30 January 2020, from 13:30 to 18:35 Geneva time (CEST). The Committee’s role is to give advice to the Director-General, who makes the final decision on the determination of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The Committee also provides public health advice or suggests formal Temporary Recommendations as appropriate.

Proceedings of the meeting

Members and advisors of the Emergency Committee were convened by teleconference.

The Director-General welcomed the Committee and thanked them for their support. He turned the meeting over to the Chair, Professor Didier Houssin.

Professor Houssin also welcomed the Committee and gave the floor to the Secretariat.

A representative of the department of Compliance, Risk management, and Ethics briefed the Committee members on their roles and responsibilities.

Committee members were reminded of their duty of confidentiality and their responsibility to disclose personal, financial, or professional connections that might be seen to constitute a conflict of interest. Each member who was present was surveyed and no conflicts of interest were judged to be relevant to the meeting. There were no changes since the previous meeting.

The Chair then reviewed the agenda for the meeting and introduced the presenters.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China reported on the current situation and the public health measures being taken. There are now 7711 confirmed and 12167 suspected cases throughout the country. Of the confirmed cases, 1370 are severe and 170 people have died. 124 people have recovered and been discharged from hospital.

The WHO Secretariat provided an overview of the situation in other countries. There are now 82 cases in 18 countries. Of these, only 7 had no history of travel in China. There has been human-to-human transmission in 3 countries outside China. One of these cases is severe and there have been no deaths.

At its first meeting, the Committee expressed divergent views on whether this event constitutes a PHEIC or not. At that time, the advice was that the event did not constitute a PHEIC, but the Committee members agreed on the urgency of the situation and suggested that the Committee should continue its meeting on the next day, when it reached the same conclusion.

This second meeting takes place in view of significant increases in numbers of cases and additional countries reporting confirmed cases.

Conclusions and advice

The Committee welcomed the leadership and political commitment of the very highest levels of Chinese government authorities, their commitment to transparency, and the efforts made to investigate and contain the current outbreak. China quickly identified the virus and shared its sequence, so that other countries could diagnose it quickly and protect themselves, which has resulted in the rapid development of diagnostic tools.

The very strong measures the country has taken include daily contact with WHO and comprehensive multi-sectoral approaches to prevent further spread. It has also taken public health measures in other cities and provinces; is conducting studies on the severity and transmissibility of the virus and sharing data and biological material. The country has also agreed to work with other countries who need their support. The measures China has taken are good not only for that country but also for the rest of the world.

The Committee acknowledged the leading role of WHO and its partners.

The Committee also acknowledged that there are still many unknowns, cases have now been reported in five WHO regions in one month, and human-to-human transmission has occurred outside Wuhan and outside China.

The Committee believes that it is still possible to interrupt virus spread, provided that countries put in place strong measures to detect disease early, isolate and treat cases, trace contacts, and promote social distancing measures commensurate with the risk. It is important to note that as the situation continues to evolve, so will the strategic goals and measures to prevent and reduce spread of the infection. The Committee agreed that the outbreak now meets the criteria for a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and proposed the following advice to be issued as Temporary Recommendations.

The Committee emphasized that the declaration of a PHEIC should be seen in the spirit of support and appreciation for China, its people, and the actions China has taken on the frontlines of this outbreak, with transparency, and, it is to be hoped, with success. In line with the need for global solidarity, the committee felt that a global coordinated effort is needed to enhance preparedness in other regions of the world that may need additional support for that.

Advice to WHO

The Committee welcomed a forthcoming WHO multidisciplinary technical mission to China, including national experts. The mission should review and support efforts to investigate the animal source of the outbreak, the clinical spectrum of the disease and its severity, the extent of human-to-human transmission in the community and in healthcare facilities, and efforts to control the outbreak. This mission will provide information to the international community to aid in understanding the situation and its impact and enable sharing of experience and successful measures.

The Committee wished to re-emphasize the importance of studying the possible source, to rule out ongoing hidden transmission.

The Committee also emphasized the need for enhanced surveillance in regions outside Hubei, including pathogen genomic sequencing, to understand whether local cycles of transmission are occurring.

The Committee would welcome strong leadership to engage in the discussion about proportionality in control measures, particularly with regard to potentially damaging travel and trade restrictions.

WHO should continue to use its networks of technical experts to assess how best this outbreak can be contained globally.

WHO should provide intensified support for preparation and response, especially in vulnerable countries and regions.

Measures to ensure rapid development and access to potential vaccines, diagnostics, antiviral medicines and other therapeutics for low- and middle-income countries should be developed.

WHO should continue to provide all necessary technical and operational support to respond to this outbreak, including with its extensive networks of partners and collaborating institutions, to implement a comprehensive risk communication strategy, and to allow for the advancement of research and scientific developments in relation to this novel coronavirus.

WHO should continue to explore the advisability of creating an intermediate level of alert between the binary possibilities of PHEIC or no PHEIC, in a way that does not require reopening negotiations on the text of the IHR (2005).

The Director-General declared that the outbreak of 2019-nCoV constitutes a PHEIC, accepted the Committee’s advice and issued this advice as Temporary Recommendations under the IHR (2005).

To the People’s Republic of China

Continue to:

  • Implement a comprehensive risk communication strategy to regularly inform the population on the evolution of the outbreak, the prevention and protection measures for the population, and the response measures taken for its containment.
  • Enhance rational public health measures for containment of the current outbreak.
  • Ensure the resilience of the health system and protect the health workforce.
  • Enhance surveillance and active case finding across China.
  • Collaborate with WHO and partners to conduct investigations to understand the epidemiology and the evolution of this outbreak and measures to contain it.
  • Share full data on all human cases.
  • Strengthen the efforts to identify a zoonotic source of the outbreak, and particularly the potential for ongoing circulation with WHO as soon as it becomes available.
  • Conduct exit screening at international airports and ports, with the aim of early detection of symptomatic travelers for further evaluation and treatment, while minimizing interference with international traffic.

To all countries

It is expected that further international exportation of cases may appear in any country. Thus, all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of 2019-nCoV infection, and to share full data with WHO. Technical advice is available on the WHO website.

Countries are reminded that they are legally required to share information with WHO under the IHR (2005).

Countries should place particular emphasis on reducing human infection, prevention of secondary transmission and international spread, and contributing to the international response though multi-sectoral communication and collaboration and active participation in increasing knowledge on the virus and the disease, as well as advancing research.

The Committee acknowledged that, in general, evidence has shown that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies may be ineffective and may divert resources from other interventions. Further, restrictions may interrupt needed aid and technical support, may disrupt businesses, and may have negative effects on the economies of countries affected by the emergencies.

However, in certain specific circumstances, measures that restrict the movement of people may prove temporarily useful, such as in settings with limited response capacities and capabilities, or where there is high intensity of transmission among vulnerable populations.

In such situations, countries should perform risk and cost-benefit analyses before implementing such restrictions to assess whether the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks. Countries must inform WHO about any travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR.

The Committee asked the Director-General to provide further advice on these matters and, if necessary, to make new case-by-case recommendations, in view of this rapidly evolving situation.

To the global community

As this is a new coronavirus, and it has been previously shown that similar coronaviruses required substantial efforts to enable regular information sharing and research, the global community should continue to demonstrate solidarity and cooperation, in compliance with Article 44 of the IHR (2005), in supporting each other on the identification of the source of this new virus, its full potential for human-to-human transmission, preparedness for potential importation of cases, and research for developing necessary treatment.

Provide support to low- and middle-income countries to enable their response to this event, as well as to facilitate access to diagnostics, potential vaccines and therapeutics.

Under Article 43 of the IHR, States Parties implementing additional health measures that significantly interfere with international traffic (refusal of entry or departure of international travellers, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods, and the like, or their delay, for more than 24 hours) are obliged to send to WHO the public health rationale and justification within 48 hours of their implementation. WHO will review the justification and may request countries to reconsider their measures. WHO is required to share with other States Parties the information about measures and the justification received.

The Emergency Committee will be reconvened within three months or earlier, at the discretion of the Director-General.

The Director-General thanked the Committee for its work.


154 responses to “Coronavirus Declared Global Emergency”

    Jan 24, 2020

    The deadly virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a WUHAN LABORATORY LINKED TO CHINA’S COVERT BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS PROGRAM, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert.

    Radio Free Asia this week rebroadcast a local Wuhan television report from 2015 showing China’s most advanced virus research laboratory known the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Radio Free Asia reported.

    The laboratory is the only declared site in China capable of working with deadly viruses.

    Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who has studied Chinese bio warfare, said the institute is linked to Beijing’s covert biological weapons program.

    “Certain laboratories in the institute have probably been engaged, in terms of research and development, in Chinese [biological weapons], at least collaterally, yet not as a principal facility of the Chinese BW alignment,” Mr. Shoham told The Washington Times.

    Work on biological weapons is conducted as part of a dual civilian-military research and is “definitely covert,” he said in an email.

    Mr. Shoham holds a doctorate in medical microbiology. From 1970 to 1991 he was a senior analyst with Israeli military intelligence for biological and chemical warfare in the Middle East and worldwide, holding the rank of lieutenant colonel.



  2. I agree with freedom crier ..there probably won’t be a cure for aids a researcher person I know says they can’t get the test mice to screw each other up the ass

  3. Barbados has a bigger ” virus ” problem than corona.

    It could be called the gungangshoot epedemic.

    “Four injured in shooting incidents last night”

  4. The deadly virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a WUHAN LABORATORY LINKED TO CHINA’S COVERT BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS PROGRAM, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert.(Quote)

    What a sick, demented mind. Only the evil can think such wicked things. Maybe this biological warfare expert should stop experimenting on the Palestinians. Maybe the Soviet gulags served a useful purpose.

    Countries around the world have closed their borders to arrivals from China, as officials work to control the rapid spread of the coronavirus.
    The US and Australia said they would deny entry to all foreign visitors who had recently been in China, where the virus first emerged in December.
    Earlier, countries including Russia, Japan, Pakistan and Italy announced similar travel restrictions.
    But global health officials have advised against such measures.
    “Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies,” the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.
    The WHO recommends introducing screening at official border crossings. It has warned that closing borders could accelerate the spread of the virus, with travellers entering countries unofficially.(Quote)

  5. FC

    Thanks for raising again these murky subjects: There has been some substantial academic scholarship on the problem of contaminated vaccines, and on the way research into viruses and agents of biological warfare may have inadvertently led to outbreaks of infectious disease.

    Dr Lucas

    Do you have anything to say about any of the issues discussed in the video FC posted?

  6. @Freedom Crier February 1, 2020 7:17 AM

    eating bush-meat has been a natural way for Centuries of hunters to supply food and nourishment to their people. Ebola living in wild meat and jumping species is a Propaganda LIE! Aids and Ebola Viruses were developed in the Laboratory! THEY GREW THESE VIRUSES IN MONKEYS AND EXTRACTED THEM AND CREATED VACCINES THAT WERE GIVEN TO CHILDREN, GAYS IN NEW YORK AND BLACKS IN AFRICA”

    Your attitude demonstrates why blacks are at the bottom of the totem pole. You are saying that since the practice has been from ancient times it is okay.Rriver blindness, sleeping sickness and nodding disease have plagued Africa from ancient times: have blacks come up with solutions for these maladies?You ignore microbial genetics’ which enables one to calculate the number of mutations a microbe has undergone and to work out the origin of its pathogenic nature.. The white race has no need to come up with microbes( which can easily be done) to extinguish blacks; blacks do a very good job of that themselves. What amuses me is this: if the current virus spreads to this part of the world, how great the crescendo will be for the whites to assist .I would suggest that you stop being silly and envious and encourage blacks to take up the tough courses instead of the lemonade ones which they immerse themselves in at present. It takes abstract reasoning to come up with the uncertainty principle or for that matter anti-matter and quantum mechanics. Until such is done, blacks will be forever blaming the whites for their short-comings.

  7. @ Ewart

    The question is: Is the Chinese coronavirus the result of an experiment that went wrong? If so, where is the evidence? We do not want nonsense about mad scientists.
    We know Hitler’s scientists experimented on captured victims from historical evidence. We want facts, not speculation.

  8. @ Hal February 1, 2020 11:39 AM

    But global health officials have advised against such measures”

    Countries have a might to determine what is best for their peoples. The top boys in the field do not work for these global organizations-remember that. The point you are missing is the expenditure of man power that would be needed to execute a screening program under the situation, where there are asymptomatic carriers of the infection. As stated, at present the virus requires a-fourteen day incubation period. During that time an asymptomatic carrier if allowed into a domain can interact with scores of people.. From an epidemiology aspect, each person the carrier interacted with would have to be tracked down and screened. The manpower requirements would be huge. To circumvent such from occurring, it is best to institute a ban. One is going to hear a lot of bs that such should not be done.

    Tinkering with microbes allows one to elaborate the mode of infectiousness and the pathogenesis nature of the organisms. Based on the findings one can then come up with counter-measures.

  9. Correction ” COUNTRIES HAVE A RIGHT” not might.



    In a thesis on Biological Weapons, Leonard Horowitz and Zygmunt Dembek stated that one clear sign of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare agent was a disease caused by an uncommon (unusual, rare, or unique) agent, with lack of an epidemiological explanation. I.e. no clear idea of source.

    Recent disease outbreaks that would seem to possibly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndrome and ZIKA. AND IN FACT THOUSANDS OF PROMINENT SCIENTISTS, PHYSICIANS, VIROLOGISTS AND EPIDEMIOLOGISTS ON MANY CONTINENTS HAVE CONCURRED THAT ALL THESE VIRUSES WERE LAB-CREATED AND THEIR RELEASE DELIBERATE. The recent swine flu epidemic in China has the hallmarks as well, with circumstantial evidence of the outbreak raising only questions.
    The US CDC was “concerned that Chinese health officials have still not released basic epidemiological data about the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, making it more difficult to contain the outbreak


    This video clip from the Len Horowitz film “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism” shows the claims of a government sponsored propaganda documentary giving misleading and dishonest information about the United States Government’s involvement in bioterrorism research, and compares it to the reality of the situation by explaining the genuine history of bioterrorism research programs and showing how that research has led to the creation of such diseases as AIDS.

  11. @ Freedom Crier February 1, 2020 9:32 AM


    It is possible. As a matter of ,it would be an ideal way to launch a bio-weapon attack; since the first symptoms have all the earmarks of the flu. However, sequencing the virus would take sometime by which millions might be dead. Sequencing the DNA profile allows the microbiologist to detect where there have been additions to the basic structure and to work out if the additions are man-made. People tend to forget that the Soviets having signed a UN treaty not to work on Small Pox, secretly did so. The world only knew about the clandestine effort following a major accident which resulted in the death of many persons

  12. @Freedom Crier February 1, 2020 1:24 PM

    “Recent disease outbreaks that would seem to possibly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth

    AIDS : one can work backwards in time based on the number of mutations to work out the origins of the AIDS virus and it is not man made. First of all to talk seriously about this topic one needs to be versed in microbial genetics and molecular biology. One needs to understand recombination of genetic material at the cellular level( transformation, transduction, point mutation and so on) Look, bacteria commonly transfer genetic material amongst themselves (( this explain the spread of antibiotic resistance).There are lots of conspiracy theories out there.

  13. RE “Ewart Archer February 1, 2020 12:33 PM Dr Lucas Do you have anything to say about any of the issues discussed in the video FC posted?”

    Dr.Lucas can you share your thoughts on the findings of Dr.Horowitz Video “EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS AND EBOLA”.

  14. @ Robert

    Correlation is not causation.

  15. RE “robert lucas February 1, 2020 12:50 PM”

    Dr. Lucas with Respect, Better Health Practices keep away Diseases simple things like washing your hands before handling food, having a bath daily, all of these Hygienic Practices promote better Health. The Israelites were even taught Health Codes but many different cultures have developed different health Practices, some better than others.

    What Freedom is trying to say is that they are different Cultures developing different standards of cleanliness and those dissimilar standards lead to diverse life expectancy in different countries. They have been Diseases that sometimes emerge that some Populations have no Immunity too, for example, small pox decimated the peoples of the New World after the arrival of peoples from the Old World. That is not what we are talking about here, what Freedom is thinking is that some of these Unnatural and Recent Diseases in its Transmission and its Virility seem to be beyond Natural.

    Man’s tendency has always been to use the more recent Technologies in methods of warfare. For example, Atomic Power was first used as Bomb; Jet Technology was first used in a War Plane. Even things invented by the Chinese for Fire-Works (gunpowder) was taken to Europe and made into things for Weapons of War. Even the New Technologies such as CRISPER; you bet your Bottom Dollar is being Weaponized Now as we Speak. Therefore, these New Pandemics will be Old Hat compared to what is coming. We who speak on BU will probably be deceased when the New Wave of Man Made Diseases Sweep the world. They are two main ways of using Biological Weapons if you wanted to conquer a Country. One would be to Disable the Population with Disease so those who are left will have to tend to those who are Stricken. The other one is to Create a Disease that is short lived that would create Decimation among the Population.

    Vaccines are supposed to Create Immunity to Disease yet the Aids Epidemic symptoms are the Removal of your Immune System. If you Play with people Immune System we must expect that they will lose it. The same Countries that had the Greatest Penetration by WHO are the same countries with the highest rates of Aids. I do now that the High Incidence of Impaired Babies happened after they were Vaccinated, yet they are turning a Blind eye. Babies Immune Systems have not been fully developed and yet the modern practice is that within weeks to administer concoctions of fifteen to thirty different Diseases, and we call that Science.


    Aluminum Known to cause brain damage at all doses, linked to ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE, dementia, seizures, autoimmune issues, SIDs and cancer. This toxin accumulates in the brain and causes more damage with each dose.

    Beta-Propiolactone Known to cause CANCER. Suspected gastroin-testinal, liver, nerve and respiratory, skin and sense organ POISON.

    Gentamicin Sulphate & Polymyxin B [antibiotics]ALLERGIC reactions can range from mild tolife-threatening. Genetically Modified Yeast, Animal, Bacterial and Viral DNACan be incorporated into the recipient’s DNA and cause unknown GENETIC MUTATIONS.

    Glutaraldehyde Poisonous if ingested. Causes BIRTH DEFECTS in animals.

    Formaldehyde [formalin]Known to cause CANCER in humans. Probable gastrointestinal, liver, respiratory, immune, nerve and reproductive system POISON. Banned from injectables in most European countries.

    Mercury [thimerosal]One of the most toxic substances known. Even if a thermometer breaks, the building is cleared and HAZMAT is called. Tiny doses cause damage to the brain, gut, liver, bone marrow, nervous system and/or kidneys. Linked to autoimmune disorders, and neurological disorders like AUTISM.

    Monosodium Glutamate [MSG]A toxic chemical that is linked to birth defects, developmental delays and infertility. Banned in Europe.

    Neomycin Sulphate [antibiotic]Interferes with vitamin B6 absorption which can lead to epilepsy and brain damage. Allergic reactions can range from mild to life -threatening.

    Phenol/Phenoxyethanol [2-PE]Used as anti-freeze. TOXIC to all cells and capable of destroying the immune system.Polysorbate 80 & 20Known to cause CANCER in animals and linked to numerous autoimmune issues and infertile

    VACCINES DOSES for U.S. The US gives 2-3x more vaccines than most developed countries, yet they have the sickest population — with skyrocket-ing rates of health issues like asthma, childhood diabetes, food allergies, leukaemia, developmental delays, ADHD, autism, lupus, arthritis, eczema, epilepsy, brain tumours, Alzheimer’s and more. It’s NOT a coincidence.

    In 1986, Pharmaceutical manufacturers producing vaccines were freed from ALL liability resulting from vaccine injury or death by the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.


    I have written about this topic in letters to the press and maybe on this blog. I will start with the consumption of game animals as food. With increasing population pressure there is a shortage of arable land. As a result, people go into areas where they normally wouldn’t go. They are exposed to new microbes. It is similar to what happened when the Spanish first came to the new world. They brought new microbes which the locals had never encountered before. The rest is history. The same happens when hunters go into forest, where they have never been before. Additionally, the microbes can jump the species barrier and infect humans
    The emerging microbes have been given spur by human activity. When ever antibiotics are used, microbes are subjected to what is known as selective pressure. The use of antibiotics constitute a hostile act as far as microbes are concerned. Initially, the microbe is sensitive to the antibiotic and most of them are destroyed. Note, all of the microbes are not destroyed. A few survive and these few are resistant to the particular antibiotic used. The reason why these few resistant organisms do not swamp the body and kill the person is due to the fact that the environmental conditions are not adequate for their growth and proliferation. This situation is made worse by the person not using the all of the antibiotic pills supplied. In the latter case ,over a period of time, the proportion of resistant microbes increase and they change the environment by their metabolic activity to meet their particular growth requirements. This is called selective pressure. In addition to all of the above, microbes are capable of sexual reproduction (process called conjugation) in which genetic material is transferred among the same strain of microbes. The transfer of genetic material result in microbes which differ from the parent organisms. There is also the transfer of what are known as plasmids among bacteria. Plasmids are round pieces of non-nuclear DNA.. Plasmids can be induced in microbes by subjecting them to antibiotic( basically selective pressure). Normally plasmids are associated with genes for antibiotic resistance and pathogenesis. Plasmid formation constitutes a burden in terms of energy on the organism So after a number of growth cycles, the organisms tend to shed them into the environment where the plasmid can enter a completely unrelated bacterium and change its genotype.. then there is good old fashion mutation: the latter can be natural( occurs and the microbe under goes binary fission to give rise to two new cells. Mistakes can be made in the process known as recombination of the genetic material.( maybe what is known as a deletion-all of the original DNA is not used up) and a new microbe is formed. There is also the process of quorum sensing in which microbes communicate with each other by means of biochemical signal ( a chemical is used to instruct the individual cells what to do)The microbes which form quorum sensing colonies react differently. finally, some can be engineered by man..

  18. @robert lucas February 1, 2020 12:50 PM “Your attitude demonstrates why blacks are at the bottom of the totem pole.”

    Nothing of the kind.

    You know don’t you that the Freedom Crier is just a poorly educated old white woman? So please don’t be so hard on her.

    And please desist from cursing us black people…especially those who have enjoyed their lemonade courses.


    if this is so how come there has been so little AIDS in gay women, or in children (except those children who caught it from their parents?

  20. @Ewart Archer February 1, 2020 12:33 PM “Thanks for raising again these murky subjects: There has been some substantial academic scholarship on the problem of contaminated vaccines, and on the way research into viruses and agents of biological warfare may have inadvertently led to outbreaks of infectious disease.”

    My Dear Ewart: Since you are an academic would you be so kind as to provide links to “substantial academic scholarship on the problem of contaminated vaccines.”


    “agents of biological warfare may have inadvertently led to outbreaks of infectious disease”

    A Silly Woman

  21. @Freedom Crier February 1, 2020 1:24 PM “one clear sign of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare agent was a disease caused by an uncommon (unusual, rare, or unique) agent, with lack of an epidemiological explanation. I.e. no clear idea of source.

    “Recent disease outbreaks that would seem to possibly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndrome and ZIKA. AND IN FACT THOUSANDS OF PROMINENT SCIENTISTS, PHYSICIANS, VIROLOGISTS AND EPIDEMIOLOGISTS ON MANY CONTINENTS HAVE CONCURRED THAT ALL THESE VIRUSES WERE LAB-CREATED AND THEIR RELEASE DELIBERATE. The recent swine flu epidemic in China has the hallmarks as well…”

    A few years ago there was a lot of wild talk by people who should know better about so called havanna syndrome, that was affecting first American and then Canadian diplomats. I smelled a rat in the silly conspiracy thinking from the beginning, because if the Cubans were attacking Americans and Canadians in their offices how come there were no neurological symptoms experienced by the Cubans who work in the same buildings? I mean Cubans are FULLY HUMAN too right, and what would sicken an American or a Canadian would also sicken a Cuban right? It turns out that it was a pesticide that the American and Canadian residences in Cuba were being sprayed with. Anybody who has ever used a domestic pesticide such as Bop or Baygon on insets in the home will note that even a little of the pesticide will induce neurological symptoms in the insets. If foreigners come to live in the tropics and they want to be rid of every single insect and their residences are heavily and regularly sprayed with toxic chemicals why did people go down the conspiracy line and think first about a Cuban “attack?” The Cubans who have lived all their lives in Cuba are likely more tolerant of minor insect infestations and do not spray as heavily or as frequently, so therefore no symptoms in the Cuban colleagues of the American and Canadian embassy staff. The Cubans too are also less likely to be able to afford air conditioning so there is likely less build up of toxic insecticides in their homes. But we humans too love a conspiracy.
    Havana Syndrome
    Havana syndrome: Exposure to neurotoxin may have been cause, study suggests

    3 dead, 2 injured after shooting at Airbnb in Toronto, police not looking for suspects
    Shooting happened in unit on 32nd floor of condo near Bathurst Street and Fort York Boulevard

    Police have identified the victims as Jalen Colley, 21, of Brampton, Ont., Joshua Gibson-Skier, 20, of Brampton and Tyronne Noseworthy, 19, of Toronto. So far, two guns have been recovered

  23. @robert lucas February 1, 2020 7:47 PM


  24. @ Silly Woman February 1, 2020 9:26 PM



    Billy G’s Daddy was a EUGENICIST who was head of Planned-murder-hood in his time and Billy Boy is walking in his Papi footsteps…He is a Globalist who is all for Depopulation/Population Control!

    Bill Gates of Micro Soft and WHO have been associated with Polio Eradication Programme in India

    January 12, 2012, marked a significant milestone for India as it was the first anniversary of the last reported wild polio case from India.

    Experts have questioned this and stated that it a fraud.

    Their Points.

    Expert medical pediatricians in India have criticized the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their illusory promise of polio eradication without noting THE DEVASTATING SIDE EFFECTS ITS VACCINATION REGIMENT COULD INFLICT.

    But the real story is that while polio has statistically disappeared from India, there has been a huge spike in cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP)– the very types of crippling problems it was hoped would disappear with polio but which have instead flourished from a new cause.

    There were 47,500 cases of non-polio paralysis reported in 2011, the same year India was declared “polio-free,” according to Dr. Vashisht and Dr. Puliyel. Further, the available data shows that the incidents tracked back to areas were doses of the polio vaccine were frequently administered. The national rate of NPAFP in India is 25-35 times the international average.

    So did polio vaccines trigger these new cases of paralysis? Related studies in India have already demonstrated that polio vaccines are the leading cause of polio paralysis. Yet the 100-180 cases of paralysis per year in India admittedly linked directly to receiving the polio-vaccine, the recognized development of vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP), pales in comparison to the 47,500 cases of non-polio paralysis.

    Further, polio vaccines have been widely blamed for deaths and damages in the neighboring country Pakistan.

    As a Commoner, I have noticed children dying after the Polio Vaccine was administered.

    I might add that one finds often in the metro Cities, Group of Men and Women stop you and administer Polio Vaccine to children.

    They do not even carry IDs

    Recently I stopped my daughter from administering Polio Vaccine to my Grand son in this manner.



  26. Our neighbour Trinidad has to battle with an additional C, CARNIVAL.

    To postpone or not!

  27. What advice are the Barbados authorities giving the public?

  28. @ David,

    St Lucia turns away cruise ship

    The Cruise ship business in Barbados could be affected.

  29. @Hal Austin February 2, 2020 11:58 AM

    The health authorities in Bim are presently taking part in a program on VOB.

  30. @Hants

    The minister of health and his team just answered on national radio to say tourism and trade activities will not be curtailed by Barbados. Apparently we are following WHO advisory for want of a better way of describing it.


  31. Bajan in New York

    Thanks. I am watching rugby – England v France. More interesting.

  32. @ David,

    I am listening to The minister of health and his team on VOB.

    I wish Bajans well.

  33. @ Silly Woman February 1, 2020 8:32 PM

    Just stating facts that some may find uncomfortable. One has to face facts. it appears that blacks seem to do lemonade courses. Then they complain about other races not lending a hand when there is a crisis.

  34. Any one who expected Barbados to institute a ban on visitors is living in a world of make belief.

    For all who are interested in the subject matter on the machinations of scientists in the weaponization of microbes please visit : BLACK LISTED NEWS. ORG and scroll down to the article :

    “Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak”

    It is an interesting article. One realizes how far behind in scientific knowledge blacks are The science is not too complex and one should not miss the import of topic.

  35. @ David February 2, 2020 2:15 PM


  36. @ Hal

    You are keeping very quiet about the Islamic terrorist attack in London this afternoon. Remember I have stated that Muslims are a fifth column when they live in non-Muslim countries. The Chinese and Burmese treat them how they should be treated. Of course I am going to castigated as anti=Muslim.

  37. @ robert lucas February 2, 2020 2:06 PM
    “It is an interesting article. One realizes how far behind in scientific knowledge blacks are The science is not too complex and one should not miss the import of topic.”

    Come on now Doc! Aren’t you being a tad too hard on the blacks? LOL!!

    I know you want them to do much better in the classroom of science (knowledge) and not excel in the art of superstition.

    They just cannot help themselves.

    But what can we expect from a people who, almost to its collective lot, still strongly believe that planet Earth along with life and the entire universe was created in 6 man-made days by an alien being holding a magic wand or by a snap of the finger in true “Q” style.

    Most blacks still live, mentally, (and quite blissfully too) in the days prior to Copernicus and Galileo where they can put the blame for everything which goes wrong in their lives on the ‘white’ Devil.

  38. Thanks for the Interesting Article Dr. Lucas much appreciated.

  39. @ Robert

    There is a good book, Scientific Colonialism, a collection of essays. It is a good read if you are interested in epistemology.

  40. @ Robert

    I am not keeping quiet about Muslim terrorists. I think Britain can handle them. My real worry is when Jihadists are activated in Barbados.
    It looks as if this particular on was born in the UK, he is only in his 20s. But can you imagine, these are mainly people who have ran away from the countries of their birth because allegedly of oppression and a lack of human rights, then within months of arriving in Europe they want to turn the country that saved them in to a similar one to the country they escaped from. Funny world.

  41. @ Miller February 2, 2020 3:44 PM

    You have a point. I want blacks to be able to hold their and not to be denigrated by other races as being silly and only good as sport persons.

  42. @ Hal February 2, 2020 6:36 PM

    My solution is to expel every one of them. There is going to be a civil war with them in this country. Unfortunately I won’t be around to take up arms. trump is right. He is allowing more Christians in the US.

    As for “Scientific Colonialism,” I will take a rain-check on reading it. I have an idea of what it says.

  43. @ Robert

    They are many Trojan horses among them, waiting to be given instructions to strike. I say again, our political leaders live in cloud cuckoo land and the whites are fooling themselves that they are OK. Look at the demographics, give them time.
    I always remember in 2007, during preparations for the Cricket World Cup, the head of the BDF and the commissioner of police had to go down to Kensington New Road to talk to these people – they had to take off their shoes – and were told in no uncertain terms that they did not want male police officers searching their females.
    Go to Oistins on a Friday night and see the number of Muslims there. We are sleep walking in to terror.

  44. @robert lucas February 2, 2020 1:51 PM “it appears that blacks seem to do lemonade courses. Then they complain about other races not lending a hand when there is a crisis.

    @Miller February 2, 2020 3:44 PM “Most blacks still live, mentally, (and quite blissfully too) in the days prior to Copernicus and Galileo where they can put the blame for everything which goes wrong in their lives on the ‘white’ Devil.”

    My dear Dr. Lucas and Miller etc.: I am just a Silly Woman, so I need a clarification please. Are these blacks you refer to your parents, siblings, spouses, children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews?

    Or other black people’s parents, siblings, spouses, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews?

  45. @robert lucas February 2, 2020 6:40 PM “I want blacks to be able to hold their and not to be denigrated by other races as being silly.”

    Another question for Robert.

    Is is less harmful or less hurtful if black people are denigrated by other black people?

    Asking for a Simple friend. Thanks.

  46. @Hal Austin February 2, 2020 7:04 PM “They are many Trojan horses among them, waiting to be given instructions to strike. I say again, our political leaders live in cloud cuckoo land and the whites are fooling themselves that they are OK.”

    What if it is Hal Austin who is living in a racist cloud?

    Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) advice for the public: Myth busters

  48. Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120
    and Gag

    Prashant Pradhan$1,2, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey$1, Akhilesh Mishra$1, Parul Gupta1
    , Praveen
    Kumar Tripathi1
    , Manoj Balakrishnan Menon1
    , James Gomes1
    , Perumal Vivekanandan1
    Bishwajit Kundu
    1Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology, New Delhi-110016, India.
    2Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110019, India

    “We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-
    nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike
    glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses.
    Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-
    1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag……”

    ” The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have
    identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be
    fortuitous in nature….”

    ” Our results highlight an astonishing relation between the gp120
    and Gag protein of HIV, with 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein. These proteins are critical for the
    viruses to identify and latch on to their host cells and for viral assembly (Beniac et al., 2006).
    Since surface proteins are responsible for host tropism, changes in these proteins imply a change
    in host specificity of the virus. According to reports from China, there has been a gain of host
    specificity in case 2019-nCoV as the virus was originally known to infect animals and not humans
    but after the mutations, it has gained tropism to humans as well…..”

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