This submission is timely with the Coronavirus in China. Nine million Chines in one region have been asked to evacuate. How worried should Barbados be about the virus? The blogmaster exercised license by inserting ‘Coronavirus’ in the title.
David, blogmaster

Submitted from and email addressee ‘is time to wake up’.

Today I listen to BBC and its report on the horrific conditions of Muslims in China who in large numbers are kidnapped , tortured and having their human rights violated.  I did an online investigation and talked to the few Chinese I know, to see if it is true. All reports independent of the oppressive government indicate that the government run Nazi type totalitarian concentration camps are true.  The Chinese in Barbados refuse to talk publically for fear of retribution but some outside of Barbados are talking up.  The current government of China does not want a society that is inclusive and have independent thought. Caribbean governments and people who benefit financially from the Chinese government turn a blind eye to the violation of human rights.

China’s Communist party is intensifying religious persecution as Christianity’s popularity grows. A new state translation of the Bible will establish a ‘correct understanding’ of the text. While China hasn’t established concentration camps for Christians as it has done for Muslims, it has harassed Christian congregations, closed and destroyed churches.

A previous Guyanese Ambassador to China secretly held Christian services in his embassy in Beijing. Do your own investigation in Guyana!  The Barbados previous ambassador to China in Beijing, had issue with the lack of rights to worship in the Christian faith as well as the smog in Beijing but he strongly coerced (ordered) by the Chinese to be the Barbadian Ambassador.  He did not want to be there.  Is Barbados a “Satellite of none” as Right Honorable Errol Barrow said  or  just willing to turn the blind eye to atrocities and doing anything for handouts. Do your own investigation in Barbados!



149 responses to “Coronavirus Outbreak – Is Barbados Becoming a Satellite of China?”

  1. Geez funny how the same people who lambasted trump for trying to secure his border against epidemics of terrorists ,drug pushers and illegals are now insisting on keeping Chinese out. When sewage runs down the street or you like to eat bamboo rats ,bats and or monkey brains this shit happens.

  2. What fuzzy logic you have.

  3. you had shit running down the street cars driving through it spraying it into the air, many people got ill with stomach flu which your govt said had nothing to do with the sewage bubbling up.and you really believe they will be honest on this .. I believe all borders should be secure and shutting them down for any legitimate reason should not be political but responsible I don’t think that is fuzzy

  4. What is the latest from the medical authorities?

  5. When eating bamboo rats or bats cook thoroughly

  6. ” TORONTO — The wife of Canada’s first case of the Wuhan coronavirus has tested positive for the virus at Ontario’s public health laboratory, and has been in self-isolation since arriving in Toronto, according to Ontario health officials.

    “Given the fact that she has been in self-isolation, the risk to Ontarians remains low,” Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams said in a statement Monday. Toronto Public Health has been in regular contact with the woman during her self-isolation period.”

  7. Have they contacted the people on the plane with them are they also self monitoring what political bullshit isolate them till we know exactly what is going on

  8. [Toronto] “Public health officials have…been reaching out to those aboard the China Southern Airlines flight who sat within two metres of the man.”
    Toronto Star

    Toronto Public Health (TPH) has received notification of Toronto’s second presumptive confirmed case of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The individual recently travelled to Wuhan and is a close contact of the first presumptive confirmed case of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Since arriving in Toronto, this individual has been in self-isolation. There is an ongoing investigation to determine more about this matter. This is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated as it becomes available. More information is available in the news release.

    January 25, 2020Toronto Public Health reports first presumptive confirmedcase of novel coronavirus


    Today, January 27, 2020 Statement from Dr. Eileen de Villa, Medical Officer of Health, Toronto Public Health:

  12. Silly WomanJanuary 23, 2020 11:13 PM

    The virus was only detected 3 or 4 weeks ago, and the DNA sequenced since then. So “no” Barbados does not have the facilities to test for the specific virus, but remember that if a person comes down with a disease of this nature treatment typically begins, MUST BEGIN before confirmation by the lab. There is as yet no vaccine nor specific medicine for the virus anywhere in the world. Treatment is supportive.


    Cutting through the crap, as usual!

    Barbados is a two by four little island and will always have to rely on outsiders for such services. With such limited resources one has to spend on bread and butter, everyday problems.


    These things can happen anywhere. But the racists will always interpret things racially.

    Keeping out the Chinese would be a temporary measure.

    PS. The last bunch of lettuce I was forced to throw away came from the USA. E coli alert or shit alert, whatever you wish to call it..


  15. China’s involvement in and oppression of Christians and other ethnicities is also noted AND NOTABLE.(Quote)

    Christianity is not an ethnicity.

  16. Why do we import lettuce from America? Is this punching above our weight, or is it world class?

  17. In the dry season it is hard and expensive to grow lettuce even in a greenhouse, but we do grow quite a bit in the wet season.

    Barbados is a water scarce country. The water scarcity is not a BLP nor DLP issue.

    Barbados may have been abandoned by its indigenous people because of its water scarcity

  18. The authorities confirmed today in the news that the scarcity of water will continue for many months because of the lack of rain. Where are we with the plant to plant desal plants on he island to boost water generation? This has become a perennial problem we need to solve. It keeps getting worse.

  19. @ Silly Woman

    Do we still sell water to cruise ships?

  20. The Ministry of Health and Wellness is urging persons resident in Barbados to avoid non-essential travel to Hubei Province in China, including its capital, Wuhan.

    The recommendation, from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, is aimed at reducing the international spread of the coronavirus.
    The respiratory illness, which originated in Wuhan, has now spread to 12 countries outside of China. All of the cases identified outside of China so far have been imported cases.
    Meanwhile, the Ministry is reminding residents that the most effective way of preventing respiratory illness is to practise frequent hand washing, covering the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and avoiding close contact with persons showing symptoms of respiratory infections
    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS – CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS – CoV).
    Signs of infection include fever, cough, shortness of breath as well as breathing difficulties in more severe cases. The infection can cause pneumonia, kidney failure and even death.
    The novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain which has not previously been identified in humans. (Quote)

    Here is our ministry of health, punching above its weight, advising citizens not to travel to Wuhan. Please. How many Barbadians travel to Wuhan? Is this the best world class advice it can give, pilfering the US CDC?
    People want to know what we are doing at the front line, the port and airport. Do we have any isolation units prepared in case the virus is discovered in Barbados? It is OK telling people about the symptoms to look out for, but what should they do if thy are concerned, rush to A&E at the QEH?
    What is this ministry of health nonsense, is t his from the chief medical officer? If so, say so.

  21. GP what is worse Keeping potentially infectious people out or keeping potentially infectious people in.

  22. Beijing has warned that the spread of the deadly coronavirus is expected to accelerate, heightening concerns about an outbreak that has killed at least 80 people in China and reached a dozen other countries.
    Ma Xiaowei, China’s health commission minister, revealed on Sunday that the virus was infectious during its incubation period of between one and 14 days even though people may show no symptoms.
    This makes the latest outbreak different from Sars, another strain of the coronavirus which originated in China and killed almost 800 people in 2002-03, which was not contagious in its incubation period.
    The comments came as the death toll continued to rise. China confirmed on Monday that 80 people had died from the respiratory disease, up from 56 a day earlier, while 2,744 people were infected.
    Zhou Xianwang, Wuhan’s mayor, said on Sunday that the number of coronavirus cases in the city could rise by another 1,000, according to state media. He added that more than 5m people had already left the city, with 9m people remaining.
    Underlining international concerns over the outbreak, the US state department said on Sunday that it was evacuating staff from its Wuhan consulate.
    The US on Sunday confirmed three more cases, bringing the total number of patients infected by the virus in the country to five. Government officials said they were monitoring 100 potential cases, of which 25 had tested negative for the disease.
    The virus has also been detected in the US, France, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea and Nepal.
    On Sunday, France said it would evacuate hundreds of its citizens from Wuhan. The escalating public health emergency comes as China celebrates the lunar new year, the most important holiday of the year in which hundreds of millions of people make trips to celebrate with family and friends.
    China will lengthen the lunar new year holiday period and delay the reopening of schools as authorities try to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus, state media reported on Sunday. Li Keqiang, Chinese premier, and other top officials in a new working group decided the country would extend the holiday period “appropriately” to “reduce people’s movement”.
    The eastern city of Suzhou was among the first to announce such a move as it called on businesses to stop their employees from resuming work before February 8. China’s national travel agency suspended tour groups travelling overseas and domestically over the new year holiday, while Beijing has suspended buses into and out of the capital from Sunday.
    The travel restrictions in Beijing and other smaller cities come on top of a lockdown of more than 40m people living in Wuhan and the surrounding areas.
    The growing number of measures to deal with the outbreak, which also include closures of entertainment and tourist venues, are expected to deal a heavy blow to the world’s second-biggest economy. China’s gross domestic product grew at its slowest pace in 29 years last year.
    At one Wuhan hospital on Sunday, several dozen mostly elderly people waited to be seen as medical staff walked around in protective suits.
    A sign outside the department warned that due to the large number of patients, they would face a wait of up to three hours to see a doctor.
    “I came here because I have a high temperature. I have been waiting for two hours,” said one middle-aged man wearing a face mask. Despite a ban on private vehicles, cars and taxis were still visible on the city’s roads, while some people moved around on bicycle.
    A Wuhan government official told the Financial Times that they advised foreign citizens in the city to contact their countries’ embassies for assistance with leaving Wuhan.
    On Saturday Xi Jinping, China’s president, told a meeting of the Communist party’s top leadership, the politburo standing committee, that the country was facing a “grave situation” over the virus, state television reported.
    In Hong Kong, authorities on Sunday declared the city’s highest level of emergency in response to the coronavirus outbreak and said all schools would remain closed for a further two weeks beyond the lunar new year holiday.
    Hong Kong’s popular amusement parks Disneyland and Ocean Park were both closed from Sunday to help prevent the spread of the virus, Chinese state television reported, while Shanghai Disneyland has been closed since Saturday.
    Hong Kong also banned Hubei residents and people who have visited the province in the past 14 days from entering the city. Taipei said it was barring almost all visitors from China in an effort to stop the virus from taking hold, as governments around the world stepped up efforts to halt the spread of the Sars-like disease.
    India also said it had urged its citizens to avoid all non-essential travel to China. No cases have yet been confirmed in India but authorities have placed 11 people under observation, of whom four had tested negative for the virus.
    The UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office issued new guidance advising against all travel to Hubei province and calling on anyone already in the area to leave.
    Businesses in China have also been affected. The country’s leading cinema company said it had temporarily shut thousands of movie theatres across the country.
    China’s leading film studios also cancelled plans to release the biggest blockbusters of the year for the new year holiday, traditionally the commercial peak for the industry.
    Additional reporting by Amy Kazmin in New Delhi, Kathrin Hille in Taipei and Ryan McMorrow in Hong KongVirus spread will be hard to stop, studies say Scientific studies into the Chinese coronavirus outbreak have underlined how hard it will be to contain and then reverse the rapid spread of infection.
    Computer modelling at Imperial College London and Lancaster University in the UK found that, on average, each case infected about 2.5 other people.
    Separate studies from two Chinese scientific teams provided the first detailed clinical data on transition of the virus between people, writes Clive Cookson in London.
    “Control measures need to block well over 60 per cent of transmission to be effective in controlling the outbreak,” said Neil Ferguson of Imperial College’s school of public health who led one of the studies.
    “It is unclear whether this outbreak can be contained within China . . . We need to plan for the possibility that containment of this epidemic is not possible.”
    Clinical analysis of the first 41 confirmed cases of the new nCoV virus in Wuhan showed a range of respiratory symptoms. Some were similar to Sars, the related disease that started in China and killed almost 800 people in 2002-2003, such as fever, cough and shortness of breath, said Bin Cao, who led the study at Beijing’s China-Japan Friendship Hospital.
    But “there are some important differences”, he added, including the absence of sneezing, runny noses and intestinal symptoms that affected many Sars patients.
    Another Chinese study focused on a family of six who travelled from Wuhan to Shenzhen soon after the outbreak began and then tested positive for the coronavirus.
    None had visited the Wuhan market where the virus is believed to have originally moved into people from live animals. The researchers believe one member of the family caught the infection from a relative in a Wuhan hospital and passed it on to five others through personal contact, with an incubation period of three to six days.
    Five infected members of the family developed respiratory symptoms but the sixth did not, suggesting people could spread the disease without knowing they are carrying it.
    Kwok-Yung Yuen, from the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, said: “Because asymptomatic infection appears possible, controlling the epidemic will also rely on isolating patients, tracing and quarantining contacts as early as possible, educating the public on both food and personal hygiene, and ensuring healthcare workers comply with infection control.”

  23. WITH THE DEATH TOLL from the coronavirus rising to 81 worldwide, health officials are assuring Barbadians that they have the equipment and expertise to keep them safe. Head of the Infection Prevention and Control/Infectious Diseases Programme at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Dr Corey Forde, said Barbados was ahead of the curve when it came to preparations. “Barbadians can be reassured the Ministry of Health and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital are prepared for any eventuality. We are watching the international [news], we are having briefings and discussions and I think it is important to keep up this interaction with the public,” he said after a tour of the Infectious Disease Facility in Enmore Complex, Martindale’s Road, St Michael, yesterday afternoon. “I know often when things are new, and with social media, that people become afraid. It’s okay to be afraid but better to be prepared.” Forde said they were not only ready but had been all set even before the worldwide alarm was given. (CA) We

  24. I agree with Hal. Wash often be vigilant and take bat arse off the menu

  25. The threatening coronavirus pandemic is what is called in economics a shock. Given government growth projections as part of BERT, is there going to be an official revision of these projections in the light of the threat?

  26. Make filter masks from sargassum kill two birds with one stone

  27. Jamaica has got a suspected case of coronavirus, is Barbados still safe?

  28. Why not pray that it remains safe.

  29. The US just issued a travel advisory on China. It must be hurting them to do so given the level of trade and the nexus to the US economy.

  30. @”Here is our ministry of health, punching above its weight, advising citizens not to travel to Wuhan. Please. How many Barbadians travel to Wuhan? Is this the best world class advice it can give, pilfering the US CDC?”

    A six bed isolation unit is ready.

    Screening at the ports.

    There are Barbadians living in Wuhan (see front page of today’s Nation)

    It is not pilfering from the CDC. It is only pilfering if the information was otherwise for sale and Barbados had stolen it. . The CDC has freely shared the information with everybody, including you and me.

  31. It has been widely reported in Barbados the Enmore facility is ready and has been before the outbreak to handle these cases.

  32. @Silly Woman

    Let us pray.

  33. @ David January 28, 2020 2:29 PM

    That should make Trump push very hard (as a welcomed blessing of a diversionary tactic from his impeachment) for the scientists to find a magical vaccine patented in his make America great (again) country.

    Now what could be so difficult to swat away such a little pest of an immigrant?

    After all, he fancies himself as an extraordinary man from the land of krypton.

    That would be a feather in his super-power grabbing hat to put the uppity China in its technology-stealing place should America under the boastful Commander-in-chief Trump has to be the Edward Jenner of the modern world in much need of culling.

    That shouldn’t be so hard a task for a country which always boasts of landing on the Moon 50 years ago.

    Don’t be surprised if the IMF is forced to amend its forecast of world economic growth to a negative outlook with countries like Barbados up an economic creek without a tourism paddle.

    1930’s here we come again!

    Who would be those modern-day fascist Fuhrers to dominate the scene?

  34. @ Silly Woman January 28, 2020 2:52 PM

    Would those modern-day Mary [Jane] Seacole(s) soon to arrive from Ghana be screened before given a clean bill of health?

    Can you imagine a virus of mixed heritage? Chinese corona cross-breeding with the African Ebola?

    A scenario even Alfred Hitchcock would be scared to make into a screenplay

  35. Coronavirus….nah, We Gatherin’

  36. You are of the view because theee is a virus that the world should stop spinning?


  37. Damage in Cayman.


    MIAMI – Miami International Airport is getting a quarantine station to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added Miami to the growing list of cities that have quarantine stations at their airports to contain the outbreak.

    Miami’s quarantine station is located in Terminal D. Its jurisdiction includes all ports in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi, along with pre-clearance ports in the Bahamas.

    There are five confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S., mostly on the west coast. The nearest confirmed case to Florida is in Illinois.

    More than 100 people in China have died from the coronavirus

  39. @All… Posted over on the “geek” forum… A near “real-time” dataset with maps (zoom out / pan for North American / Caribbean coverage) by Johns Hopkins.

    Needs Javascript enabled.

  40. In October 2019, a group of 15 business people, government officials, and health experts gathered around a table in New York to plan out the global response to a worldwide outbreak of a never-before-seen — and completely fictional — coronavirus.
    It was a training exercise with disturbing similarities, in retrospect, to 2019-nCoV — the Chinese virus that has swiftly gone global this month.
    Three and a half hours later, the group finished the simulation exercise — and despite their best efforts, they couldn’t prevent the hypothetical coronavirus from killing 65 million people.
    The fictional coronavirus at the center of the Event 201 simulation — a collaboration between the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — was called CAPS, and it started with pigs in Brazil before spreading to farmers, not unlike how 2019-nCoV reportedly began with animals before spreading to people.
    In the simulation, CAPS infected people all across the globe within six months, and by the 18-month mark, it had killed 65 million people and triggered a global financial crisis.
    The “players” in the Event 201 simulation included health experts from the United Nations and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as several academics and representatives from private companies. In other words, they were the same types of people likely to plan the world’s response to a real-life coronavirus pandemic.
    That makes the exercise’s devastating outcome particularly troubling. But according to Event 201’s organizers, the purpose of the simulation wasn’t to stir up fear. Instead, they hoped it would serve as a learning experience, highlighting both the potential impact of a pandemic as well as current gaps in our preparedness for one.
    To that end, after the simulation ended, they created a list of seven actions that leaders in both the public and private sectors could take now to prepare for a scenario like Event 201.
    The troubling implication remains, though, that if 2019-nCoV reaches the pandemic level, it might already be too late to prevent the millions of deaths predicted by Event 201.(Quote)

  41. On Saturday, officials in Australia confirmed the continent’s first case of 2019-nCoV, the pneumonia-like virus that emerged from Wuhan, China last month.
    By Monday, Australia had confirmed five cases, according to The Straits Times. That means the viral pandemic has now definitively spread to yet another continent, the latest after making its way to the U.S. and France last week. And more could soon be confirmed: There are suspected but yet-unconfirmed coronavirus cases in both Brazil, The Epoch Times reports, and the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, according to BBC News — meaning it would have spread to every inhabited continent.
    Over the weekend, the number of confirmed cases around the world tripled to nearly 2,900 — though all but 60 remain within the borders of mainland China. As of press time, every other country affected by 2019-nCoV has confirmed fewer than ten cases, according to a tracker on BNO News.
    For now, Australian officials are closely monitoring recent travelers from China and those who came in contact with the five people known to have caught 2019-nCoV.
    “We are working on a number of fronts, firstly to make sure… that there is support for those Australians and we are also working on, as are other countries, to try to secure their ability to return to Australia,” said Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt, per The Straits Times.(Quote)

  42. @Miller January 28, 2020 3:29 PM “@ Silly Woman Would those modern-day Mary [Jane] Seacole(s) soon to arrive from Ghana be screened before given a clean bill of health?”


    There has been NO Ebola in Ghana.

    There has been NO 2019 novel Ncov in Ghana.

    However there have been cases of Ebola in the UK. Should we be screening you when you gather? Stupssseee!!!

    Countries where Ebola cases have occurred
    The Democratic Republic of the Congo
    Ivory Coast
    Sierra Leone
    South Africa
    South Sudan
    United Kingdom
    United States

  43. This was written after SARS, but before Ebola and of course pre 2019 NCov, still It makes very interesting reading.

    Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide to Diseases, Causative Agents, and Surveillance / Lisa A. Beltz. 2011

    Emerging Infectious Diseases offers an introduction to emerging and reemerging infectious disease, focusing on significant illnesses found in various regions of the world. Many of these diseases strike tropical regions or developing countries with particular virulence, others are found in temperate or developed areas, and still other microbes and infections are more indiscriminate.

    This volume includes information on the underlying mechanisms of microbial emergence, the technology used to detect them, and the strategies available to contain them. The author describes the diseases and their causative agents that are major factors in the health of populations the world over.

    The book contains up-to-date selections from infectious disease journals as well as information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, MedLine Plus, and the American Society for Microbiology.

    Perfect for students or those new to the field, the book contains Summary Overviews (thumbnail sketches of the basic information about the microbe and the associated disease under examination), Review Questions (testing students’ knowledge of the material), and Topics for Further Discussion (encouraging a wider conversation on the implications of the disease and challenging students to think creatively to develop new solutions).

    This important volume provides broad coverage of a variety of emerging infectious diseases, of which most are directly important to health practitioners.

  44. Number of Wuhan coronavirus cases inside mainland China overtakes SARS, as virus spreads worldwide

  45. While we are on about the Chinese, I suggest BU readers should have a look at Obama’s Netflix film, American Factory. It is a good example of how Chinese behave when they think they have the upper hand.
    I wonder if the Advocate will review it on its Chinese news pages?

  46. @ Silly Woman January 28, 2020 7:58 PM

    Yet reported!

    Where there is the consumption of bush meat there is always the possibility of cross-species transmissions of viruses.

    Where do you think the Bajan green monkey come from? Imported as pets from China?

  47. Dr. Kenneth George, Chief Medical Officer speaking on VOB’s Down to Brass Tacks now.

  48. The Bajan green monkey came from the same places your ancestor’s and mine came from.

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