The Editor
Barbados Underground

Dear Sir/Madam

Recently,the Attorney General, Mr. Dale Marshall made some observations about the “Liquidation Center” which has been compulsory acquired by government. According to Marshall, the Center has been deemed unfit by the Public Health officials due to the high rodent infestation among other things. Marshall also went onto claim that four illegal connections to the potable water supply of this country were discovered on the premises of the “Liquidation Center.” I have some question that need clarification by Marshall.

1.) Were there inspections of the premises by the Public Health (Environmental) Officers up to the point of closure by government? If the answer is yes,the question remains why was the premises not closed before the seizure by government? One is left to infer that either there was political interference by both sets of government, hindering the Public Health Officers from doing their job, or that the Public Health Officers looked the other way,to avoid witnessing all of the defects which have suddenly appeared.

2). The four illegal connections to the country’s potable water supply seems to be a red-herring deflecting from the high-handed manner in which the closure took place. Marshall wants the populace to believe that with the water being disconnected, the business continued apace without toilet facilities. At some point following disconnection, the authorities must have wondered how it was that the business continued apace without a pause. One is left to conclude that there was some kind of tacit connivance on the part of the authorities.

The government seems to be acting in an totalitarian manner in this affair. In small countries like Barbados one must be on guard against totalitarianism .



Robert D. Lucas, PH.D.

314 responses to “Government Complicit in the Liquidation Centre Matter”


    nothing comes MOVES FORWARD..

    that is the problem on the island magnified 100 fold…yall too love living in the past….that is why the whole infrastructure is now taking on an 18th century look.


    nothing comes MOVES FORWARD..



  3. “The side issue here as stated before is why did members of the public not boycott the place? Why did former employees not expose the matter in the public interest?

    We have some serious issues here to resolve when we get by the political BS and blame game.”

    And those are the questions sensible people are asking, why are bajans SITTING ON THEIR BACKSIDES TAKING ALL OF THESE CRIMES AGAINST THEMSELVES AND FOR DECADES.

    they know it is in the best interest of the two corrupt governments to enable Ram to continue her nastiness…BUT BOYCOTT the dirty rat…STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY THERE..

    STOP BEING COWARDS….speak out loudly for the whole WIDE WORLD TO HEAR..

    I remember when they had the brouhaha at the racist royal shop and even more racist sandy lane where workers were set up and set upon and the worker’s union was weak and useless, but THESE ARE DIFFERENT cannot sit and continously play the VICTIM ROLES…

    You KNOW your governments are corrupt and never look out for your own best interest they only work in the best interest of people who look nothing like them or you…STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK..

    STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY WITH MINORITIES, you are being ROBBED…financially and socially.

  4. “Another issue: why have our agencies not delivered on mandates to avoid the state Liquidation Centre has reached? Is this a one off or does it speak to a systemic failure of our watchdog agencies.”

    The Safety and Health at Work Act (SHaW) was laid before parliament in 2005 and not proclaimed until 2013. The Act itself lacks adequate regulations to give the Law any teeth. Laws are for boundaries, regulations tell you how to stay inside the boundary.

    Why the lack of regulations. Many reasons
    1.The government is the biggest violator of the SHaW Act.

    Ever visited a construction site. The construction sector is one of the largest donors to political parties.
    Insurance covers workplace injury, who needs government making sure these incidents are prevented.
    Habit. We have a history of writing legislation, then taking years to introduce accompanying regulations. And don’t talk about rules and guidance notes, good luck getting those.

    Both parties have done nothing about our OSH standards, to bring it up now is a red herring

  5. @Redguards


    It comes back to karma being a bitch.

    She has for years greased the pockets of the political class now the class has decided to jump ship like the proverbial rat.

    Again, karma is a bitch.

  6. @LPG et al,
    Excellent contributions and that includes GP. How could previous administrations and the BWA knowingly allow for the theft of this public resource – water. 60% of households have been subsidising the remaining 40% of others who have tapped into the grid system without paying for the service.

    This typifies our nation state. We remain a nation of infants lacking in
    maturity. If we are unable to look after ourselves then may I suggest that we abandon this independent nonsense and seriously look at recolonisation as a solution to our development. After a period of 100 years we can have our independent status restored.

  7. Hello????? Anybody home??????

    If they do it to Ms.Ram they can do it to us???????

    Newsflash! They have been doing it to us for years!

    Ms. Ram did not seem concerned with our plight but instead joined in exploiting us and sharing in the spoils. What does it matter to the average citizen that she has been traded in for a newer model? How does that change the status quo for the average citizen? How does her cause then become ours????

    I may not have studied Real Estate but I did know about the value of the land being linked to location and future use.

    But I say let her know what it is like to be unfaired! Let her take her matter to the courts! She is sure she will receive justice. The rest of us are not so sure since we cannot even make it to the courts before we die.

    If her court battle sets a precedent then her parasitic ass would have served some purpose for any of us who happen perchance to make it there.


  8. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I see once again the BRA has certain “tax delinquent” properties for sale based upon a release on their website.
    I cannot locate a listing of these properties on the BRA website.
    Does anybody know how to access the auction proceedings for these properties? Thx.

  9. “If they come for me in the morning, they will come for you in the night.”

    ― Angela Davis

    Play the ball, not the man. It is nothing to do with Ms Ram, but with the behaviour of our government. Our government is abusing the process. This is an elective dictatorship.
    By the way, what is the president doing in Kenya? I understand she wants to recruit nurses from East Africa too. Who is in her party?

  10. “Ms. Ram did not seem concerned with our plight but instead joined in exploiting us and sharing in the spoils. What does it matter to the average citizen that she has been traded in for a newer model? How does that change the status quo for the average citizen? How does her cause then become ours????”

    BINGO…they should eat her alive if she does not eat them first.

  11. “If we are unable to look after ourselves then may I suggest that we abandon this independent nonsense and seriously look at recolonisation as a solution to our development. After a period of 100 years we can have our independent status restored.”

    are you DIM…or just stupid, wicked and ignorant..

  12. William Skinner Avatar

    In attempting to defend the duopoly; we must make sure we don’t behave like or endorse its malfeasance.
    We cannot honestly call for good governance and transparency and then turnaround and support skullduggery in any form.
    Societies can only develop if laws and regulations as a matter of natural justice.
    These laws were never meant to be used only to expedite a political process.
    When we defend injustice in any form we are giving the Duopoly the right to do whatever it likes.
    Once it is given this green light, Hal’s determination that this is a failed state, cannot be questioned.
    The simple question is : Where were the Fire Department and The Labour / Environmental agencies prior to this debacle?
    We cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hound. We cannot be flippant about justice.

  13. All land and property owners ( including ms ram ) should be paid fair market value when government appropriates their property.

    The fact that the Liquidation centre is reported to be a rodent infested fire hazard is irrelevant.

  14. @Waru,

    “are you DIM…or just stupid, wicked and ignorant..”

    I protest, I’m none of the above.
    I compare Barbados to a young child brought up by dysfunctional parents. There is only so much assistance that can be given to the child’s parents before the authorities removes that child from the family home.

    How can we develop as a nation if we are unable to manage the most important natural resource in the world – water. That our governance is failing on all fronts would suggest that we do not have a future as an independent nation.

    I don’t like to use the word recolonisation; however, Barbados requires sensible adults to assist it in her development. Perhaps by twinning with another country we can make great forward strides.

  15. NorthernObserver
    December 5, 2019 1:50 PM

    I see once again the BRA has certain “tax delinquent” properties for sale based upon a release on their website.
    I cannot locate a listing of these properties on the BRA website.
    Does anybody know how to access the auction proceedings for these properties? Thx.


    Saw them listed in the newspaper yesterday.

    Might be able to scan and ocr them if you can’t get your hands on the paper

  16. @William

    However you swing it John and Jane Citizen are being being crafted at both ends of the stick. At some point it will manifest in some dysfunction in the society.

  17. NorthernObserver Avatar

    which paper?

  18. “I don’t like to use the word recolonisation; however, Barbados requires sensible adults to assist it in her development.”

    So you think colonization is the answer, look how well it worked for African descended people for 400 years and the same brutal criminals and thieves descended from now dead enslavers will do a REPEAT….so how will that help the disenfranched descendsnts of those who were murdered, mentally destroyed and mentally damaged by enslavers and their descendants…

    Let’s think straight for a minuit..

    Yes US has major issues, are still FIGHTING DEMONS OF RACISM and other centuries old evils…but i would much prefer put in a request TO THEM FOR GUIDANCE after the FILTH IN PARLIAMENT IS REMOVED…….as opposed to new age colonization….THAN TO ANYONE ELSE….,and for a temporary period….we at least know what to expect from them…,and given that any black political party going into that parliament will have the same problems as the two parasites DBLPu, the last one now on their way OUT…they all went to the same schools and have the same mentalities, are just as brainwashed and deluded…there will be very little change, the black mind is damaged…not anything that we can run away from.

    So what do you think.

  19. And here it is that I thought I was being clear. Let me try again!

    I am not condoning any bad behaviour by government. I am saying that the rest of us have endured such with no recourse. So why are we riding in now on our black horses to save a player in the system that exploits us when that system turns against them? Are we still so desperate to prove ourselves worthy?

    It reminds me of when the black idiots trekked through the hot sun to find the missing” white woman. Do they join in any search for the black missing?

    Ms. Ram has the resources to fight her own battles. She does not need us. She is sure that she will prevail in the courts.

    I say let her endure the plight we black people have endured, go to court and set a precedent that may benefit the rest of us.

    And so Hal, they did not come for us in the night. They came for us in the morning. It is now Ms. Ram’s night visit. I say that “Day does run till night catch it.”

    All I hope is that they deduct the arrears and penalties that she owes us for providing her with water at all her properties from the compensation that she receives from the court ordered compensation.

    It would be better if she received that check in prison.

    PS. You sent me to my bookcase for Angela’s book which I read at age seventeen when given it by Bobby Clarke’s niece. She also gave me “With Freedom on My Mind – An autobiography.” by the same author.

    I have not lately come to the round table.

  20. “All land and property owners ( including ms ram ) should be paid fair market value when government appropriates their property.”

    they helped Ram tief that property from an old black lady now deceased, they are only recycling it….crooked Maloney will offer a bigger bribe…let’s hope they all choke.

  21. This is what the corrupt needs, they are too vicious and evil…THEY MUST ALL BE TAKEN DOWN..

    Orji Uzor Kalu gets 12 years imprisonment
    By Dennis Erezi
    05 December 2019 | 10:28 am

    “He was convicted of N7.65billion fraud perpetuated when he was Abia State governor between 1999 and 2007.

    Kalu was convicted alongside his firm, Slok Nigeria Limited and his former Abia State director of finance, Ude Udeogu.

    The court also ordered forfeiture of all assets of his company to the federal government.

    Justice Mohammed Idris, who delivered the sentence, had earlier declared him guilty of the charge in the case that had been on for 12 years.

    In an amended 39-counts-charge, they were accused by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of conspiring and diverting over N7 billion from the coffers of the state.

    In one of the counts, the EFCC alleged that Kalu “did procure Slok Nigeria Limited – a company solely owned by you and members of your family – to retain in its account, domiciled with the then Inland Bank Plc, Apapa branch, Lagos, an aggregate sum of N7,197,871,208.7 on your behalf.”

  22. There is an old saying, what starts with the Jews does not end with the Jews. An undemocratic government starts with the low-hanging fruit, then it gains confidence and moves up the food chain.
    The police in the UK started out by planting evidence on little black boys, no one said anything; then they moved up until they got ex MPs, a former Home Secretary, a dead prime minister and a former chief of the Defence Force. Next it will be Royalty. They have become untouchables.
    Ms Ram should never been in Barbados, but the real issue is the Mottley government’s abuse of process to compulsorily obtain her property.
    While we are side-lined with Ms Ram the Chinese and Indians are buying up Baxters Road; ask where the Chinese are getting the money from and how come they are in Barbados? We will be having this same discussion in a decade, only the Chinese will shoot back; they are armed.
    Now if you are late with your land tax the state moves in to sell off your property, while giving hand outs to squatters. It may be ten years now, tomorrow it will be five and the next day it may be six weeks, but eventually they will remove all property from poor people who are late with paying their tax – the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. Who are the people buying up these properties?
    A 29/1 majority government lacks checks and balances; we now have an aggressive Moe woman bossing around CBC. It is not going to stop there. Next it will be the Nation, then Barbados Today, then BU. Authoritarians never give up.
    I have said before that Mottley is no Stuart, nor is she interested n being prime minister for 14 years like Arthur. A single five year term is all it will take to destroy the nation. It will end in tears.

  23. Can anyone say if this is a bakery in Barbados with rat infestation, they do know that rats carry lepto right.

  24. Lloyd P Gulston Avatar

    Dear John

    Correct you are when you say we should not focus on the distractions of rats, illegal connections, and fire hazards. I really do not think you need to be a rocket scientist to know that that stretch of beach front property is an investors paradise. However, I am going to focus on the mundane of the governments tic for tac, because the mundane presents us with insight into the reason why we should-take to task- the manner in which government chooses to smear on Ms Ram’s resistance.

    The government has the law of compulsory acquisition on its side for development deemed necessary to the national interest. However, I am not so sure if the Hyatt, which is another hotel, is enough reason to present to the people that this is a developmental investment that is going to benefit one and all.

    To tell you the truth, I could understand Cahill as a project (that is because it is not another hotel). I could understand some sophisticated step in bringing some meaningful industry from over and away to assist the growth of our economy because it is not related to another hotel. In fact, I could accept one big gigantic mega superstore with every conceivable consumer goods you can think about fitted to a nice board walk that supports a series of restaurants and assorted food shops all along the site proposed for major development.

    What I cannot perceive, or accept as man, is that Barbados’ national interest is going to be better because we are getting a Hyatt.

    As I have said before, we need to wait on TIME.

  25. The bigger issue in theory is that the Pierhead to BTMI carpark location has been identified had a corridor to be developed, Hyatt or any other business is just a piece in the puzzle.

  26. “Authoritarians never give up.”

    The populi now have no choice but TO KICK THEM ALL OUT…..clean house, the ony way to get rid of thieves, dictators and parasites…countdown is 2023..they cannot stay.

  27. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    @ WURA-WAR-on-U December 5, 2019 12:08 PM “i have this Italian American friend, moved to Barbados in the mid 90s, one day we were having a drink and shooting the breeze and he allows me to know that since he moved to Barbados he has PAID FOR NOTHING…”

    You really need to choose a better class of friend.

    Why is this crook your friend?

  28. @ Waru,
    From Barrow to Mia our leaders have abandoned the majority population. Resigning them to the scrap heap.

    I weep for my brothers and sisters. I do not know what it is like to go hungry, to go without water and to live in a country which has an “infrastructure” that is on the point of collapse.

    And this is supposed to be a country with a near 100% black leadership? They are morally no better then the English colonisers. For those of you who believe that under a third party the conditions for the majority black population will improve, I would ask you to make an objective reevaluation of this fallacy.

    I would like to see a Barbados where parishes are autonomous and free from the maligned hand of government. Where each parish forms connections with sympathetic countries where goods and services can be mutually traded. More importantly these relationships should be based on mutual friendship.

    If this government were marginalised and relegated to the shadows then I believe that there would be an influx of returnees and their children. It is probably this group who are more likely to bring fundamental change to the island.

  29. You took the time to post this nonsense?

    Which brand of MJ you puffing?

    re What I cannot perceive, or accept as man, is that Barbados’ national interest is going to be better because we are getting a Hyatt.

  31. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    @Donna December 5, 2019 1:45 PM “Hello????? Anybody home?????? If they do it to Ms.Ram they can do it to us???????Newsflash! They have been doing it to us for years!”


    The government did it to our family in 1962 when they rezoned our several acres of family land to “zone 1, no new construction”, even though it had been bought for construction. Now the government mines water from under our land, we do not receive a cent for that water, and furthermore we do not owe the BWA a single cent, and none of us has ever had an illegal connection, and in addition the government taxes us punitively because the land is “not developed” even though we are forbidden by the government to develop…and oh yes we “owe” the government $600 will be paid by the first quarter of 2020.

    The government, all party’s has been doing this from back in colonial days, governments since then have just continued to ride roughshod over the people.

    So “nope” I am not sorry for Ms. Ram. I say to her “welcome to the club” this has been going on since you were a girl.

  32. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    @Hal Austin December 5, 2019 1:52 PM ““If they come for me in the morning, they will come for you in the night.” – Angela Davis.

    Way back when you were just a boy they came for us in the morning, but we were just poor, black village people and nobody raised a whisper in our defense.

    Night has come for Ms. Ram


  34. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    @TLSN December 5, 2019 12:56 PM “We remain a nation of infants lacking inmaturity. If we are unable to look after ourselves then may I suggest that we abandon this independent nonsense and seriously look at recolonisation as a solution to our development. After a period of 100 years we can have our independent status restored.”

    If 339 years of colonisation, 1627 to 1967 did was not a solution to our development, can you explain what the British would accomplish in 100 years that they were unable to accomplish in 339?

    If the British can’t even sort out themselves, why do you think that they can sort us out in 1/3 of the time of their last attempt?

  35. It was a valid comment and question, but it gave me a good laugh.

    “You took the time to post this nonsense? Which brand of MJ you puffing”

    Must be some good stuff
    “:Where each parish forms connections with sympathetic countries where goods and services can be mutually traded. “

  36. Speaking of distractions.I am smiling with amusement as to how govt tried to land an upper cut against the jaw bones of those who openly spoke against govt using a

    democratic process by way of stealth to acquire an individual land and business property
    I laughed because for more than five days coming out of the mouths of those who were in opposition to govt ploy were the words “individual rights being taken away by govt”
    However govt not wanting to hear no more opposing views sent the AG to speak about rats and broken electrical wires and water meters
    This somewhat attracted the attention of many who without thought or concern to how govt was digging itself out of a negative hole had gingerly taking them down a rabbit hole to distract their attention away from the destruction of their civil rights
    I really could not help but laughed
    Ever since May 24th the writing on the wall have been saying the masses are blind deaf and dumb to their own interest at their own peril

  37. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    @William Skinner December 5, 2019 2:50 PM “In attempting to defend the duopoly; we must make sure we don’t behave like or endorse its malfeasance. We cannot honestly call for good governance and transparency and then turnaround and support skullduggery in any form.
    A Simple Response: We, at lease me, are not defending the duopoly nor endorsing malfeasance nor skullduggery.

    Societies can only develop if laws and regulations as a matter of natural justice.
    A Simple Response: There is a Bajan saying do fah do int nah obeah. Have you thought how come unauthorised water connections have been found on Ms. Ram’s property, and not for the first time. Obeying the BWA regulations and paying for your water is also a part of laws, regulations and natural justice. I too have been offered an unauthorised connection. I refused because I respect and obey laws and regulations. At present I owe the Barbados Water Authority zero (0)

    Where were the Fire Department and The Labour / Environmental agencies prior to this debacle?
    A Simple Response: The Fire Department in just where it has always been, 100 metres away from the Liquidation Center.

  38. NorthernObserver
    December 5, 2019 4:11 PM

    which paper?



  39. In discussing Ms. Ram with my cane cutter friend he pointed out to me that everybody in Barbados knows Bridgetown is rat infested.

    I realized he was right so here is a link from 2016.

  40. @ David,
    It is the ability to think outside of the box that will bring positive changes to Barbados. We have a government that cannot even provide the minimum level of service to its public and in your eyes that is acceptable. The previous administration was no different. Are you happy to leave the future of Barbados in the hands of a “despot”? Not my words by the way.

    Are you happy to see the majority population cast aside whilst a minority group (and I mean blacks as well) reap all the benefits. One would be a fool to expect this government to serve the interests of the majority population.

    Today, Saudi Arabia announced that they will be creating an autonomous region within their country that would be governed on western values that would serve as a sporting enclave to promote mega international sporting events. I am sure that you are aware that Saudi Arabia will be hosting the Ruiz v Joshua heavyweight fight this Saturday. They are looking to capitalise on this event and diversify their economy.

    The moral of the story is clear. You cannot inniate changes in a society if you continue to drive in the same gear. In this light it makes perfect sense for our parishes to carve out autonomous regions and create their own economic zones.

  41. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    I think that it was Northern Observer who asked about the properties which will be auctioned in January, 2020 on various dates. The list appeared in the Midweek nation, Wednesday 4 December, 2019, pages 30 to 33, and included:
    Lot B, the property of Villa Development Inc., Bathsheba
    A33, Moonshine Ridge, Apes Hill, St. James, the property of Moonshine Hill
    A34 Moonshine Ridge Drive, Apes Hill, St. James, the property of Moonshine Hill
    107 St. Silas Heights, the property of Simon Willis
    106 A St. Silas Heights, the property of Simon Willis
    21, Sunset Ridge Development, St. James, the property of Arindale Trotman
    17 Wildey Avenue 2, Fort George Heights, St. George, the property of Walter and Veronica Pollard
    A parcel of land at bay Street, St. Michael, the property of P.D. Investments Ltd
    A parcel of land at hope, St. George, the property of H.A. Taitt
    27 Lion Castle Polo Estate, the property of Ives Street Ltd.
    1, 2, and 3, at Black Rock, St. Michael, the property of Shirin Enterprises Ltd.
    I-25 at Apes hill Development, St. James, the property of Abrihim Noumeh
    43, Bayfield, St,. Peter, the property of J.B. Corbin & Co. Ltd
    A lot at Lansdowne, Christ Church, the property of Goedn brathwaite
    14 Newton Terrace, St. Philip, the property of Peter Foster
    12a Westcliff, St. James, the property of Abubaker Suleman
    75 Sandy Lane, the property of Rosaline Clarke
    A lot at Roebuck Street, St. Michael, the property of Clarmont Boxill
    12 Westmoreland, St. James, the property of Calijanda Estates Lot 10 Ltd.
    141 Atlantic Shores, the property of 2263667 Ontario Ltd
    32 Bucks, St. Thomas, the property of Adrian Christie
    4 Maxwell Hill Road, the property of Michael Forde
    A lot at Fairy Valley Christ Church, the propety of The Breakers Investment Inc.
    80 Cane Vale Development, Christ Churxh, the property of Lyris Pollard
    The Hove, Brighton, Black Rock, the property of Rosaline Clarke
    A lot at St. Lawrence, Christ Church, the property of Gwendoline Spooner
    A lot at Garden, Worthing, Christ Church, the property of Minna Gittens
    15 Ocean Drive, at Royal Westmoreland, St. James, the property of Ocean Drive Properties Ltd.

  42. @ Simple Simon,
    Thanks for the information. Very interesting. Will you be trying your luck at the auction?

    The link below is on the auction list.

  43. SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    SirSimple SimonPresidentForLife

    Not this time. i am dealing with a more critically important matter.

  44. @TSLN
    I am sure that you are aware that Saudi Arabia will be hosting the Ruiz v Joshua heavyweight fight this Saturday. They are looking to capitalise on this event and diversify their economy
    Is this your interpretation of what this entails? The country is looking to rehabilitate its international reputation subsequent to the Khashoggi murder, you didn’t mention The Saudi International golf tournament where the best golfers in the world have been offered appearance fees (you don’t have to win to be paid) to participate e.g. Tiger Woods was offered 3 million but he declined, I think McIlroy has also declined. I’m sure the boxers will be well compensated beyond their purses.

    Look for the story behind the story.

  45. In like manner of naming with haste properties to be auctioned
    It would have been of interest had govt released the names of businesses and corporations that benefited from the govt gift of tax waivers and vat

  46. I wondered about some of the properties which seem to be at the high end.

    The idea behind these if I remember correctly was that they would increase the land tax inflows to the GOB.

    Hence it made sense to change the use of the land.

    Looks like things are tough all over … or foreigners are making noise about the land tax and have opted not to pay the extortionate taxes!!

    Heard that one already!!

    Another reason might be to make a high end property available to a low end person who facilitated the change of use permissions for the land.

    If so, will the low ender pay the high taxes?

    I am sure I heard the real estate tycoons making noise in the past about land tax for their clients.

  47. “If this government were marginalised and relegated to the shadows then I believe that there would be an influx of returnees and their children. It is probably this group who are more likely to bring fundamental change to the island.”

    BUT first you have to get rid of BLP out of the parliament…PERMANENTLY…

    NEVER…elect DLP AGAIN..

    BREAK…that dirty criminal connection between political parties and the covetous, poisonous, corrupt Willams family AND ALL THE MINORITIES ON THE ISLAND who now have a contract from both stink governments from 2005 to build prisons to LOCK UP BLACK PEOPLE to ENRICH THEMSELVES and keep the black population underneath their feet,,

    ,,,, and your FUTURE GENERATIONS ARE AT HIGH RISK…if you do not DESTROY THESE STINK SAVAGES, BEFORE THEY DESTROY YOU AND YOURS…they are well on their way already, it is TIME TO STRIKE BACK…even if you do not care about yourselves at leasr CONSIDER THEM..

    and run these ignorant, nasty little yardfowls OFF THE ISLAND….

    then the island will be well on it’s way to recovery…BAJANS HAVE TO REMAIN VIGILANT or pay an EVEN BIGGER PRICE…

    TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ISLAND AND SQUEEZE THE MINORITIES and both dirty sell out negro parties … OUT.

  48. Some of those properties are owned by companies.

    Would be interesting to know how many of them are foreign entities.

    One of the dodges to avoid high transfer taxes is for properties to be held by overseas/local companies.

    The transfer is effected by the sale of shares.

    Who determines the share value?

    The company and its “auditors”!!

  49. Would also be interesting to know how many of the companies are held by untraceable owners and if those companies appear in the ICIJ database.

  50. A parcel of land at bay Street, St. Michael, the property of P.D. Investments Ltd


    Bay Street ………. hmmmmm!!!

    P.D. ….. hmmmmm!!

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