August 2019 saw at least two murders taking place in Barbados (34 for the year so far). One took place in the parish of St. Michael, while the other took place in St. Philip. The victims were both male and died as a result of knife and gun related violence respectively. The data was collected and compiled based on available media reports at the time. See below charts for additional details and analysis.

Heat Map of Murders in Barbados – January to August 2019

175 responses to “Barbados Murder Statistics August 2019”

  1. What about the suicide/murder of the 2 children?

    The Guyanese women found on the beach?

    The mother and son in the torched house?

    The two decomposed bodies of mother and daughter found over weekend?

  2. AT LEAST!!!!

    Oe you don’t know what that mean?

  3. Fake news article
    Too much coverups going on in the media about barbados true murder numbers
    Many people found dead or died in fires public as of yet to know the truth and for that reasons public has a right to speculate as to why the secrecy
    What does govt officials have to hide
    Word on the ground says that this govt is not trust worthy
    My official count is 42 until govt can come clean on causes of deaths of those bodies that have been found dead and no reason given

  4. I’m trying to understand something here.

    The police informs the PUBLIC about unnatural deaths by issuing statements, which are carried on the RBPF’s website as well as the print and electronic media.

    This means the information is in the public domain.

    Yet we have people who are saying the government is covering up murder stats.

    What do I know, I don’t have a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

  5. Until we have official feedback about deaths why should or BU arbitrarily update the murder count?

  6. @ Baje,

    You said and I quote

    “…What about the suicide/murder of the 2 children?

    The Guyanese women found on the beach?

    The mother and son in the torched house?

    The two decomposed bodies of mother and daughter found over weekend?…”

    These are called “Raptures”

    Remember that de ole man predicted 50 deaths AND WHATEVER THE MUGABE REGIME NEEFS TO DO TO MEK SURE DAT ME COUNT is not achieved in any official print, dem is going do.

    Remember dat it is important dat de death count BEFORE DE GADDERING must be palatable!!

    It doan look good IF PIECE IS RIGHT BOUT DE DEATH COUNT, heheheheh

    Suppression of the news or is it really cause of death unknown AND INSTRUCTIONS ON CAUSE OF DEATH are being directed to the Chief Pathologist?


  7. 34 is clearly an undercount.

    FOR example,, in the case of the double murdthe autopsy found that the double murder suicide, the infants were already dead before the fire. This was in the media.

  8. @Mariposa
    What is your unofficial count.

    Imitating SS

  9. If is an independent body that is bringing its own statistics, and deaths that appear as being unnatural are excluded from their list, how on earth can we blame any government, media outlet or even Barbados Underground for what some may determine to be an undercount?

    Is it the job of any government to come clean, as some are saying, and give details of suspicion deaths or is that a job for the police?

    It looks like though some people like to politicize any and everything.

  10. The undercount is the biggest piece of fake news and the relevant govt officials incharge of reporting these numbers should be called out
    How on earth after many months the suspicious death of more than 10 people have not been told by the relevant authorities as to cause or reason
    People are now left to draw conclusions especially after Natalie Chrichlow death made headlines in the news and social media in the leading to an absence of truth told by relevant govt officials
    Come on now if suspicion is left hanging in the air people have a right to draw conclusions

  11. Here we go again! One would have thought that a more granular assessment of the numbers would be undertaken by those seeking to be taken seriously on the blog. At the root of crime in Barbados is the drugs-gang warfare, supported by the accessibility to guns. If we are serious, let’s start by separating the gang warfare related murders from, for example murder-suicides, which are separate and distinct and have little to do with the efficacy or ineffectiveness of the government or the police crime fighting strategy. Mind you, we don’t know how many were prevented, but that’s another topic. But we dealing wid people wid an agenda who are revisionists and gaslighters extraordinaire, somehow forgetting (or ignoring) that 19 people were shot on Kadooment day prior to 2018. Instead they are so keen to score a point, there’s a willingness to become self-appointed forensic pathologists. BU mi sey!!!🤣🤣🤣

  12. @enuff

    Also the trending in the last three months compared to previous. To you point we need more studious analysis, however, it will not come from those with agendas.

  13. WTF does it matter if a body get kill pun a Saturday or pun a Friday pay day?

    All dat people care bout is de final count

    De fact is that wunna hide nuff information AND CONTINUE TO DO SO, wunna getting blame for people who ent even dead yet , is just par for de course

    Grin an bear um, nuff more tings to come

  14. What does a simple, accurate tally of the number of homicides have to do with a causal analysis?

    Two separate things.


  15. How about the kid who was found buried in a shallow grave
    and the words from his mother were indicative of murder
    Up to now yuh mean govt officials cant give a preliminary reason
    Something got to be wrong toomuch closed mouths coming from the relevant govt official smells like cover up
    Also notice that on previous occasions police officials on the scene would have given a preliminary cause of death but of recent the body is hauled off to morgue without a peep being mentioned
    Now when grown folks see these new changes then the mills of suspicion grows pointing fingers at govt for the changes

  16. Now look at the difference in how govt jumps to tell the whole world how much barbados collect for Bahamian recovery
    Yuh see the difference govt knows the difference in giving an accurate account of murder would reflect on their tourism numbers
    Hence cover ups would abound and lies and suspicion would grow until govt tells the truth

  17. One anonymous dude who thinks his shyte hysteria is so effective and he is feared so much, believes information is being hidden to make sure his official count of 50 is not achieved.

    BU has now become BCS (Barbados Comedy Central).

  18. Ha. Ha. only in Enuff mind a total tally of murders committed should be separated
    Which all boils down to playing musical chairs on the Titanic
    Enuff you are one bogus person fuh trute

  19. @Dullard

    Are you a simpleton? The murder counter on BU is aligned to official count. The issue is not with BU is is with the authority to advised on final.


    “Also notice that on previous occasions police officials on the scene would have given a preliminary cause of death but of recent the body is hauled off to morgue without a peep being mentioned”

  21. @Dullard

    Are you a simpleton? The murder counter on BU is aligned to official count. The issue is not with BU is is with the authority to advised on final.

    Im not sure what you are trying to say here.

    But the original question remains, what has causality to do with fit and proper data?

    Besides what does ‘official count’ mean? Is it that once ‘an official’ utters it then it is beyond reproach.

    Man you mek me laff.

    Are you the real David?

  22. John 2
    .Since the brouhaha with Natalie Chrichlow death the police when on the scene of crime has been tight lipped
    Even in the recent finding of the boy bodies found in the grave
    It is more than three weeks and no reasons of cause has been given
    Not to mention all the other dead bodies found in charred homes
    Cover up in my opinion too much secrecy after weeks and months of govt officials saying nothing

  23. Apart from the call for punishment, we need a detailed sociological breakdown of the violent crime, especially murder: age, gender, marital status, occupation, educational level, previous offences, if any; victims, relationship to victims, etc.
    This is all information the prosecution authorities should have. With this knowledge we can develop a strategy to combat the epidemic of crime.


    The only official preliminary causes of death the police usually give (now and before) is ” they are treating the death as unnatural”.

    Stop lying MRS TRUMP.

  25. Mariposa…with decomposed bodies, it takes that much longer for cause of death, identification and other forensics results to be identified…what might take 2 weeks with a fresh body may take weeks longer with the decomposed.

    And ya done know that Barbados does not really have the requisite tools in the best of situations.

  26. @ Maiposa & @ Piece

    I had forgotten the guy who buried himself recently and also Natalie Crichlow.

    Barbados at this point in 2019 has over 40 murders whether official or unofficial.

    Since new Government came in power over 60 murders unofficially.

    These are people who lied and said they could solves all the island’s problems when they were in opposition.

    Now the record of the largest Cabinet in Barbados history with the most chaos and cover-up.

    O what a web we weave………..

  27. If i see a body lying in the street with bullet holes i dont need forensic to tell that the person was shot
    All that is necessary is for police to do thorough investigation of the circumstances that lead to the death
    The first indicator that is visual tells most of what happen
    However after months of govt of ongoing investigation
    The public should be briefed via media as to whether the cases are closed or in pursuit of further investigation
    A dead body found in a shallow grief and the grief stricken mother voice gives alarming sounds of what happened to her son
    Yet four weeks later govt officials remain mum
    The question should be asked and rightfully so

  28. This govt would turned out to be the most corrupt
    The media telethon speaks volume of a govt having a big ego and a corporate barbados wanting to go along for the ride
    I wonder why
    History has shown that big corporation understand good publicity (as well )and how to make their presence known when the pay back bell rings

  29. Mind you, we don’t know how many were prevented, but that’s another topic.

    Then why did you mention it. This has nothing to do with a simple tally of how many murders were committed.


    Enuff is the new ac and ac is the old Enuff.

    No wonder the country in a total mess.

  30. Poor ac she/ he / them can’t catch a break on BU
    ac/s come out and defend self/ selves cause Mariposa teking nuff licks fuh yuhall

  31. Cant imagine the amount of tax breaks which will be given next yearv to corporate barbados for their benevolence towards the Bahamian recovery effort
    Rise up poor barbadians that bill u would have to foot
    There is no such thing as a free lunch amongst corporate barbados
    They will move the earth to please themselves

  32. But aren’t these the same authorities said that Natalie died on August 6th and they did the autopsy the very same day, be aware i view her as easily autopsied at that point, so there should be no backlogs at the coroner/pathologist, ya don’t get decomposed bodies every day, but they do take time.

  33. @ Baje

    I like that one about the fellow who buried himself in a shallow grave.

    You see how my ardent fan Boring Goerring comes to throw himself upon me with adulation?

    You see how de ole man does write dese tings and SET DEM OFF???

    Like likkle Lego men! Heheheheh

    The real feath toll is about 60 but dem got to prove de ole man wrong so…

    Remember dat We Gaddering 2020 is next year so dem gots to suppress all the murders and negative comments about these things.

    So we can expect the frequency of the Rented Jackasses Hee Hee and Hee Haw and Boring Goerring and a new team of poochlickers to be assigned to this matter soon, to increase significantly

  34. @ Dullard

    You jes ace a question earlier bout

    “Is the Honourable Blogmaster THE REAL DAVID”

    note that he did not respond.

    In fact, whenever he is asked that quest, he never answers BUT DEFLECTS BY SAYING “Barbados Underground has been in the trenches from 2007” or some sort of construct like that.

    Why dat, Dullard?

    Why he do dat?

    Cause he IS NOT!!!

    Why you think Bush Tea Left?


  35. @ Dullard

    You is now officially a member of the Dissenters

    For at 12.46 PM in the final of three comments against the Mugabe regime you highlighted the comments of the Rented Jackass Hee Hee wh said and I quote

    “…Mind you, we don’t know how many were prevented, but that’s another topic…”

    Have you ever heard such jackassery though?

    Leh de old man BREK dis down fuh yah!

    You is a man and you will hopefully have a doggie!

    Imagine dat you and I talking and I tell you I was did went to a party wid over 50 women “and my doggie ALMOST VERY SORE cause IF I HAD FOOP ALL DEM WOMEN, I would not be able to use it now!”

    Dis is de intellectual candlepower dat Mugabe send to contend with people pun de blog.

    A man who in speaking about 60 murders, that have been dumbed down to 34, going say

    “…Mind you, we don’t know how many were prevented, but that’s another topic….”

    Mugabe has really gone to the very dredged of humanity to find these poochlickers though


  36. @ Piece

    The language. I know you are a free man, but…….

  37. @ Mr Hal Austin

    Hal, we are at war!

    And we are fighting a battle for the survival of a country we while far away, love.

    Beasts of burden like Hee Hee and Hee Haw DO NOT UNDERSTAND REASON nor do they care about principles nor decency nor truth.

    Neither does their leader.

    She and they will lie steal and cheat to maintain their serfdom

    You choose the high road because it is who you are, you intellectualise with them.

    Hee Hee has sought to insult our collective intelligence by using a non point!

    Dullard responded to him nicely, as you would have I’m sure

    I however said to him, UP YOUR GAME HERE!

    We are not going to be suckered by your useless speculation AND MAKE IT JNTO A TOPIC FOR SNOTHER CONVERSATION because it is an idiotic point.

    To win this discourse with the Mugabe administration WE HAVE TO SHOW UP THEIR IDIOCY AND INCOMPETENCE

    Just like how you show up their faux pas with their so called journalism or financial immaturity de ole man gine call dem out pun FECUNDITY

    I see Mugabe as a tyrant AND I SEE THESE AS HER IMPS AND DEMONS!

    To be utterly destroyed in their puerile reasonings!

    You are content to play games with them with polemical discourse

    I have no such delimiter because other new readers need to quickly comprehend who the coolaid drinkers are AND AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE.

    We are 150 days into the Mugabe Mottley never ending honeymoon and the “GI’ SHE A CHANCE, CUH DEAR”

    while she flying bout de world with 26 RH ministers, and two Canadian Senators in the Barbados Senate AND SENDING HOME BAJANS every very bad word week.

    You think I got time to be civil?

    As WARU SAID ELSEWHERE and as the Sage Pachamama always says, THEY ARE COMMITING TREASON AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF BARBADOS so we cannot be nice Hal.

    Smiling while they bulling us…

  38. Oh dear, the pickanoisettes are out! Wuh I never said to leave out any particular murder from the tally. I did not even comment on the accuracy or inaccuracy of the numbers. We have a problem and people wanting to be taken seriously are complaining about whether it is 34, 38 or 42. They are also struggling to understand why trends, origin, prevention etc are important to a discussion on murder statistics, which really is about whether the strategies being employed by the powers that be are working or not. Of course, they are quick to accuse the government of suppressing the numbers (mind you the numbers presented are based on media reports), just like their accusation around the story of the Crichlow lady. But hear nuh, if of 50 murders 45 were murder-suicides, for example, and not gang-related, would the complexion of the discussion not change? Would the general public be less or more at ease with regard to their own personal safety? I am happy that I can separate the pickanoisettes from the sane and genuine. Finally, even if we use the agenda-driven ones’ numbers, it appears that the RBPF could very well be on the right track, especially in relation to gun related murders.

  39. No it will not because it does not feed the political narrative.

  40. All yuh won’t hear. Some months ago a BU know-it-all disputed this, when the blogmaster and me said it was happening:

    All yuh keep gathering.🤣🤣🤣

  41. Ok.wunna want to stick to gun related murders
    The other mothers dont count
    The idiocy of it all summarize this inept govt ability to fool the people

  42. @ Enuff

    Plse list the number of Barbadian companies that have gone out of business because of rival online firms?

  43. Murder

    When will barbadians be told and shown the check of govt matchings funds(given) in the amount of 400hundred thousands dollars b towards the Bahamian recovery effort
    A promise is a comfort to a fool

  44. Here we go with the obfuscation and vacillation. Neither I nor the blogmaster was referring to Barbados, as we are not that parochial and only see things through black or white lens. Ya know the “Bajan Condition” you revile?🤣🤣🤣

  45. @ Enuff

    You do not know what you are talking about. I can reference the situation in the UK, with which I am familiar , but since the view you expressed Is a general one (ie applies in all liberal democracies free market countries) , I asked for an example in Barbados. Gikve one.
    Of course, you have not given any, so may I assume the business climate in Barbados is different to that in the UK? I will repeat what I said to you before: the online economy is a disrupter; what we are witnessing is a reshuffle mainly in the retail and leisure sectors, the high street sales and night life; but it is not conclusive.
    Selfridges, one of our main retail enterprises, is now investing £300m in bricks and mortar stores. Are we to assume that the directors of that firm are so stupid they are not aware of what is taking place in the retail markets? This is not Barbados. Rival companies know everything there is to know about their high street rivals.
    One of the brightest young women in the black community, currently head of Ofcom, is leaving at the end of the year to become executive chairman of John Lewis, the biggest worker-controlled enterprise in the UK, a bricks and mortar business. Do you think Sharon White, a former permanent secretary in the Treasury, is so dumb that she is giving up a sound job to work in an enterprise that is dying? By the way, her husband is head of the Office for Budget Responsibility, so he too knows a bit about financial economics.
    Stop Googling and going on websites and cutting and pasting things you do not understand. That is why Barbados is in a mess. Britain is a highly sophisticated society with very bright people running its businesses.
    Online has had an impact, but it is not wiping our the high street. You report you quote also states that out of 2868 stores that have closed in the first half of this year in the UK, 1634 were fashion sellers, restaurants, pubs and estate agents. What does that tell you?
    JD Sport is busy buying up bricks and mortar companies. Take a deep breath: some companies are using the opportunity to re-negotiate their rents.
    By the way, still waiting to hear if you think Barbados is in need of pension reform. I would normally ignore you, but as I have said, I suspect you are a lawyer/politician or a senor civil servant, in other words, one of the buggers who have messed up the nation with your half-baked ideas. STOP GOOGLING.

  46. @ Enuff September 10, 2019 6:58 AM
    “Mind you, we don’t know how many were prevented, but that’s another topic. But we dealing wid people wid an agenda who are revisionists and gaslighters extraordinaire, somehow forgetting (or ignoring) that 19 people were shot on Kadooment day prior to 2018. Instead they are so keen to score a point, there’s a willingness to become self-appointed forensic pathologists. BU mi sey!!!”

    Aren’t you a tad concern about the deafening silence surrounding the ‘recent’ interdiction of a shipment of firearms ‘imported’ into Barbados via a well-known courier firm?

    What’s the latest news, Enuff? Or is it a simple case of fake news broadcast by the local radio stations?

    Was the relevant licence produced to satisfy law enforcement authorities that the transaction was legitimate?

    Are you satisfied that the wheels of justice in your ‘Two Barbadoes’ are in regular motion since the block boys from the Orleans are not involved?

    In whose trigger-happy hands would those guns have ended up to make Piece de Legend’s prophesy come true?

    Of course you would want to shun this issue since your crew are now at the wheel steering the twin-engine ship of corruption and hypocrisy called Barbadoes.

  47. (Quote):
    Of course, you have not given any, so may I assume the business climate in Barbados is different to that in the UK? I will repeat what I said to you before: the online economy is a disrupter; what we are witnessing is a reshuffle mainly in the retail and leisure sectors, the high street sales and night life; but it is not conclusive.” (Unquote).

    Haven’t you futilely prosecuted similar arguments to justify your idea of a ‘smart’ economy based on turning the existing bricks and mortar Post Office branches into ‘district’ retail outlets of a commercial bank owned and controlled by the government of Barbados?

    Which government- if managed by sane politicians and IT savvy bureaucrats and consultants- would take up hard-working taxpayers’ scarce resources (money) and invest it in a sector which has already gone on-line and employing technologies of the cyberspace variety?

    Which business person or worker under the age of 50 would find themselves queuing up at a Post Office ‘bank’ to transact business in the same way their fore parents did?

    The future of banking and shopping lies ‘on-line’ not behind any counter at the St. Lucy branch or the Welches sub-branch of some bygone era of stamps and money orders.


  49. Hal
    I do not know what I am talking about? Ok! But I do recall stating that I know people who actually conduct research on the impact of online shopping on the High Streets in London. I would bet you all the money in your bank account that I do in fact know more than you do. Your problem is that you think you got the last ticket out of Barbados. I repeat when this was raised on BU it had nothing to do with Barbados. Not one RH. I don’t even have the time to search for the blog. Once again I have shown you up. 🤣🤣🤣

  50. @ Enuff

    I don’t know what little game you are playing. I’ll say again, not for you, but for other readers: online shopping, mainly retail, is impacting the high street. It is not killing it off.
    I say again, if your idea is a universal one, then it should apply in Barbados too. Has online shopping affected any business in Barbados? If not, then it is not universal.
    Again, online is impacting the high street the same way that shopping malls did decades ago. Get your friend to tell you if the high streets neighbouring shopping malls in London are still busy – Croydon, Stratford, Brent Cross, Shepherd’s Bush and others.
    What we are witnessing is a consolidation, reorganising, it is taking part in every industry, but mainly in retail, pubs and restaurants. Retail conglomerates such as Woolworth got forced out because of their business models.
    Just Eat has not forced out restaurants; it has impacted take aways. Uber has impacted taxis and mini-cars, not forced them out. Grocery home deliveries have not killed supermarket chains, just forced them to re-organise their business models, just as in the UK Sunday openings have impacted the way people shop. Online and internet banking have not killed off high street banking, just forced them to restructure.
    In the 1960s Honda and other Japanese motorcycle manufacturers forced out some old brands, such as Ariel, but they did not kill off motorcycles. Ready made shoes and suits have not killed off high street shoemakers and tailors. Airplanes have not killed off ships. I can go on. Video has not killed cinemas; CDs and tapes have not killed vinyl.
    I do not have any money in a bank account nor am I an expert. I just happen to follow news reports and UNDERSTAND THEM. Simplistic analyses are usually wrong and when added to learning by rote can be psychologically damaging. Don’t Google and cut and paste, read a bit more widely. I shall ignore your juvenile remarks.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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