The issue of access to beaches by locals continues to be an issue with unwanted frequency. It is officially stated that there are no private beaches in Barbados, however, access is being squeezed by property owners across Barbados utilizing all means necessary.

Here is another example exposed in the following video submitted by Tee White.

173 responses to “Barbados Government Asked to Investigate Heywoods Beach Access”

  1. There is a blatant defiance of the laws of Barbados. What purpose is the NCC serving if it cannot enforce the law. Is Town and Country Planning not monitoring this project? If it was not approved why has this been done?

    Some people are out to prove that the beaches do not belong to we.

    Most wanted: Beach Access in Barbados. This is a crisis now.

  2. Would look great on a 60 inch 4k TV,

  3. “Beach access” is one of those issues that are used to stir things up in Barbados.

    Is anybody preventing Heather from using the beach? Of course not. Are there queues of other Bajans waiting for a spot on a beach? No.

    But if Heather is angry because she wants to be a millionaire, and C O. Williams is making a lot more money than she ever will, I guess it’s time for her to complain again about restrictions on access to a beach.

  4. Ewart Archer, Why are you trying to change the subject? Let me take this opportunity to remind you that apart from being in Black and White there is video on the lack of access to what belongs to all Barbadians on the post. That is the BEACH.

    I guess I touched a sore nerve. My take on it is that you are the one who is angry.

    P.S. I would never choose to become a millionaire by using the money of the tax payers of Barbados for personal gain. The Treasury will never become my piggy bank. That is beneath me.

  5. Face it people.

    Barbados has always been, and will always be, a rentier state.

    That 50 years after ‘independence’ that such an issue is still a lived reality should make the true nature of this national animal clear to all.

    So the Gabbys could bawl till they get sore throat nothing else will happen.

    The structural trajectory cant change.

    And will never change until this country dies!

    For Bajans like this, as status quo.

    For us, this is what pride and industry means.

  6. The issue is not the fence so much it is the building of the jetty to block movement at the high water mark.

  7. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “But if Heather is angry because she wants to be a millionaire, and C O. Williams is making a lot more money than she ever will, I guess it’s time for her to complain again about restrictions on access to a beach.”

    What kind of twisted logic is that, Cow is but a thief, no one of consequence, parasites are not allowed any decent distinctions…

    AND….thieves are not supposed to barricade or OBSTRUCT PUBLIC beaches….JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE RACISTS…dont want to see Black people on the beaches to whom they belong……and town planning employees are slave minded asses….and government ministers TAKE BRIBES..

    Heather…these thieves got a lot more to be vexed about going forward…i have been hearing that justification from thise simple minded clowns for years…oh..yall jealous of Cow because ya cant be a millionare….

    …..of course the people whom Cow the TIEF robs CANNOT BE MILLIONAIRES BECAUSE HE AND HIS HOUSE SLAVES IN PARLIAMENT STEAL ALL THE PEOPLE’S MONEY….so how could the people become millionares….these sick fcuks always bring that argument to justify wickedness in Barbados..

    But we will UPROOT u evil sons of whores and thieves…right off the island…just watch..

  8. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    BTW…just got word that the whole UK knows Cow Williams is a THIEF and FRAUD who went to UK LYING about HOW he got the WEALTH…it was posted to websites that matter that he ROBS BLACK PEOPLE AND THEIR BENEFICIARES THEIR LAND AND FUTURES AND HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR DECADES….so explain that…

    ..yall aint even white Enuff to WHITESPLAIN IT…lol..

    the whole of England KNOWS…so let him slither back up there with his raggedy ass and make another video…..TELLING THE TRUTH THIS TIME..he STEALS FROM BLACK PEOPLE..and now they ran out of black people to steal from, he and his house slaves are eyeing vulnerable Bajan whites AND OTHERS for wholesale theft of properties and they are concerned as they have a right to be..

  9. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Pacha
    At the town hall meeting regarding building on the Accra Beach, Haloute of Chefette had this to say:
    I tried to get a satellite restaurant on the beach and was refused. If they get one , I want one too.”
    So that tells us why Haloute was there. Funny thing PLT did not mention that in his positive report on the meeting.
    One thing we have produced in the last 50 years is the untouchables.

  10. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Haloute is also afraid they take back the properties he acquired QUESTIONABLY…part of the Kingsland Estate they ALL STOLE…remember whoever helped Ram TIEF that property on Baystreet, now wants to TIEF IT BACK,..for Hyatt..but Ram aint having none ah that…she CHUCKED their asses right in court…lol…she knows them well, she has been bribing them also…

    So Haloute knows EXACTLY why he was there….and he knows them ALL…just as well as Ram does….make no mistake.

  11. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    what we have going on here may be called a NADLER PHENOMENON



  12. So Heather how come you not hooting and hollering about all the waste sewage that govt is pumping in the ocean.
    What good is having acess to a beach that is pollutted
    It is not hard to figure that the time would soon come that all those who are fighting tooth and nail has a self serving agenda
    Well Gabby might be the exception
    One day coming soon when the toxic starts to become self eating bacteria in the ocean along our shores the hooting and hollering for acess to the beach would cease

  13. Why are we morphing into personal attack while the focus of discussion remains the beach encroachment? Stay focused people? Stay focused.

  14. 1982Beatrice Henry 1985& 1918Violet Beckles2010, Alex Mitchell et Alii 2019+are the landowners and now We of all the land deals they kicking about, We have the Root title Conveyecnces for more than half of the 166 Square Miles of Barbados and the more than 11 Plantation Missing from St, Micheal alone, Plantation Deeds from 1926 -to 1936 alone is another 11 easy, with 1926-to 2019, over 95 to 204 Plantations names and owners missing and removed and Missing from the Land Registry, Barbados Archive, Google, National Trust Books are written by your crooks ass Sirs, Land TAX and Water Bills records,and Maps,Missing from the Public eyes 90% of these Plantations deeds were put in the Hand of Ex COP Dottin after sitting with Station Sgt Mark White of the Month of August 10th 2009 till the end of that same Month. Yet C.O Williams and Richard L Cheltenham and over 63 Lawyers are still free to reach office after the last Elections many made QC, Judge, Minister, Sir,GG and Crime Minister on the Land, Now Doubling Downing on the People at 30 &0 Fraud Scam bought Election hand over,, The DOJ /FBI alone has it easy and now working with the all the crooks they seek in Office, A 100% Crime Government When they go the House each Week they may come a time they Will Be charged sealed Indictments after they finish hiding in Office as they step outside the Green Gates,
    Ms Ram &Haloute and many others that got rich over Born Bajans shall soon be Poor/Jailed or Hanged by their new law, After the Next election 2023 or sooner As the Law Requires All Fraud Must be corrected they may not get all the Money but sure will try but they shall get their lands back with whatever is on it for the land never moves, This is the Affidavit of Alex Mitchell Bajan Free Party, We are Next and We are NOW!

  15. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    We AREV focused…..just .keeping the NARRATIVE REAL…yall will get NO OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE IT.

    Yall can take that to the BANK…instead of taxpayers and pensioners money.,

  16. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    BTW…ah know exactly what yall are planning…so sit back, relax…and WATCH ME DISMANTLE THAT ISH…

  17. ” The NCC General Manager explained that once the high water mark was established, the NCC Act defined 100 feet from the high water mark as beach.”

    the NCC Act defined 100 feet from the high water mark as beach.”

  18. @David

    “jetty to block movement at the high water mark.”

    Looking at the video the pier appears to be supported by T Shaped supports which allow water to flow freely. As piers goes this type of construction would be the least obstructive to ocean flows. That being said however, did this pier receive environmental approvals prior to being built ?

  19. @Fearplay

    Small minds tend to focus on people.

  20. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    And smaller minds…FOCUS ON ROBBING BLACK PEOPLE…..

  21. How can all be hooting and hollering when acess to the beach is being jeopardize by govt dumping toxic waste into the ocean
    Isnt this a clear case if putting horse before the cart
    As a matter of fact who would dare enter an enviroment that is pollutted and can become a health hazard
    Having acess to the beach by all means includes the health and well being of the people visting the beach
    Why are bajans so led politically that they cant see forest for trees
    People we have a developing health crisis at hand which needs immediate attention
    In the meantime clean the smoke of the political mirrors

  22. “For Bajans like this, as status quo.”

    Bajans love it.

    Aren’t you people tired of discussing the same issues year after year, month after month, day after day?

    Bajans love this status quo. Love being mistreated and love being disrespected.

  23. @Dullard

    What other topics would you have us discuss?

  24. @ David.

    On a related issue to that beach have you heard any recent developments on The Beaches Project there? Is it stalled or still going ahead?

  25. @John A

    Last word is that the two sides are stuck.

  26. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @William Skinner July 22, 2019 7:27 AM
    I didn’t mention Haloute at the Blue Horizon meeting because he was of no importance. He unleashed a profanity laden harangue that did nothing except expose him as a greedy lowlife with nothing on his mind except his own looting. It was the first time I had heard him speak and he was the least impressive of any of the public that I heard that evening.

  27. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ PLT

    Thanks for the report. We allowed that attitude to flourish.

  28. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Bajans love this status quo. Love being mistreated and love being disrespected.”

    While the SMALL, WICKED MINDS………CAPITALIZE on that lack of knowledge…enrich themselves massively generation after generation and BOAST… Black people…….you can never become millionaires in Barbados…, only Cow and the gang of THIEVES…..

    As was told to Heather by this subspecies of human waste….

    ……ya see now why the RATS IN PARLIAMENT…have not significantly UPGRADED the education system…in over 50 years.

    ..keep the PEOPLE dumb……and they ALL get rich…off the people’s dumbness WHICH IS ACTUALLY HELPLESSNESS ….as i realized…. ..and lack of knowledge…..not knowing anything or what is actually going on….BECAUSE IT WAS HIDDEN SO WELL…inside their filthy secret society.

  29. WURA-War-on U Avatar

    Yo…PLT…lol, lol…murdahhh!!!!!!!

    Haloute is coming to the realization that the Sir Pimp title was just smoke and mirrors….the REAL INTENT…is just around the corner…and he is having none of it…just like Ram..

    Sandwoman from the Cartel…ya can jump into this conversation anytime today ya know….,ya done know how i like being verbally abused…

  30. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    The higher the monkey climbs the more he exposes his “Rs”

  31. As the ocean continues to receive high volumes of toxic residue from the sewer plant
    The Windows of the Sea would become obsolete along with our tourism industry coming to a screeching halt
    Resulting with no acess to the beach to tourist and locals
    Have any one wonder why Govt had to close Worthing Beach for long periods of time when the process of dumping shit in the ocean started
    Does anyone in their right mind not belive that the residue however small that drifts or remained stagnated in the bottom of the ocean can not wreck deadly havoc to human and all living species that entered the ocean and its surrounding enviroment

  32. @ peterlawrencethompson July 22, 2019 9:32 AM
    “He unleashed a profanity laden harangue that did nothing except expose him as a greedy lowlife with nothing on his mind except his own looting. It was the first time I had heard him speak and he was the least impressive of any of the public that I heard that evening.”

    Well said, PLT!

    Only goes to show that having loads of money obtained through the selling of nourishment-deficient processed foods which are ‘slow-poisoning’ young and stupid black Bajans to early graves does not confer class or decorum on a person even if wearing the bought title of “Sir”.

    Is his Little Chef business planning to open a number of outlets in the much talked about Hotel Corridor while spreading its ‘chickened’ wings to other parts of the region including Guyana?

  33. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner


    The knighthood is our highest national honor. Amazingly the behavior of the Knight should be roundly condemned by the public and those who conferred the honour on him. Will bet if it were Jonny Louis Dame Miller or anybody else the press would be all over them.
    Not a failed country yet but………….

  34. Well they took Enuff bribes that they have to confer something or the other on their bribers…but these parliamentary rats are double-edged swords…and when they saw an opportunity…well, let’s just say…they could not wait for RAM TO CROAK…to take back her property….and they are not waiting on Haloute EITHER…and now he knows it…too…what is happening to Ram, it will be him next…despite all the shite accolades….

    The thieves …ARE DESPERATE……their main BRIBEMASTERS…have been DISPLACED from their apartheid hole..

  35. Whoever Ewart Archer is, I wonder if he realizes that with all the money that COW et al have, that they will NEVER be able to influence 95% of the people in Barbados. That ability is priceless. I have it and can use it to incite. Let that sink in.

  36. Lol…you go Heather..

    They think because 95% of the people have NO CLUE what is really happening to CAUSE THIS DESPERATION from small island thieves…..that people like myself don’t know…ok..suit yaselves..

    let the thieves sit back AND WATCH MUH..use that knowledge…

    Ya done know when YA LOSE YA STANDING IN AN APARTHEID HOLE …that you MALICIOUSLY CREATED to destroy the lives of the majority Black population and their current and future generations…….all bets are OFF..

    Yall will keep ya FILTHY taxpayers and pensioners money this time though….through ya wicked scams.

  37. Georgie Porgie Avatar


    pLEASE KINDLY NOTE THAT with all the money that COW et al have, that they DO NOT EVER HAVE to influence 95% of the people in Barbados.THEY ONLY HAVE TO INFLUENCE A VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE OF THE DECISION MAKERS IN GUVMENT uh lie HEATHER?

  38. Freedom Agrees with PLT 100% in his Assessment of ASS H…

    William Skinner July 22, 2019 10:15 AM “The knighthood is our highest national honor. Amazingly the behavior of the Knight should be roundly condemned by the public and those who conferred the honour on him. Will bet if it were Jonny Louis Dame Miller or anybody else the press would be all over them.”

    William what you fail to understand that is was Jonny C and the Dame who got the Title for ASS H!

  39. This time is different GP…there are new players in town…who want NOTHING TO DO WITH CORRUPTION OR THE CORRUPTED….there has been a complete SHIFT…it has caused the thieves and the BRIBED…to be out to sea so to speak…and treading water..

    Hence…the narrative has changed for their cruel asses..

    Me hopes they all DROWN…lol

  40. Let’s say that the small time shite SWAMP…are now VAIN GLORIOUSLY….CIRCLING THE DRAIN…

  41. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    RE This time is different GP…there are new players in town…who want NOTHING TO DO WITH CORRUPTION OR THE CORRUPTED….there has been a complete SHIFT…it has caused the thieves and the BRIBED…to be out to sea so to speak…and treading water..

    Hence…the narrative has changed for their cruel asses..
    Let’s say that the small time shite SWAMP…are now VAIN GLORIOUSLY….CIRCLING THE DRAIN



    I Guess Lies and Deceit are Applauded these Days. What is True is that They are Still TWO Founder/Shareholders of Chefette besides ASS.. H. They are numerous examples Continuous Oppression at the hands ASS.. H, Returning Evil for Good done on behalf of the “Company”, ASS..H is determined to rewrite the History of Chefette by his actions that only he was responsible for its success.

    A Friend Stated “I listened to the entire Town Hall re the Blue Tourism project and I have to say I was truly appalled at the manner in which A H conducted himself, his language was certainly not gentlemanly, everyone else was respectful and spoke quietly and well. His behaviour was not what one would expect of a “Knight of the Realm”.

    ASS.. H Character is anything but gentlemanly, more so of a Bully, nor is he a very intelligent person, but he seems to fool a lot who think $$$$ makes you a King Kuga! ASS.. H is an Arrogant Manipulative Scheming Dictator that is all about Oppressing Minority Shareholders! He would Never have shown up at Accra Town Hall meeting if he felt that Cheffette was not Compromised, he wouldn’t care less!

    Those who Applaud him and call him friend are those who will want Favors from him… The Best with that one, ASS H will NEVER Pull his Own Pocket and the So Call Good Deeds Done was for His Own Glory, which he desired for the Past Twenty Years! The mans Reputation Speaks for Itself!!×303.jpg

  43. Yeah…you mean you can never see any changes to your people’s current situation in Barbados, ya can’t see the racism, discrimination, disenfranchisment, marginalization or the outright theft of their and their children’s lands and money ending…

    well let me tell you…am glad that you and i were not in the era of chattel enslavement of black people…or ya would not be able to SEE SLAVERY ENDING EITHER… sure ya are still SURPRISED THAT IT ACTUALLY DID END IN THIS REGION..

    no wonder ya can’t move on from the brainwash and mindwash..

  44. wuh looka look…i made 2 FRIENDS IN 2 DAYS…am on a roll…

  45. Wuh Steinbok lives on the land side of Propect Main Road…and he still has a huge billboard ADVERTISING THE PROSPECT BEACH on the seaside…where he does not live and has no property…AS PRIVATE…

    so of course the slave master wannabes will advertise beaches as private although they know it is not true..

    .. what they do is get security to remove black people from the beaches they lyingly advertised as private……after robbing the treasury and pension fund…after robbing taxpayers and pensioners..

  46. @ Georgie Porgie, theirs was never a business model yet we called them business men. The bunch of low life crooks now have an expiry date and it is up to the present government to allow that bunch to sink them.

  47. Is this what we have to do to get the government’s attention?

    Puerto Rico protesters shut down a highway to get rid of their governor

  48. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    I am not a beach person. I don’t like the sea either. Whenever I stay by the sea for too long I get a headache. Barbados has approximately 100km of coasline. How many beaches are on the island and how many are truly inaccessible to the public ?

  49. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    @ Georgie Porgie, theirs was never a business model yet we called them business men. BUT IT HAS WORKED VERY WELL FOR EACH OF THEM FOR YEARS

    The bunch of low life crooks now have an expiry date


    and it is up to the present government to allow that bunch to sink them. HOW SO? HOW WILL THEY DO THIS WHEN THEY ARE ALSO CORRUPT OR PLANNING SO TO BE?

    RE How many beaches are on the island and how many are truly inaccessible to the public ?


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