 Verla De peiza, Leader of the DLP

Former Prime Minister Freundel Stuart is being promoted as the guest speaker at the St. James South branch meeting scheduled for May 19, 2019. The first reaction from the blogmaster to the news is that after one year the giant appears to have been coaxed from his slumber by the Goddess of Isis.

The topic of his speech has not been shared with the public – this is consistent with Stuart’s style of communicating with those he was elected to serve. Why would he change now? The fact he presided over a political party discombobulated at the polls will never be a consideration for him.

An interesting debate has emerged as to why the DLP would invite Stuart to address a branch meeting. And why would Donville’s constituency have extended the invitation at this time.

June 24, 2019 is the date set by the United States Federal Judge Kiyo Matsumoto to hear the case filed by United States prosecutors against former International Business and Commerce Minister Donville Inniss.

Is there a story line to be read from the tea leaves? Many prefer the DLP to die and for something new to rise from its ashes. It supports the view that like the mortals we are, entities also have a shelf life.

The blogmaster has shared the view that Verla De Peiza has no significant power base within the party. She has a weak ‘brand’. Her position is undermined with the appointment of Irene Sandiford-Garner, regarded as a political light weight. De Peiza has been selected post the 30-0 defeat of the party as a stop gap leader because it is a role any sensible political aspirant will spurn at this time. This may explain why she lacks the political courage to overrule the invitation by the St. James South branch for Stuart to speak.

  1. Will the Clyde Mascoll/David Thompson story line be repeated.
  2. Will Stuart’s delivery be a mea culpa?
  3. Will Stuart continue with his Mount Olympus philosophical musings?
  4. Well Stuart- for once- embrace the role of a statesman and share relevant insights to a political party with the scent of the political dustbin it is nostrils?

Time will tell.
Screenshot 2019-04-23 at 18.05.31

149 responses to “Freundel Stuart to SPEAK!”

  1. Good morning to you as well.

    Likewise, Mariposa doesn’t have any “respect for the truth at all, at all,” because I’ve “heard” her “say” on several occasions she ain’t not a DLP yard-fowl or you don’t know anyone in that party.

    Everyone who reads and contributes to BU knows that’s “FAR from the truth.”

    As usual, you’re missing the point. But that doesn’t surprise me, because anyone who wrote “Who would have taught (THOUGHT) OSA would resigned from the blp,” or something as ridiculously incoherent as “Why not CBC at least CBC perform a serve and in doing so employs barbadians in employment which helps those employed to keep their households up and running………….”

    ……………is definitely missing everything.

    And remind us what “new” things you bring to BU….. surely, ranting every day about Owen Arthur or Mottley’s father and tax waivers or Mottley “promised better but delivering bitter” isn’t anything new. I know you will say it is true. But I must remind you what I mentioned about Mike and Donny is true as well.

    I’ll be attending that St. James South branch meeting on May 19 to hear Stuart speak, and I’ll be looking through the crowd to “see if I see” Mari……….

    ……wait…… still wearing the weave?

  2. “Therefore, to say that Mottley father can owe so why not CBC, is to give the impression that Mottley Father only owed while the BLP was in power so it’s their fault. The fault lies with two compromised political parties because the tax evasion dates back to them both.”


    Agree with your above comments…… and obviously Mariposa will deliberately miss the point you’re making. But what else can you expect from a hard-headed moron that was arguing it’s Mottley’s fault the police were performing their duty.

    Mariposa was asked if the DLP paid the $109,609 they owed CBC.

    In her own incoherent way, what she was trying to say was, if Mottley’s father could owe the Treasury, then the DLP could owe CBC.

    When she writes something they agree with, the members of her fan club come out to give her “high-fives” and “spot ons.” It’s a pity when she writes shiite, they remain silent. I guess the term “appalling ignorance” is reserved for a select few.

  3. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “But then again heartArtax say he aint No blp yardfowl.”

    … she is developing certain skills that are defining themselves.

  4. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Its called a false sense of entitlement base on what your political party has done for you. Mariposa promotes the BLP as a party deeply flawed and secretly conniving. And, when one is to look at the truths of the DLP through a Mariposa lens all their wrongs are promoted as rights that help kept Barbados afloat for 10 years. This is unbelievable blind loyalty that is this ignorant entitlement mindset base on what your political party has done for you. It is the reason why 12 pieces of silver easily place you in a compromising position.

  5. Mottley father owed the treasury.. Fact
    CBC owes the treasury
    Mottley Father got tax Waivers..Fact
    Havent heard any blp yardfowls asking for Mottley head to be put on the chopping block because of his indifference to pay the monies owed
    Yet daily we have the chorus minions asking for CBC to be dismantled and abandoned absent of many variables and factors that lend themselves to economic survival of bajan households and also an interest that lends itself nationally in the event or circumstance of national crisis a called for free access via media is necessary for govt to commuincate to public

  6. Fruendel Stuart is the quintessential Bajan.

    A man of his ilk should have never been prime minister in the first place..

    Those who misguidedly expect any insightful post mortem, about anything, from such a feckless man will be assigned to an eternity.

    Barrow deemed Stuart as a ‘coward’ back in the 70’s. Indeed, his tenure as PM proved conclusively the lack of courage Barrow saw way back then.

    And there are many such well-credentialed cowards around, functional idiots.

    At least Mottley, though cut from the same cloth, has shown a refreshing glimmer of transcendence.

    But Stuart represents the essence of what a mis-education still and has always meant.

  7. Fractured BLP Avatar
    Fractured BLP

    David BU

    Have you ever undertook a Cat Scan ?

    If not , I believe you should consider having one !

    So you want to brainwash some Barbadians into thinking that His Majesty Freundel Jerome Stuart have no right to contribute to the political discourse in Barbados – because he led his party to a general election defeat in 2018 ……after successfully leading the party to victory in 2013 ?


    In Trinidad , Kamla Persaud Bissesar – a one term Prime Minister – can continue to speak about politics in Trinidad after her defeat as a PM ?

    In St. Kitts , Denzil Douglas a three term Prime Minster – can continue to speak about politics in St. Kitts after his defeat as a PM ?

    David BU

    You got to be joking !

    Freundel Stuart has nothing to be ashamed of !

    The electorate made their choice –

    but many will reflect on Stuart’s phophetic words…..” The lion & the lamb can never lie together “

  8. Stuart did one thing positive as far as you are concerned.

  9. Fractured BLP Avatar
    Fractured BLP

    prophetic words

  10. @ William,

    I still find it puzzling that the keyboard warriors should object to a former prime minister delivering a speech to a branch of his party in light of the May 24 general elections result.
    In fact, the clever ones are already denouncing the speech, yet to be given. Can you imagine grown up, educated people having this discussion? One fool, as a joke or because he is brain dead (he must be a lawyer), even called me a Barrow DLP.
    Sometimes I wonder what kind of person I would have been if I had spent all my adult years in Barbados. I am so glad I have had experience of the plurality and discursive maturity of the UK.

  11. Asstin
    Don’t talk too ‘hard’.Your azz might be on the next harsun boat back to de back ivy.

  12. Mr. Stuart is entitled to speak to whomsoever he wants. I do not have, nor did I voice any objection. What I said was I expect no MATURE DISCUSSION ON WHERE HE WENT WRONG. Why do I not expect it? I do not expect it because he has not exhibited the capacity for such so far. He displayed a level of arrogance throughout his tenure that aroused the ire of the people. He did not engage with the people except to insult or threaten. He spoke only to the party faithful at DLP meetings. Those overseas were afforded the courtesy of engagement more than those of us who live here. He spoke at us from abroad rather than to us at home. When made aware of how we were feeling there was more arrogance and more insults.

    But…. the only time I saw him looking humble was in the newspapers of May 25th, standing alone, having been abandoned and hanging his head while accepting responsibility for the defeat. So there is a slim chance that he has seen the light. But……. I wouldn’t bet on it .


    I don’t know what this has to do with spending one’s adult years in the UK and having an experience of plurality and discursive maturity. Just your way of trying to put us small islanders down, as usual.

    And that is why many of you who return from living overseas are not welcomed with open arms.

  13. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Hal
    Like I said Ms. Mottley must be embarrassed by those who come here trying to defend her. No wonder she looked outside for her consultants! It’s no different from those who still try to defend Stuart and company.
    I have long dismissed the BLPDLP piffle and only read it for light entertainment.

  14. How’s all that plurality and discursive maturity going in Britain right now?


  15. @Donna

    There is a possibility though remote that he has suffered an epiphany of some kind and now see the benefit of engaging in effective communication with the people he was elected to serve. We live in hope.

  16. @ William,

    It is so blinkered. Very sad.

  17. that Stuart, a former DLP leader and PM of Bim, is speaking at a DLP conference would attract some rebuke or even questioning is a load of bollocks and quite frankly is a matter for the DLP and its particular branch members

  18. News is that the Brits are so pissed off with both Tresa and Germy that they have turfed them out of the local councils.Brexit has destroyed Great Britain and the Commonwealth which swore allegiance by its blood and sweat relationships,her Brittanic Majesty notwithstanding.Barbados is in ducks guts on account of Brexit.Soctland and N Ireland threatening to break up the party.Britain the ruler of the waves boast they will never be slave.Britain gone to the dogs thanks to the action of a misguided JA descendant of the slave owning class.A brother always said the african slave will have the last laugh.They were enslaved to produce sugar and the Brits brought along salt to cure the fare in the tropics.Now both elements have combined to destroy the health of the Brits and their cousins.The African remain collateral damage in all this sad state of affairs,penniless and without a voice at the table.Woe de mudda country.

  19. @Greene

    It is not a surprise the nuance of the argument escapes you.

  20. @ Greene,

    There is no nuance. It s a figment of the chairman imagination. You are absolutely right. This is an internal party matter. Full stop. The baying dogs will like to crucify Stuart. Let us look forward to what the Mottley-led government is dong to the economy after 11 months.

  21. @ David

    it is as nuanced as 30 cabinet ministers in an island of 300k people. i hope that doesnt escape you

  22. @Greene

    You are aware this blogmaster is on record criticizing the size of the cabinet? You must be aware that criticizing Stuart does not mean we cannot do the same with other matters. We can walk and chew gum.

  23. @ ok for what are you attempting to criticise Stuart? for having the gall or balls to speak at all? for speaking at a DLP branch meeting? or do you know what he is going to say?

  24. @ Greene,

    The sad thing about the chairman is that if he was an ordinary blogger we would ignore his silliness. That is why I have suggested he should blog anonymously.

  25. Sooo…. I voted for Stuart, he misused my vote, destroyed my country, insulted, threatened and ignored me. I express my displeasure and for that I am deemed to be a “baying dog”???????

    It is language such as this that shows what ails politics.

    Is this what the experience of plurality and discursive maturity teaches one in the UK?


  26. @Greene

    There is no criticism being levelled at Stuart that has not been ventilated in this forum. What we are discussing here is given Stuart’s dismal performance as PM and his unforgivable silence (management style) during his tenure what value will he bring to a party that was rejected in unprecedented fashion under his leadership. We are entitled as a public to offer an opinion on the matter?

  27. No…. we are baying dogs who need to be muzzled!

  28. @David

    so after dumping him and his party in national elections (the ultimate rejection) we still have to criticise him for even daring to speak?

    Stuart and the majority of the rejects have given motor mouth MAM and her cabinets of Public Relation Officers almost a year without saying anything. they have defended their record if there is a record to defend. MAM and her numerous consultants, MPs and lackeys have been up and down Bim bruiting about insults at anything DLP.

    now Stuart is about to speak at the invitation of a DLP branch he is being criticised for even daring to speak after being criticised for not speaking enough?

    well have at it

  29. @ Greene,

    He is being criticised for accepting the invitation – from fellow party members. Bajan reasoning.

  30. Correction-

    “they have defended their record if there is a record to defend ” should read ” they have not defended their record if there is a record to defend”

  31. @Hal

    that must be it. i still cant figure out in this instance for what Stuart is being critcised. why not wait until we hear what he says?

  32. @Greene

    We will see if the coming of Stuart- the sleeping Giant- to the public space does anything to add value. In the mean time some of us well vent on it. It is our right ok?

  33. On Tuesday I heard Peter Wickham pushing the argument that, since the DEMS suffered a humiliated defeat at the polls under Freundel Stuart’s leadership, DePeiza should not allow him to speak at the May 19 St. James South branch meeting and the new party officials should disassociate themselves from him and the other losing DEMS.

    I don’t agree with Wickham or anyone who wants to suggest Stuart should not speak at any DLP constituency branch meeting.

    I believe this is an internal matter for the DEMS to sort out and it would be a bit presumptuous of us to determine if Stuart or any member of the DLP should be allowed to partake in that party’s affairs.

    And to make matters worse, we do not what he’s going to say.

    As a former PM and president of the DLP, Stuart should be given an opportunity to express his views and endorse and give his blessing to the newly elected officials.

    Some are referring to his “silence” when he was PM, but have we forgotten the electorate punished him for that silence?

    It seems as though we want to inflict punishment on Stuart “forever.”

  34. @Artax

    When Mia Mottley was kicked out of the leadership of the BLP by the gang of 5 this blogmaster was critical about the undemocratic approach to how political parties in Barbados do business. It is myopic to suggest that it is an internal matter given the role political parties play in the national affairs. Say what you will there is a symbiotic relation between political parties and general public. This cannot be refuted.The public is entitled to tall the DLP and Stuart to bugger off based on the scant regard he treated the public..

  35. Today is World Press Freedom Day and I guess that gives people the right to voice their opinion on the platform of their choice. Most of us only have access to social networks where we can disseminate our views but I can’t for the life of me understand why some people are so up in arms at the thought of Stuart speaking at a Branch meeting of a Party he led for several years.

    This is an internal DLP matter but some folks seem to be of the opinion that it will be a national broadcast that they will be forced to watch/listen to, May 19th is a few days shy of the one year anniversary of the DLP’s crushing defeat. The BLP will be reminding us of that milestone in the next few days, if Stuart wants to deliver his post mortem, its about time.

  36. So Stuart speaks so what ..what difference does it make to the blp
    What are the blp misfits afraid Stuart would say
    Further more Verla Depezia as leader has a right to decided who speaks on a dlp platform
    Did Mia not invite drug lords to parliament
    Now which is worse Stuart speaking or Mia having the mitigated gall to grace the halls of parliament with known thugs

  37. @Sargeant

    Your soft spot for the CCFS alumnus is understandable.

  38. @David
    Now I know you’ve no argument, you are among the very few here that have that info, but it is not about that it is about the democratic right of a party to select a Speaker of its choice to speak at a local Branch meeting.

    If I may go by his past, he is not going to say anything seditious, ask those in attendance to do anything treasonous or rebellious and if he is true to form, he may “punish them with laughter”. That may even provide the Party with an opportunity to exorcise a ghost from the past.

    Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

  39. @Sargeant

    Fine, let us unpack what you wrote. If you and many will agree with you he will not motivate or inspire anybody why as a civil society with a vested interest accept crap value? For the sake of it?

  40. “So Stuart speaks so what ..what difference does it make to the blp…”

    People expressing their views about Stuart speaking at a DLP meeting, means they are BLP supporters being who are afraid of what he may say?

    Political parties usually formulate and organise public opinion. In an effort to communicate their message to the public, they organize meetings and press conferences on important issues to make them aware of the socio-economic and political condition of the country.

    Are you suggesting that people should not express their views about the DLP, unless they are members or supporters of that political party……….

    ………….. and non-members or non-supporters MUST, without QUESTION or forming their own opinions, ACCEPT the DLP’s plans for the future development of Barbados……..

    ………. and if they do express an opinion, then they are to be DEEMED members and supporters of the BLP?

    Isn’t there anything that you don’t categorize into a BLP versus DLP scenario?

  41. Where are the Asquith Phillips’ of the DLP?Where are the Errol Barrows’ of the DLP?Where are the Cammie Tudors’ of the DLP?Where are the Frank Walcotts’ of the DLP.Where are the Maurice Kings’ of the DLP?Where are the Richie Haynes’ of the DLP?Don’t expect to find the gifted and intelligent in the bunch just kicked out of public contention last May 24th.Parties tend to bounce back from telling blows but this DLP’s last 10 year performance was so low,it would take a miracle to erase the depths to which they sunk with 23 or 24 downgrades in which the last downgrade told lenders BEWARE,CHANCES ARE YOU WILL NOT GET BACK YOUR MONEY….that was the record abroad of a once proud country known for ‘punching above its weight’,a country led down to the cliff edge by a make believe politician let alone leader of a political party.

  42. Fractured BLP Avatar
    Fractured BLP

    There are contingency plans being put in place that given groundswell of enthusiasm swirling around His Majesty King Freundel Jerome Stuart pending speech at a DLP branch meeting on May 19, 2019……the meeting may have to be switched to the gymnasium… accomodate the large crowd expected.

  43. @Fractured

    Will the DLP have to borrow to pay the rent for the gymnasium?

  44. Fractured BLP Avatar
    Fractured BLP


    If the Dems have to pay for the use of the gym, they will pay.

  45. @Fractured

    Do not forget the payable to the CBC now.

  46. Fcuktured BLP

    The DEMS paid the $109,609 they owed CBC?

    Just asking…….. for a friend.

    Imagine…… you “ended up” owing CBC $109,609 after “hogging the show” and dedicating the Corporation’s resources to cover ALL DLP events, and even highlighted them as “News Extra,” minutes after the CBC TV8 Evening News, while preventing other political parties’ access to airtime…… even if they paid for it.

    BTW, since we’re on the topic of CBC…….wuh part Maureen Holder is? Should I look forward to seeing her at the branch meeting, too?.

  47. “King” Freundel Stuart has no kingdom.

  48. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    If they want kingdoms they gotta go back to Africa…but these negros with their shite titles might think they too white…lol

  49. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Artax…………”As a former PM and president of the DLP, Stuart should be given an opportunity to express his views and endorse and give his blessing to the newly elected officials.

    Some are referring to his “silence” when he was PM, but have we forgotten the electorate punished him for that silence?

    It seems as though we want to inflict punishment on Stuart “forever.”…………

    You just got to love your objectivity in matters. And though you can be very convincing as you present your opinion on why Stuart should not speak, your hindsight sidetracks the main crux of a Stuart return to public address and that is: this is the man to whom bajans equate with the following

    …Secrecy and Collusion
    … Disrespect to the general populace
    ….narcissist assertions
    …..Poor showing of Management skills
    ……Detachment from public concerns and outcries
    …….Obvious double standards in the Carrington matter
    ……..Referring to crooks and their crookery as good sons of the soil
    ……….Failure to control and stamp his authority regarding the few renegade ministers who acted like he did not exist
    ………..The Cahill Fiasco
    …………. Refusal to face up to his failings but no short fall of insults when criticised for his moron handling of major issues. eg calling Sir Hilary Beckles umannerly when he simply criticised government’s decision to cut back on UWI education spending.

    This list can go on and on. I think following Stuarts very poor taste of public relations where he has been criticised from on high and low for addressing the island on criticial issues from his favoured podium of branch meetings, the SSS holds the opinion that the only people he should be addressing are cockroaches, beetles, milipedes, snakes, paling cocks, and lick pooch hens There is nothing that this superfluos, insutling, ranting word smith have to say that will make me and thinking others like want to hear.

    Stuart should be punish forever, and because he was an insult as he was injurious to the people of Barbados, he can take all his big words phrases with him back to the pig sty his father use to have because the only thing that he is good for now, is attending to shit.

  50. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Fractured BLP

    I see you as an ally. However, your blind loyalty to this nitwit majesty is beyond comprehension. If you can tell me one positive thing that Freundel Stuart was able to achieve during his time as Prime Minister I can guarantee you that they are 30 negative things that surpass whatever good he has done. So I got to ask you, what ties you to the feet of this nitwit, that you would go to lengths to defend him and bestow upon his insulting rants and ravings, a majestic title so fitting that he is now the Kingpin amongst worst prime ministers and a prime example of what not to be when you become prime minister. Help me to understand the stupor behind your-all hail King Freundel Jerome Stuart, rant.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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