Budget day: Wednesday, March 20. Prime Minister Mia Mottley will deliver her first Budget on March 20, 2019.

Without doubt the 2019 Budget will be interesting not only for the pundits, for the masses as well,  who for the first time are witnessing a Barbados in the grip of economic and social turmoil NEVER experienced in our history. The political partisans as if trapped in a time loop will forever be debating -who to blame, B or D. The blogmaster and sensible others respectfully suggest we need to take a long hard look at the image in the mirror.

We have allowed a burgeoning political class to hold a people and country to ransom while we stood by and applauded. The lack of people participation in government in the last 25 years has given birth to the current state of things. A dysfunctional system will never generate the desired result.

There has been a heavy focus and expectation by Barbadians that monetary and fiscal policies of  government represent a panacea to the many challenges which confront us.  If youth employment is 24% how does one justify an allocation of 3 millions dollars to the BLOCK program being promoted by Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment, Adrian Forde? The young people on the BLOCK is one of the symptoms how the society is failing the people.  Our inability to create opportunities for our people. Our inability to repair, fix and grow and build

Barbados is navigating uncharted waters. The budget will be debated this week with token opposition. Another dysfunction we are grappling. We have a people still hoping for the usual Budget handouts from government notwithstanding the deep economic hole we continue to find ourselves.

One of the greatest disappointments in the post 24 May 2018 period is that we have not been able to reach a national consensus on a way forward. A view from the idealist perhaps.

If we read the political leaves of the 30-0 result the electorate almost to a man determined the DLP was an incompetent government. We have the BLP incumbent and although commonsense suggest the government needs more time, we have spotted a legacy behaviour by the political class which serves to stoke the apathy latent in many of us.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me {us} all the days of my {our} life: and I {we} will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever- Psalm 23:6

As vivid as the imagination of a child the blogmaster – try as he might- is unable to see the flicker of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Bear in mind the cracking of the economic juggernaut requires a parallel effort in the social sphere. There is corruption, rising crime, an irrelevant justice system, a scant regard for the environment etc.

Our strategies must be holistic.

Participation must come from all of civil society.

We must commit to re-engineering our thoughts, words and deeds.

The mantra now and in the future must be sacrifice from everyone for the good of ALL.

If Barbados is to rise, we have to park the noisy adversarial ethos political talking heads and partisan supporters revel and earn pennies from. The final say – in theory – rest with WE the people. Let us power up our collective intelligence to wrest our country from the political class. The hopes and dreams of our children and their children depend on it.

Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people –

-Abraham Lincoln



397 responses to “2019 Budget -A Time for ALL Good Citizens to Pause”

  1. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Maybe if these lowlife black governments, including the Mia government…would stop giving tiefing Cow 100 million dollars of taxpayers money and access to hundreds of millions of pensioners money……and ACCESS TO ALL THE TAXPAYER FUNDED…READ BLACK PEOPLE FUNDED CONTRACTS,,….both him, BIzzy and the other lowlife scum thieves, there will be enough money to go around for those in the MAJORITY BLACK community….among the young black people so they will not have to turn to criminality to survive,..

    ,…Mia and all those scum in DBLP…knows well enough that they all robbed these young people Of their futures….no different to putting a gun to the head of every young generation and pulling the trigger themselves…ya house negros of parliament are TRAITORS.

  2. Like the shootout down Spring Garden at Crop Over. I tell y’all stop politicising crime and feigning ignorance. SMFH

  3. Just how dlp left it

  4. Sheraton Mall has been evacuated in the wake of a brazen killing there.


  5. What is Atherleys objective this evening? To speak for
    5 hours?

  6. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ David March 21, 2019 1:41 PM

    Would it requires les paperwork to have a 35000 ceiling and make the necessary changes to the reverse teax credit legistation?

    Or are we finding work for the civil servants that we think that we have too many of?

    Just askig

  7. @sirFuzzy

    One has to assume there is a technical reason for it. Bear in mind the government has as a priority the digital transformation of the public service.

  8. David
    Atherley like he ain’t familiar with his script?

  9. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ David March 21, 2019 3:56 PM

    He just needs to deliver his prepared text in a timely manner. Honestly maybe 60 mins. His issue is not the length of minutes of the reply; it is that the average person doesnot believe it when he says whatever he says. So make it brief., Earn this month salary via your TV time.

    Less us move on. The other 25 minsters need no speak at all. Budget debate would be done and dusted in 2 days; back to regular schedule Tv programming.

    Just suggesting.

  10. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Enuff March 21, 2019 3:50 PM

    Like the shootout down Spring Garden at Crop Over. I tell y’all stop politicising crime and feigning ignorance. SMFH”

    Same corrupt governance…wuh yall think the corruption was not going to ever catch up with ya…think again….

    .Karma is here…and none of yall are intelligent enuff to bullshit her with pretty words…

  11. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ David March 21, 2019 3:56

    60 mins is usually the length of a church sermon. The Opposition leader is an ordained minister. He just needs to treat the budget reply like a good old bible waving, pulpit thumping; hand clapping ; tambourine shaking you going to hell unless u repent sermon delivered to an unrepentant church congregation

    subtract the worship singers and the pause to pass around the collection plate. In all just over 60 mins time on his feet delivering the sermon/reply.

    Just saying

  12. @enuff and sirFuzzy

    If he is unsure about his role and script he simply needed to check the archived for Tom Adams, Bree St.John, Ritchie Haynes even Owen Arthur while in opposition. This is some boring and uninspiring stuff so far at a juncture in our history where our leaders must lead.

  13. I am really very happy that austerity is supposed to last until 2025. The Preminier Minister is on the right track. Keep up the good work, Madame!

    Personally, I am already looking forward to many more austerity rounds. To date, we have not yet tasted the reduction in the pension level for civil servants, the increase in the retirement age for civil servants, a five-year pay freeze for civil servants, the monitoring of public jobs to combat corruption and strengthen compliance and the increase in weekly working hours in the bureaucracy to 50 hours per week.

    The bureaucrats have been torturing Barbados for more than 50 years. It is now time for the Prime Minister to take off her silk gloves and strike back in the name of the people.

  14. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @Tron March 21, 2019 4:17 PM

    “The Preminier Minister” do u mean Prime Minister or does you spell check dont check?

    You consisteney use the phrase “The Preminier Minister” am i missing something here?

    Just asking

  15. Tell the LOTO that you can’t determine the impact of the bus fare increase over a 48-week period against the reverse tax credit without deducting the existing fare. Therefore, in trying to show the impact of the increase for 2 trips per day, he can’t multiply $7x5x48, but $3x5x48. #justsaying

  16. What is Atherleys objective this evening? To speak for
    5 hours
    If he can be political, prosecutorial and theatrical he may make two hours, unfortunately he can’t promise to do anything so five hours is out of reach.

    Quick question what is the most popular sport in Barbados and what is the most popular variety of that Sport? If anyone said Cricket and limited overs go to the top of the class. To expect anyone to sit through, listen or watch a five hour presentation of a budget is bordering on inhumane but the trained seals have no choice.

  17. Canada.




  18. Listening to Atherley is as boring as watching paint dry.

  19. Mariposa,did you hear Ms Mottley point out that intead of buying scanners for the port that a decision was made to buy a third crane.This at a time when it is alleged that only 6 containers were scanned per day.Imavine what could have possibly been in the others,all under your DLP watch and now you have the audacity to speak of crime?The ex AG in my view did little to curb gun crime.Therefore give me a break.Crime is not a political game j/a.As for Gazzerts you calling someone an alarmist and on here supporting thr shite conspiracy theorist Piece with his rubbish everyday you are a real hyprocrite,go take a seat.Waru and your shite talking partner SSS could really give it a rest as most bajans ain,t interested in your wild accusations.As they bring the proof or stfu.Ms Mottley has again shown in my view she has a solid plan going forward to pull the country out of the deep hole she found it in and with the help of the majority of right thinking bajans and god above we will rise again despite the naysayers who want to see the country fail .4

  20. Lorenzo what matters is an going situation and if govt has made tackling violence a necessary part of govt funding

  21. Atherley gone pass 2hrs and going.

  22. This part on culture sounds like UPP.🤐

  23. By the end of the year, there will probably be dozens more dead. However, as long as no tourists are hit, this is all a human tragedy, but still within the limits of what is usual for the Caribbean. We are here on a tropical island and not at the children’s birthday party or at the children’s horse farm.

    It’ll only be a little expensive if the jail has to be extended soon.

  24. Police currently have a suspect in custody assisting them with the brazen shooting this afternoon at Sheraton Centre.


  25. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Fuzzy (Former Sheep) March 21, 2019 4:13 PM “60 mins is usually the length of a church sermon.”

    If my preacher [or my lover] ever dared to go on for 60 minutes, he would NEVER ever see me again.


    So if Rev. Atherley can wrap it up in less than 60 minutes that would be good.

    Listen fellas, more [time] is not necessarily better.

  26. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    No, David, or who ever you are, you believe that our system follows the rules and that our AG, DPP and system of justice is autonomous. You should think again

  27. This guy Atherley seems to be using Parliament to launch his political campagain with his long winded attempt to reach out to cultural industry

  28. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) March 21, 2019 4:22 PM “You consisteney use the phrase “The Preminier Minister” am i missing something here?”

    @Tron March 21, 2019 4:17 PM ““The Preminier Minister” do u mean Prime Minister or does you spell check dont check?”

    I thought that you may have noticed that Tron is a similiterate fool.

  29. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Nation.com “Griffith also said that the deceased was known to the police and was out on bail for serious criminal matters.”

    Looks like it may have been better for the deceased if he had refused the offer of bail.

    Too late now. He is stone cold. In death may he rest in the peace he may not have known in life.

  30. Murder # 20

    Get used to it.

    At least 50 more to go by the end of the year.

  31. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Waru and your shite talking partner SSS could really give it a rest as most bajans ain,t interested in your wild accusations”

    Ah take it ya have only been talking to fellow yardfowls the past 10 months….well most Bajans are not yardfowls…ya must try talking to those who aren’t..for a change…

  32. Simi … you mean “semi” in English or “similiterate” in Latin? Just asking …

  33. Can we lift the discussion?

  34. If Sandals stop the Beaches project because they are unable to get the concessions they asked for, does that mean other hotel projects like Hyatt will not be built ?

  35. @Hants

    The site where Hyatt is to be built is currently being cleared in preparation for what?

  36. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    Lorenzo, Lorenzo wherefore art thou Lorenzo. I am still yet to get an answer from you as to how Mottley’s father and other business entities were able to accumulate millions in unpaid taxes without prosecution or penalty. Can you answer that for me pooch lapper?

  37. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Tron March 21, 2019 6:33 PM


  38. SSS go ask Ms Mottley since you claim to know she is a rogue.What happen you scared of the rogue or more importantly a lawsuit in your ass.All these tag team members need to stop hiding on BU and back up your accusations with evidence as anyone can hide and say anything, therefore big shot EU marketer go for it as i do not know Ms Mottlet personally so i cannot help you.

  39. @ SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife March 21, 2019 7:17 PM

    You elitist! 😉 I am a person of the people, getting ideas in the rum shop 😉

  40. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    My resident pooch licker. There is no fear in my heart where Rogue-Works concern. Not a single drop of fear for that woman, nor you, or any of the lickers. But, thank you for sharing. I will ask Mia Mottley. Stay tune.

  41. Butch ran into problems with OSA when he tried to buy Paradise and turn it into a private beach (BTW the unfinished construction is an eyesore when viewed from the sea) now Butch is on the outs with the BLP led by Mia. Did Mia say that the AG would be negotiating an updated deal? Who would trust Dale to get the best deal? I hope that he has some financial advisors on board to provide some currency direction.

  42. @nameless headless #x
    “As for Gazzerts you calling someone an alarmist and on here supporting thr shite conspiracy theorist Piece with his rubbish everyday you are a real hyprocrite,go take a seat”

    We Muga’bytes’ or is it Muga’bites’ should never attack each other
    Notice that I no longer attack members of the Mugabe Defense Force (MDF), dropped my use of the phrase “limited range chicken” and is marching in a straight line behind Enuff..

    Hold your fire,.

    All Hail Mugabe.

  43. One would have been led to belive that a blp opposition would have taken que from what happened a year ago in Spring Garden
    One would have thought that blp when in opposition would be most prepared when becoming govt bringing viable alternatives if and when faced with gun violence
    The fact that one blp yardfowl would bring to memory the Spring Garden gun shooting tells of a mentality that used the unfortunate circumstance for politcal expedience
    However too dumb to realize the aftermath and subsequent snowball effect that comes along with gun and drug related crimnal activity as evident happening daily in barbados

  44. @ David, re your ” The site where Hyatt is to be built is currently being cleared in preparation for what?”

    I live in Canada not Barbados. My question was based on the fact that Sandals is not getting the concessions they need and may stop their project.

    Given the playing field is supposed to be level it is reasonable to conclude that Hyatt would be expecting the same treatment as Sandals.

    Let us hope MIA got this.

  45. We were never convinced, and could never be, that Barbados could muster more than 2 or 3 politicians, at any moment in time, who in a single debate, could have anything worthwhile to say much less demand listenership.

    And that has how it has been since independence, maybe before as well. This imposition of aimless banter masquerading as expressions of high political culture is so revulsive and pitiful that it pains to consider that national air time is to be thusly awarded, until these many fools prove the obvious.

    We cannot help getting the impression that because MAM has limited herself to two (2) terms, and in the absence of a deputy, an unspoken competition is being waged by all types of ‘minutemen’ in an effort to emerge as the heir apparent.

    If Mottley wants transformation she may well start by limiting this national disgrace to the budget speech, the reply by her fictitious opposition leader and the sum-up by Mugabe herself.

  46. “The fact that one blp yardfowl would bring to memory the Spring Garden gun shooting tells of a mentality that used the unfortunate circumstance for politcal expedience..”

    Do you put any thought into your contributions before “writing” them?

    Here you are, a DLP yard fowl, who, for the past few weeks, has been making a political issue out of the recent spate of shootings.

    There aren’t any fundamental differences between what you’re doing and what you accused “that one BLP yardfowl of doing.”

    Ironically, after the Spring Garden shooting, all we got from the former Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite was a lot of hot air.

  47. “However, Mottley explained that Sandals “wants and continues to want even greater levels of assurances and guarantees” than they have already received through these agreements.

    She explained that the company was seeking assurances and guarantees that the Government of Barbados would “indemnify them if any future Parliament at any stage in the next 40 years were ever to tax them for anything in the industry for any goods or services that others in the industry were paying taxes for”.


  48. Mottley is certainly ” a work of art” listening to hear comments about no guarantees or commitments in reference to Sandals agreements for the future reminds me of hogwash
    Here is a woman who in less than 24hrs used the treasury as an ATM machine to wipe away billions of dollars of monies owed to the govt of barbados by giving tax waivers to unknown entities
    Now gets up in parliament and pretends that she cares so much about the people of barbados and that Sandals is of lest importance and protecting the treasury is of more importance

    Well I’ll be dam

  49. Ammm you Artax might not have noticed that barbados has become a killing field
    And rightfully so all voices should be heard
    The one incident in Spring Garden did not go unnoticed by the blp yardies and operatives and was used a carrying bird going into the election cycle
    However i find it presumptuous and disingenuous of you to come here and bemoaned my comments on the ongoing daily killings that are happening in barbados
    After all lest u forget the present govt when in oppisition made promises to make barbados a safer place
    My comments goes well to serve as a reminder to this govt

  50. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    So which rock has Atherley been living under this last 30 years where government, both of them, and the minority business community, their friends, family and business partners have been known to engage in corruption..money laundering, organized crime, stolen vehicles outta EU, gun running, drug trafficking and whatever other trafficking fills their greedy pockets……..and still are.

    …..so where was he living that he is now pretending not to know this…besides, gambling has always been part of the landscape…they gamble via lottery, horse racing etc 24\7…6 days a week and then with their hypocrite selves go to church on sunday and pretend they don’t gamble…a nation of hypocrites…

    Atherley is part of the problem of pretense….given that all these crimes exists and have for decades and have brought the island to its knees already, rendered it broke and the people struggling…so how can casino gambling make it any worse…steupppss…and these jokers are the leaders…


    “Opposition Leader Joseph Atherley today painted a grim picture of a nation in the grip of widespread corruption, money laundering and organised crime were legalised casino gambling to be introduced.”

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