He added that Light & Power is also planning “community solar to ensure that every Barbadian has the opportunity to participate in the island’s green transformation and the renewable energy future for Barbados.” – Roger Blackman, Managing Director (BLP)

The Barbados Light & Power in its recent edition of Watts New Business Managing Director Roger Blackman reassured the audience that his company is committed to a 100/ 100 vision of 100% renewable energy. This is good news for some of us who appreciate that a sustainable power supply that is affordable and a strategic fit for a Small Island Developing State is the commonsense approach.

The reference by Blackman to “community solar” should pique the interest of all Barbadians who have had to labour in an investment market of reduced interest rates and extension of bond maturities. There is no reason why the public and private sector should not structure investment opportunities for ordinary citizens to invest in growth areas. Barbadians have always been a thrifty people and this behaviour is reflected in the billions of dollars which continue to nestle with financial institutions. The fear for many is that if citizens see no appealing avenues to invest they will stop saving and engage in greater consumption behavior which the country cannot afford given the forex earning constraints.

It hasn’t gone unnoticed that Wigton Windfarm in Jamaica is about to list on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) with an IPO and Prime Minister Holness has been encouraging ordinary Jamaicans to grab the opportunity to invest.  It is a nobrainer for private and foreign investors – with good reputations – to see the benefit of an adequate rate return by investing in a growth area. It is a no brainer that government and private sectors have a vested interest is creating an optimal climate for investment by creating the best investment products. The blogmaster notes that the proposed GAIA PPP floated by the government accommodates worker participation.   The  business models practiced by Williams Group of companies and a few others in Barbados should be standard modus operandi as we work to make Barbados great again. Trade Unions calling striking action for a 1% or 2% wage increase has become redundant. All collective bargain agreements should demand worker participation.

The financial sector continues to demonstrate its unwavering commitment to maintaining shareholder value during times of austerity. The government must pave the way for a new business model to emerge that will sustain national development and enfranchise Barbadians. If we do not do it, who will?

We are Barbadians, we can do this!

Credit to sirFuzzy.


160 responses to “BL&P’s Promise to Barbadians — You Must Invest in Community Solar”

  1. As everyone runs to jump on the solar powered bandwagon, might also be a good idea to plan now for how we propose to dispose of the pollutants they contain at the end of their useful lives, or after they become damaged or destroyed en masse in a natural disaster like a hurricane or earthquake. In Europe there are apparently laws to force the recylcing of the pollutants in the decommissioned solar panels, but my understanding is that the cost of recycling is still higher than the economic value of the recovered materials.

    Here are a few quotes from a FAQ document put out by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control:

    Q: How are solar panels hazardous?

    A: Solar panel wastes include heavy metals such as silver, copper, lead, arsenic, cadmium, selenium that at certain levels may be classified as hazardous wastes.

    Q: What does data show? What are the constituents that make the panels hazardous?

    A: In general, data shows that older silicon panels may be hazardous due to lead solder. Some older silicon panels are hazardous for hexavalent chromium coatings. Cadmium tellurium (CdTe) panels are typically hazardous due to the cadmium. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) panels may be hazardous due to the arsenic. Thin film panels, such as copper indium gallium selenide (CIS/CIGS) panels, may be hazardous due to the copper and/or selenium.


    Q: How should I manage broken solar panels? Can solar panel debris be swept up and containerized separately from intact panels while being accumulated as HW? How do I use a spill kit?

    A: Whether broken or intact, hazardous waste solar panels must be managed according to the hazardous waste regulations. Hazardous waste solar panels that are broken or cracked and not usable must be managed as hazardous waste. Broken pieces must be cleaned up and properly packaged/containerized as to minimize the potential release. Containers shall be structurally sound and prevent releases under reasonably unforeseeable conditions. When using a spill kit, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. A generator who fails to respond to a spill or release within a timely manner may be cited.

    Q: What is the current status for disposal of solar panels?

    A: Waste solar panels that are hazardous (e.g., hazardous waste CIGS panels) are fully regulated hazardous wastes. Hazardous waste solar panels must be managed according to all applicable hazardous waste laws and regulations, including obtaining an authorization for conducting treatment.

    Non-hazardous waste such as glass, copper wire and aluminum framing from the non-hazardous solar panels can be taken to a non-hazardous landfill or to recycling centers to be disassembled and reclaimed for value through recycling activities.


  2. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    You are correct that policy and legislation have been in place for individual property owners for years. Nothing I said contradicts that. What is at issue here is the technology to make the entire grid 100% renewable energy. That is a whole different ballgame.

  3. If we thought that our Light Bills used to be high, get ready for Energy Bill on Steroids with alternative energy, by Wind and Solar Power.

  4. Here is a link to government’s website which outlines a Sustainable Energy Framework for Barbados. It would be great if Jeff as the former Chairman of the FTC Commissioners felt enticed to give an opinion on the issue of the speed of RE adoption in Barbados given all the variables in the equation to solve.


  5. MIT Research: Driven by Government Policies, Solar Module Prices Fell by 99% in 4 Decades

    There has been a drastic fall in the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules in the past four decades, with the reduction in prices nearing 99 percent…..

  6. Peter you don’t get it.
    The average home in Barbados can be fully power by 4-8 panel & a 10-15kwh battery. In the future homeowners will not need the grid, your entire home & transport will be 100% free, NO GRIDS.

  7. Do you appreciate that the lithium battery in the 2019 nissan leaf( 60kwh) can easily power about 4 average homes in Barbados. The first generation leaf (24kwh) can easily run to homes.
    A 20-40 container with 1 MWh of lithium can run all the water pumping stations at the BWA.

    Peter the grid is obsolete, no more need for all those poles, long lines & wasted transmission losses.

  8. The Technology is not there right now for it to be cost effective. The last time my spouse got a quote for Sun Power he was told that he would need 16,000 sq ft to generate electricity. That is more than the plot of land we lived on. Any body investing their money into Sun power at this stage of the game is asking for 2 or 3 Cahill around their necks.

    Why should Barbados with a population of 250,000 people be at the forefront of trying to produce sustainable energy at an indeterminable cost to fulfill some dubious claim of man made Global warming was caused by CO2, where articles have shown that CO2 is a non-factor in Man Made Global Warming? As a Bajan would say “you want to move from the frying pan into the fire”. (Cahill into undetermined Costs)

    If you thought that you Light Bills used to be high, get ready for Energy Bill on Steroids with alternative energy, by Wind and Solar Power. Barbadians have been spared the monstrosity of Cahill around their economic necks through the Grace of God. Are we so gullible that we want to invite a yet another atrocity?

    There is no Country or County that have produced a successful “Sustainable” energy Project and by successful I mean any Project producing above 75% of their stated Capacity. Big Rich countries of the World with the other 7 billion people have not produced any such projects they only reach in the low 30%. And of this date England is decommissioning their Windmills, because they have not risen to their expectation!

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu at 2 :45 PM

    Ah David ! David ! Please re- read your soliloquy.

  10. https://youtu.be/hMg6_ShLleQ

    Peter I invite you to watch this.

  11. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    The correct or proper Disposal of the Li-ion battery will be an issue. As usual Barbados will be a follower. Realistically Bim doesnot and probably will never be a bastion of R&D on anything given how we maintain stuff, plus our private sector is not into stuff like that.

    On the disposal issue, we have some time i think. We have not gone fully into a SPS programme in this country. These BEV batteries have a 7-10 year life span as a EV battery, but the EV main battery may be repurposed as stationary household storage(a powerwall by another name).

    That is about another five to ten years. So that gives use about 15 – 20 years before those initial EV purposed Li-ion battery needs to be finally disposed. BEVs have been on our roads in small number for over 5 year. Maybe we have another 10 years to think through plan and implement a final disposal strategy for the LI-ion battery. Mind you Li-ion battery have different chemistries; which require tweaking disposal processes.

    Our Li-ion battery disposal legislation etc; if one is adopted will depend on the whatever processes are developed and implemented in the major source and/or producing nations. Furthermore in the intervening time a re-purposing and/or recycling industry may crop up total eliminating a major investment by the GOB for Li-ion battery disposal.

    By and large its a wait and see position we must adopt and once some thing has been proven to work, a willingness to make it happen in Bim if we are serious about a RE country in the 2030s onwards.

  12. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)


    (quote) The last time my spouse got a quote for Sun Power he was told that he would need 16,000 sq ft to generate electricity (quote)

    My questions to your are (1) where do u live (2) what is your household annua;l energy use? (3) Do u experience the four(4) season? Do you have a shaded roof etc? the Sunpower brand is known to be the most expense panel in the market, but also the most efficient.

    Solar electricity and its usefulness is very contextual.

    To compare a Bajan house with 1200 sq ft house with bajan home with 3000 or 900 sq feet. Each home has a different energy usage profile and each will attach a different pv solar solution.

    Just saying.

  13. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Bingo. That is exactly why I suggested mandating storage with all solar electric installations… we make BL&P obsolete over the long run. That is not the way BL&P wants the industry to evolve; they want vast fields of PV cells and batteries that they own so that they keep charging us high rates.

  14. What is Jamaica doing that we must model?

    It will be interesting to observe the take up of the IPO.

  15. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    akenatenI February 16, 2019 3:09 PM

    You are ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT. After rereead what you have written, Repost what you were actually thinking of writing.

    I will raise you one scenario. I live in a condo. I have not access to the roof. Explain how how what u said can work for me.

    Just asking

  16. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    One of the top firms globally for lithium ion battery recycling is Aceleron Energy, which was founded by a Bajan.

  17. ” (full disclosure, I’m a minor shareholder) ”

    I am willing to gamble that you are still a honest man.
    Could it be that you are missing an opportunity to develop a small side business.
    Identifying small companies to invest in.
    Then working with those who are willing to take a risk in investing in these companies.

  18. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ peterlawrencethompson February 16, 2019 3:53 PM

    I am talking about actually R&D being done here in bim. There are many a Bajan doing R&D all over the world but never really based on the Rock. Besides after they this R&D the finding/results belongs to the funders or sponsors last time i checked.

  19. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David February 16, 2019 10:19 AM “They do not want to destabilize the BL&P.”

    But they do not mind destabilizing the consumer/the electorate.

    We must bleed, bleed, and bleed some more?


  20. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Vincent Codrington February 16, 2019 10:51 AM “You need to trust the emotional intelligence of the average consumer a little more. The human mind processes all relevant information more efficiently than the computer.”

    At present I live very comfortably and I pay Barbados Light and Power, about $1,550 Barbados per year for electricity. Solar panels are used to provide hot water only. (I’ve had colleagues with the same household size who pay $1,200 Barbados per month) My life expectancy is about 24 years, so at the present rates I can expect to pay $37,200 by the end of my life.

    Would it be worth my while to switch to a renewable energy?

  21. @Simple Simon

    Do you feel any commitment to contributing to creating a clean energy space?

  22. David

    It is bigger than protecting BL&P.

  23. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I am too busy at the moment to perform the due diligence that is required to risk other people’s money.

  24. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David February 16, 2019 4:18 PM “@Simple Simon. Do you feel any commitment to contributing to creating a clean energy space?”

    Yes I do.

    I have children and grandchildren whom I expect t be around for another 100 years or so. So yes I like to think long term.

    But can’t we protect BL&P’s interests, the interest of those of us who do not have long to live, the the interest of the environment, and the interests of our children and grandchildren all at the same time?

    All of these interests are valid. Are they not?

    Are these 4 interests competing interests, or complementary interests?

    I ask so that some of the bright fellas on the blog can provide some answers.

  25. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “The interest of those of us who do not have long to live, the the interest of the environment, and the interests of our children and grandchildren” override BL&P’s interests.

  26. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David February 16, 2019 4:18 PM “@Simple Simon. Do you feel any commitment to contributing to creating a clean energy space?”

    In addition, twenty years ago this month, I asked myself if I needed a personal carriage made of 1/2 a ton of metal and plastic, and which needed an infinite supply of non-renewal fossil fuel?

    So I don’t only talk the talk.

    For decades I have walked the walk (literally). Lolll!!!

    I have no regrets.

    So have I done my best to reduce the size of my carbon footprint?

    I believe that I have.

    Have you?

  27. Freedom Crier,

    even if man’s activities on this earth does not cause global warming, what is the problem with protecting the environment?

    it seems to me that those who eschew global warming are the same people who seem to think that they can pollute waterways and atmosphere, kill animals for sport, destroy other fauna and any flora pursuing money and pleasure and believe that God will replenish it all one day.

    maybe, maybe not but do you want to bet you grand-kids’ lives on that?

  28. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Simple Simon at 4 :15 PM

    Am I correct in assuming that you use 10 kWh per day? Your system may cost BB $ 20,000 and will last you 15 years before replacement. You will then need to replace it with another system to last you the next 9 years of your life. Add to this cost the costs of repairs ,insurance and maintenance. Add the true interest cost of 9 % p.a for the loan. I think your monthly bill of $130 per month is cheaper.
    I would prefer you get a quotation from the suppliers. LOL!!!

  29. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    One question: “Should Barbadians be buying sunshine from Canadians?”

  30. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Simple Simon

    You should have persuaded your Government , the NIB and other fellow Barbadians to buy and hold their BL&P shares. It is a monopoly.

  31. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Sir. Fuzzy.at 4 :00 PM

    Th kind of Research and Development you are thinking of requires millions of dollars per year ,proper labs , and like minded research colleagues. It cannot be miniaturized. Barbados is simply too small. Our citizens do very well in overseas research organizations.

  32. David
    All the talk about Jamaica, is this use of PV at the private/domestic or mainly government level? How popular is solar water heating in Jamaica?

  33. Greene February 16, 2019 5:02 PM

    Freedom Crier,

    even if man’s activities on this earth does not cause global warming, what is the problem with protecting the environment?

    it seems to me that those who eschew global warming are the same people who seem to think that they can pollute waterways and atmosphere, kill animals for sport, destroy other fauna and any flora pursuing money and pleasure and believe that God will replenish it all one day.

    maybe, maybe not but do you want to bet you grand-kids’ lives on that?



    Sometimes I don’t post because I get tired of hitting my head against a brick wall. But you have done it for me.

  34. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)


    What i have read is fine, but i think we maybe pushing this particular topic in a wrong direction.

    What about the investment opportunity that may be there for the investors that just want a better return on investment. Or an additional investment etc. to spread his portfolio risk etc.

    “Community solar” may be such an opportunity. In such an investment they may just be the need to invest some cash; no need to install any RE equipment no where on your building etc. Just like u are buying shares in a listed company.

    Maybe we need to look at RE and solar in that manner as well

    Just asking

  35. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Vincent Codrington February 16, 2019 5:31 PM “I think your monthly bill of $130 per month is cheaper.”

    I think so too. So I will leave things as is. When I go the way of all living things, the youngsters (who may be middle aged by then, loll!) can convert.

    However if I was 25-35 and buying or building a house for the first time i would go completely solar/renewable.

  36. If BU was around before Solar Water heating was introduced, we would have experienced similar comments on its workability like we now read concerning Solar Electricity!!!

    We need to just “do it” and stop worrying about Emira & BL&P……….. but as mentioned, government must ‘roll the wicket’ for its citizens.

  37. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    (quote) The Technology is not there right now for it to be cost effective. The last time my spouse got a quote for Sun Power he was told that he would need 16,000 sq ft to generate electricity. That is more than the plot of land we lived on. Any body investing their money into Sun power at this stage of the game is asking for 2 or 3 Cahill around their necks. (quote)

    Getting back to what you wrote. 16000 sq ft of panels? That is close to 920 solar modules. the average solar paneal is about 17 sq-ft about 1.6 sq metres each. So i am wonder if your 16000 is another unit of measurement and not sq-ft.

    However if your did require 920 plus panel that would be a ground mounted system or you have a whole lot of roof on your building.

    Just thinking. 😉

  38. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ ks February 16, 2019 7:21 PM

    Are u familir with NaySayers. They where aroud before BU and will be around after BU. that just the way the cookie rumbles.

    just as the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. They are the enlighten; those that need the light and those that will never see the light. Pick your spot, 🙂

  39. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ Vincent Codrington February 16, 2019 5:31 PM

    Maybe if the price of oil or the BL&P secures a rate increase or a implements a different formula for calculating the price of electricity. Maybe she will think about it differently. One of the things about “self generation of electricity” is that it gives you more control on what u take from Bl&P.

    $130.00 is the known value of the commodity. However u are fully exposed to all the variables that make u the cost of the energy. The deployment of PV reduces the level of exposure to some of these variables.

  40. Greene
    February 16, 2019 5:02 PM

    “Freedom Crier,
    even if man’s activities on this earth does not cause global warming, what is the problem with protecting the environment?”

    We are the caretakers of the Earth and should protect our environment as we would our own property and not litter and cause disorder and chaos. Right now we are discussing Solar and Wind Energy while addressing the False Man Made Global Warmers Pandemic!

    Do you see what’s coming down the line?

    Although I may identify with your post for an appreciation of this world on which we live and our responsibility as the caretakers of the earth and to fulfill our part in its preservation, here is my take on the Climate debate. “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, from the frame of their nature, to knowledge, as their great Creator, who does nothing in vain, has given them understandings, and a desire to know; but besides this, they have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge; I mean, of the characters and conduct of their rulers.” — John Adams, Dissertation on Canon and Feudal Law, 1765

    As referencing to “the characters and conduct of our rulers”, Socialist Create Unfounded Crisis to Suit Their Elitist Purposes!!! These days, when some world leader or politician speaks of the climate—the weather is what is happening right now wherever you are—they are not talking about sunshine or rain. They are talking about a devilishly obscene way of raising money… It’s about the Money, Not the Climate

    Global Warming Is The Perfect Excuse To Extract Money From The Populace.

    The EARTH IS DESIGNED TO HEAL ITSELF. The One that Created the Earth, knew the potential of man that He placed on it man and planned accordingly. One Volcano Spews out more Carbon than all the exhaust fumes of all vehicles put together and the earth assimilates it. Remember Greenland was green at one time and the land was very productive. The Earth has always had Cycles of changes…

    Remember the Oil Spill in the Gulf how long did it take for the earth to heal itself? In Kuwait in Saddam Husein time when all the beaches were covered in oil spilling into the ocean, the left said it would take 100 years to get rid of the oil and within two years it was cleared up. The left look to make a Grand Crisis out of every opportunity because as they say ‘Never Let a good crisis go to waste”.

    Do you remember in 1975 when we were advised that the earth was going into an Ice Age, and also the big scare that we would have severe food shortages because of the earth’s population? There was also another scare that the world’s population was so large that we would not have enough food 21/2 Billion and now we have 2&1/2 Billion people more with a Capital Band the world now is better fed, than in those days and there is no Ice age.

    Now the latest scare is global warming what better way to control man and every living animal that breathes Air than to talk about CO2. There was 17 times more CO2 in ages pass than there is now. And they are looking to Tax Cow Farts and Charge us for breathing…

    Global Warming Provides A Marvelous Excuse For Global Socialism…Margaret Thatcher and may I add Global Submission.

    The intent of Leftist Socialism always is to continually exercise more control over the people as well as to take their hard earned money. The 100% Governments receives only 30% goes back to so called improve services. The rest is consumed by Bureaucracy. Who capitalizes on Climate Fair Politics and on all that they put in place, the only ones that benefit are the Elitist. Remember the Chief himself had said that electric Bills would SKY- ROCKET!

    Well ya can-say he- din- tell- ya!!!


  41. Picking this spot

    …. the cookie crumbles
    Not rumbles
    Stumbles or

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Mr Vincent Blackman

    You said (or was that requoted?) and I quote

    “…Why Solar Dynamics? Why not you? Solar water heating and photo – voltaic generation of electricity have a common source, the sun, but require slightly different technologies ,not so?…”

    Yes and no.

    There are dual purpose designs that perform both functions.

    Redesigning SDL to achieve that objective was possible at least 7 years ago.

    Ultimately it boils down to vision since the technology was there, the funding was there, the bonafides were there, and all these things still are…

    But it depends on the Vision, and of course a succession plan, and if neither is there, well…we end up where we are

  43. @sirFuzzy

    The discussion about this issue reflects a lack of understanding about RE by the average Joe. Then we want to discuss how the sector can create investment opportunities for households in a limited investment market. What do you expect? It is a long road to educating people. It is why policymakers can do as they like. It is why reference was made to how successful the IPO in Jamaica will be.

  44. @enuff

    The talk about Jamaica is more at the investment level. The industry appears to be promoted in a way to enfranchise people; create wealth. What are we doing? Mia was in Jamaica and held discussions with the private sector, hopefully she took copious notes.

  45. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    @ TheOGazerts February 16, 2019 8:21 PM

    Whoa what a talented cookie. We must RESPECT THE COOKIE? 😉

  46. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Parenthetical historical note. When my father built his house in St. Thomas in 1968 we installed a home designed and built solar hot water heater . It was made of copper pipe and sheet metal painted black inside an 8′ x 4′ wood and glass frame and used a 55 gallon drum for a storage tank. This was well before Cannon Andrew Hatch and the Brace Research did experiments in the early 70s, and years before James Husbands set up Solar Dynamics.

  47. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)


    Scotia bank must be smoking some of that medical MJ way before the legalisation. Imagine a customer service fee of 35.00 a month. So that is $420.0 a year for the privilege of having a simple saving account at that bank.

    For those pensioners that may be getting their pension sent thru to a bank what is it worth to have 420.00 of your annual pension going towards a billion dollar greed machine. So the poorer NIS pensioner that uses the direct debit faciltity from the NIS to deliver their pension how much is 35.00 out of your pension.

    There must be an undeclared war against the pensioners or elderly or the poor in general. We may be looking at a social construct in the making one not seen in recent times and only experienced by a few very old persons.

    just saying.

  48. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)


    Scotia bank announcement of new fees, Page 4b Sunday Sun

  49. Republic Bank is only $5 a month. Wuhnuh could cuss the Trinis but I find Republic Bank to be the best choice in Barbados in customer service and consideration. They have really upped their game. They do not treat you like nuisances.

    I am not a shareholder there but a customer. I speak from recent experience. They did a survey and then they implemented the changes.

    And yes this is a commercial for REPUBLIC BANK.

  50. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    I spoke to an electrician earlier this week who has installed his own electrical grid system. I asked him how much it would cost to install such a system for a three bedroom house. He said it could be done for 50,000 Bajan dollars.

    My advice to every Bajan would be to go off-grid. The price of renewable products have become more affordable and it’s now feasible for a good size of the population to become energy independent and free from the shackles of big business and government.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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