The Editor

Barbados Underground


Dear Sir/Madam,

According to an article in Barbados Today of 2nd.February 2019, Minister of Energy and Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams had the following to say: “We have come in eight months….. Graeme Hall swamp which was receiving raw sewage for over three years is on the rebound, fish have come back, the water quality is great, smells have gone down, the mosquitoes have been controlled.” He added “that the water in the swamp has remained at acceptable levels since the outfall was commissioned and the Environmental Protection Department has reported that the water quality samples have “comfortably passed” international standards for health and safety. However, oceanographic studies of the beach will be continued to make sure that the 12-inch outfall does not impact the water quality of nearshore or offshore reefs.”

I have some comments to make on the above statements. It is noticeable that no testing seems to have been done on the following: sediments at the bottom of the swamp; the presence of protozoans and lastly the presence of bacteriophages.The protozoan parasites Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp.,are pathogens that are resistant to a number of environmental factors and pose significant risks to public health worldwide. “Their environmental transmission is closely governed by the physio-chemical properties of their cysts (Giardia) and oocysts (Cryptosporidium)allowing their transport, retention, and survival for months in water,soil,vegetables (Dumetre and others (2012).“Interaction Forces Drive the Environmental Transmission of Pathogenic Protozoa.’ Applied and Environmental Microbiology.p905-912. Note ,cysts and oocysts are survival bodies that are extremely resistant to different methods of destruction. It really does not make sense to say because the water is less cloudy that microbial conditions have improved significantly. Since sedimentation occurs over time, there is obviously going to be a gradation from the surface to the bottom of the swamp in the concentration of effluents. At each sub-stratum level, there will be different numbers of viable micro-organisms. The numbers being dependent on the ability of the sunlight to penetrate the water. Obviously,if there is significant amount of sewerage entering the swamp and little exiting into the sea (as seems to be the case locally), penetration of sunlight is going to be restricted due to the high levels of effluent present. The most important factor for the removal of viral and bacterial pathogens is sunlight exposure, although other factors such as temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH are also important. Sedimentation is the most important factor for the removal of protozoan pathogens. Therefore, sampling of the of the different strata and sediment have to be done to reflect the true microbial condition of the swamp’s ecosystem. It is interesting to note that the water quality samples have “comfortably passed” international standards for health. I do not know what this is supposed to mean. For example “Guidelines for the microbiological quality of treated wastewater used in agriculture: recommendations for revising WHO guidelines (Blumenthal and others.2000.Bull.WHO 78:9:1104-1116) reported that The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the US Agency for International Development(USIAD) have recommended strict guidelines for wastewater use as being zero fecal coliform bacteria/100 ml for water used to irrigate crops that are eaten raw(compared with the1989 WHO guidelines of < 1000 fecal coliform bacteria/100 ml), and for irrigation of commercially processed and fodder crops. It would be useful if the results of local sampling were made available to the public.

Sediments may provide a stable index of the general quality of the overlying water, particularly where there is great variability in its bacteriological quality. It should be noted also, however, that if the sediments at the bottom of the swamp are disturbed due to excess surface run-off which causes turbulence at the interface of water and sediment,there is an up-welling of sediment which can cause co-mingle,thereby re-contaminating the water.

Viruses which infect bacteria, are known as bacteriophages or simply as phages. Normally,phages infect a specific strain of bacteria. Enteric micro-organisms associated with fecal contamination are E.coli, klebsiella spp.,Shigella etc. There is a direct relationship between the number of phages and the intensity of fecal contamination. It should be noted here that the bacteriophage hijacks the bacterium DNA to make copies of itself,resulting in the death of the host(bacterium). Therefore, the failure to detect pathogenic bacteria does not mean that the water quality is adequate

The outfall which is being used to pump partially treated effluent into the sea,is going to cause an algae bloom,resulting in eutrophication (depletion of dissolved oxygen).As a result,there is going to be what can be termed a desert being formed in the affected area of the sea in which there is an absence of biotic life.


Robert D. Lucas, PH.D and CFS


109 responses to “Minister Abrahams Evidence Please about the Swamp!”

  1. What accreditation in the area of biology has Minister Abraham received
    These bold outlandish statements would be made by these govt spokepersons because the media role in being the voice of the people has been converted to the voice of govt.

  2. But what about the outflow that was bubbling in the streets could it be possible that there is a possibility that some leakage could have seeped underground and affect the quality of our drinking water

  3. Mariposa

    Top marks for your comments at 8:40 p.m.

    I have been saying this for the longest while and today I have to join my friend Hal Austin and with the greatest regret say – YES – IT WILL END IN TEARS – IF THE MEDIA DOES NOT CHANGE COURSE.

  4. So far the 30 lovers are at it like flies at the sight of a turnover.

  5. No one in the media grill these ministers.

    No one in the media has any inclination to do research on what is said by these ministers.

    No criticism of these ministers (when valid) can find its way either on print or the electronic medium.

    Now that there is no significant opposition party to point out any lies, any dangerous trend or actions – the people are searching in the dark for some one (s) to point them to the truth, and for honest,objective analysis – but every man brekking for heself boasie.

    Maybe one day persons in their numbers will realise the significance of this AT THIS PARTICULAR JUNCTURE.


  6. Gabriel there is no turn over here .Facts are facts. This govt has gotten away with many untruths and so far no one had the intestinal fortitude to call them accountable
    Cannot forget the daily deluge of articles in as much as if govt broke a finger nail that would be highlited across media outlets including BU
    Now all of a sudden the eyes and ears of media has gone silent
    For one that is not a good thing for a democracy to flourish and maintain its real value in the best interest of the people.

  7. T. Innis
    Give us a break. You always impressed us as having more sense than average.

    But AC getting top marks just for political expediency. Give us a break.

  8. Pacha

    Mariposa last sentence in her post at 8:40 p.m. is the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    You can discuss with her all or some of her other positions.

  9. My real concern is and has been how much has the effluent leakage penetrated our under ground water system
    These kind of questions which goes and means to serve every human being quality of life should be asked by the Fourth estate
    Yet nothing seems to bother these media outlets that impact the daily lives of barbadians
    Barbadians have been left to hopelessy drift out to sea with out a life line.
    But ah. There is BU whose growing interest lies daily within the interest of the american people and Trump Wall
    Lawd hav merci

  10. William Skinner Avatar

    How do we plant corn and reap okra?
    For forty or more years we have allowed public discourse to be hijacked by party lunatics from the intellectual class.
    Both the traditional and new media are guilty of this accommodation.

  11. T. Innis don’t pay Pachama any mind
    He is as mad as a bull in a China shop because Mariposa dare called out his hypocrisy in defence of the mad tyrant Maduro
    Dont let him use this blog to divert attention away from this inept govt who seems to be taking barbados down the same path as Maduro
    Hence this wave of silence being witnessed coming from the airwaves of local media

  12. But AC

    We have saved you on BU several times. Now you cussing us.

    No good deed goes unpunished. LoL

  13. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Mariposa February 7, 2019 9:34 PM
    “My real concern is and has been how much has the effluent leakage penetrated our under ground water system…”

    The same amount that was estimated to be absorbed by the extremely expensive injection wells drilled under your incompetent DLP administration.

    Isn’t that the precursor to a situation similar to pissing and shitting in the water you will be using for washing and cooking and bathing in your backyard?

    There is a saying that what goes around comes around.
    Don’t be surprised if Barbados finds itself challenged with a situation similar to what gave rise to the supply of ‘potable’ water to the City of Bridgetown.

  14. Bro water does not need injection wells to travelled underground
    The fact that effluent can penetrate outside the sewer system and make its way into our streets is evidence enough to say that much of that effluent has made a negative impact on our undeground water system
    Miller but being the political pimp you are you are too blind too see

  15. Pachaman go to sleep

  16. AC

    Are you a water engineer as well.

    How come you could not fix the sewage problem and win the election.

  17. Maybe chairman Jong long wrote that staement for Minister “parrot” Abraham because anyone who have witnessed the long years of the abuse of the swamp by which sewage was pumped could not have made such bold outlandish statements and have no scientific analysis as proof to statements being made
    Unfortunately for barbados and its people and the 30- 0 beating barbados has now been degraded to the Sound of silence

  18. What Dr. Lucas has offered here is of great concern. The blogmaster hopes the relevant people reading the blog will act!

  19. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “My real concern is and has been how much has the effluent leakage penetrated our under ground water system”

    Boil your water, filter your water…as much as you can..

    DISTILL your water, for those who can afford..

    the water is filthy.

    Cause Bizzy got a RIVER of TYRE sludge seeping into ya water supply also anyway….tyres are made from lead…right?..lead is poisonous right? , especially to children and their underdeveloped brains….while Bizzy is greedily taking twenty four million dollars a year from taxpayers ..Mia says the amount has been reduced and claims it is a sacrifice… for pretending to cycle…given him by the clowns of parliament for doing no recycling..

  20. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    And they dare not dispute any of that cause they have the evidence.

  21. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    With the evidence Mia got……that contract should be taken away from Bizzy and she knows it…

  22. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    This is a very good article by David Commissiong..I sincerely hope he is prompting Mia to practice what HE PREACHED…

    Yes… is time to make sure that Mia ups her game…

    “As we approach Barbados’ 50th year of Independence, I am calling on all patriotic Barbadians to join together and make a determined effort to uproot and eradicate the destructive remnants of the “Old Colonial System” that still exist in our supposedly independent nation.

    And one particularly odious remnant is that aspect of the “Old Colonial System” that traditionally permitted the social and business elite of Barbados to have compliant members of the political directorate grant them outrageously preferential business and commercial arrangements that allowed them to feed on the substance of the Barbadian State and on the mass of predominantly black labourers, consumers, and – in more recent times- taxpayers!”

  23. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Fellow Barbadians, this is not right! The “Old Colonial System” continues to choke us and to subvert the positive advances we have made as a nation over the past 49 years!”

    Ah must say though…despite me telling UK to come collect their colonial…oops..sorry…commonwealth slaves….it is the house negros in the parliament with their low level shitey colonial titles…who with their black ass skins believe themselves to be honorary whites when those titles are conferred on them ,,..BY BLACK PEOPLE… they are the illiterate jackasses keeping the “old colonial system” firmly in place to line their goddamn pockets with bribe money and maintain multiple offshore accounts, multiple houses and mansions and all the other shite they do… enrich themselves at the expense of their own people…

    .UK cannot be blamed for this….neither the old colonial system itself..but the descendants of slaves…aka house negroes of parliament who keep the system of destruction of their own people in place and firmly intact……OR… they would get rid of it…

    Maybe it is time Comissiong tells Mia to get rid of it…..and don’t think for one moment anyone wants her as any dictator either…or she will know what hell looks like…when it breaks loose..

  24. Mariposa
    Thé bees were in power fir 8 months, not years

    Where is ur concern for the « years » under the dlp that sewage was pumped into the swamp?

  25. William Skinner Avatar

    Can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hound

  26. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    interesting to note that the Four Seasons scam… Bjerkam, Cow, Bizzy, Pemberton’s raid on the NIS Pension Fund…thanks to dumbass David Thompson, Fruendel…and later we found out…Mia as the project’s lawyers…which robbed the NIS Pensioners of 60 million US…still unaccounted for.and never repaid….which happened years before Cahill…was never mentioned in Comissiong’s synopsis…ya would think that would be worth a mention…too..

    ….and later …the loss of the over 16 acres of the same property….which Bjerkham claimed he bought from Sinckler for 60 million US dollars …using a shadow company…with Tempro as the director…money that neither the audit general nor no one else can find.. ..once again, the taxpayers and pensioners got ripped off…

  27. John2
    Abraham words took an effect that all was well in the swamp in as much to say that the stream and flow of water in the swamp was of good quality
    I offer my comment to differ based on years of effluent being dumped into the swamp and which would have taken a massive and expensive clean up effort to produce the quality of which Abraham speaks

  28. What Abrahams is saying is that in the eight months the government has been in office they have improved the situation compared to what the inherited from an incompetent David Estwick. Unless one is ignorantly politically partisan you have to agree. The fix is short term, sensible Barbadians look forward to a long term plan for treating with waste in Barbados.

  29. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    nor ANYONE ELSE one else can find

  30. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    Very good article by Dr Lucas as usual.
    It drew attention to certain micro biological risks to the use of the swamp water as well as the need to continue tests of the seawater in the vicinity of the outfalls.

    Geologically there should be no risks to the potable water supplied by BWA. That water comes from a different source.

  31. @Vincent

    Do you support posting the results of testing of potable water.

  32. When these ministers come on TV pontificating about these technical matters, they should be REQUIRED to present the technical experts who are willing to vouch for the statements that they make.
    Except for some low rate political yardfowl, you will be hard pressed to find such an ‘expert’ to spout such shiite – for fear of being embarrassed by peers.

    Abrahams do not know one shiite about geology or hydrology.
    In fact, one wonders how much he knows about Law – given the state of the Legal system AFTER his stint as president of the Bar association, so we are lucky that we have someone with balls like Dr Lucas who is willing to give a professional, knowledgeable comment on the nonsense that has been spouted…. otherwise everyone would go off repeating the political crap that we heard from the minister as if it made sense.

    He also makes bold statements about 100% renewable energy too… Where are the technical experts who are willing to support his commitments?

    What a place….!!!??

  33. If David or any one else has to interpret their version of what Abraham said all said by Abrhams without evidence of scientific facts and void of clear analytical testing of. the water
    Then barbados is in deep doo doo
    Al least past govt never made such asinine comments based on political promises
    This present govt hit the ground running telling lies now is forced to tell more lies because if promises made

  34. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    The best way so far to see how contaminated and filthy the water is…buy a distiller and see all the various sediment, corral sediments…and filth at the bottom when it is done distilling..

    …..distilling also gets rid of bacteria and other waterborne diseases completely…much better than filters..

    don’t hold ya breath for the minions to tell ya anything, their job continues to be one of cover up.

  35. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 9:18 AM

    No. I do not think it is necessary to post those results . Most of the public will not know how to interpret them,especially with changing standards of acceptability.
    I trust technocrats to do their jobs. I pay my utility bills, levies and taxes. I expect competency and integrity in return. I do not believe in micromanagement.

  36. Wilys confusion is the result of our fearless BLOGMASTER dividing authors article into two separate blogs without telling the BU PACK. Now this is the kind of discussion Wily was expecting.

    Wilys confused, some will say what’s new, but I do not see one mention of the swamp in the article. Wily was reading with intusism as he was expecting to see that government minister or other has declared the swamp pure and clean, fish healthy(those that have survied turd-itis) etc etc.

    “Sewage problem solved” AH YES WHAT CRAP, pardon the pun. Effluent(raw) still being discharged out to sea via the bypass pipe etc, etc. SHIT not presently flowing in the street does not mean the problem is solved, just means a lot of political grandstanding. It’s time for some presentation and long-term study of the swamp, swamp flora and fauna, sewage effluent outflow causation, etc etc. And the biggy, what exactly was the sewage PROBLEM, CAUSATION AND LONG TERM CURE AND CORRECTIVE ACTION.

  37. Mariposa

    So u are accepting that the dlp is partly/mostly to blame for what u r terming for the « year » of contaminating the swamp?

  38. Got to clear out my brain and read the article before I comment or GP will come out of hiding with the “moron” banner.

  39. Swamp water is never of a high quality for any kind of use

    Swamps that has become contaminated with sewage will eventually return to natural water quality over a period of time by the natural occurring process

    Note I said water quality

  40. Yes for public Record all those results should be seen by the people
    Also for a clear and precise view to hold govt accountable especially when problems of such nature can be problematic to the enviroment and impact negatively healthwise to citizens

  41. @Vincent

    “I trust technocrats to do their jobs.”

    All I can say is BIG MISTAKE. Barbados technocrats, politicians etc are the biggest incompetent sillysorisis since the dinausors roamed the earth.

    Drinking Water quality in Barbados has always been under suspicion because of suck wells, pit toilets, poor agriculture practices and lack of standards begin ENFORCED. Remember the BLUE FLAG BEACH PROGRAM that was proposed numerous years ago, ask yourself what ever became of this grandous play. Wily can tell you, international procedures and beach water quality failed to remotely meet the acceptable standards so government quickly disbarred the program rather than comply and report the less than acceptable results. These are some of your TRUSTED TECHNOCRATS.


  42. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    Wily can tell you, international procedures and beach water quality failed to remotely meet the acceptable standards so government quickly disbarred the program rather than comply and report the less than acceptable results. These are some of your TRUSTED TECHNOCRATS.

    Need I say more.

  43. Looks like it is time to rename this blog “Barbados MariPinnis Ground”. Dem busy enough.

  44. Mariposa

    We’re u so concerned and held the previous goverment for testing and the results of those test?
    We had sewage leaking all over the place for over two years

  45. The sewage situation is a lot better in 8months than at any point in the last two years of the previous administration and never did u call for any test

    The only test we had was a or stunt of two minister taking a dip at writhing beach

  46. Worthing beach

  47. The Blogmaster repeats, there is no evidence that potable water is contaminated. Those spouting differently are speculating. If they are of a different view pull their pockets and request a test.

  48. Not to discount anything those who know better than I have said but I have been drinking our water for almost fifty years and I have always been as healthy as a horse. My grandmothers and grandfathers all lived to a ripe old age. The water did not kill them . My mother and father are still alive and not obviously at deaths’s door. We all ate and eat our local vegetables as well. I believe that the last thing that was removed from my supermarket shelf due to suspected contamination was romaine lettuce from the USA.

    I am not saying that we should not be concerned or vigilant or seek to improve our systems or water quality but maybe the situation is not as dire as some think. The situation with the swamp and the overflow must be properly monitored by the correct standards because “what en happen in a year can happen in a day” but it does not seem that we are dying by the droves due to our water quality. A permanent solution to the problem should still be sought to minimise the damage to our marine environment. We obviously have some work to do.

    But….that’s not what’s killing us yet.

  49. If they are of a different view pull their pockets and request a test.

  50. I knew this would flush you out, G.P!

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