Submitted by Sunshine Sunny Shine (SSS)
mia mottley
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When the Mottley led BLP were in opposition, startling revelations by them suggested that the then DLP Stuart led government was corrupt, dishonest, and happily kept silent on important matters that should have engaged the public’s interest.

Mottley, agitated by the sequence of disturbing events unfolding under Stuart and his team, fought to have a moral basis established in Barbados politics. She pursued this basis by first tabling a move to have the then speaker of the house, Michael Carrington resign on grounds that his action in a money matter involving an elderly gentleman was unethical and immoral. So incensed was she, that several walking out of parliament became the protest action norm against this obvious condoning of inappropriate conduct.

She furthered her quest for moral politics by bringing the integrity of Freundel Stuart into the spot light. Stuart who wanted persons to believe that he was honest and upright, lied to the Barbadian people when he said he was unaware of the doings in the Cahill deal, when he had signed of on it many months before.

Fast forwarding to the Mia Amor Mottley who is now Prime Minister of Barbados, we are left to wonder what happened to that ethical and moral compass she brought to bear against Stuart and his DLP colleagues. A compass that many felt would be the change that Barbadians long for. Unfortunately, it was short lived.

For starters, there are serious accusations against two of Mottley ministers in the form of Payne and Marshall that have not once been addressed by her. If Carrington’s action was unethical, then any claims concerning inappropriateness by two ministers should have brought her moral compass to bear down on them.

Then there is the matter of her bloated cabinet versus those struggling civil servants sent home as the sacrificial few to keep the whole intact. Why only the bottom and not the top. Certainly this is ground to bring your ethical compass to forefront of things and show Barbadians that you everyone must make sacrifices including the top.

Then there is the tweaking of the constitution to accommodate two friends, but no investigations launch into the financial issues surrounding those of the Democratic Labour Party accused of corruption. Or. no quick move to have legislation put in place to deal with minister corruption, collusion, and wheel and deal.

The SSS has frequently stated that Mottley is a rogue and if she is to believed, otherwise, it certainly cannot be proven when she wants to bestow upon her father a knighthood that is not deserving at this time.

462 responses to “The Mottley Saga – A Promise of Change but More of the Same”

  1. The honeymoon period is over?

    To whom much is given much is expected.


  2. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I just wanted to understand how this “honeymoon period” thing works PARTICULARLY WITH THE COUNTRY IN ECONOMIC INTENSIVE CARE TREATMENT.

    Was it a dream that our collective consciousness experienced when Barbados had to go to the IMF for all those millions to prop up the HAEMORRHAGING ECONOMY?

    So where all this timeout and honeymoon talk coming from?

    While the Mugabe regime speeds ahead with its tyranny constructs

  3. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
    Poor Barbados, 51 years of self determination has turned into a nightmare of self enrichment.

  4. Nothing but the same old warnings of crooks who Knight Crooks! All the old crooks are in place right now that started this crime family in Barbados put Barbados in COW-DOWN. COW and David Simmons on the outside collecting tax payers money AGAIN, DLP coverup for Owen, Mia, COW, Cheltenham and look where they all are now! Until we have another 30 ZIP David BU as Plantation Deeds has been WARNING FOR YEARS, Our Truth has never changed all media help to block the truth, All you take what you get! Vote for crooks,liars and scumbags get robbed and now want to Bitch about it, House on fire get out or get burn, Up to 5 others help push truth as others covered up for crime bosses, more Guns, More Drugs no charges, Police killings, Hangings in cells, no one being held , As a another group of crooks called the DPP and COP well supported by crooks in office called Lawyers with title for also doing the Queen bidding . Crown land cannot be proven, and Clear title land hid, All of Beatrice Henry “Plantation Deeds” was bought with Pounds1926-1969 ,, IN 1963 DOLLARS SHOWED UP ON PAPER WITH Pounds!. Only 1% of the World can buy most things CASH Beatrice Henry was such!, No BANKING needed, To be moved on to a tax paper permission from a government on private lands with no seller nor buyers, Banking with CLICO laundered by the CB, COURTS, QC, SIRS, Ministers/Lawyers to offshore accounts, 60 Minister lawyers of the BDLP has more money than all businessmen , companies and the Nation near 300,000 people,$$$Money and Land laundering is the plan of each and every government, VOTE BFP/CUP NEXT TIME 2023 or sooner!, Give us a chance to lock them all the Hell UP! All was done by Man and Woman and can be fixed By Man and Woman! Its crime at its best with FIRST CARIBBEAN & CIBC LAND AND MONEY LAUNDERING WITH CLICO PONZI, SO ALL WAKE THE HELL UP! Now the PONZI ran out of money and the People are been taxed to hell to feed it!, Barbados is on Fire,+ delay in calling the fire service+delay in their response + lack of water pressure+lack of back up water +lack of fire fighters+ now find out insurance company won’t pay+ said your policy lapse,+ lawyer drag out case for years while you live off other and outside picking up cans,+court lawyers and judges on side against you getting paid feeding Mia lawyers long talk as Mia gain 50ibs + 2019-2023 time getting near again grow some balls and SPEAK Truth, never trust crooks with history of being crooks, They Will come again, 6 months before Elections say we need more time, All cant be fixed in one term! We shall see who will eat that same crap Again, Move with the same speed as you did when you hire and give a Title to crooks, Do all needed in the first 6 months so the people can enjoy for the next 4 1/2 years! Happy New Year Fooled AGAIN! Bajan Free Party/CUP, like us on Face Book,

  5. SSS…did not read your thread before posting this on a another blog…but it so applies, so I will add..

    “To be unable to say “no’ to those nearest and dearest, to me that signals a profound weakness.”

    Weakness to the nth degree and more than UNBECOMING OF A REAL LEADER…

    A major problem with Barbados lawyers AND LEADERS…they LACK ETHICS…and that is DESPITE the ones who are lawyers taking ethics courses in law school.

    Their moral compass IS BROKEN…they do as they please with NO BOUNDARIES..hence they are known as the most DISHONEST lawyers AND leaders in the world.

    Not a word about Payne and Marshall, not a word about REMOVING WORRELL FROM THE SUPREME COURT BENCH for that nasty illegal move he pulled on the elderly lady to help the crooks steal her land, sell it and pocketed over 2 million dollars …..she just sits on her ass wishing it will all go away..but good luck to that…

    …popular belief is Mia is AFRAID of her DLP criminal friends because they have so much info on her that can BRING DOWN HER GOVERNMENT…but Mia should be more afraid of the majority population…who elected her and who realized very early on that SHE LIED TO AND DECEIVED THEM…to be elected…in order to continue the SAME GODDAMN CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE…that she railed against pre election that she claimed she will clean up and lock up the culprits….everyone is saying she will have to START with the CRIMINALS IN HER OWN GOVERNMENT..

    She created this mess and we get to watch another 4 years 5 months of it unfolding..

  6. Patience is a virtue.
    Case: Legal luminary and his law of divorce..
    Another called… It will pass.
    Future proves past.


    And..they are ALL OWNED by this piece of shit here and his brother…most lawyers and EVERY GOVERNMENT MINISTER….is OWNED.

    These minority leaches and parasites…who have to jump into everything…THAT MEANS STEALING TAXPAYER’S AND PENSIONERS MONEY…with government ministers and lawyers…

  8. I have my doubts about bajans being able to drive these electric vehicles…..have you ever seen them with a golf cart? This is a recipe for disaster unless they are also going to be self driving. Curious who is paying for experimental conversion or who is lined up to buy them when converted

  9. “Curious who is paying for experimental conversion or who is lined up to buy them when converted”

    as perceptive as ever….

    they can’t even hide the scam…

    just another scam and robbery of taxpayer’s AND PENSIONERS money to keep Ape’s Hill, bizzy’s businesses and all the other scams against the majority population afloat, alive and well….am sure their crooked lawyers are drafting the contracts…as we type…

    ..then there are the kickbacks and bribes FOR the…”where is MY CUT” brigade…

  10. We are not changing the topic here folks.

    Find a blog that fit that topic please.

    This is exactly what they want – a few speak out then the blog derailed with Trump talk,or slavery or anything else.

    All I will say is to watch and see how responsive Mottley is to public concern – not with just talk mind you – because she good at that.

    People talked about the humungous cabinet – and she laughed when Eliis mentioned it and said many hands make light work. – no more talk about the last govt action was insensitive to suffering bajans – by not sacrificing their 10 % – or the prime minister travelling too much,or that last cabinet too big – nothing so – she large and in charge now – and she has no opposition.

    People asked for Information about why so much consultants and advisers ,why the hiring of a guy who was the person handling your face book campaign – and why at such a high position in the civil service – and she answered not a word

    What is the salary of these consultants, advisers and tsars Mia – and what are you paying White Oak the Overseas Company – and why are we paying them – we want to see the terms of their contract – Talk to the hand because she ain’t got time for you

    This obscenity of giving her father a knighthood for God knows what – in only just 7 months in to her term – wait and see how she ignores you on that – see if she addresses it in any way – ha ha ha

    Look wunna got to realise that Mia got what she always dreamed of since a child – and that is to be the first female prime minister – and on top of that wunna give she all de seats to do as the hell she like.

    Tek dat in wunna boxy – too late,too late shall be the cry.

  11. If wunna didn’t give Mia that opportunity to be the first female prime minister – lemme tell yuh – Barbados would have gone through – because she would have marched,stirred up shite,continue to talk Barbados bad overseas with the foreign investors and the politicians in the region – continued with putting propaganda on social media and carrying on a social media war – lemme tell yuh it would have been cat piss and pepper.Wuhloss

  12. @T.Inniss

    Let us go with the theory of our own Vincent read everything evolves. What happens if the next general election comes and the DLP remains decimated and the BLP doesn’t deliver- what then?

    It creates the opportunity for others does it not?

  13. …”and she has no opposition.”

    Believe it or not..that is the best move Bajans made…sever DLP, no real opposition in place….”watch muh” can’t done.

  14. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ T Inniss

    You too have taken on a 3 dimensional personality like AC/Mariposa/Maripokey

    It is clearly evident in these 3 latest posts.

    The problem with that multiple identity is that the shy$es that have access to your username and password, those idiots post gibberish.

    They cannot replicate your style BUT THE BIGGER DANGER YOU FACE IS THAT THEY DESTROY YOUR CURRENCY in the blog.

    Let them post their own shy$e because it brights up the dissenter count and keeps your brand unsullied.

    I really dont know how you are going to vet Plantation Deeds and the other non essential blabber off posts like these.

    You can beg them nicely of course BUT WHEN THAT DOES NOT WORK then your voing have to vet more radical IF YOU GET MY DRIFT…

  15. They get the photographer that the police use for mugshots to take that picture….she is obviously guilty

  16. David

    I am all for new players emerging.

    My fear is that these new political players start off with high ideals and morals and then quick so the Abeds,Haloutes,the indian bribers,white bribers etc – become like the lion recognizing a new lamb is in the hunting ground – and they all pounce to sweetly talk about new projects,about charity for the less fortunate and then … ahem minister I need to get Town & Country to pass the land use change from Agriculture to residential or commercial – but don’t worry … ahem come and see the project and see which one of the lots you want.

    Yuh see what I mean right David ? Yuh have to be a man or woman of strong resolve and your moral compass got to be wukking good – to be able to say to these demons – Get thee behind me Satan – Not so ?

    The Question is – how do we isolate,insulate or inoculate them from succumbing to the temptation of corruption and unethical behavior ?

  17. @T. Inniss

    A reasonable concern.

    The political class operates based on promising the electorate (sheeple) pie in the sky stuff read manifestos. The people who finance the political parties are the ones who commander the loyalty.

    What a pickle!

  18. @ T. Inniss,

    Are we going to get a reasonably objective analysis of the Mottley-led BLP government?

  19. Hal

    I honestly hope so..

    emphasis MUST BE ON THE WORD OBJECTIVE (analysis).

  20. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    WARU January 5, 2019 6:28 AM

    And..they are ALL OWNED by this piece of shit here and his brother…most lawyers and EVERY GOVERNMENT MINISTER….is OWNED.

    These minority leaches and parasites…who have to jump into everything…THAT MEANS STEALING TAXPAYER’S AND PENSIONERS MONEY…with government ministers and lawyers…

    As a child i can remember Vic Brewster presenting the Lions Bingo draw on CBC Tv, I thinnk it was on wednesday nite. At the end of the draw after the number where presented i think he said somethng that goes like this. “You gotta be in it to win”

    Thus Bizzy and ilk are keen bingo players you cannot feed from the trough unless u are aprth of the herd and preferrable ahead of the heard. It continues BINGO they win but BINGO we play and lose and fund their BINGO exploits/plofits.

  21. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @Hal Austin

    Objective Analysis of MAM’s First Six Months in Office –

    Bus fleet brought from 63 to over 100
    More buses on the way (energy efficient ones too)
    Foreign reserves up
    Investor confidence restored
    Sewage off the streets
    Pensioners get increase in pensions
    Civil servants get increase in wages and salaries
    Sewage off the streets.
    Barbados now complaints with OECD regulations on corporate taxation
    Garbage trucks on the way
    In the mean time, scheduling at SSA has been improved such that everyone in Barbados should have their garbage collected weekly or at least fortnightly (I can personally attest to this as I am back to twice a week)
    NSRL gone
    Road patching has begin to eliminate the vexing issue of potholes
    Anti corruption legislation passed by House in its second reading. At committee stage currently. On track to given royal assent at sometime this year.
    Hard decisions had to be made unfortunately. Consequently:
    A. Some civil servants sent home
    B. Debt exchange undertaken
    C. Additional taxes imposed but they share the burden

    It is because of 15 that the Gov’t has been able to do all the others and much more. It is unfortunate but a reality that everyone has to suffer to get everyone back to prosperity and some may have to suffer unfortuantely a littlemore than others.

    But I suspect that Hal and Donna and WARU and all such lowlifes know this because Banana at large certainly do hence why the BLP would win am election next week in a similar way to May 24th (that is a scientific fact).

    Again, I’m not a yardfowl just a person with common sense who understands that our country is on the right track. But I expect you all to stir up divisions in the way that you do. If you didn’t do this you all couldn’t live.

    Let the cursing begin…

  22. Flush!

  23. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    Clarification of Comment at January 5, 2019 9:16 am

    “But I suspect that Hal and Donna and WARU and all such lowlifes know this because Barbados at large”

    Bus fleet through hard decisions were numbered 1-15, so in the next paragraph when it speaks to a 15, it refers to the hard decisions which have to be made.

    I don’t feel that those corrections and clarifications were necessary, but with folks like Hal Austin you have to be very clear, lest he wish to engage in a debate about the finer points of English grammar, as well as accomodating such folks as WARU and Donna

  24. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    @ lawson January 5, 2019 7:30 AM

    I have my doubts about bajans being able to drive these electric vehicles…..have you ever seen them with a golf cart? This is a recipe for disaster unless they are also going to be self driving. Curious who is paying for experimental conversion or who is lined up to buy them when converted

    Given our propensity for not doing adequate maintenance, some bajans will surely drive them into the ground or maintenance yard where they will languish.

  25. David

    What grieves me the most is that the nightmare that Barrow and Tom Adams tried to steer us from – it seems we are heading in that direction at a fast pace.

    That is,that our people are being reduced once more to ‘hewers of wood and drawers of water”

    Can you imagine that we have had 95 % successive black governments since Independence and with the exception of the 2 forementioned gentlemen – ALL the other black governments/MPs have been concerned with is ensuring that they reach the threshold to get their pensions and for quite a few of them – also enriching themselves while they are at it.

    If this mean a wuk for wuk situation arising where the bribers give campaign finance so they can pay the tee shirt wearers and buy alcohol and weed to vote them back in – like it is alleged this last BLP campaign was openly doing – and then the bribers get their payments back in contracts worth a thousand times what they gave out – well then so be it

    The minority group remains rich and on top – and the lil black boy and girl work in their store,or answer their telephone or do their accounts or bring in their weed – right Herbert – and forever living from paycheck to paycheck – beholden to poltical prostitutes who are beholden to the man holding the purse strings .

    I can safely tell you that the BLP party which is entwined with the merchant class is the most corrupt of them all – they have a head start on it – but lemme tell yuh the DLP seems to be fast catching up.Shame,shame on all of them.

    This new BLP Government if not held in check is going to be a hundred times worse than the previous 2 – because Mottley has no opposition to keep her in check – and will get no push back from any of her greedy yardfowls and hangers on,or the sold out media – who just waiting to get their piece of the pie.

    All the talk about pushing entrepreneuship for the masses is just that – a lotta long talk.

    David Thompson talked about setting aside 20 % or some percentage – of government contracts for small and micro businesses – did you see any of that happen.

    Instead Mark Maloney who was on ordinary Manager of a Company – overnight became a multi millionaire – with the multiple pies his and others hands were in.


    This government come in talking the same shyte about reserving govt contracts for small businesses – yuh seeing how she going already right ? back to business with Maloney again, padding up the income of her bagman Avinsah persaud with contracts at CARICOM,,Finanacial advisors,Chairman of FSC, board member on NIS – AND NUFF SO – WHILE AT THE SAME TIME SHE LINING HER POCKET BY GIVING NUFF CONTRACTS TO HER COMPANY JOSE AND JOSE.

    She started off by giving jose y jose close to a million to clean out two tanks at the Bridgetown sewage – did that contract go out to ender Grenville Phillips – Hell no.

  26. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    I suppose I am too hopeful to think that your “Flush” comment means that your mind has finally been cleansed of the gargantuan amount of filth housed within, or is it just your typical, insulting, derogatory style?

  27. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Hal
    To get a reasonably objectively analysis of the current government all you have to do is analyze the last government !
    Identical twin.

  28. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ William Skinner

    How do you arrive at that irrational conclusion? I don’t seem to recall the Dems purchasing buses, dealing with sewage, increasing the foreign reserves, dealing with the debt, patching potholes. Am I missing something

  29. @T.Inniss

    Inst true however that our government reflects the nature of the people? Can we separate governments from the people that elected them to serve? Power flows from the people right? Who holds those elected accountable? How do we do it every minute of the day?

  30. @ 9:16 a.m.

    Yuh had it right the first time – Banana at large – not Barbados at large

    Because Mia running Barbados like a true Banana Republic.

    Or like this is she Fiefdom

  31. @T.Inniss

    We (you) need to forget Mia in the debate for a minute and focus on the systemic matters.

  32. There is HOPE, we have a minister responsible for MAINTENANCE!

    strong>MPs and Ministers to Give Part of Salary to Charity
    Caribbean360May 28, 2018
    Prime Minister Mia Mottley at the public swearing-in ceremony on Sunday.

    BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Monday May 28, 2018 – Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley continued making political history yesterday, naming the largest Cabinet the country has ever seen and having Cabinet ministers take the oath of office in the first ever public swearing in.

    When the day was over, she officially had a 26-member team – herself included – to lead the country’s affairs for the next five years. Mottley was sworn in as Barbados’ first female Prime Minister and her Attorney General Dale Marshall also took the oath of office at a more intimate ceremony before Governor General Dame Sandra Mason on Friday, hours after her Barbados Labour Party (BLP) was officially declared the winner of the May 24 general elections with an unprecedented sweep of all 30 seats in Parliament.

    And at the swearing-in ceremony attended by other regional leaders yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Mottley announced that the 10 per cent of parliamentarians’ and ministers’ salaries which was restored in 2016 by the previous Freundel Stuart administration would go to charity.

    BLP MPs had decided since 2016 to give their portion of the increases and back pay to charity. And Mottley said that would continue as an act of solidarity with the people of Barbados who have been enduring economic hardship.

    “One of the items of my Cabinet’s meeting – and we will have two this week, the first one on Tuesday – will be to ask this BLP team 2018 to continue to share in the sacrifices being made by our public servants and other sectors of this society.

    “For the last year, as a matter of principle, these men and women joined with me, as BLP Parliamentary representatives, and declined to accept the 10 per cent pay which the previous government took back by legislation. We took a decision to have our back pay and our continuous 10 per cent monthly pay goes to charitable organizations such as the Salvation Armey, the Diabetes Foundation of Barbados and a number of other entities on one simple principle: that we will not accept it until the public servants issues relating to terms and conditions are appropriately resolved in this country.

    “Consequently, I shall similarly recommend to my colleagues, a continued commitment that that 10 percent will not be accepted until the public servants of Barbados receive their due,” Mottley said.

    The Prime Minister also announced that all ministers would have to declare their assets.

    “Pending the enactment of the integrity legislation, which we have already placed and made public since November, and the consequential establishment of an Integrity Commission, all ministers will submit a declaration of their assets, in a document to be held under sealed envelope and in confidence by the Cabinet Secretary, until the establishment of the Integrity Commission,” she said.

    Explaining the size of her Cabinet, Mottley said it was necessary because of the dire state of the economy.

    “The Cabinet will be relatively large because I’ve not only considered the mandate given to us by the people, but also the scope of the work to be done, and the level of expertise that is at our disposal, among elected members. I’ve opted to share the workload across a significant proportion of the parliamentary group, rather than conform to the theory of a small Cabinet, thus creating an unrealistic setting for members to function effectively,” she said.

    “The salaries of a few extra ministers are relatively insignificant, given that there will be tremendous savings on the containment of wastage and the curtailment of corruption.”

    The Prime Minister assured that she would be holding each minister to a very high standard. And she said the hallmarks of her Cabinet would be accountability, transparency, fairness, discipline and unity.

    “We do not and will not subscribe to the notion of government by stealth.

    Below is the full list of Cabinet and other appointments:

    Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment – Hon. Mia Amor Mottley, QC, MP

    Minister in the Ministry of Finance – Hon. Ryan Straughn, MP

    Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs – Hon. Marsha Caddle, MP

    Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs – Hon. Dale Marshall, QC, MP

    Minister of Home Affairs – Hon. Edmund Hinkson, MP

    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade – Senator Dr. Jerome Walcott, JP

    Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Trade – Hon. C. Sandra Husbands, MP

    Minister of Education, Technological and Vocational Training – Hon. Santia Bradshaw, MP

    Minister of Health and Wellness – Hon. Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic, MP

    Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Relations – Hon. Colin Jordan, MP

    Minister of Housing, Lands and Rural Development – Hon. George Payne, QC, MP

    Minister in the Ministry of Housing, Lands and Rural Development – Hon. Charles Griffith, MP

    Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs – Hon. Cynthia Forde, JP, MP

    Read more:

  33. Mia IS A systemic matter.

  34. Oh oh! Floaters!


  35. @In the Name of Common Sense

    Try to follow this reasoning through your partisan lens, if you are able to.

    Mia was handed a 30 zip victory by the people. We may quibble about whether she presented the BLP as a credible alternative OR if the people overwhelmingly rejected the incompetent DLP led by a slothful Stuart.

    Here is what we know, Mia has it in her grasp to reshape how we govern in Barbados TOMORROW. The decision to present her father’s name to the governor general was not a smart decision given what she should be trying to achieve. It has not one Rh to do with whether he is deserving. It defines the leader and the also rans.

  36. David

    We have to start with key institutions in the society understanding their role and the contribution they can make and – thus becoming more effective.

    Take the Media – in particular the Traditional media – but also other aspects of Social Media – if we take to its logical conclusion the media being the 4th estate – and being the watchdog on behalf of society – then media houses will become the Dog that wags the tail instead of the reverse and so will take the fight to unethical governments and their enablers.

    Look at the Washington Post and the New York times – once considered to be on their last leg – as the prophets of doom predicted that we were fast heading in the direction of a paperless media news format.

    However their has been a resurgence in those 2 and other publications – as the 4th estate true mandate,that is – to educate and inform – once more came to the fore with greater urgency – and the bottom line though still very important had to fall in line.

    And now we are seeing bombshell after bombshell dropping from these newspapers and once again – people are looking to them for their source of credible information.

    I noted that the Bdos Engineers Assoc. recently started to make some relevant pronouncements – away from their usual singular focus – and people were complaining that they should stay in their lane.

    But we are all parts of the whole – and how will we fix this society -if we all don’t play a part as the watchman on the wall.

  37. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Mottley has made significant strides amidst her austerity plan. If she did not seek to do what idiot Stuart and his dumb-fits refuse to do, she would have been a bigger idiot. It was imperative for her to fix the transport problem, the SSA problem, the sewage problem, and all the other problems affecting normalcy in Barbados. However, taking risks so early in her tenure, especially knighting her father was not a good mood. DId she not expect a backlash of criticism? This is too close for comfort and the mere fact that she did shows clearly that she does not give a rats ass who says what. This coupled with the fact that she wants to write off the wrongs committed in government by some of the very government ministers that should be investigated for their lavish lifestyles is proof again that this woman has no plan on investigating a boy. As my sweet piece always say, she is Mugabe in the making. Posters will now talk.

  38. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ David

    Why are you all making such a big hullabloo over an honour? You all have never seemed too interested. I can’t recall such robust criticism when Stephen Lashley gave himself a Silver Crown of Merit or when Stuart gave himself the title of QC, although no one knows what type of law he practised.

    And for the final time, I do not have partisan lenses. I have lenses that see the best for Barbados and know the Mia at this moment at 10:01 am on January 5th 2019, is doing the best job she can for this country and we should forget the distractions, put our backs to plough and help rescue this country. I don’t know what will happen by the next election, and neither do you. It is time for people to have faith and hope than in the next few years we’ll have a turn around. Now is not the time for senseless gossip and side attractions, such as this issue of honours.

  39. David @ 9:45 a.m.

    But David Mia is the government and the government is Mia.

    All roads lead to Mia . I do not know if the principle of primus inter pares – first among equals – is applicable here at all.

  40. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    Many of you are so stupid, that you incessantly compare PM Mottley to that ratfink Mugabe, when you obviously don’t understand a few basic things. The same people also accuse the PM of supposedly being in bed with white buisnessmen and women in this country. How then can you all say that she is a “Mugabe in the making” as the idiot-in-chief SSS claims, when Mugabe is best known for displacing white farmers in Rhodesia and having zero respect for the white minority there. Again, another glaring inconsistency like all of the arguments postulated by scumbag miscreants like SSS and Donna and WARU

  41. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    (quote) And for the final time, I do not have partisan lenses. I have lenses that see the best for Barbados and know the Mia at this moment at 10:01 am on January 5th 2019, is doing the best job she can for this country (quote)

    And you have proof of this because ……. I have never heard any one say about a leader or MP or General manager something other than “she/he” is doing the best they can to save help etc this organisation country city corporation patient etc. What u are saying are the usual mountings from a supporter. par for the course.

    The question is imo is she her best good enuff? or what is required to set barbados i the correct(as oppsed to right) direction.

    just my take.

  42. Your responses reflect a level of immaturity or intransigence that reinforces the points be8ng made. Carry on!

  43. @David
    What a sign of disrespect, isn’t this man a Minister?

    BTW did anyone ever discover who was the “Caucasian man” who didn’t want him in Parliament?

  44. @T.Inniss

    A reasonable argument to a point. Our media is ‘concentrated’ and rely on ‘pandering to government for business. Enough said.

  45. Yardfowls got NUFF, NUFF work to do, try not to burn out..

  46. This is a new day.

    If you really had common sense and wanted a serious debate you would not have started off thus –

    “But I suspect that Hal and Donna and WARU and all such lowlifes know this because Barbados at large”

    Now tell me –

    What is the difference between my use of the word “shite” and your use of the word “sh*thole?”

    Besides, I know many of these people of whom you speak so glowingly and their language and behaviour, if you judge it by your standards here, would put ALMOST ALL OF THEM in the lowlife category..

    You are a hypocrite of the HIGHEST ORDER!

    If that qualifies you as highlife, you are welcome to the title.

    Maybe one day you too will get a shitehood.

  47. @ Common Sense,

    You are absolutely right, with me there must be clarity, otherwise you are asking me to presume the operation of someone’ mind.
    On more serious notes, if you trawl BU for May 25 you will find that I cautiously welcomed the new BLP government; the people voted for change and, although I had doubts about the BLP not publishing a full manifesto, jut to get rid f the incompetent Stuart and the buffoon Sinckler was good enough for me.
    But within hours we started getting the kind of autocratic behaviour which I have been condemning ever since: changing the constituency to accommodate pals; the theatre of showing off piles of paper in an hysterical fashion with her attorney general to create a moral panic about DLP misbehaviour in office. I expected a police investigation, so far nothing..
    I can go on, but it is worth mentioning the economic nonsense of BERT. If I was an A level economics student and someone had resent BERT in the form of an essay to me I would mark them a D.
    Another point I will make is that the BLP is a coalition of trade unionists, small black business people and the white National and conservative parties, the old plantocracy and the Roebuck Street middle men.
    The FLP, on the other hand, was born of arrogance: the Young Turks, university graduates who had nothing but contempt for the (pre National and Conservative) BLP.
    Part of the failure of our politics, one that David BU tries but fails to articulate, is why in our elective system the same two parties continue to dominate.
    The reality is that although in a first past the post system two parties will dominate, it does not have to be the same two parties. The Barbados public was failed by the UPP, Solutions Barbados and the other minority parties that contested the May 24 general election.
    They were failed too because the professionals who are meant to explain and educate us themselves are badly in need of education: the media, the university academics, the professionals.
    Three things remind me of this academic failure: the so-called professor political science who wrote in the Nation that all forms of capitalism are the same. What an idiot.
    His colleague, the woman who called on the public to get rid of the Westminster/Whitehall model, but in so doing failed to explain this model – a victim of learning by rote..
    And, the way the media constantly run to the same so-called economic spokespeople who trot out the same nonsense every time there is a development in the economy. Nothing new, but our media keep running to them for an explanation.
    Let us grow up and have a proper conversation, or is that disloyal to the nation.

  48. “It was imperative for her to fix the transport problem, the SSA problem, the sewage problem, and all the other problems affecting normalcy in Barbados.”

    Yardfowls are ACTING as though that is NOT WHAT the ELECTORATE…and TAXPAYERS ELECTED and HIRED Mia and are PAYING HER to do…no one ELECTED HER TO BE ANY SUPREME LEADER…covering up criminal shite, awarding crooks and FORGETTING that she is the SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE…and not the other way around…


    Mia is not doing ANYONE ANY FAVORS….so get that through ya miseducated skulls…

    but yardfowls and the mentally enslaved are one and the same… they are blind to reality.

  49. “Again, another glaring inconsistency like all of the arguments postulated by scumbag miscreants like SSS and Donna and WARU”

    You got the copyright on derogatory comments?????? We have to pay you to use we mout?
    You think that you alone can say what you like??????

    This is the arrogance of which we speak! it is a disease shared by many of your ilk.

    P.S. “postulated, gargantuan and miscreant”

    Who are you trying to impress ya “pompass” windbag?

  50. And the beat goes on. .the poor gets shafted once again

    Central Bank apologizes for pay delay
    Question wuh happen to all the taxes and monies borrowed by present govt in 7 months
    One can bet that all the advisers and foreign consultants are being paid on time
    Not only has the interest rate been slashed but some domestic holders of government securities will have to wait a while longer before receiving payments that were due on December 31, 2018.

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