“Up to now you can’t say why the man is not deserving. In a small country how do you escape proximity to “power/decision-making”?”

Once I see you heading down this road, I know things bad.
No, No, No.
The onus is upon those conferring the honour to highlight the contributions, which are being recognized. Period.
Is Barbados, the country conferring the knighthood, doing so for work in Bermuda, Belize, Caymans, Turks and a little in Barbados too. Or for the leverage used in the BLP leadership battles.
Seems like another Marston Gibson were a Bajan leaves home and spends much of their career working elsewhere, only to return home and be knighted.
To me, if the PM had an ounce of moral decency, she would avoid selecting her father at all costs, especially in the first few opportunities she gets to bestow such an honour. What’s the rush? Is the man ill? – Northern Observer

To be honest the blogmaster does not pay too much attention to the New Year Honours list. The selection appears to be less than transparent and more importantly we are not enthused by a system that awards titles that is anchored to an irrelevant colonial past.

The New Year Honours List for 2019 released by the Government Information Service is as follows [blogmaster’s emphasis]:-

The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in the 2019 New Year Honours:


  • Assad John HALOUTE for services to the hospitality industry and philanthropy


  • Elliott Deighton MOTTLEY for services to the legal profession, diplomatic service and the community



  • Dr. Frances Louise CHANDLER, OBE for services to agriculture and sustainable development


  • Ms. Cynthia Joan WILLIAMS for services to nursing and the community


  • Reverend Hughson Carlos INNISS for services to youth empowerment and the fight against HIV/AIDS
  • John Wayne Anderson WATTS for services to environmental health

The decision to award Elliott Mottley a knighthood has attracted robust and muscular public comment across the length and breath of Barbados, notwithstanding the din generated by the holiday season. There is no need to be prolix with this matter. A repost of the blogmaster’s too brief comment to Northern Observer is enough.

Agree with this comment, the optics are bad and the brazenness of doing it in the first year of term is a foreboding act.

The opinion of the blogmaster is not meant to ignore Elliott’s Mottley’s contribution in his field of work. However, if the Prime Minister is serious about being a change agent she must avoid decisions that will distract and deepen citizen apathy. The herculean task to turn the country around is bigger than the aggrandisement of any family member. Even if that family member is her father. In fact some will suggest with good reason that the controversial waiver of the tax and penalties (NOT TAX DUE) in the amount of $1,051,872.28 to Elliott Mottley which came out of an audit of Mottley’s accounts is reward enough.

A word to the Prime Minister should be sufficient.


625 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley’s Father Awarded Knighthood”

  1. Wuhloss…Piece…hold ya corner AND “watch muh nuh”..lol

  2. WE keep saying that yardfowls are not even REMOTELY intelligent…Donna..it is instructive..

    in 2008…while in the island…I voted and was happy to be INSTRUMENTAL…like many others…in whatever form….in removing their corrupt, blighted asses from the parliament…I had no intentions of making that same mistake twice, not knowing what I now know…

    …but will be happy to be instrumental in removing these useless demons that the electorate HAD NO CHOICE..but to exchange the flip side of the same coin…for..no choice, but come 2023…choices will abound..tick, tock..

  3. “In the name of common sense” is either “Lorenzo” on steroids or a DLP agitator who wants to keep the issue in the limelight and he/she has succeeded. I even penned some satire on a make- believe conversation between Mia and Sir Elliot but can’t decide whether to publish same.

  4. Even if…no one wants to see the front side or the backsides of THAT CORRUPT DLP GOVERNMENT…in parliament…EVER AGAIN…so it is ok FOR THEM TO GIVE heat.

    ….current yardfowls will not even know the difference..and will even JOIN IN TO HELP…thinking that they are winding up the bloggers….lol…

  5. Donna and WARU

    So because the other person used a line | used, it means I am that person? I am not that igrunt. The Blogmaster can tell wunna that I only blog as Enuff. Wunna take wunna self too seriously. LMBAO.

  6. @Enuff
    David – Who liable in the event of a libel case?

    Of late you have frequently mentioned “ court clothes” and alluded to libel, is that the new strategy? Some of these people are quite litigious (for Owen mums the word) so are you letting the cat out of the bag?

  7. Donna

    Lord mek peace.Yuh mean I just step way from this blog for a minute and a Nuclear War about to erupt ? lol.

    First of all Donna – I thought you would be more discerning.

    That is definitely not Enuff.That is a member from the QC Sisterhood – Mia Amor Mottley HERSELF.Lolllllll

    Look at the sentence construction again and study yuh head real good.

    However I take great offence at that poster suggesting that Donna’s post is always filled with profanity – that is an unmitigated,big ,sour lie – that all who read Donna’s post would recognize.


    Yuh know what got dey head so dizzy – is the fact that the award to the father is being referred to as a ‘SHITEHOOD lol.

    Wunna got to pay me some warm dollars in royalties for dat dey.

    Yuh notice that they send Prodigal out of Bay Street to start responding and directing the public in their affairs.

    Wunna got dey head kerfuffle – tek wuh I telling you – simple as it seems.

    The big gun herself who wanted to shut down the blogs is reading underground just like David Thompson used to read um – and what she is reading she does not like – because yuh dun know the IMF and The World Bank and the regional prime ministers getting the information too.

    But Karma is a bitch.


    Whappax !

  8. It is a different person.

  9. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @WARU January 2, 2019 1:28 PM “The new Constitution River Terminal is like a ghost town.”

    I am likely the only person today who went out and took public transportation. I took two blue Transport Board buses, and two yellow buses without difficulty. I left home at 8:50. Made multiple stops at various business places and got back home at 12;50.

    I used both the Fairchild Street and the Princess Alice bus terminals without difficulty and without long waits. All staff were courteous, and al passengers were a joy to be around. We deservedly cuss the political class, but ordinary Bajans are still the good, decent Christian people we seek. An old woman dropped her 45 in error, a young man picked it up and ran behind her in order to return it. Young men and women rose on the buses without being asked and let their elders sit. Now if only we cold fix the political and business class. 45govt suggested emasculation, but I am not yet ready to cut off the balls of these good young men I encountered today.

    This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

  10. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    Only person on this blog

  11. “Yuh know what got dey head so dizzy – is the fact that the award to the father is being referred to as a ‘SHITEHOOD lol.”

    …that was so funny ah nearly died laughing..

    Enuff…we knew it was not you…that person is too desperate, ya do not have that trait, ya too laid back, that is why ya are going to get run over…lol

  12. …putting aside the jokes, Mia needs to FOCUS ON HER JOB…if she wants to IMPRESS US, she got a lot of work to do…and stop making these stupid, delusions of ENTITLEMENT MISTAKES…with her family, they are juvenile….WORTHLESS and COUNTERPRODUCTIVE..

    she continues to give the Blog ammunition..plenty of it…then the yardfowls come out to cry…when people like myself have absolutely NO SYMPATHY…

  13. But David/BU – even it is that person you wouldn’t tell us it is -true ?

  14. Simple..all the drama probably started…after ya got home..it is 3:08.

    Don’t mind Enuff with that court talk…if he really knew what was happening, he would RUN…in the other direction from other fowls…

  15. @T.Inniss

    It is a different person.

  16. Ok David.

    I take your word for it.


    What did you think about that intervention though ?

    BU is the go to place when you want to feel the pulse of the people.

    It is indeed the People’s Parliament.

    Boy yuh gotta put on yuh amour when yuh come in this place yeah.

    So tell me what you made of that intervention David ? – and I don’t believe it is no low level person either.

  17. It is obviously a passionate young BLP supporter.

    Like they are entitled to defend a party position.

  18. I don’t believe that is a young BLP supporter.

    So you are now making me second guess whether it really is not Mottley.

    Young people don’t go off on vocabulary and language.That is usually not their focus.

    I am back to thinking IT IS MOTTLEY – or someone senior in the party.

    Its all good though.

  19. This is now a new year, yet what passes for serious political discussion on BU continues to assault the mind. We were promised months ago a detailed analysis of the Mottley-led BLP government, so far without any luck.
    We have an on and off running debate about Ross University and housing at Coverley, yet we have tens of thousands of people who are either homeless or living in over-crowded conditions and not a word is said about how wealthy students from all over the world can walk in to relatively decent accommodation while locals are totally ignored. Where is the social conscience of the BLP government?
    We have people who are hungry, many of them suffering from malnutrition, yet there is talk about feeding Ross University students in government facilities. Are Bajans collectively mad?
    But, as I have said on a number of occasions, it will all end in tears.
    This little island, described in all seriousness as a democratic Republic with a foreign Monarch, is a failed state.

  20. @ David
    You can always tell when a blog hits the spot….
    All kinds of party gangsters come out of the woodwork …

    @ Sargeant
    I even penned some satire on a make- believe conversation between Mia and Sir Elliot but can’t decide whether to publish same.
    Yuh gwine mek we beg…???

    PubliSHIT nuh…

  21. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @T.Inniss January 2, 2019 5:44 AM “for taking back their 10 % salary after giving it up for more than 2 years.”

    But TInniss. If one “gives up” something, and then takes it back, then one has not “given up” anything at all.

    When we were at elementary school and someone gave something and then took it back we wold set a “cat boil” for them.

    But like you I too would like to know whether the BLP MP’s also “gave up” part of their salaries to charity, and if so which charities, how much, and when.

  22. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @T.Inniss January 2, 2019 5:44 AM “…berating them for taking back their 10 % salary after giving it up for more than 2 years. By the way did your MPs ever give up their 10 % salary back then ? (nobody seems to know for sure) – did it ever go to Charity ? – which Charity though ?”

    But TInniss if someone “gives up” something, then takes it back two years later, that person has not really ‘given up” anything. Back in the day when we were at elementary school, if a person “gave” a gift, then took it back we would set a “cat boil” for them, and soon we would see a large stye on the eye of the unfaithful “giver”

    But like you, I too am curious as to whether the BLP MP’s ever “gave up” a part of their salaries, and if so to which charities, and when.

    And I don’t want to hear no cute talk about not embarrassing the recipients.

    If they were “afraid of embarrassing the recipients” they could/can all put together and give one large donation to the Salvation Army or the Cancer Society or Cancer Support services, or other such large charities which are not “embarrassed to be seen receiving.”

  23. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    pieceuhderockyeahright January 2, 2019 7:38 AM “Change that will affect that big long list that you typed here recently. Police, Social Services, the Judiciary, Education, our infrastructure, Crime, Druglord Immunity, Criminals in Parliament, Tyrants and Despots. How can that be changed? By the Gun or by the Ballot Box? And though many would say that the number of killings in Barbados suggests that it is happening by the gun.”

    When Doris’ grandson shoots Sheila’s grandson what kind of change is that? Two young men, neither of whom deserved to die, and the “duopoly” as some of you here call it remains in place, the “merchant” class remains in place.

    And Doris is bereaved, and Sheila is bereaved.

  24. Sargeant
    Constantly assuming I am an insider or a paid agent is childish. Maybe I am just intelligent enuff to frame my own ideas and opinions (and stick to them) even in the face of hostile opposition from most on BU. You don’t hear me parotting Ministers either, in fact I believe I have a better grasp and experience of, and exposure to, public policy than half the Cabinet. If also you think asking someone if they have court clothes for making potentially libelous comments is a sign of my knowledge of a planned strategy, I feel for you. I run from no one on this blog, not a fella or heffa.

  25. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @John January 2, 2019 7:49 AM “In 1681, the King of England gave William Penn Sylvania in America as a place of refuge. Many Quakers from Barbados went there to settle.

    A Simple question: How could the king of england give philadelphia to william penn, when philadephia was the home and the property of the indigenous people? All you are telling me was that the king of england was trafficking in stolen goods, and that the white bajans who went to philadelphia were receivers of stolen goods.

    @John January 2, 2019 7:49 AM “I also came across a Philadelphia in Barbados on an old map!!!”

    There is sadly still a Philadelphia Lane in Barbados, the Lane right “below” Collins Limited on Broad Street.

  26. T. Inniss,

    That one hit the spot! Shitehoods!


    For those who are preening their feathers and puffing out their chests like peacocks, to be laughed always hurts the most. They really believe they are impressing people with their shite titles. Nowadays “SIr” is like a bad word to most Bajans.


    Can you imagine that I was berated for not considering the children and grandchildren of those I “slandered.” when politicians talk worse about each other in the House and on political platforms than I ever did.

    Double stupse!

    Anyway, it is still my opinion that the haste with which the PM offered the shitehood and the haste with which it was accepted speaks volumes about them both.

    And I know that there is NOTHING there that can constitute a lawsuit!

    Triple stupse!

  27. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @Hal Austin January 2, 2019 8:14 AM “Simple Simon is at best being disingenuous, at worst being economical with the truth. A Christin culture does not men everybody goes in to church every Sunday. It means in the wider world, if not in narrow, inward-looking Barbados, a society whose values are rooted in Christianity.”

    Where did I mention anything about everybody, or anybody, or nobody going to church on Sundays?

    At what point in Barbados’ history was Barbados’ values rooted in “thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, with all thy mind, with all thy strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”

    Barbados was born and grew up in the in the sin of slavery, where people who called themselves Christians, enslaved God’s African children. This continued for hundreds of years. Is that the period referenced by you and by John as Barbados’ Christian period?

    From 1838 to 1938 there was legal freedom, but the exploitation of God;s African children continued, so much so that the people rose in rebellion against their mistreatment. Is that the period referenced by you and by John as Barbados’ Christian period?

    As you never tire of telling us modern Barbados is a failed state. Is is possible for a “a society whose values are rooted in Christianity” to be at the sme time failed state? Would you or John call modern Barbados “a society whose values are rooted in Christianity.”

    Is modern Barbados that is the period from 1937 to 2019 the period referenced by you and by John as Barbados’ Christian period?

  28. The usual bullshit from John..the shitehound in England back then was a THEIF…

    …someone should just pick up John’s house in his decrepit age, chuck his ass on the streets and give the property away to some homeless black people in the ghetto…that would be appropriate…he better don’t let TEETHS and PAIN know where he lives..lol

  29. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @In the Name of Common Sense January 2, 2019 11:07 AM “You all are traitors.”

    Please do not come on the blog and cuss this portion of the electorate. The DLP yardfowls spent years doing that, and how did it work out for them?

    Because one hates the Prime Minister and/or her father [and I’ve never met either of them, so I don’t know enough about either to love them or to hate them. They are both strangers to me] that does not make the person a traitor.

    A traitor is one who betrays the their country, who betrays the state.

    The Prime Minister is not the state.

    The Prime Minister’s father is not the state.

    There is no divine right of Prime Ministership or of Kingship, or of Queenship. We all know this, as does the PM, and her father. The Prime Minister was put there not by God, but by the ordinary electorate, and when the ordinary electorate is ready we will remove her.

    if you wish to defend the PM and her daddy, as you have every right to do, then you must come respectfully and intelligently, and truthfully

    Cussing this portion of the electorate is not helpful.

    A word to the wise is sufficient.

  30. Watch your language, girl! The “big ups” are reading and they believe that only they should be allowed to cuss!
    One of them actually cuss me fuh cussing!


  31. “Whenever I read this sh*thole blog, it makes me sick to my stomach. But nothing can outdo the comments,,,blah blah blah”

    This person berated me for the use of the word shite whilst using the word shithole.

    Wuhlaus! Wuh ent dat a ting nuh????!!!!

  32. Enuff on January 1st @ 7:40 p.m.

    @ Tinniss

    You read and listen to respond in line with your narrative and not to understand.


    I now realise the exact quote you were referring to that – ‘In the Name of Common Sense’ – used.

    Things that make you go hmmm.

    I was told they usually sit in the war room in Roebuck street – or in the Opposition office – before elections – and send out these projectiles.

  33. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @In the Name of Common Sense January 2, 2019 11:33 AM “…to know such an obscure word.”

    Beknighted is not, I repeat NOT an obscure word.

    If you feel the love and the need to defend the PM, do so.

    But I beg ya please, leave the English language alone.

    When it comes to the English language I don’t tangle with Hal, nor Donna, nor WARU.

    I know better.


  34. motley mottley….. actions like this lean more toward the first spelling

  35. I change my mind .I have read over the comments by that person – and Mia writes better than that.I do not think it is Mottley.

  36. “A traitor is one who betrays their country, who betrays the state”

    yeah…by selling out YA OWN PEOPLE to cow, bizzy, bjerkham, tempro, Maloney, etc….and every lowlife white, Indian, Syrian yall can find…TO BRIBE YA…

    by taking bribes from minority criminals….to sell ya people…

    by helping bizzy, cow, pemberton et al rob the NIS PENSION FUND for their 4 seasons scam…and also rob Cowell, Webber, this one and that one, hence ALL YALL ARE BLACKLISTED…across Europe…

    by helping the lawyers ROB THEIR CLIENTS…

    by helping keep the supreme court in a constant state of corruption that has now rendered it non-functional…..AND CLOSED to active cases..

    by bringing into the island every lowlife crook and tief they can find…to help them ROB THE TREASURY..


    by not LOCKING UP those from the DLP who ROBBED THE PEOPLE AND ISLAND..

    by having offshore accounts and not shutting down all ya fellow crooks who also have offshore accounts and return the money AND PROPERTIES to the people to whom it rightfully belongs…

    by protecting ya fellow lawyer/crooks who rob everyone…all their clients…thief all their land, rob the dead, dying, disabled and abled….

    by allowing only certain people to traffic cocaine, guns including ENGAGING IN the stolen cars racket out of Europe…..into Barbados…

    by having certain traffickers protected and their drugs escorted…by ****** when it enters the island…






    it suits yall..

    don’t mess with me…yall WILL REGRET IT…

    AND..ah have not even started on the Peter HARRIS SCAM YET….but take time Barney..yall will come again…

  37. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @In the Name of Common Sense January 2, 2019 11:46 AM “You all keep mentioning it a lot, so just wondering. You all actually think I am a BLP yardfowl? That is a sad commentary on Barbados.”

    Not only are you mashing up d people language, you mashing up logic as well. Because somebody on BU calls you a yardfowl, how does that get to be a sad commentary of the good 280,000 people of Barbados most of whom have NRVER been on BU.

    Did it occur to you that the yardfowl comment is just ONE PERSON’s opinion?

    An opinion that hundreds of thousands of Bajans may or may not share?

    Defend the PM as is your right, but I bag ya use some logic.

  38. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @Donna January 2, 2019 12:37 PM “Silly fool does not know that I write simply so everyone can understand. PS. Who does cuss more, drink more and whore more than the “elites?”

    Cuhdear Donna. Ya din have to beat up In the Name of Common Sense so bad.”


  39. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @Prodigal Son January 2, 20191:12 PM “kicked their arses to the curve big time.”

    Please forgive me for issuing the correction, but the phrase is “kick to the curb” as when a person or an object is kicked out of building and lands on the CURB, that it the thingy, that may save their behinds just before they hit the main road and get run over by a cement mixer.

    Repeat after me: CURB.

  40. wuhloss…Piece..”watch muh nuh”….murdahhh!!!


  41. That list right there ..is the TRUE DEFINITION..of DLP, BLP and BAR ASSOCIATION TRAITORS…..to the people of Barbados..ya won’t find any others..outside of that cancerous criminal circle…except for those who bribe them…

  42. I am not surprised by the reaction of my opponents to a well-known saying. Yet one professes to be a member of the intelligentsia.🤣🤣🤣

  43. I was here shaking in my boots. Now I am afraid to type a single words.

    Grammar, misspelling and typos are being corrected.

    My/your patriotism is questions…

    Good job HaHa guy. You met him/her on his battleground and vanquished him/her.

  44. Enuff 68…the miscalculation backfired…so how are ya going to help ya masters…when you have no clue what is going to come out next..lol

  45. what??? no more smartass come back for me tonight …don’t worry…..yall will forget and do it again…that is guaranteed…lol

  46. Once upon a time not so long ago when the dlp was in power.
    On BU there was a man using the moniker Colonel who would make it his business to post pictures of garbage piling on the streets of Barbados
    Now lol and behold Colonel excellent work of posting pictures of a filthy barbados is no more since the blp came to power
    Could it that he died or was / is a political top brass bowl yardfowl too busy eating his full share of compensation off the govt / taxpayers table
    For certain cant see how he can ignore in full sight garbage piling mile high up in the sky and dead dogs lying amongst the filthy site and not post a picture on BU

  47. I am tiiired proving y’all wrong. Keep trying, wunna can’t win.

  48. Beat the bushes search
    This expression originates from the way in which hunters walk through undergrowth wielding long sticks which are used to force birds or animals out into the open…

    Waru and Mariposa beat the bush and you jump out

    Enuff the quail…

  49. lol…I can remember when lowlife Cheney claimed he mistook an over 6 foot tall man for a quail and filled him with buckshot…lol…

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