Prime Minister Mia Mottley shows off a Kensington Oval ready for T20 World Cup
As a teenager visiting the Plaza cinema to watch Kung Fu movies, there was always at least one unruly person who put his feet on the chair in front of him and behaved badly. During those times, I would wonder where the adults were.

I remember promising myself that when I reached 30 years of age, I would be the adult whom I expected to intervene. Since reaching that milestone, I have tried to keep that promise in defense of others. It is one of the reasons why I entered politics, and is the main reason why I write these weekly articles.

During my career, I have witnessed much wickedness in high places. The level of corruption is so shocking that anyone reading about it could not be faulted for concluding that it was fiction.

In 1995, Transparency International (TI) published their first Corruption Perceptions Index report, which exposed the extent of corruption globally. They published their second report in 1996. The Caribbean was not included in these early reports, but it was only a matter of time before TI would focus on the Caribbean.

In an act of pure coincidence, in 1997 our parliamentarians effectively discouraged any public discussion of corruption by passing the Defamation Act. Under this act, anyone who revealed genuine cases of corruption, with incontrovertible evidence, could be found guilty of defamation and punished accordingly. However, the Act protects politicians if they talked about it in parliament.

Not long ago, I attended a committee meeting of a statutory corporation, where some members were formally discussing giving a no-bid contract to a contractor. I stated that what they were proposing was corruption. There was a very heated exchange – the fellow actually rose to his feet to fight me. They seemed completely unaware of what corruption actually was, but were highly offended at being associated with it.
The corrupt operate in the secret political economy, which is normally exclusively reserved for political supporters in exchange for bribes. The way of corruption is for Ministers to instruct that no-bid contracts should be awarded to specific companies.
Inexperienced Ministers tend to deceive themselves by their good intentions. They tend to stumble onto the path of corruption by trying to justify allowing no-bid contracts. The current BLP administration has many inexperienced Ministers just waiting to stumble, and I am trying my best to prevent them from falling.
A root cause of our economic problems is the corrupting practise of Ministers directing no-bid contracts. The DLP made themselves highly offensive with that deplorable practise over the past decade. Shockingly, the BLP appear to be carrying on where the DLP left off, but in an even more brazen manner, as if that were even possible.
Last week, many BLP parliamentarians delighted their supporters by accusing the last DLP administration of gross corruption. Ironically, during the same week, the BLP appeared to play the hypocrite by announcing several major no-bid contracts, and they had the gall to boast about it. No! No! No! No! No! and ten thousand times No! We simply cannot go down that road again. All of this austerity cannot be in vain.
Has the BLP learnt nothing from the DLP’s unconscionable behaviour? Why is the government persisting, even more brazenly, with this corrupting political economy? Why is the government intentionally disqualifying competent companies from tendering for tax-payer funded projects? Why is the government shielding politically favoured companies from competing? Are the Ministers aware that when they give no-bid contracts, the public tends to pay many times over for the resulting bad work and bad advice?
Let me write directly to the BLP’s inexperienced parliamentarians. We have been here many times before. We are sick of the ‘good intentions’ excuses that have been used to justify keeping a political economy for the exclusive use of the Party’s politically protected companies. The end never justifies the corrupting means – ever.
I implore you to reject the political economy and the way of the corrupting no-bid contracts. Those who go down that road rarely find their way back, since they sell their souls to the master corrupter who will not easily let them go. Expect some political supporters to demand their pre-paid share of the political economy from you.
They will pressure you to award them no-bid contracts with the typical excuse of urgency. Once you have been tricked into starting down that dark road, the nation will suffer. Companies who bully their way to the trough of the political economy, knowingly disqualify the most competent companies from tendering on government contracts. They should be utterly ashamed of themselves.
You will also be pressured into believing that it is specialist work that only they can do. Unless they own the patent, or have an exclusive-use contract for the technology, then that is a well-worn lie from the very pit of hell. Why not challenge their ridiculous assertion by allowing a competitive tender? What is the possible benefit to yourselves or the country of disqualifying the country’s most competent companies from tendering? I expect an answer to this question from each of you.
There is no right way to do wrong things, and giving no-bid major contracts is definitely wrong. Further, giving no-bid contracts in a depressed economy is so far beyond wrong as to qualify as satanic.

I implore you, repent of this evil and do right things. In your manifesto, every one of you promised, on your sacred honour, that you would provide a Contractor General to review government contracts and those of State Owned Enterprises. You have had enough time to establish this critical post, yet you have failed to do so. What happened? Was this another initiative that must be a sacrificed casualty of the unnecessary BERT austerity plan? Have you even read that secret plan?

Your options are simple. Either repent and terminate those corrupting no-bid contracts and allow a fair tender process, or be deceived with your ‘good intentions’ and continue down the road to hell.


Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at

276 responses to “The Grenville Phillips Column – The Road to Hell”

  1. Again I ask, if taxpayers money built the BWA building, I remember hearing about all the hundreds of millions of tax dollars went into that building… WHY are the builders Innotech the goddamn LANDLORDS…what stinking corrupt thing did Lashley, Lowe and Estwick do with Innotech….to the detriment of the people.

    Ah wonder if Mia still thinks her DLP friends don’t belong in JAIL.

    An intelliget government would not ALLOW any minority people….your enemies, be in charge of your water supply….not even the building, but a vicious, corrupt government did, so now what.

    “Innotech Aquaserve Ltd is tightening the screws on the Barbados Water Authority (BWA).

    On Tuesday, the company started to remove the community tanks from critical water-scarce parishes, including St Joseph, St Andrew and St John, leaving many residents upset.”

  2. Grenville

    Most of the BLP MPs have been in the house before – so they are not inexperienced – just that they are not from the top drawer.The same thing they accuse the last administration of.

    Starting with Dale marshal – Has been in the House for years

    Cynthia Forde

    Dwight Sutherland

    Roland Toppin

    Santia Bradshaw

    Edmund Hinckson

    Kerrie Symmonds

    Gline Clarke

    William Dugid

    George Payne

    Jeffrey Bostic

    To listen to them in the House is as enjoyable as pulling teeth.Piss poor.

    You said they have continued the practice of no bid contracts like the DLP – of course after criticizing and running to the media about this practice – yet they turn around and do they same thing.

    What about the printing of money – the criticize the Dems for that – yet Mottley continued the same path when she got in

    Mottley criticize the big cabinet under Stuart – yet she almost double it when she got in

    She criticized the appointment of Parlimentary Secretaries – she has them now though

    What about overseas travel by the last P.M. – She said it is unconscionable that Freundel flying around while bajans suffering – and he should cut out so much travel – wuh she travelling even more

    She criticised the use of a lot of consultants – now who got more consultants than Mottley

    She even gone so far as to take a weather presenter and place her as a Deputy Permanent Secretary.


    How is that change working out for wunna.

  3. “They seemed completely unaware of what corruption actually was ……..”

    You are quite correct, Mr. Phillips! And this also applies to those with the power to act against such corruption ie: the DPP, Police, etc.

    They know how to report motorists, arrest ganja smokers, etc. but don’t have a clue on how to go after those in “political crime”.

    We do not have independent council like in the USA to go after those in high office so the best we can hope for is that they are exposed….. so, come on, Mr. Phillips….. give us the DETAILS:
    (1) list the no-bid Contracts awarded
    (2) who got these Contracts
    (3) who were the committee members voting for these Contracts
    (4) etc…….

    I am afraid without revealing this type of information, you are acting “just like dem” …. a true politician!!!

  4. The Government does not intend to get the “best deal or value” for the taxpayer – if there is no public tendering process (PTP) for all of its contracts. The absence of a PTP may lead to accusations that the Government has awarded its contracts to its “friends”. And if there was a PTP – I suspect that it would be perceived as a sham.

    How can any Government urge Barbadians to set up their own businesses – if they do not have a fair chance to win a Government contract?

  5. There is a procurement policy supported by financial rules. The last government adopted a policy that PPPs allowed it to circumvent the process.

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ks December 12, 2018 7:45 AM
    “I am afraid without revealing this type of information, you are acting “just like dem” …. a true politician!!!”

    Excellent, “ks”!

    You have hit the ‘bent’ nail on its hypocritical head.

    This is the GP 11 MO of getting a piece of the contracts-award action in order for him to shut up.

    It works all the time. Ask Commisiong!

    Why is GP no longer prosecuting the case for the erection of the Hyatt hotel as he did previously? Has he found out finally that it was just a mirage of a construction project with consultancy fees and kickbacks no longer available to be filtered from the taxpayers’ trough?


    You reap what you sow.

  8. As Maloney handed back the Mercedes gifted under duty free concessions related to the Hyatt?

  9. another day
    same bullshit in the daily drivel
    a lot of long talk

    HE AINT LIE ah lie?

    ha ha

  10. We can’t even say they are not ALL getting exactly what they DESERVE, they are all the enemies of the majority black population with the ministers colluding with those MINORITY ENEMIES to rip off their own people….

    We get to watch them REAP THE WHIRLWIND.

  11. The bloggers shottin today….ks & TT
    Maybe the blogmaster should begin a list of GoB contracts….
    *the transport for students from Coverley to Campus has been awarded….the PTP?
    *renovations to the conference centre are well underway….the PTP?
    * Government printing? (@TI not like you to leave Prescod off your list?)

  12. What are these “no-bid” contracts?

  13. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ KS

    You need to get banned from BU

    Imagine that you come here and expose how Grenville Phillips dis man who claims to be like Batma and is fighting crime, always comes here and hints at these issues yet he doan expose nobody.

    BU BAN KS for their anarchy and seditious behaviour, it brings down the standards of the blog to make these truthful observations.

    A nex feller to ban is dat on PUDRYR he trekking a 6 for a 9 a and …..ooops am dat is me, right

    I was going delete dat last paragraph but I was did hit submit already…

  14. I mistakenly put this on the wrong thread…but why are the ones calling themselves Opposition so quiet about this particular obvious crime against the citizens by Innotech and ministers of the former DLP.

    ..ah wonder if they are waiting for the current jokers in the defunct DLP to say something first…it won’t surprise me in the least…they are all barely functioning idiots as far as I am concerned anyway..

    And have these THIEVING DaSilvas from Innotech ARRESTED while they at it…because from reports…an IDB LOAN….in TAXPAYER’S NAME…built the BWA building…

    Innotech gave a 30 million dollar amount then INFLATED THE INVOICE TO OVER one hundred million…of course to accomodate the BRIBES for MINISTERS..

    ……..THEN …Innotech was GIVEN a LOAN…to help them complete the building….so which DUMB NEGRO SELLOUTS in the former government…..made Innotech the LANDLORDS of the BWU building..for 13 YEARS….IN EXCHANGE FOR BRIBES.

    AND to add iNSULT TO INJURY…the same dumb sellout negros had the nerve TO RENT community TANKS…from the same THIEVING DaSilvas instead of BUYING THEIR OWN…..all in exchange for BRIBES..

    It is time to LOCKUP the CATTLEWASH CROOKS…they are going TOO FAR.

    And as for the WICKED LAWYERS who read such an obviously null and void document and signed off on such a criminal contract to disenfranchise their own selves, their own families, children and grandchildren……and the population as a whole…well let’s just say, ya should be living in China…they would know what to do with you…corrupt rats.

  15. Oh lawd now. The IDB part built a building? Salemite please provide the link to the IDB loan to build a new BWA HQ. Thannks! 🤔🤣

  16. All of the politicians “crying shame” that no one from the former Gov’t (Donville excepted) has been arrested and put behind bars for corruption. “We want justice” they cry, our International image is in shambles and as John King put it “If it is with my last breath it can’t go down so. The country did not deserve it.”.

    Since they are all members of the ruling party and since we ostensibly stlll have a functioning Justice system in Barbados, why don’t they ask the AG to launch an investigation and arrest the scofflaws? In the interim we hope that John King doesn’t have to spend his “last breath” fighting corruption we want to ensure that he spends whatever breath he has looking out for the “little” people, the people who were laid off that he said shouldn’t be complaining.

  17. Yardfowl Enuff…do ya own research..the info is there regarding the IDB loan for building the BWA building…I don’t work for yardfowls..

    If ya weren’t so dumb..the first question you would ask is…how did the initial invoice given by Innotech rise so rapidly from 30 million dollars to over 100 million dollars, cost overruns are never that rapid, the invoice was padded with corruption…but as ah said, way above ya intellect and. pay grade..

    Tell Cynthia and King that shite talk is no talk unless backed up with action..



  19. Woman provide the link do. Stupse!

  20. The IDB funding a PPP projecr?🤔😂

  21. Sometime ago there was talk of privatizing BWA, given all the issues that they are facing is the current impasse with Innotech a prelude to privatization? Is this some sort of stratagem related to BERT.

    Enquiring minds want to know.

  22. All like this shite here…why is Michael Lashley still walking the streets when he should be locked the hell up….

    Enuff in Wonderland… all in good time, the info will be revealed..since ya don’t want to go checking for it yaself, someone else will deliver the info on the world stage…right where it belongs..

    “The state-owned National Housing Corporation (NHC) executed a contract with developer Mark Maloney’s Villages at Bushy Park SRL company in 2013 without authorization from the NHC board.

    This is evidence recorded in the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament for 2013 – 2018, a 74-page report which members of the House of Assembly formally acknowledged in the Lower Chamber today.

    “Contrary to the established and required practice, the MOU [memorandum of understanding] with respect to Bushy Park, was executed even though there was no board resolution authorizing the same. Indeed, the chairman of the NHC wrote the acting general manager on the 12th February 2013, informing him that he was instructed on 8th February by the Minister of Housing Michael Lashley that the memorandum of understanding between the NHC and The Villages at Bushy Park SRL be prepared and executed ‘as expeditiously as possible,’” the PAC report disclosed.”

  23. It is clear Innotech is coveting BWA…they had no money to build the building, it was not sufficient and they got a loan, it is clear they are a fly by night broke ass operation with no money…so why were they made landlords of the building for 13 years if no corruption is involved, who even does that, make the builders the landlords..when the land and building are government/taxpayer owned..

  24. Private/Public Initiatives are a scam. We have to dig beneath the publicity to get at the real meat. Who made this agreement? How long is it for? What is the annual charge? Who own the freehold at the expiry of the lease? Who are the managing agents? Who pays for the maintenance, etc?

  25. Just watching how the media continues to manipulate the people
    On a day when govt is being embarrased for it’s inability to pay its bill to Innotech
    The media hoist a red herring about corruption
    This govt has been in office for six months
    This govt has the likes of George Payne and Dale Marshall being openly accused of illegalties also the name Edmund Hinckson has been recently added to the list amongst chief offenders
    Yet clowns and class A BU idiots expecting govt to find corruptors and jail them never mind tge3 corruption is embedded amongst their own
    As for the story about Innotech this us just the beginning if the economic tears which people would be shedding as this govt pursue policies which would benefit the rich whilst gutting the social enviroment of this country
    How in the name of any policy can govt ask people to maje unconscionable sacrifices to appease the financial institutions at the risk of a collapsing social enviroment

  26. Mariposa…someone has to go to prison for all of that corruption in DLP that COST the majority population SO MUCH…

    …the corrupt with their offshore accounts of millions of stolen dollars have to fall, nothing less will appease the people who are SUFFERING, because of those loses and because of the corrupt..

    Something has to give..

  27. “Oh lawd now. The IDB part built a building? Salemite please provide the link to the IDB loan to build a new BWA HQ.”


    Unless the details of this “IADB loan” for the construction of the BWA Headquarters, have not been made public as yet.

    However, as far as I recall, the Barbados government received a loan from the IADB for the Water and Sanitation Systems Upgrade Project, which was supposed to be undertaken by the BWA.

    The contract was originally entered into between the Barbados government and the IADB on March 21, 2010, and the total cost of the project was estimated at US$53M, of which the Bank was supposed to finance US$50M and the government, US$3M.

    Sinckler signed the Amendatory Contract # 1 re Loan Contract No. 2255/OC-BA, on behalf of the government, on September 13, 2013 and the IADB’s representative in Barbados, Joel Branski signed for the IADB, September 4, 2013.

  28. As ah said…the information will be highlighted on the WORLD STAGE where it BELONGS…

  29. @Mariposa,

    If government has defaulted on its debt, domestic and foreign, and is still collecting public revenue, why then can’t it pay its debt to Innotech, unless Innotech forms part of the basket of debt it has defaulted on? Plse have a word with Mia.

  30. You have not read the report? Innotec has refused several requests to renegotiate the term sheet.

  31. The IADB has a standard policy of posting to their website……ALL the relevant details as it relates to the application or proposal for loans, approvals, loan contracts and disbursement of loan funds.

    As such, I “find it very strange” that they would not release details on any loan made to the Barbados government for the construction of the BWA headquarters……

    ……..instead preferring to reveal that information “on the world stage.”

  32. @Daavid,
    I am not sure if that was a reference to me. If it was it says a lot about why I think you are not the brightest star in the sky. Sometimes keeping quiet is best. Stop speaking on behalf of others. Do you make government policy? What has renegotiating your so-called term sheet got to do with paying your debt, silly man?

  33. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    Under this act, anyone who revealed genuine cases of corruption, with incontrovertible evidence, could be found guilty of defamation and punished accordingly. However, the Act protects politicians if they talked about it in parliament*

    I will say it again, Grenville needs a legal advisor, and not only to serve as AG in any unlikely Cabinet of his. If there is incontrovertible evidence of the imputation made, the defense of justification will absolve any defendant in a defamation action ,And there are defenses even to criminal libel-

    The defence of comment and the defence of privilege (whether absolute or qualified) shall extend to a prosecution for criminal libel as they respectively extend to an action for defamation.

  34. Govt collects millions in taxes from the poor gets millions in loans from thr IMF and IDB and today govt did not pay its outstanding bill to
    Innotech for the last six months

    What next

  35. As far as I know, the information re the BWA loan was in the local newspapers, it can STILL be found there….even info on the loan to Innotech, can be found there..

  36. LOL, lady admit you wrong and move on

  37. Wrong about what…yall grown ass idiots like to act like ya in kindergarten…go look for your own age group to play that game WITH … with the issue at hand, nobody CANT TAKE AWAY MY WATER…

    if the info is there it is there…

  38. You may have the last word.

  39. Phrases one is likely to hear in any discussion with some Bajans: “Barbados is a first world country”; “We punching above our weight”. So riddle me this how on Gods green earth is a company able to remove community water tanks which serve some areas of Barbados? Surely the company would have notified that this action was imminent and Gov’t or the BWA could have taken some action to remedy the situation (even if partially). Is this at the hands of the BWA or is it the Gov’t’s fault (don’t know if there is any daylight between the two). How come representatives e.g. Marshall, Payne etc. are not screaming to the heavens on the issue affecting their constituents?

    Gov’t is a continuum and the BLP has formed the Gov’t it is their baby and they have to fix it this urgent issue or will people have to rely on rainfall to get water?

    Another phrase one is likely to hear from some politicians is about “representing the poor black man”, poor black people are being left “high and dry”.

  40. @BU family

    It was reported that as part of government attempt to restructure debt and contracts to suppliers they were invited to the table. In the case of Innotec they have ignored several requests to meet with government to renegotiate contract and has obviously decided to take a different route. It is against this background the blogmaster made reference to the term sheet. This has been reported in the press as stated by the chairwoman of the BWA.

  41. @Sargeant

    Obviously Innotec has taken a hostile position to government’s aggressive position to restructure the PPP and other agreements.

  42. Innotech fid not refuse to renegotiate
    The fact being govt re -negotiating terms were unreasonable

  43. How do you know the terms were unreasonable if they never met?

  44. @David BU,

    Again, Innotech or any other organisation that has a contractual arrangement with government does not have to renegotiate any debt. The obligation is on the government to repay its debt. This is ABC in finance and contract law.
    You cannot go to Cave Shepherd and take out things on HP then go back and say the repayment is too high, can we plse renegotiate?
    The government is behaving like cowboys. To return to my original question: how did we find ourselves where are? Who agreed the PPI? What are the terms? The fundamental issue is not one of repaying, but how we got here in the first place. I think we did because the officials – politicians, civil servants and advisers – are not as clever as they think they are. Maybe they thought they were punching above their weight.

  45. “LOL, lady admit you wrong and move on….”


    As I previously stated, the IADB has a general policy of posting the entire details of loans on their website…. And I found it strange that information pertaining to this particular loan that was supposed to be disbursed to the Barbados government for the construction of the BWA headquarters could not be found on IADB’s website, or anywhere, for that matter.

    When someone uses vague phrases such as “do ya own research..the info is there regarding the IDB loan for building the BWA building…”

    ………..and when research did not reveal the afore mentioned outcome, we are then told “all in good time, the info will be revealed…..on the world stage” and further told the information was in the local newspapers…. without referring us to where the information can be accessed…..

    …………it is a clear indication that the individual does not “have a clue what he/she is talking about.”

    Sometimes it’s best to admit you don’t know, rather to continue fooling yourself into believing you know.

    I will now squirm in fear in anticipation of the verbal onslaught and how I’m having a “psychotic melt-down” for revealing the truth.

  46. @}Mariposa,

    Anyone who enters a contract then tries to bow out by renegotiating is acting, ipso facto, unreasonably. If that was the case a contract would be totally worthless. I could then take out a mortgage and then go back to the lender and say the repayment is too high, plse reduce it. Reason is beyond @David BU. I suggest to him to post anonymously.

  47. @Jeff

    You will admit the comment makes for good fodder in social media. Grenville is slowly tranformto the modern day politician by playing to the emotional needs of the electorate. How else can he hope to get elected?

  48. This govt would consistently rely on fake news to send theur message
    This govt was giving ample time to pay Innotech
    Govt was trying to bamboozled Innotech by using similar restructing formulas in the same way as they did to the pensioners by stealing their investment savings
    Innotech beat them at their game and govt has ended up with egg on their faces

  49. @David

    The social partnership is fraying at the edges.

    A dispute with Gov’t/BWA is one thing but to deprive people of water is a different animal, even in this capitalist driven society the energy companies don’t cut off utilities in the dead of winter and water is an essential commodity.

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