Submitted by PUDRYR

According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR, or the Commission) one of two bodies in the Inter-American system for the promotion and protection of human rights.

“…The Commission’s main function is to monitor compliance with and defence of human rights in the Americas….”

Notwithstanding its functions, it would seem, given the incoherent utterances of Dale Marshall, the Attorney General, that this government of Mia Mottley PROPOSES TO DENY every citizen and legal resident their constitutional rights.

This despotic action of the Barbados Government, a government which one again highlights is led by Mia Amor Mottley, proposes to remove ALL CASES THAT ARE OLDER THAN 10 years from the cases to be heard by the Barbados Courts,

This is a contravention of each person’s rights one which they propose to introduce in clear light of day as their pretense to ease the workload of our impotent courts.

De ole man would bring the readers attention to the IAHCR and more specifically its function which citizens WILL HAVE TO RELY ON SHORTLY “…The Commission can consider petitions from individuals who claim their rights have been violated by the State and who consequently, have been unable to find justice in their own country.

More specifically de ole man, while not a lawyer, would wish to quote Article 8. Clause 1 on one’s Right to a Fair Trial which states “Every person has the right to a hearing, with due guarantees and within a reasonable time, by a competent, independent, and impartial tribunal, previously established by law, in the substantiation of any accusation of a criminal nature made against him or for the determination of his rights and obligations of a civil, labor, fiscal, or any other nature.

Now, with all due respect to the legal luminaries, of whom Attorney General Dale Marshall DOES NOT SEEM TO BE ONE, the incoherent statement that he has made is flagrantly in dereliction to what is afforded every man under the Constitution (AS WELL AS THE TREATY)

Either we have to call the Barbados Attorney General Dale Marshall “a real ingrunt mother chucker” or, AND RIGHTFULLY SO, ascribe this statement to Prime Minister MOTTLEY SEEKING TO PURPOSELY DISCOMMODE CITIZENS & RESIDENTS of their rights, for any matter that is older than 3,650 days

This unilateral removal of one’s rights and obligations seems like an inverted, perverted Statute of limitations where, all a lawyer will have to do is to (i) either get adjournments for said ten year period OR (ii) LOSE A PERSON’S FILES FOR THE SAME 10 YEARS WHICH MEANS THAT YOUR LEGAL MATTERS ARE DEAD!!! 

But before concluding this drivel submission, the very shortest of de ole man’s drivel submissions, let me leave wunna with this article on Compulsory Acquisition by Mottley’s hero Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe formerly Rhodesia 

“…Land reform emerged as a critical issue during the Lancaster House Talks to end the Rhodesian Bush War. ZANU leader Robert Mugabe and ZAPU leader Joshua Nkomo insisted on the redistribution of land—by compulsory seizure, without compensation—as a precondition to a negotiated peace settlement.”

Wunna seeing and blatant patterns here? 

Constitution Changes, New Pernicious Laws, Anti WTO government contract awards to WeMoney Scams to the same man you change de Constitution for, Compulsory Devaluations of Government Issued Bonds, then the same GoB Disobeying an order of the Barbados Court to pay Supervisor Browne, warden at the Dodd’s Prison, and then locking up the same Dissenting Prison Warden because he challenges their man Bostic?

Wunna Sheeple see where we are going?

And the sheeple say “baaaaaaa”


238 responses to “How the Mottley Government Proposes to Deny Bajans their Human Rights…”

  1. The Royal Barbados Police Force (RBPF) has failed to launch an investigation into the alleged wrongdoings of the former Democratic Labour Party (DLP), says Minister of Environment and National Beautification, Trevor Prescod.
    Minister Prescod, while speaking on the Private Members’ Business Resolution before the House of Assembly today said that no Commissioner of Police or Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) thought it was his or her job to investigate any alleged criminal activities.
    “It is not about the breach of a moral principle. This is about crime Sir. The DPP did not take action. The police that arrest men for corn beef did not take action. Now the Government of the day which got 30 seats must understand what the 24th of May meant to the people, not what it meant to the Barbados Labour Party.
    “It is about 74 per cent of the electorate of Barbados saying we will swipe these people out, most of them ought to be in jail, or all ought to be in jail. But they are enjoying the best of life; regardless of how much agony poor people must face in this country,” Prescod said.
    The minister said the only government that has taken action thus far, is the United States (US) government, which has brought a case against former Minister of International Business Donville Inniss.
    The Member of Parliament for St Michael East questioned why the US government was aware that there was alleged criminal activity in Barbados and the former administration appeared to be unaware.
    “How the Commissioner of Police and the Police Force and the CID [Criminal Investigation Department], can determine if Prescod or anybody in this House of Assembly, or any poor man across this country, involve in selling marijuana, or break down their doors, and they did know what the whole electorate of Barbados knew?
    “You know, they expected that we would have taken action. But I want to tell my party this, you have to take action. You have to be able to interpret what occurred on the 24th of May, you have to understand what your historic purpose was as a political party,” he said. (Quote)

    At last someone in a position of influence is telling the truth. On May 24 the people of Barbados voted for change – not to make Mia Mottley an Empress. We want fundamental change right across every institution in Barbados. We want a Barbados fit for the 21st century.

  2. Spoken like a REAL man by Trevor P.

  3. Any case older than 10 years means that plaintiffs Human rights have already been denied by many years. The system has failed to the point where it can never be fixed as there exists nothing to replace a system staffed by severely retarded mental sloths.

  4. “This despotic action of the Barbados Government, a government which one again highlights is led by Mia Amor Mottley, proposes to remove ALL CASES THAT ARE OLDER THAN 10 years from the cases to be heard by the Barbados Courts,

    This is a contravention of each person’s rights one which they propose to introduce in clear light of day as their pretense to ease the workload of our impotent courts.”

    Always doing everything ass backwards, those cases should be COMPLETED and the LAWYERS and JUDGES, those not already dead, should be locked the hell up for deliberately and maliciously REFUSING to close cases that earned them BRIBES….and for VIOLATING the RIGHTS of CLAIMANTS and others who ever went to that CORRUPT COURT looking for justice..,AND for dragging the ELDERLY, those 60 years and over through a court system that robs them in a clear violation of their human rights..

    ….the TERMITES are human size in that house of vipers called a supreme court..time to EXTERMINATE THEM.

    The insurance executives and others who cursed that court until it was CRIPPLED with corruption should also be arrested for being bribemasters.

    The Mia government has to be called out for ALLOWING these human rights violations to continue…with the supreme court of the island being used to commit these crimes against the people by her friends and those very close to her.

  5. @Bush Tea

    John King was also fairly loud on the issue yesterday.

    Let us see if the hot air converts to something useful.

  6. There is Pratt and Morgan to support your line of thinking.

  7. “De ole man would bring the readers attention to the IAHCR and more specifically its function which citizens WILL HAVE TO RELY ON SHORTLY “…The Commission can consider petitions from individuals who claim their rights have been violated by the State and who consequently, have been unable to find justice in their own country.”

    It’s high time a COMPLAINT be made against the Barbados government for trampling people’s rights in the court system, by ALLOWING human rights violations to continure…..those COMPLAINTS are longggg overdue..

  8. We know that our rights have already been trampled by the lack of access to the judicial system within reasonable time frame. We know that justice delayed is justice denied.

    But my foolish question is – aren’t the dropped cases to be done with the consent of the aggrieved parties????

    Don’t see how it can be otherwise.

  9. @ David
    The majority of them were loud on the issue.
    Talk is cheap.
    They read the blogs and understand how people are thinking AND TALKING, so what else could they say
    Question is what will the DO…?

    This business of these lawyers opting to abandon old outstanding cases is like doctors deciding to euthanise all the patients that they are unable to diagnose and heal in order to make their records look good.

    The VERY THOUGHT of such shiite coming from the AG would be grounds for his immediate replacement if Bushie ran things.
    Lawyers (who probably have significant ‘skin in the game’) should NEVER be in position to make such decisions about our justice system…. and if they ARE in such position… they should keep their traps shut.

    There is a VERY SIMPLE flaw in the shiite court system.
    One that can be solved in a few months – and which would not only clear the backlog, but also fast-track all future cases.
    However, as Bushie has tried to explain, one CANNOT expect to solve complex problems by applying the same flawed thinking that CREATED the original problem in the first place.

    We try it all the time…. and when we fail, we just try harder – with more money.
    …like true brass bowls.

  10. Where is the voice of David Comissiong on this issue?


    Q. AFTER ALL THE LONG TALK WUH YA AH DUH as the Jamaicans say.

    ha ha

  12. Any government minister who stole tax payers money should be jailed.

    Any owners of private companies or employees that accepted contracts from government ministers and paid bribes should be jailed.

    All money stolen should be repaid.

    I will bet that if any DLP former ministers are arrested it will be the ones who are NOT family members or business associates of current BLP government ministers and party leaders.

    As an aside ( I like how dah sound ) what is the net worth of Trevor Prescod and John King ? Since they are ” shouting loud ” they probably are not members of the millionaires club.

    Buh doan mine me. I does write bare foolishness.

  13. “Where is the voice of David Comissiong on this issue?”

    Good question, Mariposa…

    But we all know he has been given a “shut yuh mout” appointment as CARICOM ambassador, which he could use to articulate his pet topic…… regional integration. So… him…. these days…… such issues are secondary.

    But, in all fairness to Comissiong, if you judge him on his performance as ambassador to CARICOM, and when compared with…….

    ………Denis Kellman, who was not able to finalise a fishing agreement with Trinidad & Tobago during his tenure……or for that matter……..achieve anything significantly associated with CARICOM…….

    ………and Bobby Morris, who in his role as CARICOM ambassador, was being paid by taxpayers to spent his time giving history lectures and political speeches at Astor B. Watts lunch time lectures…….

    ………you’ll have to agree that, so far, he has been doing a “moderate job.”

    However, and more importantly……. you should go on to ask where are the voices of lawyers from your party who, until recently…… once lined the corridors of parliament or ran as a candidate during the last general election. Such as:

    Freundel Stuart
    Michael Carrington
    Dave Cumberbatch
    Michael Lashley
    Stephen Lashley

    ………….and more so from former Attorney General Adriel Brathwate……. and Verla Depeiza, who is now president of your beloved party.

    But it seems as though, with the exception of Michael Lashley, who seems to be PSV operators’ favourite lawyer (especially after rumours suggested as the former Transport Minister, he is the owner of several ZRs and mini-buses)….

    …… the other lawyers apparently took a vow to remain silent.

  14. We the people want.

    Full disclosure of the assets and liabilities of all current members of parliament.

  15. Another “pick-a-noise” article. Noth pith, all hysterics. Lawd put a hand.😂😂

  16. Sidboyce

    “Any case older than 10 years means the plaintiff human rights have been already denied by many years”

    Not really …it means that the person’s right to due process had been denied but not his or her human rights … we have understand the difference between: human-rights- civil-rights- constitutional-rights and civil-liberites …

  17. Yeah…we are also eyes locked on to the “pick a noise” with Innotech…

  18. Salemite go block wid dem nuh. Who/what stopping you?😂😂

  19. Was the BWA a BOLT project?

    Was a tendering process followed?

    What do know that is public?

    The AG covered some of this in his report.

  20. Hant

    The Barbados I once knew is no more …
    The Barbados I left behind some three-decades is no more …
    The politicians that once made us proud to be called Barbadians are long gone …
    The honesty and that was synonymous with our identity as Barbadian is no more…
    And all that resonates with us are the memories of those happier times in Barbados…

  21. ” On Tuesday, the company started to remove the community tanks from critical water-scarce parishes, including St Joseph, St Andrew and St John, leaving many residents upset.”

  22. Ah block wid them already, the results were astounding, ah know ya are not capable of seeing to such heights…it’s way above ya intellect and pay grade….Enuff 68..

    There were reports in the newspapers about this Innotech scam against BWA ,facilitated by DLP government ministers…it is very clear corruption was involved in that tendering process, based on that alone, they should all, former ministers and Innotech thieves and bribers, go to prison.

  23. David
    Instead serial posters asking igrunce on the blog. #enuff

  24. What is PRIME MINISTER MIA AMOR MOTTLEY going to do about this threat to the health of poor Barbadians who need clean safe water and for whom water tanks are critical?

    Can a case be made for government to seize the water tanks and put them back so poor people can have access to water ?

  25. They are better off purchasing tanks for the communities…they have access to tax money in the treasury, as long as the government don’t try to turn it into another corrupt exercise…

    More effort should be put instead in bringing the bribers Innotech and the bribetaking former DLP ministers to JUSTICE..

    I can’t for the life of me figure out why these IDIOTS WITH TITLES ARE SO STUPID..


    …your food


    ..your water

    The minorities in Barbados ARE THE ENEMIES OF THE MAJORITY BLACK POPULATION..always have been…always will be…don’t know when the titled asses in parliament are going to learn that, but there is NO TIME LEFT.

  26. ya will fret all day…ya had no honeymoon period to do more SHITE..

    … REALITY has checked in….

    ….KARMA is knocking down the doors…

    ….yall panties EXPOSED…wuhlosss!!

  27. Barbadis us in deep doo.first govt unilaterally defaults
    The IMF takes control
    Govt decides to squeeze the living monetary daylights out of people peoples
    The local investors barbados owes are asking. Wuh happen to we money
    What next ?


    Ya see, this is what I mean, we don’t want all the SHITE TALK from Forde, King, Marshall, Mia and Prescod…

    we want to hear that the former ministers have been CHARGED FOR BRIBEY CORRUPTION..

    we want to hear that their BRIBEMASTERS in the minority business community, the Innotech DaSilvas, the Cow, Bizzy, Maloney, Bjerkham et al ARE CHARGED FOR BRIBERY CORRUPTION..

    we do not want to hear all the other crap…do ya goddamn jobs..ya already collected 7 months of salary in that parliament and have not done one shite yet to benefit the majority population.

  29. And just to keep everyone awake..any civil cases that I know about that the AG or any other lowlife in that Supreme Court messes with and refuse to bring closure to the people’s cases or deliberately institutes more delays for the 10 year period to expire to unfairly remove the cases from the court INSTEAD OF CLOSING THEM…and seeing that the claimants or whomever gets justice…instead of VIOLATING their RIGHTS…ah will be sure to let THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW..

  30. For the IMF it is all about reserves. Nothing about the social enviroment of the country
    This is just the beginning of the tears.

  31. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ WARU

    Trevor Prescod pelting rocks at people, can you imagine that? A man with a questionable past, as owner of the Israel Lovell Foundation.

    I also wonder who owns Prestige Print & Trading Ltd. in the Pine, that appears to be doing all the printing work now that BERT has hit the GIS and the Government Printery.

    Cynthia Forde was a Minister in the Owen Arthur Cabinet with George Payne.

    George Payne under Owen controlled the Ministry of Housing that changed the rules and hired Al Barrack NO BID and with no experience to construct the big building at Warrens that now houses government offices. Barrack bungled the job and another contractor was brought in to finish it.

    However Al Barrack the unqualified contractor was paid $150 million dollars as a court order after he challenged his dismissal.

    The same George Payne currently Minister of Housing under Mia and Dale Marshall WHILE IN OPPOSITION represented Al Barrack the unqualified Contractor NO BID and made millions legal fees from this shady deal first concocted by George Payne.

    So who gine get lock up for Edutech, and Greenland and Crabhill police station and St Leonard’s school and the Bath and ironically the Dodds prison and Kensington and ………………

  32. RE and St Leonard’s school





  33. “The same George Payne currently Minister of Housing under Mia and Dale Marshall WHILE IN OPPOSITION represented Al Barrack the unqualified Contractor NO BID and made millions legal fees from this shady deal first concocted by George Payne.”

    Well it appears Payne is also an UNQUALIFIED SOLICITOR, so they are in good company with each other.

    ah feel real good watching ALL of them crooks try to figure all of this out..until they implode..ah waiting for the implosion..

  34. For the past six months this govt have been asking Innotech to “holdoff”
    Govt gets loans from the IMF gets another loan from IDB chokes the people with massive taxes and turns a blind eye to the social enviroment of the country
    What next

  35. And don’t forget the millions collected from the hurricane relief fund
    Mottley gives away millions in tax waivers
    Mottley cut corporate taxes to 1 percent
    And cuts the poor people a.sses 100 percent

  36. @Mariposa,

    You got it. Transferring wealth from the poor to the rich. Who is Mottley ruling for?

  37. Georgie Porgie

    “St. Leonard’s School”

    If my memory serves me correctly … I do recall in a previous conversation that we had had … you made mention of the fact that you taught at my alma mater St. Leonard’s Boys Secondary in the 1970s … now if what you had stated bear any resemblance to the truth then you would have probably met the calypsonian Adonijah … because he also taught there during the 1970s as well … and he was quite popular with the student body … but where was the scholar …? Lol

  38. @Lexicon,
    Which year did you join St Leonard’s?

  39. Hal Austin
    I graduated in 1983 … and because I wasn’t that academically inclined … I had at my disposal three options … 1) lime with criminal element in the area …2) work down town Bridgetown with Indians who paid $50 dollars a week … 3) or go to the Polytechnic skills training program to learn a trade … which I did …

  40. @Lexicon,
    So you were 16 in 1983?

  41. Hal Austin

    Prior to migrating to America I worked at Home Center Limited- Speedway- Hill Supermarket- Uncle Wilbert Chicken processing plant in St. Thomas … Toppin Supermarket on Roebuck St… and I also substituted for the Grooms at District A when they took vacation and made $1,100 a month as a 18 year old kid …doing that job with I really loved…

  42. lol…wuhloss..

  43. These people find every which way to direct taxpayer’s money to their own pockets…

    Enuff yardfowl…….ah told ya people do not want to hear the long talk from Prescod or Cynthia or King, this is what you should be looking at…diverting taxpayers money into government minister’s pockets..

  44. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    The more things change the more they look the same.

    Island is way too steep in corruption and deception.

  45. Mariposa ,since you suddenly care so much for poor people,can you tell me if the beautify people get all their due monies yet?What about the majority of the 3000 sent home in 2013?What about the the BIDC workers who won their case against the ex Industry Minister now in the USA awaiting trial,have they been paid or rehired?Lastly yardfowl as Sir Lloyd asked how did we got back here where poor people now have to pay the price for poor management of the Economy by the past Government.In addition regularly we are hearing about some in my view dubious contracts entered into by the past Government,what says you about this.As for the author of this drivel the less said the better and likewise his sparing partner and know all Waru.

  46. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    Was Al Barack building in Warrens under the BLP a BOLT Project?

    Did it go out to open Tender or No Bid?

    Wasn’t it CONceptualise by George Payne former Minister of Housing under Owen Arthur?

    Was Al Barack qualified and experienced Contractor competent to complete the Project?

    Wasn’t the original contract under George Payne/BLP for $35 Million?

    How did George Payne/Dale Marshall whilst in Opposition years later ended up representing Al Barack and fleecing the tax payers $millions in legal fees with Al Barack profited many times over the original $35 million even though he was kicked off the Project for incompetence and another Contractor who was competent had to finish the job?

    The fisaco/Racket George Payne/Dale Marshall/Al Barack cost the taxpayers around $150 million with someone else having to finish the Building in Warrens.

    The Innotech fiasco/Racket pales in comparison to the above mess with both fleecing taxpayers under dubious undertakings.

  47. Lorenzo…am having the time of my LIFE, the entertainment is

  48. Whistleblower

    Until the people demand real and lasting change in the current state of affairs … things in Barbados will remain the same …. I have always heard that power is in the hands of the consent of the governed … but knowing how to exercise that power seems to Barbadian electorate Achilles heel …

  49. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington


    From whom shall “the people demand real and lasting change”?

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