We are the victims of an intense propaganda campaign, designed to mislead us into thinking that mass-suffering is the only economic solution for Barbados. It is not. It is like an overweight person being advised by surgeons, that the only method of losing weight is to traumatise the body by surgically removing excess fat. There is a proven non-traumatic solution of diet and exercise.

The proven non-austerity methods of lowering taxes, eliminating corruption and properly managing public services, can conservatively achieve a surplus of over $1B in the first year. However, despite the Prime Minister’s promise that all ideas would be allowed to contend, only the most severe austerity methods proposed by the BERT economic surgeons were allowed to contend. So, families need to prepare to survive.

The advice that I am sharing in this week’s column was to be shared with the approximately 3,000 Bees sent home under the DLP administration. However, the all-aboard unions would not allow me anyway near their laid-off members. Now that it is the BLP’s turn to send home Dees, let me bypass the unions and make the offer public.

Whether you have left school with many or no academic certificates, or whether you have been laid-off, fired, or never worked, this advice is for you. We are offering a 4-month employment-preparation workshop, where you will be practically finished to be a productive employee or self-employed person.

Our training assumes that you dropped out of school in first form. Therefore, regardless of how poorly you performed at school, you can achieve a practical standard of competence and confidence in: reading, writing, speaking, drawing, calculating, reasoning, planning, managing, innovating and creating. You will also be trained to conduct business in Barbados, and to take advantage of favourable tax treaties with the US.

It will be an intense 4 months of training, where results are guaranteed to those who do the work. Therefore, only participate if you are serious. If you are participating, but there is no improvement, then the fault is not yours, but ours. The aim of the training is that every graduate will find employment, or become self-employed and earn foreign currency.

You may register anytime during October 2018 for a start date of Monday 5th November 2018. Register by sending an e-mail to NextParty246@gmail.com giving your name. There is no cost for those who register.

Parents whose children are not working, should encourage them to register. Persons who recently got out of prison and cannot find a job, should register. Persons in entry-level positions who think that they will rise no higher definitely need to register. Employers who have unproductive but honest employees that they wish to retain should encourage them to register. Anyone who plans to pursue illegal acts because they think that that is the only way to make money better register.

Those Bees that were sent home under the DLP, and the Dees preparing to go home under this administration are encouraged to register. Every unemployed person on a block should register. It is time to prosper during this manufactured and unnecessary sufferation.

I will be responsible for your training. My approximately 30-year diverse engineering career, together with my 8 years of formal teaching as President of Walbrent College, including as a volunteer teacher to inmates at HMP Dodds, has prepared me to take highly complex information and explain it in a simple manner, so that everyone can understand. As the 2014 winner of the National Innovation Competition and a successful business owner, I do not just talk the talk.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer, President of Walbrent College and founder of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com

90 responses to “The Grenville Phillips Column – Prospering During Sufferation”

  1. A great opportunity for anuyone wanting to start a business or retool.

  2. Great opportunity for the young people of Barbados who more than anyone else must be convince that there is still hope in what once was the luminous diamond of the Caribbean.

  3. Whatever stripes we wear there is a reality that life as we know has and will continue to change. Retooling is a way of ensuring we are productive citizens. Kudos to Grenville.

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    First step – getting your hands dirty.


    Second step keeping them dirty – since you anticipate that your uptake will be sizeable one suggests that you have an online classroom to address the numbers challenges at Wabrent College

    And finally, more important than all two of the above.


    It will be required of you Grenville Phillips that you disseminate the results of this effort.

    Both you and the BLP clowns who have gotten US$30 million to splurge on Sandra Husbands’ imaginary training programs need to be made to report to the people on these revolutionary and life changing programs wunna recommending to the world.

    Where do you propose to display the results of this pretty sounding experiment?

    Of course, when de old man does ask wunna dese pertinent questions, like I ask Dr Greenidge about “when Mia fire 1500 government employees this year, what she plan to do about the 5,000 school leavers?” Wunna does get vex and hate de ole man more.

    But doan get vex, just answer de question.

    Where will you be sharing the results of your programme? Or you ent think about dat part yet right?

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here for Grenville Phillips thank you

  6. If Sandra Husbands is a minister how will she benefit from the training program?

    On what basis will a student judge the program was successful?

  7. Piece

    But you should, must and ought to give the man credit for his effort; the young people need hope even if it comes by way of idea or imagination.

  8. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Quod scripsi scripsi (what I have written I have written about the back office machinations of these wives and husbands whose proxy training companies have been engaged go effect training and draw down on the IMF’s money)

    The students are not ultimately capable of making such a judgement.

    They are really only attesting that the list of benefits that Grenville stated above, worked for them.

    The true evaluation of the programme would best be done by a 3rd party other that the 3rd party who evaluated Grenville’s recovery plan and could not give his name.

    How many enrollees? How many will achieve Grenville’s stated goal which is “…The aim of the training is that every graduate will find employment, or become self-employed and earn foreign currency…”

    His words not mine.

    But then he makes ghd disclaimer of “results are guaranteed if enrollees do the work…” which nullifies his goal heheheheh

  9. Your last comment is a nonsense.

  10. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Lexicon

    But I did give Grenville credit.

    That us the very first thing I said when I commended him for taking the first real step he has ever done since the General Elections and gotten into the trenches with to poor man to do something

    I then went on to say that, for him to have more reach, he might consider amping up the initiative by doing virtual classes.

    All I did with my final observation was to demand some public accountability from Grenville.

    That’s no different from what de old man is asking Mia for in my ongoing posts as are you and others of us keyboard warriors.

    We cant and should not be biased in the yardstick we are applying to our potential leaders.

    There are no free passes and even if he says he trained 100 people I for one, wang to be able to prove that!

    You remember how Big Sinks and Uncle Lookup Seal, former minister of touris, said how many people would be coming to Barbados to bathe in the south coast shy# coated beaches?

    Well de ole man ent forget and neither should you, or any other bajan who has suffered under the last lot of criminals

    Lexicon, if Mia Mugabe comes and does the same thing that Fumbles did, you and I deserve to be bulled.

    We have to demand more of these politicians and political aspirants.

    Or are you drinking the coolaid too?

  11. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Congratulations on your plans for your 4-month employment-preparation workshop. I wish you every success. I am delighted that you have decided to walk the walk of national reconstruction. I am also gratified that you appear to acknowledge that entrepreneurship is a cornerstone of building a prosperous future for Barbados… your curriculum of “reading, writing, speaking, drawing, calculating, reasoning, planning, managing, innovating and creating” is a clear trajectory that sees “innovating and creating” as the destination.

    If there is anything that I can do to assist you in this endeavour please ask me.

  12. FREE VALUABLE TRAINING. Hope young people take advantage of the opportunity.

    4 months of training ” in: reading, writing, speaking, drawing, calculating, reasoning, planning, managing, innovating and creating. You will also be trained to conduct business in Barbados, and to take advantage of favourable tax treaties with the US.”

  13. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Which part? The part about the back office arrangements?

    Or the part about Grenville’s states aim about employment?

    I see that you are part of the BU BORG that is not the original David of old BU

    But de ole man has some gimd this morning and will spend it with you here.

    You need to understand dat de ole man does not do speculations

    Check the outlook.pst files, ooops they are encrypted sorry.

    But I will still help you here. Mugabe knows of the SBA shenanigans with its ammmmm additional line items.

    Do you think that she will permit a foot soldier’s known avarice destroy her legacy?

    Wife’s avarice is known and is legendary but you obviously are not privy to that side of her.

    Might I suggest that you speak to the more senior BU leader to confirm what de ole man is alluding to.

    Everything is not always what it seems externally.

    By the way, there is an item in suspense for Lexicon and I’d appreciate it if you can retrieve it thank you

  14. Does it not make for better to support the opening of the classes and as we go along offer tweaking suggestions?

  15. The next step…and this can be a follow up to Grenville’s plan in assisting these young disenfranchised people…but should and can be done by someone els/other equally interested people, is to cut out the parasites on the island who have unfairly USURPED all the opportunities that have for 2 generations been available to the high school and college/university graduates…but were STOLEN, thanks to both ignorant backward governments..

    ……also …it is time that the opportunities available to SCHOLARS who want to remain on the island and contribute…are returned to them, instead of being STOLEN by the same tiny percentage of PARASITES…maybe PLT with his vast knowledge and experience can drive that project…..

    …cut the parasites out of the equation….let them go continue to segregate and find their own opportunities OR co-mingle with the majority population and create better opportunities for EVERYONE..

  16. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ pieceuhderockyeahright October 17, 2018 8:14 AM
    “Quod scripsi scripsi (what I have written I have written about the back office machinations of these wives and husbands whose proxy training companies have been engaged go effect training and draw down on the IMF’s money)

    The students are not ultimately capable of making such a judgement.

    They are really only attesting that the list of benefits that Grenville stated above, worked for them.
    The true evaluation of the programme would best be done by a 3rd party other that the 3rd party who evaluated Grenville’s recovery plan and could not give his name.

    How many enrollees? How many will achieve Grenville’s stated goal which is “…The aim of the training is that every graduate will find employment, or become self-employed and earn foreign currency…”

    Master Piece, your perspicacity knows no universal bounds and will outlast your cyberspace existence.

    The same way you were able to perspicuously predict the 30-love electoral defeat of that damned disappointing deceitful lying party formerly called the DLP- through your ‘stoopid’ cartoons carrying the prescient slogan of “Not One F***ing Seat”- so too you can foresee the gathering of the training leeches to suck away the IMF-approved retooling fund.
    Expect also the hidden presence of the SBA to feed from the trough of easy money to help ‘retrain and convert’ those excess-to-requirement hands into skilled entrepreneurs and small business operators hawking imported trinkets.

    What we would like to see from GP is at least a few examples of those areas these ‘Wellbent’ graduates can venture into to earn foreign exchange.

    Will there be training in the local cultivation and production of hemp and its sister called Mary Jane to manufacture some of the hundreds of spinoff goods to save foreign exchange since every US $ saved in the underground economy is 200 Bajan cents earned in the ‘official’ economy.

    But we must give Grenville his jacket for being a real smooth and shrewd business operator by positioning his ‘business training academy’ in the political way of bought silence to profit immensely from BERT.

    Why not look on the bright side of BERT, GP11?

    For in every costly period of enforced austerity there must be profitable opportunities to drink the milk belonging to the ‘Lean’ calf called the BERT Training Slush Fund.

    Now where is the goodly doctor, “Springer”?

    “My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there.” ~Indira Gandhi

  17. Any money for retooling and training purposes for high school, college/university graduates…given by IMF in grant or loan form….or by any other EU entity…will be watched like a hawk…they already know what to watch out for from small island clowns..

  18. Sounds good but recent experience has taught me to be like Piece. We shall see. I shall reserve my thanks and praise until after the evaluations. I live in hope.

  19. Miller

    Bill Gates created a lot of the ideas for the computer, but was smart enough to employ those young men and women from MIT to further his original ideas. While he sit back and takes the credit for the ingenuity of these young people, and he is in the second group. So your quote falls flat on its face as far as I am concern!

  20. ” There is no cost for those who register.”

  21. Whatever the intent, it does sound good, but let me tell Grenville something he does not know…as a warning.

    Some years ago, we found out that there were EU and other Grants given annually to the Ministry of Education to help with student development, we only found out because Ronald Jones is such a mule AND he tangled with me..

    ……well what we found is that the vital information was kept hidden from the general population for many years so that corrupt ministers and others involved could use it to grow yardfowls and fix up their friends and families with overseas education..ONLY…even the funds meant for exhibition/scholars were misused.

    Someone sent correspondence to EU officials and they immediately clamped down, that year Jones had to issue MORE GRANTS..to students who qualified…they could no longer use it as a political tool and weapon AGAINT the majority population and their children..

    Some people even commented in certain circles that it was the most Grants they had ever seen coming out from the ministry of asses…to the general population..

    So a warning to Grenville should be sufficient…what you are projecting, do so genuinely, do not use it as a tool or political weapon cause the people who alerted the EU to what both governments have done for decades to their own vulnerable young black students…are still very much ALIVE.

  22. There is a reason why good citizens are dissuaded from coming forward to offer themselves for public service.

  23. It takes little or no courage to masquerade behind verisimilitude of a computer and complain, criticize and condemn, but who amongst us has the testicular fortitude to hold up sign in the middle of Bridgetown to protest our discontent?

  24. Lexicon…ya better off staying behind the computer, it’s much more effective and BU’s track record can attest..

    You go trying to take on any of these marinated idiots and believe another Bajan got ya back, they will agree with you, even encourage you and then you will be the ONLY one standing out there alone in the sun or rain with ya sign..

    …it is a bajan mentality thing, cultural from centuries of being COWARDS with no ability to stand up for themselves or to stand up for what is right…afraid of everyone, except each other, they know well enough how to fight down and destroy each other…..ya playing ya don’t know…even Ha,Ha in UK all these 40 or 50 years still carries that mentality of cowardice..

    Was it not recently one man stood up outside the parasite Bizzy’s hardware store in solidarity with his fellow bajan because of the violent racism the customer encountered from one of Bizzy’s shitehounds, not one other Bajan had the balls or backbone to stand up for their fellow brethren with the sign.., ya playing ya don’t know.

    I got into a tussle with Jones because even his freaking voice annoys the hell out of me and he is an idiot.

  25. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Your assertion that the “…disclaimer of “results are guaranteed if enrollees do the work…” which nullifies his goal…” is not quite fair to Grenville. He did not specify exactly what those “results” would be, beyond the assertion that there would be “improvement.” He specified what the AIM of the training would be, but did not specify that the results would achieve the aims.

    I realise, of course, that your objective is to demand public accountability, but as in Ecclesiastes 9:11 “…The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; neither is the bread to the wise, nor the wealth to the intelligent, nor the favor to the skillful; rather, time and chance happen to all.”

  26. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Lexicon October 17, 2018 9:48 AM

    Well, if you think Mahatma Gandhi was a joker, so be it.

    What you should be asking is for some Bajan versions of Bill Gates to step forward and put their monies where their large lexicon mouths are.

    “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

  27. Happy Cannabis Day Canada..

    Someone just sent me a link with ALL that is available in the Sativa and Indica strains…no wonder Lawson is spouting such rubbish..he is as high as a kite…lol

    Miller…if they had listened to you, to us, in the last 5 years about getting the Cannabis show on the road, they already had the medical marijuana legislation …legal…for the last 27 years…since 1991..no excuse and instead of keeping it a secret while Fruendolittle and his gang of incompetents forced billions in debt on the people and Mia is now forcing decades of loans on the people with her 1950s styled nonsense…like Jamaica, the island would have been already reaping profits and clearing off every debt and on it’s way to profits only..because the island is smaller than Jamaica and what will take them another 25 years to achieve, Barbados can achieve in half the time using double the effort…

    Jamaica with it’s huge land mass and never ending supply of world class herb, does not have enough to supply the countries now needing metric tons of Cannabis, this explosion will last for decades.

    I have had the Bajan grown Canaibis in medicine form recently and that shit is real life potent..

    But ya also got backward ignorant government ministers who believe their people should be forever beasts of burden paying of debt created by tiefing, corrupt lawyers and ministers and their friends and bribers…that is where the island is at..and if we don’t voice it, they will all pretend it is not happening…but the default is there and so are the debts..

  28. Miller

    All I know of Mahatma Ghandhi is the fact that he thought very little of black South Africans … as most East Indians are taught to do with respect to black people…

  29. Let me repeat so it will KILL Alvin Cummins..

    I have had the Bajan grown CANNABIS in medicine form recently and that shit is real life potent..

  30. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Lexicon

    I love that word verisimilitude.

    Let me pause and put mind in gear before fingers in motion.

    I have vowed to my God that, for as long as sentience remains in this shell, I shall do His Will as far as I frail man can do.

    He has been faithful to me and has given me several “talents” as His Son speaks of in that renown parable

    There is nothing that I put here and suggest of any citizen that I cannot and have not done.

    And therein lies the subtle difference in many of those whom you speak of , i do!

    There is no artifice of truth or dissembling in what i write here. I speak plain facts that i can and will verify.

    Grenville now been come tons wide this concept but some of us been dere AND DONE DAT long time and can write the blueprint by which he can do it.


    And what you and this third of the Honourable Blogmaster is conveniently missing is the fact that, if we are seriously talking about forging new ways to make change, said ways MUST PERFORCE BE ABLE TO UNDERGO EXPLICIT SCRUTINY

    Cause Grenville Phillips is behind the idea CANNOT MEAN THAT HE GETS AN AUTOMATIC PASS

    Remember, this is the same man who said he is going to peep in your bedroom to see if you using the missionary position or the backstroke, and is going to talk harshly to rapists and robbers about past crimes.

    I have purposely exaggerated his past statements about internet use and the punishment he proposes go administer to criminals but you get my drift.

    His weird ideas in other areas DEMSND THAT WE EXAMINE HIS SEEMINGLY SANE ONES.

    No one did and made Grenville God, did they, and de ole man ent get dat memo yet so WhatsApp it to me please…

  31. Miller

    Remember Ghandhi left England where studied law for South Africa to fight for the East Indian cause … he spent 21 years doing that before he moved back to his native India to continued the fight against colonialist British…

  32. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item for Lexicon thank you

  33. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Your assertion that Gandhi “thought very little of Black South Africans” is shallow and misleading.

    On the contrary “It is clear that he had multiple contacts with some of the founders of the ANC, that Gandhi respected them and that they respected him. He backed non-violent African struggles against restrictive laws.”

  34. I advise Grenville..ah know he don’t listen to me either because I do not play the games he is accustomed to…BUT…for his own sake and those young people he is now attempting to help…whatever he is doing…make absolutely sure it comes directly from his HEART…and is genuine…anything else will FAIL..

  35. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Sage Anunnaki,

    Somehow I am of the impression that many of the readers here have been smoking week long before this legalization in Canada!!

    I remarked how easily you were able to write the following submission

    You said and I quote “…Expect also the hidden presence of the SBA to feed from the trough of easy money to help ‘retrain and convert’ those excess-to-requirement hands into skilled entrepreneurs and small business operators hawking imported trinkets…”

    What was it that we were fed that permits us to see so clearly what our fellow bloggers cannot?

    Or maybe I should ask ” what is it that they are drinking that has them blind to the idiocy and trickery right in front their eyes?”

    Maybe it is Johnny Pad Soup oh Sage or maybe because of their adipose manipulations, things dat we are too old or too proud to do?

    You mean that not one of them have either heard or personally experienced the operations of the Smsll Business Administration?

    Fuh real?

    I like how you capped off that statement though “hawking imported trinkets…”

    I wonder how the IMF could have agreed to allocating US $30M to that outcome?

    How is it that you dun know what the outcome is going go be?

    Den, as per usual, you got one Lexicon grabbing onto the lesser issue of your Ghandi quotation as opposed to focusing on the resurgence of these BLP trough feeders, Senators Holdim and Wifes, now wearing the brown clothes of the entitled Mugage crew.

    Watch the sheep gather and say “baaaaaaaa…”

  36. “I have had the Bajan grown CANNABIS in medicine form recently and that shit is real life potent”

    Hmmmmm, I have never heard of it being used to treat antisocial personality disorder.

    What you should do is stop using the internet to self medicate and go get yourself some professional help

  37. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item for the Sage Anunnaki thank you

  38. Dishonest Bajans Avatar

    Grenville I appluad what you are seeking to do.

    Dismiss the detractors.

    Unfortunately Bajans with ulterior motives for the most part don’t like good and will seek to tear you down.

    They are more comfortable with tricksters and thieves like themselves.

    They also like the obvious thieves and crooks among the BLP and DLP and that is why they thoroughly deserve the IMF medicine.

    The local broken education system has failed which is why 🇧🇧 is a failed island and now the laughing stock of the Jamaicans, Guyanese, Trindadians, St Lucians and others regionally.

  39. Peterlawrencethompson

    Soulik Biswas a Delhi correspondent wrote a book called:” was Mahatma Ghandhi a racist”

    In 1893 Ghandhi wrote to the Natal parliament saying that a general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are a little better, if all then the savages or Native Africans. It is also interesting to note that Ghandhi kept the Indian struggle separate from that of the black struggle in South Africa.

    Brother, when I first heard that Ghandhi was a racist I could not believe it until I did my own researched, and came to the same conclusion based on a lot of his writings.

  40. Peterlawrencethompson

    Ghandhi, went off the handle when the white South African authority compared the Indian to the black!

  41. Dishonest Bajans Avatar

    @ Lexicon

    Why does it matter if Ghandi was racist or not?

    He is now dead and can’t defend himself.

    You have black Bajans currently practicing worse against other blacks on the island to suppress them, keep them in poverty and also keep them in permanent mental slavery.

    Many blacks are some of the most people in the world.

  42. Enough about Ghandi.

  43. Dishonest Bajans Avatar

    Many blacks are some of the most racist people in the world

  44. “I have had the Bajan grown CANNABIS in medicine form recently and that shit is real life potent”

    Maybe if you tried a little bit of ya own home grown marijuana..Redguard…ya will lose the need to STALK me on BU..it has a calming effect on the mind..and puts you in a place where stalking will not be a temptation.

  45. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    You are correct that Gandhi was racist… as were all non Blacks with Eurocentric education of his generation. You need to have more nuanced appreciation of the man and his times. For an example from another century William Wilberforce, the English politician who led the British movement to stop the slave trade, was also racist, but it is simplistic to think of him as unidimensionally racist. Yes, Gandhi thought that Indian lives were worth more than Black lives, but he also sympathized with the struggles of South African Black people and assisted them in fighting against oppression.

  46. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David Mr Bogmaster yours is a strange few notes this good day….you followed up the perplexing “Your last comment is a nonsense” with “There is a reason why good citizens are dissuaded from coming forward to offer themselves for public service”.

    And then the piece de resistance – for a poor pun 🙂 – this note about “enough about Ghandi”…. to follow your flow, it surely was a good thing he was not dissuaded from coming forward back then by virulent attacks verbally and otherwise, eh!

    But do tell, how exactly is the query about after class validation such a “nonsense”? Didn’t Mr Phillips himself not clearly broach that matter of measuring results !

    And considering that the man has been a very visible public figure (president of various organizations) for MANY years and is now forcing his way to a greater public reckoning as a politician I am confounded why you or anyone should need to defend him against reasonable critiques.

    Surely there are testimonials from students of his College seminars/classes (he said for some 10 years now) … surely those testimonials will attest how that course study prepared them for the world of work and life….And what of his students at Dodds…maybe not as extensive a course offered there but I would expect he used those sessions in much shorter format as a base level for what he is now produces.

    Mr Phillps is fully invested in selling himself as a savior to our woes and is convinced he has the template, format and formulas to solve the problems…..thus his offerings must be able to survive critical examination. He is surely NOT doing this for any mealy mouth back slapping about ‘good job’ or ‘isn’t he so charitable’.

    He has come out to deliver so like the Ghandis before him let’s examine and critic him seriously…good citizens come forward because they are BETTER than us average Joes and Marys …So let’s stop the silly pandering and treat the man as seriously and as critically as he demands…his GRAVITAS and commitment deserves no less!

  47. @Dee Word

    Did you and Grenville rumble at school?

  48. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    And to add (alas) to the Ghandi theme…..Yes, @Lexicon you are being less than nuanced re the racist trope.

    Did Ghandi in his racist mien act against Black enfranchisement in a protracted and purposeful way! Of course he can be broadly described as racist because of commentaries he made or even some acts he accepted but don’t WE ALL fall into that category.

    Didn’t Pres Lincoln speaks rather ‘poorly’ of the same Black citizens for which “ostensibly” in part he took an entire nation to war!

    Clinton, the president, made rather disparaging remarks about a certain significant Black man which surely painted him (Clinton) as a tad racist as well, not so!

    And on and on…

    We should only judge the true racist character of a person based on the entirety of their life’s work…not moments in time when they acted on poor impulses or for some stupid political expediency.

  49. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    LOL…I went to the standpipe Mr Blogmaster…he didn’t….but beyond that the bro is late forties I imagine … I am a bit past that.

    Never remember seeing the man in de bus stand, on a soccer field, a cricket match, inter-school sports, cadet event or scout camp nor nutting so….so nope, never rumbled that I can tell!

    But he is a good fella…a bit eccentric and ‘stubborn’ I think but solid as a person otherwise.

  50. Dishonest Bajans Avatar
    Dishonest Bajans

    @ De pandetic

    I must say I have previously dealt with Granville, and CEP almost a decade professionally and compared to Mia and Stuart he is night and day.

    Let it be clear I have also dealt with Mia not Stuart, but would have dealt with David Thompson a few years before he passed.

    Granville is a rare asset to Barbados and compared an honest and solid individual who have done great things in his career in developing 🇧🇧.

    Can that TRULY be said of Mia and Stuart who both themselves and their Political parties have been embroiled in filth and corruption over and over again like a revolving door.

    For 🇧🇧 to become great one will need an outsider who is not part of the ongoing mafia cartels posing as BLP, UPP or DLP who are all painted with the same brush.

    I applaud the upliftment of the youth, prisoners and other disenfranchised individuals locally.

    It is way way more than some others who critise and talk shit everyday on BU and not contributing to the island’s development but seek to tear down in classic crabs in the bucket syndrome.

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