“Eternal Vigilance is the price of democracy”

  • Thomas Jefferson

In recent days the blogmaster has been reflecting on the fact professionals in Barbados that have accrued questionable track records do not seem to suffer reputational and career damage.

What triggered the reflection?

Thousands of innocent Barbadians whose only ‘crime’ was that they trusted successive governments to properly manage the affairs of state invested in government paper and as a consequence have been asked to make the ultimate sacrifice.   However, successive government continue to RECYCLE professionals and prominent others to Boards and other positions without being ‘disciplined’ for glaring non performance. Some will say it is the people that created the predicament we find ourselves. The blogmaster will say not all of us, it is a first past the post system!

It has been a disappointing feature of the Mottley government to witness a few names popping up on Boards and diplomatic postings which can be described as a slap in the face of Barbadians. Where is the political morality?

It is early days in the BLP administration but the saying first impressions count haunts the blogmaster. John Citizenry must play our part by increasing our vigilance.

Here is an old blog posted March 16, 2015 titled A Culture Of Diminishing Corporate Governance.

A Culture Of Diminishing Corporate Governance

The CLICO Mess has brought into focus a bigger issue, the lack of a reliable governance framework. BU maintains we have witnessed a catastrophic regulatory failure which continues to challenge all jurisdictions CLICO operated. This view is contrary to William Layne’s who continues to dumb down the role of the regulator.

The CLICO Mess has exposed corporate governance as only a term of art, to be used by the learned in our midst to demonstrate astuteness.. The mind boggling revelation by ex-CLICO directors on the weekend that many decisions made by Leroy Parris was down unbeknownst to them. Who are some of the directors you ask? Tony Marshall a retired Barclays banker who would have operated in a corporate environment at a senior level – Tony Marshall in your position as Chairman of the NIS Board the public wants to know what is the status of the financial statements. Here is a reminder of your Press Release.  Dr. Basil Springer a local management guru who founded Systems Caribbean Limited before he sold it. Woodbine Davis a former Solicitor General, Leslie Haynes, a member of the legal profession who wears silk and the former president of the Bar. To Dr. Frank Alleyne’s credit he has pleaded no comment.

It is not enough for these ex-directors to distance themselves from Parris and CLICO, they need to explain why if they were kept in the dark about decision taken by the company why they remained on the board of directors in one case for 14 years?

BU family members millertheanunnaki  and An Observer  engaged this matter on another blog – see the following exchanges:

See relevant link: The Company Director Checklist – Barbados

[millertheanunnaki]Put on your thinking cap and delve into your legal training, experience and presumed knowledge. In spite of the Pontius Pilate like and even a cock crowing Peter disavowal by some of the former members of the Board of Directors of CLICO is it still possible for these directors to be sued jointly and severally for negligence or lack of due care?  From what was expressed in the newspaper, it might be possible to draw a conclusion that any fiduciary responsibilities entrusted to the board of directors were continuously neglected with no publicly stated or expressed concerns raised with the executive management of the business.  A very sad reflection on their overall supervision achievement along with the Auditors apparent indifference. What are the chances, legally speaking, of an aggrieved policyholder bringing a case of contributory negligence-or in the case of BIPA a class action suit- against these directors and by inference the independent auditors who would have expressed a “fair” opinion on the reliability of the financial statements prepared by the executive management – read full comment

[An Observer] Man you are now getting down to serious OBJECTIVE discourse from which we may both benefit and which it is hoped will make fellow bloggers better informed.  you have done a public service by reproducing sec 95 of the Companies Act of Barbados . That section immediately follows the heading  ” Duty of Directors and Officers ” . This section clearly imposes a STATUTORY DUTY OF CARE ON ALL DIRECTORS. In my view therefore , if you have such a duty of care imposed upon you then , concomitantly , you may be censured for a BREACH OF THAT DUTY. It is therefore to be inferred that I hold the view that Directors in breach of that duty imposed by the Statute may be brought before a court of law. I believe that the disavowal by those Directors of any knowledge is a piece of corporate mumbo jumbo and really unworthy of repetition by serious commentators. They should therefore be taking steps to instruct counsel on their behalf, notwithstanding that one of them is himself a QC – read full comment

[millertheanunnaki] One is glad- or even “gay” in its original meaning- that a keen observer is able to appreciate the multi-faceted tentacles of the law that can be extended if only to garner a modicum of restitution that can be brought to the aggrieved policyholders- primarily to those holding priority life insurance contracts, and secondarily, vested pension interests – read full comment

Then for anyone to set aside the potential invocation and application of provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering & Income Tax legislation would be relying to much on the miniscule fines that can only be imposed under the superficial opprobrium and pussycat “slap on the wrist” penalties available under the legislation regulating financial instruments marketed by the Insurance industry – read full comment

To reinforce the point that directors on boards in Barbados seem to be serving to garner director’s fees –  those who attended the BLP Haggatt Hall meeting heard Opposition Leader lamented the Auditor General’s Report which confirms that many statutory corporations and government agencies are many years behind in presenting up to date financial statements.

104 responses to “BLP and DLP Laughing at We”

  1. Mia cannot be serious, engaging the same criminals who crashed CLICO…and robbed the policyholders sending many of them to an early grave…now she hires those like Haynes with such a horrible reputation on and off the island…A KNOWN DESTROYER of the Supreme Court…at taxpayers expense…to continue to destroy the lives of the elderly…who paid in their NIS pensions for when they need it the most..

    I hope she knows that what little trust Bajans were willing to offer her disappeared immediately she put these destructive forces and vicious brutal beasts like Leslie Haynes in charge of the people’s social security business.

    To make it worse, is Haynes not a defendant in a 128 million dollar class action law suit for lack of fiduciary duty and care in the CLICO scam…so why would Mia think people will be happy, the same population who pays her salary and that of those elected with her…to see someone who helped steal from them sitting on the board of their PENSION FUND.

    How does that even make sense to Mia.

    It just goes to show, once elected, these lawyers for leaders pick up all their criminal friends, families and partners and FOIST them on the people…at the people’s expense and to their detriment.

    I was willing to hand Mia the benefit of the doubt for another 6 months….until she made that massive blunder with Haynes, it is bad enough she stubbornly refuses to address the George Payne, Dale Marshall land theft from the elderly issue and much prefer see them exposed to the world every day throughout her term….but to put Haynes on the board of the pension fund of the elderly is really going too far.

    I watched this bloated clown Haynes in a court room with an injured elderly person and could not believe how disgusting and lacking ethics, decorum. ..and piggish he can be…I have never seen real lawyers act like that anywhere….if any lawyer is deserving of full worldwide exposure for what he does to injured people….in that blighted Supreme Court….it is Haynes…

  2. It is bad enough she stubbornly refuses to address the George Payne, Dale Marshall land theft from the elderly issue and much prefer see them exposed to the world every day throughout her term.

    Mia might see the daily exposure of Marshall and Payne as an excellent way to keep them in line and in check to do her bidding…given their stab her in the back past…..I would too…, but no one cares about her problems with Payne and Marshall…she is forcing criminals on the same people who have to pay ALL of them monthly salaries…and that is unpalatable.

  3. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    The 3 Re (ReUse; Reduce; Recycle) It appears that in Barbados we were well ahead of the pack. maybe punching above our weight or fooling ourselves that we were? Go figure.

    REduce. Reduce the number of persons that will still on these boards to a small club/niche so that you get conformity( in thought). Together we achieve together we aspire (or maybe conspire).

    REuse. As there are only a few that meet such higher morale fiber(lol) ad competence(lol lol) etc, we will duly REuse this elite bunch/group of exemplary human beings over and over until the cats/cows come home.

    REcycle. If one is good enuff to sit on a board when his/her stint in over just find another board for him to sit on. It surely makes it easy and highly effective by not doing any work in trying to find “other and qualified” persons to fill these directorships.

    Maybe in Hope(Arkansas) things don’t work like this. Just maybe in Hope the DPP and CoP investigate and prosecute. The buses run on time, the garbage is collected on schedule? Directorships are taken seriously etc.

  4. These are the same CLICO CROOKS Mia pledged to the people she would go after on their behalf…during the election campaign trail when she was using any and every TRICK and LIE to be elected.

    So when is she going after the CLICO scam artists again?

  5. Who among our government is able to cast the first stone against corruption?
    This may explain Mia’s predicament…

    If only Caswell had BUPPED as instructed.

    Prepare for the grass and the plimplers….

  6. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    It is good that you and the rest of Barbados both B and D have a sense of humour. I suppose that is who we are.

    Making mock sport even in the way we dance helps us to get through these ridiculous situations. Very often the “ignoranciness” that we do can move us either to tears or to laughter. We prefer to laugh.

    Have a ridiculous Day. LOL

  7. @ Bush Tea who wrote ” If only Caswell had BUPPED as instructed.”

    If only Bush Tea had BUPPED then Caswell might have BUPPED too.

  8. It’s unfortunate that the one thing that would make Mia look good in the eyes of the majority population who will be the ones to decide if she remains for another 5 year term…is that one thing she CANNOT do…pursue the corrupt in DLP government, recover the people’s STOLEN MONEY, pursue the corrupt in her own government, recover the stolen land for the elderly who were robbed their estates by h er ministers …AND go after the CLICO crooks as she promised..

    The one thing she is doing and SHOULD NOT DO…is insult the intelligence of the people who elected her by rewarding CLICO crooks like Haynes by giving him and them access to the PENSION FUND..of the vulnerable elderly…at the expense of taxpayers no less..instead of dropping them all in a jail cell where they belong…

    I wonder how she thinks that is going to end.

    It shows her growing arrogance and belief that despite lying to the people and making false promises, that she don’t care what they think because she is telling herself she already got elected and there is nothing the population who elected her can do about it…but time is longer than twine.

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ WARU at 10 :51 AM

    One of my favourite politicians and lawyers ,in a speech in Parliament a few days ago, made the point that the primary job of the elected is to make laws.
    If you subscribe to his understanding, then you are expecting the PM to function out of her remit. There are other arms of our Governance System that should perform the jobs in your submission above.

  10. Vincent…try calling them and tell them that and see if they don’t pass you around from one ministry to the next, from one department to the next fo the next 5 years…ya playing ya don’t know….that line of thought.. will keep you in the same position for the next 52 years..

    Mia is in charge of her ministers and their ministries..if she cannot give directions on corruption in the last government, in her own government…AS SHE SAID SHE WOULD…then who?

  11. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ WARU at 11 :29 AM

    It is not as simple as you state. We live in a democracy( Westminster style).” Uneasy is the head of him who wears the crown”. We do not in Barbados elect dictators. Moral suasion , solidarity,responsiveness. These are very important ingredients in our system of Governance.

  12. Yall are full of shit, so don’t complain about anything when the same ministers continue to rob you as is the norm, last time I checked it was not any of the shitehounds in parliament created the Westminster system..and in that UK created system…people are held responsible for their actions, are not untouchable, particularly when paid a salary by taxpayers.

  13. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington


    You are getting your knickers in a twist.
    Ttime out.

  14. Still waiting for Mia to give a full accountabilty of her 26 ministers financial portfolio which she promised to do during campaigning
    Also those she has acquried as advisors and consultants

  15. Keep trying to justify and defend the indefensible and see who will get the time out…Donville can tell you all about time outs., when is the next court date, ah…October 23rd…lol

  16. As Warned for Years By Plantation Deeds, CLICO and the BLP Owen and Mia massive land fraud and PONZI, Again these were Mia as AG and Owen as PM , Richard LCheltenham , CO Williams , David Simmons ,Owen and Mia Massive Land Fraud,Money Laundering team has been put back together for 2018 for they know all their dirty doings, So when they have meetings under the title of Government its really the Crime Ministers team of Hoods,Looking for a another chapter and 2nd bite bait and switch of CLICO team , The were off for 10 years, But BU may wake up as Blog Master and stop helping these Bitches, May Be now you can see the play, With out Clear title land nothing will ever work in Barbados, We are now Past the 30 PONZI limit, We shall see what legal advice comes on how to clean up a clean system with dirty ways,Vote Better next time Bajan Free Party/CUP , We have them all by the balls, as said before Barbados needs more Pain and more pain to come, All Will see jail under BFP , and Exported to other Nations they have robbed best place for them is China,You all were warn how is the Big Joke today , Study my words,

  17. @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    I am sure that this topic was posted by the Original David of BU not the other two.

    Being part of a “team” commensurately brings with it a “team grading” and because de ole man wanted to be fair to the individual members of most teams, i said that i would use a generic grading template from a University with the hope that it could provide some instructions on that fairness.

    “..Firstly, depending on the objectives of the assignment, the instructor might want to assess the team’s final product (e.g., design, report, presentation), their group processes (e.g., ability to meet deadlines, contribute fairly, communicate effectively), or both.

    Secondly, group performance must be translated into individual grades – which raises issues of fairness and equity.

    Complicating both these issues is the fact that neither group processes nor individual contribution are necessarily apparent in the final product…” (Carnegie Mellon)

    In business, sorry serious business, the engagement of directors is driven by the single proactive ingredient “what is the individual’s contribution to the organisation”

    Nothing else!

    All the suck poochism that abounds around here, people want to know, what the badword you can produce!!

    And therein comes the difference between these two systems of good governance and good government since the two are driven by a different dynamic.

    Case in point the Mottleyian Regime.

    Here you have 21 non meritorius appointees to government, whom the electorate believes will appoint competent appointees for good governance!!


    Leh de ole man brek it down for you…say that I am the village idiot…is it going to be remotely possible for me to know Stephen Hawkins personally and us be contemporaries in physics?


    The Interamerican Development Bank has a system of staff appraisal for all its financial specialists.

    So when a feller comes to work, and is breezing ALL DAY, that system automatically records what he or she is doing ALL BADWORD DAY LONG and provides the metrics of what their contribution is to the IDB product.

    It is like MTW workers versus Mark maloney’s highway cleaners, at the end of prescribed periods, IF THE DELIVERABLE HAS NOT BEEN ACHIEVED, your badword is grass.

    there are 26 2 week periods in a year and it is very freaking easy for Mugabe or any leader to decide what the deliverables are for ANY BADWORD DIRECTOR.

    So say I want a wukking NIS platform by 3 months time, THIS IS A DELIVERABLE FOR IAN CARRINGTON, if carrington does not deliver, his ass is grass after 6 months, that is it, plain and simple.

    You get Carrington or Bunnie Haynes or whoever the badword you want to be a director and you publish their names and their appointments and their ToRs and their deliverables and the time for such deliverables.

    And you mek dat site public.

    And when Bunnie achieve, you publish it, and when he eff up, you publish dat too. And you also publish de name of de feller who ask for bunny to be appointed.

    Pretty soon, what will happen with your self policing system, is that you only going get performers in your system cause dem ent want dem name up pun the Waste Foop Web Page…dat de ole man is reommending

  18. @ Pieceuhderock 2.19 pm
    You just essentially outlined an ISO9001 Quality performance system.

  19. If any or all here have read the American Constitution in any depth y’all would have concluded that this last General Election victory by the BLP, was the very thing the Framers of the American Constitution feared most prior to the ratification of this document.

  20. NorthernObserver Avatar

    One year ago today in Buhbaydus…

    Minister of International Business Donville Inniss, revealed four international businesses had their licences revoked after being found guilty of engaging in money laundering and corrupt practices.
    ““It has been drawn to the attention of my ministry that there are four licenced international business companies, for whom the beneficial owners have been found guilty of corrupt practices, money laundering and other illicit activities in other jurisdictions, namely, the United States of America”

    (the misspelling of licensed is compliments of the Nation, not I)

  21. @WARU October 12, 2018 12:55 PM “Donville can tell you all about time outs., when is the next court date, ah October 23rd.”

    Just marked it on my calendar, put it in my phone etc.

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    More prophetic words from then President Nixon, tomorrow will be 45 years that in announcing Gerald Ford as his nominee for Vice President, after Agnew had resigned following a guilty plea on a count of tax evasion, Nixon stated
    “and above all, he is man, if the responsibilities of the great office that I hold, should fall upon him, as has been the case with 8 former vice presidents in our history, we could all say, the leadership of America is in great hands.”

  23. NO…are you thinking what I am thinking..lol

    Inniss kept the names of those 4 convicted companies a big ugly secret, never told the population who paid his salary one word about who they were, although he said he would……and focused only on making himself PM to create more havoc and destruction in his own people’s lives…any bets he would have allowed those 4 corrupt companies into the island again if Karma was not waiting for him in the US.

    Piece…do they even know about 3 month quarterly or 6 month employee reviews, would these arrogant, ignorant nuisance governments even understand that it is best practice so the taxpayers can actually see what they are getting for their money from the miscreants Mia now have in place to screw up the NIS Pension Fund.

    Once these ministers become titled after. being elected, all these idiots focus on are those titles and terrorizing the very people who elected them….do you see any of them instituting the employee review system, with or without ISO.

  24. Ah know Enuff of Wonderland 68 don’t care about all of that, but we know that is what yardfowls do..

  25. Nosareathehrn Observer,

    Licence is not mis-spelt. License with the s is the verb in English English; ie to license with a c it is a noun In American English ie a licence to thrill. Yanks tend to use c for both spellings.

  26. The criminality embedded in the parliament AND the Bar Association.


  27. Crooks, LIARS AND Scumbags,Crime Ministers of crime coverup land and money laundering goes on more taxes and more vat to come with # 1 fuel prices in the World, Its the price you pay and live the cost of vote buying, Vote better nexxt Time , BFP/CUP 2020

  28. You can always tell when a blog post bites supporters of the duopoly in the rear end.

  29. 🙂 Is that scratch grain you are throwing out… They will come running

  30. @ David
    Because you does feel the teeth marks in yours? lol

  31. Vincent Carrington

    Democracy isn’t going to work as first intended unless man’s passions and desires are held in subjection by way of sustainable checks and balances brother. Now let us face it, because it is an idealist dream to believe that those we elect to high office stand above or beyond the faults and failings that are common to those of us in the majority.

  32. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Lexicon at7:41 AM

    We in Barbados have never viewed politicians other than human. There are some Barbadians who might have thought they were super human but that was a fault in their character…. not a national trait.

    We are doing reasonably well when I compare our achievements with other countries around the world . But, as David BU says, we must be eternally vigilant. As soon as you slip, you slide. One has to hold the new administration’s feet to the fire.

  33. I have to renew my passport.

    I was thinking about stopping by the Barabados Embassy/consulate in NY to drop the paperwork off, but, after reading about the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, I am having second thoughts about going there.

    The truth is I know that “Barbadians are not like that and I know I have nothing to fear”.

    However, I am wondering if my old Kolij pals who came out with guns blazing, excuses and explanations for ACH will do the same for me if the need arise. Or will they like Simon Peter deny me with an oath ” “I don’t even know the RH man,”

  34. Let me make it clear that I am not faulting or blaming the police in anyway.

    Did you see the pictures of the police action in St Lucy, My first thought was “No, This is not St Lucy. No this is not Barbados.”

    I am a St Lucy. Was I seeing a picture of soldiers in the drug war in Colombia? That picture took me out of the peaceful Caribbean and placed me n the midst of a police action in a country in Africa orin the middle of a jungle of Central America”.

    Some post pictures of our beautiful beaches, but pictures like that one will erase beaches from the minds of visitors looking to come to Barbados.

    I condemned Bishop A when he spoke about choking social media, but that picture left me uncomfortable and wondering if it should be shown.

    Don’t deal with Barbados in separate compartments
    Marshall and Payne
    Integrity legislation
    Old age pension
    Picture of armed military force in St Lucy
    Scams and money laundering

    Put them all together and the ‘picture’ that you get is not a pleasant one. I think Haha is wrong when he says that “Barbados is a failed state”…Perhaps he should say “Barbados is a failing state but has the imagery of a failed state”.

  35. *St Lucy man

  36. @ Theophillus.

    You do not need to go into the Barbados embassy.

    Go to a notary and get all the paperwork signed and notarized and submit all your paperwork.

    Bumpy and Stacia going tek 2 months to process the document anyways so doan tink dat it going help you anyways if you go in person or if you send in the documents,

    The fee is the same & de effing wait time is going to be the same anyways.

    If you fall into the “Khasshogi” category, you would be advised to do a few things, BEFORE YOU ENTER THEIR COMPOUND, which Khasshogi DID NOT DO.

    He needed to have advised multiple embassies, parties who were, and are, “friendlies” of his itinerary and let drop to the embassy that he was going to that 3rd parties were aware of where he was going.

    He should have done two more things but i ent going mention them here

  37. @ Theophillus

    You see you?

    You is a man who the government of Mugabe Mottley will consider a “Khashoggi” in truth

    You see the colage of “verbal images” that you provided at 12.40 pm?

    Marshall and Payne followed by Integrity legislation, followed by Old age pension followed by Cahill
    followed by Chickenwings, followed by BWA, followed by Sewage followed by IMF and the rest of them…

    You can be sure that you WILL NOT BE LIKED FOR THOSE LUMEN OF ASSOCIATION concatenated with the failing state remark.

    You will NOT BE AMONG the sheeple who will be invited back to the Gathering 2020!!

    Your comments are subversive and seditious particularly the one about Bishop Reverend Pastor Atherley


  38. The plight of the house negro…unable to think critically or independently, always willing to muzzle and cover up, using traitor actions against their own people..I never once heard him say anything about the tiefing former DLP ministers or the missing treasury and pension money belonging to the people that Mia said she had so much evidence about…

    I never once heard him say that money should be recovered…as long as these judases get a salary…they don’t mind how much money is stolen from their own people.

    They are all FRAUDS.

    Jackie in UK is the best one for all of them.

  39. This is what the pretend bishop pastor Judas should be concerned about..


  40. So when will the police grab Ronald Jones for letting fraud into the island.


    “A director of Washington University of Barbados has been remanded to prison after he appeared in court today.”

  41. lol. any two bit thief can set up operations in Barbados and some locals want the bajan diaspora to help the country out with investing their hard earned money there. Let the people who made their coin off the backs of the locals help out, e.g. Kyffin, et al.

  42. @Bajans,

    Thank you. They think we are fools.

  43. I would not advise any hardworking Bajan in the Diaspora to invest one dime on the island…when there are million dollar and billion dollar opportunities to access on the island to build up the majority population…none of the two house negro governments call on a Black face in the Diaspora to partake…they never want to see Black faces then….they chase away their scholars and tell Bajans who live overseas when they return to contribute….”wunna think wunna could come bout here and change things, wanna best go back where wunna come from”…..

    ….they let in all the crooks and criminals, thieves and racists from everywhere else….as long as it’s not a Black face..

    That is why I am glad that there is now scandal after scandal…I have waited for this for LONG 20 years…

    If they do not clean up the corruption…leave them be…they are already worldwide PARIAHS..

  44. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Waru,

    The Japs are opening up their country to foreigners. Go east young man; go east young woman.


  45. They have no choice, if they don’t, the population will die out, there is a projected date for the demise of the group.

    To stay alive, they have to open the country…

  46. Waru I see in the ny times that a bunch of you hags are getting together to hex kavanaugh , would it be too much to ask if you could give that irish wanker….. o gazerts a case of warts at the same time …… if you havent already.

  47. Lawson…sharing warts is not caring, keep ya warts to yaself.

  48. @lawson
    🙂 🙂
    Have a great day dude

  49. Afro Raymond on October 3 gave a breakout of the expenses incurred by gov of T&T in the C:L financial debacle
    CLICO $15,833,458,958.00 **********about BDS $ 5B if you divide by 6
    CIB $1,870,659,526.00
    BAICO $1,637,387,140.00
    CMMB $736,079,577.00
    Interest & Finance $5,802,921,235.96
    Accountants $15,212,319.62
    Attorneys $37,459,864.43
    Bankers $7,934,991.40
    Stockbrokers $6,624,173.58
    Services & Supplies $2,410,000.57
    TOTAL $25,950,147,786.56

    He states ” January 2009, this bailout started with a $5.0 Billion estimated cost. In October 2010, we were told that $7.3 Billion had been spent and that a further $7.0 Billion was needed to pay all the claims – a total of $14.3 Billion”.

    Do we have any such numbers for CLICO? Are they current?
    With some crude arithmetic and assumptions base on what is stated above, the BDS government may have to spend over BDS $1.5 B to fix this mess. The numbers I have seen appear to be much smaller, but ‘they’ may be ‘low balling’ us to make the numbers digestible and may slowly raise the cost as time passes by.

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