Submitted by Doc Martin

I resonate with commentators on this blog and elsewhere who see the 30-0 sweep wrought by BLP in the May 24 election as a blessing in disguise. But not necessarily for the same reasons!  For those who are willing to look, listen and learn from their mistakes and for those who have “come of age” politically, it is indeed a blessing. 
Even as this is being written, the post-election political situation continues to unravel with the so-called crossing of the floor by one of the successful BLP candidates in the May 24 election. This, together with the subtle (and not-so-subtle) retreat of the Prime Minister from some of the promises made in the election, as well as her feigned attempts to convince Barbadians that she is now getting to learn the true gravity of the debt situation, should cause Barbadians to sit up, take note and demand changes in our system of democracy.
Poetic Justice
The first blessing in disguise is that the party that itself entered into several large debts on the country’s behalf, must now come and attempt to manage what is left of theirs and that added by the DLP.   That is poetic justice if ever there was any.  And to have to do it all alone i.e. with no real parliamentary opposition, is also some poetic justice.  Bajans do have short memories! Many have forgotten the 200 – 700 million (we are still not sure of the final figure) spent on the prison at Dodds, St. Philip by the previous BLP administration of 1994 – 2008. Perhaps an enquiry into the occupancy level at the prison in the context of its capacity might yield interesting results.  If we have the capacity, we could consider renting/leasing out part of it to other Caribbean or Latin American countries (payable in Canadian dollars, of course!). That might help us with some of our foreign exchange problems!
Democracy under the Microscope
Another of the blessings the situation affords us is the opportunity to review the workings of our system of democracy.  The occasion of the 30-0 BLP has now exposed, in sharp relief, the inadequacies, not only of the first-past-the-post system but more fundamentally, the dysfunctions of so-called “representative democracy”.  Both are in need of urgent attention by the electorate.
With respect to the FPTP system, the revision required is very clear: we need to consider moving to the proportional representation system so that this 30-0 result can never occur again.  Many do not know or have forgotten that not all Caribbean countries have a first-past-the-post system. Guyana has had a system of proportional representation since 1964 and although the ethnic situation in Guyana is different from that in Barbados, there does not seem to have been any major problems with the system. A quick overview of the system in Guyana can be found here:
Had a system of proportional representation been in place in Barbados, the results of the election, using the simplest proportional representation calculations, would have been as follows:
The Representative: Servant or Master?
Democracy literally means government by the people; in other words, decision-making by the people. In practical terms this means that whenever major decisions are to be made, all the eligible people are to make it for themselves by one mechanism or another.  This form of direct democracy is still practised today in the cantons of Switzerland to some extent. The interested reader can follow this link to read a non-technical article about this: 
The form of democracy we practice is called representative/parliamentary democracy.  It is an INDIRECT form of democracy in that the people periodically select a set of persons to conduct their affairs over a five year period at a time. In principle, the relationship we have with our parliamentary representatives really ought to be the same principal-agency relationship that we have with our attorney or perhaps our real estate agent. In other words, the so-called politician ought to be our servant, plain and simple.  
But due to a potent combination of indolence, ignorance and “ostrichism” on our part as well as the scheming, manipulation and sheer corruption on the part of those we have elected, we have allowed the roles to be reversed so that the agent has become the principal, the servant, the  master. So then it IS true that we have settled for a democracy that is “five minutes every five years in a polling booth!”. That is the crux of the problem we have been facing for a long time.
That is why this constitutional and financial crisis that we are up against must be seen as the opportune moment to get back hands on control of our affairs.  It cannot be that we ask 30 persons to represent us for the next five years and then go about our business like absentee landlords. There was a time, in the very distant past, when we could sit back and let our representatives get on with the job knowing they had our best interest at heart.  Those were the days of altruism and chivalry!  We are witnesses to the fact that those days are gone! Today’s politician knows how to work the system to the benefit of himself/herself and his or her band of outlaws (pun intended!) and yard fowls.  In short, today’s average politician is a highway robber, in broad daylight! Now is the time to put an end to this!
Therefore, with respect to the system of representative parliamentary democracy itself, there is need at this time for two “mission critical” revisions: (1) power to recall representatives and (2) integrity legislation.
Power of Recall
The need for the power of recall by the electorate is urgently needed.  The servants of the people cannot take for granted that they can cross the floor at will, fail to look after the interests of citizens or commit gross acts of corruption with our taxes with impunity.  At the time of writing this, one successful BLP candidate had announced and solidified his intention to “cross the floor”.  In my view, this is a developing situation and so what the expression “cross the floor” really means, in the absence of an official opposition party, is yet to be unravelled. Is Mr. Atherley now an independent? It is in situations like these that one would wish the electorate had the power of recall of representatives. Then the political career of people like Hamilton Lashley might have been written somewhat differently! We should now see the wisdom of the Solutions Barbados contract with its candidates!
Integrity Legislation
With regard to integrity, much can be said, especially when one takes into account the claims of corruption and counter-corruption levelled at both parties.  It is common knowledge that enhanced sales promotion techniques, a.k.a. as “vote buying” were used in May 24 election. Some parties’ T-shirts came with up to $300.00 cash in “incentives” it appears.  It is alleged that in the St. James South constituency, about $10,000 was shared out, though apparently, not by the DLP.  In another case, it is alleged, a load of voters arrived at a polling station but did not know that the name of the candidate they were to vote for!  This is the level to which our parliamentary democracy has descended!  It is time to put a stop to this!
Parliamentary Pay
Nobody seems too worried that we have allowed our servant-representatives to successively raise their parliamentary salaries to $17,000 plus PER MONTH as well as earn substantial pensions with just eight years of service while civil servants need to put in thirty three (33) and a third years to be eligible for a modest to measly pension at the time of their lives when they need the most help.  It has not gone unnoticed that none of the parties, first, second or third, made reduction of parliamentary salaries an election issue! I wonder why!
If I am not mistaken, the majority of this population is black so when I hear commentators talk about white-on-black exploitation and omit to talk about this black-on-black variety of exploitation, it stokes my ire, to put it mildly.  Does exploitation now come with a choice of colour?
Agenda for Change
I repeat that the 30-0 victory by the BLP is a blessing in disguise.  The blessing is the opportunity to make FUNDAMENTAL and RADICAL changes to our democracy. We, the ordinary people, may not get this type of opportunity again.   With that in mind, we need to envision a new Barbados and extrapolating from that, devise an agenda for change.  We need to multi-task; while we are fixing the economy we should have the following on OUR agenda for change:
: Familiarization with the Constitution
 All citizens should have a good read of the constitution. Not every thing will be easily understood but many might be surprised to find out what is written there about some of the matters discussed here.  If we are going to LIVE democracy every day, we must begin with knowing our constitution. It should be mandatory reading in all schools! A link to the constitution is provided here.
Some constitutional changes require a two-thirds majority in the house. For this reason, the BLPs 30-0 victory is a not only a blessing in disguise it is a two-edged sword!   Even with Mr. Atherley’s ostensible “crossing of the floor”, the Government has more than enough to change critical aspects of the constitution.  That is why, in short order, Ms. Mottley can and will put through a constitutional change to accommodate the entry of Mr. Adams to the Senate!  The people must make this sword work for them by demanding the changes they want.  Gawking and talking, reacting and over-reacting will not bring about changes by themselves.  We must deliberately organize to demand changes through our representatives and/or by other means.  We are the masters, not the servants!
: Change to Proportional Representation
Citizens must now begin to debate in earnest the change to proportional representation.  At least two sessions of the People’s Business should be devoted to this issue.  CBC TV should be guided accordingly.  This should be followed by town hall meetings on the topic. The third parties should see this as an opportunity to go back to their constituencies with an urgent issue that supersedes all parochial issues. I am aware that proportional representation will have implications for the level of directness of representation of constituencies but this can be thrashed out in the process and some home grown solution worked out. The 30-0 election outcome should never again occur!
#3: Power of Recall
We talked about this earlier. No need for any more discussion. Let’s get on with it.
#4: Reduction of Parliamentary Salaries
All hands should be on deck to demand the roll back of parliamentary salaries to some acceptable level.  In lieu of this reduction, a bonus linked to performance of the economy could be paid to ministers of government every two years.  The performance should be linked to growth in GDP!  Pay for performance. Fair is fair. 
#5: Change in Regulations for Parliamentary Pensions
Barbadians should demand a change in the legislation regarding pensions for politicians. Such pensions should not be earned by parliamentary representatives with less than fifteen years of consecutive parliamentary service.  This is just under half of the time a civil servant must spend to be eligible for a pension!  On this there should be no compromise. It is the people’s money and therefore, any idea that this cannot be done is foolishness! Write your parliamentary representative about this as early as tomorrow.
#6: Demand Integrity Legislation
Demand that integrity legislation be passed within the current year. We have had enough talk about this and the incidence of corruption keeps increasing. THIS should be mission critical from the perspective of the electorate!  
Integrity legislation should not only include declaration of assets but declaration of significant debts owed by the parliamentary representative.  That’s right! If you have significant debts, e.g. gambling debt or an extravagant mortgage, especially if it either is burdensome, it is reasonable to assume that you would be more than likely to take a bribe! Whistle blower legislation built around the concepts suggested by Solutions Barbados should be incorporated into this legislation.
In future, a tax clearance certificate should be mandatory for all those intending to present themselves as representatives of the people. How is it that our representatives can demand that we pay taxes and have tax clearance certificates to get on with OUR business but not they themselves? How did we got to this place? By being an “absentee” electorate, that is how! 
Incidentally, the constitution of Barbados has something to say about the financial suitability to be a parliamentary representative.  Section 44 (1) states, inter alia:
No person shall be qualified to be elected as a member of the House of Assembly who….
(f) has been adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt under any law in force in Barbados and has not been discharged;
(g) is disqualified for membership of the House of Assembly by or under any law in force in Barbados by reason of his having been convicted or reported guilty of any corrupt or illegal practice at elections;
Very interesting indeed! You should also read what is says about Senators!
#6: Abolish Allegiance to the British Monarchy
Here is how the first schedule of the constitution of Barbados begins:
Oath of Allegiance
I………………………. do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law. So help me God!
Sounds familiar? This is what the all ministers of government swore at the ceremony on Bay Street! The time has come to do away with our allegiance to the British monarchy! More than fifty years after independence, the presence of this in our constitution is beyond ridiculous!  Moreover, given the “unroyal” behaviour of the Queen’s “Heirs and Successors” of late, it is scandalous!  Our honour as an independent people cannot be sacrificed any longer on the altar of historic sentimentality! Is not this the same country that tried to rob our family and friends (the so-called Windrush generation) of their rights as naturalized British citizens? 
I know we have had this conversation a long time ago; that is why we should be no longer interested in long talk! Tell this government to get it done. It has more than the two-thirds majority required, notwithstanding Mr. Atherley’s “cross over”! Guyana has done it; so also Trinidad and Tobago.  No British warships were sent to block the move and the countries have not gone up in a puff of smoke!
By the way, while we are at it, we should demand the abolition of the Senate. This institution is a throw back to the House of Lords, a term that we should consider anathema as an independent country! It is a waste of tax-payers money, a loophole to create ministries for unelected party members and by its structure, serves only to rubber stamp the decisions of the so-called Lower House.  If we adopt proportional representation system, the so-called Lower House should have a wide enough variety of interests represented which will obviate the need for the Senate. For a small country like Barbados the Senate is a luxury. It is time to reduce the size of government and run a lean, mean administration.
But, back to the point. If Britain can enter the EU and “BREXIT”, at considerable cost, we can “exit” the monarchy and its trappings at a deep discount! So when you hear the objections of the “lawyertocracy” (especially those who emigrated to and were educated in the UK) who are just waiting to be on the Queen’s New Year List of Honours, just tell them this: “Just do it!”


57 responses to “Parliamentary Democracy Under the Microscope: Agenda for Change”

  1. cheez -on we getting hot up in here.

    These articles with interesting perspectives arriving fast and furious out of the oven.

    All we need are some more commentators outside of the usual suspect and it will be cat piss and pepper bout here.Wuhloss .

  2. I luv it poetic justice indeed.Come and fix what you started with all that excessive borrowing (1994 -2008) during times of plenty.

  3. Are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Doc Martin (I presume you are the author, but forgive me if I’m wrong);

    As I commented in an earlier pre-election blog I have much sympathy with your posts championing the PR system and indeed I suggested soon after the election results were in that now might be the most opportune time for successfully doing so. Your chapeau above is well argued and written but still betrays a compulsion to cast the DLP in a much better light than they deserve, especially given the results of the elections.

    On the whole, if you were one of my students, I would have awarded it an A-. The minus being a reflection of my view that it does not adequately take into effect the enormity of the 30-0 situation in Parliament and how that situation must affect any strategy for actually achieving a PR system in this term and even in the next one, as surely the DLP is unlikely to resurrect itself to force a diametrically opposite result next time around with the power to change the constitution.

    The DLP does not now have a voice in any organ of Government in Barbados. The tenor of the paper does not seem to adequately reflect this.

  4. Sorry for my multiple posts.Its the first time doing so.

    With regards to your suggestion I can say that I am on board with the passing of Integrity legislation

    ,Make parliamentarian’s pensions payable after 15 years service -yes

    Power of recall need to be fleshed out some more and the pros and cons carefully looked at;

    Proportional Representation – No – the Guyana model is a good example of why that does not always work.

  5. Get your facts about the capacity of the prison before you write that we could lease space to other islands.

  6. I am one who, not knowing the extent to which the monarchy still controlled the island, has called in the past for it’s removal from controlling the narrative on the island…but none of that can happen until we know the true extent of the crown’s ownership of the island.

    The deception directed at the people over the last 52 years by both governments now have us at a distinct disadvantage since we do not know everything about the arrangement between Barrow and the monarchy regarding ownership of the island and why sovereignty is not held by the people, despite the independence show in 66… and if it is even possible to obtain…..first that has to be sorted out.

    In all of this consideration must be given to those born before Independence in both Barbados and the Caribbean, are still alive and can claim british citizenship…given the island is still, though not a dependency I hope, has still ceded sovereignty to the monarchy and crown…it is not as cut and dried as I thought or imagined, because I never read the constitution until last week to see the depth this thing goes…day to day management of the island is left to the government of the day with the GG mentoring the government, representing UK and reporting back….that tells us very little..

    More importantly, both governments have for decades neglected to legislate laws that would protect the people, everything they did was more or less self serving…it took a radical revolt by the electorate to obliterate the last government, leaving the present government to show the population that they are capable of being mature enough to do the right things for the population who employ them and not only for the minorities who bribe them, self enrichment for themselves and those who support them.

    Growing to that level of maturity where material gain is not the driving force to each parliament will not happen over night and will take time.

    In saying that…none of the ministers, politicians, third party aspiring candidates etc are ready to be servants of the people to the extent that they can preside over a sovereign country at this time…the last 52 years is a prime example of that unreadiness.

    Until they have proven their maturity, readiness to lead and not dictate or practicing corruption, destroying their judiciary and everything that keeps a sovereign country functioning…it will be a waste of time and a threat to the majority population.

  7. autocorrect is a menace..

    ….day to day management of the island is left to the government of the day with the GG MONITORING the government and representing UK by reporting back to them….that tells us very little, except that they do not interfere in the day to day management….but still highlights who is really in control….

  8. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Doc Martin

    “Integrity Legislation
    With regard to integrity, much can be said, especially when one takes into account the claims of corruption and counter-corruption levelled at both parties. It is common knowledge that enhanced sales promotion techniques, a.k.a. as “vote buying” were used in May 24 election. Some parties’ T-shirts came with up to $300.00 cash in “incentives” it appears. It is alleged that in the St. James South constituency, about $10,000 was shared out, though apparently, not by the DLP. In another case, it is alleged, a load of voters arrived at a polling station but did not know that the name of the candidate they were to vote for! This is the level to which our parliamentary democracy has descended! It is time to put a stop to this!”

    So if it was not the DLP who then dished out the $10,000 and for what?
    Was it the UPP candidate?

    For you to arrive at this figure you must have in your possession sufficiently reliable evidence corroborated by witnesses and or recipients of the money to take to the Police in order to prosecute those involved in such a blatantly illegal act.

    Why not show how seriously committed you are about Integrity and the need to improve governance by taking this observed vote-buying to where it belongs, that is in the criminal justice system?

    Until you walk the walk instead of writing bullshit we would treat you and your bullshit with disdain.

    Unless you are prepared to play the part of Citizen ‘John Smith’ who goes to Palmetto Square, you will be considered not as part of the Solution but the cause of the Problem.

    You are no different to the last PM and AG who admitted publicly to having witnessed similar illegal acts but subsequently encouraged eligible voters to engage in what you have now confirmed to be a widespread illegal activity.

    BTW, your brand of Proportional Representation as implied in your table can only be achieved if the Constitution is fundamentally revised to recognize political parties and not just only individuals. What say you to that ‘observed’ omission?

  9. Given the narrative emerging from the Prime minister’s “expose” of the infelicities certain ministers of the previous administration, here is
    what they may have sworn to.
    “I pledge allegiance to Queen Elizabeth her heirs and successors,
    Went after the treasury,
    The commonwealth was mine like
    the Tudors !”

  10. “Change to Proportional Representation”: AGAIN: There is no DLP mentioned in the Barbadian constitution. The DLP does not owe this Royal Island.

    I really wonder where the DLP takes all these educated commentators from after the Big Sinck with his challenged views and his pathological lies raged through Barbados for TEN years. For TEN years the people of Barbados had to face politicians, judges and high bureaucrats who added one retarded statement after the other. No shame at all.

    Sinckler must personally pay for his many crimes committed against the state of Barbados. One crime is his personal responsibility for the default of the Credit Suisse loan. Of course, the DPP won´t act since she is from the same tribe like Sinckler. Arrogant, self-centered on her Mercedes-Benz and not focused on the common good. The DPP must go NOW!

  11. Miller…though claiming to have read the constitution, I believe some are still shell shocked and dont understand what being owned by a crown means, a crown that resides in UK who owns as property:

    The GG
    The PM
    All the ministers
    All the permanent secretaries
    All the senators
    The Chief Justice
    The DPP
    The Police
    Everyone that falls under the Judicial Legal Commission
    Everyone that falls under the Services Commission
    The Supreme Court
    The Parliament
    The local prison
    A local privy council that operates outside the boundaries of the court system answerable to their owner, the crown in UK

    Interestingly, despite this whole body being owned by a monarchy, all their salaries are paid by the majority population on the island and not by the monarchy that owns them, I wonder if anyone in the government cares to explain that one.

    This is the whole body that controls the day to day functioning of the island, thy are not owned by a sovereign state of their own design or creation, but by a monarchy…the people elect the leaders, the monarchy owns them after they are elected by the people, immediately falling under monarchical ownership after taking their pledges and oaths…a very strange relation that begs to be well analyzed.

    I am sure there are other such equally strange relationships with the crown across the Caribbean islands..

    it’s interesting to note that despite these very clear ownerships, it did not stop the spread of corruption throughout the whole body of those allegiance pledgers and oath takers through the decades and begs the question, why did their owners in UK never move to stop the corruption, when they know that the people have no power to stop these crimes against themselves committed by those owned by the crown.

    People need to understand this and realize that these are the ties and lies that bind and a way will have to be found eventually to find out how and if these ties can be unbound..

  12. @WW
    I agree with your position, but they have taken the same oath every election. How was this not an issue before.
    1, Wondering what would have changed if we became a republic?
    2. If under the heels of the crown they still act like madmen, what will become of this poor island if those ties are removed. We have seen they are useless but may be useful as a last resort (things get so bad, the queen run to the rescue aboard her yacht 🙂 hehe)

  13. lol..don’t hold your breath, the beast from the palace don’t care that much….

    But the monarchic presence, though unpalatable to those who understand these dynamics, has been useful over the decades given the brutal nature and mentality carried against their own people by those owned by the monarchy and what new and more vicious crimes they would perpetrate against the majority population….were they not being monitored by UK constantly over the decades….so whatever reason has the crown holding on to that cross section of citizens they can call property…has unwittingly been a blessing in disguise and saving grace to the wellbeing and safety of the majority population, although I am convinced that was not meant to be the real reason the island is still not sovereign, that would be way too easy..

    No republic just yet until all this is sorted out and boundaries set for current and future leaders…the environment is not right now at all…they knew all along that they were property of the crown..and never bothered to mention it to the same population who pay their salaries….the only people who were unaware and most still are, about this arrangement is the majority population who pay all their salaries…

    These are not the type of leaders you want leading a republic..they are damaged property, damaged goods…and will be just as ineffective as they have been for 52 years and still are now.

    Theo..I never seen the oath they took before and am sure neither did most bajans..never read or saw in black and white before the stark reality that is the constitution in it’s entirety…it was very informative..though not surprising….I knew something was way off, always did..

    Bajans spent too many decades putting their trust in politicians and ministers…too much trust in the human properties of the crown..

  14. Honestly Theo…were it not for the Windrush generation scandal/revelations and the gross disrespect, insult and lack of care shown to Caribbean born british citizens by the home office, which is an extended arm of the monarchy, every decision has to obtain permission from the civil servants in that palace…many people, myself included, would not have evenbeen remotely interested in reading the Barbados or any other constitution unless we were forced to…..which we are now forced to because of the recent election…I have even gone so far as comparing it to other constitutions in the Caribbean and worldwide and with that comes even more revelations

    ..we all took for granted the lie Barrow and all the other leaders/politicians told, that the island was independent and therefore sovereign, sovereignty actually lies in becoming a republic…but that little detail was never explained…all ya heard from Arthur and Freundel was…we going republic…then soon after…nothing, no explanation about why it did not happen, that should have alarmed the population but no one questioned them and they never volunteered answers..some original shitheads for leaders.

    I never would have read the US constitution either had I not been forced to because of a law course I took, the thing is unfriendly and was drafted by lawyers solely to keep lawyers employed forever.

    Now we know and have paid to learn that each citizen should engage in every aspect of government and know the contents of their constitution…verbatim…each generation should be versed in it’s contents.


  15. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Well, Well June 4, 2018 3:42 AM
    “People need to understand this and realize that these are the ties and lies that bind and a way will have to be found eventually to find out how and if these ties can be unbound..”

    One day coming very, very soon Bajans will have to face a very important date with destiny.

    The same way the Government of Barbados (GoB) had to meet its financial and economic Waterloo and now, on its very sick bed, is forced to ‘summon’ an emergency visit from Dr. IMF to perform radical surgery in order to save the economic life of Barbados so too -in the very near future and with the fast passing of Father Time- Queen Lizzy will be forced to leave the throne and put the Bajan Constitution up for amendment if they do not want to live in an Elizabethan mirage.

    We shall see if the Bajan people still want to continue to hold onto the Royal apron strings soon to be worn by a man whether ‘He’ be Charlie or Willie.

    Here comes the golden opportunity of ‘crowning’ glory for Bajans to live up to the true spirit of their national anthem.

  16. Speaking of Parliamentary Democracy the newly elected Gov’t is poised to extend the number of our representatives. Under the heading in the Manifesto titled “Giving Bajans a Greater say in National Affairs” there is this bullet point. “Establish People’s Assemblies-These will be elected and will be directly engaged in activities to strengthen and protect our communities-“ I suppose this is to replace the much maligned “Constituency Councils” but in my estimation this is a roundabout return to local Gov’t abolished by Barrow’s DLP approximately 60 years ago.

    Do we really need another group of elected politicians? Why can’t the elected MP’s devote one or two days a month at their local constituency offices to address constituent’s concerns? Is this proposed “People’s Assemblies” another bureaucratic layer to frustrate the average Bajan who just requires some solution to his/her concerns?

    Time will tell if this is ever introduced- there’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip

    Early days.

  17. Millier…we are trying to get it to sink in first, that if a constitution is not yours as a people, sovereignty is not yours as a country, it can be implied that the constitution can be amended at will by those to whom it belongs..

    Ah do believe that information will need to be digested in bits and piece to take effect, give them time.

    Yeah, that dude Charlie is skin crawling, always has been, not much different to the old monster that is on its way out.

    It’s a good thing the electorate got rid of the wild animals in the last administration for the people’s own safety and future wellbeing…all like “crack heads and shoot some people” Jones…imagine if he had the powers outside of being a piece of property belonging to the crown…how freely he would exercise his brutality on the majority population..

    In saying that, the people now being awakened are free to EXCISE certain elements in the parliament in preparation for any near future amendments to the constitution..

    ..powers to recall ministers, opposition al doing any 5 year term is very important amendment at this juncture… for the safety of the population.

  18. THE PEOPLE’S power to recall ministers, opposition et al…. doing any 5 year term is very important amendment to legislate AND ENFORCE at this juncture… for the safety of the population.

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Sargeant June 4, 2018 8:38 AM

    Well said!

    Barbados needs less government; not more!

    A two-bit island already overpopulated with corrupt politicians and parasitic bureaucrats.

    Barbados needs more bureaucracy the same way it needs more vehicles on its poorly maintained makeover donkey cart roads. Why does Barbados have to import vehicles packing over 2,000 cc engines? Where do these vehicles go to require such power and speed?

    How can more ‘elected people’s assemblies’ be on the agenda with the fast expanding use of information and communication technology (ICT) and the associated influential role of social media?

    Why not embark on strategies which are more productive and beneficial to the country?

    Why not ‘assemble’ communities or platoons of committed citizens to clean up the growingly unsightly environment and to protect it from environmental terrorists in their midst?

  20. They got all these yardfowls they made promises to and once elected have to take care of…..

    ……with the Information age, companies need less employees to function adequately… not more….

    …..the same with governments..they should need less warm bodies to function..not more….but the yardfowls, hangers on and parasitic leaches element presents a problem.

    The internet is being described as the biggest university to ever exist….information you will never find in a class room can be found online.

  21. Barbados needs to find a way to grow the economy and create jobs.

    FOOD SECURITY is important so grow more food crops and reduce the dependence on

    Solar and wind energy to produce electricity should be a major growth industry that could create new jobs.

    Less government more businesses and industries.

  22. Hants,

    Barbados is an over-crowded island of 166 sq miles. S, growing food is not a real option. Food security means securing your food supply – which is not the same as growing.

  23. @ Hal Austin, who wrote ” growing food is not a real option.”

    Oxfam is a real option when there is no money to import.

  24. @Hal

    Typical Bajan, growing food not a real option.

    Get real, any country that cannot feed itself internally is destined to FAILURE, unless they have a significant military and can intimidate their neighbours.

    Tell me how a bankrupt country can secure it’s food supply unless you go Haitian and live on handouts.

  25. This analysis is a bastardisation of how seats are allocated in a PR system. You can’t simply take the % of total votes against the number of seats and come to a final tally based on a first pass the post voting system.🤣🤣
    My experience with voting in a PR system always allowed me to rank my choices i.e. vote for more than one person/party.

  26. Wily Coyote,

    Central to a self-sufficient agricultural policy is land use : housing, recreational, meadows and agricultural. With a growing population, there is limit to what we can grow in Barbados to meet that growing demand.
    Food security is about ‘securing’ the supply of food, which can be done in numerous ways. It is one reason why the Chinese, Arabs, Indian and Australian are buying vast tracks of agricultural land in Africa, it is to secure future supply.
    In Barbados we can do this by leasing/buying land in Guyana or Dominica (Guyana by the way is bigger than England with a population the size of three of the average of 32 London boroughs).
    Economically, this will be more prudent: providing jobs in Guyana or Dominica, jobs in Barbados and contributing greatly to reducing the current account deficit.
    There is another way of securing food sullies in a globalised world, by buying on the commodities derivatives markets, which can be very exciting.
    When I was a little boy, we bought most of our rice from Guyana and Haiti. No the entire Caribbean are net importer of US rice, which shows the power of the US food lobby.
    The idea of food security is based on the Bengali famine when, it is suggested, Churchill starved millions of Indians during the Second World War.
    The world has moved on since then. Our thinking must also move on.

  27. Hants,
    Some Oxfam staff may want sex for food.

  28. @Hal

    Great ideas, unfortunately you need $$$$$, of which Barbados has NONE. Back to the bankrupt THINK TANK.

  29. Wily Coyote,

    You need idea and imagination. You do not need money upfront for derivatives.

  30. Wily Coyote
    More importantly, a broader interpretation of the CSME at the governmental level across ALL member states.

  31. So the Governor General has decided that she will use her appointed Senators to be the Opposition?

    This is so blatant to see where her loyalties lies……..other than her former parish priest Michael Maxwell and Toni Moore these senators are all dems……….I thought that she was supposed to be appointing Independent people not party hacks……….and to bring Althea Wiggins back form being deputy High Commissioner straight into the senate?

    Where is the representative from the private sector? Or is she vexed that the private sector helped done in the DLP?

    ……….and dishonest VOB would not even say in their report that the woman was the former deputy only mentioned that she was out of the country and would be sworn in later………Does the same rule apply to her as Rawdon Adams and Kay McConney. After all she has not lived in Barbados for 12 straight months either or would there been exception for her that she was serving her country? So was Kay McConney!

    Looking back at this Joe Atherley situation, I am now inclined to believe that the BLP outsmarted her and that it was a deliberate move by the BLP………..otherwise look she would have had the opportunity to appoint her five or seven dems and then the other two that MAM was offering.

    I take back what I said about Atherley……….this was a boss move by the BLP…….two steps ahead the dems always.

  32. The electorate has the power in their hands to NOT elect any of the GGs opposition choices to the parliament come next election, as long as this government does it’s job..

    As things stand and as per the constitution, the choice to appoint the required amount of opposing senators rests solely with the GG, she is in charge of the island.

    Many people may have to get used the idea that the GG is answerable only to buckingham palace.

  33. Ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the

  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I somehow have a serious problem with a proposal which, IN THE FACE OF HAVING A REGIME THAT PERPETRATED THE VERY POOREST GOVERNMENT OUR COUNTRY HAS EVER EXPERIENCED, would now be suggestjng BY THEIR PROXY, that the shojld be guaranteed 7 FVCKENG seats!

    That does not make sense

    Oh by the way it is IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY ” I resonate with…

    Resonate is an inanimate verb and cannot carry an animate noun/object

    You can say “It resonated with me…” or “what he said resonates with me ” but not I resonate…

  35. “Central to a self-sufficient agricultural policy is land use..”

    Another fallacy being advanced by the uninformed. Such land use policy already exists in Barbados. What’s missing Central is a comprehensive policy framework that encapsulates the environmental (water, hurricane damage coverage etc), labour (immigration), economic (incentives and disincentives etc), social and technological (hydroponics, greenhouse etc) factors. Land use centred planning policy approach to development is obsolete.

  36. “Toni Moore, and includes attorneys-at-law Monique Taitt and Kevin John Boyce, Reverend Michael Bruce St John Maxwell, Lindell Elon Nurse, Christopher Maynard and Alphea Margot Wiggins.”

    @ pieceuhderockyeahright,

    Reminder. the BLP have 29 seats and a Christian as Opposition leader.

  37. Prodigal Son: “Does the same rule apply to her as Rawdon Adams and Kay McConney. After all she has not lived in Barbados for 12 straight months either or would there been exception for her that she was serving her country? So was Kay McConney!”

    Do you know how long ago it has been since Ms. McConney served her country? Many years. What was her contribution to Barbados and its people over that time while she resided in Canada.

  38. We need to use the technology to mass produce in parallel with education awareness campaigns to encourage backyard farming. We must grow the need to fully utilize open spaces for food/fruit production.

    Check Singapore.

  39. David BU

    What about those plantations in St. John that were previously owned by the now defunct CLICO……..Henley, Wakefield and Pool?

    I recall during an election campaign meeting in St. john and while endorsing the DLP’s George Pilgrim as the candidate for that constituency, Sincker promised to use these plantation for agricultural purposes.

  40. @Artax

    The general election result confirms how the electorate feels about Sinckler’s propensity to lie?

  41. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Brother Hants

    Yes the Bishop which give his next senatorial choice will expose “who is choking the bishop?”

    By the way you post at 2.04 PM nearly was frighten de ole man

    For, read in hopeful succession, de ole man felt that you were saying that he was part of the GG’s senatorial list heheheheh

    De ole man was saying the myself “myself, it would appear fat you has been appointed LIKE Caswell

    Indeed I was saying that WHILE Dr. SIMPLE Simon had put in a word fuh de ole man with Hartley Henry and nothing had come of It, you had done so with the GG.

    And whaplax…

    Anyways hope springs eternal…

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    This foolish iPad correcting all de bajan and making a mess of English AND Bajan

  43. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Doc Martin… “I know we have had this conversation a long time ago; that is why we should be no longer interested in long talk! Tell this government to get it done. It has more than the two-thirds majority required, notwithstanding Mr. Atherley’s “cross over”! Guyana has done it; so also Trinidad and Tobago”….

    DO WHAT EXACTLY ? PUT MORE OF WHAT YOU ADVOCATE IN ITS PLACE BY MOB RULE? You are advocating that you never want the situation of a 30-0 because they can do anything that they want but at the same time you want the 30-1 to just do what you say by just saying they should “just do it.” So you are now advocating One Man Rule with Doc Martin at the Helm. People that usually do this generally are called a Dictator As in “TIL that Idi Amin’s official title was “His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular”… I appreciate your desire for Debate but I do Not Appreciate your Desire for Ruling…You Were Not Elected.

    Now you Either want to Drastically Change the Constitution or Do Away with it Completely…. Did you not Observe that “the people by the power of their Individual Votes that their voice were Heard and ‘Not One Rock Got Pelt’.

    Let’s look at Barbados. Any person could run to be a representative of the People either in a Party or as an Independent. The Reason we choose Representatives is that we hope, pray and beg that they is a Hopefull one of our wiser ones that may spend the time to understand the Particular Issue before a Judgment or law is passed. If we used Tec to give an Opinion on everything that needs to be done you could call that Participatory Democracy, we could also call that MOB RULE BY THE MAJORITY.

    In Order to avoid MOB RULE we create a Constitution wherein are Laws that Protects the Minority from the Majority. Wither it be in Religion, Ethnicity or Economics or Education.

    They are a those voices that promote Communism Light as in Commie Sing Song and there are others who believe In Marxism like Tee White ‘LIES and they are those who believe in Democratic Socialism like Doc Martin…All part of the Same Tree and Root System when said and done…By their Fruit you shall know them… All those Advocating Mob Rule and Radically Changing the Constitution are Socialist/Marxist/Communist in their outlook…Their Aims are the same and come with seemingly reasonable, rational and acceptable debate clouded in the power of the pen over the minds of the people. Judge for yourself…They all mix Truth with a whole Lot of Underlying Lies to win the favour of the people.

    Let our voices be heard nowadays we have the Internet. We can warn and teach others almost instantaneously of the Perils that infringe on our Freedoms. This remedy is the power of the citizens; they have to prevent the establishment of such an autocratic regime of Non-Elected Officials that arrogates to itself a higher wisdom than that of the average citizen. This is the fundamental difference between Freedom and Serfdom…Whoever wants peace among nations must seek to limit the state and its influence most strictly…. The planner is a potential dictator who wants to deprive all other people of the power to plan and act according to their own plans. He aims at one thing only: the exclusive absolute pre-eminence of his own plan.

    This is Why the Powers of the State should be Limited and not All-Encompassing…×2160/43779-Thomas-Sowell-Quote-One-of-the-common-failings-among-honorable.jpg

  44. lol..Piece, my bajan always ends up as

    the damn autocorrect had GP laughing recently, I really wonder who set up these things.

  45. @PDRUYR
    “De ole man was saying the myself “myself, it would appear fat you has been appointed LIKE Caswell”

    Now how can you be appointed behind your VPN and alias. That would just be a trick to unmask you,
    Say “No!” 🙂

  46. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Theophilus Gazerts

    You know you got a point dere and de ole man so slow I ent see dat one!

    You tink dat my pally George and Brother Hants is complicit in trying to unmask me?

    I ent believe you doah causing ef it was he, he wudda offer me tickets to Fleur’s performances front row or something or to Glennis’ ting

    (By ting de ole man mean performance hear? I know dat dere used to be a feller bout here who would only interpret dat de ole man meant “trembling tings demo

    By de way, what become of he doah?

    IT is like if he gun magazine get rip out of de PPK gun he was bout heah shooting bout in de air.

    Good ting he was shooting blanks 30 of them heheheheh

    I going have a word with the tag team that undo he soulcase – of whom de ole man seem to faintly remember that you were one?

    I hear dat the victor should be gracious to the conquered but Theophilus, you can believe de absolute delight de ole man hath in repeating 30-0 And “not one badword seat”

  47. @ pieceuhderockyeahright,

    I would never try to unmask you especially since you have shown appreciation for my taste in music. lol

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