Submitted by Tee White

Following the unprecedented Barbados Labour Party (BLP) 30-0 victory over the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) in the general elections, an often heard statement from both winning and losing candidates is that the people have spoken. But does an analysis of the election results support this claim?

According to CaribbeanElections website, there were 255,833 people registered to vote in the 2018 election. Combining data from VOB and Caribbean Elections, I have calculated that 153, 547 people actually cast a valid ballot. Of these, 112,249 cast a vote for the winning BLP. In other words, 44% of registered voters voted for the BLP while 56% did not. This could hardly be described as “the people have spoken”.

If David’s statement that “A manifesto is a bunch of promises designed to woo an ignorant electorate. The real business begins as far as managing the economy” is accurate, then the situation is even more dire. Since not only are we dealing with a government elected by a minority of the population but there is also the very real likelihood that many of those who voted for the winning party have been deliberately misled. It is difficult to understand why in the light of this reality, we continue to insist that we have in our country a democratic political system, by which I understand government of the people, by the people and for the people. Would it not be more accurate to acknowledge that we have a fundamentally undemocratic political system that we have inherited from slavery and colonialism but to which our fore-parents through numerous sacrifices have added some political rights that we enjoy, including universal adult suffrage?

From a constitutional point of view, sovereignty, or supreme power in this system, lies in the hands of the queen of England. Through the royal prerogative, she has the absolute power via her representative, the Governor General, to dismiss any government elected in Barbados and even to dismiss the entire parliament, as happened in Australia in 1975. Added to this is the fact that the promises made by the parties vying for power have no legal force and so once Bajans have marked their x on the ballot paper, there is nothing they can do to force a government to carry out its promises nor prevent it from doing things which it never mentioned in its election campaign. Through these arrangements and others, ordinary Bajans are left disempowered and marginalised from the decision making in the country.

Something else is needed. In the same way that previous generations of Bajans had to work out how to end the iniquitous system of slavery and then how to win various political and social rights, including formal political independence, our generation is faced with the task of shaping political arrangements in our country that empower the mass of the people and end our marginalisation from political power. We do not need to emulate anybody else’s model as we can think for ourselves. What if we ended the system of party government and political parties existed solely to politicise the society and to advocate for different approaches to solving the problems we face? What if the electorate itself set the government’s programme before each election through extensive discussion of the issues that needed to be dealt with, in this way becoming informed about the reality of the situation and the complexity of the problems that needed to be solved? What if the programme once agreed had the force of law and the government’s performance was continuously evaluated against the targets set within it? What if the candidates themselves were chosen not by political parties but by citizens bearing in mind the skills sets and experience that successful completion of the government’s programme would require? What if elected representatives were held to account for their performance by accountability committees made up of citizens with interest and expertise in particular areas? What if all government finances operated under a system of extreme transparency in which each citizen had a right to information on how all public money was collected and spent?

Just putting it out there.

119 responses to “The People Have Spoken … or have they?”

  1. Something has to give, things cannot remain as is, not in any form going forward..if other countries that were victimized and terrorized for centuries can see it and act upon it, why can’t the Caribbean…

    ..and the worse part is, not enough real history, African history has ever been taught in schools in Barbados or the Caribbean, each successive generation is still being fed a steady diet of miseducation and lies about their own history …and we wonder why the leaders appear so dumb, dumbed down and unfocused..

    “I think it’s a very, very clear case of appropriation and theft,” he said. “They were taken in 1897 during the raid on the Palace of Benin. The palace was destroyed; they were taken and then sold to pay for the cost of the military adventure. Everyone was open about this – steal this stuff, send it to pay for the cost of the bullets. It’s just such a stark case of theft.”

    He said there were around 4,000 objects taken from the Nigerian palace that were national treasures.

    “The idea that your national treasure would be in the museum of another country is something that as British people we would find absolutely impossible to get our heads around,” he said, “but that’s what Nigerians have to think about.”

  2. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    d p D at 7: 30 PM

    I am pleased that you spotted the logical flaws in the analysis. And the framing of arguments with half truths and selected irrelevant information.
    You will now appreciate why the publication of a poll, based on a biased and extremely small sample, near the actual election could have negatively affected the results.

  3. ac exyardfowl…seeing that the stripped ex government sat on integrity legislation for 6 years and refused to have it proclaimed, could it be because yall were too busy tiefing everything that was not nailed down….never even bothered to have ministers declare their assets…could it be yall stole too much…..

    well this is a step in the right direction.

  4. @ Hants

    My friend spend his money to save his home, Kerrie / BLP Government will have to save the rest of homes in Clarkes Road

  5. Disgusting Lies and Propaganda TV (formerly CBC TV and Radio) Avatar
    Disgusting Lies and Propaganda TV (formerly CBC TV and Radio)

    The issue the orginal poster brings up, applies to every single democracy on the face of the earth. As some said before in this blog, how do you cater to people who did not care to vote when the process is as simple as for someone to place an x on a piece of paper. The only ISSUE may be to actually get to a polling station and to wait in line….There can be arguments to improve the efficiency of the process but as it is there is no major flaw in the current one. Also as someone posted there may issues with accuracy of the voters list ,voters in jail, psychiatric hospital, persons actually alive etc, meaning the amt of valid voters may be less than the 255,883 but that number i believe may hardly be significant

    The maths the poster comes with, that only 44% of registered voters voted BLP is asinine, jumbled up, Denis Kellman, one from 10 leaves zero type maths….for this election 60% of registered voters VOTED. and made it there business to vote….a process that takes at most 10-15 mins every 60 months approx for each person to do. It means the other 40% SUBJECTED themselves to what the other 60% voted for…so using the jumbled up maths at the same LEVEL of the original can be said that..40% of the 255,833 registered voters (i.e 102,333) APPROVED what the 112,249 BLP voters DID i.e. 214,582 people out of 255,833 CONSENTED for the BLP to win the government EITHER DIRECTLY OR BY DEFAULT. Another argument is that some voters may not have liked any of the candidates in their constituency…ok so be it but this is hardly to be a significant number. If i could use the jumbled up logic of the poster…if the 40% of reg voters that did not vote did not like the BLP all they had to do is come out and place their x alongside a non BLP candidate.

    The REAL numbers are as per source ( 153,745 valid votes were cast, which is 698 votes less than the 154,443 cast in 2013 but still is the 2nd highest amount of votes cast in any election in Bdos’ history. The more astounding number is that 72% of this number voted for one party (BLP) which is more than the 64% the BLP gained in the 1999 elections. By these numbers it was a blowout of the highest order. The 33,985 votes the DLP gained in 2018 is the LEAST number of votes ANY of the two current majors parties have gained in any election since 1956 !!! (which is the first election the DLP contested)…62 years ago!!!!…this election has brought the DLP to its knees!!!!!.

  6. @de pedantic Dribbler May 27, 2018 7:30 PM “*The DLP were beaten comprehensively in every box in every constituency

    Not quite.

    The DLP won 2 boxes in St. John, a constituency they held from 1958 to 2018.

    Cuhdear, you have to give Jack his jacket, the DLP won 2 boxes out of 304.

  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @DisgustingLies…. Good data points. Clearly shows the author the paucity of his garbled data presentation.

    However, I don’t understand your summary that ”this election has brought the DLP to its knees!!!!!”.

    To their knees…nope. This election has completely destroyed the party that EWB built.

    If a new cadre can’t wrest control now, then when?

    Thank you @Simple. Careless on my part.

  8. The issue for some is not how easy is the voting process. Voter apathy is something that always has to occupy the mind of the citizenry. A democracy is described as fragile and requires eternal vigilance. To reference a historical behaviour is too linear. Why should political parties have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to energize citizens to perform their civic duty?

  9. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    They choose to spend thousands of dollars and in all cases overspend despite what the law says.

    You should recall that it was the BLP that outlawed the giving and wearing of t-shirts for example. Do you think that those thousands of t-shirts cost a penny? Did the other side or the Electoral Office even complain?

    They overspend to overwhelm poor people, who might have a contribution to make, from coming forward because they can’t match the big spenders.

    Sent from my iPad

  10. @Caswell

    This is the concern of some of us who want to be guardians of our fate. Third parties will never flourish in present conditions, it is why a few had hoped Prime Minister Mottley would have created an opportunity in the Senate given the 30-0 result.

  11. Disgusting Lies and Propaganda TV (formerly CBC TV and Radio) Avatar
    Disgusting Lies and Propaganda TV (formerly CBC TV and Radio)

    @ David i was only trying to remove the simplicity of the process as to any reason as why 40% could not have voted. But people must not be confused with the percentages…In absolute terms, for example, the 150,000+ people that cast a valid vote in 2018 is more than the total number of registered voters in 1971. Even though it was the lowest % of voter turn absolute was actually the 2nd highest amt of votes cast in any election in Bdos, hence the 2nd largest election ever in Barbados. So when i saw that it was the lowest % turnout, my first question is how accurate is that voters list.
    I guess the real reason many people don’t vote is that they feel that their vote doesn’t matter, don’t care about politics on the whole or just do not care care for anything else outside of being able to live comfortably. THAT is why parties spend so much in campaigns to get people to feel that their votes matter. I remember watching the last BLP rally before the election and Mia constantly urged everyone to vote…getting people to feel they matter helped the BLP gain a significant amt of people that voted DLP last time (approx 20%)

  12. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @The Honourable Blogmaster

    You said and I quote

    “…Third parties will never flourish in present conditions, it is why a few had hoped Prime Minister Mottley would have created an opportunity in the Senate given the 30-0 result..”

    What do you mean by created an opportunity?

    Is it that you, even you, the one person whom a blogger here said the you launched the most unrelenting campaign against the DLP, are having doubts?

    Is it that you are wondering why, of all meaningful parties to the hoped rebuilding of Barbados, why has it passaged that Madamoiselle Prime Minister has invited back the vomit of the abomination of the Demonic Labour Party to the cabinet?

    Are you also wondering why she has so easily embraced this incompetence?

    Surely you digital champion among champions are not quavering so early in the fray?

  13. @PUDRYR

    Understand the logic behind the decision to I.e. the party that collected the most votes of the opposition parties but it also presented the opportunity for her to be a change agent. Let us wait for the GG picks.

  14. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Mr. Caldwell Franklyn

    You said and I quote

    “… Do you think that those thousands of t-shirts cost a penny?

    Did the other side or the Electoral Office even complain?..”

    The law pertaining to campaign spend HAS TO BE CHANGED

    There is no way in this day and age that $1 or whatever outdated figure can be reasonably applied to campaign spend.

    And how can the other side complain?

    DEM was doing it too. I sure I see Fumbles next to an elderly woman in a BLP shirt while he was wearing an inferior DLP shirt

    I am one of the few whose grandson was in the business of promoting this eye candy

    Which brings me to this question

    What is your position on the prolific advertising campaign that CBC Reporting Lies conducted on behalf of the DLP?

    Do we mention that discrepancy as being so glaringly obvious particularly the last act of vengeance conducted by CBC Reporting Lies when they refused to over the swearing in of the new government?

    You need to come clean as it relates to ALL SIDES OF THIS “ADVERTISING THING” but who am I to hold your feet to the coals drenched as I am in the grandson’s sins?

    Do you want any of his collector T-SHIRT series limited edition of vote de DLP to RH out?

    I doubt it

  15. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    You and I already know who the GG choices are going to be

    BTW I have an item in suspense

  16. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Mr Caswell Franklyn

    I made another comment on your earlier post but it will soon show.

    As to the second part of your statement “…They overspend to overwhelm poor people, who might have a contribution to make, from coming forward because they can’t match the big spenders…”

    That is truly a rubbish statement.

    Juxtapose your statement against the phenomenon Natlee

    She was not a big spender according to your logic yet she was able to attract some cuhdear votes.

    A Third Party needs to be in and amongst its constituents. FULL STOP.

    You can’t just appear overnight and expect people to put confidence in You

    Look at your one man operation at UNITY

    Did that flourish overnight?

    Did you have a big spender budget like your competitors?

    Yet here you are in one breath attributing the lack of uptake of the Third Parties to big spend as opposed to rightfully assigning it to piss poor planning by people who simply were not ready.

    But you know what I dun wid dis third party bugle blowing

    Madamoiselle Prime Minister Mottley is in the driver’s seat so leh we see what she will do

    Hopefully we will continue to see your blogs here that would reflect the advances your workers experience under her administration…

  17. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    If none of the stripped exministers accept the Mia offer of 2 senate seats through the GG they themselves appointed, it will only highlight what we have all been saying for years, the exgovernment consisted of self serving ministers who were only interested in what they could take, take, take from the very people who elected them twice….and never saw themselves being elected as serving or representing the public, but only as an opportunity to serve themselves and those who bribed them.

    No one should be surprised, the surprise will come if anyone of them accepts the offer and recognizes that it is their opportunity to be a voice in parliament for the people, unselfishly. …to show how genuine their intent, they should not even accept a salary, it would go a long way in redeeming themselves for they what they subjected the people to for 10 long years.

    Don’t hold your breath though.

  18. 30-0 sounds like a blessing from above
    New regime should cash in on its spiritual capital and make a formal move to kick off reparatory justice case.

    A petition lodged in a Court has to be heard. UK Courts would also be on trial for inherent prejudices.

    In the Court of Time the case would be won.

  19. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    555….this is the very best time for the reparation movement to strike, it would be questionable why they would even consider lingering on these glaring issues…when everything is lined up as they should in their favor, Karma is on a rampage and they now have the tools needed to access what is owed….I am not speaking monetary…but they have the upperhand, UK media is keeping Windrush alive, that injustice will not go away…. the time to expose even more modern day oppression and criminalization of Caribbean black people in particular another spin off from the Atlantic Slave Trade, at the hands of Europe and UK, through the present day Courts is at hand..

  20. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    It is noteworthy that Hilary is asking what other oppressive, slave project the UK has in store for Caribbean people….hopefully he is not waiting for that white project of evil against black people to be instituted..before he and those who head the reparations movement act to stop those plans of destruction….in its tracks…before they materialize.

    It’s instructive that Caribbean leaders have still not stopped pledging allegiance to a racist monarchy that still signs off on projects to continue the oppression and criminalization of Caribbean people….hopefully they have been awakened to see how terribly wrong something is with that picture after each election ….elected by their own people who are the ones being oppressed.

    As I told Rubes yesterday, not everyone see themselves as having so little self worth, self respect or so little and low a level of self esteem that they would accept such clear human rights violations against themselves now and in the future, that was so brutally practiced against their ancestors. …not everyone will say “so what” to that level of evil and criminality being committed against themselves.

    And it says a lot about the mentalities of those who actually see nothing wrong with any of it.

  21. ” In early July, the 35-year-old will return home as the first and only female neurosurgeon in Rwanda, says Toronto Western Hospital, where she has spent the last year honing her skills in neuro-oncology and skull base surgery, specializing in the removal of brain tumours.”

  22. Thank you to everyone for your comments and responses. There are a number of points in these that I would like to address.

    First, some of the BLP supporters have interpreted my piece as being part of the DLP/BLP confrontation and as an attempted attack on the BLP victory in last week’s election. They have therefore reacted by challenging in particular my conclusion that 44% of the electorate voted for the BLP and 56% did not. In doing so, they have spoken about the voting statistics in previous elections when the DLP won, have pointed out that some 75% of those who cast a valid ballot voted for the BLP, have implied that I speculated about the intentions of those who did not vote for the BLP and have pointed out that the electoral register is inaccurate and so my 44%/56% conclusion is probably inaccurate.

    In the first place, this interpretation of theirs is completely mistaken. There is nothing in my analysis which is critical of the BLP, its leader or the BLP election manifesto because my piece is a critique of the system of ‘representative democracy’ which I consider to be unrepresentative and undemocratic and therefore my criticisms apply to all the results of all the elections carried out under this system, regardless of which party won. The responses, however, further convince me of the destructive nature of the system of party government on engendering informed participation by the people in the governance of the country. Issues when they are raised are immediately interpreted through the lens of the BLP/DLP confrontation and people take sides not on the basis of an informed grasp of the issue as a result of discussing it with others, but on the basis of support for their party. Does anyone really think that a Transport Board driver who votes BLP is fundamentally different from one that votes DLP and that they would come up with fundamentally different ideas if we asked them to give their views on the problems facing Transport Board and possible solutions to them? My point is that we need a new democratic system which engenders the people’s empowerment and their involvement in the decision making in the country that goes way beyond putting an x on a ballot paper once every 5 years.

    The point about the inaccuracy of the electoral register and the impact of this on the statistics I presented is in my view a reasonable point. However, those who make this point need to do the research, find the data and come back with it. It doesn’t help to present anectdotes about the number of people in Dodds or the number of people on the register who have emigrated or are off the island at the time of the election. If the data is presented and it shows that the 44%/56% split is inaccurate, I will be more than happy to correct it.

    With regard to the many factors which may account for people choosing not to vote, the point made by @Disgusting Lies and Propaganda TV (formerly CBC TV and Radio) that “I guess the real reason many people don’t vote is that they feel that their vote doesn’t matter….” chimes with my own personal experience. This is also related to David’s point about the nature of election promises and Doc Martin’s point about the use of advanced marketing strategies as part of election campaigning. If people through repeated experience draw the conclusion that under the current system, politicians continually fool them and that voting does not help to solve the problems of their daily lives, then this is a problem of the system and not of voters being ‘lazy’ or ‘apathetic’. Why should elections operate on a “the boat has sailed” basis rather than being one of many avenues for citizens to exercise decision making power in the life of the country?

    Secondly, some people have reacted negatively to the point I make about sovereignty in our political system being vested in the queen of England and not in the people of Barbados and to the powers of the royal prerogative in this situation. @Hal Austin describes this point as ‘hogwash’ and ‘crap’ but never states clearly whether sovereignty does lie with the queen of England, whether the royal prerogative exists and, if so, what constitutional powers it confers on the sovereign. I would be happy to hear Hal elaborate his view as to why pointing out this reality is ‘hogwash’ and ‘crap’. He may also want to explain, from a constitutional point of view, why ministers elected by the people of Barbados have to swear allegiance to the queen of England.

    For the record, my attitude towards the new BLP government will be the same as it was to the previous DLP government. If it does something that I think benefits working class and poor Bajans, I will suport it and if it does something that I think is harmful to working class and poor Bajans, I will oppose it.

  23. Well Well

    It would also be a test of new Governments ability

    will they get results or will they prevaricate

    a new minister for reparations position is in order

  24. I got word that Britain is ready to pay reparation, so that Barbadians can go on liming.

    The Barbadians in Britain will be happy to finance that glorious idea as taxpayers and work from 7 AM to 5 PM to finance their brothers and sisters in the Caribbean their lavish lifestyle where something like work ethic is unknown and promotion is due to failure.

  25. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “It would also be a test of new Governments ability.”

    It will certainly show up their strengths, as well as their weaknesses, mental strength and brain power or lack thereof.

    Including the abilty to make positive history and leave a long lasting legacy or….their inability to do any of it…whichever way they swing it, will be interesting.

    There is hope however.

  26. A SECTION of the large audience that witnessed the swearing-in ceremony.

    Take a look at the photo in the story.

    Where are the BLACK BAJANS ? At the back and on the sides?

    A lot of ” eggs “. White and brown.

  27. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Tron…in your haste to demoralize and demean.the reparations effort…I dont think you read what I posted…or ya would have seen this…

    “Karma is on a rampage and they now have the tools needed to access what is owed….I am not speaking monetary…but they have the upperhand, UK media is keeping Windrush alive”.

  28. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “He may also want to explain, from a constitutional point of view, why ministers elected by the people of Barbados have to swear allegiance to the queen of England.”

    It clearly answers the questions every voter has asked for years, why is it neither of the 2 governments nor the oppostion over the last 52 years elected by the people in their interchangeable roles….never seemed to have any allegiance to the PEOPLE who elected them…

    ….note I did not mention Mia’s new government since she has pledged to be the exception rather than the rule of ignoring the people who elected her.

    It is instructive and answers the decades old question of why so many politicians over the decades have been confused about who should receive their allegiance …since ya cannot serve two masters, they served the minority parasites and demons both local and foreign, whom they believed were pleasing to the eyes of the beast monarchy in the UK..

    They still cannot serve two masters so allegiance to a monarchy….gotta go.

  29. 1) Some of the statistics I see being bandied around are simply unbelievable.
    “255,833 people registered to vote in the 2018 election.”
    Between 14 and 19 represent 6 % of the population, so I put the percentage of non voter to 25%.

    Group Male Female Total Percent
    0-14 28 001 26 756 54 757 19,71
    15-64 90 193 96 902 187 095 67,34
    65+ 14 824 21 145 35 969 12,9
    Even if one included expatriates who can vote and the few who were in the court fighting to vote, then with a population of 300,000 we still cannot get past 225K voters.

    2) Even though I dislike the 30-0 drubbing, I am glad it did not come to close races. It was amazing to see a group of non-nationals fighting to vote and therefore position themselves (in a close race) as the voters who dragged the winners just past the finish line.

    Let me put on my legal hat even though I don’t have an LEC (what a load of rubbish), Mia have to revisit the law that allow people who come to island for three years to vote. If the race is very tight, they will calim they made the difference and want rewards that are far in excess of their numbers.

    Barbados, you are a small island with a small population. Strategically positioning themselves in small areas and voting collectively, a small group can hijack your elections. Wise up.

  30. 30-0 sounds like a blessing from above
    New regime should cash in on its spiritual capital and make a formal move to kick off reparatory justice case.
    Excellent observation Kiki
    It is indeed a blessing (and probably our VERY LAST chance) at sack cloth and ashes.
    Here is the test….

    After their lavish, public and impressive swearing-in ceremony – where these newly EMPOWERED BLP leaders have sworn before God, GG and brass to uphold the LAWS of the land (if not of God), it should only require a few more weeks now for us to see how they deal with the KNOWN and well documented (especially by themselves) law-breaking that has gone on at the highest possible levels over the past years.
    Will they APPLY the law as they SWORE, so publicly to do?

    Are lepers the ONLY brass bowls who are subject to the laws of the land?
    If monies were ILLEGALLY transferred through the NHC as alleged – will this be PROSECUTED?
    If bribes were accepted for ZR /Taxi and other permits – will this be investigated?
    Who will pay for the CAHILL shiite?

    Will we hear more lame excuses like ‘files not being found’, ….evidence being weak…., people being ill…. and other shiite talk that REALLY means “We are planning to do the same shiite – so we ain’t working no ground for monkey to run on….”

    By August 1, it will be VERY clear if our collective asses are doomed…
    ..or if we are on a path to possible survival….

    Nothing else means squat….
    Righteousness (Doing what is RIGHT and LAWFUL) is the only avenue of national exaltation….
    Sin (brassbowlery and its encouragement) is a REPROACH to any people… (no matter what else they bring to the table…)

    This is where wunna NEED Caswell…..

  31. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    And the more you think about it, the more abhorrent and evil the actions of the UK and monarchy are highlighted….to steal even the very allegiance from the people that the Caribbean leaders are supposed to pledge to the people who elected them.

    To steal the very british citizenship of those born in the Caribbean BEFORE independence. ..cause if ya born in the Caribbean and nowhere else and have the birth certificate to prove it, even if ya traveled to UK to work or not, as long as you were born before independence when the islands were still british colonies. …all you should need to prove that citizeship is a birth paper…ya should not have your human rights violated or be criminalized or oppressed to show that citizenship,

    ……Windrush should be the straw that broke the camel’s back….if there are any leaders in the Caribbean with backbone and extra spine in existence. .

  32. “Where are the BLACK BAJANS ? At the back and on the sides?
    A lot of ” eggs “. White and brown.”

    Dude, You want to go there? It use to kill me when Vincent Haynes talked about pelau. Was he right after all?

    The most distressing part post-election was a picture I saw online on Friday. There were people in Mia ‘s presence and all I could see was a bunch of ‘red’ people… Always in second place.

  33. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    As long as Mia remembers it’s the majority and not the minorities whose votes counted the most…..the darker hued majority population have to learn the art of surging forward and stop lingering at the back and on the sidelines

    They have to learn to take their place at the front where they belong as the msjority popultion….can’t blame anyone but themselves if they continue not to….ya dont see that happening anywhere else…enough with the slave mentality…take your rightful place st the front.

  34. @Hants
    Wuh wrong wid you? It said “a section” de cameraman just focusing on the “well presented”, your invitation got lost in de mail? Frankly I was a little concerned about de Coast Guard patrolling the shore as if someone expected a German U Boat attack.

  35. @Hants May 28, 2018 7:39 AM

    I can clearly identify all the “black” Barbadians.

    However, there are no “black” and “white” Barbadians but only Barbadians with a different degree of mixture and a sharp distinction between those living in gated communities and on golf courses and the clueless rest of the island. Black and white on their common parties are alike, joking about the taxpayer and the clueless masses. The rest is just Barbadian theatre for the clueless masses.

  36. @Bush Tea
    By August 1, it will be VERY clear if our collective asses are doomed…
    That is a date that should be treated with reverence, do you realise the history of that date? Does dat mean if de monument on the Garrison is still standing on August 1 the island is doomed? Gih we a little chance to celebrate Crop Over man, leh de ministers get their feet wet (not at de beach in St. Lawrence) but at de Crane to show “de beach is mine”.

    You should really cool out, see if you could wrangle an invitation to IG’s cottage to relax and see de flowers, it is better to smell dem dan fertilise dem.

  37. Those who did not vote CHOSE NOT TO VOTE. And that is their democratic right.
    No more whining now.


    So negative to look at those who did not vote.

    Look at the ones who did vote and you will see by my analysis that about 80,000 have grown up and will dump any rascals regardless of party!!

    Barbados may actually be in the process of growing up after 52 years of childhood, dependency … and partying!!

    The ones who did not vote are children and haven’t got a clue about their rights, democratic or otherwise.

    Children will be children.

    The ones overseas or in jail or unable to get out to vote may be part of the adult population too although they did not vote.

  38. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @The author TeeWhite, you cannot write unfounded fluff and defend it by asking others to clarify their dismissal of it. YOU need to validate your fluff.

    You said that “Through the royal prerogative, she has the absolute power via her representative, the Governor General, to dismiss any government elected in Barbados and even to dismiss the entire parliament, as happened in Australia in 1975. ”

    As was said this is indeed nonsense as the Queen cannot direct (absolute power) a GG to dismiss a constitutionslly elected govt in any commonwealth nation.

    The situation in Australia is not as you falsely describe for the simple reason that their constitution allows the GG to fire the PM under strict reasons. Those reasons were in play in ’75. The matter had NOTHING to do with the Queen other than in her role as titular/ceremonial head of govt.

    False facts can be presented very easily on platforms such as this and we all have a duty to respectfully point out the fallacies. In your case you FAILED to also explain that the Aussie PM ALSO has the constitutional right to dismiss the GG…at the most basic level of reasoning how therefore can the Queen have ‘absolute power’ through an individual dismissable by his/her supposed subordinate?

    As far as your data analysis in concerned you simply are doing what many before have done: carelessly massaging data to SUIT your narrative. The emphasis on the ratio of BLP votes/registered voters is a statistical red herring re the voice of the people.

    That you choose to highlight that says more about your intent than about a real attempt to dig into the whys of the election.

    Don’t play games with the data and then accuse others of political bias and don’t make totally inaccurate statements on governance and then seek clarification from others who say its nonsense. Present FACTS that can be tested and withstand a robust debate…yours did not.

  39. Secondly, some people have reacted negatively to the point I make about sovereignty in our political system being vested in the queen of England and not in the people of Barbados and to the powers of the royal prerogative in this situation. @Hal Austin describes this point as ‘hogwash’ and ‘crap’ but never states clearly whether sovereignty does lie with the queen of England, whether the royal prerogative exists and, if so, what constitutional powers it confers on the sovereign. I would be happy to hear Hal elaborate his view as to why pointing out this reality is ‘hogwash’ and ‘crap’. He may also want to explain, from a constitutional point of view, why ministers elected by the people of Barbados have to swear allegiance to the queen of England.(Quote)

    I am not going to comment because you have misunderstood the constitutional position. The constitutional position is simple: Barbados is ruled by the prime minister and Cabinet, a position only compromised by any bi- or multi-lateral agreements, so-called international law.
    For your information, the Royal Prerogative (or Henry V111 powers, remember when England broke away from the Church of Rome?), has no real significance in the UK. Go and read about the issues surrounding the recent Referendum.
    I will also suggest you do more reading about the Gough Whitlam situation. We have debated this on BU before. Do a search and read the contributions.

  40. Freedom Crier Avatar

    de pedantic Dribbler May 28, 2018 9:09 AM

    Thanks for Reiterating and Pointing the LIES, Miss Representation and Convoluted Miss Information of this Misleading Vitriol… That is what ‘Tee WHITE LIES’ is all About. Sorry to see so many Beguiled by his Nefarious Intentions here on BU.

  41. Black slave music you can’t refuse it in the spiritual battle against white slavemaster’s children’s wicked abominations

    weak heart feel it

    Kicking off with Manley Buchanan who is a very Big Youth:

    Make haste while the sun shine
    for tomorrow is another day
    time waits for no one
    time is the masters plan
    Me no know why them ya people bad minded so
    Me no know why them ya people love fighting so
    for they will rise up against you and fight you without a cause
    if they see you going wrong they give you a big round of applause
    Me no know why them ya people are fighting so
    Me no know why them ya people children bad minded so
    I come from far
    Jah know we didn’t make no war
    we come from far
    we need no make no war
    they will eat and drink with you
    then behind they fight you down
    them dreaded fight around east
    them dreaded fight around west
    them dreaded fight around north
    them dreaded fight around south
    their manifestation
    will face judgement

  42. NorthernObserver Avatar

    a mathematical boondoggle
    It would have been very possible, with a 60% voter turnout and 70%+ cast for the B’s, for another party to win a seat or three. But over the entire island, the swing was fairly consistent. And in line with past results as stated by DPD [DIW]
    One can only wait for Froon, to give his lecture on a Phoenix, rising from the ashes, because he has never been able to explain much without mythology.

  43. Ok, so the voting population in Barbados is comprised as follows.

    The Masters of Independent thinking, a minority, less than 10K. Those who read the situation and ditched both parties.

    The aspirants to the status of Master of Independent thinking, about 80K. Voted B

    Those unconverted to the art of Independent thinking, Dee Voters and some of the Bee voters estimate 60K.

    Children make up the majority of the 100K or so left over.

    Most don’t understand the right to vote and probably will take a while to get it.

    They are in a minority in the overall voting population.

    Just means the fiscal deficit will continue to rise as child support is required from the Masters, the aspirants and the unconverted.

    As things get tougher, the aspirants will rise into the Master class and some of the children will grow up and become aspirants.

    Good thing is the rise in the fiscal deficit will slow down as children grow up and the adults overseas refuse to provide access to funds for child support!!.

    Internally, the rising Master class will be agitating for fiscal reform to reduce the child support they are forced to pay and the aspirants, although not fully comprehending, will tend to reinforce the Masters!!

    Barbados might just be beginning to come of age after a 52 year diversion to childhood!!

  44. The Esplanade looks like it is gearing up for a big a$$ bram for which, no doubt the adults will have to pay.

    The Bees will have their stalwarts out in force to create the impression a sea of red means mass support!!

    The children will have a ball.

    Rush Limbaugh puts it this way … “In a country of children where the option is Santa Claus or work, what wins?”

  45. We will see if the children are growing up or not!!

  46. The so-called third parties have some time to grow. If the BLP mess up and the DLP has not reinvented itself in relatively short order the electorate might consider.

  47. “A declaration that is to a fool. Declare assets placed in a sealed envelope. Another trick right out of the Trump play book. Oh my God.”


    I believe you meant to write “another trick right out of the DLP play book.”

    Recall it was the DLP that first TRICKED the public.

    On page 48 of their 2008 election manifesto, your DLP promised, upon wining the elections, to “IMMEDIATELY introduce integrity legislation REQUIRING a DECLARATION of ASSETS by public officials, a Code of Conduct for Ministers, a new Freedom of Information law, amendments to the Defamation laws and new constitutional provisions to rationalize the powers of the Prime Minister.”

    As at May 23, 2018, DLP has not delivered on any of those promises nor has any member of the party DECLARED his or her assets.

    Instead, we had a drunkard publicly DECLARING how much millions of dollars he has in an off shore account.

    Under these circumstances, surely you, of all people, would know “a declaration that is to a fool.”

    I recall in 2008 your “Sleepy” Smith begging the electorate “to give the DLP a chance and if the party was elected to office and failed to perform, the people should kick them out.”

    Rather than being so critical…… early………. why not extend a similar sentiment to the new BLP administration and give them a chance to work as well?

  48. Barbados pop is only 285,000

    Sing it on sing it on
    Burning in their soul
    When you say lies to your brother you mean war
    When you say lies to your neighbour you mean hate
    You got to live with and love one another
    Weak heart a go feel it

    We don’t want no war
    Peace and love
    after a storm there got to be a calm
    after the calm there must some charm
    all we need is Peace and love
    in your soul and heart
    all over the world
    telling the nation
    in this foundation

  49. Hants post @ 7:39 a.m. and Theogazerts @ 8:13 are so on point.When I watched the swearing in ceremony it made me jump a little to see all the high browns,whites and wanna be whites.Things that make you go hmm.

    The truth is since most of those persons are Sons and Daughters of the soil I welcome their participation,but it is the story behind the story which will always be the more interesting thing.

    Question is are we regressing? Does this remind you of Barbados in the thirties,forties and fifties?

    Are their hidden agendas at play?

    Is there a Piper to be paid and who will pay that Piper?

    After I saw the business class conveniently co-mingling and strategizing with the proletariat again I felt a hmmmm coming on.

    Lion lying down with the lambs.

    I wonder what trevor prescod and commisung have to say about that.I suppose we have to excuse them if they can’t speak right now because their mouths might be full chomping back at a nice piece of the fatted calf.

  50. Hey bro. Nothing i say should stand in the way of the blp performance
    On the contrary it is most likely and in all possibillty that if i say nothing it would give them the greater latitude to do as they dam please
    So yes i will continue to speak when and how it suits me

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