Submitted by Tee White

Following the unprecedented Barbados Labour Party (BLP) 30-0 victory over the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) in the general elections, an often heard statement from both winning and losing candidates is that the people have spoken. But does an analysis of the election results support this claim?

According to CaribbeanElections website, there were 255,833 people registered to vote in the 2018 election. Combining data from VOB and Caribbean Elections, I have calculated that 153, 547 people actually cast a valid ballot. Of these, 112,249 cast a vote for the winning BLP. In other words, 44% of registered voters voted for the BLP while 56% did not. This could hardly be described as “the people have spoken”.

If David’s statement that “A manifesto is a bunch of promises designed to woo an ignorant electorate. The real business begins as far as managing the economy” is accurate, then the situation is even more dire. Since not only are we dealing with a government elected by a minority of the population but there is also the very real likelihood that many of those who voted for the winning party have been deliberately misled. It is difficult to understand why in the light of this reality, we continue to insist that we have in our country a democratic political system, by which I understand government of the people, by the people and for the people. Would it not be more accurate to acknowledge that we have a fundamentally undemocratic political system that we have inherited from slavery and colonialism but to which our fore-parents through numerous sacrifices have added some political rights that we enjoy, including universal adult suffrage?

From a constitutional point of view, sovereignty, or supreme power in this system, lies in the hands of the queen of England. Through the royal prerogative, she has the absolute power via her representative, the Governor General, to dismiss any government elected in Barbados and even to dismiss the entire parliament, as happened in Australia in 1975. Added to this is the fact that the promises made by the parties vying for power have no legal force and so once Bajans have marked their x on the ballot paper, there is nothing they can do to force a government to carry out its promises nor prevent it from doing things which it never mentioned in its election campaign. Through these arrangements and others, ordinary Bajans are left disempowered and marginalised from the decision making in the country.

Something else is needed. In the same way that previous generations of Bajans had to work out how to end the iniquitous system of slavery and then how to win various political and social rights, including formal political independence, our generation is faced with the task of shaping political arrangements in our country that empower the mass of the people and end our marginalisation from political power. We do not need to emulate anybody else’s model as we can think for ourselves. What if we ended the system of party government and political parties existed solely to politicise the society and to advocate for different approaches to solving the problems we face? What if the electorate itself set the government’s programme before each election through extensive discussion of the issues that needed to be dealt with, in this way becoming informed about the reality of the situation and the complexity of the problems that needed to be solved? What if the programme once agreed had the force of law and the government’s performance was continuously evaluated against the targets set within it? What if the candidates themselves were chosen not by political parties but by citizens bearing in mind the skills sets and experience that successful completion of the government’s programme would require? What if elected representatives were held to account for their performance by accountability committees made up of citizens with interest and expertise in particular areas? What if all government finances operated under a system of extreme transparency in which each citizen had a right to information on how all public money was collected and spent?

Just putting it out there.

119 responses to “The People Have Spoken … or have they?”

  1. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    What is it we are supposed to discuss again?

  2. And very well put out there..

    I can’t for the life of me figure out why grown men and women educated by the masses, the majority population, for the last 60 years still allow this travesty and disrespect to our enslaved ancestors, just so they can parade around with titles and actually do very little for the masses who educated them, while still using the archaic oppressive system to keep the masses sidelined after election to continue the disrespect and insults:

    “From a constitutional point of view, sovereignty, or supreme power in this system, lies in the hands of the queen of England. Through the royal prerogative, she has the absolute power via her representative, the Governor General, to dismiss any government elected in Barbados and even to dismiss the entire parliament.”

    That is a grave travesty against Caribbean people to add to the recent disgrace and scandal of Windrush, particularly if it is the same in all Caribbean islands, so for those who will be offended, let me be clear, I owe the beast in the palace nothing, the beast owes generations of my ancestors, myself and generations of my future descendants..

    it is insulting and very disrespectful that british subjects born in the Caribbean before independence are not even recognized by UK unless they go out of their way to demand recognition as british citizens , but those criminals still have this much power over the various parliaments in the Caribbean, their same abusive, oppressive systems are still being used by black governments today with pride…what are these elected Caribbean governments, elected by the people who are still being disrespected, oppressed and insulted, plan to do about this clear violation.

    My daughter asked recently, why in 2018 are grown black men and women pledging allegiance to their oppressors still.

  3. There it is Bernard…discuss that, the oppressive archaic system in a nutshell..that no black government has the brain power, balls or enough respect for their ancestors and the existing people who elect them to parliament to change..

    no one needs to strain their brain to figure this out…it’s elementary.

  4. From a constitutional point of view, sovereignty, or supreme power in this system, lies in the hands of the queen of England. Through the royal prerogative, she has the absolute power via her representative, the Governor General, to dismiss any government elected in Barbados and even to dismiss the entire parliament, as happened in Australia in 1975 (Quote)

    This is the kind of hogwash that passes as intelligent contributions to BU. What crap. We have had this debate before, now it comes up again.
    Poor Gough Whitlam must be turning in his grave.

  5. The post writer stated:

    “I have calculated that 153, 547 people actually cast a valid ballot. Of these, 112,249 cast a vote for the winning BLP. In other words, 44% of registered voters voted for the BLP while 56% did not. This could hardly be described as “the people have spoken”

    Yes the people have spoken, and loudly too. I care little for either party but surely 30-0 is as strong a message as one can get, no??

    A. Dullard

  6. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I hope that the writer, after seeing his work in print, would realise that he has written a whole load of nonsense. He has started from a false premiss, in that he assumes that everyone on the voters’ list was present in Barbados on voting day. There are thousands of Barbadians on the list that have not set foot on the island for years and whose names cannot be removed because the Electoral Department has no evidence that they were out of the island for five or more years.

    In addition to those residing overseas, there is another 1000 or so voters residing at Dodds Prison, who just can’t say to the Superintendent – chief we going to vote and come back.

    Considering the above factors, the turnout would have been relatively high.

  7. Yes !Dullard but statistics are there for all to extrapolate the whole truth and not to cherry pick what s others want all to see or hear
    This notion that the people have spoken is a halftruth when numbers say different and in light of the fact that a vast manority of the dlp supporters did not go to the polls
    Yes the people spoke
    But the question remains of those voices spoken whose voices were those


    The Trinbagonian Mentality: We Like It So By Bahia Amarsingh | March 21, 2011 7 Comments

    …In the days of Dr. Eric Williams’ leadership, it was reported that the former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, during a visit to Trinidad, said that T&T could not progress because of our “Carnival mentality”, a term now coined often enough to describe Trinbagonians and our ways. This statement was hard to ignore, and you could well imagine my indignation after reading it. Moments later, though, I found myself contemplating the truth of his words…

  9. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    Well Well

    I left the Elementary School many moons ago. And with flying colours, if I may say so. Please forgive me if I cannot get my mind wrapped around things at that level any longer.

  10. lol…maybe that is for another generation to tackle.

  11. Caswell. Did you notice that before Mia talked to the Union Heads about pay increases a promise she said would be her first order of business after being elected PM.she drawn down quite handsomely and expanded the role of govt along with a reward of 8million yearly to this bloated cabinet. Cuh dear i hope something is left fuh wunna

  12. Here is the CBC stream to the government personnel receiving their papers from the GG.

  13. It sounds strange to the ears in this enlightened age to have to listen to government actors swearing allegiance to the Queen.

  14. @Tee White “According to CaribbeanElections website, there were 255,833 people registered to vote in the 2018 election. Combining data from VOB and Caribbean Elections, I have calculated that 153, 547 people actually cast a valid ballot. Of these, 112,249 cast a vote for the winning BLP. In other words, 44% of registered voters voted for the BLP while 56% did not. This could hardly be described as “the people have spoken”.

    And can you tell me of a democratic system which you can devise which would voluntarily get people out of their beds to vote?

    The polling stations were open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., and some of them a bit later.

    Those who did not vote CHOSE NOT TO VOTE. And that is their democratic right.

    No more whining now.

  15. Freedom Crier Avatar

    Tee WHITE LIES… Typical Communist…Let me show you how you LIE to the people of Barbados while selling them a Bag of Communist Goods…

    Lie #1 The People that did not Vote did not want to Vote, was unable to Vote, or out of the Island. Many Bajan’s who have immigrated still have an address in Barbados so they are on the Roles to Vote.

    Lie # 2 It is Deplorable if you Mislead people and if you had proof they were being misled why did you not speak out and if you did and nobody listened you are now advocating FORCE that your opinion matters.

    Lie# 3 We did not inherit the Parliamentary Model we Adopted it. It was our CHOICE on Independence.

    Lie # 4 An Opposition Party may state its plans what they intend to do. They do not have all the facts available to them and neither do you and the elected party may deviate from their manifesto with additional information after being elected. To hold them to something that the present facts and information cannot support is EXTREMELY DETROMENTAL to the country. Here again your character of using Force is revealed and the Ideology of Marxism/Communism is in Broad day light.

    Lie # 5 The reason for the Secret Vote is that you can secretly vote for who you think represents your interest and not have political agitators like Commie Sing Song to Dominate a conversation and then say those are the things that we are going to vote on. Do you think all of these as an Individual could come up with a Comprehensive plan like a party can?

    Lie # 6 You want people to run and be elected having stood the test of facing the people and disseminating their views, and then you now want to put an unelected persons who you consider to be Knowledgeable to give thumbs up and thumbs down and penalties for not accomplishing what these unelected people deem as appropriate… You have now created what you claim that you despise…Rule by an Elite Class which you have chosen and nothing to do with the people…You are a Deceptive man. You LIE and if you do not know you are lying then wise up for you are being used. Your True Colours are Shining, Bajan’s do not want your Doctrine, and they NEVER DID.

    Every time anyone any have approached close to your Doctrine it brings Ruin, Poverty, Devastation, Destruction and Death.

    That is why I call you Tee WHITE LIES. You remind me of the story when the serpent was speaking to Eve where he says some Truth and mixed it with LIES…Thank God Bajan’s have more sense than you. The people who I voted for did not win not even a seat, not even close, but I accept the will of Barbadians. And right after a Sweeping Election Victory you are advocating lets change how the Electoral System works showing once again your Disdain for ordinary folks and their voices. You Pretend to Care for the Masses and when the Masses speak you are advocating changing the system because you did not get your desired outcome. You care Nothing for the Masses and ordinary people because you Disregard them.

  16. More importantly…which government will become cognizant enough, self aware enough….to end it.

    it is a major embarrassment to explain this to another generation of young people who are more aware of history than previous generations…that those pretending to be your leaders are mere uselessly brainwashed slaves of an oppressive british system that has been in place for centuries, put in place to keep the black population oppressed and unaware for more centuries to come…. without any upgrades.

  17. @Simple Simon

    Is is so simple?

    The quality of governance is underpinned by a requirement there is an intelligent and civic minded citizenry. It goes without saying therefore we must be concerned if there is rising significant voter apathy in the land.

  18. There is the PM’s schoolmate Avinash upfront and centre at the ceremony.

  19. Avi (he of Four Seasons fame) will be the new governor of the central bank – disappointment for Mascoll, the better man.

  20. Old wine in new bottles

  21. Quakers would not swear any oath!!

    In fact, the first Quaker that entered Parliament in England did so in 1832, after the law was changed to allow an affirmation to be given!!

    The first one to win a seat in Parliament in England was in 1698 and he could not take it because he would not swear the oath of allegiance to the king!!

    Logic suggests swearing an oath of allegiance to the monarch in Barbados came into fashion after their demise, or that Parliament as we know it today is very different from the Parliament of the past!!

    Maybe the Parliament of which we boast as being one of the oldest in the commonwealth isn’t as old as we believe!!

    … or maybe the Quakers accommodated!!!

    I doubt because they often were punished for things like not paying their church dues and not appearing to bear arms.

    I have an ancestor who was a stonemason who spent Christmas Day in 1676 in stocks for getting caught (with two others) building a wall in a burying ground ,,,, suspect it was the one by St. Philip’s Church.

    Some could not be witnesses to a will because they would not swear the oath that allowed the will to be probated.

  22. The same Avi who could not find an investor for the Four Seasons scam since they all got blacklisted….when the previous investors like Cowell etc who bought into the villas lost so much money.

  23. I hope and pray that mia amor motley will not get so drunk on power and stupidity to rely on any economic advice from avinash persaud.The whole world and their mother used to hang on this man’s very last word until they realise he was only a smooth talker snake oil salesman with an English accent.

  24. @Mariposa May 27, 2018 3:59 PM “…a vast majority of the DLP supporters did not go to the polls…”

    And who prevented the vast majority of the DLP supporters from going to the polls?

    If the DLP supporters wanted their Dear Loving Party to win the election, then they would have gone to the polls. The fact that “a vast majority of the DLP supporters did not go to the polls” tells me clearly that that vast majority of DLP supporters did not want the DLP to win the election.

    If you want your Dear Loving Party to win an election, then you must get your frowsy self out of bed, and go out and vote.

    Ya lost.

    Ya lost because the vast majority of DLP supporters had become as lazy and indifferent as the DLP itself has become.

    Ya lost. Get over it.

  25. Ya can reorganize and come better in 2023.

    Nobody is stopping you.

  26. It sounds strange to the ears in this enlightened age to have to listen to government actors swearing allegiance to the Queen.

    Quakers based their refusal to swear the oath of allegiance on their religious principles!!!

    I am sure any of the actors could assert their right to give an affirmation if they didn’t want to swear an oath!!

    But I guess that would mean they would have to have religious principles!!

  27. How does anyone with any type of principles pledge allegiance to savages who STILL in 2018 oppress and criminalize Caribbean people without fail, with every opportunity they get..

    … how do any of them even look in mirrors at themselves after that gross insult to their own people, which continues after each election cycle and ends in disenfranchisement of the masses….up to the next election cycle.

  28. @David May 27, 2018 4:36 PM “@Simple Simon. Is is so simple?”

    Yes David.

    It is so simple.

    Voting is not hard.

    On election day I got up at sunrise, that is at 5:31 a.m.

    Prepared and ate breakfast.

    Washed the dishes.

    Had finished voting by 8:15

    Did 3 hours of heavy gardening.

    Cooked a hot meal for the family.

    Looked after the grands after school.

    Had a nap.

    Sat up the rest of the night and watched the results.

    It IS SIMPLE. It isn’t hard.

    You can call it voted apathy, or whatever fancy term you wish.

    I call it damned indifferent laziness.

    And to cry about it afterwards?

    I call it being a cry baby.

    We big girls don’t cry.

  29. And while I was waiting to vote just after 7 I saw young men and women, dressed in their work clothes and ready to vote. I saw a young mother of a 3 month old dressed in her work clothes and ready to vote. I saw people in their 80’s and 90’s, I saw disabled people.

    Damned Lazy People (DLP) did not go out to vote and now complaining.


  30. An affliction we in Barbados and I daresay the wider Caribbean seem to suffer from is this ‘unholy reverence for certification or paper qualifications’.People seem to get stupefied once they are confronted with someone holding masters or PHDs in some impressive sounding area of study.
    However what we are seeing more and more is that paper qualification does not always translate into applicable skills at all and sometimes to our detriment we ignore or scorn the person who may be less articulate or possessing no big name qualifications – but nonetheless may possess the experience needed for the given situation.

    I am looking at people like kirk Humphrey and the ministry of blue economy – what magnificence should we be expecting here – or even closer to home I am looking at mia motley and her ability to string together words which may cause SOME people to say ‘cheez -on breds boy she could talk’ but when you start to decipher what she has said its pure gobbley -gook.

    A case in point her explanation for the largest cabinet in history. Hear Mia:

    “She said ( the large cabinet) was necessary because of the dire state of the economy”. This to me is a contradiction in itself since this dire state of the economy should have provoked the opposite action,that is a reduction in your cabinet size.

    Also she said:”the salaries of a few extra ministers ae relatively insignificant given that there will be tremendous savings on the containment of wastage and the curtailment of corruption”

    Really Mia – man you got to clap for that.

    Curtailment of corruption and the containment of wastage – you mean like the crab hill police station which you give to your business partner jose y jose which cost the country tens of thousands of dollars in bad work that had to be redone;

    or do you mean containment of wastage and corruption like in the new Dodds prison which started at $120 million Barbados and ended up close to 700 million?

    It is only right that you consider a person’s track record and match their words with their action – not so?

    We the citizens and taxpayers have to remain forever vigilant and not be fooled by empty words. Let all politicians know we are done with that!

  31. And i say what i say about the dees voters apathy to make a point of objection to what is being sold as the “peoples voices have spoken” when in fact the massive voices spoken at the voting booth were the bees

  32. Where did they get that preacher from? He was on BU taking notes.

  33. They better all perform since they will all be sucking out of the public purse and don’t start up with the bullshit shenanigans against the people, like the previous governments both did.

  34. @T.Inniss May 27, 2018 4:58 PM “The whole world and their mother used to hang on this man’s very last word.”

    Not the whole world.

    Not me.

    Not my mother either.

    In any event i am not too fond of whiny English accents.

  35. @Well, Well May 27, 2018 6:09 PM “They better all perform since they will all be sucking out of the public purse and don’t start up with the bullshit shenanigans against the people.”

    I second that.

  36. “In other words, 44% of registered voters voted for the BLP while 56% did not. “.
    Tee White – that sentence or analysis is incomplete. – those 56% of voters you speak of voted neither for BLP OR DLP. To assume that they would have all voted against the BLP is an unfounded assumption.

    Included in that 56% are eligible voters that are 1) off island – yes indeed sir 2) May be incapacitated or 3) unable to get to a polling station for whatever other reason.

    To try to use statistics to downplay the impact of the BLP victory and to try to nullify the resounding voice of the people that voted is an injustice. The people have spoken – listen and learn.

  37. They have already started the shenanigans. After all wasnt the first order of business was thatof Mia to suck on the taxpayers purse at the tune of 8million before any man was sworn in
    What more can u be looking for.
    If in one day without a man doing anything the taxpayers purse was manhandled with indifference to the people voice then what more evidence must be provided

  38. The only number that counts is the winning margin which was quite wide between dlp and blp. the n shows are just that. the margin was significant lets hope it doesnt just mean running roughshod over the bajn people. by the way here in canada the queen rules SO WHAT

  39. Rubes…it might be ok with you being ruled by a racist beast who has a well known centuries old hatred for black people passed down from generations of previous beasts and actually still do not consider them human…but it is not ok to those who are aware enough to know that all that venom being directed at them and should not be in this era still….

    …you might enjoy being subordinate, oppressed, criminalized and be seen as less than human, not everyone has that low image of themselves.

    that mentality is ancient and also said “so what?” to humans being mentally and physically enslaved for centuries.

  40. Prime Minister Mottley delivers on another promise, all ministers have to declare their assets this week to be held in a sealed envelope in the custody of the Cabinet Secretary until Integrity Legislation is passed. She will also recommend to colleagues the contentious 10% of salary is donated to charity.

  41. “T.Inniss May 27, 2018 5:29 PM___ People seem to get stupefied once they are confronted with someone “””holding””” masters or PHDs in some impressive sounding area of study___

    …Evidently the embellishment of professional qualifications and experience is a real and profound risk for employers. Businesses who fail to verify applicants’ experience are putting themselves at risk. However, there are some simple, low cost and effective ways of minimising this risk…

  42. As I said…as Prime Minister, Mia is responsible for changing the narrative on the blogs.

    She is aware enough to know this and now has the power given to her by the people to make the requisite changes.

  43. Swearing allegiance to the Queen vav Haile Selassie must have been awkward for MP Holder

  44. David that is a good start.However I look forward to see what the investigating and prosecuting process look like and whether that legislation has teeth.Would this information of assets be made public?Who does the follow – up to verify etc when other assets are acquired -what is the process of declaration?

    I will however allow her the opportunity to tell us more on this.

  45. Pleaseee HaHa another hat trick . A declaration that is to a fool
    Declare assest placed in a sealed envelope.
    Another trick right out of the Trump play book.
    Oh my God.

  46. An interesting post on Barbados Underground from 4 years ago.

  47. @ T Inniss

    Welcome to BU, is it T or D. Inniss?

  48. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Bernard, I had only partial colours from elementary school but this does appear rather schoolboyish to me also.

    Any decent analysis of the data should also reflect…

    *Over 70% of votes cast went to BLP

    *The DLP were beaten comprehensively in every box in every constituency

    *The last 6 plus elections were decided by similar turnout percentiles

    *The last time we had a sizeable turnout (80%+) was prior to 1976…not ONCE since then have we exceeded that number yet our electorate loudly dismissed Bree and Sandi after similar disastrous tenures.

    Stats, Damn Stats, and strange unfocused number presentation!

  49. @ Watchman,

    Hope you get your flooding problem solved soon. Call Kerrie.

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