Click to read PAC 2013-2018 Report

The contentious Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report for the period 2013 to 2018 has been released on the even of a general election. The PAC is an important working committee of parliament that has been frustrated in its effort through the years.

146 responses to “2013 – 2018 Report of the Public Accounts Committee”

  1. …..has been released on the eve, not even……

    LW, I want a synopsis, aint got time to read all that.

  2. In essence:

    1) The officers at NHC should be arrested for treason since they built low-income houses for the price of villas at Sandy Lane.

    2) Maloney and his two old mentors rule the island. No wonder most foreigners approach Bizzy and COW first before they talk to their servants in government.

  3. It is not surprising you will not read.

    There are two issues here, the continuing politicizing of an important working committee by BOTH political parties over the years and the findings of the PAC report which are precipitated by the findings of the Auditor General. You cant expect the AG to report findings that we all agree are egregious to taxpayes and then ridicule the PAC for chasing the issue. So we have two issues in parallel to deal.

  4. A couple comments as the blogmaster scans the report for the usual findings as it relates to the workings of a SOE in Barbados.

    The decision not to broadcast PAC meetings is not in consonance with other Commonwealth jurisdictions which follow, we are told, a similar model of government. A search of the Internet reveals many cases of recent transcripts and broadcasts of PAC meetings.

  5. Another observation- and this is perennial- is the wanton disregard by public servants to attend PAC meetings. In this case Wiltshire the former Chairman and the general manager of the NHC. Where is the enforcement to respect and adhere to our laws? Does this cascade to wider society as far as breakdown in discipline is concerned? Can we divorce rising lawless from the fact it can be modeled from the behaviour of prominent players in society?

  6. It should be criminal for a Permanent Secretary to confirm that the NHC was/is an insolvent entity but someone sees nothing wrong signing building contracts that commit the state/taxpayers to pay millions of dollars without proper authorization and at the same time padding the HR complement to satisfy political objectives incongruent with national imperatives. Bear in mind the government sent home workers.. Incredulously no one knows how many are /were employed at the NHC. Should we replicate this sad state of affairs? The ploy to use patronage is synonymous with how we practice politics in Barbados. The people always pay.

    Check what disgraced retired former PS of the NHC had to say at page 21 item49 of the report.

  7. Who are the beneficial owners of BJ Investments Limited?

  8. From the transcript detailing Napolean-Young’s contribution public servants are clearly complicit in the corrupt decisions being made by ministers.

  9. This comment came from the legal counsel of the NHC.


  10. Imagine the proceeds of the sale of shares of Republic Bank used to pay Preconco for constructing the Valerie project. Think about it!

    Note the 30 million payment authorized by Sinckler was described by former Director of Finance Martin Cox as “a dividend improperly made’ from the Housing Credit Fund.

  11. Have a laugh!

    Our tax dollars at work.

    Refuse to include the comment that former Permanent Secretary was unable to detail the mandate of the NHC when asked. Can be found at 50 of the report for commenters like Kevin who don’t read.

  12. Retired Director of Finance Grantley Smith please tell us something we do not know.

  13. The pages 54 to 56 y a Kevin Darlington of RBC is interesting. Mark Maloney’s history with that bank goes back to his father Doug Maloney who if memory serves sits on the Board and is a retired head of the Barbados operations.

  14. David

    As usual a weak attempt to fool people.

    The houses are there to be seen and occupied. Yes , money 💰 was used to build them .

    Compare this , $ 150 million was used to ‘ develop ‘ Greenland !

    Twenty years later ……a one bag of garbage cannot go there !

    So answer me fast…….WHO CIVILISED and WHO IS THE JACKASS ?????

    BLP THIEVES !!!!

  15. You are an idiot on the blog. We all need a jester. You fit the bill perfectly.

  16. • Ronald Bascombe – a disgraced BLP Permanent Secretary who was removed from the Ministry of Finance under a cloud of controversy !

    • Alise Jordan – former Director of Edutech who along with Mia Mottley ” passed ” all the legal work on that project to Sir Henry Forde Law firm !

    • Henrietta Bourne – Forde – Liz Thompson cousin who was brought into NHC by Liz Thompson , having little or no experience in land matters !

    So how come Mia Mottley did NOT call for an investigation into these 3 ” witnesses ” ?????

    No wonder in the now ” infamous ” PAC report these said 3 persons made such horrendous decisions !!

    Rat Botsie evidence from 3
    jokers …..,,Mia Aman Mottley relying on !!!!

    Shame !!!!

    Barbados deserves better !!!

  17. David

    It will serve you better to continue eating your horse 🐴 oats fuh breakfast this morning !!!

    Your big day is next Saturday at the Garrison !!

    You and the other joker – Mia Aman Mottley – cannot dictate to nobody with common sense in BARBADOS !!

    Fuh months now you did counting down the date of the upcoming General Elections fuh 2018 till you had to done with that !!

    The other joker run and put up posters …claiming General Elections coming ……!!

    The posters are weather torn now the images on all of them look 👀 like cow dung !!

    So your – expected zeal – in a PAC report …….again how irrelevant your influence and commentary is on this blog !!

    You & George need to find to return the money you all stole from UWI !!’

    Leave the politics to members of the …..Political Class. !!!!

  18. again show
    find time

  19. We CLEARLY have Parros controlling our money.
    No wonder we are broke and on the way to Hell in a shiite basket.

    So the BLP knew all this since when???!!!

    Yet it only becomes public news now that elections are upon us?
    Is it not the role …. indeed DUTY.. of the opposition to be the people’s gatekeepers?

    Why exactly did Mia allow the Froon and his goons to shut down the PAC when those ministers refused to attend as summoned…?
    …without going public; going to court; staging protests; releasing all this information; walking out of the shiite Parliament….. ANYTHING!!!!

    Six is half dozen.

    The people are still the real patsies in all this mess….

  20. David

    By the way has become of George Brathwaite ??

    The one who claims he has an authentic PHd ??

    Since his lying backside was exposed on this BU blog about the New Zealand 🇳🇿 Commonwealth Scholarship……..his plagiarized articles have disappeared as well !!!

    Another fraud …….spawned by Mia Aman Mottley !!!!!

  21. BushTea
    Staaaaaap it!!! Elements of this report have been in the news for the past years. These proceedings were even being streamed live, which prompted the DLP to challenge the live broadcasting and seek to have the PAC Act repealed. The issue of advances to NHC without parliamentary approval has also been repeated ad infinitum by members of the BLP. The Grotto scam was on BU. It is all now contained in a report, and you’re still complaining. How many PACs have actually produced a report?

  22. How the RH Chris or Michael ain’t in jail today. The DLP has taken corruption and theft to an unprecedented level. OMG

  23. @Bush Tea


    Check the pages of BU, many of the issues formalized in the PAC report have been in the public domain for years.

    @Fractures JA

    What is sad is the stinging criticism by Martin Cox, Grantley Smith et al of the interference in matters of state. Imagine we educated you lot, elected you lot to be where we were in 2008. All of you want putting on the dreamchaser at high tide off North Point at midnight.


  24. I am amazed that civil society’s so silent on these issues. As a Bajan overseas I am ashamed when my car Icom colleagues make a mockery in public about why we so docile. It’s time bajans at home take to the streets

  25. @David February 25, 2018 at 5:01 AM #

    You have missed the irony, BJ Investments i.e. Blow(B)Job(J) Investments would appear to be a direct DIG at the inept officials involved in the loan arrangements.

  26. Even the jackass Denis Kellman sold land to COW at $30 rather that the $65 are suggested by the technocrats. The PM Stuart signed off on the money from the Housing Credit Fund to pay for the Grotto. To say we have crooks in parliament would not be honorable

  27. Mark Cummins was moved to ensure the Hyatt goes through as Richard Seale and Chris Sinckler said in the House on tv that it will be approved soon. If bajans are so damn ignorant to vote Dem again wunna should suck salt

  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Fractured BLP February 25, 2018 at 6:53 AM #
    As usual a weak attempt to fool people.
    The houses are there to be seen and occupied. Yes , money was used to build them .
    Compare this , $ 150 million was used to ‘ develop ‘ Greenland !”

    So Greenland is now going for a song at $150 million?

    What a seesawing auction sale!
    From $90 million to $100 to $120 to $500 to $700 million now down again to $150 million.

    So what is the final asking price for Greenland? The price of toffee wrapper?

    Are you going to blame MAM (or the finished OSA) for the upsetting of the showcase full of sweetie wrappers?

    If the same “Mia A Man” doesn’t first recoup the millions defrauded by you lot- the spawn of a lying cheating stealing bastard- by making full use of the Anti-money Laundering and Income Tax legislation then she too would be considered in similar light and dealt with the same way Thompson was made to pay for his web of lies and deceit displayed to the gullible electorate.

    As you rightly pointed out, politicians cannot perpetrate acts of corruption unless knowingly aided and abetted by senior public sector managers. We shall see if those found guilty of such collusion in blatant acts of financial malfeasance will continue to draw pensions from the same Treasury robbed in ‘blind’ daylight.

  29. David
    You’re spot on with the RBC-Maloney link. When I read the bank rep’s comments that is the first bell that went off in my head. We too often downplay or ignore the role of business in facilitating corruption.

  30. No, we vote the Rh jackasses out of office in 2018 because of perceived corruption- Greenland, GEMS, 3S, Hardwood etc- and now these Rh jackasses present themselves 10 years later with the same narrative. Bushie right!

  31. @enuff

    We typically give the private deep pocket people et al a pass and focus wholly on the politician. As you know the politicians do the biding of these people because they control how money is spent and decisions are made read the kickbacks, favours etc. To compound our problem we live on a small island where all are ‘family’.

  32. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Brutus February 25, 2018 at 9:26 AM

    The reason for the Hyatt not having an erection is not because of a lack of planning permission which the minister responsible has the final say unless contested in the Court for Administrative Justice.

    The reason is that it is a phantom project designed to get funds from the Treasury or NIS loans by way of consultancy fees, finders fees etc.

    Think about the Pierhead marina, Cruise Ship Terminal Four Seasons Restart, the Sugar Cane Industry Restructuring project and the list goes on like the Duracell bunny.

    Why not ask where is the money going to come from to build such a ‘magnificent’ monument to Priapus?

    Certainly not from foreign investors who, by now, would have been regaled and beatified by the MoT and MoF as foreign kings from the East bearing gifts and financial gods of Bajan salvation in their own right!

    Not even MM the local financial godfather of the current administration would take up a cent of his own money to sink in a sunset industry with the Hard Rock hotel in which you can always ‘cash in’ but can never ‘cash out’ as its major competitor.

    Look at how he had to suck so hard at the taxpayers’ nipples and the poor people HCF just to milk the sweets from Valerie and the s(t)inking hole called the Grotto.

  33. This is so damn sad. Will any of these persons be held accountable or it’s just a merry go round. Sad that no one was held in contempt of the PAC but you have courts locking up persons for stealing a $3.50 block of cheese. Obviously it now appears to steal millions from taxpayers legally aided and abetted by politicians is acceptable. Barbados needs to have independent of DPP and Judges if you are to get rid of this legal thieving.

    @David, have you not all seen what it has done to African countries.

  34. It seems the billions of dollars in the Bajan economy circulates in the hands of a few with the politicians getting fees while the poor gets poorer. A recipe for social dislocation and poverty.

  35. @David February 25, 2018 at 6:20 AM “Have a laugh! Our tax dollars at work.”

    No David we cannot laugh. Our hearts hurt. Because when our government, including the political class and senior civil servants commit us to overpriced projects, what happens in reality and that we end up paying so much is taxes that we cannot afford to do basic things for ourselves, basic things such as going to the dentist, basic things such as fixing the roofs of our own houses, basic things such as buying a Christmas or birthday present for our families.

    We are real people. And we hurt.

  36. Dear Froon. How the RH you put that clown AMS liar Lashes back in a Cabinet after he lied about the decisions of cabinet and also costed the tax payments million and million of dollars in unnecessary expense? HOW FROON, HOW???

  37. David
    I don’t classify Mrs. Napoleon-Young as a civil servant; she is just a background politician. Trace her employment before turning up at NHC. It could very well be head of a tour company.
    Fractured sliders all in a twist this morning 😂😂😂. Who appointed Liz’s cousin to her post in 2008; and isn’t Alies Jordan the daughter of the late Sir Marcus Jordan former President of the Senate under a DLP administration? If memory serves me correctly, Alies was also made a DPS by this administration and possibly Deputy Cabinet Secretaty at a time when it is alleged they were trying to run Mrs.Gollop. 🙂

  38. no wonder, no wonder….we are in the position we in……de honorary whites in parliament doing de doggggggggggggggg…….same faces showing up all de time, for de shady contracts…..

  39. @ David
    Bush Tea…..Please!
    Check the pages of BU, many of the issues formalized in the PAC report have been in the public domain for years.
    What issues in what public domain what??!!?

    Are you seriously saying that shiite talk in the Bajan public domain carries the same weight as OFFICIAL action led by her majesty’s loyal opposition?

    BU ‘educated’ the public, but CAHILL was only derailed when the opposition leader stood up in parliament and made the facts official.
    We all talk shiite, but it is only when David Comissiong took the SAME facts to court that the fingerprinting shiite ended ….and the Hyatt scam was arrested…

    It is amazing how Bajans actually seem to think that talking shiite amounts to anything but a septic smell…..

    @ Enuff
    Boss, why don’t you take it easy nuh?… you are beginning to sound desperate.
    You used to come across as thoughtful and reasoned – until Grenville seemed to have unraveled your facade….. something that he has a history of doing…. 🙂

    If The BLP could not manage to organise the PAC in the face of a few challenges from some intellectually challenged DEMS, ….can you tell Bushie how you expect them to run a whole shiite country now overflowing with jobby on the streets and on the verge of ruin?

    Yuh cant run a small-time operation …but looking to take over the Titanic?

    Why not try Grenville?

  40. Bushie
    Hush and go vote for Solutions, as no one is stopping you. Notwithstanding a concerted effort by the government to deny them, the PAC chaired by Mia has managed to put a document in the public domain. By doing so, you have been proved wrong so to save face you are questioning the timing. Are you the new ac?🤣🤣

  41. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    So…the sale of the last 30% taxpayer’s shares in BNB went to Maloney..

    ah told yall…Lashley want investigating and locking up for corruption and so does Sinckler…

    ..something has to be done about Fruendel who is pretending he dont know what’s going on

  42. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Gotta give kudos to Mia for doing the right thing, but,,…will she investigate and lock all of them up for theft, bribery and corruption, there is room at Dodds.

  43. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    I hope Hants and others are now satisfied and joins us in putting pressure on Mia or Grenville or whomever will be the next government to lock these thieves up..

    …Cow, Bizzy, Maloney and all the other known minorities who contributed to these thefts and crimes against the population should also be investigated and arrested…for theft, fraud, money laundering etc…

  44. Enuff
    Bushie is not questioning the timing… just stating DOGMATICALLY that it is designed purely for electioneering purposes …and NOT because of any public interest.

    …just as the DLP latest shiite document – which will ‘turn around’ our economy ( LOL ha ha ha ) is purely designed to get brass bowls Bajans to vote for DEM just now despite all the shiite…

    Any party seriously interested in moving the country forward would have come with such information MUCH MUCH earlier, and much more openly…… like SB did….

  45. It is not for Mia to investigate anyone. The Royal Barbados Police Force Is now free to use the PAC to investigate Michael Lashley so see whether he broke any laws in Barbados.

  46. Look at the dates of the various transactions with Maloney and Bjerkhamn as see if that does tell you who has been financing the DLP election campaigns.

  47. @Bush Tea

    Political parties are in the business of winning elections therefore why blame Mia for using the PAC report to advantage? Hope you are not being deliberately naive?

    The other observation: did you read the report and note that it took about eight meetings to sort out the perennial procedural issues?

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