Submitted by Bush Tea

If anything represents the hopelessness of Barbados’ current position, it is the annual ‘independence parade’.

What a load of rubbish.

No one with ANY kind of pride could possibly imagine that 51 YEARS after ‘independence’, our main NATIONAL event commemorating this ‘achievement’ would be a stupid parade that seeks to replicate almost exactly what the people from whom we are claiming independence, do.

Ok. For the first five years or so, it was understandable.
For the next ten years or so it may even have been tolerable…
But shiite man… FIFTY YEARS later, the best that our ‘military brass’ could come up with is an EXACT replica of the damn Queen’s birthday parade or some such British format?

Dress like them
March like them
think like them
behave like them…


What independence what?

We are albino-centric SLAVES of the worse possible sort
…slaves of the MIND.
Have we NO pride?
No imagination?
No creativity?

A simple look at (as despotic a place as) North Korea, or as informal as Dominica- shows that citizens can be mobilised in a patriotic display of nationalism. The best we have come up with is lewd, crude, vulgar, wuk-up and brek-up (and now shoot-up) behaviours at our Crap Over.

A mindset that DEFINES itself by what its former MASTERS do, half a century AFTER claiming to be independent is fooling NO one but itself.

Where there is no vision, the brass bowls perish.
Where there is no creativity, the JAs will languish in serfdom
Where there is no productivity, the downgrades will continue….

If Bajans are stupid enough to CONTINUE with the same level of RH ‘leadership’ that we have had over the past fifty years, then we FULLY deserve all that will be coming our way in the coming months and years…

162 responses to “What a Charade”

  1. An article that trivialize the importance of our armed forces that lends it self to our country national interest
    on special occasions which gives the public a first hand view of spectacular opulence derived out of a motto to serve a nation and people first

  2. @ Sergeant
    Do you HAVE to keep emphasising why there are NCOs …
    and then there are COMMISSIONED officers?
    Some things are beyond sergeants..

    With brass bowls to the left of us
    Ja’s to the right
    Yours is not to reason why
    Yours is but to do …and die.


  3. Bushie

    Go to government house to accept the rasssssoul knighthood which awaits you.

    And like Weekes the great cricketer said – I want a big wun for you – the order of Saint Andrew or something so. LOL

    Yuh know Bajans, even some that should know better, like titles and honorary (American-English) degrees

    All national emptiness like this shiiite parade.

    The noticeable exception is only George Lamming who told Sandiford to kiss his ass when one was offered by him.

    You are free to tell them that as well. LOL

    But yuh right like shiiite!

    Everybody who is critical of you is not only wrong but lacks the courage to pronounce this shiiiite system as dead on arrival (DOA).

    You are quite right, especially in this.

  4. I am not a sucker for pomp and pageantry. I find these celebrations cringe worthy to say the least. False pride and fake national independence on display. We culturally appropriate everything under the sun from massa.

  5. @ Miller
    How did your God-made “BLACK people in Africa” (got) get their black skin in the first place?
    BBE decided to make the brass bowls in his OWN black image,

  6. Dr. Simple Simon Phd. Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd.

    @Vincent Haynes November 30, 2017 at 4:55 PM “Hmmm…I wonder which of the above should we copy?”

    None of the above.

  7. @ Simple
    The poor chap cannot see beyond copying….. from SOMEWHERE.
    This speaks volumes…. but he cannot hear at that frequency…

  8. The Sailor Sings Back to the Casuarinas

    You see them on the low hills of Barbados
    bracing like windbreaks, needles for hurricanes,
    trailing, like masts, the cirrus of torn sails;
    when I was green like them, I used to think
    those cypresses, leaning against the sea,
    that take the sea noise up into their branches,
    are not real cypresses but casuarinas.
    Now captain just call them Canadian cedars.
    But cedars, cypresses, or casuarinas,
    whoever called them so had a good cause,
    watching their bending bodies wail like women
    after a storm, when some schooner came home
    with news of one more sailor drowned again.
    Once the sound “cypress” used to make more sense
    than the green “casuarinas,” though, to the wind
    whatever grief bent them was all the same,
    since they were trees with nothing else in mind
    but heavenly leaping or to guard a grave;
    but we live like our names and you would have
    to be colonial to know the difference,
    to know the pain of history words contain,
    to love those trees with an inferior love,
    and to believe: “Those casuarinas bend
    like cypresses, their hair hangs down in rain
    like sailors’ wives. They’re classic trees, and we,
    if we live like the names our masters please,
    by careful mimicry might become men.”

    — Derek Walcott

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea November 30, 2017 at 8:34 PM #
    “BBE decided to make the brass bowls in his OWN black image,”

    Bushie, pardon the typo but we have to ‘get’ this skin colour thingie straight.

    So you are telling us that your BBE is indeed a black man and Fumble Stuart is his spitting (and splitting) image?

    There is only one confusing source for your “black image” conclusion.

    It seems that there is more than one BBE in the sky and you are the son of men and not man therefore knowing good from evil, right from wrong and genuine knowledge from bullshit.

    “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…:”

    “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” ~Buddha

  10. @ Bussie let us seek a solution. I am sure that each of us can come up with at least one idea of something that we firmly believe should occur on Independence Day. Is there still an independence Secretariat? Those ideas should be submitted there. But More so we can start instituting them in our own communities.


    The independence day parade is a depiction of the HISTORICAL event of November 30th 1966.

    It is a DEPICTION!!!!

    The event it is depicting is HISTORICAL and the THEME was BRITISH.

    By changing the theme/parade would be taking away from the importance of eventful day.

    It is a pity that some are blinded by race and is now becoming mentally enslaved to AMERICANISM (monkey see monkey do)

    First it was nelson, now it the parade, next it will be parliament and parliament building

    What is the Barbadian culture ? African and British or British and Africian moving towards and copying American.

  12. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    BF…the island is a majority Black Nation the majority of whom are African descendants, their identities are of African origin FIRST…then Barbados then everything else follows…they still have their original identities..have always had their original African identities…..

    …..the few minorities on the island can continue their european identities….but do not try to force it on a 92% African descended population…..they knowcwho they are.

    They are free to choose how they want to celebrate their freedom from physical and mental slavery and what their parades should reflect in concert with their identities…


    In other words…stop RH telling Black people what they should do, how they should think feel and label themselves, self identify and celebrate…stay out of their RH business, there are not enough of you on the island to be dictating to a majority population and it should not be happening anyway.

  13. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    And ya can take the RH however ya want, I can give a shit.

    This is the defining moment for minorities who believe they are entitled to control the lives and futures of a 92% majority population….yall will either sink or swim in this going down.

  14. What is more frightening than the parade itself is the fact that Barbados as a society and nation fell back behind many other nations in the Caribbean and Africa when you look at good governance, corruption, schools, crime, foreign investments, GDP and other economic indicators. Once upon a time, everybody in the developing world looked up to Barbados, now even the Guyanese laugh about the island.

    Since ten years, we face endless discussions amongst the so-called elite of this island, consisting of cabinet ministers, high bureaucrats, judges, QCs, Sirs, consultants, pastors, their families and courtesans. Endless talk, no action. It seems to be the very DNA of this society to deny reality and to sabotage any reform.

  15. @Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service December 1, 2017 at 4:38 AM #

    There are no “black” people anymore in Barbados. The Western lifestyle corrupted everything. Look at Sinckler. Brown skin outside and capitalist greedy white values of the North inside the soul. Look at the “black” masses. They do not desire education, entrepreneurship, competition and innovation anymore, but SUVs, Disneyland and housing like Florida – everything like the USA and UK. Barbados has no justification for any independence anymore. There are no independent values. It is just another tourist destination for the North.

  16. “Bushie was talking about culture not science or business”
    You clearly have a narrow and obsolescent view of what culture embodies, which is worrisome because our culture informs a lot of what we do, including in the public service.

  17. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Tron…the Black will never disappear no matter how they pretend otherwise. ….there was always and always will be the Black Skin, White Mask crowd, despite skin tone, which is irrelevant, ya can’t run away from being Black..

    …besides, that is just the point. …those Blacks who know themselves, their identities and are conscious enough to be comfortable in their own skin…..can celebrate their new independence. ..however they see fit….and not any celebration that was designed for them as everything else was….for centuries.

    Conscious original Black people are not comfortable with the fraud celebration in its present form….and they should not be either.

  18. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “Since ten years, we face endless discussions amongst the so-called elite of this island, consisting of cabinet ministers, high bureaucrats, judges, QCs, Sirs, consultants, pastors, their families and courtesans. Endless talk, no action. It seems to be the very DNA of this society to deny reality and to sabotage any reform.”

    Those above you described are the wrong people to hold those discussions of uplifting the Black majority…they are the brainwashed products of the useless westminister system foisted on the people…post slavery..

    ,….their roles were to complete the destruction of Black people in a more refined form and they have done a superb job of destruction with corruption, thefts and mismanagement. ….they are the destructive buckingham palace house negros…the worst kinds and the best that money can buy at being destructive to their own people, everyone is afraid of them, even their masters…

    They are useless negros…only useful to slave masters.

  19. What is more frightening than the parade itself is the fact that Barbados as a society and nation fell back behind many other nations in the Caribbean and Africa when you look at good governance, corruption, schools, crime, foreign investments, GDP and other economic indicators.
    Tron is a man after Bushie’s own heart. A man who seems to make his judgment based on RESULTS. The parade was just the day’s blatant example of just how lost we are as a people.

    Also VERY correct that there are no ‘black’ people anymore in Barbados.
    No point anymore in talking about ‘black and white’ when 99% of us live by albino-centric values, worship albino-centric ideals, define ourselves by albino-centricity.

    We have achieved the ultimate form of SERFDOM, like the house nigger of the plantation days, where we all are voluntary, unconscious, unthinking slaves of a failing system whose values are all monetary and materialistic.

  20. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    As designed Bushman… as designed..

    The final nail was the self hating negros like Vincent..pushing for relabeling the majority population using the blog…their grand idea of a brand new modern day slave code, using the same centuries old repulsive practices. .

    But they got caught.., gone are the days when people saw and knew but kept quiet..

  21. But here is the REALLY sad thing….

    Before the advent of BU, Bushie had resigned himself to the thought that all was lost because there did not exist in the little shiite island, not even 5 honest, REAL men of value and integrity, and that hence there was NO HOPE.

    Only to find that this little 2X4 place contains talents of the ilk of Caswell Franklyn – a man who in ANY other country would be celebrated as a folklore HERO of truth, justice for the people, integrity and the BALLS to go with such a character. A modern Robin Hood. There are probably not another 200 Caswell’s in this whole shiite world.

    We have a man like Jeff – clearly a man among men – a decent, genuinely intelligent, gentleman …who would OBVIOUSLY be presidential material in any sane country.

    There is David(BU) who has singlehandedly educated all those who want to be educated (including stinking Bushie) over the past 10 years without any albino-centric considerations as to how he cam PROFIT materially from his selfless work. A REAL BLACK MAN if there is one.

    Lo and behold there are OTHERS – plenty others…… thinking, rational, awake Bajans – more than enuff to make this little place into a role model in governance, national development, justice, righteousness and success.

    The TRAGEDY is that rather that utilise these rare and PRECIOUS gems of talent – we have a situation where idiots – who actually KNOW that they are ignorant – continue to blindly DICTATE their path to destruction … and the hoards of brass bowl morons – typified by Hal, Vincent and ac, cheer them on each for own their little petty reasons…

    What a national disgrace.
    It is one thing for a country to fail for lack of talent, or natural disaster, or bad luck.
    It is another thing altogether when a multi-talented, BLESSED, and PROTECTED place allows itself to be destroyed for lack of common sense…..
    THAT, folks, is what brass bowlery is…

  22. Heather Cole December 1, 2017 at 12:40 AM #
    @ Bussie let us seek a solution. I am sure that each of us can come up with at least one idea of something that we firmly believe should occur on Independence Day. Is there still an independence Secretariat? Those ideas should be submitted there. But More so we can start instituting them in our own communities.

    For a time after the Emancipation Statue was erected by the BLP in 1985 there used to be a march or walk to it, many in their African finery.

    I haven’t been seeing much about it lately.

    Here is a photo of what happened in 2014.

    What happened this year?

    Was there any walk or march?

    This was one idea some of us came up with to celebrate Emancipation after for the first time in more than a century declaring 1st of August Emancipation Day Holiday only to find it inconveniently clashed with Kadooment day!!

    We may have fallen a lot since Independence but I like Parades like that, I also enjoy the Parade in early November to commemorate the fallen of the two world wars.

    Like Nelson, many Bajans sacrificed their lives in those two wars for a greater good.

    Like Nelson, they are remembered in Trafalgar Square.

    The real question we need to ask ourselves is what do we believe in that would make us willing to sacrifice our lives?

    Is it still ” Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”?

    Would we lay down our lives for our country, for our friends?

    Many African Countries also supplied soldiers who fell in the world wars.

    We seem to have turned stupid over time!!

    So while the two of you put your heads together to invent some new activity, the show will go on … it always will … showbiz!!

  23. @ Miller
    Bushie also made a typo and you are correct.
    BBE made man in THEIR own black image…. not HIS….

    Although technically, there is a PARTICULAR BBE who was the MAKER, BBE is a COLLECTIVE noun … like Family – consisting of multiple individual beings.

    You always seem to get carried away talking about Bushie’s adopted family. It is all actually QUITE simple and straightforward….

    In fact, if you REALLY want to understand how BBE is structured, you need ONLY take a close look at how man was structured ….WHO WAS CREATED IN BBE’S OWN IMAGE.
    So if you want to understand God, study the MODEL that was presented to us in a form (physical) that our senses could assimilate….Man.

    There are only a few additional esoteric things that were added that could be a bit confusing and need to be accepted on faith…
    …like marriage
    …like observing a sabbath

    Everything else is staring you right in the face …and no need for any anunnaki drama either….
    ha ha ha

  24. LOL @ John
    Boss, do you understand why Bushie’s REAL hero was Wynter Crawford?
    There was NO WAY IN THIS WORLD that Bushie was going to England to fight for no mother county back then…. like Dipper and some others did.

    NO way Jose.
    That was a role for you and your ilk …who benefited from their protection.

    Who Bushie WOULD have joined were those rioters back in 1937 …to pelt some big rocks at the police, soldiers and at your fathers store ….to exact some revenge for the innocent black blood that had been spilt.

    Remembrance Day to Bushie therefore may be different to what YOU would like.
    …and If wunna was controlling things, then one can see why we would celebrate WW2 dead and hold Buckingham style parades….
    Even Barrow may be excused for doing such…

    …but why is Froon and his ilk doing it…?
    …why did Arthur?

    …to make YOU happy?

  25. Wuhloss…….Bushie&Topsy still lost and disagreeing tuh besides.

    One saying we all black(who never visit Bim) and den de uder one declaring 99% not black in Bim.

    Time de two o’ wunnah moojins use de same hymn sheet…..mek up wunnah mines.

  26. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Vincent…dont try to get between the Bushman and I……we know what we are about…look around and see ya can go no further, ya little scam failed…any relabeling, the majority will do it themselves, on their own terms, in their own time and among themselves…. but it will not be done some self loathing negro…..or fly by night parasitic minorities with an agenda of greed.


  27. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    How karmic my comment feel between those two of the day.

  28. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Vincent is that you…lol….and imagine I just called you a self loathing negro…lol

  29. Pictures of two contrasting gentlemen above….

    One an obvious member of the Planter class proudly displaying his WW2 medals,dressed in the finery of the day on his way to Parliament.

    The other one from humble origins with his prized possession also on his way to parliament to do the peoples business.

    Did any one notice that the one from the elite class was melanin rich and the one from humble origins was melanin poor……and we preach divisiveness based on colour as opposed to class…..go figure.

    Somebody tell me that Tron is wrong and that no such plan exists to destabilise Bim like in the 60s with black power activism that the gentleman above EWB put a stop to.

  30. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Ya should be ashamed of yaself.

    No we did not notice, despite Brancker’s bloodline, he still looks like a Black man, just like Dipper, and just like his descendants today. …. ah bet if you peep into dipper’s blood line, you will find a lot.

  31. Who Bushie WOULD have joined were those rioters back in 1937 …to pelt some big rocks at the police, soldiers and at your fathers store ….to exact some revenge for the innocent black blood that had been spilt.


    Clement Payne was a communist agitator sent from Trinidad to Barbados to destabilize it.

    Others were sent to other islands as well.

    The 30’s followed the Great Depression and conditions were ripe for destabilization all over.

    The authorities in Trinidad informed those in Barbados to expect his arrival.

    He turned up at Government House at the head of a mob and asked to see the Governor.

    The Governor’s secretary informed him he would, like anybody else, have to make an appointment and comeback on the appointed day.

    The rest is history.

    Got that from a lecture by Professor Woodville Marshall.

    He is now a minor National Hero with only a bust and not a full statue,

  32. In the grand scheme of things the Independence parade is a relatively minor occurrence the originator of this argument about a relatively banal march must have been in the sauce early in the day when he foisted his diatribe on us unsuspecting readers.

    If the parade infringes on our “culture” and our self- worth what other elements of colonialism do we wish to discard or is it only that aspect of colonialism that insults people’s intelligence? Aside from the fact that military parades are commonplace all over the world and have little to do with colonialism except in some peoples’ mindset I can think of many other things that we happily accept without question even though they are “relics” of our colonial past.

    Let’s start with our judicial system, why do we need judges and lawyers bedecked with gowns and wigs to provide resolutions for our disputes? Why not community courts to dispense justice? How about a collection of people from the village who knew “Rupert” from the time he was a lad and can vouch that he was a good/ bad person determine what punishment he should receive for any transgressions. Why should that punishment be a term of imprisonment? Why shouldn’t Rupert” be made to compensate the individual(s), their family or society for his wrongdoing? Do we really need a law school for individuals to tell us what is right/wrong or acceptable when some good old fashioned commonsense will show us the way?

    If “copying is a clear sign of inferiority complex”, why should we copy the British system of justice?

    Isn’t our judicial system the epitome of mimicry?

    Lawd I haven’t even mentioned Education……


    @ WWC
    I did not mentioned anything about Barbadian identity.
    I may be blacker then you.

    There is a difference between Identity and culture.
    I said culture and I said – African and British or British and African for a reason.

    Example of IMPORTANT part of our culture that is not part of our identity = Cricket

    The independence day parade is just and enactment to honor the day and act as a live picture and reminder for those of us who were not borned or were too young to understand the significant of the event.

    What will be next? Are we going to band Cropover? The British brought the canes and then enslaved the Africans so anything to do with canes is a reminder of those evil times so let us band crop over.

    Lets us band cricket. Its is british and was forced on us!

    Let us get rid of everything british.

  34. WI 134 all out in NZ.

    Hopefully they can call on the reserves of courage and fortitude shown when NZ last bowled us out for 133 and Sobers and Davis batted us out of the hole.

    Cricket in the balance!!

  35. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    BF… the parts of my post you misinterpreted again….who said anything about getting rid of everything british…are there not scottish, british, welsh descendants on the island.

    the few minorities on the island can continue their european identities….but do not try to force it on a 92% African descended population…..they know who they are.

    They are free to choose how they want to celebrate their freedom from physical and mental slavery and what their parades should reflect in concert with their identities…

    Who wants to practice and embrace an identity that is not their own….no one is stopping them, every one has free will…..that is my point, but because you love everything british and still have the mind of a slave, does not mean I have to conform to what you want…to be british….because I also have free will and consider british history and practices repulsive to my senses, so dont try to force that on me.,,, that is my point.

    FYI…sugarcane is not british and is indigenous to parts of Africa also…

    “Sugarcane is indigenous to tropical South and Southeast Asia. Different species likely originated in different locations, with Saccharum barberi originating in India and S. edule and S. officinarum in New Guinea. The earliest known production of crystalline sugar began in northern India.”

    Cropover is purely a bajan invention….some people bend over backwards to give the british too much credit….credit them for their evil…, they have never done any good.

  36. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    I see John and Vincent on here bullshitting around about sugarcane and never even knew where it originated from… intellect, only think what the british want them to think….

    Get my point now…some people can actually think for themselves….most can’t.


    @ WWC

    I never said sugarcane was british.
    Anyone with an understand of geography and history will know why sugarcane is not british.

  38. Having said that we are blessed with some (a few) REALLY special people in Barbados …and hence Bushie’s sadness at our miserable plight and worse prospects…

    There are a whole heap of brass bowl, RH morons too…. (Real Hard-headed)
    …and they have the majority vote….

    Look … just keep the parade do….
    Wunna deserve um….

  39. John

    Take heart…..T.T.Lewis has just been identified as a “black” Bimmer by the cut and paste artist…..seeing he was of pure indentured/artisan stock…..your chances of being identified as “black” by that person has just risen as they know of your DNA with an African percentage.

  40. Hahahaha……anybody with doubt of the intelligence or Bimmer knowledge of the Topsy need to just reread the entities take on TT and Brancker vis a vis being family.

    Bozie…Bush Tea and you have the same intellect as birds of a feather flock together and I would never think of splitting you up as wunnah really deserve each other.

    Ah means to say these two idiots have caused sysmic shifts…….I am agreeing with Sargeant…..wuhloss.

  41. Hey Bushie

    A hair of the dog that bit yuh should get rid of de hangover

  42. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Who said anything about Brancker and Barrow being family, ya been drinking, read it again..

    I said Brancker’s descendant are currently Black people.

    And if ya took a look at Barrow’s bloodline ya might find a lot…how did you get a blood relation between those 2 sentences….show me the relation..I even put dashes, which can be a comma…the ones you like…lol

  43. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    That is why ya plans feel apart, let the dead men rest….ya trying to hang on to the coattails of the dead to score cheap points…..

    ……Africa is still there and so is the tribe ya descended from….that is not going anywhere. ..ya cant run away from it and neither can anyone else…it will catch up with you sooner or later.

  44. Folks…..

    Ah means tah sez dis body fuh tru……arguing that TT is Brancker and claiming to know Bim and even the english language……wuhloss…..Bozie….ah beg yuh doan git no trildren wid Bushie.

  45. NorthernObserver Avatar

    your challenge is you didn’t grow up in Bim. The picture was of TT Lewis, the quote from Sir Theodore Branker. TT was considered a white man. You can look at the attached pic and determine Branker.;rad

    “No we did not notice, despite Brancker’s bloodline, he still looks like a Black man”….there was no prior picture of Sir Theodore?

  46. WW&C

    I hope you finally understand why many of us have reached the conclusion that you are not who or what you purport to be.

    I hope you accept the kindly gentleman’s correction in good spirit and from henceforth try to discuss and reason points with your fellow bloggers.

  47. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Vincent. …I have seen Brancker before and knew he was not a white man…..regardless of what picture you put up to confuse YOURSELF…..

    ……unfortunately for you, I know the Brancker and Barrow families and their grandchildren..

    ….. at least the grandchildren Barrow’s son has with my now deceased friend….personally…..

    Northern….are you really paying attention to Vincent and his silly childish games, he got exposed and he is reaching, he will soon break his neck..

  48. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    If ah told you who the Branckers are to me, ya will shit ya stupid self…lol…Vincent…poor you, ya really need a job.

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