Given the almost weekly incidence of the death, invariably of a young man, caused by a firearm, Barbadians are understandably concerned about their prevalence. In an alarming display of linear reasoning however, the popular assumption appears to be that once we can rid the nation of all unlawful firearms, then there would be no, or at least fewer shooting deaths. That may be logically so, but the fact that death may be caused by other criminal means leaves one to query whether we are bothered merely by those murders caused by the bullet or whether we are equally concerned, as we ought to be, with the murder or maiming of one individual by the hand of another, however caused.

Accordingly, most of the suggested initiatives for combating the current phenomenon have centred on ensuring their absence from the country by restricting the importation of these weapons; by punishing severely their unlawful possession, by initiating a gun amnesty to limit their incidence; by having trials for kindred offences tried in a separate gun court; by having a street march; and the most intriguing one so far from a contributor to “Brass Tacks” two weeks or so ago who expressed the notion of amputating a number of fingers of those convicted of gun crimes and allowing them back into society, I suppose, “pour décourager les autres” For the caller this would be a most effective solution since those so sentenced would be unable to fire another weapon in anger and would even be, as he so risibly put it, unable to clean themselves after defecating (he used the local vernacular to dramatically amusing effect however).

All these suggestions may be likely to reduce or severely limit the incidence of firearms and their unlawful use but, as the National Rifle Association of the US so frequently intones in defence of its members’ Second Amendment rights, “guns do not kill people, people do!” The identical reasoning may be applied to the knife, the bomb and even the nuclear weapon. Each needs to be activated by a mind intent on committing murder and is, without that “mens rea”, a harmless object

This proposition is no less logical however than the obverse notion cited above that elimination of the weapon will thereby reduce shooting deaths, but its further consideration also leads inexorably to the opinion that we need rather to concentrate of the nature of the mind that would form the intention to take the life of another individual by any means including the inanimate gun, or knife, or even poison for that matter.

Of course, the impediment here is that we would prefer to believe that it is much easier to remove the temptation than to cure the mind, even though the admissible evidence thus far would cogently suggest otherwise. The importation and possession of unlicensed firearms have always been unlawful, there have been more gun amnesties than one locally, the Gun Court in Jamaica, apart from having been a constitutional nullity did not stem the number of fatalities owed to the bullet in that jurisdiction and while the caller’s suggestion referred to above would be clearly effective in a number of isolated instances, the imposition of cruel and inhuman dissuasive punishment for an offence has never served effectively to deter the reprise of that conduct by another. But these require much less thought than the concept of altering human conduct.

In the latter context of removing the criminal instinct, the questions become a step too difficult for a society impatient for relief to contemplate. It starts with the grudging recognition that the same individual that would recklessly fire into a crowd of fellow citizens is a product of the society, the political and educational systems that we have created and in which we exist and not merely some extraterrestrial visitor to our space. It continues with the contemplation of what local circumstance might have caused such a mindset in one of our own that the state would have delivered into this world with taxpayer-funded hospital services, offered similarly provided education to at least age sixteen with the prospect of additional assistance, should he need it, to go even further in order to acquire training for a skill that would enable him to become a productive citizen of the society.

Yes, we should seek to eliminate the gun from our society, but we also need to ascertain what force might have intervened to break the chain of causation from that innocent baby born to adoring parents to the sober productive citizen he was s destined to become and convert him into a wild-eyed thug that has no compunction in killing or maiming a number of fellow citizens to “bore” his intended adversary.

The late Prime Minister, Mr. David Thompson, might have been on to a useful concept with his mantra that Barbados was not merely an economy, but also a society”. However, we did not make the logical connection that the creation of a just society should require an abstention from the materialist development that we have pursued in which the acquisition of as much wealth as possible to the neglect of the most vulnerable is perceived as success. In that milieu, the drug baron is of equal status to the successful business magnate or community leader.

Can we then blame the impressionable youngster for wishing to take the easier road less frequently travelled to fame and fortune? To answer my own question therefore, no, it is not the guns only. It is rather our chosen developmental path. And as the weeping man in the rearview mirror seen by Shabine in Derek Walcott’s “Schooner Flight”, we might yet weep for the houses, the streets…

125 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch Column – Is it the Guns Only?”

  1. What about appealing for a gun & weapons armistice at a focal point such as christmas to try to start the New Year better and get the country back to the island everybody loves?

  2. @Jacqui Johnson

    Did you read the article? Does removing the guns address the root of the problem?

  3. There is any amount of empiriacal proof available to the serious student of this subject. In the UK, successive waves of draconian regulation in the wake of various madmens’ acts have resulted in the total ban of handguns, and drastic measures to restrict the ownership of all firearms, and in Scotland, even air weapons. Has it had any effect on armed crime? You bet – every category has risen since only the police and criminals had access to firearms.
    Like the war against drugs, it is unwinnable. In both cases blue sky thinking is required – in the case of drugs, legalise them like alcohol, and firearms, since we cannot stop the criminal possessing them, it is only fair to allow the law-abiding populace to own them for self-defence. When you have seconds to live, the police are minutes away..or in the UK, often hours.
    If you outlaw guns – only outlaws have guns. Criminals NEVER apply for permits.

  4. That should be empirical. Pity you don’t allow an edit period for typos David.

  5. There is no mystery at all about the people responsible for burdening society with more and more young thugs, many of whom will use guns to commit murder and mayhem.

    The culprits are young women, almost always of lower class background, who want to have children, and who raise them without fathers. Or with too many fathers. Or with fathers restricted to limited and subordinate roles.

    Young boys raised by unmarried or divorced women turn into predatory thugs at very high rates. Our psychologists, social workers and such have never invented therapies that can reliably succeed in taming the predatory, criminal instinct, so our focus should be on prevention.

    Yet our social policies, feminist and “progressive,” de-stigmatize “illigitimate” children, encourage women to be hostile and domineering towards men, to be ” independent” and raise children in single-parent homes, and so on.

    Women who want to raise children, especially male children, outside the protective cocoon of a traditional nuclear family, should have a lot of explaining to do to the rest of society. They should be held accountable if their offspring turn into criminals. Whether the penalties are in the form of community service, financial restitution, or something else should depend on individual circumstances.

    Of course, such an approach would require a different set of laws than we have now, because our courts treat people as if they were atomized individuals with free will. But that is another subject altogether.

  6. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    In being empirical you should also analyse the correlation of the rate of gun crime and the prevalence of guns in a community. Compare, for example, Canada to the USA.

  7. @ Jeff
    However, we did not make the logical connection that the creation of a just society should require an abstention from the materialist development that we have pursued in which the acquisition of as much wealth as possible to the neglect of the most vulnerable is perceived as success. In that milieu, the drug baron is of equal status to the successful business magnate or community leader.
    Bushie ALWAYS knew that you understood these things….

    What a brilliant academic definition of albino-centricity….and of its consequences – brass bowlery.

    Bushie is suitably impressed.

  8. mmmm similar……except when you are being replaced at the firm

  9. The gun problem is here to stay. This society has created some mindless people who act before thinking about the consequences of their actions.

    The problem is multifaceted and would not be solved by law enforcement alone. In many instances, both parents work and there is no grandmother who stays at home. Several minor children are left at home alone with instructions not to answer the door. They are left to their own devices and invariably nurtured by action movies where life appears to be expendable. In life, they mimic the behaviour in the movie.

    At school, many children are left to fend for themselves because the teachers concentrate on the more academically gifted while leaving the others behind.

    In these two examples, the children who are ignored find the criminal element who pretend care for them. These new criminal families share the chores – some kill.

  10. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    “pour décourager les autres”

    amazing how bajan people can so creatively dream up brutal deterrents when the crimes are committed within their own communities by their own people, but can never find or use a brain cell to create the same brutal deterrents when other groups of people are murderously or financially brutalizing them…that is way beyond an anomaly.

    So explain this Chadster the fraud…

    ….shocking details have emerged of how a multimillionaire heir to the du Pont chemical business was convicted of raping his three-year-old …

    or this one who has been committing crimes and murders from 1973…ya so full of it..

    Robert Durst, an heir to a real estate fortune, has been arrested in connection to the unsolved murder of his friend who investigators believed knew about the disappearance of his estranged wife.

    Durst’s troubled history with the law, and his alleged involvement in up to three murders, prompted a movie and then a HBO series about his life.

    am sure you remember the Menendez brothers, you stupid person.

  11. @ Chad and 45Govt

    Look Boss.
    In every society there are INEVITABLY a proportion of idiots, clowns, retards, vagabonds, traitors, malcontents, snipers, yardfowls, ….(and in Barbados, we also have Stinkliars…)

    It only takes a few vagabonds and malcontents to wreck havoc, and that is what they will do because it is what vagabonds and malcontents do.

    A society like the USA (a collection of the world’s most viral albino-centrics) makes the argument that we should arm everyone to the teeth and depend on ‘Mutually Assured Destruction’ to keep everyone alive.
    More sensible societies take the position that it is better to restrict access to instruments that facilitate and EMPOWER the destructive intent of a few idiots in society – even if it inconveniences the many responsible citizens who may find positive use for these instruments…..( which is why we should have restrained Stinkliar WAY back, when he started lying about Four Seasons…)

    So when North Korea refines the micro nuclear bomb and start to sell them through Amazon …will you advocate free access to all citizens then too…?

    Since we are condemned to having idiots in our midst, it is better that they be ‘idiots with rocks and knives’ than idiots with automatic weapons.

    On a similar note…
    To those jokers who insists that the state should not end the lives of murderers. Continue to live in La La land. There are, among the trash inevitable in EVERY society, some grades of humanity that are nothing more than garbage.

    ANY SOCIETY that refuses to properly dispose of its garbage, but CHOOSES to keep it in the house, is condemned to ongoing outbreaks of diseases and viruses….

  12. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    besides, there are knives, ice picks, axes, chainsaws and swords still available to commit murder anyway, it just requires a little more effort and energy than guns which are so much easier.

  13. Japan is a country with very low crime rates and with well- behaved men.

    Look at their family structures. Compare them to Barbados. Huge differences.

  14. @Jeff, I was also moved to comment based on the same passage that pricked BushTea’s interest but in my case I could not help but appreciate your wonderful ability to so deftly ‘legerdemain’ verbally. 😆.

    Isn’t it fascinating that you would cite Mr D Thompson based on all you and we know today as a bastion of just societal speak!!

    Would you say that HE made “the logical connection that the creation of a just society should require an ABSTENTION” from conflicts of interest and chicanery in his role as PM??

    You hit very hard, Monsieur. That reference alone made your point on the crime problem as forcibly as a 9mm slug…and just as stealthily! Touchee.

    @BushTea, is it your final goal in life to be accorded fame as the creator of neologisms that will be added to the Bajan lexicon and to Websters. Oh heaven’s, enough with the albino-centric verbiage. LOL.

  15. @ Chad
    Have you been to Japan?

    It is a country built upon RESPECT for ancestors and elders.
    A country where the PROACTIVE VISION is MUCH more of of ‘community responsibility’ than it is of individual right and privilege.
    Japan is a place where responsible persons leaned on their swords when they let their charges down… Where politicians PUBLICLY cry and express SHAME when they make mistakes… where families take responsibility for its members…

    Family structures and public safety RESULT from such a PROACTIVE social principle…. not the other way around.

    Bushie has been in Muslim countries where the very idea of stealing has been INGRAINED in citizens as being reprehensible…. and to be scorned. VERY FEW fingers or hands EVER get cut off, BUT the PRINCIPLE of the social VALUES are deeply ingrained in 95% of the citizens – and hence the society is shaped by this proactive principle.

    This is what so-called ‘capital punishment’ is meant to convey…. except it is not really ‘capital punishment’, but ‘capitalising the VALUE of human life’.

    You research is MUCH to biased by your albino-centric base.

  16. @ Dribbler
    BushTea, is it your final goal in life to be accorded fame as the creator of neologisms that will be added to the Bajan lexicon and to Websters. Oh heaven’s, enough with the albino-centric verbiage.
    No Dribbles…. but…
    Kindly suggest a simple alternative terminology that conveys the same message.
    The generally accepted status quo, and language, is such that Bushie has failed in his attempts to do so.

  17. Chad,
    Have you ever heard of the Yakuza?

  18. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Bushman…the psychiatrics and psychologists are terming these mental instabilities and unstable behaviours as euro-centric in history and nature, even when being displayed in blacks from Africa to the Caribbean and around the world…it is the correct terminology to describe any form of modern day crimes created by and is a direct result of the eurocentric system..

    And particulary the brainewashed, mindwashed nonsense by Chadster has to be described in eurocentric terms.

    Yakuza alone, ah guess Chadster has never been exposed even a little bit to Japanese gangs or their organized criminal networkd, which can also be found in the US who stay and operate in the shadows, the ones in Japan are way deadlier, cause they do not boast and stay invisible…

  19. Bush Tea

    Your point is well taken but we have a history of British rule, a historical orientation to individualism and secularism which makes us very different from the societies you mention.

    But we have to start somewhere. Jeff may not be able to say the things I say because he teaches a lot of women at UWI, an institution committed to the feminist, “progressive” values that are creating discord, dysfunction and criminality in our society.

  20. Hal

    Yes I’ve heard of the Yakuza. Now listen up.

    Barbados has the lowest murder rate in CARICOM but even so, there are 20 to 30 murders per year for a population of just over a quarter million.

    By comparison, Japan with a population of 127 million has only about 1,000 murders a year. That means the Barbados murder rate is 10 times the Japanese rate.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    See what I mean…

    Can it Chadster…no one is going to reverse the gains of females to satisfy your eurocentric mental illness.

  22. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ 45govt September 10, 2017 at 7:18 AM
    “Like the war against drugs, it is unwinnable. In both cases blue sky thinking is required – in the case of drugs, legalise them like alcohol, and firearms, since we cannot stop the criminal possessing them, it is only fair to allow the law-abiding populace to own them for self-defence. When you have seconds to live, the police are minutes away..or in the UK, often hours.
    If you outlaw guns – only outlaws have guns. Criminals NEVER apply for permits.”

    The miller is somewhat ‘sympathetic’ to your stance on this ‘gun(g)-ho’ issue.

    Why can’t the average law-abiding’-taxpaying citizen appearing on the voter-register under the name Joe or Jane Bloggs be entitled to purchase and possess a legally-registered firearm after a period of adequate training in the handling, maintenance and use of such firearms?

    Isn’t it a big political farce of genuine hypocrisy that the elites in society are allowed the double protection of not only the entitlement to privately carry a licensed firearm to protect themselves, family and property but also the taxpayers’ funded protection by the State by way of the armed Police and most duplicitously by a Defence Force made up of a band of approved killers trained in the art of using guns and other equipment designed to destroy human life and to treat the uninvolved innocent as collateral damage in their grand scheme of protecting those with material wealth?

    So why not let Barbados become the Amsterdam of the Caribbean not only in its marijuana policies but also in its firearms ‘control’?

    It’s just another case of: “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” (Who will guard the guards?).

    Just another case of mysteriously disappearing millions of confiscated loot from the guards’ workstation with no one held accountable for this purposely arranged sleight-of-hand cover-up to make some people rich without labouring in the cultivation of the wicked grass called herb.

  23. Chad,
    I do not do listen up. Speak English.

  24. Good post millertheanunnaki – above the heads of the likes of the drunk racist well well what a moron I am.

  25. @TRon

    Well well is not black. She comes from a well establish albino lineage.

  26. Australia has just had a gun amnesty and 26000 guns were turned in. If the flawed argument that criminals would not, or are unlikely to turn in illegally held guns were true it would have worked in Australia.
    The truth is if the amnesty is accompanied by tougher legislation then the criminals would realise the risk they run.
    Take guns out of private hands, including the gated communities. Was the gun used by officer Gittens to kill his neighbour a privately owned gun or a service gun he took home?
    Why are people not asking this question? When is he going to face the courts?

  27. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Either arm the 260,000 black citizens on the island or disarm the 7,500 minorities on the island.

    Me personally I like a rough and ready 9.

    How ya like that 45fraudster…I agree with Miller.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Bajans….,…is it because in your mind, a black female could never be articulate or intelligent enough to think, let alone voice the realities of not only the social destruction of Barbados, but to recognize and consciously understand world matters.

    Ya need to get out more often and meet more black women, ya will be surprised, totally blown away by anipy misconception ya may have that black women are only for being maids and servants…only good for breeding, remaining in poverty and being victims of domestic abuse at the hands of black men.

    Ah hope ah cleared that one up, of course ya are welcome to ya own opinions about someone who is not only anonymous, but whom ya have never met.

  29. I am a supporter of the law and economics movement and am keen to have a debate around the issues raised by the group.
    The late Nobel Laureate Gary Becker, who specialised in the economics of crime, worked across a number of disciplines that still concentrate the mind, on these very issues.
    The first question is what is law for? Whose law? What order? In a culture dominated by robed advocates, this is an issue that largely goes unanswered; but in BU quite often we find ourselves going round and round in circles without raising the fundamental issues raised.
    For example, a few weeks ago we talked about hanging and I raised the matter of lynching, racism and the uncertainty of convictions, which was largely ignored. What happens when we make a mistake and execute an innocent person?
    The same with guns; if we concentrate on the end result – the shootings on the block – and ignore the underlying epidemiology of gun crime, then crime policy will always be reactive.
    Look more broadly: a recent study by David Lammy, the British MP of Guyanese heritage, in 2006, 12 per cent of prisoners in England and Wales were from ethnic minorities; in 2017, that figure has risen to about 41 per cent. That in a society where ethnic minorities form about 13 per cent of the population.
    A propensity to commit crime cannot be the simple answer, since in Australia the figure is similar for the Aboriginal community, in New Zealand, the Maoris.
    We can either have a cheap debate with people who are risible and looking for cheap and easy laughs, or examine crime causation much more seriously. As a society we must decide.
    What is the DLP saying about this? The BLP? The UPP? Solutions Barbados? Our many so-called criminologists

  30. @ Jeff Cumberbatch

    With the effort to fast track the development of Barbados, some short-cuts were used from the 1970 in most or all of Government systems.In Education, some sort-cuts resulted in some people entering UWI, coming out 5-6 years later half-bake, join the civil service, and continued the actions that created some mindless. its likely that the short-cuts in education has deprived some of the generations from developing the ability to reason. that lack of ability to reason form part of the force that might have intervened, it is at-play in everything in Barbados, not only by the gun-men, but also the PM and his cabinet

  31. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    The issue of violent crimes, especially gun homicide in the region, is a very complex one. There are multiple factors at play, and it will take multiple solutions working simultaneously in order to curtail this pathology. However, I am unapologetic when it comes to tough punishment. Let the punishment fit the crime!

    The irony in all of this, is that, the region is the most violent in the world ( based on murder per 100000) and this is alarming considering there is no declare civil war going on in any country. While at the same time, the region enjoys a relative high income per capita, moderate social safety net, and a strong HDl. Talk about conundrum. Case in point, Trinidad. The high murder rate don’t make sense when you take into account the generous welfare system run by the state and an unemployment rate of 5%.

  32. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    Another irony on gun homicide in the region, is that, even poverty- striken country like Haiti, has a lesser murder rate (per 100, 000) than wealthy Bahamas.

    Even Nicaragua and Bolivia, two of the poorest country in the americas, their murder rate is pale in ralation to some wealthy island nations across the caribbean sea.

  33. @fortyacresandamule

    Clearly a case where regression analysis will not serve?

  34. Bush Tea September 10, 2017 at 8:57 AM #

    A lot in there that Bushie says is true. Consider this. How small groups, whether children in a playground or adults, are so easily led by a bully or a couple of people, thereby picking on a different child or minority group (adults).

    Consider that such ‘micro-community’ driven behavior, led as acceptable by the leader or few in charge, is seen by the group and followed by the group as acceptable behavior. Pick on the nerd, they do.

    But when the bell tolls, the run helter skelter. When chastisement or retribution comes, they accept no responsibility for their despicable behavior. ‘It was what was done’.

    Behavior is cultural, it is ingrained, it is led.

    Only real leaders can take a country out of such an abyss.

    Real leaders.

    Yes, real men. Real women.

    ‘Real’, not made up, not pretend.

  35. @ Crusoe
    So what exactly are you saying then….?
    That Hants – like the woman at the well, is right…?
    …and that these bushmen like they know every shiite..??!!!

  36. Bushie,

    Maybe now you understand my moniker, I often have felt marooned, in outlook. The moniker was not haphazard in choice.

    There are a few of us left, at least.

  37. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @David. Clearly indeed. The poverty excuse, it would seemed, is not the dominant variable at play here.

  38. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    Nothing less than a total social enginnering of the society will suffice, starting from the home. We cannot afford nowadays to left our children upbringing to chances, because the consequences of erring is an enormous price for the society. Case in point, the monetary cost alone of crime and violence to jamaica’s society is around(3-5%) of it’s GDP according to a world bank study.

    Parenting is a skill, an art, and some even say a science, therefore, I strongly feel that prospective parents should be certified fit and proper. Just like those other professions in the society where you need a licence before you can practice your craft, I feel the same status should be accorded to people who want to bring forth a life in this world.

    No longer should having kids been seen has some kind of divine right. A parenting curriculum should be introduced in schools early on, along with dedicated educational institutions that focus primarily on parenting skills.

  39. It is well known that ECONOMISTS argue that economic growth and prosperity – good economic times – INCREASE the incidence of property crimes and related homicides.

    Most SOCIOLOGISTS argue the opposite. That poverty, inequality (and racial heterogeneity) increase homicide and other crime rates.

    There is empirical support for both propositions, depending on the historical period selected for analysis. Crime occurs in waves and for many different reasons, confounding simple explanatory models.

  40. 45acres,
    If parenting is a skill, an art or even science, then should young people be taught parenting before having children?

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Forty….all of that instruction for parenting is not necessary. ., a few periodic classes are fine, during the child’s development, but parenting is really an instinct, the only thing needed in the classes is guidance…..

    …….it does not require a curricula, since each child develops real early in life, already has their own personality, in the first few months, and each child has a very different personality…that no curriculum can be prepared for….none..

    There are already 2 generations of badly miseducated people on the island, adding a parenting curriculum to that…is a recipe for total disaster.

  42. “An Opposition Barbados Labour Party (BLP) representative is insisting that his leader, Mia Mottley, is suitably qualified to become the next Prime Minister of Barbados, even if she does not have a legal certificate to show.”

  43. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    i dont get this….the LEC is a nonissue because of exemptions in those days, perfectly legal….but no one can answer if she has a LAW DEGREE from UK…which is mandatory and comes before some lec. where is the law degree.

    and what are they going to do about Justice RW who did not go to school in UK, did not qualify for any exemption and has no LEC…..does he have a law degree…lol

    ….Mia not the only lawyer without a legal certificate, suggests Hinkson

    Added by George Alleyne on September 11, 2017.
    Saved under Local News, Politics
    An Opposition Barbados Labour Party (BLP) representative is insisting that his leader, Mia Mottley, is suitably qualified to become the next Prime Minister of Barbados, even if she does not have a legal certificate to show…..

  44. Until recently we had high court judges in the UK without law degrees. Googling can never replace knowledge.

  45. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    what knowledge…where is your proof.

  46. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    you are a liar Hal….

    Magistrates’ courts, tribunals, Crown court, county court, High Court of Justice, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court are the main types of court in England and Wales.

    The basic requirements of being a judge:
    Understandably, judges have to be citizens of the UK, Republic of Ireland or a Commonwealth country and should also be able to offer a ‘reasonable length of service’, which is usually at least five years.

    In practice, this means you must have a relevant legal qualification for five years, this being a undergraduate LLB, a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), followed by the Legal Practice Course (LPC) or Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC).

    Then you should get yourself some experience, firstly a vacation scheme or mini pupillage, and then a training contract or pupillage.

  47. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    you are now lying to get attention…how pathetic…

  48. @ Jeff,

    One of your students?

    LANA ASHBY RECENTLY received accolades that took her by surprise, not only because of her age but because she is a member of an ethnic minority in her workplace, Durham University, one of the top five law schools in the United Kingdom.”

  49. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    she recognizes the self made challenges stagnating the island and people…that is always the hurdle facing scholars and others who want to return to give back, it`s an ugly, self defeating deterrent.

    …..While noting that she would like to do more for Barbados, Lana said the politics in some working environments made it difficult to give back. “People talk about brain drain . . . . It is not a case that the opportunities are not there, sometimes they are there but it is a case of the people who they are given to because of politics prevents national development and them giving back as they would want,” she said….

  50. @Miller
    “elites in society are allowed the double protection of not only the entitlement to privately carry a licensed firearm to protect themselves, family and property……..”

    There is absolutely no convincing evidence that possession of a firearm will do that. Unless, that is, you spend all your time patrolling the premises with a loaded firearm at the ready. Criminals don’t call you in advance and tell you they’re coming over for a little cash, they catch you by surprise, and in most cases they will pick up some cash and your firearm as well. The whole “protection” thing is a racket promoted by the NRA and gun dealers, plus, of course, like 45govt, those who just love guns,

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