Mia Mottley and Freundel Stuart represent the duopoly

“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.” –

The headline in one of the newspapers blazed Eye to Eye on violence supported with a picture of Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley. The immediate thought by the BU blogmaster was that the leaders of the two main political parties had joined forces in the national interest to serve as a calming influence on the country days after the Kadooment Shootings. After perusing the opening paragraph of the newspaper article such a lofty expectation was dashed. It was the usual political palaver full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!

In 1978 the great Bob Marley staged the One Love Concert that will be etched in history when he called for Michael Manley and Edward Seaga who represented the two main political parties operating in a fractious political environment at the time to shake hands. One senses that the Barbados landscape has become fractious- not to the same degree as Jamaica but trending- and there is the opportunity for a signal act by relevant parties to send a message to the population that we are Bajans first and must come together to make it work.

The contentious meeting of the Social Partnership will be held within the next 24 hours to address the call by the unions and private sector for government to engage in greater dialogue. On the agenda is the request by the unions for government to implement a coping subsidy to soften the impact of the National Social Responsibility Levy (NSRL) on public workers. The decision by the government to publicise the event (we wait to see if it happens) is a clear indication that there is distrust of the partnership by a key member. Many fear it will an opportunity for grandstanding by political participants with a few months to go until the next general election. BU is of the view there is the opportunity for the heads of the various stakeholders of the Social Partnership to publicly demonstrate to the country that despite the contentious issues on the agenda, it is ONE LOVE. Why not invite Mia Mottley and a couple leaders from the religious community to participate at tomorrow’s meeting, it would be unprecedented but viewed favorably as being in the national interest. Will NEVER happen!

Whether by accident or not, the Acting Governor of the Central bank Cleviston Haynes has scheduled a press briefing for Friday 11, 2017 at 11AM to review the performance of the Barbados economy for the first six months.  It promises to be an interesting 24 hours.

284 responses to “Social Partnership Meeting | Come Together and Make it Work…”

  1. #parrots

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.


    Fruendel could call all 25 or 30,000 public workers and ask them to choose, same difference, he will be kicked out of parliament.

    Yall can brainstorm and regurgitate all day long, it’s still inevitable.

  3. Back to Sudoku

  4. The govt is going to throw the Unions and Herbert another curve ball and just watch how it bounces off their knees and right into the hands of PM Stuart . lol


  5. Armando Rodriguez Avatar
    Armando Rodriguez


    The arrogant government won no victory yesterday, despite what you might think. They looked silly, immature and incompetent.

  6. Armando Rodriguez Avatar
    Armando Rodriguez

    Why do you think Estwick told the PM to ‘kiss his ass’ when asked to attend the foolish televised nonsense of yesterday?

  7. Armando Rodriguez Avatar
    Armando Rodriguez

    Toni Moore took on the idiot Sinckler and made him look the fool he is. She did is a manner which was rather cunning but in the end you could not come away with a feeling other than Toni Moore bitch slapped the Minister of Finance and left him sulking like a little boy.

  8. Agree she got under his skin. He started his first intervention using mono tone. After Toni’s response he reverted to his usual rumshop brawling delivery style.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “What govt needs to do is call a meeting of all govt employees”…I agree.

    Just make sure ALL means ALL, and you put ALL the NGO and subsidized body employees in the same room as ALL those making salaries and wages represented by the unions. They can hang a placard around their necks publicly showing how much they make, and the subsidy provided by the government. Then watch the fireworks!!! Only then will ALL realize exactly what is public in this small island. And ALL those on the GoB’s expense list.

  10. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    It will be refreshing to see this government kicked out by the same people they neglect.

    …they showed yesterday that they do not care how this tax hurts the majority, the most vulnerable in the society…as long as they get it done by election 2018 so they can fete and celebrate…

    ….despite the government being the one to create the mess.

    The unions can apply pressure strategically.

  11. Armando Rodriguez Avatar
    Armando Rodriguez

    The issue here is that the DLP cannot afford to be seen as being forced to give the workers in Barbados raise, this would undermine their plans of given them a raise just before the general elections, claiming the Barbados economy as sound (like in 2013) and they asking to be returned to office.

  12. But Well Well……………did you not hear the PM say yesterday that he does not see this widespread poverty and suffering that the unions are talking about.

    The man lives in an alternate universe……….in a bubble. Oh betide him when he is no longer PM. The man is going to go nuts.

    I guess he looked at all of the young people out partying during Crop Over and thinks that is the reality of the majority. Even so there was fewer bands and fewer revellers. Many of them may have run up credit cards, depended on working parents or friends….who knows? But that partying life is not the reality of most people.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Leave him Prodigal…as soon as Fruendel is kicked out, he will have to start budgeting, as things stand they have all been rolling around in free money for nearly 10 years.

    I want to see how many S-Class Mercedes he will be able to afford then.

    Freeness rarely last.

  14. Froon is “clever,” he does not see poverty because he knows NOT TO LOOK!

  15. @Armando Rodriguez August 12, 2017 at 3:17 PM

    I agree with your comment.

    These morons think that they are the greatest political animals. I worked that out yesterday, hence the kicking of the ball down the road until September.

    The irony is that last year when the NSRL was first introduced, it was to help the QEH and to purchase garbage trucks. If the tax did so well and raked in so many millions and they did not buy a single garbage truck which were urgently needed…………..does anyone think the Stinkliar is not going to use this money to help plug the huge hole in the monthly requirements he has to deal with every month as he outlined?

    There is going to be no money to give public workers a coping subsidy far less any salary increases. If a pay increase was to be granted in October how are they going to pay for it in the ensuing months?

    I hope the unions are seeing through this idiot’s BS.

    In September I predict that the Stinkliar is going to make a huge claim that the NSRL has raked in more money than was anticipated, hence a raise for public officers……….a quick election with enough time to prevent the truth from coming out on the economy and then whaplax………..lay off 10,000 before Christmas.

  16. Angela U are the 2nd most stupid Angela on Earth. Moronic Angela Merkel part of a nose ahead. Hope the Corrupt Traitors in Govt PAYING U really well???????????/

  17. Poverty is relative. A barefoot boy from Marchfield who gets a pair of shoes thinks he is progressing.

  18. Moronic Angela Merkel? How can a Bajan call someone moronic?

  19. Hal, Any “leader” that permits 1mn refugees to come in to their Nation in a short period of time, that are of a very different culture and that have not been properly vetted is a MORON! Germany and France will soon be at each others throats especially when ItalExit occurs!

    U maybe a Moronic Bajan but I know for certain that I am not. I did NOT Vote for DLP–pisspoor “leadership” and who was going to fill the critical post of M o F—a MOFO did.

  20. Trump’s supporters are rioting


  21. This world is all about evolving.

    ….the same way the european tribes were received with open arms by the native tribes of what is now known today as America and the rest is history.

    …..Angela is now fullfilling the destiny of the world by embracing the dispossesed tribes of the middle east and Africa.

    Mans dreams and wishes will always be subject to genetic construct involving continous dislocation by movement.

  22. Money Brain,
    Do you mean she is a moron, or the policy was wrong? I think the language of discourse used by many people on BU says a lot about them. Because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are morons.
    I think what was wrong was allowing too many of the wrong people in to the country. They will change Germany forever.

  23. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Money Brain, August 12, 2017 at 4:11 PM
    Hal, Any “leader” that permits 1mn refugees to come in to their Nation in a short period of time, that are of a very different culture and that have not been properly vetted is a MORON! Germany and France will soon be at each others throats especially when ItalExit occurs!

    If only the native Americans (Amerindians) and native Australians (Aborigines) had heeded your advice what a wonderful world of no racism or apartheid we will be living in today!

    There would have been no Boers in South Africa to claim it as their ancestral homeland and Cecil Rhodes would have been a white hero character in a comic book like the Phantom and Tarzan.

    You, MB, should not continue to trick black people (over baked by the Sun) and those of deficient melanin hue into believing in your Western–doctored book of myths and tall tales where Adam & Eve and Noah and his three sons and their wives are the fathers and mothers of all mankind on mother Earth today but would still want to keep them out of the Garden of your Western Eden

    “Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
    With silent lips.

    “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  24. Jethro,
    Sorry, what advice have I given?

  25. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin August 12, 2017 at 5:22 PM

    There is a movie titled Shallow Hal in which the main male character cannot tell the difference between a dumb blond and a sexy manatee or sea cow.

    But come on, old scout, we don’t want you to play such a silly part while climbing your imaginary Sisyphus-ladder to intellectual apotheosis.

    We can see that you behave like a Pavlov-trained dog wanting to be transformed into a god (anagram of a dog) but to be so intoxicatingly addicted to the adulation of the miller as to misunderstood whom he was quoting is like being transmogrified into an incestuous clone of ac aka angela Skeete the perfect ass in the jungle of academia.

    But just remember Hal, He who wants to become a god must first pretend to be an ass.

    Now go back to Class 2 at St. Giles for a lesson in basic comprehension or to the Milk Room under the rigid supervision of Mrs Greenidge where your basic hands-on skills would be most appropriately deployed.

  26. Retribution-things that make me go hum! Avatar
    Retribution-things that make me go hum!

    He who wants to be a God must first have the people’s respect, deny himself and walk humbly!!!

  27. Annunaki,
    U mekking sport about Black people, I never trick anybody. Anyway, how would I be able to trick U? Some clever gents on here.

  28. Hal,
    U wrote that Bajans should not call anyone Morons. I disagreed and suggested that U could accept that Moniker if U wanted to but I was not.

  29. What conclusions have the BU intelligentsia come to, regarding the economic (or other) future of Barbados? To be honest the absence of ideas at the social partnership meeting has left me alarmed. Call it doom and gloom but unless some change occurs very soon, Barbados seems to be heading for failed state status. I don’t care who got us here, I just want to join with those who have a viable plan to get us out of the present mess. However all I keep getting are updates on the worsening economic and social situation and plenty of blame on whose fault it is.

  30. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Worth a read. HERBERT’s Ancestors. Especially George Hibbert.


  31. “Agree she got under his skin. He started his first intervention using mono tone. After Toni’s response he reverted to his usual rumshop brawling delivery style.”


    Christopher Sinckler is a disgraceful, BRAWLING, CANTANKEROUS, BOMBASTIC individual, who cannot help holding up his skirt to “block” and cuss people………..


    …………… ask June Fowler & Marla Dukharan.

    Dress a pig in a suit and place it in a “front house”……………. it does not change its characteristics….. it remains a pig.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    But Carson……Isn’t it amazing that these are the same descendants of slaveowners, you blighted and cursed slaves of parliament keep picking up the people’s contracts, pension money, taxpayer’s money and properties and giving them away to, over and over for the last 50 years…..

    …disenfranchisement by you and them…practiced over and over on the descendants of slaves by the slaves of parliament and the mangoste parasites for minorities who own them.

    Explain that.

  33. Shiite Miller…!!!!
    Yuh gwine kill ‘ee?

  34. Artax August 12, 2017 at 11:28 PM #

    So much hate and anger spilling out of the craw of that BLP yardfowl ..Negro check yuh self fool

  35. WW&C

    Ca-dog-an is not program to explain

  36. @ Ping Pong …8.08PM
    Boss, yours is a concern that should have come to the fore 10 years ago….. and indeed it did – right here on BU.
    Back then, when we were steaming full ahead through the iceberg riddled sea, everyone was to busy at the deck parties- trying to imbibe as much of the ‘goodies’ as they could…. to pay Bushie any mind.


    Having struck the iceberg right after the small-minded, petty, buffoon and colossal idiot called Froon took over the helm – and after the equally moronic ‘Eager 11’ failed to kick his ass overboard …and send out an SOS … HMS Barbados-Titanic was doomed.

    Our last hope was for a well-intentioned and knowledgeable PIRATE to take over the ship and use strong-arm measures to save as many lives as possible….
    But Caswell REFUSED to BUP…

    …now it is every man for himself… and although Bushie and a few others have been shouting ‘MURDER’ at the top of our voices for a while now, the bunch of brass bowls on board are only concerned about when the next deck-party is scheduled, …and if the drinks will be free.

    Intellectuals such as yourself with big-ass brains SHOULD have been rushing to the bridge to provide proper guidance, …. but NO!!! …wunna putting wunna trust in illiterate, unmannerly, uncouth, morons who were not even able to pass the damn 11+ exam ….and up to today, who cannot understand decimals …. or multiple 200,000 by 10 successfully…..


    Boss….It is going to be BAD…. REAL BAD!!!
    …and it is now every man for himself….

    The Titanic provides all the imagery needed for you to conceptualise our future….

  37. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Ping Pong,

    If you are looking at conclusions for the Barbados economy may i suggest that you read the book of Revelations – the King James version. Bush Tea comments at 7.31am are accurate. My advice to you would be to pack your suitcase and search for greener pastures!

  38. Carson et al

    Herbert’s ancestors are who exactly? I know you don’t know. For all you know he is related to Wilberforce or some other Freedom activist. Do U know that my relative had the first win in a Court Case in the UK against Slavery. But many here dont care about that, U are far more interested in blaming ALL Whites.

    THe White Supremacists march yesterday in Charlottesville, VA. It was mostly white Antifa versus the WS. Whites vs Whites mainly showing that they support Fairness to AfroAms and all minorities. Yet simpletons pun here casting ALL whites as bad, racist. DumbAss lack of thinking. It makes sense to have broad support as yesterday shows in Char, VA. Will BLM et al show any appreciation??????????????????

    Some on here have family who committed heinous acts against other humans over the last many years, should those alive today be sent to prison for ancestors crimes?????????????

  39. Bush Tea and Talking Loud

    Sigh. The facts speak loudly that you are correct. Some tried to provide rational advice but the proportion of the ignorant and corrupt had reached a critical mass and the “cancer” had spread to all the vital organs of Barbados.

  40. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    The unions have enough ammunition to shut down the country and remove this corrupt government forthwith.

    The latest dirty secret of selling a hotel worth 17 million for the lowly amount of 5 million to government bribers while refusing an 11 million offer by another potential buyer which would help the economy……..is more than enough reason.

    The government has stubbornly refused to lower the wicked 10% tax that will cause starvation on their people, but are giving away the people’s properties for pocket change that can never cut down the deficit.

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    “Herbert’s ancestors are who exactly? I know you don’t know. For all you know he is related to Wilberforce or some other Freedom activist.”

    MoneyB….for you and those who do not know, Wilberforce never fought for slavery to end in the Caribbean, he could not care less…his intent was to end slavery in UK, mostly because it was becoming unprofitable….do better research.

    It was the African dude prince Akino something who was kidnapped from Africa by white savages, who fought alongside Wilberforce and was really instrumental in fighting the british animals to stop their enslavement and kidnapping of Africans.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    MoneyB…that march yesterday was mostly about taking down any tributes to Robert Lee, the confederate general who fought to spread slavery among the areas that had not yet become states, the civil war was fought not to end slavery, but to prevent it from spreading to weak areas that had not yet become states….it was more of a show of power by that president of the day, I believe it was Lincoln…or another of them.

    Yesterdays march was to prevent idolizing demons like Lee who favored racism and slavery, like some of the presidents were….and was triggered by trump and his nasty racist views…..do more research.

  43. High Flying Condor Avatar
    High Flying Condor


    I pity you and people of your mentality. All you have left to defend the DLP is the nasty racist rhetoric. The most offensive part of this racist rhetoric is your knowledge/hope that you can (again) manipulate the ‘average’ bajan voter, who, according to your belief, can be misled and programmed to reach as you want.


  44. I pity you blp yardfowls who would not open mouth and condemn one of your own namely Charles Herbert for using words of anger and hatred towards this country in an attempt to cause chaos

    No buddy too many ugly skeletons in wunna closet to be pointing fingers

  45. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Angela Yardfowl….where is the proof against Herbert, bring the proof.

  46. High Flying Condor Avatar
    High Flying Condor


    There is no proof only the prediction by Herbert, all of which is coming to pass. The worst taxes are those who’s origins are in governmental INCOMPETENCE.

  47. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    we been asking Angela Yardfow and Carson Yardfowl to show us the evidence against Herbert for the last 2 weeks.

    they obviously have no evidence..

    but so much evidence is piling up against government.

  48. The Proof and evidence goes as the following
    First i belive PM Stuart over the traitor Herbert
    Second Herbert has not issued a statement to refute what the PM has revealed
    Thirdly nor has Herbert taken any legal actions against govt revealed allegations which can do long term damage to his character and reputation
    Taking all the above into consideration there is no need for confirmation

  49. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    yes there is because

    yardfowls lie..a lot

    Fruendel never showed any evidence that Herbert threatened any unrest, he just said he did, offhandedly in a newspaper article…even if yardfowls dont know any better, as an attorney Fruendel knows he should produce evidence, which Herbert cant refute…

    he knows he should have held a press conference, making the threat publlc, including notifying the police and security services..

    did Fruendel as PM do any of those things….no

    Fruendel lies…a lot

    only yardfowls who lie a lot would believe Fruendel….

    …remember the Cahill lies that slid so smoothly and believable from Fruendel`s tongue, which were proven to be lies, much later…

    show the letter, that is evidence..

  50. Angela S,
    What are U talking about re Herbert?

    U tink we is DLP yardfowls that would believe U just so?

    Support your point your credibility,what lil there is, is dwindling quickly.

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