Mia Mottley and Freundel Stuart represent the duopoly

“Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.” –

The headline in one of the newspapers blazed Eye to Eye on violence supported with a picture of Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley. The immediate thought by the BU blogmaster was that the leaders of the two main political parties had joined forces in the national interest to serve as a calming influence on the country days after the Kadooment Shootings. After perusing the opening paragraph of the newspaper article such a lofty expectation was dashed. It was the usual political palaver full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!

In 1978 the great Bob Marley staged the One Love Concert that will be etched in history when he called for Michael Manley and Edward Seaga who represented the two main political parties operating in a fractious political environment at the time to shake hands. One senses that the Barbados landscape has become fractious- not to the same degree as Jamaica but trending- and there is the opportunity for a signal act by relevant parties to send a message to the population that we are Bajans first and must come together to make it work.

The contentious meeting of the Social Partnership will be held within the next 24 hours to address the call by the unions and private sector for government to engage in greater dialogue. On the agenda is the request by the unions for government to implement a coping subsidy to soften the impact of the National Social Responsibility Levy (NSRL) on public workers. The decision by the government to publicise the event (we wait to see if it happens) is a clear indication that there is distrust of the partnership by a key member. Many fear it will an opportunity for grandstanding by political participants with a few months to go until the next general election. BU is of the view there is the opportunity for the heads of the various stakeholders of the Social Partnership to publicly demonstrate to the country that despite the contentious issues on the agenda, it is ONE LOVE. Why not invite Mia Mottley and a couple leaders from the religious community to participate at tomorrow’s meeting, it would be unprecedented but viewed favorably as being in the national interest. Will NEVER happen!

Whether by accident or not, the Acting Governor of the Central bank Cleviston Haynes has scheduled a press briefing for Friday 11, 2017 at 11AM to review the performance of the Barbados economy for the first six months.  It promises to be an interesting 24 hours.

284 responses to “Social Partnership Meeting | Come Together and Make it Work…”

  1. Hi David

    Here you go again with the usual clap trap…..you parade as …..sound analysis !

    PM Stuart determined how the meeting will go , the agenda , who will attend and if it will be broadcast live ….for all , who, want to see.

    End of story .

    So you and your BU crew better line up to be there or ……forever hold your peace !

    His majesty King 👑 Stuart is about to hold court – in a few hours – with his subjects .

    By the way – talking about King Stuart – I just returned home from his annual Crop Over party 🎉 at Ilaro Court ……where thousands ( estimated to be 40,000 persons ……far more than ‘ reported by you ‘……who attended the last march ……danced and dined to the sounds & delicacies of this great country.

    How about a round applause to all Patriots – (minus you )……who rallied to the cause ?

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    He got taxpayer’s money to waste on post cropover parties too.

    Fruendel should tally all the taxpayer’s money he wasted this year which could have fixed many problems instead, the sewage problems come to mind….. and pay back that wasted money when he is kicked out of office.

  3. Well , welll

    I am sorry to hear of your plight !

    But it is Dems Now ……Dems Again !

    Starting with the much anticipated televised soap opera…..today at the Hilton Hotel.

    Look at the behavior of government’s …..opponents……today !

  4. Fractured BLP August 11, 2017 at 1:06 AM #

    “By the way – talking about King Stuart – I just returned home from his annual Crop Over party at Ilaro Court….”

    @ Fractured BLP

    You have demonstrated one of the defining attributes of a political yard-fowl pimp………“lickerishness!!!”

    You are not concerned if tax payers have received their income tax refunds or reverse tax credit for 2011………….. or if the former Beautify Barbados employees who were retrenched in 2013 received their severance payments.

    But you feel PROUD saying “I went to a party at Illaro Court,” where a shameless lickerish dog like you, participated in food and beverage at the expense of those same tax payers.

  5. Incredible…………….. you were still able to enjoy the food despite your head being so far inside Stuart’s ass?

  6. @ Artax
    you were still able to enjoy the food despite your head being so far inside Stuart’s ass?
    It is normal for yardfowls to pick their food from among shiite.

  7. Some of you need to understand that there are those who post to BU whose objective is to be disruptive, degrade and or receive notifications. To respond to every idiotic comment helps them them to achieve the objective. Let a ball pass outside the off stump sometimes.

  8. Bushie

    One of the point would make is that this regime is still governing Barbados, still in control.

    What serious third parties should have been doing is making Barbados ungovernable under this regime but showing the people how we could govern ourselves, despite the regime.

    Therefore any national meetings, under any guise, should have been under the auspices of non regimes forces.

    Even the strikes recently could only benefit the BLP, as part of the regime. All these activities have to be commandeered by oppositional social forces. Thereby destroying the regime everyday, taking their ‘perceived’ power and not waiting for an election.

  9. @Pacha

    Are the people ready for the kind of disruption you we yearn? Do they know what they want because they are cloaked in ignorance? The onus is on the pretenders to forge a path? Which is it? What is it?

  10. 40,000 at Ilaro Court!?? Pissing myself laughing. They mussee spilling out as far as Sky Mall car park! Ilaro Court holds around 5,000. Maximum. Asshole…..

  11. Artax & others

    Carry your arses ……..down GREENLAND

    And find the $$$$$ miilions wunna……WASTED !!!!!!!

    Wunna dumb ARSES…….only know the word ……WASTAGE ……now ???

    Stinking ……..SCUMBAGS !!!!!!

    We spend the people money 💰……celebrating with them for their accomplishments & contributions to a successful Crop Over festival

    Nine (9) glorious years of celebrations

    And the crowd is getting larger……

  12. Pacha is right, but the driving force behind the movement should not be to make the place ‘ungovernable’ per se, but should be driven by righteous indignation at the blatant criminality being displayed by government – and the lack of any creditable response of outrage from the elected opposition.
    If Barbadians had any PRIDE in themselves, they would do EXACTLY as Pacha describes… That we are not doing so, answers all the important questions about our likely future..

    There are just too many low grade mendicants of the ilk of angela, Carson and Fractured for the general population to rise above the jobby.

  13. David of BU

    You can let as many balls 🏀 as you like pass outside your offstump

    When we ready for you ………your room up Dodds …..will be waiting for you

    Don’t worry yet ……

  14. So David are you saying that political optics like …Michael Manley and Edward Seaga shaking hands is a One Love Kumbaya moment is truly meaningful….these same two ‘illustrious’ men who plunged their country into a gun warfare in the FIRST place from which it basically never truly recovered !!!

    I applaud your high brow sentiments that “there is the opportunity for a signal act by relevant parties to send a message to the population that we are Bajans first and must come together to make it work”…..

    …. Unfortunately I do not share your grand optimism of its possible intent.

    Our “landscape [is very] fractious” and very much to a “similar degree as Jamaica”…guns proliferate, indifference to law and order abounds, corruption is rampant and we appear to live alternative lives….some like those on the Ochos Rios to Negril coastline areas exist in some ease despite the national angst and then they are those on the Kingstson side in deep doodoo.

    Kudos then to Brother Bob’s intent and all similar peace seeking overtures now and in the future but optics of MAM and religious leaders attending a public meeting spectacle is a mere pappy-show!

    Coming out of some of the recent social issue a friend advised me that he had pinged several local religious leaders (who he knew from various interactions) and asked how they thought their community outreach programs needed to be upgraded and updated …. he told me there was a deafening silence from these his friends normally quick to respond to his other social media interactions…

    The issue as he described it was that they realistically did not have programs that reached into ‘troublesome’ segments of the community!

    Even they had a lot of talk and optics for their parishioners but where the road and rubber met…yet a pappy-show!

  15. Bushie

    The regime, both D and B have severally failed to maintain roads for example.

    Third party oppositional forces should be showing the people how we can fix pot holes ourselves.

    What would it take to fix pot holes even if we started in one parish

    And this is a job the people can do ourselves, and do it more efficiently than the regime. Or taking care of garbage

    The goal is to light ranging fires of liberation which will engulf the regime, both D and B.

  16. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    On what media or channel is the meeting to be televised and at what time?

  17. Live on CBC tv from 9 am to 3 pm

    Lunch time is 12:30

  18. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Fractured….not even in any of your craziest moments would you find my life or the lives of my family members in the hands of such a bunch of brainwashed, incompetent, treacherous, treasonous slaves, as can be found in both political parties squatting in parliament, not in this life, nor the next.

  19. Be careful Barbadians the DLP from EWB time always fed the poor black voters with rum, corned beef and biscuits, this pig raiser Son the PM, know better than EWB how to attend to yard-fowls and cellar ducks in order to get them” to market” anything including this shiite talk on BU

  20. Bajan Free Party/CUP/.Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    Bajan Free Party/CUP/.Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    A man like he wants to act like he cares for 9 years of lies and fraud. As warn the last 5 years was hell, the next 5 will be murder under the Dlp and Blp and the DBLP government , Al need to go home and dont for get the crook lawyers in both Parties

  21. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Fractured…read the comments.


    Yall had nearly 10 years to do all that and more….now ya coming with ya mouth filled with lies and empty promises, the people dont want to see or hear any of you.

    Hold another wukkup….ya can even hold 10 more wukkups before elections, one a month, wasting taxpayer’s money.

  22. Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim. Avatar
    Frustrated Businessman: Animal Farm sequel playing out in Bim.

    Fractured BLP August 11, 2017 at 7:27 AM #
    Live on CBC tv from 9 am to 3 pm

    Lunch time is 12:30

    Thanks. Is there a live internet feed for CBC – 8?

  23. How Bajans love to talk and talk and talk and talk and………..and talk and then talk some more. The one phrase from PM Stuart’s address to the Ch Ch branch luncheon that I remember is “That will not happen.”




  25. My 8 year old nephew just asked me about what is showing on the TV. The best I could I do is to tell him that it was a Bajan version of Brer Rabbit and the briar patch.


    Her son, Akeem Hinkson, was one of the victims of the Monday night mass shooting at Spring Garden. He was hit no fewer than four times – in both legs, an arm and his side.



    I bet the value of the 10 most expensive equates to jobs for 100 youths.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Dude would have had to wear that bullet proof vest on his backside, that is where he was shot.

  29. PM Stuart has made all those unionists and private sector representatives look like a bunch of radio call-in show whiners.

  30. @ Fractured BLP You said
    “By the way – talking about King Stuart – I just returned home from his annual Crop Over party 🎉 at Ilaro Court ……where thousands ( estimated to be 40,000 persons ……far more than ‘ reported by you ‘……who attended the last march ……danced and dined to the sounds & delicacies of this great country”

    I visit Skymall yesterday evening and the northern side was blocked off to accommodate cars and buses for the big fete. Even the area by Shopsmart/Slam car park was utilise with these party goers vehicles.

    Now Fractured BLP, if 40,000 big mout party poopers went – 4 beers cost $10.00 that mean at least $100,000.00 went in beers. Do the maths and you will see the cost of coaches to transport guests, big mout foods and drinks, lighting, will cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars. Yet, you have the guts to show off . This isn’t cutting it.

  31. @ Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    ” The bullet entered his side and exited his back “

  32. Confirmation that this meeting is bare jobby! Moore just referred to David Thompson as the “Right Excellent David Thompson”!

  33. Try this site, transmission poor.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger. Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger.

    Hants…ah know, I read the article last night 2 am this morning,, just showing the gravity of the situation….bullet proof vest cant help when ya got gun men who cant shoot straight.

  35. Ping Pong

    The dems in their quest to glorify Thompson at his death kept referring to him as “right honourable”……not understanding that he was never given this accreditation by the Queen. It is not an automatic thing when one becomes a PM.

  36. Prodigal
    An MP becomes Rt Honourable when s/he becomes a member of the Privy Council.

  37. “You were one of the most robust advocates to that course of action,” Stuart said, “I wouldn’t want to think that having agitated for strict compliance with the agenda you want to be the first to violate it.”


  38. There is no “Right” or Honour” about the majority of ” right honourables”

  39. Toni Moore joking around. She used the designation “Right EXCELLENT” which is reserved for national heroes. I believe Moore’s reference was in the context of both she and Thompson having attended Combermere school.

    This gab fest only serves to highlight the uselessness of the union and the private sector in addressing the problems of this country. Stuart is allowing Barbados to see what jokers he has to entertain.

  40. He is the biggest joker of them all.

  41. Stuart may be a joker (he is a Bajan after all) but he and Sinckler have the responsibility of finding money to pay the civil servants’ salaries at the end of the month. These other jokers only have to run their mouths. Mia and the BLP are wise to stay far from this circus. She knows that should she be given the job of heading the Government she will be implementing exactly the same measures as those presently in place maybe even more severe.

  42. Well the Governor of the Central Bank presentation shows why the wastage of GREENLAND and EDUTECH ……..is ckoking this country

    Prodigirl & MIa Mottley ……want to come back in office to finish kill we ????

    Rational thinking Barbadians say … NO Way !!!

    Dems now is Dems again …….!!!!!

  43. Chuckle….GoCB has given excellent reasons why Sandals concessions should be withdrawn and the folly of wasting fx on the Hyatt construction.

    ….typical bureaucratic claptrap by Woodruffe as to why the committees plans cannot be started to be implemented.

    Lets see how the response is couched.

  44. What is the format of this meeting suppose to achieve?

  45. David

    That the govt is correct with their approach……aided and abetted by Murrell just now.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes August 11, 2017 at 12:08 PM

    In typical Bajan fashion these people have turned out in full business attire and finery just for the free food and ‘big-mout’ drinks.

    Just a waste of time and taxpayers money!

    Bottom line is that only an IMF arrangement with its concomitant special measures can save the country from the pending economic implosion.

    It’s the government who is now preaching doom and gloom. Time to stop the preaching and get on in preparing for the arrival of the IMF Messiah.

    Barbados is aping Jamaica in many cultural aspects including the spread of gun violence and the illegal marijuana underground trade.

    So why not bite the political bullet and go lock, stock and barrel to the IMF instead of continuing with those Mickey mouse restructuring policies and programmes which can only be described as a parody of a pantomime where a barrel of monkeys are playing serious business while handling the guns of economic suicide as the country’s share of the British tourism market comes into the crosshairs of Cuba and Jamaica?

  47. A very erudite and unflappable presentation by Cedric Murrell of CTUSAB

    He truly …….up de ting !

    Prodigirl……wey the money 💰 for salary increases coming from ?????

    From you and Mottley paying back the money wunna waste pun …..GREENLAND ??????

    Wunna humbugs !!!!

    Go and march again…..!!!!!

  48. Miller

    According to you the economy was supposed to crash since 2008 !

    Why don’t you return to the BLP cesspool of fear & lies ……being the only place of residence that will accommodate a vermin like you ?

  49. millertheanunnaki August 11, 2017 at 12:40 PM #

    Well stated……could not have put it better myself.

    One minute MoF talking about turning the corner and justifying 50th anniversary,10% salary return,mercedes benz,carifesta,building Hyatt…..then whaplaxx when Oliver Twist bring the bowl….the GoCB acting declares we in ducks guts…..juss so…..lol.

  50. Majes me wonder if Annaki Mcdowell and Toni Moore has ever read the Central bank quartley reports about.barbados economy .Annaka.
    Heres was more a political speech than reality based and so was Annakani who for the best part almost eliminated all other programs and entities that have to rely on govt spending and tried to present a theory than is in practicality would force govt to lay off workers
    Mr. Straket in all reasonablenees presentation was a bit more faired minded in that he brought into focus the need for keeping workers and the impact the Nsrl would have in purchasing import goods
    But Annanki and Moore they just do not undestand the realities of debt and govt having to balance both ends of the table with little or no space

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