Listen to the AUDIO from an anonymous source of the threat local authority has responded by “upping” to Orange Alert.

106 responses to “Crime and Violence | Anonymous Video Forces Orange Alert”

  1. Margaret Thatcher (someone I greatly admire) once said “They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there’s no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look after themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then, also, to look after our neighbours.”

    Jose Mujica (whom I also greatly admire) countered; “We can’t live alone. For our lives to be possible, we depend on society. It’s one thing to overturn a government or block the streets. But it’s a different matter altogether to create and build a better society, one that needs organization, discipline, and long-term work. Let’s not confuse the two of them. I want to make it clear: I feel sympathetic with that youthful energy, but I think it’s not going anywhere if it doesn’t become more mature.”

    Maybe each of us need to resolve this dialectic.

  2. You can’t have leaders running around spouting this kind of hate speech and not expect what has followed!!

  3. @ John

    Point of correction……. the comment/question re: ““Most of the people in this forum are elderly, many of them pensioners. How do you explain that anger, bitterness, envy, viciousness, incivility, foul-mouthed comments?”

    …………. were presented by Hal Austin July 30, 2017 at 7:38 AM # ………….. not me…… all responses should be directed to him.

  4. I’m a little slow, but how could the actions of an individual wanting to dialogue with the administration they also elected to form the government, be interpreted by any sensible individual as venting anger towards or attacking the country?

    Pure political rhetoric!!!

    This inept DLP administration and its supporters seem to be of the belief that Barbados belongs to the DLP and the DLP has a supreme right to be in charge of the island’s affairs for ever.

    This is evidenced by the fact that any individual, special interest group, organization, business, etc who are critical of their (DLP) policies, the members and supporters are quick label them as being unpatriotic, attacking Barbados, enemies of the state and wanting to see the island fall.

    The DLP actions give rise to a new term re: “Democratic Communism.” In other words, Barbadians should vote DLP forever, but keep quiet, lest you are labeled “enemies of the state.”

    It is for the above and other reasons why I would love to see the back of this inept DLP administration after the 2018 general elections.

  5. @Artax, indeed a well crafted tale….so I go to your coda: “We are utilizing the skills of Yolande Forde and Cheryl Willoughby to compile “impressive” crime statistics, while the root causes of this anger, which eventually graduates into committing heinous crimes, remains unaddressed.”

    Immediately I read your piece all sorts of responses came alive…and then I read other posts and bang…they said it all.

    First, @Hal hit a bull-eyes with: “Most of the people in this forum are elderly, many of them pensioners. How do you explain that anger, bitterness, envy, viciousness, incivility, foul-mouthed comments?”

    How indeed do we critique that cashier or those inhospitable passengers for their lack of manners as a generational thing but see the poisonous displays here daily of this older group! How do we.

    And the posts continued with Bushie…. coring that first bulls eye right down the middle.

    His was the case where the ‘ill-manners’ are validated with the a more ‘philosophical , disciplined’ verbiage, like ” … Bushie is not ‘angry, bitter or vicious’….Cuh shiite man!!! the stinking bushman has a WHACKER….”

    Most often the Bushman is so christian minded, intellectual and philosophical in his verbiage that it is impossible to see any similar displeasure of those about whom you spoke…

    Philosophical different…but for all practical purposes the same.

    And then there was John…

    He would have us believe that a civilization founded on the divisive and deep anger which thoughts of slavery engender has its roots of discord and discontent simply in the politics of the 60s and beyond. SMH… I can say no more to that. Alas!

    Your comments do strike to the core…what is wrong…what must we do to change!

    In very simplistic ways, go the extra mile when service is welcoming. Commend those who smile and respond with good service at the supermarket or in other public places…Tell them directly how impressed we are. Send in favorable comments to their corporate dbase if such is activated. I do and I will leave tips or NOT depending on behaviors. Simple but meaningful to that cashier or attendant.

    Just as here I call out ridiculous behavior and stupid broadsides. We can’t change the whole world just the few we contact..try that is!

  6. Parliamentarian’s behavior is reflective of the entire society.

    Ronald Jones, Freundel Stuart, Dr. David Estwick, Denis Kellman, Maxine McClean, Michael Lashley, Christopher Sinckler, George Pilgrim, Bobby Morris, Denis Lowe, Richard Sealy and other members of the DLP have some very serious anger management issues.

    Similarly to how gang members close rants to protect their own from prosecution, politicians protect each other as well.

    Ronald Jones was “blocking and blister blinding” teachers since he became MoE. Perhaps this was done to indicate to the “anti teachers” of the electorate he was on their side. Jones should realize teachers vote as well.

    Christopher Sinckler has been on record for the past 8 years or so asking people to “bring solutions.” When they do, he either uses the protection afforded to him by parliament to verbally abuse them (ask Marla Dukharan or Jeremy Stephen) or he does so during constituency branch meetings or on campaign platforms.

    Sinckler does not behave like a man. His behaviour is similar to that of those blockers in eras gone by who, during a dispute with their neighbors, would come out, hold up her dress exposing the undergarments (if any) and breasts, while “washing their adversaries in cuss and insults.”

    Dr. David Estwick allegedly pulled a gun on Dale Marshall…… and of all places, the incident allegedly took place in Parliament. What then are the differences between Estwick and those guys who were allegedly pull their guns on foes? Estwick’s firearm is probably legal (?).

    Kellman is angry because he does not know actual extent of his stupidity as a politician.

    Freundel Stuart is an angry, lonely old man, who uses “high language” and pejorative statements to insult fellow Barbadians………….. the same Barbadians he is prepared to use ordinary language to solicit their votes.

    Denis Lowe seems to be angry that no one notices him. Perhaps that’s the reason why he always alludes to going from growing up poor, “running ‘bout bare foot,” and in “patchy pants” to becoming a minister of government. He’s not only angry, but insecure as well.

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Artax July 30, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    Thanks, Artax!
    Brilliantly put.

    Now that should put the likes of the Slavery apologist Apostle John and Hal Autistic to bed for a while.

    The old disgruntled bitter curmudgeons who are mostly failures merely living off pensions and taking out their lifelong frustrations on BU are NOT the leaders of Barbados or even role models to the young who are equally as angry and bitter with the hypocrisy and lies exhibited by those morally and Constitutionally entrusted with the responsibility of setting examples for the moral, social and economic upliftment of the country.

  8. Bushie,
    You claim again you knew me from school. Were you in the dunces class, since you cannot spell your name and I did not go to school?

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Artax July 30, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    Oh, this senile idiot- challenged with long-term amnesia called Alzheimer’s- purposely forgot to tell you that you also forgot to mention the Carry-away-a-ton speaker who found it morally convenient to forget to pay over funds from the settlement of an estate belonging to a senile wheel-chair bound pensioner (one of us).

  10. The true enemies of the state have since Independence, unfortunately resided in Parliament!!

  11. …. and we put them there!!

  12. Apart from Yolande Forde’s estimate of Bds$55000 per year per prisoner, are there any official figures for the cost of keeping people in prison?

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Hal,may have a point.

    …he is not an operative.

    …he and John have views that diverge from the common mantra.

    We have to on this forum, mainly frequented by retirees, allow all views to contend, once presented in a respectfull manner.

  14. @ Hal
    Bushie,….You claim again you knew me from school. Were you in the dunces class….?
    Actually …. yes!
    Bushie had not yet been issued the whacker back then…. 🙂
    LOL …had it not been for the whacker Bushie’s donkey would still be in that class yuh…!!!

  15. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Hal is speaking of himself…cud dear……

    John is just foolish.

    That Jamaican rum cream works well…lol

  16. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “Went in Chefette Lower Broad Street to purchase ice cream. The cashier was polite, but the similar could be descriptive of the servers. They seemed to be angry with themselves and more so, customers. A lady asked one for a cup of water, while telling her the rotis were a bit too salty.

    Rather than responding to the criticism by saying, for example, “Sorry madam, I’ll inform management,” even if she did not have any intensions of doing so…………… she responded loudly, “I doan mek dum!!!” The expression of anger manifested itself in her face.”

    Chefette, like Kentucky and all those other fast food dumps pay slave wages, so there is no reason for their staff to be anything but unpleasant and surly, that is what happens when you are allowed by both governments to be a slave master for the last 40 years….

    besides, their rotis are not only extremely salty and unhealthy, but their overly salty beef rotis have a horrible reaction on some people’s stomachs.

    And bajans still eat that garbage.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “We are utilizing the skills of Yolande Forde and Cheryl Willoughby to compile “impressive” crime statistics, while the root causes of this anger, which eventually graduates into committing heinous crimes, remains unaddressed.”

    Dont know the other female…but judging from Yolande Forde’s utterances, these text book taught people who do not have the hands on experience one can garner from working within the crime ridden streets and depressed neighborhoods the US, which is outside of the university environs….do not address the root causes of the problems.

    They just skim the surface and apply book logic that someone else writes, which more often than not, do not apply to current generations and the reasons for their anger.

  18. Bajans were taught good manners. Yes sir, no sir, anything you say sir.

    We were taught from primary school to speak only when spoken to.

    We were taught to be good “Christians” , to be nice and forgiving.

    …….. but we forgot to train our children to be pathetic docile servants.

    doan have to readan spell fuh wunna!

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger July 30, 2017 at 1:32 PM
    “Chefette, like Kentucky and all those other fast food dumps pay slave wages, so there is no reason for their staff to be anything but unpleasant and surly, that is what happens when you are allowed by both governments to be a slave master for the last 40 years….
    besides, their rotis are not only extremely salty and unhealthy, but their overly salty beef rotis have a horrible reaction on some people’s stomachs.
    And bajans still eat that garbage.”

    That is one kind of business where Grenville Phillips 10 % tax on all sales should even be raised to 25% without fear of any fall off in projected tax takings due to the inelasticity of demand for junk food in Barbados.

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger July 30, 2017 at 1:39 PM #
    “We are utilizing the skills of Yolande Forde and Cheryl Willoughby to compile “impressive” crime statistics, while the root causes of this anger, which eventually graduates into committing heinous crimes, remains unaddressed.”
    Dont know the other female…but judging from Yolande Forde’s utterances, these text book taught people who do not have the hands on experience one can garner from working within the crime ridden streets and depressed neighborhoods the US, which is outside of the university environs….do not address the root causes of the problems.”

    People- both young and old- have always been angry, bitter and unhappy with their lot in life.

    What about revolutions like the French, Russian, American and more recently Cuban?

    Why were there rebellions during slavery and the 1937 riots?

    What about the marches and riots in America during the civil rights movement?

    Prisons have always been around. It’s an industry that employs many people including lawyers and judges.

  21. I find it difficult to understand how an albino centric bajan can expect respect from a black bajan when the albino think and behave like it is a superior and the black is an inferior,that it doesn’t think like a friend but like a foe,that it’s private parties are strictly for albinos.that they can’t have black consorting with albino etc etc etc.What the eff yuh expect John.Youthink black man of toady is one of 1930?Wake up man.You respect me I respect you.You eff with me I will eff not only you but all o wunna that think like you.

  22. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    de pedantic Dribbler July 30, 2017 at 11:08 AM #

    He would have us believe that a civilization founded on the divisive and deep anger which thoughts of slavery engender has its roots of discord and discontent simply in the politics of the 60s and beyond. SMH… I can say no more to that. Alas!

    As a new arrival to Bim and a teenager of the sixties,the era of the hippies,flower power,Afro and black power…..I will say that John is correct.

    I recall EWB passing some act preventing Stokely Carmichael and other black activists from entering Bim and him having Elton Mottley monitored for spreading divisiveness.

    The Bim that I knew was one of a new young aspiring middle class,whose parents were maids,butlers,chauffeurs,gardners,labourers who had through thrift owned property and sent their children to Harsuns,Cawmere,Lodge,Foundation,CP and Alleyne or Modern,Rudder and Washington.

    These Children bought homes in the Pine,Grazettes,etc,owned cars and had maids and gardners……..this was the middle class I met in Bim in the early sixties…. they were one step removed from their parents’ poor origins.

  23. The PM of AntiguaBarbuda is planning to introduce legislation the Tax Administartion Procedure Act to make it a criminal offence for hoteliers who fail to pay their share of taxes.This in response to the issue surrounding the 5 month closure of Sandals Grande Hotel.It is felt that Sandals is responding to an issue in which they were accused of with holding a percentage of tax due to the government. PM Brown is promising the Act will make it a criminal offence with prison time even for the principal owners of the hotels.


    We are raising killers …… wonder what happened to Mark Stokes!!

  25. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “Gabriel July 30, 2017 at 4:07 PM #
    I find it difficult to understand how an albino centric bajan can expect respect from a black bajan when the albino think and behave like it is a superior and the black is an inferior,that it doesn’t think like a friend but like a foe,that it’s private parties are strictly for albinos.that they can’t have black consorting with albino etc etc etc.What the eff yuh expect John.Youthink black man of toady is one of 1930?Wake up man.You respect me I respect you.You eff with me I will eff not only you but all o wunna that think like you.”

    Well said Gabriel…..the Johns of Barbados want to continue the same nasty attitudes and practices against the majority population over 50 years later, a majority population who outnumber them by over quarter million people and still expect that majority population to appreciate being disrespected and mistreated by less than 8,000 minorities who are dependent on that majority population for their very survival, or the minorities will either ALL die of starvation or will have to run from Barbados to survive..


  26. “Chefette, like Kentucky and all those other fast food dumps pay slave wages, so there is no reason for their staff to be anything but unpleasant and surly, that is what happens when you are allowed by both governments to be a slave master for the last 40 years….”

    “besides, their rotis are not only extremely salty and unhealthy, but their overly salty beef rotis have a horrible reaction on some people’s stomachs.”

    You have this uncanny knack for trying to comment on every issue even when there isn’t anything to comment on.

    What do salty rotis, slave wages or government have to do with employees being unmannerly and providing poor customer service?

    Barbados has a minimum wage law.

    You are essentially implying that because “Joan” works for minimum wages, it gives her the right to be impolite to customers who are spending their money that will ultimately pay her wages. It comes to a point that customers complain about her attitude, her services are eventually terminated and she is now even more angry than before.

    It is not the job that makes a person impolite, such behaviour comes from within that individual. Give that same person a job paying $1,000 per week and they will find something to be disgruntled about.

    There are cashiers and other individuals who work in POPULAR DISCOUNTS SUPERMARKETS for, according to you, similar “slave wages”…………. and they are MUCH MORE POLITE and CUSTOMER FRIENDLY than people working for “big money” or those people who can be found working in the commercial banks, insurance companies or at Licensing Authority, BWA, NHC, NPC, NCC or any other government department.

    And you could do as I do…………….. don’t buy greasy, salty foods from Chefette, KFC or any other fast food outlet.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “It comes to a point that customers complain about her attitude, her services are eventually terminated and she is now even more angry than before.”

    And as long as Joan is being paid $6.25 cents an hour Barbados money US $3.12, that will be her attitude, and the next Joan, and the next John, Mary, Philip and Peter. …

    ..while 20 more Chefette restaurants are allowed by government to be built on the island…..paying the same slave wages.

    All these fast food dumps have an extremely high employee turn over, you may want to take a breath from your rant to ask yaself why….

    …I did not bother read past that sentence about Joan…ya started to border on the downright misinformed about why the island is so stagnant and lack progress.

    Other people being paid slave wages that cannot feed them or their families might appeal to you Art, it dont appeal to me or really intelligent and enlightened people.

    Now where is the sign on BU from the blogmaster telling us we cant comment on every topic.

    If it bothers you, why dont you put up such a sign.

  28. @ WW&C

    I don’t want to engage in any “HAVING OUT” with you (that’s your style), but “Really intelligent and enlightened people” DO NOT behave like you.

    However, I will let your other comment go “over my head” and not engage you any further.

  29. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Ya cant engage further because you swam into dangerous currents….all by yourself. .

    The issues are crime and violence on the island.

    The causes are not enough employers, employees, jobs and oppotunities from the school leaver to the pre retiree….for the last 40 years.

    Not a wide enough tax net and collection….due to..

    Not a higher tax bracket and higher salaries….for the last 4 decades.

    And there you are trying to defend slave wages, one of the direct causes of lack of progress.

    I am not the one who drowned myself.

    Et un bon jour pour toi aussi

  30. Where in any of my comments I attempted to defend “slave wages?”

    I was reading VOB’s chat this morning and found the following comments very interesting. I believe you may find them interesting as well:

    “RobertGoren: @Bajan1948NY : I was reading BU this morning, of the 300 contributions, 200 belong to WWC”

    “Bajan1948NY: …..I image her to be a miserable old soul who can’t sleep at night – lol”

    “GullyBoar: i skim BU from time to time .. just seems an impulsive woman….. does ketch on pon tings that could just leave alone..”

    I did not bother to present what others wrote, but you have a following in the chat that believe you are filled with hate.

    As previously mentioned, I don’t want to engage in any “HAVING OUT” with you, but “Really intelligent and enlightened people” DO NOT behave like you.

  31. BU is not about you or me……. focus on the topic.

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Art….you dont even know you were defending slave wages, people cannpt smile and be pleasant when they are being treated as slaves, disrespected, not treated as though they are entitled to a liveable wage….

    Has it entered your highly intelligent mind….that is the reason for escalating crimes, robbery etc…at least a catalyst. .

    And what are those comments about me that you obviously go searching for are supposed to do…

    I dont get it……neither will I change to appease fools.

    Obviously others have more time on their hands to think of and comment about me, than I have for them…

    That makes me the centre of their lives….so continue looking for those comments…because I sure wont….lol

  33. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    “Really intelligent and enlightened people” DO NOT behave like you.

    Hahaha…..took a long time for you arrive at that conclusion……a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing in some people.

    Slave wages is conundrum…..I thought a slave does not earn wages or anything else… thinking must be flawed.

  34. Please do not make this about me………

    As previously mentioned, I don’t want to engage in any “HAVING OUT” with you, but “Really intelligent and enlightened people” DO NOT behave like you.

    To believe that because a person works for a minimum wage gives them the right to be impolite is stupid thinking.

    You would likewise conclude that an individual earning $1,000 per week gives them the right to treat minimum wage earners with arrogant contempt.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Said by an enabler of the slave trade….

    How about your grandchildren receiving $3.12 an hour eight hours a day in wages fir 15 years..

    Just to make this clear for Art..

    Obviously others have more time on their hands to think of and comment about me, than I have to think of them…when I do not even know OR care that they exist.

    That makes me the centre of their lives….so continue looking for those comments…because I sure wont…but I am sure your time will be better spent, making sure your future children and grandchildren do not become embroiled in violence because of slave wages.

    I am not the issue…it in no way affects me.

    And I really should not care, but, some of us are human.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Your argument makes no sense Art…think critically…you are saying these hirribky paid employees should be pleasant even though they are not receiving enough of a salary to pay a bill.

    The same way slaves were expected to be brutalized and still smile…what is wrong with you people.

    Were those low salaries fast food dumps pay negotiated by the UNIONS…are the employees unionized or did government chuck together the lowest wage possible in collusion with fast food employers and think that these greedy employers did them a favor.

    Let me tell you what some relatives of mine found out recently. ..they spent two weeks at the Crane, very nice hotel, just recently Crane boasted about 13 million in profits I believe, days later it was alledged that they do not pay their staff on time…..

    ….some other relatives of mine who were planning a vacation at Crane saw online where their internet got problems, their elevator to the beach got problems and the guests reported they cant find employees to answer their questions…….and are rethinking that vacation… is a reflection on how their employees are treated, I myself are waiting to hear how things go before doing a vaca there..

    So all you slave minded or plantation massa wannabes who would enable slave salaries, or no salaries….will have to account for ya wicked ways…ya cant do that to me or mine without consequences, as it stands, we are far removed from your slave society.

  37. Agree with this comment 100%. Some of us define good human qualities as defined only by economic consideration. This is not the case and many of us were raised in poor economic circumstances but we had drilled into us that manners maketh man. This is a basic bahaviour, no compromise.

  38. Young men have always been violent with each other. Haven’t we been told by the Bible that Cain killed Abel?

    So Adam and Eve raised killers too.

    If you believe in the Bible and the Adam and Eve, and Cain and Abel thing, then parents have always been raising killers, even when there was no social media, no guns, no Babylon/police, no Americans, no Western world, no Christianity, no Islam, no Rastafarianism, in fact no religion at all.

    Maybe violence/killing is in the DNA of all of us.

    The question remains, how to get it out of all of us.

    But I have no answers.

    Only questions.

  39. @ David,

    What de expletive deleted gine on with these shootings like One a day vitamins ?

    Is it because the victims are not “Brand Name” Bajans that this shiiiiite is allowed to escalate.

    All Bajans matter!!!!!

    Reports indicate he was “liming” outside when a group of men drove up in a car and shot him.

  40. Outlaw all guns in private hands and introduce harsh penalties for illegal possession .

  41. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Simple Simon July 31, 2017 at 3:37 PM #

    Well said……especially the DNA part…….just read the history of our pirate past…….no jury or lotta long talk….a couple warnings,then summary execution…..the law of the jungle

  42. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    However, Trevor Marshall says it’s unlike those in other jurisdictions.

    Mr. Marshall was a guest on the radio programme, Walter Point Two on Q100.7 FM.

    He is of the view engagement with young Barbadians is essential to deal with crime and violence.

  43. David July 31, 2017 at 2:24 PM #

    “Agree with this comment 100%. Some of us define good human qualities as defined only by economic consideration. This is not the case and many of us were raised in poor economic circumstances but we had drilled into us that manners maketh man. This is a basic bahaviour, no compromise.”

    @ David

    Do you mind mentioning what comment you agree with 100%?

    I agree that many of “us were raised in poor economic circumstances but we had drilled into us that manners maketh man.”

    But because many of us grew up poor, does this give us the right to steal from those who believe are better off than us?

    Because another guy’s parents gives him $20, does this gives me the right to me rude to him and steal his money because my parents could only afford to give me $2?

    Or because I grew up in “poor economic circumstances” I have a right to be angry with the world?

    I can’t understand that type of stupid thinking and such attitudes are responsible for people robbing, mugging and burglarizing other people’s homes.

  44. @ Artax
    Boss, what are you getting all worked up about this?
    They are not saying that someone has the right to be unmannerly because they are poor or poorly paid….. they are saying that such persons may be understandably upset at the blatant unfairness of the situation as they see it…. and that this may show in their attitudes.

    Wuh cuh shiite boss, Froon gotta big job, a big ride, live in a big house …and does ‘eat big foods’ … and YET his face always set-up like he smelling shiite…

    Give the Cheffette people a break nuh!!
    Bushie does not suffer from their unmannerliness …cause Bushie do not eat shiite…
    But Froon ALWAY on TV..
    ..always in the paper..
    or David always got he on BU – with he face push-up….

    We should really reduce his pay to Cheffette pay..

  45. @ Bushie


    But to “amenden al the jape,” if you apply to Chefette for a job, obviously HR would not let you commence employment without first discussing the wages and terms and conditions of employment.

    The decision would be yours to accept the job or not.

    Having availed yourself of the relevant information, why would you accept the job and then “guh ‘bout the people place wid a scew face?”

    Okay, you accept the job because circumstances does not allow you to do better. So because the wages, in your opinion are poor, you decide to “stand dread” with everyone including the man on the “Cream of Wheat” box.

    IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE TO ME……… but then again, according to you and others, I’m an idiot who does not know what he’s doing.

  46. Talking Lous Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Lous Saying Nothing

    Talking about unhealthy food establishments. Check out the great UK brother from Birmingham, Macka B.

  47. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger


  48. @ Artax
    The decision would be yours to accept the job or not
    OK …. so now explain how Froon was able to-
    ….accept the job he KNEW he could not do..
    ….fight off the Eager 11
    ….give himself a 10% salary hike
    ….buy himself a new ride to rival Bushie’s
    ….Sleep on the job
    ….lie about CAHILL
    ….trick the NCC workers with the ERT and his bent friend Hal…
    …sleep some more on the job…

    …..and his face STILL always screw?


    Unless he just naturally look so….

  49. @ Bushie

    You’re asking me to EXPLAIN anything ‘bout Froon?

    As far as I’m concerned, Freundel Stuart is an “enigmatic anomaly”………

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