Minister of the Environment, Denis Lowe

It is no secret that Minister Denis Lowe is NOT a person held in high esteem by the BU household. He has repeatedly demonstrated that he belongs on the lowest rung of the moral and ethical ladder. He will be remembered by BU first as Peter Allard’s stool pigeon and second as the Cahill Energy instigator. Do a search of ‘Lowe Allard’  and ‘Lowe Cahill’  in the BU search box to secure bedside reading.

His recent swipe at those who advocate for same sex marriage and women who are childless has catapulted him into the news cycle, again. To quote him about same sex union, “I still believe in the biblical way of life,” and the dig at Mia Mottley, “he was not about to support any idea that the greatness of the nation is bound up in any individual who does not regard the importance of motherhood, of family, and of marriage according to the biblical standard. We want our boys and our girls to grow up in a society where they are not embarrassed because they live in a house where mum is a woman and dad is a man”.

The BU household is not a fan of the homosexual lifestyle whether born or learned, BUT, we respect the right of any individual regardless of sexual orientation to coexist with their fellow man without fear of being persecuted or discriminated against. And our laws both in the spirit and letter should articulate that ALL minority groups in our society are protected. After all, we live in the 21st century!

A recent article in the Canadian publication Battleground Barbados: LGBT activists face off against North American homophobes in the Caribbean Prime Minister Freundel Stuart was quizzed on what many regard is the country’s archaic buggery law. The following extract from the article is of interest:-

“There is a lobby that is trying to get the government, trying to get successive governments, in Barbados to decriminalize, as they say, homosexuality,” Stuart said. “But you can only decriminalize something that is already a criminal offence.”

He acknowledged that almost every family includes people who are LGBT, but stated that the country’s Christian character precludes any further steps to change the law.

Stuart then launched into a condemnation of many of the aims of his country’s LGBT rights movement.

“Those people, who feel that we should create an environment where they can practise their lifestyles in public on high noon on a sunny day,” he said, “want even the very limited controls we have, removed.”

“We respect that — as long as you don’t become too evangelical about it and want to convert all of us to it,” Stuart said, prompting a round of laughter in the room.

While the prime minister argues that the buggery laws are about consent, he’s contradicted by a prosecutor who actually brought forward charges last year.

Elwood Watts, principal Crown counsel in a buggery case, said in no uncertain terms that buggery does not require consent. “As long as the penis enters the anus, and there is a complaint, it is an offence,” Watts explained. “It does not matter if you claim the person consented or did not consent.”

And according to LGBT activists, the prosecutor’s views reflect how the law is viewed by everyday people, the police and the courts.

The dig Lowe made at Leader of the Opposition Mia Mottley is not worthy of a response except to confirm BU’s lowly opinion of the man who represents Christ Church East.

The following video is instructive.

65 responses to “Defending the Right of the Male, Female and Third Gender”

  1. This is a sticky one. You all know how much people agree with Lowe on this one? Of course they’ll not publicly state it, but they do agree with him. When the leader of the young Dems stepped down as leader earlier this year because of the lack of support her party had for the ‘gay agenda’, she did not get much support from those leaving comments on the article on BT. I personally believe they shouldnt be gay marriage but civil unions are more appropriate. Politicians takes digs at each other all the time. Didnt Mia take a dig at King David’s sexuality in the House of Parliament? I certainly remember so. The politicians does curse and party, eat and drink with each other at the same time.

  2. David the blogmaster quoting Denni Lowe “he was not about to support any idea that the greatness of the nation is bound up in any individual who does not regard the importance of motherhood, of family, and of marriage according to the biblical standard. ”

    So is fatherhood important?

    is Lowe a father?

    Is Lowe married?

    Does Lowe regard his own birth family as important?

    Does Lowe treat his siblings right?

    And if Lowe is not married can we assume then that he is Biblically celibate?

    When people don’t have anything sensible to say they should really shut to phuck up.

  3. @Kevin May 18, 2017 at 9:35 PM “I personally believe they shouldnt be gay marriage but civil unions are more appropriate. ”

    So what is a civil union?

    And what is a marriage?

    You do understand don’t you that all Barbados marriages are civil unions?

    Nobody is Barbados is married unless the Ministry of Home Affairs, a department of the civil state civil state says that they are married.

    The priests and pastors can hold whatever ceremonies they feel like, but you are NOT married unless the Ministry of Home Affairs grants you that licence/that permission.

  4. If the state wishes to permit gay people to marry each other (because we must never forget that there are already gay married people in Barbados [married to heterosexual people] then it is no business of the church.

    Clearly neither the state nor the church have any problems with marrying gay people, as long as those gay people marry heterosexual people.

    Look at your marriage certificates people. Is there anything on your marriage certificate that asks whether you are gay or straight?

    Does the Ministry of Home Affairs know whether you are gay or straight?

    Does your pastor/priest know whether you are gay or not?

    Does even your spouse know whether you are gay or straight?

  5. @Simple Simon, from what I understand from watching cable news some years back, if you are in a civil union you do not enjoy the full benefits of a marriage e.g tax, insurance etc I also remember that the readings of religious text etc at civil ceremonies is not done.

  6. To be fair to Mr. Watts, the standard for buggery and for sexual assault are the same. Basically the state is saying that NOBODY can put their body parts nor any object into someone else’s body without consent, and that if there is a complaint the state must investigate and if the state can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was no consent that a criminal conviction can be recorded.

    Elwood Watts, principal Crown counsel in a buggery case, said in no uncertain terms that buggery does not require consent. “As long as the penis enters the anus, and there is a complaint, it is an offence,” Watts explained. “It does not matter if you claim the person consented or did not consent.”

    In a sexual case…sexual assault does not require consent. As long as the penis [or any object] enters any bodily orifice and there is a complaint, it is an offence, It does not matter if you claim the person consented or did not consent.

    The principle is that our bodies are inviolate, and must not be entered into without our consent.

  7. @Kevin May 18, 2017 at 9:59 PM “@from what I understand from watching cable news?

    You are spending too much time watching American cable tv and so you are confusing yourself.

  8. @Kevin May 18, 2017 at 9:59 PM “the readings of religious text etc at civil ceremonies is not done.”

    Barbados law has NEVER required the reading of religious texts at marriage ceremonies.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Yesterday, we saw a spokesperson of the Church wade into this issue. I read Minister Lowe referring to “biblical way of life” and the PM being quoted “the country’s Christian character precludes any further steps to change the law.”

    Allow me to share the following

    “Reverence for God and obedience to His commandments are the only true sources of wisdom and understanding. The foundations of our organization were laid by men who feared God and openly confessed the Lord Jesus Christ. They were moral and lived a life shaped by their obedience to the laws of God.”

    Sound good? Now what if I tell you this came from a webpage of the KKK?

    Hiding behind religion, or rather, what is OUR INTERPRETATION of any religion, cannot allow us to have laws which are clearly discriminatory.

    Who says that 2 men or 2 women or 2 people cannot effectively raise a child? For crying out loud…how many were raised by their grannies or aunties, when a father was nowhere to be found.

    Time for that law to be struck from the books. It is discriminatory and offensive to many.

    The state has no place in the bedrooms of Barbados.

  10. The following quote is attributed to prime minister Stuart in the Canadian publication, funny.

    Dressed in a powder-blue Tommy Hilfiger shirt, the 65-year-old attorney addressed a lecture theatre without a microphone, fielding questions from members of the Barbadian diaspora who had come to hear him speak.

  11. “The State Has No Place in the Bedrooms of the Nation”

  12. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Interesting to note that on one hand we wish to exterminate from our minds all things of our colonial past……except for one…..amazing.

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Gender identity – Wikipedia
    Jump to Definitions – Gender identity is one’s personal experience of one’s own gender. … In all societies, some individuals do not identify with some (or all) of the aspects of gender that are assigned to their biological sex; some of those individuals are transgender or genderqueer. Some societies have third gender categories.

  14. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    UK Facebook users can now choose from one of 71 gender options, including asexual, polygender and two-spirit person, following the feature’s successful integration in the US.

    Users can choose a different gender option from the previous male and female choices by selecting ‘custom’ in the gender tab of their profiles.

    In addition, people who select a custom gender will now have the ability to choose the pronoun they’d like to be referred to publicly — male (he/his), female (she/her) or neutral (they/their).

  15. angela Skeete Avatar

    The bees all in a tizzy over lowes comments . Wuhloss Murdda i wonder why

  16. @Vincent Haynes May 19, 2017 at 8:19 AM “Interesting to note that on one hand we wish to exterminate from our minds all things of our colonial past…except for one…amazing.”

    No Vincent.


    ONE: The law which makes it illegal for consenting men to have sex with each other in private.

    TWO: The law which permits parents, guardians, teachers and any others to beat children.

    Because remember there is no law, and there has never been any law, which permits consenting women from having sex with each other.

    I am not sure why we want to keep these evil colonial laws. As a child I lived next door to a woman who was a “driver” of the “third gang” on a plantation. She had a “dog hunter/dog whopper” with which to beat the child labourers if they did not work fast enough or well enough.

    This put me off beating people. Because truthfully the beatings were not/are not for the best interest of the one being beaten.

    The beatings are for the benefit of the beater.


    TWO: We need to stop peeping through the bedroom windows of CONSENTING ADULTS.

    THREE: We need to stop beating each other. Especially we need to stop beating our children.

  17. @Vincent Haynes May 19, 2017 at 8:36 AM “UK Facebook users can now choose from one of 71 gender options.”

    Why does Facebook need to know my gender anyhow?

    I am not planning to have sex with Facebook so why do they need to know my bedroom/bathroom business? Why does Facebook need to know what I have in my underwear? Why does Facebook need to know what I feel in my head?

    As far as I am concerned my gender is none of Facebook’s phucking business.

  18. @angela Skeete May 19, 2017 at 8:51 AM “The bees all in a tizzy over lowes comments . Wuhloss Murdda i wonder why.”

    Maybe because the Bees are wondering if the prime Minister who has never been married, and who is a father had his child by immaculate conception, or did he like most of the rest of us commit very unBiblical fornication?

    Do you know the answer angela Skeete?

  19. @angela Skeete May 19, 2017 at 8:51 AM “The bees all in a tizzy over lowes comments. Wuhloss Murdda i wonder why”

    Maybe the Bees are wondering if Dennis Lowe is a virgin as commanded by the Bible for all unmarried people?

    is Dennis Lowe a Biblical virgin angela?

  20. Dear angela skeete, since you are so big up in the Dem’s business, please pass this Biblical quotation to the Dennis Lowe

    The Gospel according to St. John, 8:7 “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

    Is Dennis without sin?

  21. I don’t use Facebook because I find their questions rude and intrusive.

  22. Dear angela Skeete:

    Is Freundel Stuart a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Adriel Brathwaite a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Christopher Sinckler a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Ronald Jones a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Richard Sealy a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Steven Blackett a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    John Boyce a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Stephen Lashley a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Donville Inniss a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Denis Lowe a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    David Estwick a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Maxine McClean a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was she a Biblical virgin when she married?
    Denis Kellman a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Esther R. Byer a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was she a Biblical virgin when she married?
    Darcy Boyce a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Patrick Todd a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Harcourt Husbands a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?
    Irene Sandiford-Garner a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was she a Biblical virgin when she married?
    Jepter Ince a virgin, or in a faithful marriage, and if so was he a Biblical virgin when he married?

  23. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Simple Simon

    Chuckle… are on the ball this morning and I agree that it is two.

    I wonder how come though buggery is illegal no mention is ever made of what the UN stats say is becoming the norm i.e. male on female anal sex.

  24. Actually male/female buggery is also illegal even if it takes place within marriage, but the homophobes are not complaining about that, probably because many of them enjoy that sweetly unlawful pleasure.

  25. Dear David: I asked you whether all of the Cabinet of Barbados are good Christian virgins or good Christian married people? I also asked whether if they are married whether they were good Christian virgins until marriage, and if they have all been good faithful Christians in their marriages.

    And if they are not should any of them be casting stones?

    The Gospel according to St. John, 8:7 “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

  26. David wrote “The BU household is not a fan of the homosexual lifestyle whether born or learned, BUT, we respect the right of any individual regardless of sexual orientation to coexist with their fellow man without fear of being persecuted or discriminated against.”

    I would also add that those of us living in Canada have learned to treat them as our equal in the workplace and in public.

  27. No priest or pastor, or rabbi, or imam can marry anybody in Barbados unless such religious leader has first been granted permission by the Ministry of Home Affairs (the civil authority) to do so. Any marriage done without the permission of a person authorized by the Ministry of Home Affairs to conduct marriages is therefore null and void.

    Therefore ALL marriages conducted in Barbados are already civil unions.

    The couple is free to have the ceremony conducted in a religious building, and free to have the ceremony conducted by a religious leader.

    But they are under no obligation to do so.

  28. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    I would also add that those of us living in Canada have learned to treat them as our equal in the workplace and in public.

    ……and thats how it should be.

  29. @Simple Simon May 19, 2017 at 9:44 AM “Because remember there is no law, and there has never been any law, which permits (CORRECTION: Prohibits) consenting women from having sex with each other.

  30. @SS

    Based on what we know they are not ‘plussin’ they are human when last we checked.

  31. angela Skeete Avatar

    Why the brouhaa. Look like Lowe gave the bees plenty to think about. Wuhlosss murda muh belly

  32. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Androgynous Myths
    By Mathew N. Schmalz

    Androgynes have a significant place in the human religious imagination. Androgynes are people who embody both male and female characteristics. But this basic definition must necessarily be qualified by recognizing the diverse forms of androgyny. For example, there are physiological androgynes—such as hermaphrodites—but there are also psychological androgynes. Wendy Doniger identifies three kinds of psychological androgynes: a “splitting androgyne,” who embodies male and female qualities but must “split” to become creative; a “fusing androgyne,” who must merge with a male or female side of the personality to become bisexual; and a “two in one” androgyne, often represented by a couple that unites in a perfect love. There are also androgyne-like figures such as eunuchs and transvestites.

  33. Well I’m glad this topic came up. Look at these comments from the usual commentators who love to be the ‘moral-police’. They have gone from cussing politicians for lack of ‘morals’ and now its all about ‘He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone……’ Bless your hypocritical hearts. Look how at how easy some people have a blind eye and turn the other cheek when it comes to politics. Keep it up I say!

  34. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The Democratic Labour Party

    Invite all to join us as we commemorate The 30th Anniversary of the passing of

    The Rt. Excellent Errol Walton Barrow, 1st Prime Minister of Barbados, The Father of Independence and Social Transformation, National Hero of Barbados

    Unveiling of Plaque on the 30th Anniversary of his passing
    1st June 1987 – 1st June 2017
    At the Errol Barrow Gallery,
    DLP Headquarters, George Street, St. Michael
    On Thursday 1st June, 2017 at 10:00 A.M.

    St. John Primary Schools Cook-Off Competition
    At The Lodge School, Massiah Street, St. John
    On Friday 2nd June, 2017 at 10:00 A.M.

    “Life and Times of Errol Walton Barrow, Armchair chat”
    The Errol Barrow Gallery, DLP Headquarters, George Street, St. Michael
    On Friday 2nd June, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.

  35. Errol Barrow would have been embarrassed by you lot. He for sure would have fired Carrington for stealing and Lowe for being morally and ethically bankrupt. Blackett would have never passed mustor to be a minister.

  36. Nobody has answered my questions yet as to whether our Cabinet “regard[s] the importance of motherhood, of family, and of marriage according to the biblical standard.

    Surely this is not a difficult question.

    And it is not a question directed at this “D” Cabinet.

    The same questions can be asked of any Cabinet in the history of Barbados.

    Have we ever had or have we ever required any Cabinet that regard[s] the importance of motherhood, of family, and of marriage according to the biblical standard.

  37. @Kevin May 19, 2017 at 12:43 PM “Well I’m glad this topic came up. Look at these comments from the usual commentators who love to be the ‘moral-police’. ”

    Dear Kev:

    I have never claimed to be, nor have I ever acted as any moral police.

    I am just a Simple Simon.

    I ask simple questions and leave the answers to BRIGHT and MORAL people such as you, Angela Skeete, Carson Cadogan, Lowe, and his spokespeople.

  38. @Carson C. Cadogan May 19, 2017 at 8:18 PM “St. John Primary Schools Cook-Off ompetition
    At The Lodge School, Massiah Street, St. John On Friday 2nd June, 2017 at 10:00 A.M.

    Is the food free?

    if so I coming.


  39. @Simple Simon, yes, I agree. you seem very simple. with your rhetorical questions and questions which are really statements. You have been very active on this particular blog entry, for some particular reason probably to help take the sting away not from Lowe but from someone else.

  40. @Kevin May 19, 2017 at 10:04 PM “You have been very active on this particular blog entry, for some particular reason probably to help take the sting away not from Lowe but from someone else.”

    Oh dear, oh dear now conspiracy theories.

    I am not a member nor supporter of the DLP.

    I am not a member or supporter of the BLP.

    I have in my long life voted for both the BLP and the DLP.

    I would love to vote for both the BLP and the DLP in future elections.

    I am not homosexual.

    There is nobody that I feel that I must defend.

    My parents are dead.

    My children are grown and quite capable of defending themselves.

    I have no spouse.

    I am the Lone Ranger. Simple Simon.


  41. And Lowe is capable of defending himself, is he not?

  42. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David May 19, at 8:37 PM….so what are you saying…that EWB would never have eaten at Mustors…that he would only just pass it by! LOLL.

    I always found the food there to be excellent actually and the ambiance, staff and owners agreeable.

    And back from the cheeky … Errol Barrow oversaw some rather unsavory things in his days according to various tales so as much as he might have been “embarrassed by [this] lot” we also can agree (I hope) that he had some embarrassing folks in and around his team back then too.

  43. @Dee Word

    A critique of any individual who has contributed to nation building will reveal the unsavory AND the positive but as always one must put the contribution on a scale with one side laden with the weights of what was positive and filter the slag to the other side of the scale.

  44. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    When DAVID wrote what he wrote, I chuckled to myself.

    It shows me that he does not know Dipper barrow.

    If Dipper was here he would make mincemeat out of Mia’s Lifestyle.

  45. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I am sure that there are still many around who recall how Dipper dealt with Mia’s grandfather E.D. Mottley when he tried to be obstinate with Dipper.

    That is why we don’t have local Govt. anymore.

    Modern day DLP politicians are nothing like Dipper, he would have put Mia in her place a long , long time ago.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan May 20, 2017 at 10:15 AM
    “If Dipper was here he would make mincemeat out of Mia’s Lifestyle.”

    And all along it was felt such acts were ‘beneath’ you!
    If I were you Carrion, I would stay clear of this topic.

    If you were really in the know and above such low-class discussion you would readily accept that the “Dipper” would be seeing Mia’s lifestyle in the same light he saw that of his dear beloved his sister Nita.

    The nasty business you ought to be pushing your nose into is to ask why the Dipper had as his ‘left-hand’ man a rearguard shooter with characteristics similar to the ‘wordy’ man at the helm of your deceitful lying party.

    Isn’t the same man who is taking your dear beloved country to economic hell a self-confessed disciple of Sir Cameron having spent many nights knelling at the throne of the deceased kingmaker?

    Don’t you think that if a born-again ‘Fumbling’ bachelor can occupy the Court on Two-Mile Hill so too can an alleged virgin to men, just as Queen Liz the First was considered to be?
    After all they are both two odd peas ‘hiding’ in the same LGBT pod!

    Virgin Atlantic hires people (both married and unmarried) from the LGBT community.
    Are you going to stop them from flying to Barbados or fingerprint them to monitor their movements in case they convert Christianized’ Bajans to their lifestyle?

    Why don’t you discuss the decriminalization of marijuana as recommended by the boss of Virgin Atlantic instead of other people’s bedroom business?

    After all, he is a bigger player in the Bajan tourism business than even the soon to be ‘has–been’ ‘Stewart’.

  47. NorthernObserver Avatar

    well you are correct, as I suspected, for I too have many family members in Barbados. “You all know how much people agree with Lowe on this one? Of course they’ll not publicly state it, but they do agree with him.”

    Incredible silence from the blogsphere. If this was about discrimination based on skin tone and not sexual orientation, we would have 230+ comments by many.

    I fear, because this topic is not going away, this will cause harm to all those places which have such legislation, but depend on other countries to supply tourists, and provide financial assistance. The day groups, like for example Tax Fairness in Canada, who oppose all those dual tax treaties, they wish tax dollars kept at home, discover to tie laws on sexual orientation to tax issues, they will place their politicians in an untenable situation. Meaning MY ass at home or YOUR ass abroad. And we know who wins those battles.

    Obviously, the message here is for the BLP. Time to dump your leader, because Barbadians are unlikely to elect a party lead by an openly lesbian person, at this stage in their social development. The silent majority oppose that. Add in the fact she is a woman, and you have a dual reason.

  48. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    all the fringe groups are lining up behind the crooked Barbarbado Labour Paty. Because they know that the upright members of the Democratic Labour Party will not do their dirty bidding.

    If Bajans were to ever, and its not going to happen, miss and put in the crooked Barbados Labour Party these deprave people will be rubbing their hands with glee.

    the bullers want bulling decriminalised

    the wickers want wicking decriminalised

    the prostitutes want whoring decriminalised

    the weed smokers want the herb decriminalised

    the Muslims want to set up Sharia law

    All the good, moral, Christian laws on our statute books which have protected Bajans for generations will be repealed. It will be open season on decent BAJANS.

    These groups seem to have been given an assurance that their wishes will be met by any new BLP administration.

    Ask the BLP to dispute this.

  49. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    millertheanunnaki May 20, 2017 at 10:46 AM #

    Chuckle….you are so correct EWB would not give this present lot the time of day.

    What you and others must realise is that their consultant has told them that the one thing many Bimmers will galvanise around is homophobia.

    Unfortunately what they and the consultant did not understand is the difference in turning galvanise into votes for a totally discredited party.

    Look in todays Nation and you will see one of the newest DEM members agreeing with Commissiong.

    They can only hope that things change in 12 months because as of now they are on a hiding to no where.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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