The following was posted to his Facebook wall today by former editor-in-chief of the Nation newspaper Roy Morris.
Roy Morris, former Editor-in-Chief, Nation Newspaper

When I left the Nation in January I promised myself I would not get involved in any of the “politics” of the Nation — unless I believed the actions of the organisation or any of its agents compelled me to defend myself personally or professionally. Alas, I now feel so compelled.

Over the weekend I was accosted, in a “friendly” way, by an operative of the DLP who wanted to know how come I was hostile to the Prime Minister and my successors now have to work to clean up relations. This was in apparent reference to some correspondence sent to Prime Minister Freundel Stuart by the hierarchy of the Nation newspaper, seeking to pay a courtesy call on him to “understand how we could foster a smooth relationship”. This would have to be the height of political dishonesty.

So let me put some facts on the table. I returned to the Nation in September 2013, fully recognising that the bad relations between the Prime Minister’s office (and/or the PM himself) predated me. The number of defamation suits pending and the instructions I received to bring about an immediate improvement spoke to this. I may not have a lot of things, but I do believe that I am respected for my work as a journalist and media manager, and holding on to this means everything to me.

Against this background, and while trying to bring about improvement from my end, I sought through Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler to initiate a discussion with the PM. I wanted to invite him to address our monthly Editorial Forum in the newsroom as a start. After some time Sinckler suggested I solicit the assistance of the PM’s information officer at BGIS, Sharon Austin Gill Moore, who I had some hand in training as a journalist many years ago and with whom I have always maintained a genuine and close friendship.

Sharon arranged an audience with PM Stuart during a function at Ilaro Court and when I put the question to him he immediately agreed, but noted that a series of engagements meant it would be some time before he could fulfill the promise, but he definitely would.

As had been the case with all other Editorial Fora that I had arranged, I immediately informed my superiors and then announced at our next departmental meeting that the PM had agreed to be our guest. Much to my surprise, a few weeks later I was informed that those who mattered in the company, with two specific maguffies named, were not happy with the PM being invited to speak to staff. The apparent rationale was that he did not hold press conferences, did not speak to the country about the issues, was doing a bad job of running the country and that the public would believe we were being used by him. Now, Chris Sinckler addressed the forum and there was no problem, Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite addressed it and there was no problem, Alvin Jemmott and Billy Griffith addressed it on tourism and there was no problem … and the list goes on. But for some reason I was supposed to withdraw the invitation to the Prime Minister.

I might be known as a lot of things, but weak is not one of them and so I refused to withdraw the invitation. The matter again came up at a subsequent meeting and I held my position. Once again, the names of those who have the power were invoked, but apparently I was too stubborn to fold. But it got worse, rather than providing a forum for the Prime Minister I was given a list of subjects that I was required to engage my reporters writing on. For the first time I was aware of having spent more than 25 years previously at the organisation, Editorial policy and content were to be determined outside of the newsroom.

These topics included:

  1. A look at state corporations that are behind with their annual reports and what the law requires of them.
  2. Look at the Auditor General’s reports for the last 5 or so years to see what are the recurring offences/complaints.
  3. An in-depth look at the financial state of the NIS and its various funds, with the implication of its heavy support of Government being juxtaposed.
  4. Look at the demographic make up of the country and the implications for tax collection and the support of social programmes in the future. This is premised on our so-called aging population, the decline of birth and the expectations of taxpayers given the number and level of services traditionally provided by the state.
  5. An objective analysis of Barbados current debt situation, local and foreign. What do the various commentators/experts say about this and the way Government is managing it. What are the implications for Barbados’ credit rating given the number of downgrades we have suffered in last decade.

Are these the same people who now seek to give the impression they want to know why relations between the Nation Newspaper, the PM, Government and DLP are so bad? Or that they want to see an improvement?
I have had reason in my column over the years to be critical of the PM, but I dare anyone to justify ascribing partisan political motives to my writing? Sorry folks, but I will not sit as the public face of any entity while others spin their webs in the background to suit their political king-making agendas.

I guess on reflection it is a compliment when you are called into a meeting and offered a separation package because “we have changes to make and your personality is too strong” for you to be the person in charge while those changes are being made.

I know I will return to this subject again. For now, Peace!!


113 responses to “Former Editor-in-Chief Roy Morris Accuses Nation Newspaper Maguffies of Exerting ‘Pressure’”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    There are a lot topics about him which he could have written about, but he chooses to remain silent. But he picks on the Prime Minister.

    The man is a joke.

    Peace for now!!

  2. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Very interesting.

  3. Roy,

    Good luck in the future. The first thing is that publishers have the power to hire and fire; editors have the right to edit. Do not let publishers interfere with your editorial decisions.
    Fortunately, editorial independence is written in to our contract, although you get some bullish publishers trying still to intervene.
    More than that, it is written in to the law of England and Wales that the editor is legally responsible for everything in the pages of his/her paper, including advertisements. So if an editor is not happy with an advertisement then s/he can have it withdrawn. Also make sure you pick your own teams, do not let people appoint writers and reporters for you.
    I must say that you are missed at Barbados Today; and in terms of your future, after designing and creating a digital paper in your university dorm, it would have been much better remaining at Barbados Today rather than return to the Trinidad-owned Nation.
    I hope you have equity in Barbados Today.

  4. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Let the BLPDLP apologists be warned. Our
    country has been hijacked by powerful
    business interests. We can expect these
    forces to get more aggressive in the
    coming elections period. Independent
    citizens must stand firm. Ignore the
    sychophants of the BLPDLP. They are
    NOT putting Barbados first. They are
    nothing more than mongoose gang that
    terrorized Grenada decades ago. They
    are not that violent but their mission
    is the same: party domination. Change
    course people. VTO ( Vote Them Out)

  5. Ah, the Nation newspaper. Dollars shall determine democracy. Have the big maguffies had a change of heart and are now about to switch allegiance in support of the DEMS? Do they know something that the rest of us do not? Is this change of direction an investment in the next five years after the election? Thank you Jesus for BU. Not for sale!
    Let us watch closely for the change in editorial direction leading up to the silly season. And to think that we used to look with scorn at the other daily rag as a journalistic prostitute.

  6. Not violent?

    No violence is worst than the economic kind

    These people do more damage with a pen than the so-called violent can do with war materiel

  7. What would be good Roy before you left was to find out if the Parties are accepting funding from the Chinese .. and if so, how much

  8. As Bushie has been repeating from day one..
    The Nation newspaper is the propaganda arm of those foreign interests seeking to destroy Barbados … and succeeding so far.
    When Harl Hoyte sold out to the trickidadians, it provide a propaganda voice to anti-Barbados forces that have remained in place until the blogs levelled the playing field.

    Even today, many continue to be deceived by the traitors….

  9. It should be important for Barbadians tounderstand how opinion shapers can be potentially manipulated by ‘dark forces’. BU and others from the fifth estate have been warning and we should remind all this is one of the reasons that gave rise to BU.

  10. Prodigal Son Avatar

    Prior to 2008, the Nation was very anti BLP and pro David Thompson………….so what is Roy’s problem.

    Good journalism would for the good of the nation do due diligence to the topics the maguffies wanted investigation.

    I agree with the maguffies……giving Freundel Stuart a platform to spew his “superior” knowledge down to Nation staffers would be a waste of time………….it would be giving the man legitimacy to way he has treated Barbadians for years.

    From my info. many of Nation staffers would not have been interested in attending.

  11. Roy trying to play fair in a very f’cked up environment.

  12. Mr. Morris you have given me an insight how my $2.50 Sunday Sun newspaper is compiled. Half internet news that I saw during the week and two full pages of Albert Branford pushing the BLP agenda

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


  14. Bushie
    Wait ‘tho…..the fella from the Advocate en a Grenadian?And the fella from de Nation en a Jamaican.

  15. Roy was given hard hitting questions. Isn’t that what journalism is about? I am confused. lol

  16. Prodigal Son Avatar

    Alright then, enuff!

    Just think of how much better this economy could have been had the corruption been exposed. Just think of the millions that could have been saved of the taxpayers’ hard earned dollars.

  17. What the Roy Morris piece also reveals is the reason why Kaymar was fired. She was racking up defamation claims.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David at 4:28 PM…It is quite true that it’s ” important for Barbadians to understand how opinion shapers can be potentially manipulated by ‘dark forces’.”

    But let us not forget that all newspapers/media products are formed by personalities with a passion to give voice to some segment of the community.

    News publishers will ALWAYS be chummy with or slanted towards those in politics or those aiming for power and change!

    The real affect of being compromised is the lost of any objectivity to offer both sides of controversial news stories.

    The local news may now be ‘compromised’ by maguffies but we ALWAYS need to be vigilant to get behind the news and seek clarity and objectivity.

    The maguffies on BU are guided by BBE so all good on this front…smile!

  19. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    John Holder is hypocrital though, the family unit has been destroyed for decades by parental neglect, particularly fathers, but he in his misguided wisdom is happy to blame social medoa…..which has not been around for 2 generations, the same 2 generations lost to parental neglect….ah cant stand these religious hypocrites.

    I dont think the media in Barbados will ever get it right, they will always be 2 bit and mediocre, mere political pimps.

  20. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “There is another famous case in the local court system which is approaching one year, the case of Roy Morris will be monitored in the blogosphere to ascertain if it follows the path of Jippy Doyle. In light of the discussion around Barbados about corruption in high places, we are expectant that several other high-profile cases will feature in the coming weeks and months.”

  21. @Dee Word

    But let us not forget that all newspapers/media products are formed by personalities with a passion to give voice to some segment of the community.
    News publishers will ALWAYS be chummy with or slanted towards those in politics or those aiming for power and change!

    Dont credible media houses declare their editorial bent?

  22. Very, very, very interesting. He should have named the two big maguffie’s. In any case, we all know the Nation is pro-BLP, and that piece by Roy solidifies that. No wonder, we get loads of ads and supposedly ‘non-partisan’ opinion pieces.

  23. You are such an idiot that even when Morris throws the DLP an assist you can only attack. The quintessential yardfowl.

  24. @Kevin

    Your comment is not a surprise to anyone. The willingness of media houses to compromise their integrity to the political class is not new. To repeat, by reposting this BU hope to educated ordinary Barbadians the extent professional media is unprofessional.

  25. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “”….throws the DLP an assist…””

    Where is the assist?

    Where is the fly on the wall who said that this really took place?

    This is his side of the story.

    I am always weary of Greeks bearing gifts.

  26. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    But David at 7:06 PM….that is exactly the point “Dont credible media houses declare their editorial bent?”…. All astute readers will know that bent but that should never infuse the NEWS pages as you know.

    I always thought the Nation was balanced with its news but then again I always tried to get behind the news and would read columnists who I thought gave some objectivity (like Gladstone Holder way back then).

    Point…counterpoint: The NYT has a known liberal bent on the editorial pages but offers balanced news although some consider the bent is still too liberal there as well.

    The WSJ has the opposite conservative editorial slant but again rather balanced news. And again many still see a slant on their news pages also.

    Now on the other hand a FoxNews or an MSNBC appear slanted to one direction: right and left.

    Similarly our BarbadosToday is considered by all to be a political mouth piece…slanted one way.

    Someone wrote recently on the demise of Jimmy Cozier’s Daily News, BIM Magazine and other past local publications but the wonderful thing with all this is that there are now a gazillion news sources …and folks like you doing an awesome job of keeping us well informed.

    We can take whatever uphill or downhill slant our hearts desire…to get a balanced view or to simply confirm our biases. Isn’t life wonderful!

  27. CUP.Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    CUP.Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    We Thank you ROY for your fair NEWS coverage of the CUP in last elections, When you were at Barbados Today, As you can see a full news block is on running in all other media about the CUP this time going into 2018 Elections,

  28. Let me get this right! Roy Morris saw a positive in sucking up to the Prime Minister in an effort to get him to talk to Bajans when tourists does come and drink big mouth drinks and hobnob with him almost every month. Stupse..

  29. @Roy Morris “correspondence sent to Prime Minister Freundel Stuart by the hierarchy of the Nation newspaper, seeking to pay a courtesy call on him to “understand how we could foster a smooth relationship”

    Maybe a routine courtesy call?

    Maybe such correspondence has also been sent to the Leader of the Opposition? But of course if this is so a “operative of the DLP “is unlikely to know of it.

    Maybe the Nation, like any good media house needs to build productive relationships with all sectors of society?

  30. @Bajan in NY May 9, 2017 at 12:00 AM “Let me get this right! Roy Morris saw a positive in sucking up to the Prime Minister”

    Why would you define a courtesy call as sucking up?

    Just because I tell you “morning” when I pass you it doesn’t mean that I am sucking up. Maybe I am just being courteous?

  31. @Roy Morris “not happy with the PM being invited to speak to staff. The apparent rationale was that he did not hold press conferences, did not speak to the country about the issues, was doing a bad job of running the country and that the public would believe we were being used by him.”

    The public is smarter than this.


  32. @Simple Simon “The public is smarter than this.
    Of course the public is smarter than this – did the public not vote this motley crew back into power?

  33. Craigg Holder Avatar
    Craigg Holder

    Is this the same Roy Morris who is now negotiating a VERY SENIOR position at GAIA?

  34. @ curious

    A characteristic that remains constant in political yard-fowls is hypocrisy.

    You are critical of “Albert Branford pushing the BLP agenda,” but you will embrace Guyson Mayers’ articles which push the DLP’s agenda.

    The DLP members and yard-fowl supporters never cease to amaze me. They say the Nation is pro-BLP, yet, rather than buy the Advocate, which is pro DLP, they continue to buy the Nation and complain about its perceived bias.

  35. They are both bad newspapers, but the Advocate is worse.

  36. Hamilton Hill Avatar
    Hamilton Hill

    What’s all the fuss about? For some strange reason every time I pass Bush Hill the print and electronic media come to mind. Bajans seem to love bragging about a high standard of education on the one hand, and then accept being hoodwinked on the other. DLP/BLP ….the average Joe us still screwed.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    50 years of political ondependence and all they got to show for it is political pimps and yardfowls.

    That is not progress.

  38. @Hal Austin May 9, 2017 at 7:10 AM “They are both bad newspapers, but the Advocate is worse.”

    And suggestions on what would make them better?

  39. @Hamilton Hill May 9, 2017 at 7:26 AM “the average Joe [is] still screwed.”

    Maybe the average Joe just LOVES this screwing thing?

  40. @FearPlay May 9, 2017 at 6:37 AM ”did the public not vote this motley crew back into power?”



    But you noticed my question mark…


  41. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Simple Simon May 9, 2017 at 12:07 PM #

    @Hal Austin May 9, 2017 at 7:10 AM “They are both bad newspapers, but the Advocate is worse.”

    And suggestions on what would make them better?

    Chuckle… can start one with Hal&Roy.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    And Car Moore…lol

  43. angela Skeete Avatar
    angela Skeete

    Roy.Morris gets stung takes to social media to lick his wounds claiming that the Nation mcguffies stung him and he was having no part of it. Well that is a laugh wasnt he part of the same mcguffie crew until he got stung.

  44. I recall the days of the Torch,the Beacon,the Observer,the Truth, the Advocate and later the Daily News.Quite the diversity of opinion.

  45. @Gabriel May 9, 2017 at 3:13 PM #

    You surely ain’t two mornings.
    You have seen quite a few moons – lol.

  46. @Gabriel May 9, 2017 at 3:13 PM #

    What was the name of the paper than got Speaker Maxwell in trouble?

  47. angela Skeete Avatar
    angela Skeete

    Well if Roy Morris wants to play dirty with his own peeps. He ought to remove the Hon. Freundel Stuart out of the Nations versions of in house fighting and fight his battles all by his lonesome and stop trying to use the Dems as operatives to garner sympathy and be foot soldiers in his fight against the Nation Newspaper because one can bet when Roy gets his two minutes worth of revenge he would not give a rats a ss about all or any of those who stood up with him on the battle fields
    The long and short being all those who are sharpening their knives to help Roy fight and attack better be aware that one time coming soon their necks might be next
    In other words dont be drawn into a fight when it is none of your business
    Be Aware

  48. Simple Simon Avatar

    @Gabriel May 9, 2017 at 3:13 PM “I recall the days of the Torch,the Beacon,the Observer,the Truth, the Advocate and later the Daily News.”

    Not forgetting the Calypso (our school banned this, but never-the-less we read it every Friday. There have always been “bad” school children and I was one, lol!) and then much later The Investigator.

  49. Simple Simon Avatar

    @angela Skeete May 9, 2017 at 3:29 PM “one time coming soon their necks might be next
    In other words dont be drawn into a fight when it is none of your business.”

    You know that you are the only one taking this seriously, right?

  50. angela Skeete Avatar
    angela Skeete

    Simple you are too simpleminded to understand the motives in this war of words.

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