Submitted by Pachamama

Recently we had occasion to review the series “House of Cards” and with the much heralded first Q&A sessions between Clinton and Trump being primed for profit, we now consider how art mimics reality, or is more realistic than reality. The differences, if any, between fiction and fact in politics. The centrality of war and peace in this election, if any of this could be serious, for a minute.

As we write both Clinton and Trump are going through their rehearsals in order to present what has been determined should be their best image/s. It’s all about perception management, not fact necessarily. Not truth either, if lies have more purchase. They are politicians playing ‘actors’ attempting to win an Oscar or two.

In the ‘House of Cards’ the president of the USA was portrayed in a more realistic manner than the current one or the wannabes are on the networks. President Underwood was seen as a serial murderer; a manipulator; the son of a man with ties to the KKK; a man surrounded by henchmen, bag men, wet workers, dry workers, willing to break any law in the protection of Underwood and in the finale – willing to go to war to avoid negative news reports about his own sins.

The activities this weekend at the UN suggest that an imminent Clinton presidency would mean a declaration of war on Russia. Clinton is obviously head of the war party in wait. Russia has had to asked ‘who was in charge in the USA’. Obama is clearly not, as the Pentagon has openly disobeyed his orders and bombed Syrian soldiers to show defiance to him. He is now the little boy sitting at the kiddie’s table.

And the CIA continues to arm terrorist groups in Syria in contravention of direct orders from Obama. It is clear Clinton, Samantha Powers and ilk are intent on a humanitarian nuclear war to further the interests of the one-percenters. Russia phobia has gone mad in the USA. And Trump may be our worst best hope, imagine that. For Hilary Clinton is a very, very, wicked bitch.

These are not the images we will see in the reality show which will dominate network coverage over the coming weeks. Any realities would require more than a soundbite, be too complicated for a dumb-down public, be absent of the zingers which Ronald Reagan made popular, fail to deliver the killer blow which both candidates will strive for but a draw could be satisfactory for both candidates and is the most likely outcome.

What we will certainly not see are the political infrastructures before, during and after these Q&A sessions to influence perceived outcomes. It is imminently possible to, by objectives measures, win the debates but loose the perception game. And this has happened before. So the showmanship around these sessions are more important than what actually happens during the Q&As themselves. Is this not then mere political theater?

The same will be true for the actual presidential elections. It is very possible to win the elections and loose the presidency. These days, the best way of achieve the ‘dark arts’ of the political game is to make the false claim of voter fraud by non-White population segmentations unlikely to support you while plotting with the internet experts to rob the electronic vote train as it conveys tallies to the central counting center.

This was the type of voter robbery Romney and Carl Rove attempted in 2012 to deny Obama a second term. Had it not been for the hacker group ‘Anonymous’ we would have had a flipping of tallies as happened in Florida 2000. In the fictional account, President Underwood had developed a more profound method for the total influencing of public perceptions by manipulation the news voters read – from jump street, making sure that only information supportive of him occupied the first items on most search engines, influencing other mainstream media houses, like only a sitting president could.

We know that the Clintons have not been dissimilar to President Underwood. Indeed, all US presidents have employed violence to achieve stated aims, at home and abroad. Clinton is particularly troubling and represent an existential threat to all mankind with her intent to escalate aggression against Russia, her willingness to deploy nuclear weapons, her blind support for the Zionist regime in Palestine, as ultimate war hawk. Now that the Clintons family has married into Jewry we should expect Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House, on steroid, should she win.

As far as violence is concerned, Trump represents a somewhat unknown quantity. Clinton loyalists have been trying to influence perceptions by arguing that he is a friend of the Russians. A country Clinton sees as her primary enemy, a la Ukraine. In this their acolytes in the media have been helpful in painting Putin as a dictator. But Clinton herself, is not unknown for her love affairs with the worst of dictators. They say Trump cuddles Putin. We are unsure what his orientation is likely to be about war and peace but expect that Trump may very well end up in the children’s room, left out of the loop, when the adults, the war party, discuss these matters.

However, given his history, his mental disposition, a 14-year-old boy trapped in a man’s body, his innate dislike for people of colour. We would also contend that no remarkably dissimilar policy positions from those of Clinton or President Underwood should be expected. We will also argue that Trump’s inability to show empathy and his spoilt-child orientation makes him particular dangerous in possession of nuclear weapons should he get a look-in.

A president Clinton will provide more material for writers on the ‘’House of Cards’’. Her administration will be characterized by so many investigations that it will make the Bill Clinton presidency look like a cake walk. Those investigations will be centered on the Clinton Foundation et al which has devolved into a hundreds of billions of dollars in money laundering, a trans-national, criminal enterprise, operating under the cloak of a 5O1C3 and not properly registered in various jurisdictions nor properly reporting.

A Trump presidency is no less likely to be characterized by criminal investigations. He too has issues with the usage of Trump Foundation money, tax code violations etc. The viability of these proceeding may very well depend upon the relative numbers of Republicans and Democrats ‘selected’ in the Senate and the House of Representatives. But a Democratic presidency and a Republican congress will be more eager to go for the impeachment of Clinton, from day one.

It certainly is not helpful to the people of the world that Clinton has already suggested her husband to be the employment czar. In the ‘House of Cards’, President Underwood moved heaven and earth to have his wife, the first lady, in an open marriage, to be the vice-presidential candidate. How life mimics art!

This political theater is manufactured to be unfair. For Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson will not be there, neither would the other up to 100 candidates who are on some ballots. The corporation, run by Republicans and Democrats who own this project is less interested in fairness than the League of Women Voters who ran the debates up to the 1980s.

President Underwood would have been glad to locate this set of moderators willing to keep fictions alive. Moderators refusing to do any fact checking. Moderators who have said that even obvious misstatements made will not be highlighted. Moderators prepared to have candidates disobey rules of truth without sanction.

The elections in the USA should be about the survival of the planet, the avoidance of war, the extent to which the one-percenters are seeking to gain more control over us all. What is certain is that a Clinton victory will insure all the above. It is difficult for us to contemplate circumstances where a Trump presidency could avoid these sets of outcomes given the diffusion of the war party forces and the acceptance of the PNAC agenda by all mainstream political forces.

Maybe the election will be a watershed. A time when the ‘House of Cards’ collapses. But we seriously doubt. However, these dog and pony shows should not properly qualify as debates. They are more Q & A sessions, billed like fights between Ali & Fraser, with the winner known ahead of time, depending on who spends the most money in advertising on the networks sponsoring same.

597 responses to “Clinton Versus Trump – Fiction Versus Fact”

  1. @ AC

    If you could worship god the way you love these empty politicians your place in the mythical heaven would be assured.

    Have you no vision? Can’t you see that if Clinton wins the next four years would be dominated by investigations of the thief and laundering of hundreds of billions by the Clintons?

    Do you not know that the buller-in chief has been set up by the Clintons to engage in the same large crimes?

    Yes Trump is a lawful thief but the orders of magnitude of the coming Clinton crime pale in comparison.

    The investigation have already started. Could you be this blind?

  2. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, at the end of the day the “two dumbass candidates” are products of a ‘dumbass’ populace.

    If there are otherwise supposedly smart people out there but these are the two selected then smart must equal dumbass I think.


  4. @Dee Word

    Can’t disagree although one has to admit there is a part of the selection process that is controlled by the establishment (where the democracy in the land of the fee is hijacked :-).

  5. No body wants to hear Donald Trump smart alec talk walking around with a big B stuck to his forehead while eating out the tax payers trough while the working stiff have to be contented with a big P stuck to their Forehead ,The mega millionairess hates when the poor gets welfare but have no scruples when they stick their hands in the trough and take the whole thing ,,had not for DT entering the election people would not have understood this widespread massive fraud perpetrated on them by fat cats like donald trump no wonder he can own such a large jet while telling the honest taxpayer how dumb they are
    As for investigations if Trump wins he would not escape the long arm of the Justice dept his foundation has a trail of illegalities to answer along with other revelations having to do with his tax returns.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Check out this ugly twat, calling somone more highly intelligent than she would or could ever be ever be, a gorilla.

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Mike Pence, all slime.

  8. In the past few days: 
    Our state politics reporter Mike Mishak published “Inside the cozy world of insurers, regulators” on the front page of today’s Washington Post.  It’s a stunning, albeit frightening, piece on the unbelievably cozy relationships between state insurance commissioners and the companies they’re supposed to be regulating. 
    Trump’s organization did business with Iranian bank later linked to terrorism” was also published today with NBC, and highlights Donald Trump’s organization’s dealings with an Iranian bank linked to terrorism. The story reflects a wonderful partnership between Center politics staff and our international arm, the ICIJ.

    On Thursday, September 29, we launched “America’s super polluters,” the first in our highly touted Carbon Wars series. The report and accompanying video spotlights the worst-of-the-worst, the coal-fired power plants that pump out millions of pounds of toxic air pollution.  It calls out companies that poison our air and water and feed global warming, and regulators and politicians who can’t or won’t do their jobs. USA Today ran the piece on its front page.

    In just three days, our September 18 story, “Politics of pain: Drugmakers fought state opioid limits amid crisis” led to more than 100 broadcast mentions and nearly 3,000 online media hits.  It appeared on the front pages of at least 165 newspapers around the country, generated more than 30 columns and editorials in response and prompted Senator Ed Markey to call for action on the Senate floor.

  9. Dribs,
    Have U figured out yet that Comey and the Lady who met Sick Willie at the Airport Runway were forced by whatever means to find the Shill innocent of her unpatriotic, insecure Email Server and destroying Govt Property ie 33,000 Emails!!!????

  10. Dribs,
    Charitable Operation that is not too charitable and very nepotistic????

  11. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Yes MB, I have. For an intelligent, successful HC grad you succumb to a level of nonsense that completely belies the excellent education you received.

    It is silly and insulting to any level of commonsense for folk to continue this stupidity that AG Lynch would meet in that manner on such a high profile affair in order to arrange some deal.

    It is stupid on all levels particularly when Director Comey does not really ‘REPORT’ to her nor does he take direction on who to charge from her.

    You know better so if you want to play the little word games then let’s play.

    Clinton was not destroying government property as it was her server…the emails were captured by other in her gov’t sphere also so all good there.

    The server was not ‘insecure’ as she obviously had private internet security companies providing firewalls. In fact it can be argued that she was no more vulnerable than the vaunted Pentagon or other very secure govt depts which WERE (also) hacked.

    She was too secretive and deceptive about her email handling that is obvious and indisputable. She was lax, careless and too cavalier. That however does not make her actions treasonous or unpatriotic.

    Remember everyone acts the idiot sometime and currently her opponent is behaving in permanent idiot mode and you want to elect him president. I am happy for you.

    I prefer the ‘lesser idiot’ to move this play forward. I believe her sound is not all inane fury and that she ‘signifies’ a lot more than he does.

  12. Did I hear Ac, Sarge and Gabriel that Mr Clinton called Obamacare “crazy”- I hope I heard incorrectly.By the way- Mr Putin is flexing his muscles at Mr Obama’s expense again and snubbing Mr Obama by suspending a longstanding arms agreement.

  13. WW,
    U should be charged for visual assault for scaring me with that picture. lol

  14. Dribs,
    I left Bim because a very clever Pol could not figure out that a 70% Tax bracket is pure stupidity. I still liked Tom in many other ways and wish he was around to see us through this period.

  15. Dribs,
    She lied about the lies regarding emails and destruction of Govt property is deleting the Emails which she has no legal right to delete.

    She lied that she used Sick Willie’s server when he does not even use email!

    ShilLIARy—her mother would have named exactly like this had she known her life story before hand!

  16. re For an intelligent, successful HC grad you succumb to a level of nonsense that completely belies the excellent education you received.


  17. @Charles Skeete
    Did I hear Ac, Sarge and Gabriel that Mr Clinton called Obamacare “crazy”- I hope I heard incorrectly.By the way- Mr Putin is flexing his muscles at Mr Obama’s expense again and snubbing Mr Obama by suspending a longstanding arms agreement
    Charlie muh boy earlier today you posted under your original moniker but I like the name Charles it rolls off the tongue and I have a brother with that name so I hope you stick with Charles.

    Since you brought Putin into the conversation you do realize that Putin is a Dictator don’t you? Putin’s parliament will rubber stamp anything he does and his opponents are in exile or they are executed in the Russian streets. Putin is still smarting from the sanctions levelled against Russia after the invasion of Crimea so he will use any opportunity to try to get back at the Western nations and that is why he is cheering on your boy to win the Presidency so he would have a dupe to twirl around his little finger.

  18. GP
    Guilty as charged GP.

    I just am addicted to pointing out that ShilLIARy Rotten KILLaTON is certainly NOT to be promoted to Pres after FAILING miserably as Secty State.

    GP, what is your prescription for this malady?

  19. Dribs,
    Comey and LL both taking direction from———someone very powerful!

    I have never said I would vote for Trump but I have made it very clear that Shill is not the answer.

    I dont trust either or even the others named earlier. Studied too much Latin and History to be naive. Caesar thought he was safe when he started down the steps.

  20. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I am amused.
    This election is so void of debate about policy. Rather, as mirrored here, it is about name calling and jabs.
    Clinton pushed e-mails thru to a private server. Former Ont Premier McGuinty deleted an unknown number from a government owned server, and his party got re-elected. The electorate don’t give a shiite?
    So here we have two candidates, who based on age, cannot sit on the Boards of most publicly traded firms but are eligible to be President, and even at this advanced age, prefer juvenile attacks.
    The sad part is one of them will win.

  21. @NorthernObserver

    Agree with you 100%. The irony is that Clinton has published/posted voluminous policy positions yet the debate is stuck at the puerile level.

  22. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Anither of Trump’s retarded racists.

    MoneyB. ..prepared to be nauseated for a long time, there are millions of these cockroaches crawling out of their holes.

  23. Always felt that Donald Trump wealth was built on deceit but never in my wildest dreams thought that the man would be so cruel and heartless to hand over a debt of i billion dollars to the taxpayers
    Now the vast right wing conspiracy theorist that knows everything wrong about Clintons tells america not to worry about trump losses that there is absolutely nothing wrong here folks Trump is a genius .
    However the question which the theorist refuses to answer is how does a genius lose one billion dollar and still be consider a genius, Ghee whiz Einstein might even have a hard time trying to figure that one out

  24. AC are you really that stupid or have no idea how business works . Trump is as cruel as henry Ford bankrupt twice and a huge many other entrepreneurs. The oracle of Omaha lost near a billion lately but it was not public money as Clinton has been doing and making money for herself at the same time. I would agree with trump most women cannot do that job but Obama has been doing it for 8 years. If you draw a line in the sand be prepared to enforce it. What they need is a Margaret thatcher a real hard bitch with a set of balls to straighten the usa out, why not caitlyn jenner

  25. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @NorthernObserver October 3, 2016 at 11:57 PM re” This election is so void of debate about policy. Rather, as mirrored here, it is about name calling and jabs.”

    Like David I also agree 100%. This site is a PERFECT reflection of society at large. We expect much of our fellow citizen and will excoriate and lambaste him/her accordingly but by our own behaviour display the same unacceptable traits.

    There are MORE Donald Trumps/Hilary Clintons (prevaricating, immoral, callous) in every PTA room, state/parish or national council than they are grounded, honest folks.

    And even those who are seemingly quite decent can be swayed by strong personal views and make less than perfect decisions.

    How then can we EVER expect anything different from those of us who strive to lead.

    And if I may. There is another very intelligent, successful HC grad who displays that Trump personality complex daily. If you love him he loves you. But boy don’t ever disagree. Then, like Trump he trolls and abuses your mere existence.

    We expect that in 3rd form but by 5th & 6th it should be replaced with mature reaction to disagreement.

    And yet we condemn the pols. LOLLL. As is often said here, we get the leaders we deserve.

    DAVID, you really should contract via one of your bloggers (@Jeff ideally) to coordinate a study by the UWI Psychology-Sociology Depts of BU. An analysis of the characters here (in their avatar disguise or not) would make for interesting reading. This site is an absolute goldmine of psychological analysis.

  26. @Dee Word

    Populism rules!


  27. @ Pachamama

    I am in tears you know why?

    “In the abundance of water the fool is thirsty….”

    You said and I quote “…Clinton is particularly troubling and represent an existential threat to all mankind with her intent to escalate aggression against Russia, her willingness to deploy nuclear weapons…” (Disclaimer YOU DUN KNOW THAT I PREFER HILARY TO DONALD ANY DAY)

    In the face of this pending mobilization for war here we are, bantering about stupidness, denizens of a cuntry which, based on the way that we dealt with (i) the Tropical Storm, (ii) The Quake? rather Tremor of 2007, (iii) our perennial food substitution requirements and inability to address such, (iv) or agriculture and (woeful lack of ) self sufficiency programming while all around us, we have a world preparing for war.

    It is evident from what is going on in Syria, in particular, (and the world in general) that it is not in the interest of Russia to see Syria de-escalate its war.

    It should be apparent to readers?? (not Bajans and certainly not men like Kelli) that the outcome of forced emigration of peoples, into Europe, will lead to a destabilization of these countries, all of which are within the scope rather focus of Putin and his expansion/domination plans.

    This is classic besiegement strategy, send the citizens who are outside of the city walls into the besieged city/(ies) and, over the course of time, the heretofore well fortified city starts to crumble FROM WITHIN, cause it cannot support its expanded population!!

    Even the most recent signals of this preparation for war has been shown to us and we, permanently belligerent Bajans simply cannot seeing the signs, we are doing more important things – LIKE GETTING ANDREW BYNOE AT CARLTON & A1 to apologise and pursuing the belligerent Keli to apologise as well.

    And that shy#te is Front Page News Pachamama

    The United States is arming its State police with Military Weapons, and ensuring that the Right to Bear Arms WILL NEVER BE REPEALED (since it is critical to have informal citizen armies should that need ever arise), and we, Bajans, as usual, given how this TS Matthew floored us i.e. kicking us in our royal asses, showing us how “ready our asses are” for anything, far less a war, here “fooping ghosts”.

    Kim Jung’s nuclear ballistic missile capacity is increasing at an alarming rate for a backward country that is so “close” to Russia is it not?

    And what about naomi sorry that should be what about China?

    95 Yet ah! why should they know their fate?
    96 Since sorrow never comes too late,
    97 And happiness too swiftly flies.
    98 Thought would destroy their paradise.
    99 No more; where ignorance is bliss,
    100 ‘Tis folly to be wise.

    Steupseeee let de ole man repeat these words from Thomas Gray “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College” before I invite you to come leh we jes wuk up!!

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “What they need is a Margaret thatcher a real hard bitch with a set of balls to straighten the usa out, why not caitlyn jenner”

    Lawson…remember Thatcher with her rotten self only just managed to escape being bombed into the next century….ah told ya public opinion had become even more strange than in the 80s….lol

  29. @DPD
    And if I may. There is another very intelligent, successful HC grad who displays that Trump personality complex daily. If you love him he loves you. But boy don’t ever disagree. Then, like Trump he trolls and abuses your mere existence
    Given the acceptance in Bim of HC as the ne plus ultra among schools and its graduates bypassing Mensa and waltzing into The Prometheus Society I hereby submit that high schools in Bim should be listed in two categories I.e. HC and Others (no name), thus when the question is asked “Wey you went to school?’ the proud HC graduate will exclaim HC while the non HC graduate will sheepishly look down and say “ I went to one of the udder schools”, what better way to establish the pecking order.

    God love Bim

  30. So lets examine the history of chronic presidential liars in the republican Party
    Richard Nixon lied about everything until he was caught breakin and entering into the Democratic election committe offices
    George Bush senior lied about the Gulf War
    George Bush senior lied about Iraq.out of both lying policies America and the entire world is now being treated and bombarded by revengeful acts of terriorism
    Ronald Reagen lied about his role in exchanging guns for hostage
    In the face of all of the above the republican party has foisted a bold faced corporate welfare culprit named Donald Trump whose lies have invigorated his selfish ways getting him very close to the white house.
    How many more liars does the republican party expect the american public to endorse from the RNC
    Now the republicans have the nerve to dictate to the american people who have the best or better morals as candiates vying for the White House

  31. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Sargeant, but wait bro wasn’t that de facto the case since you left Bim 30+ years ago…well no sorry, wid slight modification to your premiss: “listed in two categories i.e. HC, QC and Others (no name)”.

    So now my query, wasn’t that de facto the case since you left Bim 30+ years ago! LOL.

    But in defense to lil Bim tho, they same type of snob appeal does abound over-n-away with the Oxford/Cambridge, Harvard/Stanford, the ‘grandes écoles’ in France like Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) and so on in other countries.

    Life is a lovely game. It looks quite fair on the first role of the die but as the game progresses one key move and there is a winner… let we ‘udder losers’ wail and complain.

    Game basically still done long time.

    Anyhow, nuff respect to the HC and QC brethren types of this world. They didn’t develop de game…they simply have to play, like all ah we!

  32. reMoney Brain October 3, 2016 at 11:42 PM #
    Guilty as charged GP.

    I just am addicted to pointing out that ShilLIARy Rotten KILLaTON is certainly NOT to be promoted to Pres after FAILING miserably as Secty State.

    GP, what is your prescription for this malady?




  33. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    De Pedantic Dribbler;

    I’ve been following the posts on this topic with interest and I agree with practically all the points you have made. But I think that there is one point that transcends most made in this discourse that explains much of where the US and by extension Bim and the rest of the Western world, have been knowingly placed in the position we are now in re. the Clinton – Trump battle.

    I think that since the Brexit vote in the UK, it has become clear to establishment politicians, Governments and Oppositions, that the days of normal politics are numbered. We are at the the beginnings of a new world order but not the one which has been envisaged for several years now as being led by the traditional forces but one led by populist interlopers. Thus the Obama and Democrat power brokers had to remain supporting Clinton with all her Republican contrived and real flaws, as doing otherwise would let in Trump and a system that would surely lead to unthinkable repercussions within the next 4 years, or less likely to Bernie Sanders, whose politics would be quite close to Trump’s and therefore not presumably in their best interests.

    The Republican power brokers recognized the existential dangers of a Trump presidency but hoped that they might still exert some pressure on Trump if he won because of their entrenched systems that they considered could withstand the Trump onslaught for deep changes during his term in the White House, if he were successful in his bid.

    The current situation shows up the flaws of reasoning in both camps. Trump marches to the beat of only one drummer located firmly in his own head and he cannot be controlled or reasoned with by anybody, so if he wins it probably means that one can expect a total change in America’s politics almost overnight and perhaps even a change in its geopolitical alliances. With such a situation, it is unlikely that the US establishment will take the ascendancy of Trump lightly. Look for the assembling and publication of contra Trump facts that will lead to a very early IMPEACHMENT, perhaps as early as a few months into the new presidential term.

    With a Hillary win, IMPEACHMENT is also a distinct possibility although a bit later, but the Soviet union has already inserted themselves into the campaign for the US presidency through cyber attacks on a newspaper that published facts inimical to Trump. In any case Trump and his backers will search for, make up and find all sorts of information to impugn Hillary and Bill Clinton and will almost certainly start impeachment procedures against her.

    I think that America is in for a very wild ride in the next 5 weeks and an even wilder one when the next Presidency starts. America, as we know it, might be unrecognizable a mere 4 years from now.

    re, your identification of a trumpian character in our midst, I think I know exactly who he is. The similarities are astounding. If so and several such educated characters exist in the USA and here who cannot weigh all the facts and come to a reasonable conclusion, it suggests that there will be no dearth of supporters for Trump in all of the manifestations of his skewed thinking and “impossible” proposals.

  34. Dribs,
    Is everyone on BU going to suddenly make this site somewhat intellectual? Once I arrived on here I was attacked from certain quarters for being White or because my father figured how to move out of poverty. So called clever people come to ridiculous conclusions like, “ALL White people are terrible, racist, greedy——“. Majority of White people had not seen a black person 50 years ago. My assistant from a town north of Manchester told me she was 11 before seeing a non white. Millions of Whites in Eastern Europe still have never met an Afro centric—–however they are all bad people??????? ALL Whites are privileged, absolute BS. Poor whites in Bim were treated very badly, kept down and had to fight to get to the top.

    Do people on here just want to cast me in a negative light because they want someone to attempt to beat up? They dont want anyone that is straightforward and brings out these types of factors.

    The majority would want to bring down HC/ QC instead of building UP the”other schools.” I have stated on several occasions that my cousin went to Foundation and then went on to a Bdos Schol. A friend went to Foundation and became a UWI 1st Cl Honours and Rhodes Schol, Prof of Law after Oxford! Teachers, parents, students at Cawmere, Found, CP, Lodge (was a great school before Smith) should be developing positive psychology. Dont blame HC/ QC because other schools fail to develop enough top people.

    Regarding the US election—-most Americans are too bloody stupid to follow high level discussion on intricate policy regarding the ME for example. This is a basic mistake some make, this election is about finding an aggressive OUTSIDER–people are fed up with Washington DC and with Media manipulation eg CNN—Clinton News Network. Media manipulates keeping out Mexicans into Trump hates Immigrants/ Hispanics.

    Anyway there are very stupid “intellectuals” that are slaves to the manipulators.

  35. mb


  36. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    ac; re. your 8:26 am post.

    The fact is that all ALL politicians are liars, almost by definition.

    Even in Barbados David Thompson and Freundal Stuart are proven liars. But perhaps there may be some difference in acceptance by the general public re. the enormity of the lies as related to how the lies affected the well being of the populace at large.

    Thus a lie related to security of server that has not yet been shown to have affected anyone, despite MoneyBrain’s protestations to the contrary, is relatively inconsequential. So too might be one that maintains it is all right to follow general practice in campaign financing by all parties in General elections even though such practice is illegal as shown by Caswell.

    All uh dem Liard!

  37. The guts of any intelectual persusaion arguably was ripped away after DT descended on his rivals throughout the campagain with a boldness to degrade and slimmed anyone who disagreed with his talking point and without hesitation was in defiance of others recommendations to use a purposeful line of reasonings and rationale in his attacks and counterproductive arguments against Hilary which now has proven to be ticking time bombs for his political future all of which seem to be tactics which entombs Trump business dealings
    On the issue of health both George Bush senior and Reagean had serious health issues including cancers and alzheimers disease

  38. GP
    I regret my transgression——-NOT! lol

    GP we are deplorables for seeing through the BS!

  39. what amuses me is that you cant have a decent arguement or discussion here
    it seems that most folk cant read or follow a trend of thought so they just go off at tangents………so I have given up long time and just mock morons—cause dat is much easier

  40. GP
    Being able to form a Dissenting opinion/ case is frowned upon!

    U must fall into line, so you can accompany the lemmings off the Artic cliff! lol

  41. and some folk are experts at everything…………….some believe that they are psychologists and make the weirdest wrong diagnoses…..hilarious

    sometimes it best to watch lone ranger or roy rogers

  42. Poor old Georgie and Money got their feelings hurt on BU and still moan years later from pain

    they both love to say how intelligent they are and seem to want a fight / argument with anyone

    ignore them and they will go away don’t you listen

  43. rub a dub we white people are not going away ..we are going to drag you guys along until finally you see the light and learn to run that country and quit asking us for handouts

  44. @Dee Word

    Populism rules!

  45. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    That Trump is still within striking distance of Hillary Clinton at five weeks before the presidential election, despite all the dirt that has been dug up on him and his eminently demonstrated unsuitability for the job, suggests the following to me:-

    1) He is being guided and facilitated by a higher force.

    2) The steering currents that guide world affairs have conspired to place him at the helm of the “free world” at this time of rampant global populism for a purpose that might be no less propitious than it was when Hitler’s took over the role of leader of Germany in the 1930’s. i.e. it is not by mere chance that Trump casts aside all challenges and that nothing untoward seems to stick to him. It is a new cycle we are getting into.

    If that is so, and the sheer enormity of the odds that he has surmounted to get so far suggests that it is indeed so, there must be a big fight going on between supernatural and other forces to influence the outcome of the Elections. Indeed I would not be surprised if a number of occurrences such as a flawed invasion of a ME country to bring down ISIS and a significant uptick in revelations from the cyber activities of Russians, swing the pendulum towards Trump and thereby secures his victory.

    These are very interesting times.

  46. Being one of the lemmings I must protest MoneyBrain heheheheheh

    No one has total ownership of opinion ergo dissent

    Neither does anyone have ownership of idiocy ergo the collective called AC.

    let de ole man explain what how thin the line on “dissenting opinion” is.

    Do you like Oral Sex? many humans do BUT many do not practice “69” ing they do “68-ing” they are from the owe you one crew heheheheheheh

    That is, as crude as it will seem to many “dissent” or a man or woman, WHO WHILE GETTING KINKY WID DEM PARTNER, will not kis dat or lik it or *uck it far less swallow it!!!

    Having used that take your breath away example to highlight the simplicity and ubiquitousness of “dissenting opinions” and personal stances of the sexual type I do hope that this simplifies this Hillary and Trump conundrum for you.

    I shall also leave you with this well known “dissenting opinion” anecdote rather fact for you and for my Dr. Colleague whom you interestingly enough managed to coopt into your defence mechanism when it became obvious that you were failing to defend your position.

    You are a crafty fellow since you and de le man do know dat very few heah going go up against Dr. GP when he speaks contra a topic

    “Galileo’s support for the heliocentric theory got him into trouble with the Roman Catholic Church. In 1633 the Inquisition convicted him of heresy and forced him to recant (publicly withdraw) his support of Copernicus.”

    “They sentenced him to life imprisonment, but because of his advanced age allowed him serve his term under house arrest at his villa in Arcetri outside of Florence.”

    Imagine that Hellocentricism being proposed to you as a classic example of dissent against that idiocy of the world being flat almost like the idiocy of funding the American Economy by taking back money teifed by Welfare schemes.

    Here be a little comedy for you to support my belief that Americans are some of the most stupid people in the world and that it is these samples of sentience? that your Donald appeals to.

  47. Piece
    re very few heah going go up against Dr. GP when he speaks contra a topic
    c.f 555dubstreet October 4, 2016 at 11:51 AM #


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