WorldForum Report

The following should be of interest to Barbadians with Budget Day in Barbados slated for 16 Tuesday 2016.

Read report published by the World Economic Forum –Which countries are best at converting economic growth into well-being?

118 responses to “Barbados TRAPPED in the Economic Wilderness”

  1. I wonder how the Prime Minister would respond to this unflaterring report? His legacy as a Prime Minister is certain but gains,failures and shortcomings under his watch are also his belongings.

  2. @ David,

    This is a fascinating piece of research. I have often bemoaned the fact, on BU, that when international research is carried out that the name of Barbados is often omitted. How can we compare our standing amongst other countries in the world when our government consistently refuses to allow for international researchers to carry out valid and independent research on our island home? Our government has a clear objective and that is to keep her local population in ignorance.

    For the record it is worth looking at the populations of those ten countries who have made the least progress:
    Greece has a population of 10,919,459; Cyprus 1,176,598; Italy 59,801,004; Central African Republic 79,722,624; Barbados 285,006; Hungary 9,821,318; Brunei 428,874; Finland 5,523,904; Spain 46,064,604 and France 64,668,129 (source:

    Barbados has the smallest population by some distance and looks out of place in this company.

    To conclude, I would say that this tantalising piece of research confirms what we already know and that is for a small country with both an educated and a homogenous population, that has never been at war, and has no impediment that should prevent her from performing at the highest level; that our country is, remarkably, poorly let down by her political leaders, her business community and her citizens.

  3. Perhaps the trio of Sinckler,Worrell and Stuart will dismiss this fact check,but this is what investors and professional bodies look for when making decisions.

  4. Say it aint so!

    This is not the picture that was painted of the economy a few weeks ago!

  5. Suspect that this report will be mentioned in the Budget debate on Tuesday.

  6. Exclaimer August 12, 2016 at 8:55 PM #

    Barbados has the smallest population by some distance and looks out of place in this company.
    A Flyweight among Heavyweights . We have to accept the findings as we are always too eager to brag about ” Barbados punching above its weight.”
    Does this mean that Haiti is doing better than us?

  7. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    All of you were warned , and we will keep telling you all ,, massive land fraud is the killer , Banks leave and the DBLP cover up their fraud ways . No investment no growth,
    Bank of America and other walk off and away, Voting for anyone without knowing the truth and the fix is another fraud, By election time we may move up to number one,

  8. @ Exclaimer
    “…..for a small country with both an educated and a homogenous population, that has never been at war, and has no impediment that should prevent her from performing at the highest level….”
    Has no impediment…?!!??

    Are you serious?
    Yuh mean after all these years on BU you STILL don’t understand brass-bowlery…?

    Boss, if it was possible to put a jackass in charge of heaven … you would end up with Barbados.

  9. @ Gabriel and Prodigal,
    The clue is in the title:
    “Which countries are best at converting economic growth into WELL-BEING?”

    Our famous tourist industry – through the hand’s of the taxpayer – has brought well-being to the likes of Sandals but not to the citizens of Barbados.

  10. AC’s input on this blog should be instructive. This table speaks effectively to the period of DLP government ..and suggests that in terms of a large number of social, economic and political indicators, Barbados HAS NOT PROGRESSED during that period…(they only needed to read BU…)

    Were there ANY sense of responsibility, pride, nationalism or even decency within the DLP, the PM would call elections and refuse to campaign …or better yet, claim that health or ‘personal’ considerations require him to ‘reluctantly’ step away from politics at this time…..

    No fear of any such pride, nationalism or decency. coming to our aid…

  11. @ Bush Tea,

    I was just trying to present a case that Barbados should be soaring. How can a country with all of her natural advantages erode in such a manner? It beggars belief.

    @ Colonel Buggy,

    It looks like if you guys are in for a long, hard and rough journey with absolutely no end in sight! Good luck!

  12. There is a feeling of horrific sadness to witness the precipitous decline of the Barbados economic and social landscape.

  13. @ Exclaimer
    How can a country with all of her natural advantages erode in such a manner?
    It beggars belief.
    Bushie was serious about the analogy of putting a JA in charge of heaven….
    and ending up with us here now…

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And to add to the degradation, all the useless ministers are capable of attracting to the island are other countries rejects and criminals as investors….while the local criminals posing as successful business people continue to undermine growth and progress for the majority and the island itself.

  15. More of the same of what i have said about govts lack of vision to construct a foundation that is sustainable and vital for long term growth for an economy Also note worthy the research period begins at 2006 at a period and time when barbados economic wheels were running at high speed

  16. @ Well Well, only criminals attract criminals…

  17. These intellectually and politically backward, bankrupt and discredited political factions called the DLP and BLP are primarily responsible for the astronomically high debt levels of the government of Barbados, notwithstanding much of these are overstated.

    Down with the Damned DLP and the Blasted BLP!!

  18. The Barbados Today editorial is worth the read.

    Time to level with Barbadians!

    Added by Barbados Today on August 13, 2016.

    Saved under Editorial


    Though articulated through a narrative in which there is frequent reference to an array of numbers and concepts which are mostly confusing to the average citizen, economics has more to do with human behaviour than anything else.

    It is the behaviour of people, living in a common space and pursuing their livelihoods through interacting with each other, that largely determines the performance of an economy. These interactions dictate what economists call supply and demand, the two forces which wield considerable influence on growth.

    Unfortunately, this critical aspect is generally overlooked by policy makers, especially in Government. They tend to focus more on numbers and theoretical models on which they make projections related to growth and other aspects of economic performance, instead of also considering human behaviour and the kinds of stimuli that are likely to get people to respond in ways supportive of national economic objectives.

  19. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    Approaching the end of a second successive term in office and still trying to attach every failure to the previous administration. So why we elect wunna? So much for being instructive bushie….. There is always the mention of ”selfish reasons”. Yesterday I saw where the phrase ”path of self destruction” came from this same source. The words from the lips do not always convey the message from the heart. The booming voice of conscience can only be ignored for so long. The suffering being experienced by lower and middle class Barbadians is as a result of the selfish actions of this DLP administration. Most bothersome is the fact that most of major players are from humble beginnings. To think of the admiration I had fah you….nauseating to say the least….can’t wait till karma comes calling.

  20. That Barbados is in the economic wilderness is not surprising. Here is why: a group of young kids go to the same infant, primary and secondary schools; the same university, taught by the same old professors most of whom graduated in the steady old 1960s, who teach from the same old notes.
    The graduate with good degrees, according to the redundant professors, and go in to the big, bad world.
    It is therefore in their professional self-interest to pretend that the economic epistemology and mathematical models they have been taught are the real deal and anything else is nonsense. They are comfortable in their blinkered world.
    So, we have a generation with the same worldview as their peers, professors and colleagues. This is the making of group think.
    Has there been an open market of ideas in Barbados – and the wider Caribbean – in which future generations will have an opportunity to explore other ideas and come up with their own answers.
    We also have a media that take their so-called expertise from the big noises at the university.
    The economic semi-literacy of foreign reserves is a good example. No matter how much one says that you do not have to stockpile foreign reserves to have a functioning economy, central bankers, politicians and the media continue to peddle nonsense to the public.
    In the meantime, the rest of the world has moved on, leaving us in the intellectual wilderness.

  21. What do we expect from a government that is currently negotiating with Deltro and Maloney whilst one of its ministers is making it clear that because of Cherry’s “illegal” activities the SSA will not do business with him. Lowe accusing someone of unclean hands! #pissinmuhpocketdo #smokeandmirrors

  22. If Cherry is operating illegally then why not shut it him down? Why doesn’t he shut him down?

    Is the MTW equipment picking up garbage doing so illegally Minister Lowe?

    Why send the media to interview Headley in the Environmental Unit if you as minister is already apprised and there is the opportunity to share?

    When did you feel qualified to speak about homosexuality a few months ago in you capacity as Minister of Drainage?


  23. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Heather. …exactly…and with the current mentality of the retarded politicians, government ministers and their useless pimps and yardfowls, the island’s current status of degrading rot is not likely to change in this century.

    I can’t for the life of me understand why they are all so visionless and could not see the impact of their negative and destructive behaviors against island and people over the decades.

    It’s ugly seeing an island that small with so few people in the middle of countries with millions of people being displayed in such a negative light…because of decades of bad, corrupt governance of both political parties.

    The current government’s role has made a bad situation over the last 8 years, even worse, their negative energy has finally manifested itself.

  24. An economy that flourish on sterling reserves as far back as 2006 should not be struggling in the midst of an economic down turn. The report capture the failures of govts who had financial means to leverage barbados on a stable economical and social enviroment by creating growth but failed miserably in doing so. In the after math what we are seeing are failed policies and those that never made the light of day and a barbados which was built on trickled down econmics
    One can also lay blame to the PS who has over the years heavily dependant on govt for small loans or for govt to create an economic enviroment solely which would be to their benefit whilst the finacial gains harvested very little was returned to the economy which would have further progressed barbados economic growth

  25. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    Wunnah realise dat de central strategic goal for the DLP government was to make Barbados more ‘dan an Economy and transform it into a society? Wunnah realise dat dat failed big time? Wunnah realise dat de people in de drivers seat for both the economy and the society had de bus in reverse since 2008?

    Wunnah realise dat most of the blame for dis state of affairs must rests with the management style and ineptness FS and that CS, even though he tried his best, was in way above his head?

    Wunnah realise dat we at de bottom uh de barrel, having slipped past several bottom feeders on our way down, so the Government can’t realistically invoke external conditions to explain our slippage?

  26. The public already knows it by the weight of their pocketbooks, the politicians defend it by the weight in their pocketbooks. It takes an election to reverse it, if were smart……………..

  27. image
    Extracted from the full report.

  28. Here is a copy of the report for some who may be challenged.
    Report The Private-Sector Opportunity to Improve Well-Being[/caption]

  29. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    A picture is worth a thousand words……..David would you please reproduce de fowl cock? them aint challenged one bit…..shame is more like it. It is de private sector…it is the previous administration….every single strategy short or long term failed miserably, but dat don’t count. Screwed up and misplaced priorities….dem don’t count neither……. As for Minister Lowe we know that Thursdays would have made an expert of you where dirty hands are concerned. Can yo tell us if Fat child’s mother has a bloated bank account? What you need to do is take Duguid’s advice to Donville.

  30. HAMILTON A HILL Avatar

    In more ways than one Minister Lowe is the Bajan version of Jimmy Swaggart.

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The fat lady sang for that bunch of squatters in parliament since the Cahill scam yhey all engineered, they just don’t know it, all that’s left is for the voters to get out their digital cameras, document the vote buying and post it online.

    Wuh I believe Fruendel told the population if they have proof of corruption by ANY minister in his cabinet…to EXPOSE it…right.

  32. @ David
    Kindly permit Bushie to explain a BASIC law of Nature (BBE), from which you will glean our present predicament.

    Life is a complex interweave of human and spiritual components. But there are a number of concepts that dwell almost solely in the spiritual realm.
    Well-being, peace, security, and generally, ‘Happiness’ are classic examples of such concepts. The way it works is that by pursuing related HUMAN characteristics, specific SPIRITUAL benefits accrue to us…

    So that, the way to securing ‘peace and security’ is by pursuing justice, love, patience and forgiveness…
    The way to improve one’s ‘well-being’ is by focusing on ‘rightness’ and the well-being of others less fortunate than oneself…
    The way to acquire ‘life’ is by being prepared to die for it… (wink)

    Our leaders (political, religious, business, social) all strive to secure peace by wishing, praying and hoping for it… or by trying to ‘enforce’ it…
    …they seek to improve ‘well-being’ by getting FOREX… by any means…
    …they seek ‘happiness’ by accumulating money (and thus justifies ANY means of getting it…from bribery to outright theft)

    This is a clear recipe for ongoing FAILURE and impending DISASTER….no matter what the ‘experts’ may tell you….
    Why do you think it is that with all these ‘expert’ analysts, ALL societies seem to be headed in the WRONG direction…?

    “SEEK ye first the kingdom of God (Put the spiritual priorities UP FRONT) and all these things (the human desires) will be added unto you (will follow as a consequence)…”

    There is therefore NO WAY for a bunch of unrighteous, dishonest, selfish, albino-centric morons to lead us to ANY concept of improved ‘Well-Being’….
    Our collective ass is grass….

  33. Sir evrrything counts everything counts in as much as you would like to glide over or excuse past failures. The truth is that barbados economy was built on a false sense of security with a greater expectation that a chance of a rainy day happening was remote
    Well as for this govt the building process now requires all hands on deck including the blp who has or gives no clue on how they will construct a floundering economy to bring about sustainable growth
    Sir all i can rely upon is the evidence produce by an economy which could not withstand a hostile global economic enviroment relying heavily on tourism and still continues as govt work on creating growth by foreign investment pitted against agressive opposing
    To me upon what foundations an economy is built tells the real story for progress or failures.So far is is irrefutable proof given the failures and cracks in the economoy that barbados foundation was prone to failure
    Sir call me cock or hen.i will speak truth unperturbed and not disturbed

  34. RE Hal Austin August 13, 2016 at 7:51 AM #

    In the meantime, the rest of the world has moved on, leaving us in the intellectual wilderness.
    HAS NOT THE rest of the world ALSO moved on IN CORRUPTION AND WASTE AND EVIL


  35. Bushie,

    Alas! They will never learn. They have money, power and they still have no true happiness. So they believe that they need more money, more power and when that doesn’t make them happy they believe that more money and more power will do it. And on and on they go until they die unfulfilled. I pity them.

  36. The Westminster model assumes a mature and civilized political class and citizenry.The model in the UK,also assumes certain cultural norms and values associated with a country that has centuries of experience of domination by other cultures and can draw from a milieu of systems replete with the good and the not so good,but all providing that learning environment crucial to sustained growth providing a better life for its people.At some time Barbados was part of that experience and some still have a preference for the checks and balances and the will to eradicate the infelicities of those foolish enough to think that the Financial Secretary would not unearth corruption and stamp it out.
    After 50 years of Independence,Barbados is sinking further and further into the quagmire of desperation economics and the likes of the rough and brash Butch Stuart,Mark Maloney,Chris Sinckler,Denis Lowe,del Mastro,Pornville Inniss are the cocks of the walk.The next downgrade for Barbados is well on the way unless the business community,the unions,and the opposition get up off their hind legs and start to march and shout in unison.

  37. Bernard Codrington. Avatar
    Bernard Codrington.

    Just another yard- stick to measure what we already know. This country is suffering from analysis paralysis. But their job is to measure not to identify or implement solutions.Our only hope is for a new program after the next elections.

  38. The national conversation supported by a strong Opposition initiative must be the government’s inability to roll-out projects in a timely manner to spur activity. The prime minister is on record as accepting his role as head of the cabinet sub committee responsible. He has been a failure in the role yet the local media and civil society have not facilitated this conversation.

  39. @ David ” the government’s inability to roll-out projects in a timely manner ”

    Are there any non controversial projects that are held up?

  40. The govt rolled out Sandals ,Samlords, Cahill ,and the DelmastroSolar
    All of which were met with stiff opposition which begs the question of how much outside investors are willing to put up with to invest in barbados
    No matter how many projects barbados has going forward until a satisfactory amount of acceptance is giving by the people the growth necessary would be stalked as investors fear a fall out predicated by a growing dislike which would disadvantage their finacial futures
    No investor has time to source money in a country where the political wheels are hostile against them

  41. @ ac

    Surprised that you would mention Cahill. Whenever that name comes up you should do like Tom Dooley. Hold down your head and cry.

  42. Anonymice - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymice – TheGazer

    @Old Baje,
    I had the same thought about ac and Cahill. And the other items are not squeaky clean…..

  43. Why are u surprised i mentioned Cahill wasnt renewable energy an initiative in the dlp manifesto So i do not understand why your are surprise at my mention.
    Another one of those projects that was whiped lashed by politics with Delmastro going down the same path if govt does not take control of the message by effective goverance

  44. The difference between ignorance and intelligence is that one has a limit.

    Here is a quote form minister Lowe that explains why the plug was pulled on Cahill Energy.

    “The Government of Barbados would have to be absolutely collectively mad to move ahead on an option where there is global evidence that there are flaws with the technology,” Lowe said.


  45. David

    The documents published at “Deltro Group: Barbadians Have a Right to Question the Character of the Del Mastros” clearly illustrate the characters of David (vindictive, litigous, and lying) and Dean (cheating, lying, elections rules fraudster).

    Now that this has been published, we should expect a statement from the Prime Minister or Senator the Hon. Darcy W. Boyce, who is Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Energy, Immigration, Telecommunications and Invest Barbados saying “The Government of Barbados would have to be absolutely collectively mad to move ahead on an option where there is evidence that there are flaws in the character of the principals of Deltro”.

    Does GOB do no due diligence on the characters they do business with?

  46. @DD

    If we are to understand the argument by some, the character of the principals of Deltro Group does not matter. Note when Dean Del Mastro was asked by Glyne Murray who the other principal is he was not forthcoming with the name David Del Mastro. You are correct that a read of the Court documents Del Mastro vs Del Mastro do not paint a flattering picture of the man.


  47. DD
    It is pellucidly clear that they rely on their Toronto based point man Alvin’boots’Cummins

  48. @ac….to attempt to spin the notion that investors are being turned off by public opinion is grossly disingenuous and you know this. Was there not a massive hue and cry where SANDALS was concerned,even before we knew of the wash pan of concessions given to an all inclusive venture? The fact of the matter is that this government has been less than forthcoming…look eff that….They have been found to be a bunch of notorious liars,aided and abetted by a lazy if not complicit fourth estate.Previously hardcore DEMS today are rather tacit in their support. In the face of a denial from none other than the leader of the BARBADOS CABINET an expose of documents surfaced here on BU in relation to this Government’s involvement where CAHILL was concerned.That my dear, gave the lie to the notion that credibility and /or integrity could be associated with the leaders of this government. Just like you and I investors read BU, and contrary to what Fruendel would have us believe DOWNGRADE after DOWNGRADE factors significantly in decisions made by investors.

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