WorldForum Report

The following should be of interest to Barbadians with Budget Day in Barbados slated for 16 Tuesday 2016.

Read report published by the World Economic Forum –Which countries are best at converting economic growth into well-being?

118 responses to “Barbados TRAPPED in the Economic Wilderness”

  1. We must not forget the names mentioned in the Cahill Energy Scam – Bjerkham, Tempro,Boyce,Lowe …

    These people are still around.

  2. What do Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Barbados have in common? (I know nothing about the Central African Republic.) Unproductive economies and slavish adherence to a fixed exchange rate regime – in Greece, Cyprus and Italy through membership of the Euro which ties them to the German economy; in Barbados through pure madness and because the elites, with their ill-gotten savings in B$s, have brainwashed the population into thinking there is no alternative. Which would you prefer- a job or 2:1? When you have no money, it’s not a difficult choice.

  3. @ HappyToLeave

    How about pension cheques not being enough to buy food?

    Better to take some short term pain now and avoid decades of pain down the road.

  4. @Ac, obviously you do not understand what is renewable energy. Burning garbage is not the harnessing of energy from the sun, wind and water or any other source which does not generate waste.

    Cahill, was a blatant money grab conceived to rob bajans. Any right thinking bajan will supprt transparent and well ordered projects that don`t endanger our environment. I support the Solar Farm and PV Assembly Plant.

  5. How could an environmentalist support the construction of a solar farm in a green space designated for the establishment of a botanical garden?

  6. Kammie wait bozie i thought those opposing Cahill had won the war well excuse me i did not know their was a ensuing battle still going on,, wait sir i surrender ok

  7. Musing aka waiting aka In and Out Avatar
    Musing aka waiting aka In and Out

    Barbados is trapped in an economic wilderness yet the BU organized yard fowl brigade deliberately protests against all foreign investors who bring capital to help the island out of the wilderness. Shaking my head in disbelief.

  8. Agree down grades do play a significant role in loans and financing , but however do not expect that other mitigating factors are not relevant , the sourcing of money is just one of many parts of the whole ,complications arising from political variances can quickly sour plans

  9. Recently the Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados via an article in the local newspaper suggested that the provision of health services and education should done by way of means testing. That is, only those determined to be “needy” should freely get the aforementioned services from Government. Dr Worrell wrote that this suggestion was informed through a conversation with an Australian official at a conference in China. I shudder that he thinks that what is appropriate for Australia, a country that is continental in size and with a population 85 times that of Barbados, would be appropriate for Barbados.

    I suggest that instead of looking to Australia as a model, he should look at Iceland. Iceland, population 332 529, was practically bankrupt in 2008 yet through prudent management and hard work Iceland has recovered. See some cut and paste is given below:

    “A swift transition from an export driven-economy, with fishing, energy and aluminium smelting as its stable industries, into an international financial centre had quickly made Iceland a popular destination for foreign investment and currency trading. But the inexperienced, badly managed system was simply unsustainable and soon began buckling under the size of its own expansive growth. In tragically poetic timing, the 2008 financial crisis hit; with fiscal decline echoing around the globe, Iceland’s economy had no hope of saving itself from imploding.

    The authorities responded with the unthinkable: they let the country’s three biggest banks collapse. It was the third largest bankruptcy in history. Then came the implementation of strict capital controls, austerity measures and a series of reforms; Iceland thus set out to reinvent itself. Scepticism was rife, but contrary to the qualms of critics, the controversial model actually seems to be working. Unemployment is down (see Fig. 1), interest rates have deflated and pre-crisis output levels are now being surpassed.”

    “The University of Iceland is a public, government-funded university, and as such it does not charge tuition (although an enrolment fee must be paid). In terms of living expenses, most students at the University of Iceland either work part-time to finance their studies or receive student loans at favourable interest rates from the Icelandic Student Loan Fund.”

    “Iceland has a universal health care system that is administered by its Ministry of Welfare and paid for mostly by taxes (85%) and to a lesser extent by service fees (15%). Unlike most countries, there are no private hospitals, and private insurance is practically nonexistent.”

  10. Sinkler, Worrell and Stuart really should read “Failing banks, winning economy: the truth about Iceland’s recovery” see:

  11. @ Ping Pong
    Sinkler, Worrell and Stuart really should read “Failing banks, winning economy: the truth about Iceland’s recovery”
    Towards what end exactly, Boss…?

    No doubt you are aware that AC can also read “War and Peace”….
    but that is like throwing water in the sea…..
    ha ha ha

  12. Anonymice - TheGAZER Avatar
    Anonymice – TheGAZER

    As one patriotic Bajan sees it…..

    It is clear that our politics must move beyond winning an election and doling out leadership roles. Barbados must be more than a boat that appoints a captain and is then carried by the tide. In an age when ships are powered by engines, the stately craft that we call Barbados needs a crew and a captain with vision and a destination.

    Winning an election is not enough. This ship needs a crew of honorable men and women; a crew of patriots; not a crew of pirates who sees political leadership as a path towards their enrichment.

    We are quick to recall the days when we “were punching above our weight”, but current statistics tell us that we are in a much lower weight class and our punch has lost much of its sting. It seems as if our weight class now consists of failed states and failed economies. It pains me to say that even if we are punching above our weight class, it appears that we cannot punch our way out of our current predicament.

    Changes have to be made; we must expect more from our politicians; we must demand more from our politicians; we must hold them to their word; the winner must live their manifesto.

    The problems are known; let’s start asking the parties for their solution. This is not fielding two 30-members cricket team, having a match and scheduling the next match a few years later. In between matches, this is a fight for the survival of Barbados; this is an attempt to right a sinking and floundering ship.

  13. Anonymice - TheGAZER Avatar
    Anonymice – TheGAZER

    How do we transform our hot air to steam and to powering the island of Barbados.

    We have a few who seem to unable to differentiate between a money grabbing scheme and a investment in the future of the island.

  14. Mottley and company should read it too. Iceland did its own thing. After doing foolishness with the ponzi like banks resulting in economic collapse, it did not follow the multitude but with rational management and hard work it restored itself.

    Is anybody listening in Barbados?! Iceland is a cold as ass island far from anywhere with only 330 500 persons. Eight years ago the UK was bullying Iceland to pay back British depositors. The Icelanders resisted the British demands and implemented its own scheme. Icelandic unemployment rate is 4%!

    Let’s follow winners.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Does GOB do no due diligence on the characters they do business with?”

    DD….the only due diligence the ministers do is to make sure they get their bribe money, as ya can see, both governments have this propensity of doing business with criminasl only. Committing taxpayers contracts, concessions, BOLT agreements, etc… criminals only….they have been doing it for decades.

  16. The Govt has rolled out five projects in six years Sandals Cahill Sam Lords Hyatt Delmastro two of which went forward one which was dismissed because of environmental concerns and much political posturing the other two which are favorable for getting the go ahead
    Yet one hear the BLp operatives saying govt is doing nothing to create growth
    Now given the hostile economic environment and the external and internal pressures brought to bear on barbados economy five projects rolled out in a six year period under this govt is not a bad record suffice it to say that so far those which have been started and up and running have shown and given favorable returns to the economy in jobs which has helped the households in barbados and generate much needed govt revenue .The other two Delmastro and Hyatt are already well known and have shown their capabilities for great success internationally and which when started would generate financial stimulus for the economy

  17. And you wonder why others attack your comments as politically partisan and ignorant.

    Cahill was stopped by government because of a challenge with the gasification technology. You should be proud that citizens of Barbados prevented this myopic government from moving ahead with the project although some believe it was a scam to put money in the pockets of a few.

    Sam Lord’s broke ground n June 16, it has not yet been rolled out and if it is built efficiently it will NOT be implemented until late 2017. This project was promised to Barbadians for nearly 2 years. In fact there is talk that the land at Sam Lord;s is still encumbered in litigation regarding CLICO.

    Hyatt project has not yet been approvd by Town Planning, what roll out what!

    The Deltro Group project has not been approved by Town Planning.

    Do you understand what rollout means?

    Yes Sandals is here after unprecedented concessions were offered. Beaches at Heywoods was suppose to have been started by now as pat of that project. We are waiting.

  18. @ David
    You persists in expecting to get blood from stone…
    AC is not here to bring wisdom, but to exemplify the lack of character and the blatant brass-bowlery of the DLP administration…

    She actually does an exemplary job….

  19. @Hants

    Meant to respond to this comment but it slipped. All of the projects of the government appear to be controversial. Let us look at two more.

    The St. Andrews Sugar project. Have a look any day of the week and it is makes you sick. Bear in mind Minister Estwick was braying about this project.

    Then there is the Pier Head project.

  20. First of all i do not complain when others attack my comments outside Bush shit who belives he can turn ac into a punching bag, Having said that i am aware of the fact that there are many Blp yardfowls who would say or doing an thing to make ac appear to be irrelevant be that as it may as i have said previously i am not perturb or disturbed as a child growing up i was told that birds of a feather flock together many which resides in the bU fowl pen as resident blp yard fowls in one form or another , so yes in agreement with u cant make blood out of stone so sir cut away all you want maybe just maybe one day you might emit the blood u are looking for

  21. Indeed a govt saddle with burning financial prospect has found the wherewithal to implement projects that are workable and can be sustainable to the economy and so far have shown success. Truth be known the agitators are still standing in fright with the perceive notion that agitation is the better way to undo and uproot the economy,
    Yes the blp operatives won one battle and now sees blood like sharks they continue to circle the waters seeking another prey hopefully this time around govt eyes would remain open and astute with a cotinual vigilance to zoom in on what is best and uttermost for the advisement of the economy and not not cower in fear or fright of a few nagging and useless agitators

  22. Not even Sinckler and Senator Irene use the idiotic arguments you post on BU.

    You may have the last word.

  23. correction advisement /advancement

  24. why are u so agitated by my idiotic comments

  25. So Ac…
    How is it that you refer to most others as ‘Sir’……and to your loyal supporter Bush T- as Bush Shit…? Can’t you see that Bushie is on YOUR side? ..that Bushie appreciates the VITAL role that you play here on BU?

    Do you think that ANY rational person out there could POSSIBLY accept that our leaders could be so asinine and clueless …without your constant, imbecilic reminders?
    Indeed, your most convincing and revealing attribute is the fact that you actually seem to think that you are making sense….. Wahhhhhh!!! LOL ha ha ha

    What a “Froon-like” characteristic…..

    Keep up the good work child.
    Thanks largely to you, Bajans will NEVER be able to say that they were unaware of the idiocy of our leaders when we all fall off the cliff…

  26. From the time I heard Dr. Delisle Worrell said the Medium Term Fiscal and Medium Term Development Strategies (2010 – 2014) FAILED to ACHIEVE the DESIRED OBJECTIVES and Dr. David Estwick subsequently admitting the DLP’s POLICIES are RESPONSIBLE for Barbados’ dire economic situation, while offering alternative solutions, which his party has REFUSED to ACCEPT, I was convinced “de dog did done dead.”

    And what is more puzzling is the DEMS continually asking critics to “bring solutions,” yet Estwick had to PUBLICLY BEG his party for an AUDIENCE to DISCUSS his alternative proposals.

    Similarly to how the consortium of yard-fowls would have us believe public scrutiny would scare away investors, I doubt people would be lining up to give the DLP “solutions,” especially knowing they REJECTED solutions from one of their own.


    @ Bushie


  27. Good morning fowl yes the one that just fly in from overnight. Listen and listen carefully word on the street ,, THE BLP HAS NO SOLUTIONS but have a treasure trough of criticism which have been heard over and over again ..

  28. One doofus plus another doofus equals two doofuses.


    Over the past 8 years, the DLP has found it necessary to BLAME and CRITICIZE from “Sam Couch and the Duppy” to the man on the “Cream of Wheat” box for their FAILURE to DEVELOP VIABLE ECONOMIC SOLUTIONS to address the economic difficulties currently affecting Barbados.

    Since the DLP continues to FAIL in this regard, likewise “word on the street………THE DLP HAS NO SOLUTIONS, but have a treasure trough of criticism (especially against those who REMIND them of this FACT), which have been heard over and over again.”

    Wuh shiite, de DLP can’t even find a simple solution tuh replace you wid somebody dat is more capable tuh represent DEM in dis forum.

  30. why should they? after seven years and the last winning elections

  31. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    All the voters have to remember is that they will be the ones arrested for selling votes…the ministers, their pimps and yardfowls will not be arrested for selling votes, unless the voters use their digital devices and record the crime.

    Fruendel and Nitwit Adriel said they witnessed vote buying by politicians last elections…it’s up to the voters to prove those 2 were not lying.


  32. Buying votes was responsible for the DEMs winning the 2013 general elections and their track record.

  33. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


  34. Musings aka waiting aka In and Out aka BU YARDFOWL Avatar
    Musings aka waiting aka In and Out aka BU YARDFOWL

    Peter Wickham a card carrying hater of Froon and the DLP rubbished the bullshite of Davd BU, Commisiong and the BU yard fowl propagandists in the Sunday Sun. In his column which thankfully lacked the convoluted reasoning he is known for Wickham labeled Commisong a jackass for wanting to stop the Hyatt project that ticks all the win boxes.

    We as a people are duty bound to resist the wrongs of economic injustice thrust on us by the Bizzy/Cow circle. At the same time we cant permit misguided trouble makers to block jobs, wealth creation and economic progress for poor black people.
    Kudos Wickham write more like you did today.

  35. @ac August 14, 2016 at 9:06 AM #

    Good morning fowl yes the one that just fly in from overnight. Listen and listen carefully word on the street ,, THE BLP HAS NO SOLUTIONS but have a treasure trough of criticism which have been heard over and over again ..

    Dont you remember that in 2008, the two “brightest” nitwits of the DLP Dumbville and Stinkliar told the BLP……….. “we aint want to hear anything from wunnuah, any ideas wunnah got, keep to wunnah selves, wunnah had wuunah time, now is we time, we gine do things we way”.

    The BLP has taken your morons advice and are keeping their solutions to themselves.

    You dems cannot have it both ways………JA!

  36. @ are-we-there-yet August 13, 2016 at 8:57 AM #

    Wunnah realise dat de central strategic goal for the DLP government was to make Barbados more ‘dan an Economy and transform it into a society? Wunnah realise dat dat failed big time? Wunnah realise dat de people in de drivers seat for both the economy and the society had de bus in reverse since 2008?

    Wunnah realise dat most of the blame for dis state of affairs must rests with the management style and ineptness FS and that CS, even though he tried his best, was in way above his head?

    Wunnah realise dat we at de bottom uh de barrel, having slipped past several bottom feeders on our way down, so the Government can’t realistically invoke external conditions to explain our slippage?

    This such an excellent post that it is worth re-posting. Full marks!

  37. Hal Austin,

    Your 7.51 am, August 13, 2016 BU submission is very applicable to many circumstances here in Barbados.

    Imagine that this particular blog has been put out to allow for submissions and posts by persons on the subject of Barbados currently existing in a state of political economic wilderness and yet some persons could not resist the temptation to submit and post comments that are irrelevant to the topic of the blog.

    We in the PDC would have thought that, with our country facing the reality of becoming a second rate Third World jurisdiction in the not too distant future, there would have been streams of comments tenoring references to intellectal and social disposition and matter pointing to the entire or substantial reactivating, reproducing, reordering and redistributing of growth and development of the national material and financial sectors of this country.

    But no!! There has been this said noxious irrelevant and regurgitated froth and spume, and which the PDC has long associated with that intellectually and politically backward, bankrupt and constipated farce for a leader of the BLP Opposition, Mia Mottley, almost every time she provides or has been reported as providing comments on national political economic and financial matters concerning this country.


  38. @ PDC
    Don’t forget..
    ….down with the damn DLP and the blasted BLP.

  39. “Barbados is trapped in an economic wilderness yet the BU organized yard fowl brigade deliberately protests against all foreign investors who bring capital to help the island out of the wilderness. Shaking my head in disbelief.”

    Nobody disputes the fact that Barbados needs foreign investments.

    What we do have to consider is how is it that with every potential investment, there is so much cloud over each one…………

    ………….it is either that the investors are given every concession that the investor thought up that would benefit his pocket like 40 years of freeness…..

    ………….it is either that the potential investors are corrupt who use their wealth to buy politicians…..

    ………….or it is either like a phony investor like Clare Cowan

    It is fair to conclude that like attracts like………. a whataspp message seems to have been sent to every shady character who has ill gotten wealth that Barbados is now the place to invest and rake in millions, You can get every concession you want, you can rape the taxpayers of Barbados while the visionless gullible politicians in charge of the government will put the taxes on the locals and you will smile all the way to what ever hole you come from.

    That’s right, musing, this reality is enough to make all Barbadians shake their heads in disbelief that the morons they elected are such jackasses who can be bought, who came into government broke but are now so wealthy.

  40. @Artax August 14, 2016 at 10:05 AM #


    Over the past 8 years, the DLP has found it necessary to BLAME and CRITICIZE from “Sam Couch and the Duppy” to the man on the “Cream of Wheat” box for their FAILURE to DEVELOP VIABLE ECONOMIC SOLUTIONS to address the economic difficulties currently affecting Barbados.

    Since the DLP continues to FAIL in this regard, likewise “word on the street………THE DLP HAS NO SOLUTIONS, but have a treasure trough of criticism (especially against those who REMIND them of this FACT), which have been heard over and over again.”

    Wuh shiite, de DLP can’t even find a simple solution tuh replace you wid somebody dat is more capable tuh represent DEM in dis forum.

    Bup, Bup, Artax! LOL…………this is good…………ac representing the dems on BU is testimony to how we characterise the dems!

  41. @ac August 14, 2016 at 8:27 AM #

    “Indeed a govt saddle with burning financial prospect has found the wherewithal to implement projects that are workable and can be sustainable to the economy and so far have shown success. Truth be known the agitators are still standing in fright with the perceive notion that agitation is the better way to undo and uproot the economy”…………………..


    Just think of how much better off Barbados would have been if only the morons had been looking for genuine investors and not for the crooked ones who only wanted what they could get from the morons.

    Frustrated Businessman keeps telling us on BU that these morons insist on getting their fair share up front and then their lackies get the finders’ fees.

    Not one straight up investor would give in to these demands………….that is why we end up with the Clare Cowans, Deans and Davids of this world!

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Peeples Duncy Congress.

    De ole man gine tell you de same ting dat I does tell de resta we who got someting to say bout David King Underground site bout whu he supposed tuh be doing.


    Fuh de time dat you been publishing heah you Adamson still gots a one man political party and no website!!!

    Yet wunna, like de psychotic Legion, always coming heah pun de man ting and telling he, “do so and so” and “say so and so” and “write so and so”……

    I was viewing the BBC article on “find out what really killed the Neanderthals” and noted a really informative parallel

    One of the commentators said that Neanderthal Man “was not capable to adapt to the changing landscape quick enough” and that led to their demise.

    This Neanderthal-like DLP government is similarly challenged, incapable for these 8 years to adapt to an ever changing landscape of a global economy and in 2017, when the election bell rings, it will die.

    To them AND TO ANY GOB the same instruction applies “Adapt or Die”

    Mugabe, should she focus on her own personal aggrandizement and despotic ambitions and not seek to chart a new national development course WILL REAP A HARVEST REPLETE WITH THE SUCCESSIVE MENTALITIES OF a long line of inbreeding.

    But we will watch and see

  43. Bush Tea @11.56am
    Lol…luv a bit ‘o humour!

  44. Prodigal Son August 14, 2016 at 12:20 PM #

    Just think of how much better off Barbados would have been if only the morons had been looking for genuine investors and not for the crooked ones who only wanted what they could get from the morons.

    just think in all them fourteen years if wuuna blp part had used all that financial sweep stakes for the betterment of the country just think yardfowl

  45. prodigal yuh wunna know how i know wunna did not take care of country because after wunna left when it rained the streets still flooded areas of barbados still required street lightning , the streets had pot holes ,the transport board was in debt, the water system was outdated , and the list goes on,, and the garbage trucks were in dire need of repair wunna think not and Qeh did not have a computerized effective tracking system

  46. Now i know the truth reason being that when i post a comment in relation to FC my post are not shown, my question was to PDYR particularly as he accused other bloggers of using the blog to attack David which PDYR has done to have FC dismiss
    This is my third attempt

  47. Whaaah, ac, dont go there. You are a liar. Barbados worked and was prospering until you morons took over.

    Dont talk about the QEH, I had a jarring experience last week having to go there with a relative. I have great appreciation for the doctors, they are working under horrible conditions………….that place is a mess and that is putting it midly. I would not go into details as I so feel for the doctors there. Suffice to say, we have a PM that could find millions to celebrate 50 years of independence but cannot sit down and work out a plan to get finance to build a new hospital.

    Oh but I forgot…………you dems have “licked up” this economy so badly that you cannot borrow money the legitimate way anymore.

    What legacy!

  48. @ AC

    Sorry, I have been watching the Olympics and catching up on some reading.

    I did not get a chance to post too much today.

    Earlier today I was looking at a post here and saw that Colonel Buggy, a real real soldier, used the NATO phonetic alphabet to subliminally curse David estwick in hie poster on the Barbados water authority

    Civilians have difficulty understanding things that we military people take for granted in the chain of command structure or what your minister of edukashun WeJonesing and de depeiza girl incorrectly called sedition and treason.

    We in Barbados are at war for the very fabric of our society against the very worst government that Barbados has ever known, the Demonic Lying Party but Barbados Underground has assembled an “army” THAT IS WORKING ASSIDUOUSLY TO DEFEAT YOU SWINE, IN SUCH A MANNER THAT WE WILL NOW HAVE TO GUARD AGAINST THE TOTAL WHITEWASH THAT IS COMING FOR THE DLP.


    That is what the battle involves, not mercenaries nor ak47s and executions of dissenters, but reasoned speech, focused conversations, passionate discourse about our issues and solutions.

    These are part of the rules of law and order that we, notwithstanding your Dimwits Bratwit and Fumbles trying to hoodwink the peeple with the immigration fingerprint scam to get the money from Murica, this is what we are using, the power of the pen to equalize the imbalance

    I have no power on Barbados Underground. I comment, like everyone else has, The Gazer, Bush Tea and others but you single out de ole man for your own reasons, which we both know what they are. you only have yourself to thank for those “Stoopid campaigns”.

    I shed no tears for the loss of your colleague in arms Sand Nigger and if what you are hinting is true, it is the best news that one could have.

    we have one objective here, to take our country back from you dufuses or anyone who seeks to disrupt the stability of our nation.

    I want you to take a step back to examine what the man whom you refer to as speckled fowl is doing by this Blog

    Nine years, running a website using a model which does not have advertising to support the costs of operations, to be insulted for whatever reason you may want to call him that, to be called all sorts of names by others, to experience the paranoia of de loose madmenses and the certifiable, like me and you.

    That is a big chunk out of your life you don’t get back, and again The question is what for?

    He tolerated her long, real long. And she was warned, A number of times, about five which I counterpart before anyone else even spoke about her style and so he dun her up, so what?

    Let me ammmm get to the crux of the matter.

    David King does not kowtow to the BU family, he is driven by nation building and, when it comes to de rules of de BU household, his is the final rule, whu wrong wid dat?

    Barbados Underground is disrupting wunna ting and wunna fear whu de ole man predict gine happen because of its strength and its outreach and its impact.

    Wunna noticing the echolalia in the news media, that the Nstion and The Advocate and Barbados Today now doing de same ting tuh keep dem readership.

    The radio shows now echoing BU content and wunna frighten.

    So much so that you now got people coming heah to vote for you and to vote certain writers down, but wunna ingrunt de blog doan wuk so, I wuk tell wunna how it wuk but it wud arm wunna and AC, I want every one uh wunna tuh loss wunna seat.

    But doan worry I does still vote fuh you even doah you does talk pup most uh de time

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