Highlighted from Nazim’s Police Statement
Many locals have been quick to share their views on the several tragic events that occurred in the USA recently where Black men were shot like dogs by White policemen.  Not so fast! Is the below for real? Happening in Bimshire?Barbados Underground

Extracted from Nazim’s Police Statement

Hundreds Forcible Disappear in Middle East.nazzi is me famuly. peeps got to know tht police in only killing you in amrica it hapning hay in barbados. De pulice killing yuh bout hay pecilly wen you por. and den dem cuva up an say tht Nazzi is wo hurt heself. ef one uh dem din call we Nazzi get kill in day at statun hill. pun a night dem got unmark cars drving tru hay J2917 n xa2735, dah 1 hurdle is a crmnl wid a badge. god done lik ugly tanks fo publesh man.


460 responses to “The Brutality of the Royal Barbados Police Force, with video”

  1. Alright fellers

    The Bajan public should know that a faction? in the RBPF has tapped all of the phones in the Blackett house as well as all of the phones of the people that call them and they call, especially those of the police officers they speak to.

    But today you slipped, didn’t you? and at 12.38 p.m. your monitoring device has a “crossover” and merged an incoming Digicel Call into a second call, incredibly while there was a whatsapp call on the line

    So that means that you are using your Israeli “hook switch bypasses”.

    Imagine, this is the game that you guys want to play IN LITTLE BARBADOS Gem of the Caribbean sea, solely because you have been beating innocent victims

    So let us enjoin

    You planned to kill Nazim. Eight of you. Even though only four of you have been charged there are eight of you.

    You have had 2 line-ups to date to identify the Officers that beat him. 8 officers beat Nazim and yet you have only had 2 line-ups AND you refuse to have anymore.

    AND so that the public becomes aware of the fact that this is a coverup they need to know this.

    On the night of the beating there were two shifts. the first shift overlapped with the second shift and certain officers who were on the second shift were pissed because they have now come under the heat.

    The boy is not known to the police, neither does he know police, and it was a reasonable request to see all of the police who were on the shift to identify his beaters.

    You refused to do that because, as one of your officers said, “That is not the way we conduct investigations”

    Imagine that, Blackett is not the human resources manager of the Royal Barbados Police Force, but he is expected to recall the names of the officers who beat him while he is taped in Glad Effing Wrap!!!

    So this means that the Report on the Investigation by the Acting Commissioner of Police, Tyronne Griffith is “incomplete” euphemism for a lie.

    You were then, and are NOW, still planning to kill Nazim, “when things cool down” because, according to YOU, and you know which one of you I am speaking to, you want to show your sleuth skills.

    If only we, as a country, were to put our sleuthing skills, and our political “teifing” together for good, Barbados would be unbeatable.

    But we have scum, just like you, here, guarding our citizens, while Bajans walk around oblivious to the rot that is all over our society.

    But now YOU have gone beyond that and with your Marquis de Sade dispositions, you and your 7 colleagues have gone beyond forcing confessions out of innocent poor black boys.

    BUT now you are seeking to delve into a zone that UNLIKE THE COMMON RABBLE some of us are very versed in

    Resign from the Force, all 8 of you resign, medically unfit, do not stand with this man who has said that “he will NOT go out so and lose his 25 years in the force, over no pissy little girl from the Pine”

    You should have thought about those “25 years” when you commenced beating the boy and when you uttered the words about his death “can be arranged” You should have thought of that then.

    And now, this is the retribution that you are seeking to administer to a “poor pissy ingrunt black girl from the Pine” to her and all that helped her.

    But here is what we are going to do, differently.

    You are scum of the RBPF and if you do not resign your commission, WE THE PEOPLE OF BARBADOS ARE COMING FOR ALL EIGHT OF YOU. DO NOT, AND I REPEAT DO NOT COME HERE AT ANY TIME…

    You are bad boys, you are 8 very bad boys, sorry 7 and 1 woman.

    You are doing your thing BUT JUST REMEMBER that some of us know badder boys than you. You have now become “an active threat” to **, what you have said is known and well, just let it be said “don’t lead nobody into the fray…”

    For the readers who now come and see this here is a brief of what is going on

    Officers decide to collect youth randomly? from pine, and beat him to give a confession for a murder he did not commit. It is a personal thing which I ent going get into bad blood between cops, so there is a sub plot.

    He says he will not, because that is not what Nazim does, and they said that he can be killed and beat him within an inch of his life.

    Someone takes videos and pictures and they get released and then the coverup starts. transfers, backdated, roster changes, sick leave, backdates, statements changed.

    Alot of hollywood movie stuff. But here is where it gets really serious and becomes a matter of national security

    Because of the videos my man, and the adjusted and synchronized statements, we now have entered a third and very serious dimension

    They start to tap land lines and cell phones and the software interjects into whatsapp’s supposedly encrypted transmissions.

    We knew you had the phones tapped BUT THAT YOU NOW ARE USING the Government of Barbados’ surveillance equipment to run this operation?

    Is the Government of Barbados complicit in this?

    Are this faction personally? using the Israeli equipment to monitor calls from a pissy girl in the pine who is going to make a man lose his 25 years OR and here is the more serious thing is the Government now using the Israeli technology, the same technology that they accused Mia Mottley of using against Owen Arthur, is the DLP using this technology against Bajans?

    It makes ole men wonder, if that ever stopped, and who is really in power.

    There is a 5th verse to the Oath of the Hagannah, known to a few it is based on the INRI, a most vicious oath of extirpation and as one so ***, I invoke it now.

    Come for me….

  2. I have email this post to a few places and a few people.

    Among them is the BBC, Transparency International and to ***

    So just that wunna know, the plan to “get them in that crossfire plot if they going to participate at Kadooment” it ent going work.

    Wunna tracking people phone and triangulating their whereabouts like wunna I Mission Impossible.

    Dis is what you get when you give Monkey and Mottley gun and Primate and Nitwit inherit the Kingdom, anarchy rules…

    In fact, if wunna gots any sense wunna would ensure that all the Blackett live to 100 and every one of the Blackett gets a visit from the Governor General.

    As for me, I is a Piece uh Idiot myself steeped in lore like “and how can men die better, than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of their fathers, and the temples of their GODs’

    The GoUSA will bury me whu after all…

    Remember the word for the day is EXTIRPATE…

  3. Dearest Suzanne

    Have you seen any email from me as yet?

    Strange things are happening with my email account now.

    That tends to be a sign of IT interference and/or attempts to access one’s email.

    I just received a notice saying

    “Somebody recently asked to reset your password.

    Click Here to change your password

    Alternatively, you can enter the following password reset code:”

    There is double authentication on the machines and a few other things so that will happen for those unauthorized attempts, sometimes it might seem to be a pest but double authentication works like a gem

    I now know the Mac version of the Machine that was used and some other details

    The grandson has a “relationship” with Facebook due to ***. They generally do not tell you what the outcome is of an investigation but you can be sure that we have started the investigation.

    These items, in concert, confirms 4 things

    (a) that the info being posted on the Blackett matter is true
    (b) that the RBPF, either collectively, or a faction thereof, is very disturbed about the content being posted
    (c) that the RBPF are still trying to confirm who the Sargeant at dominoes is and
    (d) Who Piece speaks to, other than ****

    So what we have is two “factions” in the RBPF.

    When I say “two factions” I mean that one is running the front story relative to the Investigation and the charging of 4 of 8 officers and the other is running “an investigation into “where the source of the information for the investigations has come from”.

    They may, or may not, be aware of the other but, based on recent things, one can comclude they are.

    Were it simply that the announcement was made by the Commissioner of Police and the first action, the Investigation, continued WITHOUT THE WIRETAPPING, one would be able to say that the Investigation action was, and is, a genuine attempt by the RBPF to resolve this matter of Brutality and to catch the criminals.

    But since we have (a) internal transfers (b) multiple statement revisions (c) the ongoing tapping of the Blackett phones etc., what that means is that the RBPF is not too pleased with Andrew Pilgrim, the Blackett Family, the officers who may have contacted the family to apprise them of the beating or still are reaching out to the family, and poor innocent ole menses like me who seem bent pun a holy war crusade, looking for people to do the “Right Thing” and needing to “mind me own business” and NOW “other outside operatives” heheheheheh

    Here is my email

    Very few people know the primary PUDRYR email, and even if it is known, that profile is on lock down which means that now I must be careful with the “common denominators” i.e. those who DO KNOW the address.

    We are right at that cusp where light and darkness meet and like the shadows of sunset, the dark envelops all but it would seem that this darkness is like an elongated polar winter and seeks to destroy everything in its path.

    I would wish to advise the Blacketts to write a letter to the International Human Rights Commission (, and detailing this matter.

    They need to copy that letter to Transparency International (, the Commissioner of Police, the Office of the Attorney General, The Director of Public Prosecutions, the Office of the Prime Minister and the Office of the Leader of the Opposition.

    This is your protection Nazim Blackett.

    Should anything happen to any of you it would be well broadcast what has been transpiring in the matter of Police Brutality directed towards you Nazim Blackett given that one man is not prepared to let “no pissy girl from the pine tek way he 25 years”.

    DO NOT HIDE YOUR MOUTHS, remember what they said as they sought to kill you Nazim.




  4. Recently, on BU, many contributors have been discussing the issue of racism in Barbados, primarily from the perspective of Black Barbadians.

    However, this following you-tube video shows a brief history of poor White Barbadians and how their enslaved Irish ancestors were similarly cruelly treated as their black counterparts.

    Interestingly, beginning at 5:50 in the video, two white men discuss the term “red legs” and their experience as victims of racial slurs.

    Another interesting observation comes at 5:33 in the video, where it is explained that the white community runs a “barter economy” in which “everyone helps one another.” We, as black people, could learn something from this.

    David BU, perhaps you could explore the possibility of a discussion on this issue from the poor whites’ perspective.

  5. Let google be your “new best friend”.

  6. @ Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right,

    I posted a link in the Diaspora corner. Didn’t want to distract from this blog but another example of brutality…….but in Canada.

  7. @ Hants

    Thank you for that link.

    Each day, thanks to the ubiquitousness of a cell phone, what we are finding is that any and everybody has the ability to press a button and record anything that is happening around them.

    And stream it IMMEDIATELY!!

    More and more it is becoming very apparent that these officers are “too ready” and as a result of a “TOO READY (TO KILL) mindset, DO NOT SEEK TO DE-ESCALATE the situation, they goad the person whom they are “investigating” and after achieving the desired response, the criminals and those who are psychotics with a badge, are quite simply killing their tangos/targets

    Nazim is about 6ft 7ins and is 20 years old.

    You come across that size black man and you are intimidated by him.

    That is alot of Glad Wrap to encapsulate his body!

    Police Officer(s) “Nazim Blackett, sign heah, that you did kill this man called so and so”

    Nazim: “Kill who? my man i ent kill nobody”

    Police Officers(s) “You know that we going beat you in heah till you sign this right?’

    Nazim: “Wunna kin beat me all you like, wunna going got to kill me, I ent kill nobody AND I ENT SIGNING”

    Police: “Kill you? that can be arranged”

    Nazim’s crime was to be 6ft7ins, black and armed with a mouth that said to 8 policemen intent on “solving a crime”, I am not a killer, I have never killed anyone, I have never held a gun or a knife to kill anyone.

    Look at the picture the Nation News chose to put up of Nazim

    A stone cold killer and someone who you believe is a criminal.

    Look at what has been put up about him since.

    When the Sarge gets to other documents, the videos, the pictures and the statements, I going ask him for a copy of them and post them here.

    There are still some good policemen in the RBPB who want the bad apples gone and fortunately for us, they outnumber the bad cops.

  8. @ Hants

    De Ole man kept reading which is hard for me

    “Welcome to the Special Investigations Unit’s website. When police officers are involved in incidents where someone has been seriously injured, dies or alleges sexual assault, the SIU has the statutory mandate to conduct independent investigations to determine whether a criminal offence took place. The effective fulfilment of this mandate, with all of its associated challenges, remains critical to fostering public confidence in policing in the province by ensuring thorough and independent investigations that stand up to public scrutiny.

    The SIU is the first of its kind in Canada and, Ontario remains one of the few places worldwide that has an independent civilian agency with the power to both investigate and charge police officers with a criminal offence. Since its inception in 1990, the SIU has taken great strides and as such has become a model of civilian oversight for other jurisdictions amid an international movement toward greater civilian accountability of police. This is truly an accomplishment to take pride in. As Director of the SIU, I look forward to continuing to build on the Unit’s successes and to promoting community confidence in Ontario’s police services through highly professional and independent investigations. ”

    You cannot have the fox that is “guarding the chickens” in this case officers of the Royal Barbados Police Force, perform a report on their own officers.




    If you are truly serious about this matter of internal malfeasance in your RBPF you cannot in all seriousness be part to the release of an incomplete report.

    You have to permit the Blackett youth access to ALL of the Officers who were on duty, BEFORE ALL OF THE STATION TRANSFERS are backdated, and the changes to the STATION A DUTY ROSTERS have been completed.

    Do tell your fellows to take care that the good police offices may already have copies of the items so if they make their “changes” it may seem in conflict with other documents on record, OR IT MAY NOT, after all the items which the Sargeant claims are circulating may just be “figments of his imagination”…he is a good cop, doan mind that he left me with 6 dominoes in my hand

  9. Wow!

  10. All of us who have children and grand children should care about this issue.

    I have family and friends who look like Nazim.

  11. @ Hants

    Think about this small fact a moment.

    So does the female pollce officer who kicked him in his back. She has children too!!

    Tell de ole man this Hants.

    Why would it be that you could be so “incentivized” to wrap a man, a living human being in Glad Wrap and beat him like a tenderized piece of meat?

    I mean this seems to be a “rendition” and waterboarding policy a la Barbade!!

    We all know we have a serious problem with crime, among our youth and among the not so young, our drug lords are not among the youth.

    We agree that it is skyrocketing.

    But this brutality is like our Police Force saying “look we can’t control this any more so let us join the rabble?”

    It does not make sense to me and even less sense given the coverup that is being employed at the highest level of the Police Force.

    But then again they still cant find the 30.07 Remingtons can they?

  12. @ Pieceuhderock,

    Let us hope the good cops expose the rogues in their midst.

  13. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Isn’t the Royal Barbados Police Force one of the few , if not the only, Police Force outside of the United States of America to be affiliated with the US organisation of Police Forces?

  14. @ Jeff Cumberbatch and the other legal luminaries who read BU avariciously including Jeff’s seeming nemesis (that fellow knows who he is)

    The Wiretapping Practices of the Royal Barbados Police Force as such relates to the Blackett Matter and othe situations

    I have a few questions which I hope you would do the honour of answering

    1.Under what circumstances can our RNBPF obtain a wiretap order before eavesdropping on a citizens phone conversations?

    In the movies laypersons like me are led to believe that they must prove to a judge that they have probable cause and believe that tapping your phone lines will help them solve a crime.

    2.What are the crimes/circumstances under which a wire tap can be secured? Let us say that I am a policeman and I working late hours and I suspect that you are a flyboy and you will let me just say, you flying kite on my land, can i get a warrant for that? Or is it limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, or terrorism.

    I like that last one cause you dun know that David Come Sing-A-Song ( I like that name, I am using it respectfully though) you know that Come Sing A Song, since winning that case against the Immigration fiasco that was to get the US money for de fingerprinting devices and US Visit, IS NOW A TERRORIST? Whu he always in Venesuela and Cuba so you see how easy it is to get a warrant?

    Now you may thing that I am being ludicrous with my scenarios but given the purported not so spartan behaviour of the RPBF with former Prime Minister Owen Arthur’s phone, and the death of the officer who accused the former Commissioner of Police of Wiretapping, enquiring minds want to know how can the force be reasonable be held to any standard regarding uutilizing proper processes when seeking wiretap orders when they are now beating up 6ft7in citizens fuh just saying no to signing murder confessions?

    ooooh and one more thing.

    Why should the police need to seek a warrant when the specialist wiretapping equipment in in their offices at Station A and they can just commence listening to your phone calls at the flip of a switch?

  15. @ Colonel Buggy

    I am unsure as to the thrust of your post and would not be so presumptuous with a man of your stature and knowledge of these things military and policing related to think that (a) you were saying that such affiliation was itself a confirmation of “credentials” whether clean slate or standards?

    As it relates to indigenous standards and their international reliance/acceptance? you well know the US Joint Command, specifically the United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) which is responsible for our geographic region, HAS NO RESPECT FOR THE COMPETENCIES NOR CONFIDENTIALITIES of its local “counterparts” since we are considered, and rightfully so, “a pack of clowns.”

    I however sought to find out if there was a single entity that went by such a name “US Organisation of Police Forces” but did not find any such name

    I did find n entry which may inform of the existence of a single entity to which you allude which reads “The American system of policing is unique by world standards. There are approximately 20,000 state and local police agencies in the United States”

    Could you be more specific?

  16. Recently I have taken to posting rhetorical questions because I know that some topics are much like tar and several people don’t want their clothes to get dirtied

    You will all note the conspicuous absence of The Assinine Cretin who asked the Honourable Blogmaster to take down the article since it was undermining the law and order of the land or some crap that the pretend political strategist was spouting

    And of course Angelique the Vampire gone missing too

    “By their works ye shall know them…”

  17. As you dig deeper into what material is available on this matter of RBPF Police Brutality you start to see some really bothersome patterns emerging

    Let us just take a look at 1st world practices and such related to communication that is “exempt from the wiretap order requirement.

    Phones calls to and from prisoners and parties that are detained for treason and sedition during their incarceration.

    These parties understandably will have less “privacy” associated with their communication but let us examine this aspect of Nazim’s detention and brutal beating.

    But that is not the type of behaviour that we Bajans would expect to be meted out to normal citizens, that is a Police State or smack to be the makings of a Troika in Waiting.

    When Nazim Blackett was picked up, among the things that he had with him was a phone.

    The officers took his phone when they were beating him but it had on a bit of software that took the pictures of the ones seeking to get into his phone.

    He was asked to give them the code and was beaten viciously for that code.

    When the code was secured the phone was taken away and was wiped clean of all the data on the device by the Unit at Station A and was returned to him, WITHOUT THE PICTURES, BUT according to the Sargeant, “with software that well… let us say ensures that “Nazim is not “alone”

    If only for this reason, Bajans would be advised not to carry phones to everyone to repair.

    And, for the lawyers who are advising the Blackett family, meet with your clients in person, face to face, and if their is no other option to safeguard their phone while they are in your one on one conversation, (like outside with a secretary etc., have them take out their battery from their phone to ensure that your communication is private and not being transmitted to Station A’s Building with no windows.

    You do not want to have them engage their enhanced version of the Hook Switch Bypass.

  18. Colonel Buggy

    A very Timely article

    However, given that every single telephone call going to the Barbados Royal Police Force is recorded, AND the Station A Israeli Equipment interjects and triangulates and the telephone number of the caller noted, why would anyone call in and give that sort of information?

    One would have felt that they would have done a skype or some type of VOIP facilitation that would at least give some other type of protection from the prying eyes and ears of these RBPF gents.

    Now one has to employ voice distortion software to call these people on Monday?

    Look how citizens have to hide to relate information about the efficacy and integrity of our Protect & Serve champions

  19. By the way, just to show you that this intervention with the CALEA is just a sham you have to review how CALEA operates.

    You might not know this but they have a Facebook site where one can go and post remarks and videos and other materials PRIOR TO ANY VISITING Accreditation Mission.

    Needless to say this item is going to be posted but I was saying this to say that IF THE RBPF WAS SERIOUSLY GIVING THE PUBLIC A CHANCE WITH THIS CALEA MISSION THEY WOULD HAVE ANNOUNCED THIS A LONG TIME AGO


    This is just showing that they are definitively more of the same cut of cloth.




  20. @ Colonel Buggy

    Are these people for real though???

    “A TEAM OF assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. (CALEA) will arrive in Barbados on Sunday to examine all aspects of the Royal Barbados Police Force’s policy and procedures, management, operations, and support services.”

    “Members of the public are invited to offer comments by calling 430-7269 on Monday between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.”


    “Police public relations officer Inspector David Welch said members of the assessment team will take these phone calls.”


    “These telephone comments are limited to ten minutes and must address the ability of the Force to comply with CALEA’s standards.”

    Now whu sorta shy*e is dis. You know whu de standards is Colonel Buggy, so how is de general public going to know what is the Baseline being evaluated???


    “The local contact for the assessment process is Assistant Commissioner of Police Oral Williams who is the RBPF’s accreditation manager.”


    He can be reached at 430-7115. HE DOES BE DERE? or HE VOICE MAIL WUKKING AGAIN?

    “Anyone wishing to submit written comments about the ability of the Royal Barbados Police to comply with the standards for accreditation may send them to the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. (CALEA), 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320 Gainesville, Virginia 201559.”

    So you telling me that 4 days BEFO’ de CALEA peeple landing heah dat we is to email them scvunts and dat mail is to get deah before dem get heah??? –



  21. I remember years ago one of the political parties had this catch phrase.

    “How long is too long if it is good?”

    I then do have a little more than average understanding for the acquisition of information surreptitiously because I like reading comics.

    Dick Tracy comics will tell you things like there is a window after which the wiretapping exercise has to stop and unlike the movies, you are not allowed to listen into all conversations.

    With that in mind one should be concerned that after having said that the Report was ready why was it that the Police are still tapping the Blackett family?

    If Nazim Blackett is no longer a suspect, and was never a suspect, and is not a victim of police brutality, and a conspiracy to accuse him of burglary and other crimes that he did not commit so that his accusations of Police Brutality would go away, why are they continuing to wiretap all of the households phone conversations given that that are unlikely to yield any evidence against a person who is not a suspect UNLESS THEIR PURPOSE IS PURELY TO FIND OUT THE NAME OF THE PARTIES FROM WHOM THE BLACKETTS SECURED THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CRIME AGAINST THEIR SON??

  22. @Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI
    This story in fact, dates back to February 2014, so I believe that the RBPF has passed the tests with flying colours. Recall a time when the livery of most of our police vehicles could have been mistaken for US squad cars?

  23. @ Colonel Buggy

    “Attention to Detail” was replaced by “Ardent Enthusiasm”

    I do not spend too long on “enemy sites” you are a military man Colonel.

    You know that, contrary to Hollywood depictions, snipers DO NOT snipe primarily, theirs is Recon, sniping is a secondary task.

    Here is a primary task item that is very current though.

    Came to the address provided this morning at the time de ole man was looking out for the same Spirits that Fumbles was talking about.

    Actually their “cousins”, a group known as the “Yet to Be Disembodied” Spirits, when they come, and they will, but de ole man ent going out alone…Selah

    So de ole man was pun watch, sentry duty, and I din hear dis email come in.

    De source said dat “dem gots a lot of records to share but dem say dat the team of them got to get them slowly cause people are watching”

    Colonel Buggy, can a CALEA accreditation be rescinded like how a UNESCO Cultural Heritage Designation can be revokes as it will be for the sewerage area we call Bridgetown and its Garrison?

  24. @ Colonel Buggy.

    Do you know what it is to be an officer, an honest upright Policeman, in the RBPF and to find yourself “compromised?”

    Imagine that you are home and you come in on a shift to take over from other cops and you find yourself in this sort of shy*e?

    You slaving for this “piddling piece uh money” and you turn up to work, ignorant and innocent of any sadistic attempt to kill a young man, you left your house, and your family, to go to a thankless job, where favouritism decides if you get a promotion, not your competencies, just whose ass you lick, AND JES SO WHAPLAX. (Pilly like dat word)

    Pilly is one really hard working attorney, dem doan play wid he at all.

    But I hope dat he doan ride to work no more cause a wise man understandeth where a fool does not…

    I also hope dat he, like you Colonel start to pack a firearm.

    Square Bracketts time

    [[My man uh business say dat “even if dem ent issue you one, get one, and use de Birchwood or Bisley to keep it ready.”

    It mek sense doah. If dem could say dat “filicide was ok” and de fellah dat does Bark get off, if you wake up and defending you place and peeple dead in de commotion, you defending you place soo.

    ammmmm, you gots to mek sure uh dat detail, not a man jack cyan say dat de weapon is yours. Dat is whu he say, “gunpowder pun you hands is no proof of ownership of de weapon,”]]

    Look how lawbiding menses got to be hiding behind ingrunt nome de plumes and piece uh shy*e names LIKE ANONYMICE to speak the truth, for the cause that needs resistance and all uh dat pup!!

    AC begging the Blogmaster to tek down the article, Carl Moore telling we to expose we self and be menses Angelique the Vampire coming and telling we “sign she petition” (if i was a younger man I would really sign she petition fuh she steupseeeee.

    But looka Colonel Buggy it are only we here conversing wid each udder.

    Why dat is Colonel??

    Dere is something definitively wrong with this picture.

  25. The young man that die yesterday from police shooting is family to Minister Blackett wife

  26. @ Watchman

    “Police looking for you” and you “holed up” and you the home of a relative in clear sight of neighbours presents a completely different matter than beating Nazim Blackett.

    Breaking the law by citizens and breaking the law by policemen is still breaking the law.

    This however may be our very first manifestation of a “Dallas Moment” where the suspect decides “I am not going in”

    I watched Duguid parroting his spiel for Nation News this morning and it became quite obvious that successive politicians are out to sea on bringing meaningful solutions.

    Somm many moons ago they gave a beriffle of Stihls and Wackers and chain saws to the fellows in Bush Hall and to the fellows in the Pine.

    The guys sold them all and the projects fizzled.

    Successive governments have sought to destroy community based organizations like Rodney Grant Pinelands Community Workshop, Haynesville and many others and have paid lip service to entities like Dancing Africa/Jennifer Sealy and the true workers in the community.

    Look at how the environment of PCW’s building is. for 35 years!!

    It is a system that is designed to create the criminals so that the office of the Attorney General under Adriel Nitwit, Dale Smiley Teets, Fumbles Stuart, Mugabe Mottley ALL PREVIOUS Attorneys General, can beg for more money under bilateral aid programs and flitter it away!!

    THe Honourable Blogmaster asked for a complete list of Government projects for the period that these dufuses have been in, but i would append that list request with a list of national development initiatives for both administrations for the $$s in and the output and you will see why we have crime here.

    I am watching what will happen on Kadooment Day, IN PLACES WHERE THEY HAVE THE CCTV as well as the places WHERE THERE IS NONE!!

  27. Marsha Cooke

    And now we are hearing about one Marsha Cooke a Jamaican.

    Is this thing true WTF is going on in this place?

    “If we cant get you for one thing, we will get you for another?”

    If what she is saying is true we seem to be witnessing the beginning of Goebellian Practices

    This speaks to a situation where, sine any type of jury, one can be picked up, AT WILL, BEATEN, OR KILLED, LOCKED UP, HELD ON REMAND, CARRIED TO A COURT AND LOCKED UP BY A JUDGE WHO HAS BEEN BOUGHT BY A CORRUPT JUSTICE SYSTEM.

    White people come here and are released, even though they are in possession of a trafficable quantities of drugs, but black people, women, what we love to call “low island women” come and after passing a physical examination, for drugs on their person, get beaten and locked up and abused and kept in fear.

    We cannot do this with Canadians, or Americans but we can do this for black West Indians

    And fellows like Eddie Hinkson and the rest of the champions of the Mugabe Troika, noooooo we doan expect the Demonic Lying part to do nuffin, none of these other fellers doan do a ting.

    And we talking bout how Caricom is doing well and wukking, yeah right!!!

  28. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    These kinds of accusations does untold damage to the good name of Barbados, and especially when lazy arsed SOB’s like the Attorney-General sit back and believe that it is going to go away after the stipulated Barbados 9-day amnesia period. Did we learn nowt from the Myrie case?
    When the authorities fail to respond in a timely manner, people out here begin to believe that the accusations are genuine.
    And we are going to parliament soon to push for the establishment of yet another Caribbean Court.

  29. Dear President Obama,

    Should you visit Barbados any time soon I would like to suggest that you not to look like anyone that the police even remotely suspect of a crime.

    In Fact Sir, might i suggest that you send some pictures over to the Royal Barbados Police Force, before you come just to avoid any incidents

    Certainly Mr. President, like many other concerned citizens, I would advise that, even if you have relatives from certain parts of Barbados, you may do best NOT TO claim to have come from “Haynesville Marl Hole or the Pine” (I AM FROM THE PINE) because those areas are the areas where the Royal Barbados Police Force will target when they need to “meet a quota” to solve outstanding crimes and therefore will target poor unfortunate black citizens from underprivileged areas.

    When Air Force One arrives in BIM, do try not to pass through Jamaica, or any of the “Low islands” and make sure that none of your staff has an accent that can be mistaken for “low islanders” or after cursory searches for non existent drugs, there will be “a washpan of licks” afforded them simply for the crime of “undesirable City of Origin”

    Remember to use your satellite phone while on the island because any call that you make in the country WILL BE ILLEGALLY MONITORED BY OUR POLICE.

    Finally Sir, I note that you and your wife have been champions for the UnderDogs and for those who have no voice for themselves.

    I would beg you sir to ask that some justice is given to poor me sir, Nazim Blackett from the Pine.

    I would be appreciative if you could intervene and instruct “the higher ups in government” not our Director of Public Prosecutions, please avoid him, but could you advise them that beating citizens for crimes IS NOT THE FUNCTION OF THE POLICE, ANYWHERE IN THE CIVILIZED WORLD, where real policing is done.

    I know that you are a busy man and are quite busy with the Presidential Elections but this is a poor 6 ft. 7 inch 20 year old black boy’s wish whose only “crime” is to have been born black

    Nazim Blackett
    Victim of Barbados Police Brutality

  30. @ Hants

    Two things

    There are some elements about this story which is spot on in sync with Nazim Blackett’s story

    These are

    Marsha Cooke “I ask them who did I assault… they said the police”

    So after NOT FINDING ANY DRUGS she is now accused of assaulting the police

    She continues

    “I was wondering if I was hearing correctly I said how did I assault the police, and never got charge at the airport? but all of a sudden their story changed.

    Now they were saying no drugs was on me.”

    Then the lock her up and beat her and then let her see the doctor one day afterwards.

    She is still lucky? that she was not “Myried” i.e. fingers pushed up into her.

    But as is the pattern with Nazzim, she is kept in a state of fear and like him incarcerated and LIKE NAZIM charged with crimes of no relatable nature other than “we ent find no drugs but we got to charge you with something”

    My query is about the picture with her ear.

    She is wearing a hair net? thing Hairnet suggests that she is out of prison now

    And aside of little import.

    If you zoom the roof you see there is a rafter with a bolt in a close boarded roof however “the perspective” at the sides of the house and the wall and the “light” are confusing for a wooden roof

    I going have to speak to the Sargeant bout this too? When a person retired we does doan got a ting to do but play police.

  31. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    Here are three more pages from Nazim Blackett’s Statement.

    The officers on the overlapping shift are really pissed with this matter.

    It would appear as if they have collected additional information which, ONCE THE ACTING COMMISSIONER OF POLICE COMES OUT & SPEAKS ON THIS MATTER, depending on what he says in his official report, may, if contrary to the facts, prove to be extremely embarrassing for him and the RBPF hierarchy.

    One can understand what the Sargeant is saying though.

    If the leading CoP does not have the ability, through his chain of command, to investigate a crime committed in District Station A, a police facility, then why should he be believed or more importantly why should he be tasked with the responsibility for policing crime across the island?

    Our RBPF has some serious problems with morale, work ethics, favouritism, equipment, lack of opportunities, poor pay, and the list is really long and festering.

  32. Disgusted Voter Avatar
    Disgusted Voter

    “Breaking the law by citizens and breaking the law by policemen is still breaking the law.”
    After reading the statement the allegations are gut wrenching and if true these officers must spend some time at Dodds.

  33. @ Piece

    The police in Barbados have been beating people for centuries.

    We believe that the only way to stop police brutality is to disband the whole force and start again.

    This violence is the main way used by police to get confessions from accused persons.

    Indeed, Johnny Cheltenham is on record as having stated that 90% of charges are entirely based on the confessions of accused person to the police.

    Accused person are routinely made to give evidence against themselves in Barbados and elsewhere. No Miranda!

    Most of the people who have been in Parliament have been lawyers. And all these people would have known that poor people are beaten daily by the Barbados Police-State Force.

    Everybody in the legal system know this. Judges, magistrates, commissioner, everybody. Prisoners complain all the time to courts but nothing is ever done to stop this obvious illegality.

    A long time ago a man they used to beat called ‘Daigun’ attempted to cut off Lion Man’s hand. But Lion Man was a trickster, he sent a younger policeman to one entrance, the door where Daigun thought he would come through.

    When the young officer put in his hand to unbolt the door Daigun cut it off. He had to drive the commissioner after that.

    When you see policemen/women anywhere pretending that they are so professional when everywhere in this world brutality is their main instrument to instill fear in the modern police state, like Barbados.

    In recent times, they have been employing psychological methods, which are no less torturous.

    But for the ignorant police in Barbados unless you are somebody’s son or got money or the ability to sue them in international courts, nobody will give a brassbowl about you.

  34. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    In speaking to Officer *** at dominoes I asked about two things as I had promised.

    @ Disgusted Voter

    What is stated above is as true as John 3.16. We have been invaded by bad cops.

    The Sargeant was talking about how the RBPF had changed in a few ways, most of them negatively.

    They are not all “big, black, ingrunt and ugly” like in the old days “now you have smaller fellows, who are partly educated and that part is mixed with goat”

    I nearly peed myself when he said that

    He said that it is now a case where more and more they (the Force) are realizing that the quality of person applying for the police force is “more criminal than the criminals they have to be dealing with every day, and the only thing that keeps those guys in check, is promotions.

    They DO NOT GET PROMOTED BEYOND A CERTAIN LEVEL or it would be a really bad problem!!

    They “the sadists” serve a purpose given some of the extremely sick criminals that they encounter on the road but the problem comes when these officers, get “turned on” and CANT BE TURNED OFF.

    Even some of the officers in the Force are afraid of them, he is not cause “he will dispatch them if they step overboard…”

    Imagine that, The RBPF do not know what to do with the beast that they have become!!

    It is a self fulfilling prophecy, the more they works to remove the criminals, the more criminal minded the Police Force is becoming.

    The Marsha Cooke case is an excellent example of “Cops Gone Bad”

    A poor black woman (from Jamaica) Marsha Cooke is accused of being a mule. It is found that she is not a mule, but a few things happen.

    Like a few Jamaicans, while in custody Cooke speaks up, not rambunctiously, just speaks up. That is not liked, and that sets of “the cycle” that the Sargeant mentioned earlier.

    Because of the Myrie matter and court case, what has happened is that Jamaica is now “on scope” but officials are conscious about how they “search the suspects.”

    It seem that she was beaten by a few “overzealous ones” on duty to humble that attitude. Not like Nazim, but for a woman, the book to her head on the eardrum, well any blow to a prisoner by a police officer is illegal

    It only caused further fear in the subject of the beating. It escalated and it appeared that she was not going to “be silent” upon being released, so it was necessary to destroy the credibility of the victim again, hence the trumped up charges AND HER INCARCERATION.

    The Sargeant suggested that even they, THE POLICE, can’t be sure of ANY MATTER WHERE A SUSPECT claims to be the victim of a beating.

    He strongly suggested that cameras be used in all such circumstances AND WENT ON TO SAY “the recordings ARE NOT MANAGED BY POLICE!!” That amazed me, he said such evidence WILL BE TAMPERED WITH OR DISAPPEAR!!

    So she is beaten and the whole followup about assaulting an officer, incarceration, transportation to another station, keep away from court, then carry to court to have a fine imposed, all of this is to “dissuade the victim” of any Myrie actions.

    Where is a Jamaican po woman going to get US$2500 from? Whoring?

    Their strategy is “if she gets perplexed by the system enough, she goes back home, and with all the trumped up charges, over time the matter is swept under the carpet.”

  35. Some time ago it was mooted that Barbados look to recruit from outside of Barbados as an approach to switchout the culture in the police force. Why have we not had the case of the policemen against the CoP and AG resolved expeditiously?

    Do we understand what happens when you tug a lion by the tail?

  36. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ Pachamama

    One thing that is happening globally, and locally, is that more suspects, mainly young men, are not shunning incidences of gunplay with Cops like they used to before.

    Cops everywhere are becoming a target and there is an equally scary accompanying “phenomenon”, more cops are being killed AND the perpetrators of their killings are not being found.

    That people are killing cops is a bothersome trend, BUT that they are killing cops and not being discovered. that is a serious concern for police assuredly

    The Sargeant made some comments about that Tip Line and how effective it was proving to be OR NOT.

    You are absolutely right about it needing to be “rebuilt” cause it is a veritable mess as is.

    @ Colonel Buggy

    Was the RBPF able to pass that CALEA test (

    one could only wonder, if the answer to that questin is yes, what did they submit for evaluation???

  37. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    One of three things can happen in the circumstances of tugging the lion’s tail.

    One can find oneself mauled by or killed by the lions like those two Chinese visitors to the zoo who got out of their car to take closer pictures

    Or the lion can find itself very dead like how the Silverback Gorilla in the United States found itself.

    Or like how the police find themselves, unable to walk their beats, after certain hours

    Lion Man of whom Pachamama spoke earlier is dead too, is he not?

    I think I recall someone say that to Mark Fenty aka the Dompey.

    All of us going home, like Dipper did, on the rise, or like Sleepy did, quietly.

    One day too, you and I will go home, in different circumstances Honourable Blogmaster.

    Like you, I would hope to rest like Sleepy but such is only “as My God Wills”.

    Would it not be great though, if you, or I, had such options available, that we could invoke extirpation on those who “untimely ripped us from this dream?”

    Personally, i think the choice is one the RBPF has to make where its police officers say that they want to police communities where the citizenry ses them and respects them and feels confident that they can call 1800 TIPS or whatever their number is, as opposed to “man if i call in deah they ingrunt swine at Station Hill going give my name and phone number to the same criminals that i tipping them off about”

    I would hope that they choose Door # 1

  38. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ David July 30, 2016 at 7:55 PM # re: “Some time ago it was mooted that Barbados look to recruit from outside of Barbados as an approach to switchout the culture in the police force…”

    That sir is the proverbial ‘mouthful’. It is so simple and yet profoundly captures the complete crash of our Bajan trust, integrity and decency.

    I am young enough and yet old enough to have attended secondary school with Bajans who were recruited to police forces, teaching and other public sector professions in places like Bermuda and Cayman Islands and beyond; of course those many years my senior can say the same.

    It is thus deeply ironic (and sad) that we have moved over the more recent years to now be ‘mooted’ as an importer of those talents.

  39. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pieces, you prosecute an important matter even as you skillfully lambaste the current police leaders for maintaining a morass of ineptitude.

    We all remember when ‘community policing’ was branded as such with much ado under Durant (as memory serves). The fact that the concept was always there – in the old days it was just called ‘GOOD policing’- and must always be an integral part of any effective police strategy is not lost on anyone of course.

    But no longer does a society attempt to reflect or mirror the integrity expected of their institutions of law and order …the society now reflects the realities of those institutions:corruption.

    There was a time, anecdotally told in Hollywood movies but also evidenced in actual news and book accounts, that to kill a cop was to incur the comprehensive wrath of officialdom…your criminal enterprise and you were extinguished. That has long ago changed. And the reasons are well noted.

    So your remark – most important first – is an understatement for the ages: “that…[people] are killing cops and not being discovered. that is a serious concern for police…” AND “that people are killing cops is a bothersome trend..”

    If local police commissioners had an inviolable process that all interrogations had to be recorded with video and audio…notwithstanding the evidence tampering mentioned, then things would be different…If all cases of prisoner physical abuse were thoroughly ventilated things would be different…If local attorneys had won major cases against corrupt cops which led to or emanated from their criminal prosecution then our little island could never be at this point.

    So maybe we do need to try the T&T approach of many years ago and recruit a top Canadian or British copper as Commissioner and give him or her a clear mandate. But of course there are many problems with that…

    A very expensive package to get anyone of caliber; and that would not sit well with folks like Caswell and the many cops fighting for better wages.

    If the recruit is White all hell would erupt. And if he is Black all de other hell would break loose.

    And of course any such recruit would be dismissed the first day he (internally) called out the DPP or started to look closely at crimes by our elites (Mrs. Smith’s for example.)

    Bad cops come from a bad society. But a good society is forged by the efforts of good cops.

    So according to you there is no hope as the police leadership has been successively poor and the gov’t and people definitely WILL NOT/CANNOT recruit an outsider for the top job.

  40. Will not be tolerant of cops killing alleged suspects at the drop of a hat but society must be efficient and responsible in addressing these issues when the need is being called for affecting positive change making every effort by ensuring that the pendulum is not being swung too far from one side to another

  41. @Hants

    There must be more to this matter. Note the accused policewoman has resigned effective 6 August.

    On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Barbados Underground wrote:


  42. Disgusted Voter Avatar
    Disgusted Voter

    (CNN)Two police officers in East Cleveland, Ohio, are out of a job after a robbery suspect alleged they beat him up and pushed him down a cliff after arresting him.

    Police fired the officers, and the case has been referred to the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Mayor Gary Norton said. He declined to provide details about the alleged misconduct but said the officers could face a range of charges, including police brutality, kidnapping and assault.
    “We are not dealing with an issue of race,” the mayor told CNN, noting that both the officers and the suspect are African-American. “We are dealing with what is in the minds of individuals that are empowered with a badge and a gun. It is a sickening thing to have to deal with as a mayor.”
    The accused officers could not be immediately reached for comment. They have not been charged.
    East Cleveland is a suburb of Cleveland, where federal investigators found a pattern of police excessive force in 2014. But the cities have separate police departments.
    In East Cleveland, Norton said the alleged incident began early Sunday after police arrested a robbery suspect accused of stealing an iPhone.
    ‘A complete shock’
    Suspect Jesse Nickerson made a complaint to a supervisor after his arrest, police Chief Michael Cardilli told CNN.
    Attorney Heather McCullough, a public defender who’s representing Nickerson, said he recounted his version of events to her in court Thursday.
    “It was a complete shock. … He told me they had taken him to the park, beaten him up and thrown him over a cliff,” she said. “He had an obvious injury to his face. When he first came in to the courtroom, he stumbled a little bit and he was doubled over.”
    Nickerson showed “visible signs of an altercation” and sustained minor abrasions, the police chief said.

  43. We have yet another case where local CoP Tyrone Griffith has promised to investigate a questionable extrajudicial shooting.

    Are we satisfied the RBPF has the capacity to self investigate?


  44. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Honourable Blogmaster

    No we should not be.

    These are fast becoming a group of criminals “empowered by a badge”

    Acting Commissioner of Police can and will do nothing because he is part of the Brotherhood

    @ De Word

    I am on the road and I started to reply to your response of 1:31 am which is spot on namely the hiring of extra regional talent and giving them the mandate for change.

    The United States government and that of the U.K. would gladly underwrite a program like that and officers in the Force are for the most part clamouring to get that external intervention

    The RBPF has about 150 intra staff issues that are significant issues which are not being dealt with

    That is approximately 300 cops less because of the one to many incidences where one or two people feature multiple times, thefts, sexual harassment favouritism promotion denials, bad cops, drug use, drug supply, police protection for criminals and the list goes on

  45. The Sargeant is to provide the Statements about the line up fiasco later this week.

    You know, where eight officers beat Blackett but only two were picked out the lineup and four have been identified but yet to be charged.

    2 into 8 leaves four.

    Blackett cannot leave home to go anywhere because of the extrajudicial death warrant that has been issued on his life by a certain officer

    Imagine that.

    Twenty years old and because you refuse to sign a statement composed by police men saying you killed a man and your family rescues you from a brutal beating to make you sign such AND then said officers contrive to say you are a burglar, imagine now that you are confined to your home for such!!!

    This making sense to you???

    Who are the criminals? Who are the Police???

  46. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI July 30, 2016 at 8:32 PM #

    Was the RBPF able to pass that CALEA test (
    Yes, they did. That’s why the squad cars were in a similar livery to the US police, and occasionally some politician would beat his chest about the RBPF being the only force outside of the USA to be affiliated with CALEA.

  47. @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Posted twice but the item is not showing grateful if you do your thing

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