Highlighted from Nazim’s Police Statement
Many locals have been quick to share their views on the several tragic events that occurred in the USA recently where Black men were shot like dogs by White policemen.  Not so fast! Is the below for real? Happening in Bimshire?Barbados Underground

Extracted from Nazim’s Police Statement

Hundreds Forcible Disappear in Middle East.nazzi is me famuly. peeps got to know tht police in only killing you in amrica it hapning hay in barbados. De pulice killing yuh bout hay pecilly wen you por. and den dem cuva up an say tht Nazzi is wo hurt heself. ef one uh dem din call we Nazzi get kill in day at statun hill. pun a night dem got unmark cars drving tru hay J2917 n xa2735, dah 1 hurdle is a crmnl wid a badge. god done lik ugly tanks fo publesh man.


460 responses to “The Brutality of the Royal Barbados Police Force, with video”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Carl….it must be really bothering you though that BUs actions gets results.

    Real exposure creates change, something the island never had post political independence…until BU.

  2. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out Carl.

  3. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Carl Moore

    Bon Voyage, ohh and do tell Roy Morris and Sankey Price not to take any salacious pics of 9 year olds wukking up o n fully grown women such may incite a certain feller her who likes to see 13 year old behinds trembling. Lesson Learnt for all – Be careful with what you say.

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Royal Barbados Police Force Attn: Acting Commissioner Tyronne Griffith

    Your sargeant said that they were as many as ten involved in the exercise of “educating Blackett” that “his death could be arranged”

    Jesus ‘s words to the leper were “I healed ten lepers, where are the other nine?”

    If he is to be believed it is concerning that you have exposed 4 of the culprits who have disgraced the badge of the RBPF, who and where are the other 6?

    Why are they being let off?

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Felicia Chase

    I am here reading your “contribution” to the BU and just cannot believe this!!


    They cannot be serious!!

    That should be THUMBS DOWN for that government agency and they should receive a scathing indictment of the total incompetence exhibited by the only agency that is responsible for Child Care Intervention.

    That it took an inquiry into the death of Shemar Weekes to show that they are wasting government money under the pretense of doint their jobs.

    If i were a lawyer I would sue that agency for complicity in Shemar’s death or something.

    Every day they are getting paid to do their jobs and then they come out with this sob story about “his case fell through the cracks” and they get a “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD”

    Someone should be fired, the case officer, someone.

    A boy is dead and they are living and being excused for murder.

  6. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    “And just when you thought that it was summer and the beaches were safe again…”

    Look at this one.


    – A FATHER on a neglect charge stemming from an incident in which the child died four years ago went on trial on Tuesday. Dave Anthony Searles, 43…”

    We will watch with interest how Mr. Searles, a black man, will fare with this matter of the death to his child vis a vis the “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD” accorded other citizens in this fair land called Barbados

    OOoops, I am sorry this is not a matter to be seen along racial lines is it?

    There is no gun involved in this matter is there???

  7. Didn’t Joan Crawford admit that the CCB dropped the ball?

  8. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Speaking of “gun”

    Here is another concocted matter that is as stupid as, if not more stupid than any of the preceding items above.


    I had to read it twice because I said that, given the young vagabond who entered the court building with a gun on his person, I was saying that here is a case again showing the disrespect that the Youth had for the police

    Many will recall that this was the point that I had gone to pains to explain, unsuccessfully so, to one Walther PPK, that the fabricated statistical reports that he was commending, DID NOT REFLECT the real situation of social breakdown in Barbados.

    So I said looka how these idiots pointing guns at policemen!!

    De ole man had was to read the article three times to finally see the key point in that item.


    “…Romario Lewis, 26, was escorted into court by prison security, charged with POINTING HIS FINGERS in the shape of a gun at a police officer while in a prison van arriving at the court precincts today…”

    No I am as i have said a few times here before an uneducated man, Brumey educated and a piece of an effing idiot.

    In every picture that WeJonesing takes, and Stinkliar, and Adriel Nitwit and Fumbles dem does be pointing at de audience with them fingers.

    Check fuh wunnah selves

    YOu could imagine de ole man in Broad Street and some tourisssessses pass and axe do ole man where is de House of Parliament and I te my ingrunt self and point with 2 of me arthritic fingers up to Lord Nelson Statue and de Acting Commissioner of Police Tyronne Griffith coming down from N. E Wilson Sidewalk, see my ingrunt donkey and say “arrest PieceUhDeRock” he threaten my ass and “I am in fear of my life”

    Whuloss, wunna cuh imaging how WeJonesing and Verla Depeiza going get on!!

    “Sedition and Treason” 12 years!!

    and if perchance de Prime Minister wid he scvunt tekking a tour of Bridgetown, like if wunna ever see a pig flying, whu dem only gine tek me straight from there to Central Beat me til within an inch of my life like dem beat Blackett and den contrive a story saying how I get caught entering LLaro Court with my two fingers tape up like a 357 magnum and was did had to shoot my scvunt.

    I wonder if Branford Junior going send a transcript of this case to Transparency International, via Heather Cole (heheheheheheheheheh) cause wunna done know that she writing them letters, to indicate how effing stupid we system could be.

    Whu I is “in fear of my life right now” cause I here canvassing for Nazzim Blackett, someone that I dont even know from bullfoot, but who was on the receiving end of “Glad Wrap Licks” by 10 officers.

    Wunna thing that these fellers going tek this lying down??

    Look how we are prisoners in our own houses, cyan go no place cause de criminals shooting up de place and de police beating you up and the Court system making a mockery of bunched fingers pointing at a van with a CID officer in it!!

    Wunna cud imagine if I was to push up my middle finger at WeJonesing when he talking at me grandaughter school graduation and hollering at me for not buying the 11 year old child a $500 shite gown

    Whu I would get charge with raping WeJonesing though, now I think about it, he would only axe me to stay BEHIND so that he could see me in private….heheheheheheheh

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster.

    Probably I should have said that the term coined by Faith Marshall Harris of “Thumbs UP” was entirely inappropriate, given the death of the child that the Child Care Board admits to have neglected.

    What she would have been better served to say is “notwithstanding your agency’s admission of your systemic neglect in this matter… or words to that effect”

    It is like me saying to the Acting Commissioner “Thumbs up on you admission of brutality among members of the RBPF.”

    Thumbs up is “approval” and near death cannot be accorded that comment, in no form or fashion.

    My remark to the RPBF arising from this investigation would be one such as “The recent investigation about the actions of a few of your officers goes a long way to show the commitment of the current management of the RBPF to justice.

    The immediacy of this action, and its findings, speak volumes to the internal mechanisms of the RBPF and the RBPF’s intolerance of the such actions particularly when accusations of illegal beating of the public are found to be true.

    The outcome of your investigations, while in themselves not shining a good light on a small cadre of officers, shows the general public that, under your watch, such will not be tolerated”

    While there will be some adverse fallout in this matter directed at the RPBF, it is my profound hope that the RBPF will only grow stronger when factions of “over enthusiastic officers” are rooted out from the Force.

    Acting Inspector Mr. Tyronne Griffith this is indeed consistent with “Bajans Want Change” for the good of Barbados and we want a Police Force that is committed to that Change, in Word as well as Deed

  10. @PUDRYR

    The problem is that nobody wants to disrupt the status quo.

  11. @ David,

    The use of cell phone videos and blogs is a game changer.

    The Police in Barbados will have to get rid of the idiots in the force who take brutality of prisoners to the extreme.

    None of us would want what happened to Nazim Blackett to happen to us.

  12. @ Donna it appears that the “jobby petition” was not a bad idea after all.

  13. @Hants



  14. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


    You see this shite doah??

    What the ef your petition had to do with this matter?

    You were the person who is asking to be brought up to speed on matters in Barbados on the BU site a few minutes ago

    You are the one who is now backpedalling in your position and now on the band wagong about “disclosing your names and thing’

    you like you are an igrunt badword doah trying to get bajans killed like that scvunt Carl Dirty Doggie Moore!!

    10 badword badword police, whom a picture and video has exposed, 10 officers who will possibly become “normal citizens” if the Acting Commissioner of Police holds to his word AND THE COURTS CONVICT and here you are, with your illiterate self, still canvassing for people to publish their names.

    So that people who have aggressively spoken to this, and other acts of malfeasance in Barbados, can either get sued for defamation OR YOU IGNORANT BRUTE, get kill in our respective homes, or poisoned while at functions like the Chief Pathologist years ago or the office at the same RBPF who suspicious death followed his disclosure per the wiretapping.

    But i guess that you “need to be brought up to speed on that too dont you??

    Are you some sort of female rabbit? Where de brass bowl wunna does be all effing week, all effing month, or all effing year while we Bajans living in this pup? You is an insult to women.

    You should not even call Donna’s name (by the way Donna a simple word you said confirmed by a specific blog, lets me remember you. Always the lady, brite as badword and still in the service of Our Lord)

    Steupseeee, this female rabbit ent do one pup for Nazim and here advocating that shite petition again. Nex ting she gine do is say to Transparency International that it is her canvassing and petition that exposed this Nazim Blackett matter.

    She is one serious opportunist though!!

    Look leh de ole man gi you an ass ignment to do. Nothing hard cause with your frail intelligence that liable to kill you.

    Nooooo I has asked you to get a picture of Nazim but you failed that.

    Nooooo there are 10 policemen, but I am not going to ask you to get their names.

    Nooooo nor where they live? nor their badge numbers?

    I giving you an easy one.

    Where do the people work, what is their profession and which station did they beat Nazim at?

    Maybe that should bring you “up to speed”


    Donna you see why women does get a bad name? Jes like I does give alot uh men a bad name and how my pally george PPK getting a bad name causing he gone to the Darkside. (heheheheheheh I like Walther doah, all de talk I does give him, he got charisma doan mind that he like de tremblings of wellll let me leave that there)

    Dr GP

    YOu wont have no files pun dis piece uh badword doah cause it would appear dat you files does run we scvunt when we doing dixie heah pun BU.

    [[ Square brackets time. Doc. in case dat picture get circulate with me and Sister Headley, I want you to know dat it is a wicked and awful lie perpetrated by someone with the skills of a Colonel Buggy to transpose my head on that body, and the video where she singing loudly and talking unspeakable unmentionables is a crafty superimposition of images and it is not me in them movementations. I denies it all, but i may need you to testify that when you examine de evidence that the subject there only had 4 inches as opposed to 14 Can i count on you there doc? Thank you i closing these bracked now cause one PPK liable to lift this info and use it against me in his twerking matters]]

  15. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    I promise to tell only the trute. Ef it is 14, it is 14 ………………………….murdah

  16. @ Heather
    Donna it appears that the “jobby petition” was not a bad idea after all.
    It is actually a GREAT idea …if the objective is to create a database of signatures/names and associated IPs which can later be compared with IP collected from ‘anonymous’ posts.

    Shiite woman!! it is almost as good as “collecting NID numbers on numbered voter slips which can later be reunited with the numbered torn-off vote…so that a database of who voted for whom can be easily reconstructed at leisure by interested (powerful) persons.”

    You must know that the very best method of identifying personalities is by association with the KIND of ideas that they promote and support…

    …are you also related to Ossie?
    You are beginning to sound like the ‘bright’ one of the Moore family… and hence the most dangerous.

  17. Brutality of airport customs …….4 planes in 24 hrs bring friends cropover and these idiots stage a slow down,, they should all be fired. !,,, barbados brutalizes tourists making them wait in line for ours,, cuba here I come its obvious they dont want us here

  18. Anonymice _ TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymice _ TheGazer

    They say that “a victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan”. Hoping that Heather gives some of the credit to BU instead of claiming it is all due to her actions. This may be more “BU’s baby, Heather’s maybe”.

    Whilst the blog master seem reluctant to take credit for anything, he needs to develop a standard sentence ” We note with interest the rapid developments ‘in the XYZ situation’ after BU commented on the matter?”

    Tek a likkle credit, like others do.

  19. @lawson

    There is no slow down, the Customs have no decent equipment to scan bags etc. A lot of it is manual.

  20. Anonymice - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymice – TheGazer

    @Carl Moore
    I read Caswell’s postings because of the content and not because of his name. To stretch it as far as possible, if he called himself ‘ac’ and wrote the way he did then I would still read what he wrote. On the other hand, if ac called himself Caswell and wrote the way that ac does, then it would be a yawner.

    It is not the name, it should be the content of the post. If it is trash then rubbish it; if it is full of lies then point them out and if it is the truth( but inconvenient for you) then shut up.

    I wonder why a pusillanim(ice) fellow, such as yourself, is so intent in gathering names. I suspect you will not be sending a check to those you identify. Your actions borders on cyber bullying as you seeks to intimidate and silence some of BU’s contributors.

    Get thee away, you pussy-llanimous fellow. If the extent of your contribution is “what is your name?” then shut up.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dont mind Lawson….after he sees all those females he associates with, who have long hair everywhere but on their heads all wukking up for cropover, he will calm down and forget the slow pace…lol.

  22. @ Dr GP and Anonymice_the Gazer (I like that name lololol)

    I said I would just post this 3 places where it will be seen by you fellow bloggers who are being threatened by Heather Mia Mottley’s ammmmm nearly said a bad word and Dirty Doggie Carl.

    On the matter of Defamation that is being promoted by Carl Moore and the Heather Cole Crew.

    This is what each of you, who are so disposed, should do immediately

    1.For your next post here, change your name, to any name of your choice, and post a single line of text
    2.there is no need to change your gravatar lololol a screen shot and name the screen shot file of your screen with Todays date and the system time it is important to add the system time to the file name since *** the file to yourself and send and email to a friend overseas of the screenshot or just send it via Whatsapp to someone in another time zone is perfect.

    END OF DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER LAWSUIT which the DLP and the BLP propose to use.

    I am not going to explain what this action does and Jeff Cumberbatch or the other legal luminaries may.

    Hindsight being 20/20 Jeff will not, my apologies Jeff I spoke from a point of view of your capacity to explain and not your volition.

    It is not my intention to “fatten cockroach for fowl” but suffice it to say that each of you as at today under the current BU ownership IS SAFE.

    Sincerest thanks to the law firms of **, ** and *** for whom the the WordPress conundrum per defamation and VPNs and IPs is not speculation hahahahahahaahah

    Love Live Barbados Underground

  23. Sorry Long Live BU, thought the other sentence makes sense but is not contextually correct (right PPK? alrightttttttt I gine lef he I gine lef he, jes have some fun in the Rum Shop whuloss)

  24. One more, or is that Moore? post and then dominoes

    Sargeant calling me fuh dominoes, i cant back no doors and i got de ting pun me ankle. He is appreciative of the effort. He says that the RBPF needed this for a loonnnnngggg time that the last three fellow was wusses. Doan worry I going dow heah an wash he way in some passes, tink dat he cud leff me wid six dominoes

    Well Well & Consequences

    I have it now under proper Advisement NOT TO TRUST HEATHER COLE in any form or under any circumstances.



    Barbados Underground is the most feared Social Media Platform in Barbados.

    It is read by every single politician in Barbados and both the DLP and the BLP have been given explicit instructions DO NOT ENGAGE ON THIS FORUM!!

    The Troika members fear MIA AMOR MOTTLEY barring one man who has balls, but his balls are augmented by *** hahahahahahahhah which is ironic but He does not fear MOTTLEY.

    Let me deal with the Mottley clan first because theirs is less of a footnote and since they are, in waiting, they are yet to unleash “the Man who has more teeeth than a shark” on us.

    Yes, none other that Dale Smiley teeths marshall (Timothy Simmonds of EGFL cousin) whom poor Arthur made the mistake of crossing and well the rest is history.

    When he gets unleashed when the Troika whitewashes the Demonic Labour Party, he is going to show us her all a sickle.

    But i have long learnt that there are ways and technologies that they have no effing idea about and as long as GOD spares iife and limb, and $$ comes from His Bounty, BU at least the BU that is controlled by “the speckled fowl” (AC) who has not wavered for these years, there will be a voice. But more on that anon. (no, not anonymice, anon)

    It is not the discovery of who you are that is important here. You cannot be locked up for a suspicion of who you are. It is your admission that will damn you so the Anti American who is purported to be Arthur has nothing to worry about.

    Dem can prosecute you for an allegation.

    But now, to the Demons

    The Barbados Underground.

    The Economic Division of the embassy of the United States always has CIA operatives in their unit wherever the Embassy is located in the world. That is standard nothing new about that, we all watch this on Hollywood pictures.

    Analysts who collect information source it through various feeds, I name 2 HUMINT SIGINT and other more expressive manners and others less known.

    For one to be on scope within the exploitation of collation sources is an achievement so Peter Wickham’s interview with the US Embassy fell into that cadre, but with the ebb and flow of the tide, Peter faded, for a while but with his current allegiance is back on scope, s be Lucille and the new one I forget her name. People who disrupt the geopolitical interest of the United States of America always get a file.

    BU is a horse of a different colour.

    It is not considered an Al Jazeera site or a Mario Cyberspace Portal but what it allows local analyst to do is to get a daily pulse of what is happening in Barbados for daily intelligence reports of countries in this region.

    That is not the main course in this submission though, the main takeaway is the damage that the site has inflicted on the Demonic Lying Party across the various fronts that they operate in.

    They have been caught in the backdraft of commentary of Legal Luminaries, legal activists, Union Leaders, Tribunal Specialists, Educators, Political Strategists, experts from all around, businessmen, priests, doctors, Agriculturalists, Muslims brothers, Jews lovers and Haters, and all of that every single day, the type of information that the US Embassy culls for free has been and continues to be the band of the DLP.

    When AC comes here all of them, variously, it is to address a number of matters. AC the idiot is loved because she is a “bee in the bonnet’ not big enough to be a danger, other than to herself but small enough to be a bother – like a mosquito.

    Pigrim is am a shyte fly, he is after all the GS of the Party so they just cant tell the GS doan go there but it is known that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    But then there is “one Notch UP, who is a shrewd fellow, an older guy, in his late sixties and early seventies but he is part of the old guard, well versed in polemics and fair, an anachronism, who lived in the barrow era and rues this group but is allegiance bound.

    The others dont come any more or dont stay long enough for you to “see” them.

    But suffice it to say that BU is disrupting their investment strategies and making the world aware of the fact that they are Bullshitters and tht is hated most profoundly hence the talk of sedition and treason by idiot proselytes like Verla Depeiza who is doing the brownie point thing.

    “Upwards and onwards”

  25. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    Nine ,mostly children, killed in the Bavarian city of Muenchen

  26. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Piece. .they ain’t get it yet, but they will.

  27. I for one am ambivalent about Carl Moore’s request for bloggers to post using their real names, no one has to accede to his request so I can’t understand why people are getting their shorts in a knot.

    I always look on the good side about the matter of your identity being known, if insiders know that you post they may use you as a conduit to get information out since they not want to be associated with any leaks.

    Wunnah think that the info Caswell posts comes to him in his sleep?

  28. @ Colonel Buggy

    At Dominoes

    Off the table watching.

    They have deployed EKO Cobra to the area from Austria.

    That is very interesting indeed

    This is becoming a more staged series of actions.

    On the one hand there is spontaneity and on the other a carefully orchestrated set of actions but when these bad boys get deployed you start of know it is not a mickey mouse game.

    It is interesting that there have been no incidents in Russia

    My turn.

    Will talk tomorrow, DEO VOLENS

  29. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Donville Inniss is so untrustworthy.

    How long does a fraud investigation take…where are the results.

  30. One thing I can’t understand is why Carl Moore is so determined to be BU’s Nemesis. Should not the people whom he claims are being defamed be more concerned than he is? Is truthfulness still a defence against defamation?


    Why do you think it was your petition rather than BU’s post that caused the quick response? A picture [or video] paints a thousand words. Add a few pertinent questions to that and you have a plan. BU has seen some action before your arrival, you know.


    Were the other six officers willing participants or reluctant observers? The officer who made the telephone call to the mother seemed uncomfortable with what took place. There were probably others. These officers may have been deemed not to have any culpability in the beating.

    Anyway, no matter how the outcome was achieved it is a victory of sorts. Let us pray that this will be a new dispensation!

  31. @ Donna

    You have a point regarding the culpability of the remaining officers insofar and they only viewed the boy being beaten but may not have hit him themselves.

    Let me ask you this. It is a story about 2 dimes and a half

    I know two guys in Charlestown, they were cousins, did every thing together. C could drive but K couldn’t but K would ask C to take him places and would have K wait while he ran an errand. Short version K was robbing people and C was inadvertently the driver and during one incident K killed someone and when they got caught 23 burglaries later, K got life and C got 25 years. He went up for parole 3 times and is going to get a medical early release because of health reasons

    So that is the bad boy side where, just because he was with K, and someone got killed, C gets 2 1/2 dimes.

    Why should it be that 10 cops should be treated differently? “I was hungry and you gave me no food…”, were they not there? were they not able to say, “this is wrong?” So I did not hit you, Donna but i was in the room while others were hitting you…. so am i absolved because of my “inaction”, my sin of omission?

    Regarding the Pretender.

    She used her words quite carefully

    The Pretender July 22, 2016 at 2:59 PM #

    @ Donna it appears that the “jobby petition” was not a bad idea after all.

    She does not say that she had in fact effected a “jobby petition” but in constructing the sentence, as is the modus of people of her ilk, she leaves the impression that it was done.

    No one can say that she Pretender, has done a petition, while new readers might incorrectly adduce that she had.

    Therein is the “varpirist” akin to Angelique from Dark Shadows, Angelique the Pretender.

    The scum has no shame Donna.

    Signed Piece O. D. Rock

  32. David it was not the bags. Only two staff checking passports for tourists

  33. Piece,

    You should know that there is a special culture that can pervade a police force that could make it difficult for some people to speak up against the goings on. I believe I would have spoken up but at the same time I can understand how another person might not. The rank of the officer, age and length of service could be factors. Also sometimes in situations of extreme stress some people are caught like deer in headlights. Maybe these officers deserve some form of reprimand but the article speaks about criminal charges and not disciplinary action. Maybe they will be disciplined internally. Or counselled for trauma, as one never knows the effect such incidents can have on someone.

  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I absolutely love you Donna.

    “Counseled for Trauma….”

    Do you know what the public Relations value of the Office of the Commissioner of Police having a public meeting with Nazim Blackett and his Parents would be?

    You imagine if Fumbles the sleeping Giant was to invite that family to Llaro Court like he does invite de white tourists and lick dem pooch? you imagine what the new image would be for these heartless brutes?

    But you are a mother Donna, unlike the mother who beat Nazim when he was being stifled to death in the Glad Wrap and beaten while being asked to sign the form saying he had killed a man.

    That is what the Dominoes Sargeant said Donna.

    “Nazim was being brutalized to admit that he had shot a man.”

    This is where our investigation of crime has come so that Adriel Nitwit and short me crutch Caesar can say that violent crime is down or as lil Caesar said “unnecessary killing”

    How can you get an unnecessary killing Donna ooops I forgot about the necessary killing that Hurdl threatened and almost accomplished, and those with state sanction, de ole man ageth

  35. There is a certain segment of barbadians who are intent on dragging barbados into a dislocated and elevated social environment of chaos and mayhem , hence the buzz words of doom and fear are ones that are explicit and associated to every issue , So far the actions of negativity applied by these political stool pigeons whose only interest is to be large and in charge by any means necessary has not worked however these architect or fire starters still have not giving up even though it is clear after seven years the majority has not heed the messages or calls for anarchy and have resisted such interference at every level

  36. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


  37. Piece,

    It’s been going on for ages. These guys need to do some real police work rather than forcing confessions out of people. But maybe that’s all they have to work with- brute force. You know how we are always penny wise and pound foolish in this country. You know how we hate to see how a stitch in time saves nine. You know how instead of building the society from the ground up we prefer to BUILD BIG EXPENSIVE PRISONS.

    I hope Nazim will make a speedy recovery and that he will never give us cause to regret that we fought on his behalf.

    There is a bigger picture to consider however, so even if he does give us cause for fleeting regret, it should soon pass.

  38. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ you know Donna, I had that thought.

    What if we were championing a bad boy? But that was dispelled when I saw the video and then when I spoke to the Sargeant.

    I don’t know the Blackett youth or as they call him de yute man.

    What drew me to him was growing up with 3 respected policemen, two are long since dead.

    But it was the respect that my grandparents and parents and community had for the men who rode through our district on horses or Shiny Raleigh bicycles

    That enhanced by my own life experience and this utopian predisposition to doing the right thing

    You know why I would call AC and Angelique the Vampire scum?

    Because, at no time have they come here to say that the officers were wrong, not even once.

    Not even once to identify with the parents, the child, the other honest hard working officers of the Royal Barbados Police Force scum and really bad badword Donna.

    So yes Barbados Underground is to be commended and the BU-ians who will fight this battle one street at a time

  39. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ac July 24, 2016 at 9:37 AM…your post is amusing…sadly so. The US is pressing on to 250 years… We are moving wobbly to 50.

    Those buzz words of doom and fear have taken a demagogue to one step away from the Presidency of the most powerful country in the world so I suspect you still have two hundred years of bare-shittte before your nonsense is unmasked.

    There are valid underlying reasons for doom and gloom in your wonderful DLP managed Bajan world.

    @Donna July 24, 2016 at 8:41 AM .. I don’t for one moment dispute your underlying tone that the police have to operate within their blue community and thus have to ‘bite their tongue’ at times, so to speak. But I wonder if you would be so kind to those who did not speak out if they were White and the perp Black, for example.

    From the moment those officers brought the suspect into the station then every other officer who saw and implicitly allowed the brutality was complicit and should be sanctioned severely.

    However, as you suggest it never really works so well.

    The examples of police officers being victimized themselves for trying to do the right thing are many. It can’t be a good thing to respond to an active crime event and be concerned about being shot from ‘friendly fire’ as well as from the ‘unfriendly fire’ from the criminals.

  40. Dribbler,

    I hold the senior persons present responsible and would do so even if the officers were white. Being a relatively young junior reluctantly present without participating and in fear of your own safety is a mitigating factor in my opinion. Besides how do you think the Commissioner was able to conclude his investigation so speedily and with charges soon to be pressed? Somebody, and likely SOMEBODIES, had to have spoken up. Perhaps it was those officers who finally gathered their courage to do what they always wanted to do.

  41. @ Donna

    According to the Sargeant, you are 100% right, one of the fellows was disgusted by the incident and it was he who “spoke out”.

  42. Now should i be forced or pressured to comment on the nature of the case absent of all the evidence..i don/t think so.

  43. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    The young German involved in the recent mass murders in the Bavarian capital, is reported to have had an obsession with mass killings. Now where ever did he inherit this trait?

  44. Yes and that demagogue is also being compared to Hitler.what does that say for a nation whose foundations are rooted in democracy and Constitutional laws

  45. Colonel Buggy Avatar

    101 Murder accused on remand, plus numerous others for various offenses, including one person for 14 years, causing the prison’s On- Remand population to outnumber the convicted population,and we want to extend the working life of the Director of Public Prosecutions? He and the hot shot imported CJ ,as well as the AG, should be given their walking tickets yesterday.

  46. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ ac July 24, 2016 at 1:02 PM … “Yes and that demagogue is also being compared to Hitler….” AND “Now should i be forced or pressured to comment on the nature of the case absent of all the evidence..”—-

    You demonstrate a level of interpretation and in the second instance a level of ‘intellectual’ dishonesty that is frightening.

    The mere fact that the US demagogue sounds like Hitler and that Hitler himself ever came into being in entirely driven by the perception of an entrenched malfeasance by the ruling elites and by people like yourself who so patronizingly speak on matters of absolutely clear injustice.

    You have no compunctions on passing immediate judgement on matters out of your jurisdiction but right in your bread-basket these issues are ‘absent enough evidence’.

    LOLLL, you don’t even lie with conviction. Learn from Trump that…at least!

  47. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @ Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right July 24, 2016 at 12:40 “According to the Sargeant, you are 100% right, one of the fellows was disgusted by the incident and it was he who “spoke out”. ”

    We can only commend that officer for his integrity. He also certainly may have saved the young man’s life. As a lover of the law/order concept, in another life I could have gravitated towards law enforcement but even as a yute I had a ‘stoopid’ sense of reasonableness and realized I would have gotten myself killed real fast in that profession…in this life.

    So I really commend those officers who look directly into the eyes of that beast called ‘complicit silence’ and refuse to give in. Brave and tenacious they are.

    I was just rereading a case of an officer in the Baltimore PD who was hounded out of the dept after breaking that silence. Men and women who were sworn to protect the law completely turned on him and plain and simple wanted him to be killed…they just refused to back him up on major incident calls. (

    Nothing ‘new’ there really but that case was so egregious in my view, because 1) the officer was one of these dyed-in-wool cops as both parents were POs; 2) he was first in the military and when he joined the PD his ascension through the ranks to detective and working with the FBI etc was meteoric due to his skills, awareness and simple excellent police work.

    Yet he went from hero to zero in the space of few weeks after one “ill-advised” complaint.

    So I am indeed impressed that this local officer ‘was honorably upstanding’.

    Yet it should not have to come to this for any individual officer….anywhere. And certainly, not in 2016 in our little island.

  48. @Dee Word

    When the dust settles the policemen are Barbadians FIRST. Can we say the same thing about political yardfowls?

  49. Sir here is a matter absence of jurisdiction that can be applied to your little teaching lessons
    if an individual is being attacked there would be a correct response of onlookers to call the proper authorities .
    now to the onlooker there is a high degree of a possible assumption that victim is the one being wronged but how much of the story does the onlooker know in the final analysis outside that which the onlooker saw from which a conclusion is formed
    My assertions borne our of the absence of evidence is not a conclusion but a most likely assumption that what is seen before the naked may not be all there is to the final picture , where does intellectual dishonesty , my analogy always take into an account that there are many sides to a story especially in circumstances where victims are at odds with the law before i can sufficiently conclude who is right or who is wrong

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