
Th historically passive Bajan continues to explore non violent tactics to express disapproval to the myriad of concerns prevailing our once small proud country. With the emergence of technology and along with it the exponential growth of social media, two BU regulars have come up with the idea to create posters to graphically detail our concerns and to use social media as a vehicle to communicate those concerns.

Here are a few posters which have been created so far by Sunshine Sunny Shine and pieceuhderockyeahright and one other. BU posted a couple to Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. All creative Barbadians are encouraged to create posters and post to social media platforms using the hashtag #bajanswantchange or any other which resonates with the theme. What should be the motivation? A functional democracy calls for all citizens to participate 24/7. Once every five years is disengagement by any definition.

#bajanswantchange @budavid

1,185 responses to “Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange”

  1. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Sounds good….I hope we have established who are the target audience for the different ads and what different strategies are being used to ensure that it reaches them.

  2. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Perfect. The once every 5 years voter disengagement has given rise to the destruction of the society by 2 political parties and their minions, who have nothing to offer. These posters circulating through various social sites worldwide should impact the intent of politicians, yardfowls and their bribers to the extent that they will pause and think about how much worse exposure of their corruption, greed and disenfranchisement of the people and country can get.

  3. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    As always you, the original David, always eclipses others with these acts of superlative activism that affirm your total commitment to country.

    Right on.

    (P.s. SSS’s recreated a really splendid one, the one with the To B or not to D which is much more impactful than mine on the top right. She still has me thinking about her dinner arrangements hahaha)

  4. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Ronnie Woodyear April 19, 2016 at 2:30 PM

    Bowman, he the real Niggaman can also have the same T-shirt printed with the broken trident skewering a roasting black pig with a massive label marked “Made in China & Now owned by the Chinese”.

    From one form of albino colonialism to another by the chinks, right Mr. Bush T?

  5. Sunny Sunshine Shine Avatar
    Sunny Sunshine Shine

    Liking it David. It bit busy this week, but have a few completed posters to stir up some interests. My sweet piece stop worrying about the barbeque, he ate chkcken lol.

  6. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Despite the weeding which occurred, the opening line predicted the outcome, a passive lot.

  7. I am afraid to concluded that the use of social- media to rally the collective- conscience of the Barbadian people will avail little.

    The insurgency to unarmed the regime has to be fought in the trenches and through the pathway of active involvement imbued by a social activism.

  8. Civil disobedience through peaceful protect is the only sure way to attract government attention. But this will require the efforts of a charismatic individual or individuals who are capable of arousing collective-conscience of the nation and inspiring it to take action. And until this is realized it will be the commonplace lipservice and armchair- activism analogous to the BU eldership.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey….so why dont you kick off the civil disobedience by going to Barbados and organize a sit in..what part do you plan to play in all of this besides trying, in your infinite wisdom, to say it cannot work.

    Do you have any idea how powerful social media is….when people around the world become familiar with the names of the players on the island both politicians snd business people, when word spreads about their corrupt decades old actions, they become pariahs.

  10. And I am quite surprise that Caswell Franklyn, a union leader and someone who has the skills to organize people, has tiptoed around this issue.

  11. Well Well

    I do believe that in order to rally the Barbadian masses, the effort has to be like that of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, knocking on your door an early Saturday morning. Listen! It has to be a door to door effort and an in yah face campaign, in order for the Barbadian people to take this endeavour serious. And that doesn’t go without saying that there isn’t some use for social-media, but there must be boots on the ground in order for this idea to materialized.

  12. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ NorthernObserver

    One swallow does not a summer make.

    David [BU] has just put up the site.

    While we are all in our hearts aligned with this initiative constraints of time due to family, jobs, health, lack of graphic art skills and other substantive duties come into play.

    There may even be a fellow out there singing, in a low voice, while in his own house, that old calypso “oh my commanding wife, she want to destroy my life, mango manga…”

    We ain’t going slack, and are sure that you will not either…

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey…what part do you plan to play in that, it’s okay to sit in an armchair and say how you think it should be done, but do you have any other viable ideas to share, the problems on the island needs to be attacked on several different fronts.

    As long as the business people and politicians continue to sit in their comfort zone of corruption and no one does or say anything, another 40 years of corruption and destruction of another 2 generations will unfold, more stealing of land, more bribes exchanged for taxpayer funded contracts, more disenfranchisement of the majority……more and more of the same..

    What do you plan to do to reverse that trend, as a Bajan.

  14. Dompey April 19, 2016 at 7:16 PM #
    Civil disobedience through peaceful protect is the only sure way to attract government attention. But this will require the efforts of a charismatic individual or individuals who are capable of arousing collective-conscience of the nation and inspiring it to take action.
    If the people collectively realised that they are being shafted by the gentry and their own politicians, very little charisma and charm is needed to galvanised them into action.
    Take the little 20 year old Irish lass , Bernadette Devlin, who in 1969, brought out the entire Catholic community who had enough of the similar kinds of unfair practices and discrimination we are facing today in Barbados. That demonstration which Bernadette pioneered, became known as The Troubles and lasted for almost four decades. Bernadette later became the youngest person ever to serve in Westminster.

  15. In Barbados, as in every African country (except possibly Botswana), greedy, corrupt politicians are being blamed by greedy, corrupt citizens for the pervasive problems of greed and corruption.
    Since independence, the Barbadian state has struggled to turn a country of impoverished labourers and peasants into a prosperous middle class society. But there are not enough resources to get the job done in two generations, and so today we find ourselves surrounded by impatient, angry strivers who are sure somebody in the government is responsible for the fact that they are not driving a Lexus and taking annual vacations in Paris and Rome.
    I urge all my fellow Bajans who are pissed off because they haven’t won the lottery to move to the United States. If you are ambitious and materialistic, there is (still) no better place to make money than Amerikkka. And if you fail to make it in New York or Los Angeles, you can always blame it on racism.

  16. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Chad….ya still have to addressed the corruption practiced the politicians and the busjness sector people….IN BARBADOS…the bribes being paid to the politicians, thst came out of Bizzy’s own mouth, ask him, the 40 years of contracts for bribes between the business people and politicians. at the expense of taxpayers and small business people on the island.

    Try posting something useful. I saw another jackass on here posting how much money government owes Simpson….they did not post that Simpson should be glad, all Simpson had when Barrow became prime minister was an old house in Bathsheba….

    Barrow gave Simpson his start in business a million dollars of TAXPAYER’S MONEY. ..to start a fishing trawler business, did Simpson ever repay the money….I know he and his clan act like they are overlords in Barbados as opposed to being beneficiaries of taxpayer’s money from a not strong enough prime minister.

    Simpson can never repay the Bajan taxpayer.

  17. I HAVE posted something useful. I am making the point that no society has made the journey from poverty to prosperity without “corruption”, and that economic development is an uneven process that usually takes time. Unless a wise dictator is in charge, and the country has luck on its side (as in Singapore, and dare I say 20th century Russia), economic, cultural and social transformation requires at least a hundred years to take hold.

  18. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Chad…you neglected to add that corruption in Singapore is met with execution. Corrupt societies do not equate to successful societies. After the success of corruption has run it’s course, then the rot and decay of the society can clearly be seen, as we are all witnessing in Barbados.

    That is why people are cryong out against the corruption, it has become destructive, after 40 years, 2 generations have felt it’s destructive impact.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences


  20. Well Well

    Armchair-activism must be met the boots on the ground because if social-media was such an effective tool, why would Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump traverse some many states in an effort to be their respective parties nominee? Why not take their message by way of social- media rather than traverse so many states to win the nomination?

  21. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey….Obama was successful using social media to pull in the young folk in 2008…neither Clinton nor Trump can risk that, they are both flying by the seats of their pants and fighting to remain relevant among the conservative age group of voters in their respective parties…..why are we even talking about those 2 jackasses right now.

    Why dont you go down to Barbados and knock door to door getting your message out, since you feel that is the best method to use.

    What do you plan to do…Dompey.

  22. Sunny Sunshine Shine Avatar
    Sunny Sunshine Shine

    It is amazing how quickly the rubber stamps of doubt and doolittles does come running to pour scorn on any effort with talk that is nothing short of shite. Chad9999 did I not lament before to the suttle limitations of your reasoning that fails to see or comprehend at your level of stalemate?. Why do you not limit yourself to what limits you and say very little to nothing. You all do not know the effectiveness of a poster protest. If its success is to be base only the numbers who will create posters than you all have completely missed the mark. One person can produce 5 posters that can easily be shared and viewed by a few thousand. As long as the messages are clear and the images convey the reality of the Barbados situation the desire effect of sensitizing will be achieved. The fear factor that keeps bajans subdued just need the picture to paint a thousand words. Already the posters are having an effect. I am just waiting for my colleague to finish the rest. The way how some of Mr. and Mrs. Doubtfuls does talk really makes you wonder if you people really about seeing Barbados operate at its best and fullest potential with a political system that is above board and not operating below it.

  23. It is a simple thing to understand, social media platform affords the opportunity to message a target audience. That is all. It does not mean the traditional channels will be dropped.

  24. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    SSS. ..this is a good way to separate the sheep and goats from the genuine posters, look out for more as they cannot help themselves, but motives will be revealed.

    It means the project is being very effective, it means people will start getting nervous, just like with the Panama Leaks, which will also be very effective.


  25. Sunny Sunshine Shine Avatar
    Sunny Sunshine Shine

    It is to be expected. Those who come to remind how passive bajans are or to articulate sweetly about the effectiveness of physical protest know fully well the only way bajans will get up and fight is when their asses are naked and hungry, and their is a complete take over of their jobs. What is important is presnting picture truth. All that we know to be true of these two parties can be better represented in pictures. Already the ones up are getting quite a few views. We do not know how many have shared them We know the politicians have viewed them too. Do the nimcompoops who talk nonsense about will be gained thus nothing achieve do not realise that the posters are just a different type of writing only with less words. The same typing everyday they do here is protest. What has it achieved? Let the poster protest continue. I am sure it will do more than just writing shite and sweet sounding expressions.

  26. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Dear Sunshine

    Like you I have been busy so cant be in two places at the same time.

    Dont mind the detractors.

    I have 1,000 hits for 4 items and while they might be the same people viewing they keep viewing

    The struggle continues.

    This next two are for Barbados Underground.

    Here is the first one


    I am using the them that is central to your narrative to develop the messages and will take ANY MESSAGE FROM ANY POSTER who is speaking truth in their message and will try to turn it into a message

    And, I will make sure that the faces of the infamous DLP ministers will be blazoned over the internet for all to remember their faces by.

  27. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    You go…….Piece.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Here we go, first comes the criminal investigation……looking for irregularities.


  29. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    And for the Clare Cowan Victory.


    To Kammie Holder and Rasta? and the environmental warriors and all the others who aided in this first round of success INCLUDING THE COURTS OF TORONTO THAT LOCKED UP THE OTHER SOLAR PLANT ACCIDENT, kudos to you all.

    If a tornado came to the island we would have no place to run on this small rock BUT we would have to protect ourselves from it.

    So too with this unnatural Disaster labour Party WE MUST PROTECT OURSELVES FROM THEM and the others who are waiting.

    Hinkson, you is bright fellow, you hadda did get a scholarship yes?

    And you is a lawyer too!

    And you have political ambition or so Donville say AND HE TOO GOT HE EYES ON THE PRIZE.

    If Donville say so, and he should know political ambition, given that you are technically more bright than Mottley, why you dont try a ting?

    But you have to do so quietly cause Mottley doan like pretenders to her throne and MP1

  30. Sunny Sunshine Shine Avatar
    Sunny Sunshine Shine

    My sweet piece

    Yeah very busy. But just waiting for the other posters to be completed. I told mister mister simple but he insists they should be done properly and attractively. Will be back from this business trip shortly. Company policy do not allow you to use their notebooks for leisure or pleasure. So using my phone to send this message.

  31. @PUDRYR

    Like that last one, trying to figure the reason. Updated to the image gallery, posted to Twitter and FB. Smart to appeal to the Cahill group, it has been the most effective lobby so far.

  32. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    It is well deserved by you Blogmaster.

    “Build it and they will come”

    Bajans, for the most part, are good people at heart, albeit docile and peace loving, we are too foolish a people.

    If a man or woman were to come to the fray tomorrow, not Donville or Lil Caesar, they are seen as tarnished good, no someone who was devoid of baggage, a non alcoholic (no Gills) a non wife/woman beater or, to be politically correct, an non significant other beater or biter, a fair leader who was about giving all bajans a chance, not a particular bunch, a person who did not fear the drug lords, and gun dealers, a Harold Critchlow (before his buyout with the Senatorship) mixed with a Hilary Beckles (before his sellout to the Vice Chancellorship tingy) and Owen Arthur without that CSME waste foop effort, and a real politics of inclusion practice you know a person like Jesus Christ, (because, given my earlier description there is none here in the land like that) bajans would rally behind him/her.

    People are afraid to say anything, to write anything, to do anything because they are petrified of the repercussions.

    Even blogging here is a thing that people fear that someone sees their internet history and whuloss it is all over,

    However, let a little pestilence come and you will see that, al the docility going disappear because Bajans, when their corns get mash, will cry out and kick at the person who mash dem

  33. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Blogmaster

    Because they were not content to stay where they are and grumble.

    Because they came to my home.

    Because they seek to “up the game”, as it were, here is one more


  34. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Hants

    Many thanks for the recommendation.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Piece…I saw one of my dsughters, a techie, install a raspberry pie, ask your grandson about what this can do..

  36. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Piece…that would be Raspberry Pi…..

  37. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Raspberry Pi and HD videos to send to law enforcement anywhere.


  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…that would be reverse engineered so fast that those now dazzled by dollar signs and believe they are getting billions to spend and waste and use to disenfranchise each other, will not even know when the money leaves their hands.

  39. Barbados – RULED BY GUN OR BY DEMOCRACY? https://t.co/GXQevQDwgt via @imgur


  40. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    With the type of reputations our politicians have presented to us in recent times and past years, should we be trusting them to make major financial decisions without the level of accountability needed to protect against kick backs and cane ground handouts?

  41. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

  42. Let us continue to grow the poster library. Come election we will have the ammunition to overcome, Remingtons or not!

  43. The power of cellphones, cameras etc. in 2016.


  44. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  45. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Not too sure if you saw this Blogmaster but all of the posters that we have been spending time creating and uploading on the site are giving a DNS (Domain Name Search) Error

    Because yours are internally stored images we would hope that we can rely on you you to copy our graphics and paste them in your nested postings so that the Campaign won’t loose its impetus rather viewership cause if there is no graphic there is no campaign.

    “If a tree falls in the woods, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a noise?”

  46. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


    VPN was in Helsinki apologies. Could not even see you, while posting on the site (lol)

    Grandson got the machine on “overkill”

    They are showing now



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